-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later --[[ Conventions: - key = private+public key-pair in openssl.pkey format - certs = lua list of certificates (at least one), each in openssl.x509 format, ordered from leaf to almost-root - panic('...') is used on bad problems instead of returning nils or such --]] local tls_cert = {} local x509, pkey = require('openssl.x509'), require('openssl.pkey') -- @function Create self-signed certificate; return certs, key local function new_ephemeral(host) -- Import luaossl directly local name = require('openssl.x509.name') local altname = require('openssl.x509.altname') local openssl_bignum = require('openssl.bignum') local openssl_rand = require('openssl.rand') -- Create self-signed certificate host = host or hostname() local crt = x509.new() local now = os.time() crt:setVersion(3) -- serial needs to be unique or browsers will show uninformative error messages crt:setSerial(openssl_bignum.fromBinary(openssl_rand.bytes(16))) -- use the host we're listening on as canonical name local dn = name.new() dn:add("CN", host) crt:setSubject(dn) crt:setIssuer(dn) -- should match subject for a self-signed local alt = altname.new() alt:add("DNS", host) crt:setSubjectAlt(alt) -- Valid for 90 days crt:setLifetime(now, now + 90*60*60*24) -- Can't be used as a CA crt:setBasicConstraints{CA=false} crt:setBasicConstraintsCritical(true) -- Create and set key (default: EC/P-256 as a most "interoperable") local key = pkey.new {type = 'EC', curve = 'prime256v1'} crt:setPublicKey(key) crt:sign(key) return { crt }, key end -- @function Write certs and key to files local function write_cert_files(certs, key, certfile, keyfile) -- Write certs local f = assert(io.open(certfile, 'w'), string.format('cannot open "%s" for writing', certfile)) for _, cert in ipairs(certs) do f:write(tostring(cert)) end f:close() -- Write key as a pair f = assert(io.open(keyfile, 'w'), string.format('cannot open "%s" for writing', keyfile)) local pub, priv = key:toPEM('public', 'private') assert(f:write(pub .. priv)) f:close() end -- @function Start maintenance of a self-signed TLS context (at ephem_state.ctx). -- Keep updating the ephem_state.servers table. Stop updating by calling _destroy(). -- TODO: each process maintains its own ephemeral cert ATM, and the files aren't ever read from. function tls_cert.ephemeral_state_maintain(ephem_state, certfile, keyfile) local certs, key = new_ephemeral() write_cert_files(certs, key, certfile, keyfile) ephem_state.ctx = tls_cert.new_tls_context(certs, key) -- Each server needs to have its ctx updated. for _, s in pairs(ephem_state.servers) do s.server.ctx = ephem_state.ctx s.config.ctx = ephem_state.ctx -- not required, but let's keep it synchonized end log('[http] created new ephemeral TLS certificate') local _, expiry_stamp = certs[1]:getLifetime() local wait_msec = 1000 * math.max(1, expiry_stamp - os.time() - 3 * 24 * 3600) if not ephem_state.timer_id then ephem_state.timer_id = event.after(wait_msec, function () tls_cert.ephemeral_state_maintain(ephem_state, certfile, keyfile) end) else event.reschedule(ephem_state.timer_id, wait_msec) end end function tls_cert.ephemeral_state_destroy(ephem_state) if ephem_state and ephem_state.timer_id then event.cancel(ephem_state.timer_id) end end -- @function Read a certificate chain and a key from files; return certs, key function tls_cert.load(certfile, keyfile) -- get key local f, err = io.open(keyfile, 'r') if not f then panic('[http] unable to open TLS key file: %s', err) end local key = pkey.new(f:read('*all')) f:close() if not key then panic('[http] unable to parse TLS key file %s', keyfile) end -- get certs list local certs = {} local f, err = io.open(certfile, 'r') if not f then panic('[http] unable to read TLS certificate file: %s', err) end while true do -- Get the next "block" = single certificate as PEM string. local block = nil local line repeat line = f:read() if not line then break end if block then block = block .. '\n' .. line else block = line end -- separator: "posteb" in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7468#section-3 until string.sub(line, 1, 9) == '-----END ' -- Empty block means clean EOF. if not block then break end if not line then panic('[http] unable to parse TLS certificate file %s, certificate number %d', certfile, 1 + #certs) end -- Parse the cert and append to the list. local cert = x509.new(block, 'PEM') if not cert then panic('[http] unable to parse TLS certificate file %s, certificate number %d', certfile, 1 + #certs) end table.insert(certs, cert) end f:close() return certs, key end -- @function Prefer HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 local function alpnselect(_, protos) for _, proto in ipairs(protos) do if proto == 'h2' or proto == 'http/1.1' then return proto end end return nil end local warned_old_luaossl = false -- @function Return a new TLS context for a server. function tls_cert.new_tls_context(certs, key) local ctx = require('http.tls').new_server_context() if ctx.setAlpnSelect then ctx:setAlpnSelect(alpnselect) end assert(ctx:setPrivateKey(key)) assert(ctx:setCertificate(certs[1])) -- Set up certificate chain to be sent, if required and possible. if #certs == 1 then return ctx end if ctx.setCertificateChain then local chain = require('openssl.x509.chain').new() assert(chain) for i = 2, #certs do chain:add(certs[i]) assert(chain) end assert(ctx:setCertificateChain(chain)) elseif not warned_old_luaossl then -- old luaossl version -> only final cert sent to clients warn('[http] Warning: need luaossl >= 20181207 to support sending intermediary certificate to clients') warned_old_luaossl = true end return ctx end return tls_cert