path: root/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared/03010101.xhp
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<helpdocument version="1.0">
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+ <topic id="textsbasicshared03010101xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
+ <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">MsgBox Statement</title>
+ <filename>/text/sbasic/shared/03010101.xhp</filename>
+ </topic>
+<section id="msgbox">
+<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id1807916">
+ <bookmark_value>MsgBox statement</bookmark_value>
+<paragraph id="hd_id3154927" role="heading" level="1" xml-lang="en-US"><link href="text/sbasic/shared/03010101.xhp">MsgBox Statement</link></paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3148947" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Displays a dialog box containing a message.</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="hd_id3153897" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">Syntax:</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3148664" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">MsgBox Text As String [,Type As Integer [,Dialogtitle As String]] (As Statement) or MsgBox (Text As String [,Type As Integer [,Dialogtitle As String]]) (As Function)</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="hd_id3153361" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">Parameter:</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3148798" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"> <emph>Text</emph>: String expression displayed as a message in the dialog box. Line breaks can be inserted with Chr$(13).</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3150769" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"> <emph>DialogTitle</emph>: String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog. If omitted, the title bar displays the name of the respective application.</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3147228" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"> <emph>Type</emph>: Any integer expression that specifies the dialog type, as well as the number and type of buttons to display, and the icon type. <emph>Type</emph> represents a combination of bit patterns, that is, a combination of elements can be defined by adding their respective values:</paragraph>
+<table id="tbl_051220170220345412">
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241588881" role="tablehead" xml-lang="en-US">Named constant</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241585541" role="tablehead" xml-lang="en-US">Integer value</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241585124" role="tablehead" xml-lang="en-US">Definition</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241588348" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_OK</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241583191" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">0</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3147397" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display OK button only.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241583930" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_OKCANCEL</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241598544" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">1</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3145646" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display OK and Cancel buttons.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241591470" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_ABORTRETRYCANCEL</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241592832" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">2</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3149410" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241594311" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_YESNOCANCEL</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241594996" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">3</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3151075" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241596937" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_YESNO</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241592706" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">4</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3153878" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display Yes and No buttons.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241591119" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_RETRYCANCEL</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241595093" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">5</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3155601" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Display Retry and Cancel buttons.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id05122017024159933" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_ICONSTOP</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id05122017024159655" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">16</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3150716" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Add the Stop icon to the dialog.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241591424" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_ICONQUESTION</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241593191" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">32</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3153837" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Add the Question icon to the dialog.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170241598357" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_ICONEXCLAMATION</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242002870" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">48</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3150751" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Add the Exclamation Point icon to the dialog.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242001511" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_ICONINFORMATION</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242008091" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">64</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3146915" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Add the Information icon to the dialog.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242003564" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US"> </paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242001398" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">128</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3145640" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">First button in the dialog as default button.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242007839" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_DEFBUTTON2</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242005589" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">256</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3153765" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Second button in the dialog as default button.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242005074" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">MB_DEFBUTTON3</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id051220170242001655" role="tablecontent" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">512</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3153715" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Third button in the dialog as default button.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+<embed href="text/sbasic/shared/00000003.xhp#errorcode"/>
+<embed href="text/sbasic/shared/00000003.xhp#err5"/>
+<paragraph id="hd_id3150715" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">Example:</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_idm1340869408" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Sub ExampleMsgBox</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3150327" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US"> Const sText1 = "An unexpected error occurred."</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3146912" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US"> Const sText2 = "The program execution will continue, however."</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3154757" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US"> Const sText3 = "Error"</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_idm1340862944" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US"> MsgBox(sText1 + Chr(13) + sText2,16,sText3)</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id051220170312352138" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US"> MsgBox(sText1 + Chr(13) + sText2, MB_ICONSTOP, sText3)</paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_idm1340861680" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">End Sub</paragraph>