-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- Load dependent modules if not stats then modules.load('stats') end if not bogus_log then modules.load('bogus_log') end local ffi = require('ffi') local cqueues = require('cqueues') cqueues.socket = require('cqueues.socket') assert(cqueues.VERSION >= 20150112) -- fdopen changed semantics -- This is a module that does the heavy lifting to provide an HTTP/2 enabled -- server that supports TLS by default and provides endpoint for other modules -- in order to enable them to export restful APIs and websocket streams. -- One example is statistics module that can stream live metrics on the website, -- or publish metrics on request for Prometheus scraper. local http_server = require('http.server') local http_headers = require('http.headers') local http_websocket = require('http.websocket') local http_util = require "http.util" local has_mmdb, mmdb = pcall(require, 'mmdb') -- A sub-module for certificate management. local tls_cert = require('kres_modules.http_tls_cert') -- Module declaration local M = { servers = {}, configs = { _builtin = {} } -- configuration templates } -- inherited by all configurations M.configs._builtin._all = { cq = worker.bg_worker.cq, cert = 'self.crt', key = 'self.key', ephemeral = true, client_timeout = 5 } -- log errors but do not throw M.configs._builtin._all.onerror = function(myserver, context, op, err, errno) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local msg = '[http] ' .. op .. ' on ' .. tostring(context) .. ' failed' if err then msg = msg .. ': ' .. tostring(err) end if verbose() then log(msg) end end -- M.config() without explicit "kind" modifies this M.configs._all = {} -- DoH M.configs._builtin.doh = {} -- management endpoint M.configs._builtin.webmgmt = {} -- Map extensions to MIME type local mime_types = { js = 'application/javascript', css = 'text/css', tpl = 'text/html', ico = 'image/x-icon' } -- Preload static contents, nothing on runtime will touch the disk local function pgload(relpath, modname) if not modname then modname = 'http' end local fp, err = io.open(string.format( '@modules_dir@/%s/%s', modname, relpath), 'r') if not fp then fp, err = io.open(string.format( '@modules_dir@/%s/static/%s', modname, relpath), 'r') end if not fp then error(err) end local data = fp:read('*all') fp:close() -- Guess content type local ext = relpath:match('[^\\.]+$') return {mime_types[ext] or 'text', data, nil, 86400} end M.page = pgload -- Preloaded static assets local pages = { 'favicon.ico', 'kresd.js', 'kresd.css', 'jquery.js', 'd3.js', 'topojson.js', 'datamaps.world.min.js', 'dygraph.min.js', 'selectize.min.js', 'selectize.bootstrap3.css', 'bootstrap.min.js', 'bootstrap.min.css', 'bootstrap-theme.min.css', 'glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2', } -- Serve preloaded root page local function serve_root() local data = pgload('main.tpl')[2] data = data :gsub('{{ title }}', M.title or ('kresd @ ' .. hostname())) :gsub('{{ host }}', hostname()) return function (_, _) -- Render snippets local rsnippets = {} for _,v in pairs(M.snippets) do local sid = string.lower(string.gsub(v[1], ' ', '-')) table.insert(rsnippets, string.format('


', sid, v[1], v[2])) end -- Return index page return data :gsub('{{ snippets }}', table.concat(rsnippets, '\n')) end end -- Export HTTP service endpoints M.configs._builtin.doh.endpoints = {} M.configs._builtin.webmgmt.endpoints = {} local mgmt_endpoints = M.configs._builtin.webmgmt.endpoints mgmt_endpoints['/'] = {'text/html', serve_root()} -- Export static pages for _, pg in ipairs(pages) do mgmt_endpoints['/'..pg] = pgload(pg) end -- Export built-in prometheus interface local prometheus = require('kres_modules.prometheus') for k, v in pairs(prometheus.endpoints) do mgmt_endpoints[k] = v end M.prometheus = prometheus -- Export built-in trace interface local http_trace = require('kres_modules.http_trace') for k, v in pairs(http_trace.endpoints) do mgmt_endpoints[k] = v end M.trace = http_trace M.configs._builtin.doh.endpoints = {} local http_doh = require('kres_modules.http_doh') for k, v in pairs(http_doh.endpoints) do mgmt_endpoints[k] = v M.configs._builtin.doh.endpoints[k] = v end M.doh = http_doh -- Export HTTP service page snippets M.snippets = {} -- Serve known requests, for methods other than GET -- the endpoint must be a closure and not a preloaded string local function serve(endpoints, h, stream) local hsend = http_headers.new() local path = h:get(':path') local entry = endpoints[path] if not entry then -- Accept top-level path match entry = endpoints[path:match '^/[^/?]*'] end -- Unpack MIME and data local data, mime, ttl, any_origin, err if entry then mime = entry[1] data = entry[2] ttl = entry[4] any_origin = entry[5] end -- Get string data out of service endpoint if type(data) == 'function' then local set_mime, set_ttl data, err, set_mime, set_ttl = data(h, stream) -- Override default endpoint mime/TTL if set_mime then mime = set_mime end if set_ttl then ttl = set_ttl end -- Handler doesn't provide any data if data == false then return end if type(data) == 'number' then return tostring(data), err end -- Methods other than GET require handler to be closure elseif h:get(':method') ~= 'GET' then return '501', '' end if type(data) == 'table' then data = tojson(data) end if not mime or type(data) ~= 'string' then return '404', '' else -- Serve content type appropriately hsend:append(':status', '200') hsend:append('content-type', mime) hsend:append('content-length', tostring(#data)) if ttl then hsend:append('cache-control', string.format('max-age=%d', ttl)) end if any_origin then hsend:append('access-control-allow-origin', '*') end assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, false)) assert(stream:write_chunk(data, true)) end end -- Web server service closure local function route(endpoints) assert(type(endpoints) == 'table', 'endpoints are not a table, is it a botched template?') return function (_, stream) -- HTTP/2: We're only permitted to send in open/half-closed (remote) local connection = stream.connection if connection.version >= 2 then if stream.state ~= 'open' and stream.state ~= 'half closed (remote)' then return end end -- Start reading headers local h = assert(stream:get_headers()) local m = h:get(':method') local path = h:get(':path') -- Upgrade connection to WebSocket local ws = http_websocket.new_from_stream(stream, h) if ws then if verbose() then log('[http] %s %s HTTP/%d web socket open', m, path, connection.version) end assert(ws:accept { protocols = {'json'} }) -- Continue streaming results to client local ep = endpoints[path] local cb = ep[3] if cb then cb(h, ws) end ws:close() if verbose() then log('[http] %s %s HTTP/%d web socket closed', m, path, connection.version) end return else local ok, err, reason = http_util.yieldable_pcall(serve, endpoints, h, stream) if not ok or err then err = err or '500' if verbose() then log('[http] %s %s HTTTP/%d %s %s', m, path, connection.version, err, reason or '') end -- Method is not supported local hsend = http_headers.new() hsend:append(':status', err) if reason then assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, false)) assert(stream:write_chunk(reason, true)) else assert(stream:write_headers(hsend, true)) end else if verbose() then log('[http] %s %s HTTP/%d 200', m, path, connection.version) end end end end end -- @function Merge dictionaries, nil is like empty dict. -- Values from right-hand side dictionaries take precedence. local function mergeconf(...) local merged = {} local ntables = select('#', ...) local tables = {...} for i = 1, ntables do local intable = tables[i] if intable ~= nil then assert(type(intable) == 'table', 'cannot merge non-tables') for key, val in pairs(intable) do merged[key] = val end end end return merged end -- @function Listen on given socket -- using configuration for specific "kind" of HTTP server local function add_socket(fd, kind, addr_str) assert(M.servers[fd] == nil, 'socket is already served by an HTTP instance') local conf = mergeconf(M.configs._builtin._all, M.configs._builtin[kind], M.configs._all, M.configs[kind]) conf.socket = cqueues.socket.fdopen({ fd = fd, reuseport = true, reuseaddr = true }) if conf.tls ~= false then -- Create a TLS context, either from files or new. if conf.ephemeral then if not M.ephem_state then M.ephem_state = { servers = M.servers } tls_cert.ephemeral_state_maintain(M.ephem_state, conf.cert, conf.key) end conf.ctx = M.ephem_state.ctx else local certs, key = tls_cert.load(conf.cert, conf.key) conf.ctx = tls_cert.new_tls_context(certs, key) end assert(conf.ctx) end -- Compose server handler local routes = route(conf.endpoints) conf.onstream = routes -- Create TLS context and start listening local s, err = http_server.new(conf) -- Manually call :listen() so that we are bound before calling :localname() if s then err = select(2, s:listen()) end if err then panic('failed to listen on %s: %s', addr_str, err) end M.servers[fd] = {kind = kind, server = s, config = conf} end -- @function Stop listening on given socket local function remove_socket(fd) local instance = M.servers[fd] assert(instance, 'HTTP module is not listening on given socket') instance.server:close() M.servers[fd] = nil end -- @function Listen for config changes from net.listen()/net.close() local function cb_socket(...) local added, endpoint, addr_str = unpack({...}) endpoint = ffi.cast('struct endpoint **', endpoint)[0] local kind = ffi.string(endpoint.flags.kind) local socket = endpoint.fd if added then return add_socket(socket, kind, addr_str) else return remove_socket(socket) end end -- @function Init module function M.init() net.register_endpoint_kind('doh', cb_socket) net.register_endpoint_kind('webmgmt', cb_socket) end -- @function Cleanup module function M.deinit() for fd, _ in pairs(M.servers) do remove_socket(fd) end tls_cert.ephemeral_state_destroy(M.ephem_state) net.register_endpoint_kind('doh') net.register_endpoint_kind('webmgmt') end -- @function Configure module, i.e. store new configuration template -- kind = socket type (doh/webmgmt) function M.config(conf, kind) if conf == nil and kind == nil then -- default module config, nothing to do return end kind = kind or '_all' assert(type(kind) == 'string') local operation -- builtins cannot be removed or added if M.configs._builtin[kind] then operation = 'modify' conf = conf or {} elseif M.configs[kind] then -- config on an existing user template if conf then operation = 'modify' else operation = 'delete' end else -- config for not-yet-existing template if conf then operation = 'add' else panic('[http] endpoint kind "%s" does not exist, ' .. 'nothing to delete', kind) end end if operation == 'modify' or operation == 'add' then assert(type(conf) == 'table', 'config { cert = "...", key = "..." }') if conf.cert then conf.ephemeral = false if not conf.key then panic('[http] certificate provided, but missing key') end -- test if it can be loaded or not tls_cert.load(conf.cert, conf.key) end if conf.geoip then if has_mmdb then M.geoip = mmdb.open(conf.geoip) else error('[http] mmdblua library not found, please remove GeoIP configuration') end end end for _, instance in pairs(M.servers) do -- modification cannot be implemented as -- remove_socket + add_socket because remove closes the socket if instance.kind == kind or kind == '_all' then panic('unable to modify configration for ' .. 'endpoint kind "%s" because it is in ' .. 'use, use net.close() first', kind) end end if operation == 'add' then net.register_endpoint_kind(kind, cb_socket) elseif operation == 'delete' then net.register_endpoint_kind(kind) end M.configs[kind] = conf end return M