path: root/basic/qa/vba_tests/hex.vb
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Diffstat (limited to 'basic/qa/vba_tests/hex.vb')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/qa/vba_tests/hex.vb b/basic/qa/vba_tests/hex.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83af4c148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/qa/vba_tests/hex.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Option VBASupport 1
+Option Explicit
+Dim passCount As Integer
+Dim failCount As Integer
+Dim result As String
+Function doUnitTest() As String
+result = verify_testHex()
+If failCount <> 0 Or passCount = 0 Then
+ doUnitTest = result
+ doUnitTest = "OK"
+End If
+End Function
+Function verify_testHex() As String
+ passCount = 0
+ failCount = 0
+ result = "Test Results" & Chr$(10) & "============" & Chr$(10)
+ Dim testName As String
+ Dim date1, date2
+ testName = "Test Hex function"
+ On Error GoTo errorHandler
+ date2 = "9"
+ date1 = Hex(9)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "9"
+ date1 = Hex(9)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "A"
+ date1 = Hex(10)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "10"
+ date1 = Hex(16)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "FF"
+ date1 = Hex(255)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "100"
+ date1 = Hex(256)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ date2 = "1CB"
+ date1 = Hex(459)
+ TestLog_ASSERT date1 = date2, "the return Hex is: " & date1
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & "Tests passed: " & passCount & Chr$(10) & "Tests failed: " & failCount & Chr$(10)
+ verify_testHex = result
+ Exit Function
+ TestLog_ASSERT (False), testName & ": hit error handler"
+End Function
+Sub TestLog_ASSERT(assertion As Boolean, Optional testId As String, Optional testComment As String)
+ If assertion = True Then
+ passCount = passCount + 1
+ Else
+ Dim testMsg As String
+ If Not IsMissing(testId) Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " : " + testId
+ End If
+ If Not IsMissing(testComment) And Not (testComment = "") Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " (" + testComment + ")"
+ End If
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed: " & testMsg
+ failCount = failCount + 1
+ End If
+End Sub