-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local M = {} M.layer = {} local ffi = require('ffi') function M.layer.finish(state, req, pkt) if pkt == nil then return end -- fast filter by the length of the first QNAME label if pkt.wire[5] == 0 then return state end -- QDCOUNT % 256 == 0, in case we produced that local label_len = pkt.wire[12] if label_len ~= 29 and label_len ~= 30 then return state end -- end of hot path local qtype = pkt:qtype() if not (qtype == kres.type.A or qtype == kres.type.AAAA) then return state end if bit.band(state, kres.FAIL) ~= 0 then return state end -- check the label name local qry = req:resolved() local qname = kres.dname2str(qry:name()):lower() local sentype, keytag if label_len == 29 then sentype = true keytag = qname:match('^root%-key%-sentinel%-is%-ta%-(%x+)%.') elseif label_len == 30 then sentype = false keytag = qname:match('^root%-key%-sentinel%-not%-ta%-(%x+)%.') end if not keytag then return state end if req.rank ~= ffi.C.KR_RANK_SECURE or req.answer:cd() then if verbose() then log('[ta_sentinel] name+type OK but not AD+CD conditions') end return state end -- check keytag from the label keytag = tonumber(keytag) if not keytag or math.floor(keytag) ~= keytag then return state end -- pattern did not match, exit if keytag < 0 or keytag > 0xffff then return state end -- invalid keytag?!, exit if verbose() then log('[ta_sentinel] key tag: ' .. keytag .. ', sentinel: ' .. tostring(sentype)) end local found = false local ds_set = ffi.C.kr_ta_get(kres.context().trust_anchors, '\0') if ds_set ~= nil then for i = 0, ds_set:rdcount() - 1 do -- Find the key tag in rdata and compare -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4034#section-5.1 local rdata = ds_set:rdata_pt(i) local tag = rdata.data[0] * 256 + rdata.data[1] if tag == keytag then found = true end end end if verbose() then log('[ta_sentinel] matching trusted TA found: ' .. tostring(found)) if not found then -- print matching TAs in *other* states than Valid for i = 1, #(trust_anchors.keysets['\0'] or {}) do local key = trust_anchors.keysets['\0'][i] if key.key_tag == keytag and key.state ~= 'Valid' then log('[ta_sentinel] matching UNtrusted TA found in state: ' .. key.state) end end end end if sentype ~= found then -- expected key is not there, or unexpected key is there pkt:clear_payload() pkt:rcode(kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) pkt:ad(false) end return state -- do not break resolution process end return M