local function prepare_cache() cache.open(100*MB) cache.clear() local ffi = require('ffi') local c = kres.context().cache local passthru_addr = '\127\0\0\9' rr_passthru = kres.rrset(todname('rpzpassthru.'), kres.type.A, kres.class.IN, 3600999999) assert(rr_passthru:add_rdata(passthru_addr, #passthru_addr)) assert(c:insert(rr_passthru, nil, ffi.C.KR_RANK_SECURE + ffi.C.KR_RANK_AUTH)) c:commit() end local check_answer = require('test_utils').check_answer local function test_rpz() check_answer('"CNAME ." return NXDOMAIN', 'nxdomain.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NXDOMAIN) check_answer('"CNAME *." return NODATA', 'nodata.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, {}) check_answer('"CNAME *. on wildcard" return NODATA', 'nodata.nxdomain.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, {}) check_answer('"CNAME rpz-drop." be dropped', 'rpzdrop.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('"CNAME rpz-passthru" return A rrset', 'rpzpassthru.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('"A" return local A rrset', 'rra.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('"A" with suffixed zone name in owner return local A rrset', 'rra-zonename-suffix.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('"A" with suffixed zone name in owner return local A rrset', 'testdomain.rra.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('non existing AAAA on rra domain return NODATA', 'rra.', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.NOERROR, {}) check_answer('"A" and domain with uppercase and lowercase letters', 'case.sensitive.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('"A" and domain with uppercase and lowercase letters', 'CASe.SENSItivE.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR, '') check_answer('two AAAA records', 'two.records.', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.NOERROR, {'2001:db8::2', '2001:db8::1'}) end net.ipv4 = false net.ipv6 = false prepare_cache() policy.add(policy.rpz(policy.DENY, 'policy.test.rpz')) return { test_rpz, }