#!/usr/bin/env python3 import itertools import os import sys from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, List, Union, Set # noqa import pydnstest.augwrap import pydnstest.matchpart import pydnstest.scenario Element = Union["Entry", "Step", pydnstest.scenario.Range] RCODES = {"NOERROR", "FORMERR", "SERVFAIL", "NXDOMAIN", "NOTIMP", "REFUSED", "YXDOMAIN", "YXRRSET", "NXRRSET", "NOTAUTH", "NOTZONE", "BADVERS", "BADSIG", "BADKEY", "BADTIME", "BADMODE", "BADNAME", "BADALG", "BADTRUNC", "BADCOOKIE"} FLAGS = {"QR", "AA", "TC", "RD", "RA", "AD", "CD"} SECTIONS = {"question", "answer", "authority", "additional"} class RplintError(ValueError): def __init__(self, fails): msg = "" for fail in fails: msg += str(fail) + "\n" super().__init__(msg) def get_line_number(file: str, char_number: int) -> int: pos = 0 for number, line in enumerate(open(file)): pos += len(line) if pos >= char_number: return number + 2 return 0 def is_empty(iterable: Iterator[Any]) -> bool: try: next(iterable) except StopIteration: return True return False class Entry: def __init__(self, node: pydnstest.augwrap.AugeasNode) -> None: self.match = {m.value for m in node.match("/match")} self.adjust = {a.value for a in node.match("/adjust")} self.answer = list(node.match("/section/answer/record")) self.authority = list(node.match("/section/authority/record")) self.additional = list(node.match("/section/additional/record")) self.reply = {r.value for r in node.match("/reply")} self.records = list(node.match("/section/*/record")) self.node = node class Step: def __init__(self, node: pydnstest.augwrap.AugeasNode) -> None: self.node = node self.type = node["/type"].value try: self.entry = Entry(node["/entry"]) # type: Optional[Entry] except KeyError: self.entry = None class RplintFail: def __init__(self, test: "RplintTest", element: Optional[Element] = None, etc: str = "") -> None: self.path = test.path self.element = element # type: Optional[Element] self.line = get_line_number(self.path, element.node.char if element is not None else 0) self.etc = etc self.check = None # type: Optional[Callable[[RplintTest], List[RplintFail]]] def __str__(self): if self.etc: return "{}:{} {}: {} ({})".format(os.path.basename(self.path), self.line, self.check.__name__, self.check.__doc__, self.etc) return "{}:{} {}: {}".format(os.path.basename(self.path), self.line, self.check.__name__, self.check.__doc__) class RplintTest: def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: aug = pydnstest.augwrap.AugeasWrapper(confpath=os.path.realpath(path), lens='Deckard', loadpath=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pydnstest')) self.node = aug.tree self.name = os.path.basename(path) self.path = path _, self.config = pydnstest.scenario.parse_file(os.path.realpath(path)) self.range_entries = [Entry(node) for node in self.node.match("/scenario/range/entry")] self.steps = [Step(node) for node in self.node.match("/scenario/step")] self.step_entries = [step.entry for step in self.steps if step.entry is not None] self.entries = self.range_entries + self.step_entries self.ranges = [pydnstest.scenario.Range(n) for n in self.node.match("/scenario/range")] self.fails = None # type: Optional[List[RplintFail]] self.checks = [ entry_more_than_one_rcode, entry_no_qname_qtype_copy_query, # Commented out for now until we implement selective turning off of checks # entry_ns_in_authority, range_overlapping_ips, range_shadowing_match_rules, step_check_answer_no_match, step_query_match, step_query_sections, step_query_qr, step_section_unchecked, step_unchecked_match, step_unchecked_rcode, scenario_ad_or_rrsig_no_ta, scenario_timestamp, config_trust_anchor_trailing_period_missing, step_duplicate_id, ] def run_checks(self) -> bool: """returns True iff all tests passed""" self.fails = [] for check in self.checks: fails = check(self) for fail in fails: fail.check = check self.fails += fails if self.fails == []: return True return False def print_fails(self) -> None: if self.fails is None: raise RuntimeError("Maybe you should run some test first…") for fail in self.fails: print(fail) def config_trust_anchor_trailing_period_missing(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """Trust-anchor option in configuration contains domain without trailing period""" for conf in test.config: if conf[0] == "trust-anchor": if conf[1].split()[0][-1] != ".": return [RplintFail(test, etc=conf[1])] return [] def scenario_timestamp(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """RRSSIG record present in test but no val-override-date or val-override-timestamp in config""" rrsigs = [] for entry in test.entries: for record in entry.records: if record["/type"].value == "RRSIG": rrsigs.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) if rrsigs: for k in test.config: if k[0] == "val-override-date" or k[0] == "val-override-timestamp": return [] return rrsigs def entry_no_qname_qtype_copy_query(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY without qname and qtype in MATCH and without copy_query in ADJUST""" fails = [] for entry in test.range_entries: if "question" not in entry.match and ("qname" not in entry.match or "qtype" not in entry.match): if "copy_query" not in entry.adjust: fails.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) return fails def entry_ns_in_authority(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY has authority section with NS records, consider using MATCH subdomain""" fails = [] for entry in test.range_entries: if entry.authority and "subdomain" not in entry.match: for record in entry.authority: if record["/type"].value == "NS": fails.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) return fails def entry_more_than_one_rcode(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY has more than one rcode in MATCH""" fails = [] for entry in test.entries: if len(RCODES & entry.reply) > 1: fails.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) return fails def scenario_ad_or_rrsig_no_ta(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """AD or RRSIG present in test but no trust-anchor present in config""" dnssec = [] for entry in test.entries: if "AD" in entry.reply or "AD" in entry.match: dnssec.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) else: for record in entry.records: if record["/type"].value == "RRSIG": dnssec.append(RplintFail(test, entry)) if dnssec: for k in test.config: if k[0] == "trust-anchor": return [] return dnssec def step_query_match(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """STEP QUERY has a MATCH rule""" return [RplintFail(test, step) for step in test.steps if step.type == "QUERY" and step.entry and step.entry.match] def step_query_sections(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """STEP QUERY has some records in sections other than QUESTION""" return [RplintFail(test, step) for step in test.steps if step.type == "QUERY" and step.entry and (step.entry.answer or step.entry.authority or step.entry.additional)] def step_query_qr(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """STEP QUERY specified QR=1 flag (i.e. message is an answer)""" return [RplintFail(test, step) for step in test.steps if step.type == "QUERY" and step.entry and step.entry.reply and 'QR' in step.entry.reply] def step_check_answer_no_match(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY in STEP CHECK_ANSWER has no MATCH rule""" return [RplintFail(test, step) for step in test.steps if step.type == "CHECK_ANSWER" and step.entry and not step.entry.match] def step_unchecked_rcode(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY specifies rcode but STEP MATCH does not check for it.""" fails = [] for step in test.steps: if step.type == "CHECK_ANSWER" and step.entry and "all" not in step.entry.match: if step.entry.reply & RCODES and "rcode" not in step.entry.match: fails.append(RplintFail(test, step.entry)) return fails def step_unchecked_match(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY specifies flags but MATCH does not check for them""" fails = [] for step in test.steps: if step.type == "CHECK_ANSWER": entry = step.entry if entry and "all" not in entry.match and entry.reply - RCODES and \ "flags" not in entry.match: fails.append(RplintFail(test, entry, str(entry.reply - RCODES))) return fails def step_section_unchecked(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY has non-empty sections but MATCH does not check for all of them""" fails = [] for step in test.steps: if step.type == "CHECK_ANSWER" and step.entry and "all" not in step.entry.match: for section in SECTIONS: if not is_empty(step.node.match("/entry/section/" + section + "/*")): if section not in step.entry.match: fails.append(RplintFail(test, step.entry, section)) return fails def range_overlapping_ips(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """RANGE has common IPs with some previous overlapping RANGE""" fails = [] for r1, r2 in itertools.combinations(test.ranges, 2): # If the ranges overlap if min(r1.b, r2.b) >= max(r1.a, r2.a): if r1.addresses & r2.addresses: info = "previous range on line %d" % get_line_number(test.path, r1.node.char) fails.append(RplintFail(test, r2, info)) return fails def range_shadowing_match_rules(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """ENTRY has no effect since one of previous entries has the same or broader match rules""" fails = [] for r in test.ranges: for e1, e2 in itertools.combinations(r.stored, 2): try: e1.match(e2.message) except ValueError: pass else: info = "previous entry on line %d" % get_line_number(test.path, e1.node.char) if e1.match_fields > e2.match_fields: continue if "subdomain" not in e1.match_fields and "subdomain" in e2.match_fields: continue fails.append(RplintFail(test, e2, info)) return fails def step_duplicate_id(test: RplintTest) -> List[RplintFail]: """STEP has the same ID as one of previous ones""" fails = [] step_numbers = set() # type: Set[int] for step in test.steps: if step.node.value in step_numbers: fails.append(RplintFail(test, step)) else: step_numbers.add(step.node.value) return fails # TODO: This will make sense after we fix how we handle defaults in deckard.aug and scenario.py # We might just not use defaults altogether as testbound does # if "copy_id" not in adjust: # entry_error(test, entry, "copy_id should be in ADJUST") def test_run_rplint(rpl_path: str) -> None: t = RplintTest(rpl_path) passed = t.run_checks() if not passed: raise RplintError(t.fails) def main(): try: test_path = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print("usage: %s " % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(2) if not os.path.isfile(test_path): print("rplint.py works on single file only.") print("Use rplint.sh with --scenarios= to run on rpls.") sys.exit(2) print("Linting %s" % test_path) t = RplintTest(test_path) passed = t.run_checks() t.print_fails() if passed: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()