path: root/svtools/source/control/calendar.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/control/calendar.cxx b/svtools/source/control/calendar.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1b7f5d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/control/calendar.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <vcl/floatwin.hxx>
+#include <vcl/button.hxx>
+#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
+#include <vcl/event.hxx>
+#include <svtools/strings.hrc>
+#include <svtools/svtresid.hxx>
+#include <svtools/calendar.hxx>
+#define CALFIELD_SEP_X 6
+class ImplCFieldFloatWin : public FloatingWindow
+ VclPtr<Calendar> mpCalendar;
+ VclPtr<PushButton> mpTodayBtn;
+ VclPtr<PushButton> mpNoneBtn;
+ VclPtr<FixedLine> mpFixedLine;
+ explicit ImplCFieldFloatWin( vcl::Window* pParent );
+ virtual ~ImplCFieldFloatWin() override;
+ virtual void dispose() override;
+ void SetCalendar( Calendar* pCalendar )
+ { mpCalendar = pCalendar; }
+ PushButton* EnableTodayBtn( bool bEnable );
+ PushButton* EnableNoneBtn( bool bEnable );
+ void ArrangeButtons();
+ virtual bool EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) override;
+ImplCFieldFloatWin::ImplCFieldFloatWin( vcl::Window* pParent ) :
+ FloatingWindow( pParent, WB_BORDER | WB_SYSTEMWINDOW | WB_NOSHADOW ),
+ mpCalendar(nullptr), mpTodayBtn(nullptr), mpNoneBtn(nullptr), mpFixedLine(nullptr)
+ disposeOnce();
+void ImplCFieldFloatWin::dispose()
+ mpTodayBtn.disposeAndClear();
+ mpNoneBtn.disposeAndClear();
+ mpFixedLine.disposeAndClear();
+ mpCalendar.clear();
+ FloatingWindow::dispose();
+PushButton* ImplCFieldFloatWin::EnableTodayBtn( bool bEnable )
+ if ( bEnable )
+ {
+ if ( !mpTodayBtn )
+ {
+ mpTodayBtn = VclPtr<PushButton>::Create( this, WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS );
+ OUString aTodayText(SvtResId(STR_SVT_CALENDAR_TODAY));
+ mpTodayBtn->SetText( aTodayText );
+ Size aSize;
+ aSize.setWidth( mpTodayBtn->GetCtrlTextWidth( mpTodayBtn->GetText() ) );
+ aSize.setHeight( mpTodayBtn->GetTextHeight() );
+ mpTodayBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ mpTodayBtn->Show();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpTodayBtn.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+ return mpTodayBtn;
+PushButton* ImplCFieldFloatWin::EnableNoneBtn( bool bEnable )
+ if ( bEnable )
+ {
+ if ( !mpNoneBtn )
+ {
+ mpNoneBtn = VclPtr<PushButton>::Create( this, WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS );
+ OUString aNoneText(SvtResId(STR_SVT_CALENDAR_NONE));
+ mpNoneBtn->SetText( aNoneText );
+ Size aSize;
+ aSize.setWidth( mpNoneBtn->GetCtrlTextWidth( mpNoneBtn->GetText() ) );
+ aSize.setHeight( mpNoneBtn->GetTextHeight() );
+ mpNoneBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ mpNoneBtn->Show();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpNoneBtn.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+ return mpNoneBtn;
+void ImplCFieldFloatWin::ArrangeButtons()
+ long nBtnHeight = 0;
+ long nBtnWidth = 0;
+ Size aOutSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( mpTodayBtn && mpNoneBtn )
+ {
+ Size aTodayBtnSize = mpTodayBtn->GetSizePixel();
+ Size aNoneBtnSize = mpNoneBtn->GetSizePixel();
+ if ( aTodayBtnSize.Width() < aNoneBtnSize.Width() )
+ aTodayBtnSize.setWidth( aNoneBtnSize.Width() );
+ else
+ aNoneBtnSize.setWidth( aTodayBtnSize.Width() );
+ if ( aTodayBtnSize.Height() < aNoneBtnSize.Height() )
+ aTodayBtnSize.setHeight( aNoneBtnSize.Height() );
+ else
+ aNoneBtnSize.setHeight( aTodayBtnSize.Height() );
+ nBtnWidth = aTodayBtnSize.Width() + aNoneBtnSize.Width() + CALFIELD_SEP_X;
+ nBtnHeight = aTodayBtnSize.Height();
+ long nX = (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2;
+ mpTodayBtn->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), aTodayBtnSize );
+ nX += aTodayBtnSize.Width() + CALFIELD_SEP_X;
+ mpNoneBtn->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), aNoneBtnSize );
+ }
+ else if ( mpTodayBtn )
+ {
+ Size aTodayBtnSize = mpTodayBtn->GetSizePixel();
+ nBtnWidth = aTodayBtnSize.Width();
+ nBtnHeight = aTodayBtnSize.Height();
+ mpTodayBtn->SetPosPixel( Point( (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+CALFIELD_BORDER_Y+CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP ) );
+ }
+ else if ( mpNoneBtn )
+ {
+ Size aNoneBtnSize = mpNoneBtn->GetSizePixel();
+ nBtnWidth = aNoneBtnSize.Width();
+ nBtnHeight = aNoneBtnSize.Height();
+ mpNoneBtn->SetPosPixel( Point( (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+CALFIELD_BORDER_Y+CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP ) );
+ }
+ if ( nBtnHeight )
+ {
+ if ( !mpFixedLine )
+ {
+ mpFixedLine = VclPtr<FixedLine>::Create( this );
+ mpFixedLine->Show();
+ }
+ long nLineWidth = aOutSize.Width()-(CALFIELD_BORDERLINE_X*2);
+ mpFixedLine->setPosSizePixel( (aOutSize.Width()-nLineWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+((CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP-2)/2),
+ nLineWidth, 2 );
+ aOutSize.AdjustHeight(nBtnHeight + (CALFIELD_BORDER_Y*2) + CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP );
+ SetOutputSizePixel( aOutSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpFixedLine.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+bool ImplCFieldFloatWin::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt )
+ if ( rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT )
+ {
+ const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent();
+ if ( pKEvt->GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_RETURN )
+ mpCalendar->Select();
+ }
+ return FloatingWindow::EventNotify( rNEvt );
+CalendarField::CalendarField(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle)
+ : DateField(pParent, nWinStyle)
+ , mpFloatWin(nullptr)
+ , mpCalendar(nullptr)
+ , mpTodayBtn(nullptr)
+ , mpNoneBtn(nullptr)
+ , mbToday(false)
+ , mbNone(false)
+ disposeOnce();
+void CalendarField::dispose()
+ mpCalendar.disposeAndClear();
+ mpFloatWin.disposeAndClear();
+ mpTodayBtn.clear();
+ mpNoneBtn.clear();
+ DateField::dispose();
+IMPL_LINK( CalendarField, ImplSelectHdl, Calendar*, pCalendar, void )
+ if ( pCalendar->IsTravelSelect() )
+ return;
+ mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode();
+ EndDropDown();
+ GrabFocus();
+ Date aNewDate = mpCalendar->GetFirstSelectedDate();
+ if ( IsEmptyDate() || ( aNewDate != GetDate() ) )
+ {
+ SetDate( aNewDate );
+ SetModifyFlag();
+ Modify();
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( CalendarField, ImplClickHdl, Button*, pButton, void )
+ PushButton* pBtn = static_cast<PushButton*>(pButton);
+ mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode();
+ EndDropDown();
+ GrabFocus();
+ if ( pBtn == mpTodayBtn )
+ {
+ Date aToday( Date::SYSTEM );
+ if ( (aToday != GetDate()) || IsEmptyDate() )
+ {
+ SetDate( aToday );
+ SetModifyFlag();
+ Modify();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( pBtn == mpNoneBtn )
+ {
+ if ( !IsEmptyDate() )
+ {
+ SetEmptyDate();
+ SetModifyFlag();
+ Modify();
+ }
+ }
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(CalendarField, ImplPopupModeEndHdl, FloatingWindow*, void)
+ EndDropDown();
+ GrabFocus();
+ mpCalendar->EndSelection();
+bool CalendarField::ShowDropDown( bool bShow )
+ if ( bShow )
+ {
+ Calendar* pCalendar = GetCalendar();
+ Date aDate = GetDate();
+ if ( IsEmptyDate() || !aDate.IsValidAndGregorian() )
+ {
+ aDate = Date( Date::SYSTEM );
+ }
+ pCalendar->SetCurDate( aDate );
+ Point aPos( GetParent()->OutputToScreenPixel( GetPosPixel() ) );
+ tools::Rectangle aRect( aPos, GetSizePixel() );
+ aRect.AdjustBottom( -1 );
+ mpCalendar->SetOutputSizePixel( mpCalendar->CalcWindowSizePixel() );
+ mpFloatWin->SetOutputSizePixel( mpCalendar->GetSizePixel() );
+ mpFloatWin->SetCalendar( mpCalendar );
+ mpTodayBtn = mpFloatWin->EnableTodayBtn( mbToday );
+ mpNoneBtn = mpFloatWin->EnableNoneBtn( mbNone );
+ if ( mpTodayBtn )
+ mpTodayBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplClickHdl ) );
+ if ( mpNoneBtn )
+ mpNoneBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplClickHdl ) );
+ mpFloatWin->ArrangeButtons();
+ mpCalendar->EnableCallEverySelect();
+ mpCalendar->StartSelection();
+ mpCalendar->GrabFocus();
+ mpCalendar->Show();
+ mpFloatWin->StartPopupMode( aRect, FloatWinPopupFlags::Down );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags::Cancel );
+ mpCalendar->EndSelection();
+ EndDropDown();
+ }
+ return true;
+Calendar* CalendarField::GetCalendar()
+ if ( !mpFloatWin )
+ {
+ mpFloatWin = VclPtr<ImplCFieldFloatWin>::Create( this );
+ mpFloatWin->SetPopupModeEndHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplPopupModeEndHdl ) );
+ mpCalendar = VclPtr<Calendar>::Create( mpFloatWin, WB_TABSTOP );
+ mpCalendar->SetPosPixel( Point() );
+ mpCalendar->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplSelectHdl ) );
+ }
+ return mpCalendar;
+void CalendarField::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange )
+ DateField::StateChanged( nStateChange );
+ if ( ( nStateChange == StateChangedType::Style ) && GetSubEdit() )
+ {
+ WinBits nAllAlignmentBits = ( WB_LEFT | WB_CENTER | WB_RIGHT | WB_TOP | WB_VCENTER | WB_BOTTOM );
+ WinBits nMyAlignment = GetStyle() & nAllAlignmentBits;
+ GetSubEdit()->SetStyle( ( GetSubEdit()->GetStyle() & ~nAllAlignmentBits ) | nMyAlignment );
+ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */