/* Copyright (C) 2019 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. Copyright (C) 2018 Tony Finch This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . The code originated from https://github.com/fanf2/qp/blob/master/qp.c at revision 5f6d93753. */ #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/qp-trie/trie.h" #include "contrib/macros.h" #include "contrib/mempattern.h" #include "libknot/errcode.h" typedef unsigned int uint; typedef uint64_t index_t; /*!< nibble index into a key */ typedef uint64_t word; /*!< A type-punned word */ typedef uint bitmap_t; /*!< Bit-maps, using the range of 1<<0 to 1<<16 (inclusive). */ typedef char static_assert_pointer_fits_in_word [sizeof(word) >= sizeof(uintptr_t) ? 1 : -1]; #define KEYLENBITS 31 /*! \brief trie keys have lengths * * 32 bits are enough for key lengths; probably even 16 bits would be. * However, a 32 bit length means the alignment will be a multiple of * 4, allowing us to stash the COW and BRANCH flags in the bottom bits * of a pointer to a key. * * We need to steal a couple of bits from the length to keep the COW * state of key allocations. */ typedef struct { uint32_t cow:1, len:KEYLENBITS; trie_key_t chars[]; } tkey_t; /*! \brief A trie node is a pair of words. * * Each word is type-punned, depending on whether this is a branch * node or a leaf node. We'll define some accessor functions to wrap * this up into something reasonably safe. * * We aren't using a union to avoid problems with strict aliasing, and * we aren't using bitfields because we want to control exactly which * bits in the word are used by each field (in particular the flags). * * Branch nodes are never allocated individually: they are always part * of either the root node or the twigs array of their parent branch. * * In a branch: * * `i` contains flags, bitmap, and index, explained in more detail below. * * `p` is a pointer to the "twigs", an array of child nodes. * * In a leaf: * * `i` is cast from a pointer to a tkey_t, with flags in the bottom bits. * * `p` is a trie_val_t. */ typedef struct node { word i; void *p; } node_t; struct trie { node_t root; // undefined when weight == 0, see empty_root() size_t weight; knot_mm_t mm; }; /*! \brief size (in bits) of nibble (half-byte) indexes into keys * * The bottom bit is clear for the upper nibble, and set for the lower * nibble, big-endian style, since the tree has to be in lexicographic * order. The index increases from one branch node to the next as you * go deeper into the trie. All the keys below a branch are identical * up to the nibble identified by the branch. * * (see also tkey_t.len above) */ #define TWIDTH_INDEX 33 /*! \brief exclusive limit on indexes */ #define TMAX_INDEX (BIG1 << TWIDTH_INDEX) /*! \brief size (in bits) of branch bitmap * * The bitmap indicates which subtries are present. The present child * nodes are stored in the twigs array (with no holes between them). * * To simplify storing keys that are prefixes of each other, the * end-of-string position is treated as an extra nibble value, ordered * before all others. So there are 16 possible real nibble values, * plus one value for nibbles past the end of the key. */ #define TWIDTH_BMP 17 /* * We're constructing the layout of the branch `i` field in a careful * way to avoid mistakes, getting the compiler to calculate values * rather than typing them in by hand. */ enum { TSHIFT_BRANCH = 0, TSHIFT_COW, TSHIFT_BMP, TOP_BMP = TSHIFT_BMP + TWIDTH_BMP, TSHIFT_INDEX = TOP_BMP, TOP_INDEX = TSHIFT_INDEX + TWIDTH_INDEX, }; typedef char static_assert_fields_fit_in_word [TOP_INDEX <= sizeof(word) * CHAR_BIT ? 1 : -1]; typedef char static_assert_bmp_fits [TOP_BMP <= sizeof(bitmap_t) * CHAR_BIT ? 1 : -1]; #define BIG1 ((word)1) #define TMASK(width, shift) (((BIG1 << (width)) - BIG1) << (shift)) /*! \brief is this node a branch or a leaf? */ #define TFLAG_BRANCH (BIG1 << TSHIFT_BRANCH) /*! \brief copy-on-write flag, used in both leaves and branches */ #define TFLAG_COW (BIG1 << TSHIFT_COW) /*! \brief for extracting pointer to key */ #define TMASK_LEAF (~(word)(TFLAG_BRANCH | TFLAG_COW)) /*! \brief mask for extracting nibble index */ #define TMASK_INDEX TMASK(TWIDTH_INDEX, TSHIFT_INDEX) /*! \brief mask for extracting bitmap */ #define TMASK_BMP TMASK(TWIDTH_BMP, TSHIFT_BMP) /*! \brief bitmap entry for NOBYTE */ #define BMP_NOBYTE (BIG1 << TSHIFT_BMP) /*! \brief Initialize a new leaf, copying the key, and returning failure code. */ static int mkleaf(node_t *leaf, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len, knot_mm_t *mm) { if (unlikely((word)len > (BIG1 << KEYLENBITS))) return KNOT_ENOMEM; tkey_t *lkey = mm_alloc(mm, sizeof(tkey_t) + len); if (unlikely(!lkey)) return KNOT_ENOMEM; lkey->cow = 0; lkey->len = len; memcpy(lkey->chars, key, len); word i = (uintptr_t)lkey; assert((i & TFLAG_BRANCH) == 0); *leaf = (node_t){ .i = i, .p = NULL }; return KNOT_EOK; } /*! \brief construct a branch node */ static node_t mkbranch(index_t index, bitmap_t bmp, node_t *twigs) { word i = TFLAG_BRANCH | bmp | (index << TSHIFT_INDEX); assert(index < TMAX_INDEX); assert((bmp & ~TMASK_BMP) == 0); return (node_t){ .i = i, .p = twigs }; } /*! \brief Make an empty root node. */ static node_t empty_root(void) { return mkbranch(TMAX_INDEX-1, 0, NULL); } /*! \brief Propagate error codes. */ #define ERR_RETURN(x) \ do { \ int err_code_ = x; \ if (unlikely(err_code_ != KNOT_EOK)) \ return err_code_; \ } while (false) /*! \brief Test flags to determine type of this node. */ static bool isbranch(const node_t *t) { return t->i & TFLAG_BRANCH; } static tkey_t *tkey(const node_t *t) { assert(!isbranch(t)); return (tkey_t *)(uintptr_t)(t->i & TMASK_LEAF); } static trie_val_t *tvalp(node_t *t) { assert(!isbranch(t)); return &t->p; } /*! \brief Given a branch node, return the index of the corresponding nibble in the key. */ static index_t branch_index(const node_t *t) { assert(isbranch(t)); return (t->i & TMASK_INDEX) >> TSHIFT_INDEX; } static bitmap_t branch_bmp(const node_t *t) { assert(isbranch(t)); return (t->i & TMASK_BMP); } /*! * \brief Count the number of set bits. * * \TODO This implementation may be relatively slow on some HW. */ static uint branch_weight(const node_t *t) { assert(isbranch(t)); uint n = __builtin_popcount(t->i & TMASK_BMP); assert(n > 1 && n <= TWIDTH_BMP); return n; } /*! \brief Compute offset of an existing child in a branch node. */ static uint twigoff(const node_t *t, bitmap_t bit) { assert(isbranch(t)); assert(__builtin_popcount(bit) == 1); return __builtin_popcount(t->i & TMASK_BMP & (bit - 1)); } /*! \brief Extract a nibble from a key and turn it into a bitmask. */ static bitmap_t keybit(index_t ni, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { index_t bytei = ni >> 1; if (bytei >= len) return BMP_NOBYTE; uint8_t ki = (uint8_t)key[bytei]; uint nibble = (ni & 1) ? (ki & 0xf) : (ki >> 4); // skip one for NOBYTE nibbles after the end of the key return BIG1 << (nibble + 1 + TSHIFT_BMP); } /*! \brief Extract a nibble from a key and turn it into a bitmask. */ static bitmap_t twigbit(const node_t *t, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { assert(isbranch(t)); return keybit(branch_index(t), key, len); } /*! \brief Test if a branch node has a child indicated by a bitmask. */ static bool hastwig(const node_t *t, bitmap_t bit) { assert(isbranch(t)); assert((bit & ~TMASK_BMP) == 0); assert(__builtin_popcount(bit) == 1); return t->i & bit; } /*! \brief Get pointer to packed array of child nodes. */ static node_t* twigs(node_t *t) { assert(isbranch(t)); return t->p; } /*! \brief Get pointer to a particular child of a branch node. */ static node_t* twig(node_t *t, uint i) { assert(i < branch_weight(t)); return twigs(t) + i; } /*! \brief Get twig number of a child node TODO: better description. */ static uint twig_number(node_t *child, node_t *parent) { // twig array index using pointer arithmetic ptrdiff_t num = child - twigs(parent); assert(num >= 0 && num < branch_weight(parent)); return (uint)num; } /*! \brief Simple string comparator. */ static int key_cmp(const trie_key_t *k1, uint32_t k1_len, const trie_key_t *k2, uint32_t k2_len) { int ret = memcmp(k1, k2, MIN(k1_len, k2_len)); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } /* Key string is equal, compare lengths. */ if (k1_len == k2_len) { return 0; } else if (k1_len < k2_len) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } trie_t* trie_create(knot_mm_t *mm) { trie_t *trie = mm_alloc(mm, sizeof(trie_t)); if (trie != NULL) { trie->root = empty_root(); trie->weight = 0; if (mm != NULL) trie->mm = *mm; else mm_ctx_init(&trie->mm); } return trie; } /*! \brief Free anything under the trie node, except for the passed pointer itself. */ static void clear_trie(node_t *trie, knot_mm_t *mm) { if (!isbranch(trie)) { mm_free(mm, tkey(trie)); } else { uint n = branch_weight(trie); for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) clear_trie(twig(trie, i), mm); mm_free(mm, twigs(trie)); } } void trie_free(trie_t *tbl) { if (tbl == NULL) return; if (tbl->weight) clear_trie(&tbl->root, &tbl->mm); mm_free(&tbl->mm, tbl); } void trie_clear(trie_t *tbl) { assert(tbl); if (!tbl->weight) return; clear_trie(&tbl->root, &tbl->mm); tbl->root = empty_root(); tbl->weight = 0; } static bool dup_trie(node_t *copy, const node_t *orig, trie_dup_cb dup_cb, knot_mm_t *mm) { if (isbranch(orig)) { uint n = branch_weight(orig); node_t *cotw = mm_alloc(mm, n * sizeof(*cotw)); if (cotw == NULL) { return NULL; } const node_t *ortw = twigs((node_t *)orig); for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!dup_trie(cotw + i, ortw + i, dup_cb, mm)) { while (i-- > 0) { clear_trie(cotw + i, mm); } mm_free(mm, cotw); return false; } } *copy = mkbranch(branch_index(orig), branch_bmp(orig), cotw); } else { tkey_t *key = tkey(orig); if (mkleaf(copy, key->chars, key->len, mm) != KNOT_EOK) { return false; } if ((copy->p = dup_cb(orig->p, mm)) == NULL) { mm_free(mm, tkey(copy)); return false; } } return true; } trie_t* trie_dup(const trie_t *orig, trie_dup_cb dup_cb, knot_mm_t *mm) { if (orig == NULL) { return NULL; } trie_t *copy = mm_alloc(mm, sizeof(*copy)); if (copy == NULL) { return NULL; } copy->weight = orig->weight; if (mm != NULL) { copy->mm = *mm; } else { mm_ctx_init(©->mm); } if (copy->weight) { if (!dup_trie(©->root, &orig->root, dup_cb, mm)) { mm_free(mm, copy); return NULL; } } return copy; } size_t trie_weight(const trie_t *tbl) { assert(tbl); return tbl->weight; } trie_val_t* trie_get_try(trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { assert(tbl); if (!tbl->weight) return NULL; node_t *t = &tbl->root; while (isbranch(t)) { __builtin_prefetch(twigs(t)); bitmap_t b = twigbit(t, key, len); if (!hastwig(t, b)) return NULL; t = twig(t, twigoff(t, b)); } tkey_t *lkey = tkey(t); if (key_cmp(key, len, lkey->chars, lkey->len) != 0) return NULL; return tvalp(t); } /* Optimization: the approach isn't ideal, as e.g. walking through the prefix * is duplicated and we explicitly construct the wildcard key. Still, it's close * to optimum which would be significantly more complicated and error-prone to write. */ trie_val_t* trie_get_try_wildcard(trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { assert(tbl); if (!tbl->weight) return NULL; // Find leaf sharing the longest common prefix; see ns_find_branch() for explanation. node_t *t = &tbl->root; while (isbranch(t)) { __builtin_prefetch(twigs(t)); bitmap_t b = twigbit(t, key, len); uint i = hastwig(t, b) ? twigoff(t, b) : 0; t = twig(t, i); } const tkey_t * const lcp_key = tkey(t); // Find the last matching zero byte or -1 (source of synthesis) int i_lmz = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len && i < lcp_key->len && key[i] == lcp_key->chars[i]; ++i) { if (key[i] == '\0' && i < len - 1) // do not count the terminating zero i_lmz = i; // Shortcut: we may have found an exact match. if (i == len - 1 && len == lcp_key->len) return tvalp(t); } if (len == 0) // The empty name needs separate handling. return lcp_key->len == 0 ? tvalp(t) : NULL; // Construct the key of the wildcard we need and look it up. const int wild_len = i_lmz + 3; uint8_t wild_key[wild_len]; memcpy(wild_key, key, wild_len - 2); wild_key[wild_len - 2] = '*'; wild_key[wild_len - 1] = '\0'; // LF is always 0-terminated ATM return trie_get_try(tbl, wild_key, wild_len); } /*! \brief Delete leaf t with parent p; b is the bit for t under p. * Optionally return the deleted value via val. The function can't fail. */ static void del_found(trie_t *tbl, node_t *t, node_t *p, bitmap_t b, trie_val_t *val) { assert(!tkey(t)->cow); mm_free(&tbl->mm, tkey(t)); if (val != NULL) *val = *tvalp(t); // we return trie_val_t directly when deleting --tbl->weight; if (unlikely(!p)) { // whole trie was a single leaf assert(tbl->weight == 0); tbl->root = empty_root(); return; } // remove leaf t as child of p node_t *tp = twigs(p); uint ci = twig_number(t, p); uint cc = branch_weight(p); // child count if (cc == 2) { // collapse binary node p: move the other child to the parent *p = tp[1 - ci]; mm_free(&tbl->mm, tp); return; } memmove(tp + ci, tp + ci + 1, sizeof(node_t) * (cc - ci - 1)); p->i &= ~b; node_t *newt = mm_realloc(&tbl->mm, tp, sizeof(node_t) * (cc - 1), sizeof(node_t) * cc); if (likely(newt != NULL)) p->p = newt; // We can ignore mm_realloc failure because an oversized twig // array is OK - only beware that next time the prev_size // passed to mm_realloc will not be correct; TODO? } int trie_del(trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len, trie_val_t *val) { assert(tbl); if (!tbl->weight) return KNOT_ENOENT; node_t *t = &tbl->root; // current and parent node node_t *p = NULL; bitmap_t b = 0; while (isbranch(t)) { __builtin_prefetch(twigs(t)); b = twigbit(t, key, len); if (!hastwig(t, b)) return KNOT_ENOENT; p = t; t = twig(t, twigoff(t, b)); } tkey_t *lkey = tkey(t); if (key_cmp(key, len, lkey->chars, lkey->len) != 0) return KNOT_ENOENT; del_found(tbl, t, p, b, val); return KNOT_EOK; } /*! * \brief Stack of nodes, storing a path down a trie. * * The structure also serves directly as the public trie_it_t type, * in which case it always points to the current leaf, unless we've finished * (i.e. it->len == 0). * stack[0] is always a valid pointer to the root -> ns_gettrie() */ typedef struct trie_it { node_t* *stack; /*!< The stack; malloc is used directly instead of mm. */ uint32_t len; /*!< Current length of the stack. */ uint32_t alen; /*!< Allocated/available length of the stack. */ /*! \brief Initial storage for \a stack; it should fit in most use cases. */ node_t* stack_init[250]; } nstack_t; /*! \brief Create a node stack containing just the root (or empty). */ static void ns_init(nstack_t *ns, trie_t *tbl) { assert(tbl); ns->stack = ns->stack_init; ns->alen = sizeof(ns->stack_init) / sizeof(ns->stack_init[0]); ns->stack[0] = &tbl->root; ns->len = (tbl->weight > 0); } static inline trie_t * ns_gettrie(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns && ns->stack && ns->stack[0]); return (struct trie *)ns->stack[0]; } /*! \brief Free inside of the stack, i.e. not the passed pointer itself. */ static void ns_cleanup(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns && ns->stack); if (likely(ns->stack == ns->stack_init)) return; free(ns->stack); #ifndef NDEBUG ns->stack = NULL; ns->alen = 0; #endif } /*! \brief Allocate more space for the stack. */ static int ns_longer_alloc(nstack_t *ns) { ns->alen *= 2; size_t new_size = ns->alen * sizeof(node_t *); node_t **st; if (ns->stack == ns->stack_init) { st = malloc(new_size); if (st != NULL) memcpy(st, ns->stack, ns->len * sizeof(node_t *)); } else { st = realloc(ns->stack, new_size); } if (st == NULL) return KNOT_ENOMEM; ns->stack = st; return KNOT_EOK; } /*! \brief Ensure the node stack can be extended by one. */ static inline int ns_longer(nstack_t *ns) { // get a longer stack if needed if (likely(ns->len < ns->alen)) return KNOT_EOK; return ns_longer_alloc(ns); // hand-split the part suitable for inlining } /*! * \brief Find the "branching point" as if searching for a key. * * The whole path to the point is kept on the passed stack; * always at least the root will remain on the top of it. * Beware: the precise semantics of this function is rather tricky. * The top of the stack will contain: the corresponding leaf if exact * match is found; or the immediate node below a * branching-point-on-edge or the branching-point itself. * * \param idiff Set the index of first differing nibble, or TMAX_INDEX for an exact match * \param tbit Set the bit of the closest leaf's nibble at index idiff * \param kbit Set the bit of the key's nibble at index idiff * * \return KNOT_EOK or KNOT_ENOMEM. */ static int ns_find_branch(nstack_t *ns, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len, index_t *idiff, bitmap_t *tbit, bitmap_t *kbit) { assert(ns && ns->len && idiff); // First find some leaf with longest matching prefix. while (isbranch(ns->stack[ns->len - 1])) { ERR_RETURN(ns_longer(ns)); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; __builtin_prefetch(twigs(t)); bitmap_t b = twigbit(t, key, len); // Even if our key is missing from this branch we need to // keep iterating down to a leaf. It doesn't matter which // twig we choose since the keys are all the same up to this // index. Note that blindly using twigoff(t, b) can cause // an out-of-bounds index if it equals twigmax(t). uint i = hastwig(t, b) ? twigoff(t, b) : 0; ns->stack[ns->len++] = twig(t, i); } tkey_t *lkey = tkey(ns->stack[ns->len-1]); // Find index of the first char that differs. size_t bytei = 0; uint32_t klen = lkey->len; for (bytei = 0; bytei < MIN(len,klen); bytei++) { if (key[bytei] != lkey->chars[bytei]) break; } // Find which half-byte has matched. index_t index = bytei << 1; if (bytei == len && len == lkey->len) { // found equivalent key index = TMAX_INDEX; goto success; } if (likely(bytei < MIN(len,klen))) { uint8_t k2 = (uint8_t)lkey->chars[bytei]; uint8_t k1 = (uint8_t)key[bytei]; if (((k1 ^ k2) & 0xf0) == 0) index += 1; } // now go up the trie from the current leaf node_t *t; do { if (unlikely(ns->len == 1)) goto success; // only the root stays on the stack t = ns->stack[ns->len - 2]; if (branch_index(t) < index) goto success; --ns->len; } while (true); success: #ifndef NDEBUG // invariants on successful return assert(ns->len); if (isbranch(ns->stack[ns->len - 1])) { t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; assert(branch_index(t) >= index); } if (ns->len > 1) { t = ns->stack[ns->len - 2]; assert(branch_index(t) < index || index == TMAX_INDEX); } #endif *idiff = index; *tbit = keybit(index, lkey->chars, lkey->len); *kbit = keybit(index, key, len); return KNOT_EOK; } /*! * \brief Advance the node stack to the last leaf in the subtree. * * \return KNOT_EOK or KNOT_ENOMEM. */ static int ns_last_leaf(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns); do { ERR_RETURN(ns_longer(ns)); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (!isbranch(t)) return KNOT_EOK; uint lasti = branch_weight(t) - 1; ns->stack[ns->len++] = twig(t, lasti); } while (true); } /*! * \brief Advance the node stack to the first leaf in the subtree. * * \return KNOT_EOK or KNOT_ENOMEM. */ static int ns_first_leaf(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns && ns->len); do { ERR_RETURN(ns_longer(ns)); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (!isbranch(t)) return KNOT_EOK; ns->stack[ns->len++] = twig(t, 0); } while (true); } /*! * \brief Advance the node stack to the leaf that is previous to the current node. * * \note Prefix leaf under the current node DOES count (if present; perhaps questionable). * \return KNOT_EOK on success, KNOT_ENOENT on not-found, or possibly KNOT_ENOMEM. */ static int ns_prev_leaf(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns && ns->len > 0); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; // Beware: BMP_NOBYTE child is ordered *before* its parent. if (isbranch(t) && hastwig(t, BMP_NOBYTE)) { ERR_RETURN(ns_longer(ns)); ns->stack[ns->len++] = twig(t, 0); return KNOT_EOK; } for (; ns->len >= 2; --ns->len) { t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; node_t *p = ns->stack[ns->len - 2]; uint ci = twig_number(t, p); if (ci == 0) // we've got to go up again continue; // t isn't the first child -> go down the previous one ns->stack[ns->len - 1] = twig(p, ci - 1); return ns_last_leaf(ns); } return KNOT_ENOENT; // root without empty key has no previous leaf } /*! * \brief Advance the node stack to the leaf that is successor to the current node. * * \param skip_prefixed skip any nodes whose key is a prefix of the current one. * If false, prefix leaf or anything else under the current node DOES count. * \return KNOT_EOK on success, KNOT_ENOENT on not-found, or possibly KNOT_ENOMEM. */ static int ns_next_leaf(nstack_t *ns, const bool skip_pefixed) { assert(ns && ns->len > 0); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (!skip_pefixed && isbranch(t)) return ns_first_leaf(ns); for (; ns->len >= 2; --ns->len) { t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; node_t *p = ns->stack[ns->len - 2]; uint ci = twig_number(t, p); if (skip_pefixed && ci == 0 && hastwig(t, BMP_NOBYTE)) { // Keys in the subtree of p are suffixes of the key of t, // so we've got to go one level higher // (this can't happen more than once) continue; } uint cc = branch_weight(p); assert(ci + 1 <= cc); if (ci + 1 == cc) { // t is the last child of p, so we need to keep climbing continue; } // go down the next child of p ns->stack[ns->len - 1] = twig(p, ci + 1); return ns_first_leaf(ns); } return KNOT_ENOENT; // not found, as no more parent is available } /*! \brief Advance the node stack to leaf with longest prefix of the current key. */ static int ns_prefix(nstack_t *ns) { assert(ns && ns->len > 0); const node_t *start = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; // Walk up the trie until we find a BMP_NOBYTE child. while (--ns->len > 0) { node_t *p = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (!hastwig(p, BMP_NOBYTE)) continue; node_t *end = twig(p, 0); // In case we started in a BMP_NOBYTE leaf, the first step up // did NOT shorten the key and we would get back into the same // node again. if (end == start) continue; ns->stack[ns->len++] = end; return KNOT_EOK; } return KNOT_ENOENT; // not found, as no more parent is available } /*! \brief less-or-equal search. * * \return KNOT_EOK for exact match, 1 for previous, KNOT_ENOENT for not-found, * or KNOT_E*. */ static int ns_get_leq(nstack_t *ns, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { // First find the key with longest-matching prefix index_t idiff; bitmap_t tbit, kbit; ERR_RETURN(ns_find_branch(ns, key, len, &idiff, &tbit, &kbit)); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (idiff == TMAX_INDEX) // found exact match return KNOT_EOK; // Get t: the last node on matching path bitmap_t b; if (isbranch(t) && branch_index(t) == idiff) { // t is OK b = kbit; } else { // the top of the stack was the first unmatched node -> step up if (ns->len == 1) { // root was unmatched already if (kbit < tbit) return KNOT_ENOENT; ERR_RETURN(ns_last_leaf(ns)); return 1; } --ns->len; t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; b = twigbit(t, key, len); } // Now we re-do the first "non-matching" step in the trie // but try the previous child if key was less (it may not exist) int i = hastwig(t, b) ? (int)twigoff(t, b) - (kbit < tbit) : (int)twigoff(t, b) - 1 /* twigoff returns successor when !hastwig */; if (i >= 0) { ERR_RETURN(ns_longer(ns)); ns->stack[ns->len++] = twig(t, i); ERR_RETURN(ns_last_leaf(ns)); } else { ERR_RETURN(ns_prev_leaf(ns)); } return 1; } int trie_get_leq(trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len, trie_val_t **val) { assert(tbl && val); if (tbl->weight == 0) { if (val) *val = NULL; return KNOT_ENOENT; } // We try to do without malloc. nstack_t ns_local; ns_init(&ns_local, tbl); nstack_t *ns = &ns_local; int ret = ns_get_leq(ns, key, len); if (ret == KNOT_EOK || ret == 1) { assert(!isbranch(ns->stack[ns->len - 1])); if (val) *val = tvalp(ns->stack[ns->len - 1]); } else { if (val) *val = NULL; } ns_cleanup(ns); return ret; } int trie_it_get_leq(trie_it_t *it, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { assert(it && it->stack[0] && it->alen); const trie_t *tbl = ns_gettrie(it); if (tbl->weight == 0) { it->len = 0; return KNOT_ENOENT; } it->len = 1; int ret = ns_get_leq(it, key, len); if (ret == KNOT_EOK || ret == 1) { assert(trie_it_key(it, NULL)); } else { it->len = 0; } return ret; } /* see below */ static int cow_pushdown(trie_cow_t *cow, nstack_t *ns); /*! \brief implementation of trie_get_ins() and trie_get_cow() */ static trie_val_t* cow_get_ins(trie_cow_t *cow, trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { assert(tbl); // First leaf in an empty tbl? if (unlikely(!tbl->weight)) { if (unlikely(mkleaf(&tbl->root, key, len, &tbl->mm))) return NULL; ++tbl->weight; return tvalp(&tbl->root); } { // Intentionally un-indented; until end of function, to bound cleanup attr. // Find the branching-point __attribute__((cleanup(ns_cleanup))) nstack_t ns_local; ns_init(&ns_local, tbl); nstack_t *ns = &ns_local; index_t idiff; bitmap_t tbit, kbit; if (unlikely(ns_find_branch(ns, key, len, &idiff, &tbit, &kbit))) return NULL; if (unlikely(cow && cow_pushdown(cow, ns) != KNOT_EOK)) return NULL; node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; if (idiff == TMAX_INDEX) // the same key was already present return tvalp(t); node_t leaf, *leafp; if (unlikely(mkleaf(&leaf, key, len, &tbl->mm))) return NULL; if (isbranch(t) && branch_index(t) == idiff) { // The node t needs a new leaf child. assert(!hastwig(t, kbit)); // new child position and original child count uint s = twigoff(t, kbit); uint m = branch_weight(t); node_t *nt = mm_realloc(&tbl->mm, twigs(t), sizeof(node_t) * (m + 1), sizeof(node_t) * m); if (unlikely(!nt)) goto err_leaf; memmove(nt + s + 1, nt + s, sizeof(node_t) * (m - s)); leafp = nt + s; *t = mkbranch(idiff, branch_bmp(t) | kbit, nt); } else { // We need to insert a new binary branch with leaf at *t. // Note: it works the same for the case where we insert above root t. #ifndef NDEBUG if (ns->len > 1) { node_t *pt = ns->stack[ns->len - 2]; assert(hastwig(pt, twigbit(pt, key, len))); } #endif node_t *nt = mm_alloc(&tbl->mm, sizeof(node_t) * 2); if (unlikely(!nt)) goto err_leaf; node_t t2 = *t; // Save before overwriting t. *t = mkbranch(idiff, tbit | kbit, nt); *twig(t, twigoff(t, tbit)) = t2; leafp = twig(t, twigoff(t, kbit)); }; *leafp = leaf; ++tbl->weight; return tvalp(leafp); err_leaf: mm_free(&tbl->mm, tkey(&leaf)); return NULL; } } trie_val_t* trie_get_ins(trie_t *tbl, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { return cow_get_ins(NULL, tbl, key, len); } /*! \brief Apply a function to every trie_val_t*, in order; a recursive solution. */ static int apply_nodes(node_t *t, int (*f)(trie_val_t *, void *), void *d) { assert(t); if (!isbranch(t)) return f(tvalp(t), d); uint n = branch_weight(t); for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) ERR_RETURN(apply_nodes(twig(t, i), f, d)); return KNOT_EOK; } int trie_apply(trie_t *tbl, int (*f)(trie_val_t *, void *), void *d) { assert(tbl && f); if (!tbl->weight) return KNOT_EOK; return apply_nodes(&tbl->root, f, d); } /* These are all thin wrappers around static Tns* functions. */ trie_it_t* trie_it_begin(trie_t *tbl) { assert(tbl); trie_it_t *it = malloc(sizeof(nstack_t)); if (!it) return NULL; ns_init(it, tbl); if (it->len == 0) // empty tbl return it; if (ns_first_leaf(it)) { ns_cleanup(it); free(it); return NULL; } return it; } bool trie_it_finished(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it); return it->len == 0; } void trie_it_free(trie_it_t *it) { if (!it) return; ns_cleanup(it); free(it); } trie_it_t *trie_it_clone(const trie_it_t *it) { if (!it) // TODO: or should that be an assertion? return NULL; trie_it_t *it2 = malloc(sizeof(nstack_t)); if (!it2) return NULL; it2->len = it->len; it2->alen = it->alen; // we _might_ change it in the rare malloc case, but... if (likely(it->stack == it->stack_init)) { it2->stack = it2->stack_init; assert(it->alen == sizeof(it->stack_init) / sizeof(it->stack_init[0])); } else { it2->stack = malloc(it2->alen * sizeof(it2->stack[0])); if (!it2->stack) { free(it2); return NULL; } } memcpy(it2->stack, it->stack, it->len * sizeof(it->stack[0])); return it2; } const trie_key_t* trie_it_key(trie_it_t *it, size_t *len) { assert(it && it->len); node_t *t = it->stack[it->len - 1]; assert(!isbranch(t)); tkey_t *key = tkey(t); if (len) *len = key->len; return key->chars; } trie_val_t* trie_it_val(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); node_t *t = it->stack[it->len - 1]; assert(!isbranch(t)); return tvalp(t); } void trie_it_next(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); if (ns_next_leaf(it, false) != KNOT_EOK) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_next_loop(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); int ret = ns_next_leaf(it, false); if (ret == KNOT_ENOENT) { it->len = 1; ret = ns_first_leaf(it); } if (ret) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_next_nosuffix(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); if (ns_next_leaf(it, true) != KNOT_EOK) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_prev(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); if (ns_prev_leaf(it) != KNOT_EOK) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_prev_loop(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); int ret = ns_prev_leaf(it); if (ret == KNOT_ENOENT) { it->len = 1; ret = ns_last_leaf(it); } if (ret) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_parent(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); if (ns_prefix(it)) it->len = 0; } void trie_it_del(trie_it_t *it) { assert(it && it->len); if (it->len == 0) return; node_t *t = it->stack[it->len - 1]; assert(!isbranch(t)); bitmap_t b; // del_found() needs to know which bit to zero in the bitmap node_t *p; if (it->len == 1) { // deleting the root p = NULL; b = 0; // unused } else { p = it->stack[it->len - 2]; assert(isbranch(p)); size_t len; const trie_key_t *key = trie_it_key(it, &len); b = twigbit(p, key, len); } // We could trie_it_{next,prev,...}(it) now, in case we wanted that semantics. it->len = 0; del_found(ns_gettrie(it), t, p, b, NULL); } /*!\file * * \section About copy-on-write * * In these notes I'll use the term "object" to refer to either the * twig array of a branch, or the application's data that is referred * to by a leaf's trie_val_t pointer. Note that for COW we don't care * about trie node_t structs themselves, but the objects that they * point to. * * \subsection COW states * * During a COW transaction an object can be in one of three states: * shared, only in the old trie, or only in the new trie. When a * transaction is rolled back, the only-new objects are freed; when a * transaction is committed the new trie takes the place of the old * one and only-old objects are freed. * * \subsection branch marks and regions * * A branch object can be marked by setting the COW flag in the first * element of its twig array. Marked branches partition the trie into * regions; an object's state depends on its region. * * The unmarked branch objects between a trie's root and the marked * branches (excluding the marked branches themselves) is exclusively * owned: either old-only (if you started from the old root) or * new-only (if you started from the new root). * * Marked branch objects, and all objects reachable from marked branch * objects, are in the shared region accessible from both old and new * roots. All branch objects below a marked branch must be unmarked. * (That is, there is at most one marked branch object on any path * from the root of a trie.) * * Branch nodes in the new-only region can be modified in place, in * the same way as an original qp trie. Branch nodes in the old-only * or shared regions must not be modified. * * \subsection app object states * * The app objects reachable from the new-only and old-only regions * explicitly record their state in a way determined by the * application. (These app objects are reachable from the old and new * roots by traversing only unmarked branch objects.) * * The app objects reachable from marked branch objects are implicitly * shared, but their state field has an indeterminate value. If an app * object was previously touched by a rolled-back transaction it may * be marked shared or old-only; if it was previously touched by a * committed transaction it may be marked shared or new-only. * * \subsection key states * * The memory allocated for tkey_t objects also needs to track its * sharing state. They have a "cow" flag to mark when they are shared. * Keys are relatively lazily copied (to make them exclusive) when * their leaf node is touched by a COW mutation. * * [An alternative technique might be to copy them more eagerly, in * cow_pushdown(), which would avoid the need for a flag bit at the * cost of more allocator churn in a transaction.] * * \subsection outside COW * * When a COW transaction is not in progress, there are no marked * branch objects, so everything is exclusively owned. When a COW * transaction is finished (committed or rolled back), the branch * marks are removed. Since they are in the shared region, this branch * cleanup is visible to both old and new tries. * * However the state of app objects is not clean between COW * transactions. When a COW transaction is committed, we traverse the * old-only region to find old-only app objects that should be freed * (and vice versa for rollback). In general, there will be app * objects that are only reachable from the new-only region, and that * have a mixture of shared and new states. */ /*! \brief Trie copy-on-write state */ struct trie_cow { trie_t *old; trie_t *new; trie_cb *mark_shared; void *d; }; /*! \brief is this a marked branch object */ static bool cow_marked(node_t *t) { return isbranch(t) && (twigs(t)->i & TFLAG_COW); } /*! \brief is this a leaf with a marked key */ static bool cow_key(node_t *t) { return !isbranch(t) && tkey(t)->cow; } /*! \brief remove mark from a branch object */ static void clear_cow(node_t *t) { assert(isbranch(t)); twigs(t)->i &= ~TFLAG_COW; } /*! \brief mark a node as shared * * For branches this marks the twig array (in COW terminology, the * branch object); for leaves it uses the callback to mark the app * object. */ static void mark_cow(trie_cow_t *cow, node_t *t) { if (isbranch(t)) { node_t *object = twigs(t); object->i |= TFLAG_COW; } else { tkey_t *lkey = tkey(t); lkey->cow = 1; if (cow->mark_shared != NULL) { trie_val_t *valp = tvalp(t); cow->mark_shared(*valp, lkey->chars, lkey->len, cow->d); } } } /*! \brief push exclusive COW region down one node */ static int cow_pushdown_one(trie_cow_t *cow, node_t *t) { uint cc = branch_weight(t); node_t *nt = mm_alloc(&cow->new->mm, sizeof(node_t) * cc); if (nt == NULL) return KNOT_ENOMEM; /* mark all the children */ for (uint ci = 0; ci < cc; ++ci) mark_cow(cow, twig(t, ci)); /* this node must be unmarked in both old and new versions */ clear_cow(t); t->p = memcpy(nt, twigs(t), sizeof(node_t) * cc); return KNOT_EOK; } /*! \brief push exclusive COW region to cover a whole node stack */ static int cow_pushdown(trie_cow_t *cow, nstack_t *ns) { node_t *new_twigs = NULL; node_t *old_twigs = NULL; for (uint i = 0; i < ns->len; i++) { /* if we did a pushdown on the previous iteration, we need to update this stack entry so it points into the parent's new twigs instead of the old ones */ if (new_twigs != old_twigs) ns->stack[i] = new_twigs + (ns->stack[i] - old_twigs); if (cow_marked(ns->stack[i])) { old_twigs = twigs(ns->stack[i]); if (cow_pushdown_one(cow, ns->stack[i])) return KNOT_ENOMEM; new_twigs = twigs(ns->stack[i]); } else { new_twigs = NULL; old_twigs = NULL; /* ensure key is exclusively owned */ if (cow_key(ns->stack[i])) { node_t oleaf = *ns->stack[i]; tkey_t *okey = tkey(&oleaf); if(mkleaf(ns->stack[i], okey->chars, okey->len, &cow->new->mm)) return KNOT_ENOMEM; ns->stack[i]->p = oleaf.p; okey->cow = 0; } } } return KNOT_EOK; } trie_cow_t* trie_cow(trie_t *old, trie_cb *mark_shared, void *d) { knot_mm_t *mm = &old->mm; trie_t *new = mm_alloc(mm, sizeof(trie_t)); trie_cow_t *cow = mm_alloc(mm, sizeof(trie_cow_t)); if (new == NULL || cow == NULL) { mm_free(mm, new); mm_free(mm, cow); return NULL; } new->mm = old->mm; new->root = old->root; new->weight = old->weight; cow->old = old; cow->new = new; cow->mark_shared = mark_shared; cow->d = d; if (old->weight) mark_cow(cow, &old->root); return cow; } trie_t* trie_cow_new(trie_cow_t *cow) { assert(cow != NULL); return cow->new; } trie_val_t* trie_get_cow(trie_cow_t *cow, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len) { return cow_get_ins(cow, cow->new, key, len); } int trie_del_cow(trie_cow_t *cow, const trie_key_t *key, uint32_t len, trie_val_t *val) { trie_t *tbl = cow->new; if (unlikely(!tbl->weight)) return KNOT_ENOENT; { // Intentionally un-indented; until end of function, to bound cleanup attr. // Find the branching-point __attribute__((cleanup(ns_cleanup))) nstack_t ns_local; ns_init(&ns_local, tbl); nstack_t *ns = &ns_local; index_t idiff; bitmap_t tbit, kbit; ERR_RETURN(ns_find_branch(ns, key, len, &idiff, &tbit, &kbit)); if (idiff != TMAX_INDEX) return KNOT_ENOENT; ERR_RETURN(cow_pushdown(cow, ns)); node_t *t = ns->stack[ns->len - 1]; node_t *p = ns->len >= 2 ? ns->stack[ns->len - 2] : NULL; del_found(tbl, t, p, p ? twigbit(p, key, len) : 0, val); } return KNOT_EOK; } /*! \brief clean up after a COW transaction, recursively */ static void cow_cleanup(trie_cow_t *cow, node_t *t, trie_cb *cb, void *d) { if (cow_marked(t)) { // we have hit the shared region, so just reset the mark clear_cow(t); return; } else if (isbranch(t)) { // traverse and free the exclusive region uint cc = branch_weight(t); for (uint ci = 0; ci < cc; ++ci) cow_cleanup(cow, twig(t, ci), cb, d); mm_free(&cow->new->mm, twigs(t)); return; } else { // application must decide how to clean up its values tkey_t *lkey = tkey(t); if (cb != NULL) { trie_val_t *valp = tvalp(t); cb(*valp, lkey->chars, lkey->len, d); } // clean up exclusively-owned keys if (lkey->cow) lkey->cow = 0; else mm_free(&cow->new->mm, lkey); return; } } trie_t* trie_cow_commit(trie_cow_t *cow, trie_cb *cb, void *d) { trie_t *ret = cow->new; if (cow->old->weight) cow_cleanup(cow, &cow->old->root, cb, d); mm_free(&ret->mm, cow->old); mm_free(&ret->mm, cow); return ret; } trie_t* trie_cow_rollback(trie_cow_t *cow, trie_cb *cb, void *d) { trie_t *ret = cow->old; if (cow->new->weight) cow_cleanup(cow, &cow->new->root, cb, d); mm_free(&ret->mm, cow->new); mm_free(&ret->mm, cow); return ret; }