path: root/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3gtksalmenu.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3gtksalmenu.cxx b/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3gtksalmenu.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..262187f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3gtksalmenu.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+#include <unx/gtk/gtksalmenu.hxx>
+#include <unx/gtk/gtkdata.hxx>
+#include <unx/gtk/glomenu.h>
+#include <unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h>
+#include <vcl/floatwin.hxx>
+#include <vcl/menu.hxx>
+#include <vcl/pngwrite.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#include <window.h>
+#include <strings.hrc>
+static bool bUnityMode = false;
+ * This function generates a unique command name for each menu item
+ */
+static gchar* GetCommandForItem(GtkSalMenu* pParentMenu, sal_uInt16 nItemId)
+ OString aCommand = "window-" +
+ OString::number(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(pParentMenu)) +
+ "-" + OString::number(nItemId);
+ return g_strdup(aCommand.getStr());
+static gchar* GetCommandForItem(GtkSalMenuItem* pSalMenuItem)
+ return GetCommandForItem(pSalMenuItem->mpParentMenu,
+ pSalMenuItem->mnId);
+bool GtkSalMenu::PrepUpdate()
+ return mpMenuModel && mpActionGroup;
+ * Menu updating methods
+ */
+static void RemoveSpareItemsFromNativeMenu( GLOMenu* pMenu, GList** pOldCommandList, unsigned nSection, unsigned nValidItems )
+ sal_Int32 nSectionItems = g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section( pMenu, nSection );
+ while ( nSectionItems > static_cast<sal_Int32>(nValidItems) )
+ {
+ gchar* aCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section( pMenu, nSection, --nSectionItems );
+ if ( aCommand != nullptr && pOldCommandList != nullptr )
+ *pOldCommandList = g_list_append( *pOldCommandList, g_strdup( aCommand ) );
+ g_free( aCommand );
+ g_lo_menu_remove_from_section( pMenu, nSection, nSectionItems );
+ }
+typedef std::pair<GtkSalMenu*, sal_uInt16> MenuAndId;
+ MenuAndId decode_command(const gchar *action_name)
+ {
+ OString sCommand(action_name);
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
+ OString sWindow = sCommand.getToken(0, '-', nIndex);
+ OString sGtkSalMenu = sCommand.getToken(0, '-', nIndex);
+ OString sItemId = sCommand.getToken(0, '-', nIndex);
+ GtkSalMenu* pSalSubMenu = reinterpret_cast<GtkSalMenu*>(sGtkSalMenu.toInt64());
+ assert(sWindow == "window" && pSalSubMenu);
+ (void) sWindow;
+ return MenuAndId(pSalSubMenu, sItemId.toInt32());
+ }
+static void RemoveDisabledItemsFromNativeMenu(GLOMenu* pMenu, GList** pOldCommandList,
+ sal_Int32 nSection, GActionGroup* pActionGroup)
+ while (nSection >= 0)
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nSectionItems = g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section( pMenu, nSection );
+ while (nSectionItems--)
+ {
+ gchar* pCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section(pMenu, nSection, nSectionItems);
+ // remove disabled entries
+ bool bRemove = !g_action_group_get_action_enabled(pActionGroup, pCommand);
+ if (!bRemove)
+ {
+ //also remove any empty submenus
+ GLOMenu* pSubMenuModel = g_lo_menu_get_submenu_from_item_in_section(pMenu, nSection, nSectionItems);
+ if (pSubMenuModel)
+ {
+ gint nSubMenuSections = g_menu_model_get_n_items(G_MENU_MODEL(pSubMenuModel));
+ if (nSubMenuSections == 0)
+ bRemove = true;
+ else if (nSubMenuSections == 1)
+ {
+ gint nItems = g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section(pSubMenuModel, 0);
+ if (nItems == 0)
+ bRemove = true;
+ else if (nItems == 1)
+ {
+ //If the only entry is the "No Selection Possible" entry, then we are allowed
+ //to removed it
+ gchar* pSubCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section(pSubMenuModel, 0, 0);
+ MenuAndId aMenuAndId(decode_command(pSubCommand));
+ bRemove = aMenuAndId.second == 0xFFFF;
+ g_free(pSubCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bRemove)
+ {
+ //but tdf#86850 Always display clipboard functions
+ bRemove = g_strcmp0(pCommand, ".uno:Cut") &&
+ g_strcmp0(pCommand, ".uno:Copy") &&
+ g_strcmp0(pCommand, ".uno:Paste");
+ }
+ if (bRemove)
+ {
+ if (pCommand != nullptr && pOldCommandList != nullptr)
+ *pOldCommandList = g_list_append(*pOldCommandList, g_strdup(pCommand));
+ g_lo_menu_remove_from_section(pMenu, nSection, nSectionItems);
+ }
+ g_free(pCommand);
+ }
+ --nSection;
+ }
+static void RemoveSpareSectionsFromNativeMenu( GLOMenu* pMenu, GList** pOldCommandList, sal_Int32 nLastSection )
+ if ( pMenu == nullptr || pOldCommandList == nullptr )
+ return;
+ sal_Int32 n = g_menu_model_get_n_items( G_MENU_MODEL( pMenu ) ) - 1;
+ for ( ; n > nLastSection; n--)
+ {
+ RemoveSpareItemsFromNativeMenu( pMenu, pOldCommandList, n, 0 );
+ g_lo_menu_remove( pMenu, n );
+ }
+static gint CompareStr( gpointer str1, gpointer str2 )
+ return g_strcmp0( static_cast<const gchar*>(str1), static_cast<const gchar*>(str2) );
+static void RemoveUnusedCommands( GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup, GList* pOldCommandList, GList* pNewCommandList )
+ if ( pActionGroup == nullptr || pOldCommandList == nullptr )
+ {
+ g_list_free_full( pOldCommandList, g_free );
+ g_list_free_full( pNewCommandList, g_free );
+ return;
+ }
+ while ( pNewCommandList != nullptr )
+ {
+ GList* pNewCommand = g_list_first( pNewCommandList );
+ pNewCommandList = g_list_remove_link( pNewCommandList, pNewCommand );
+ gpointer aCommand = g_list_nth_data( pNewCommand, 0 );
+ GList* pOldCommand = g_list_find_custom( pOldCommandList, aCommand, reinterpret_cast<GCompareFunc>(CompareStr) );
+ if ( pOldCommand != nullptr )
+ {
+ pOldCommandList = g_list_remove_link( pOldCommandList, pOldCommand );
+ g_list_free_full( pOldCommand, g_free );
+ }
+ g_list_free_full( pNewCommand, g_free );
+ }
+ while ( pOldCommandList != nullptr )
+ {
+ GList* pCommand = g_list_first( pOldCommandList );
+ pOldCommandList = g_list_remove_link( pOldCommandList, pCommand );
+ gchar* aCommand = static_cast<gchar*>(g_list_nth_data( pCommand, 0 ));
+ g_lo_action_group_remove( pActionGroup, aCommand );
+ g_list_free_full( pCommand, g_free );
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::ImplUpdate(bool bRecurse, bool bRemoveDisabledEntries)
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.unity", "ImplUpdate pre PrepUpdate");
+ if( !PrepUpdate() )
+ return;
+ if (mbNeedsUpdate)
+ {
+ mbNeedsUpdate = false;
+ if (mbMenuBar && maUpdateMenuBarIdle.IsActive())
+ {
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.Stop();
+ // tdf#124391 Prevent doubled menus in global menu
+ if (!bUnityMode)
+ {
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.Invoke();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Menu* pVCLMenu = mpVCLMenu;
+ GLOMenu* pLOMenu = G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel );
+ GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup = G_LO_ACTION_GROUP( mpActionGroup );
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.unity", "Syncing vcl menu " << pVCLMenu << " to menu model " << pLOMenu << " and action group " << pActionGroup);
+ GList *pOldCommandList = nullptr;
+ GList *pNewCommandList = nullptr;
+ sal_uInt16 nLOMenuSize = g_menu_model_get_n_items( G_MENU_MODEL( pLOMenu ) );
+ if ( nLOMenuSize == 0 )
+ g_lo_menu_new_section( pLOMenu, 0, nullptr );
+ sal_Int32 nSection = 0;
+ sal_Int32 nItemPos = 0;
+ sal_Int32 validItems = 0;
+ sal_Int32 nItem;
+ for ( nItem = 0; nItem < static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetItemCount()); nItem++ ) {
+ if ( !IsItemVisible( nItem ) )
+ continue;
+ GtkSalMenuItem *pSalMenuItem = GetItemAtPos( nItem );
+ sal_uInt16 nId = pSalMenuItem->mnId;
+ // PopupMenu::ImplExecute might add <No Selection Possible> entry to top-level
+ // popup menu, but we have our own implementation below, so skip that one.
+ if ( nId == 0xFFFF )
+ continue;
+ if ( pSalMenuItem->mnType == MenuItemType::SEPARATOR )
+ {
+ // Delete extra items from current section.
+ RemoveSpareItemsFromNativeMenu( pLOMenu, &pOldCommandList, nSection, validItems );
+ nSection++;
+ nItemPos = 0;
+ validItems = 0;
+ if ( nLOMenuSize <= nSection )
+ {
+ g_lo_menu_new_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nullptr );
+ nLOMenuSize++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( nItemPos >= g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section( pLOMenu, nSection ) )
+ g_lo_menu_insert_in_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nItemPos, "EMPTY STRING" );
+ // Get internal menu item values.
+ OUString aText = pVCLMenu->GetItemText( nId );
+ Image aImage = pVCLMenu->GetItemImage( nId );
+ bool bEnabled = pVCLMenu->IsItemEnabled( nId );
+ vcl::KeyCode nAccelKey = pVCLMenu->GetAccelKey( nId );
+ bool bChecked = pVCLMenu->IsItemChecked( nId );
+ MenuItemBits itemBits = pVCLMenu->GetItemBits( nId );
+ // Store current item command in command list.
+ gchar *aCurrentCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( aCurrentCommand != nullptr )
+ pOldCommandList = g_list_append( pOldCommandList, aCurrentCommand );
+ // Get the new command for the item.
+ gchar* aNativeCommand = GetCommandForItem(pSalMenuItem);
+ // Force updating of native menu labels.
+ NativeSetItemText( nSection, nItemPos, aText );
+ NativeSetItemIcon( nSection, nItemPos, aImage );
+ NativeSetAccelerator( nSection, nItemPos, nAccelKey, nAccelKey.GetName( GetFrame()->GetWindow() ) );
+ if ( g_strcmp0( aNativeCommand, "" ) != 0 && pSalMenuItem->mpSubMenu == nullptr )
+ {
+ NativeSetItemCommand( nSection, nItemPos, nId, aNativeCommand, itemBits, bChecked, false );
+ NativeCheckItem( nSection, nItemPos, itemBits, bChecked );
+ NativeSetEnableItem( aNativeCommand, bEnabled );
+ pNewCommandList = g_list_append( pNewCommandList, g_strdup( aNativeCommand ) );
+ }
+ GtkSalMenu* pSubmenu = pSalMenuItem->mpSubMenu;
+ if ( pSubmenu && pSubmenu->GetMenu() )
+ {
+ bool bNonMenuChangedToMenu = NativeSetItemCommand( nSection, nItemPos, nId, aNativeCommand, itemBits, false, true );
+ pNewCommandList = g_list_append( pNewCommandList, g_strdup( aNativeCommand ) );
+ GLOMenu* pSubMenuModel = g_lo_menu_get_submenu_from_item_in_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( pSubMenuModel == nullptr )
+ {
+ g_lo_menu_new_submenu_in_item_in_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nItemPos );
+ pSubMenuModel = g_lo_menu_get_submenu_from_item_in_section( pLOMenu, nSection, nItemPos );
+ }
+ g_object_unref( pSubMenuModel );
+ if (bRecurse || bNonMenuChangedToMenu)
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.unity", "preparing submenu " << pSubMenuModel << " to menu model " << G_MENU_MODEL(pSubMenuModel) << " and action group " << G_ACTION_GROUP(pActionGroup));
+ pSubmenu->SetMenuModel( G_MENU_MODEL( pSubMenuModel ) );
+ pSubmenu->SetActionGroup( G_ACTION_GROUP( pActionGroup ) );
+ pSubmenu->ImplUpdate(true, bRemoveDisabledEntries);
+ }
+ }
+ g_free( aNativeCommand );
+ ++nItemPos;
+ ++validItems;
+ }
+ if (bRemoveDisabledEntries)
+ {
+ // Delete disabled items in last section.
+ RemoveDisabledItemsFromNativeMenu(pLOMenu, &pOldCommandList, nSection, G_ACTION_GROUP(pActionGroup));
+ }
+ // Delete extra items in last section.
+ RemoveSpareItemsFromNativeMenu( pLOMenu, &pOldCommandList, nSection, validItems );
+ // Delete extra sections.
+ RemoveSpareSectionsFromNativeMenu( pLOMenu, &pOldCommandList, nSection );
+ // Delete unused commands.
+ RemoveUnusedCommands( pActionGroup, pOldCommandList, pNewCommandList );
+ // Resolves: tdf#103166 if the menu is empty, add a disabled
+ // <No Selection Possible> placeholder.
+ sal_Int32 nSectionsCount = g_menu_model_get_n_items(G_MENU_MODEL(pLOMenu));
+ gint nItemsCount = 0;
+ for (nSection = 0; nSection < nSectionsCount; ++nSection)
+ {
+ nItemsCount += g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section(pLOMenu, nSection);
+ if (nItemsCount)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!nItemsCount)
+ {
+ gchar* aNativeCommand = GetCommandForItem(this, 0xFFFF);
+ g_lo_menu_insert_in_section(pLOMenu, nSection-1, 0,
+ OUStringToOString(aPlaceholderText, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
+ NativeSetItemCommand(nSection-1, 0, 0xFFFF, aNativeCommand, MenuItemBits::NONE, false, false);
+ NativeSetEnableItem(aNativeCommand, false);
+ g_free(aNativeCommand);
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::Update()
+ //find out if top level is a menubar or not, if not, then it's a popup menu
+ //hierarchy and in those we hide (most) disabled entries
+ const GtkSalMenu* pMenu = this;
+ while (pMenu->mpParentSalMenu)
+ pMenu = pMenu->mpParentSalMenu;
+ bool bAlwaysShowDisabledEntries;
+ if (pMenu->mbMenuBar)
+ bAlwaysShowDisabledEntries = true;
+ else
+ bAlwaysShowDisabledEntries = bool(mpVCLMenu->GetMenuFlags() & MenuFlags::AlwaysShowDisabledEntries);
+ ImplUpdate(false, !bAlwaysShowDisabledEntries);
+static void MenuPositionFunc(GtkMenu* menu, gint* x, gint* y, gboolean* push_in, gpointer user_data)
+ Point *pPos = static_cast<Point*>(user_data);
+ *x = pPos->X();
+ if (gtk_widget_get_default_direction() == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+ {
+ GtkRequisition natural_size;
+ gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(GTK_WIDGET(menu), nullptr, &natural_size);
+ *x -= natural_size.width;
+ }
+ *y = pPos->Y();
+ *push_in = false;
+bool GtkSalMenu::ShowNativePopupMenu(FloatingWindow* pWin, const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
+ FloatWinPopupFlags nFlags)
+ VclPtr<vcl::Window> xParent = pWin->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mpRealParent;
+ mpFrame = static_cast<GtkSalFrame*>(xParent->ImplGetFrame());
+ GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup = g_lo_action_group_new();
+ mpActionGroup = G_ACTION_GROUP(pActionGroup);
+ mpMenuModel = G_MENU_MODEL(g_lo_menu_new());
+ // Generate the main menu structure, populates mpMenuModel
+ UpdateFull();
+ GtkWidget *pWidget = gtk_menu_new_from_model(mpMenuModel);
+ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget(GTK_MENU(pWidget), mpFrame->getMouseEventWidget(), nullptr);
+ gtk_widget_insert_action_group(mpFrame->getMouseEventWidget(), "win", mpActionGroup);
+ //run in a sub main loop because we need to keep vcl PopupMenu alive to use
+ //it during DispatchCommand, returning now to the outer loop causes the
+ //launching PopupMenu to be destroyed, instead run the subloop here
+ //until the gtk menu is destroyed
+ GMainLoop* pLoop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, true);
+ g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(pWidget), "deactivate", G_CALLBACK(g_main_loop_quit), pLoop);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,22,0)
+ if (gtk_check_version(3, 22, 0) == nullptr)
+ {
+ GdkGravity rect_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST, menu_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST;
+ if (nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Left)
+ {
+ rect_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST;
+ menu_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST;
+ }
+ else if (nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Up)
+ {
+ rect_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST;
+ menu_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST;
+ }
+ else if (nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Right)
+ {
+ rect_anchor = GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST;
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle aFloatRect = FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(xParent, rRect);
+ aFloatRect.Move(-mpFrame->maGeometry.nX, -mpFrame->maGeometry.nY);
+ GdkRectangle rect {static_cast<int>(aFloatRect.Left()), static_cast<int>(aFloatRect.Top()),
+ static_cast<int>(aFloatRect.GetWidth()), static_cast<int>(aFloatRect.GetHeight())};
+ GdkWindow* gdkWindow = gtk_widget_get_window(mpFrame->getMouseEventWidget());
+ gtk_menu_popup_at_rect(GTK_MENU(pWidget), gdkWindow, &rect, rect_anchor, menu_anchor, nullptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ guint nButton;
+ guint32 nTime;
+ //typically there is an event, and we can then distinguish if this was
+ //launched from the keyboard (gets auto-mnemoniced) or the mouse (which
+ //doesn't)
+ GdkEvent *pEvent = gtk_get_current_event();
+ if (pEvent)
+ {
+ gdk_event_get_button(pEvent, &nButton);
+ nTime = gdk_event_get_time(pEvent);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nButton = 0;
+ nTime = GtkSalFrame::GetLastInputEventTime();
+ }
+ // do the same strange semantics as vcl popup windows to arrive at a frame geometry
+ // in mirrored UI case; best done by actually executing the same code
+ sal_uInt16 nArrangeIndex;
+ Point aPos = FloatingWindow::ImplCalcPos(pWin, rRect, nFlags, nArrangeIndex);
+ aPos = FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(xParent, aPos);
+ gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(pWidget), nullptr, nullptr, MenuPositionFunc,
+ &aPos, nButton, nTime);
+ }
+ if (g_main_loop_is_running(pLoop))
+ {
+ gdk_threads_leave();
+ g_main_loop_run(pLoop);
+ gdk_threads_enter();
+ }
+ g_main_loop_unref(pLoop);
+ mpVCLMenu->Deactivate();
+ gtk_widget_insert_action_group(mpFrame->getMouseEventWidget(), "win", nullptr);
+ gtk_widget_destroy(pWidget);
+ g_object_unref(mpActionGroup);
+ ClearActionGroupAndMenuModel();
+ mpFrame = nullptr;
+ return true;
+ * GtkSalMenu
+ */
+GtkSalMenu::GtkSalMenu( bool bMenuBar ) :
+ mbInActivateCallback( false ),
+ mbMenuBar( bMenuBar ),
+ mbNeedsUpdate( false ),
+ mbReturnFocusToDocument( false ),
+ mbAddedGrab( false ),
+ mpMenuBarContainerWidget( nullptr ),
+ mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget( nullptr ),
+ mpMenuBarWidget( nullptr ),
+ mpMenuBarContainerProvider( nullptr ),
+ mpMenuBarProvider( nullptr ),
+ mpCloseButton( nullptr ),
+ mpVCLMenu( nullptr ),
+ mpParentSalMenu( nullptr ),
+ mpFrame( nullptr ),
+ mpMenuModel( nullptr ),
+ mpActionGroup( nullptr )
+ //typically this only gets called after the menu has been customized on the
+ //next idle slot, in the normal case of a new menubar SetFrame is called
+ //directly long before this idle would get called.
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.SetPriority(TaskPriority::HIGHEST);
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.SetInvokeHandler(LINK(this, GtkSalMenu, MenuBarHierarchyChangeHandler));
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.SetDebugName("Native Gtk Menu Update Idle");
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(GtkSalMenu, MenuBarHierarchyChangeHandler, Timer *, void)
+ SAL_WARN_IF(!mpFrame, "vcl.gtk", "MenuBar layout changed, but no frame for some reason!");
+ if (!mpFrame)
+ return;
+ SetFrame(mpFrame);
+void GtkSalMenu::SetNeedsUpdate()
+ GtkSalMenu* pMenu = this;
+ // start that the menu and its parents are in need of an update
+ // on the next activation
+ while (pMenu && !pMenu->mbNeedsUpdate)
+ {
+ pMenu->mbNeedsUpdate = true;
+ pMenu = pMenu->mpParentSalMenu;
+ }
+ // only if a menubar is directly updated do we force in a full
+ // structure update
+ if (mbMenuBar && !maUpdateMenuBarIdle.IsActive())
+ maUpdateMenuBarIdle.Start();
+void GtkSalMenu::SetMenuModel(GMenuModel* pMenuModel)
+ if (mpMenuModel)
+ g_object_unref(mpMenuModel);
+ mpMenuModel = pMenuModel;
+ if (mpMenuModel)
+ g_object_ref(mpMenuModel);
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ DestroyMenuBarWidget();
+ if (mpMenuModel)
+ g_object_unref(mpMenuModel);
+ maItems.clear();
+ if (mpFrame)
+ mpFrame->SetMenu(nullptr);
+bool GtkSalMenu::VisibleMenuBar()
+ return mbMenuBar && (bUnityMode || mpMenuBarContainerWidget);
+void GtkSalMenu::InsertItem( SalMenuItem* pSalMenuItem, unsigned nPos )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ GtkSalMenuItem *pItem = static_cast<GtkSalMenuItem*>( pSalMenuItem );
+ if ( nPos == MENU_APPEND )
+ maItems.push_back( pItem );
+ else
+ maItems.insert( maItems.begin() + nPos, pItem );
+ pItem->mpParentMenu = this;
+ SetNeedsUpdate();
+void GtkSalMenu::RemoveItem( unsigned nPos )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ maItems.erase( maItems.begin() + nPos );
+ SetNeedsUpdate();
+void GtkSalMenu::SetSubMenu( SalMenuItem* pSalMenuItem, SalMenu* pSubMenu, unsigned )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ GtkSalMenuItem *pItem = static_cast< GtkSalMenuItem* >( pSalMenuItem );
+ GtkSalMenu *pGtkSubMenu = static_cast< GtkSalMenu* >( pSubMenu );
+ if ( pGtkSubMenu == nullptr )
+ return;
+ pGtkSubMenu->mpParentSalMenu = this;
+ pItem->mpSubMenu = pGtkSubMenu;
+ SetNeedsUpdate();
+static void CloseMenuBar(GtkWidget *, gpointer pMenu)
+ Application::PostUserEvent(static_cast<MenuBar*>(pMenu)->GetCloseButtonClickHdl());
+void GtkSalMenu::ShowCloseButton(bool bShow)
+ assert(mbMenuBar);
+ if (!mpMenuBarContainerWidget)
+ return;
+ if (!bShow)
+ {
+ if (mpCloseButton)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(mpCloseButton);
+ mpCloseButton = nullptr;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ MenuBar *pVclMenuBar = static_cast<MenuBar*>(mpVCLMenu.get());
+ mpCloseButton = gtk_button_new();
+ g_signal_connect(mpCloseButton, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(CloseMenuBar), pVclMenuBar);
+ gtk_button_set_relief(GTK_BUTTON(mpCloseButton), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
+ gtk_button_set_focus_on_click(GTK_BUTTON(mpCloseButton), false);
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus(mpCloseButton, false);
+ GtkStyleContext *pButtonContext = gtk_widget_get_style_context(GTK_WIDGET(mpCloseButton));
+ GtkCssProvider *pProvider = gtk_css_provider_new();
+ static const gchar data[] = "* { "
+ "padding: 0;"
+ "margin-left: 8px;"
+ "margin-right: 8px;"
+ "min-width: 18px;"
+ "min-height: 18px;"
+ "}";
+ const gchar olddata[] = "* { "
+ "padding: 0;"
+ "margin-left: 8px;"
+ "margin-right: 8px;"
+ "}";
+ gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(pProvider, gtk_check_version(3, 20, 0) == nullptr ? data : olddata, -1, nullptr);
+ gtk_style_context_add_provider(pButtonContext,
+ gtk_style_context_add_class(pButtonContext, "flat");
+ gtk_style_context_add_class(pButtonContext, "small-button");
+ GIcon* icon = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks("window-close-symbolic");
+ GtkWidget* image = gtk_image_new_from_gicon(icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
+ gtk_widget_show(image);
+ g_object_unref(icon);
+ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(mpCloseButton,
+ OUStringToOString(sToolTip, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
+ gtk_widget_set_valign(mpCloseButton, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(mpCloseButton), image);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(mpMenuBarContainerWidget), GTK_WIDGET(mpCloseButton), 1, 0, 1, 1);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(mpCloseButton);
+//Typically when the menubar is deactivated we want the focus to return
+//to where it came from. If the menubar was activated because of F6
+//moving focus into the associated VCL menubar then on pressing ESC
+//or any other normal reason for deactivation we want focus to return
+//to the document, definitely not still stuck in the associated
+//VCL menubar. But if F6 is pressed while the menubar is activated
+//we want to pass that F6 back to the VCL menubar which will move
+//focus to the next pane by itself.
+void GtkSalMenu::ReturnFocus()
+ if (mbAddedGrab)
+ {
+ gtk_grab_remove(mpMenuBarWidget);
+ mbAddedGrab = false;
+ }
+ if (!mbReturnFocusToDocument)
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(mpFrame->getEventBox()));
+ else
+ mpFrame->GetWindow()->GrabFocusToDocument();
+ mbReturnFocusToDocument = false;
+gboolean GtkSalMenu::SignalKey(GdkEventKey const * pEvent)
+ if (pEvent->keyval == GDK_KEY_F6)
+ {
+ mbReturnFocusToDocument = false;
+ gtk_menu_shell_cancel(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mpMenuBarWidget));
+ //because we return false here, the keypress will continue
+ //to propagate and in the case that vcl focus is in
+ //the vcl menubar then that will also process F6 and move
+ //to the next pane
+ }
+ return false;
+//The GtkSalMenu is owner by a Vcl Menu/MenuBar. In the menubar
+//case the vcl menubar is present and "visible", but with a 0 height
+//so it not apparent. Normally it acts as though it is not there when
+//a Native menubar is active. If we return true here, then for keyboard
+//activation and traversal with F6 through panes then the vcl menubar
+//acts as though it *is* present and we translate its take focus and F6
+//traversal key events into the gtk menubar equivalents.
+bool GtkSalMenu::CanGetFocus() const
+ return mpMenuBarWidget != nullptr;
+bool GtkSalMenu::TakeFocus()
+ if (!mpMenuBarWidget)
+ return false;
+ //Send a keyboard event to the gtk menubar to let it know it has been
+ //activated via the keyboard. Doesn't do anything except cause the gtk
+ //menubar "keyboard_mode" member to get set to true, so typically mnemonics
+ //are shown which will serve as indication that the menubar has focus
+ //(given that we want to show it with no menus popped down)
+ GdkEvent *event = GtkSalFrame::makeFakeKeyPress(mpMenuBarWidget);
+ gtk_widget_event(mpMenuBarWidget, event);
+ gdk_event_free(event);
+ //this pairing results in a menubar with keyboard focus with no menus
+ //auto-popped down
+ gtk_grab_add(mpMenuBarWidget);
+ mbAddedGrab = true;
+ gtk_menu_shell_select_first(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mpMenuBarWidget), false);
+ gtk_menu_shell_deselect(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mpMenuBarWidget));
+ mbReturnFocusToDocument = true;
+ return true;
+static void MenuBarReturnFocus(GtkMenuShell*, gpointer menu)
+ GtkSalFrame::UpdateLastInputEventTime(gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ GtkSalMenu* pMenu = static_cast<GtkSalMenu*>(menu);
+ pMenu->ReturnFocus();
+static gboolean MenuBarSignalKey(GtkWidget*, GdkEventKey* pEvent, gpointer menu)
+ GtkSalMenu* pMenu = static_cast<GtkSalMenu*>(menu);
+ return pMenu->SignalKey(pEvent);
+void GtkSalMenu::CreateMenuBarWidget()
+ if (mpMenuBarContainerWidget)
+ return;
+ GtkGrid* pGrid = mpFrame->getTopLevelGridWidget();
+ mpMenuBarContainerWidget = gtk_grid_new();
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand(GTK_WIDGET(mpMenuBarContainerWidget), true);
+ gtk_grid_insert_row(pGrid, 0);
+ gtk_grid_attach(pGrid, mpMenuBarContainerWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget = gtk_scrolled_window_new(nullptr, nullptr);
+ // tdf#129634 don't allow this scrolled window as a candidate to tab into
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus(GTK_WIDGET(mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget), false);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget), GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+ // tdf#116290 external policy on scrolledwindow will not show a scrollbar,
+ // but still allow scrolled window to not be sized to the child content.
+ // So the menubar can be shrunk past its nominal smallest width.
+ // Unlike a hack using GtkFixed/GtkLayout the correct placement of the menubar occurs under RTL
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget), GTK_POLICY_EXTERNAL, GTK_POLICY_NEVER);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(mpMenuBarContainerWidget), mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ mpMenuBarWidget = gtk_menu_bar_new_from_model(mpMenuModel);
+ gtk_widget_insert_action_group(mpMenuBarWidget, "win", mpActionGroup);
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand(GTK_WIDGET(mpMenuBarWidget), true);
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand(mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget, true);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(mpMenuAllowShrinkWidget), mpMenuBarWidget);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mpMenuBarWidget), "deactivate", G_CALLBACK(MenuBarReturnFocus), this);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mpMenuBarWidget), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(MenuBarSignalKey), this);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(mpMenuBarContainerWidget);
+ ShowCloseButton( static_cast<MenuBar*>(mpVCLMenu.get())->HasCloseButton() );
+ ApplyPersona();
+void GtkSalMenu::ApplyPersona()
+ if (!mpMenuBarContainerWidget)
+ return;
+ assert(mbMenuBar);
+ // I'm dubious about the persona theming feature, but as it exists, lets try and support
+ // it, apply the image to the mpMenuBarContainerWidget
+ const BitmapEx& rPersonaBitmap = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetPersonaHeader();
+ GtkStyleContext *pMenuBarContainerContext = gtk_widget_get_style_context(GTK_WIDGET(mpMenuBarContainerWidget));
+ if (mpMenuBarContainerProvider)
+ {
+ gtk_style_context_remove_provider(pMenuBarContainerContext, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(mpMenuBarContainerProvider));
+ mpMenuBarContainerProvider = nullptr;
+ }
+ GtkStyleContext *pMenuBarContext = gtk_widget_get_style_context(GTK_WIDGET(mpMenuBarWidget));
+ if (mpMenuBarProvider)
+ {
+ gtk_style_context_remove_provider(pMenuBarContext, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(mpMenuBarProvider));
+ mpMenuBarProvider = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!rPersonaBitmap.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (maPersonaBitmap != rPersonaBitmap)
+ {
+ vcl::PNGWriter aPNGWriter(rPersonaBitmap);
+ mxPersonaImage.reset(new utl::TempFile);
+ mxPersonaImage->EnableKillingFile(true);
+ SvStream* pStream = mxPersonaImage->GetStream(StreamMode::WRITE);
+ aPNGWriter.Write(*pStream);
+ mxPersonaImage->CloseStream();
+ }
+ mpMenuBarContainerProvider = gtk_css_provider_new();
+ OUString aBuffer = "* { background-image: url(\"" + mxPersonaImage->GetURL() + "\"); background-position: top right; }";
+ OString aResult = OUStringToOString(aBuffer, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+ gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(mpMenuBarContainerProvider, aResult.getStr(), aResult.getLength(), nullptr);
+ gtk_style_context_add_provider(pMenuBarContainerContext, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(mpMenuBarContainerProvider),
+ // force the menubar to be transparent when persona is active otherwise for
+ // me the menubar becomes gray when its in the backdrop
+ mpMenuBarProvider = gtk_css_provider_new();
+ static const gchar data[] = "* { "
+ "background-image: none;"
+ "background-color: transparent;"
+ "}";
+ gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(mpMenuBarProvider, data, -1, nullptr);
+ gtk_style_context_add_provider(pMenuBarContext,
+ GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(mpMenuBarProvider),
+ }
+ maPersonaBitmap = rPersonaBitmap;
+void GtkSalMenu::DestroyMenuBarWidget()
+ if (mpMenuBarContainerWidget)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(mpMenuBarContainerWidget);
+ mpMenuBarContainerWidget = nullptr;
+ mpCloseButton = nullptr;
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::SetFrame(const SalFrame* pFrame)
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ assert(mbMenuBar);
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.unity", "GtkSalMenu set to frame");
+ mpFrame = const_cast<GtkSalFrame*>(static_cast<const GtkSalFrame*>(pFrame));
+ // if we had a menu on the GtkSalMenu we have to free it as we generate a
+ // full menu anyway and we might need to reuse an existing model and
+ // actiongroup
+ mpFrame->SetMenu( this );
+ mpFrame->EnsureAppMenuWatch();
+ // Clean menu model and action group if needed.
+ GtkWidget* pWidget = mpFrame->getWindow();
+ GdkWindow* gdkWindow = gtk_widget_get_window( pWidget );
+ GLOMenu* pMenuModel = G_LO_MENU( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( gdkWindow ), "g-lo-menubar" ) );
+ GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup = G_LO_ACTION_GROUP( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( gdkWindow ), "g-lo-action-group" ) );
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.unity", "Found menu model: " << pMenuModel << " and action group: " << pActionGroup);
+ if ( pMenuModel )
+ {
+ if ( g_menu_model_get_n_items( G_MENU_MODEL( pMenuModel ) ) > 0 )
+ g_lo_menu_remove( pMenuModel, 0 );
+ mpMenuModel = G_MENU_MODEL( g_lo_menu_new() );
+ }
+ if ( pActionGroup )
+ {
+ g_lo_action_group_clear( pActionGroup );
+ mpActionGroup = G_ACTION_GROUP( pActionGroup );
+ }
+ // Generate the main menu structure.
+ if ( PrepUpdate() )
+ UpdateFull();
+ g_lo_menu_insert_section( pMenuModel, 0, nullptr, mpMenuModel );
+ if (!bUnityMode && static_cast<MenuBar*>(mpVCLMenu.get())->IsDisplayable())
+ {
+ DestroyMenuBarWidget();
+ CreateMenuBarWidget();
+ }
+const GtkSalFrame* GtkSalMenu::GetFrame() const
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ const GtkSalMenu* pMenu = this;
+ while( pMenu && ! pMenu->mpFrame )
+ pMenu = pMenu->mpParentSalMenu;
+ return pMenu ? pMenu->mpFrame : nullptr;
+void GtkSalMenu::NativeCheckItem( unsigned nSection, unsigned nItemPos, MenuItemBits bits, gboolean bCheck )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if ( mpActionGroup == nullptr )
+ return;
+ gchar* aCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( aCommand != nullptr || g_strcmp0( aCommand, "" ) != 0 )
+ {
+ GVariant *pCheckValue = nullptr;
+ GVariant *pCurrentState = g_action_group_get_action_state( mpActionGroup, aCommand );
+ if ( bits & MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK )
+ pCheckValue = bCheck ? g_variant_new_string( aCommand ) : g_variant_new_string( "" );
+ else
+ {
+ // By default, all checked items are checkmark buttons.
+ if (bCheck || pCurrentState != nullptr)
+ pCheckValue = g_variant_new_boolean( bCheck );
+ }
+ if ( pCheckValue != nullptr )
+ {
+ if ( pCurrentState == nullptr || g_variant_equal( pCurrentState, pCheckValue ) == FALSE )
+ {
+ g_action_group_change_action_state( mpActionGroup, aCommand, pCheckValue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_variant_unref (pCheckValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pCurrentState != nullptr )
+ g_variant_unref( pCurrentState );
+ }
+ if ( aCommand )
+ g_free( aCommand );
+void GtkSalMenu::NativeSetEnableItem( gchar const * aCommand, gboolean bEnable )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup = G_LO_ACTION_GROUP( mpActionGroup );
+ if ( g_action_group_get_action_enabled( G_ACTION_GROUP( pActionGroup ), aCommand ) != bEnable )
+ g_lo_action_group_set_action_enabled( pActionGroup, aCommand, bEnable );
+void GtkSalMenu::NativeSetItemText( unsigned nSection, unsigned nItemPos, const OUString& rText )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ // Escape all underscores so that they don't get interpreted as hotkeys
+ OUString aText = rText.replaceAll( "_", "__" );
+ // Replace the LibreOffice hotkey identifier with an underscore
+ aText = aText.replace( '~', '_' );
+ OString aConvertedText = OUStringToOString( aText, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ // Update item text only when necessary.
+ gchar* aLabel = g_lo_menu_get_label_from_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( aLabel == nullptr || g_strcmp0( aLabel, aConvertedText.getStr() ) != 0 )
+ g_lo_menu_set_label_to_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos, aConvertedText.getStr() );
+ if ( aLabel )
+ g_free( aLabel );
+ void DestroyMemoryStream(gpointer data)
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream* pMemStm = static_cast<SvMemoryStream*>(data);
+ delete pMemStm;
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::NativeSetItemIcon( unsigned nSection, unsigned nItemPos, const Image& rImage )
+ if (!rImage && mbHasNullItemIcon)
+ return;
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if (!!rImage)
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream* pMemStm = new SvMemoryStream;
+ vcl::PNGWriter aWriter(rImage.GetBitmapEx());
+ aWriter.Write(*pMemStm);
+ GBytes *pBytes = g_bytes_new_with_free_func(pMemStm->GetData(),
+ pMemStm->TellEnd(),
+ DestroyMemoryStream,
+ pMemStm);
+ GIcon *pIcon = g_bytes_icon_new(pBytes);
+ g_lo_menu_set_icon_to_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos, pIcon );
+ g_object_unref(pIcon);
+ g_bytes_unref(pBytes);
+ mbHasNullItemIcon = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_lo_menu_set_icon_to_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos, nullptr );
+ mbHasNullItemIcon = true;
+ }
+ (void)nSection;
+ (void)nItemPos;
+ (void)rImage;
+void GtkSalMenu::NativeSetAccelerator( unsigned nSection, unsigned nItemPos, const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode, const OUString& rKeyName )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if ( rKeyName.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ guint nKeyCode;
+ GdkModifierType nModifiers;
+ GtkSalFrame::KeyCodeToGdkKey(rKeyCode, &nKeyCode, &nModifiers);
+ gchar* aAccelerator = gtk_accelerator_name( nKeyCode, nModifiers );
+ gchar* aCurrentAccel = g_lo_menu_get_accelerator_from_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( aCurrentAccel == nullptr && g_strcmp0( aCurrentAccel, aAccelerator ) != 0 )
+ g_lo_menu_set_accelerator_to_item_in_section ( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItemPos, aAccelerator );
+ g_free( aAccelerator );
+ g_free( aCurrentAccel );
+bool GtkSalMenu::NativeSetItemCommand( unsigned nSection,
+ unsigned nItemPos,
+ sal_uInt16 nId,
+ const gchar* aCommand,
+ MenuItemBits nBits,
+ bool bChecked,
+ bool bIsSubmenu )
+ bool bSubMenuAddedOrRemoved = false;
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ GLOActionGroup* pActionGroup = G_LO_ACTION_GROUP( mpActionGroup );
+ GVariant *pTarget = nullptr;
+ if (g_action_group_has_action(mpActionGroup, aCommand))
+ g_lo_action_group_remove(pActionGroup, aCommand);
+ if ( ( nBits & MenuItemBits::CHECKABLE ) || bIsSubmenu )
+ {
+ // Item is a checkmark button.
+ GVariantType* pStateType = g_variant_type_new( reinterpret_cast<gchar const *>(G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN) );
+ GVariant* pState = g_variant_new_boolean( bChecked );
+ g_lo_action_group_insert_stateful( pActionGroup, aCommand, nId, bIsSubmenu, nullptr, pStateType, nullptr, pState );
+ }
+ else if ( nBits & MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK )
+ {
+ // Item is a radio button.
+ GVariantType* pParameterType = g_variant_type_new( reinterpret_cast<gchar const *>(G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING) );
+ GVariantType* pStateType = g_variant_type_new( reinterpret_cast<gchar const *>(G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING) );
+ GVariant* pState = g_variant_new_string( "" );
+ pTarget = g_variant_new_string( aCommand );
+ g_lo_action_group_insert_stateful( pActionGroup, aCommand, nId, FALSE, pParameterType, pStateType, nullptr, pState );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Item is not special, so insert a stateless action.
+ g_lo_action_group_insert( pActionGroup, aCommand, nId, FALSE );
+ }
+ GLOMenu* pMenu = G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel );
+ // Menu item is not updated unless it's necessary.
+ gchar* aCurrentCommand = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section( pMenu, nSection, nItemPos );
+ if ( aCurrentCommand == nullptr || g_strcmp0( aCurrentCommand, aCommand ) != 0 )
+ {
+ bool bOldHasSubmenu = g_lo_menu_get_submenu_from_item_in_section(pMenu, nSection, nItemPos) != nullptr;
+ bSubMenuAddedOrRemoved = bOldHasSubmenu != bIsSubmenu;
+ if (bSubMenuAddedOrRemoved)
+ {
+ //tdf#98636 it's not good enough to unset the "submenu-action" attribute to change something
+ //from a submenu to a non-submenu item, so remove the old one entirely and re-add it to
+ //support achieving that
+ gchar* pLabel = g_lo_menu_get_label_from_item_in_section(pMenu, nSection, nItemPos);
+ g_lo_menu_remove_from_section(pMenu, nSection, nItemPos);
+ g_lo_menu_insert_in_section(pMenu, nSection, nItemPos, pLabel);
+ g_free(pLabel);
+ }
+ g_lo_menu_set_command_to_item_in_section( pMenu, nSection, nItemPos, aCommand );
+ gchar* aItemCommand = g_strconcat("win.", aCommand, nullptr );
+ if ( bIsSubmenu )
+ g_lo_menu_set_submenu_action_to_item_in_section( pMenu, nSection, nItemPos, aItemCommand );
+ else
+ {
+ g_lo_menu_set_action_and_target_value_to_item_in_section( pMenu, nSection, nItemPos, aItemCommand, pTarget );
+ pTarget = nullptr;
+ }
+ g_free( aItemCommand );
+ }
+ if ( aCurrentCommand )
+ g_free( aCurrentCommand );
+ if (pTarget)
+ g_variant_unref(pTarget);
+ return bSubMenuAddedOrRemoved;
+GtkSalMenu* GtkSalMenu::GetTopLevel()
+ GtkSalMenu *pMenu = this;
+ while (pMenu->mpParentSalMenu)
+ pMenu = pMenu->mpParentSalMenu;
+ return pMenu;
+void GtkSalMenu::DispatchCommand(const gchar *pCommand)
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ MenuAndId aMenuAndId = decode_command(pCommand);
+ GtkSalMenu* pSalSubMenu = aMenuAndId.first;
+ GtkSalMenu* pTopLevel = pSalSubMenu->GetTopLevel();
+ if (pTopLevel->mpMenuBarWidget)
+ {
+ // tdf#125803 spacebar will toggle radios and checkbuttons without automatically
+ // closing the menu. To handle this properly I imagine we need to set groups for the
+ // radiobuttons so the others visually untoggle when the active one is toggled and
+ // we would further need to teach vcl that the state can change more than once.
+ //
+ // or we could unconditionally deactivate the menus if regardless of what particular
+ // type of menu item got activated
+ gtk_menu_shell_deactivate(GTK_MENU_SHELL(pTopLevel->mpMenuBarWidget));
+ }
+ pTopLevel->GetMenu()->HandleMenuCommandEvent(pSalSubMenu->GetMenu(), aMenuAndId.second);
+void GtkSalMenu::ActivateAllSubmenus(Menu* pMenuBar)
+ for (GtkSalMenuItem* pSalItem : maItems)
+ {
+ if ( pSalItem->mpSubMenu != nullptr )
+ {
+ // We can re-enter this method via the new event loop that gets created
+ // in GtkClipboardTransferable::getTransferDataFlavorsAsVector, so use the InActivateCallback
+ // flag to detect that and skip some startup work.
+ if (!pSalItem->mpSubMenu->mbInActivateCallback)
+ {
+ pSalItem->mpSubMenu->mbInActivateCallback = true;
+ pMenuBar->HandleMenuActivateEvent(pSalItem->mpSubMenu->GetMenu());
+ pSalItem->mpSubMenu->mbInActivateCallback = false;
+ pSalItem->mpSubMenu->ActivateAllSubmenus(pMenuBar);
+ pSalItem->mpSubMenu->Update();
+ pMenuBar->HandleMenuDeActivateEvent(pSalItem->mpSubMenu->GetMenu());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::ClearActionGroupAndMenuModel()
+ SetMenuModel(nullptr);
+ mpActionGroup = nullptr;
+ for (GtkSalMenuItem* pSalItem : maItems)
+ {
+ if ( pSalItem->mpSubMenu != nullptr )
+ {
+ pSalItem->mpSubMenu->ClearActionGroupAndMenuModel();
+ }
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::Activate(const gchar* pCommand)
+ MenuAndId aMenuAndId = decode_command(pCommand);
+ GtkSalMenu* pSalMenu = aMenuAndId.first;
+ GtkSalMenu* pTopLevel = pSalMenu->GetTopLevel();
+ Menu* pVclMenu = pSalMenu->GetMenu();
+ Menu* pVclSubMenu = pVclMenu->GetPopupMenu(aMenuAndId.second);
+ GtkSalMenu* pSubMenu = pSalMenu->GetItemAtPos(pVclMenu->GetItemPos(aMenuAndId.second))->mpSubMenu;
+ pSubMenu->mbInActivateCallback = true;
+ pTopLevel->GetMenu()->HandleMenuActivateEvent(pVclSubMenu);
+ pSubMenu->mbInActivateCallback = false;
+ pVclSubMenu->UpdateNativeMenu();
+void GtkSalMenu::Deactivate(const gchar* pCommand)
+ MenuAndId aMenuAndId = decode_command(pCommand);
+ GtkSalMenu* pSalMenu = aMenuAndId.first;
+ GtkSalMenu* pTopLevel = pSalMenu->GetTopLevel();
+ Menu* pVclMenu = pSalMenu->GetMenu();
+ Menu* pVclSubMenu = pVclMenu->GetPopupMenu(aMenuAndId.second);
+ pTopLevel->GetMenu()->HandleMenuDeActivateEvent(pVclSubMenu);
+void GtkSalMenu::EnableUnity(bool bEnable)
+ bUnityMode = bEnable;
+ MenuBar* pMenuBar(static_cast<MenuBar*>(mpVCLMenu.get()));
+ bool bDisplayable(pMenuBar->IsDisplayable());
+ if (bEnable)
+ {
+ DestroyMenuBarWidget();
+ UpdateFull();
+ if (!bDisplayable)
+ ShowMenuBar(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Update();
+ ShowMenuBar(bDisplayable);
+ }
+ pMenuBar->LayoutChanged();
+void GtkSalMenu::ShowMenuBar( bool bVisible )
+ // Unity tdf#106271: Can't hide global menu, so empty it instead when user wants to hide menubar,
+ if (bUnityMode)
+ {
+ if (bVisible)
+ Update();
+ else if (mpMenuModel && g_menu_model_get_n_items(G_MENU_MODEL(mpMenuModel)) > 0)
+ g_lo_menu_remove(G_LO_MENU(mpMenuModel), 0);
+ }
+ else if (bVisible)
+ CreateMenuBarWidget();
+ else
+ DestroyMenuBarWidget();
+bool GtkSalMenu::IsItemVisible( unsigned nPos )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ bool bVisible = false;
+ if ( nPos < maItems.size() )
+ bVisible = maItems[ nPos ]->mbVisible;
+ return bVisible;
+void GtkSalMenu::CheckItem( unsigned, bool )
+void GtkSalMenu::EnableItem( unsigned nPos, bool bEnable )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if ( bUnityMode && !mbInActivateCallback && !mbNeedsUpdate && GetTopLevel()->mbMenuBar && ( nPos < maItems.size() ) )
+ {
+ gchar* pCommand = GetCommandForItem( GetItemAtPos( nPos ) );
+ NativeSetEnableItem( pCommand, bEnable );
+ g_free( pCommand );
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::ShowItem( unsigned nPos, bool bShow )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if ( nPos < maItems.size() )
+ {
+ maItems[ nPos ]->mbVisible = bShow;
+ if ( bUnityMode && !mbInActivateCallback && !mbNeedsUpdate && GetTopLevel()->mbMenuBar )
+ Update();
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::SetItemText( unsigned nPos, SalMenuItem* pSalMenuItem, const OUString& rText )
+ SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
+ if ( bUnityMode && !mbInActivateCallback && !mbNeedsUpdate && GetTopLevel()->mbMenuBar && ( nPos < maItems.size() ) )
+ {
+ gchar* pCommand = GetCommandForItem( static_cast< GtkSalMenuItem* >( pSalMenuItem ) );
+ gint nSectionsCount = g_menu_model_get_n_items( mpMenuModel );
+ for ( gint nSection = 0; nSection < nSectionsCount; ++nSection )
+ {
+ gint nItemsCount = g_lo_menu_get_n_items_from_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection );
+ for ( gint nItem = 0; nItem < nItemsCount; ++nItem )
+ {
+ gchar* pCommandFromModel = g_lo_menu_get_command_from_item_in_section( G_LO_MENU( mpMenuModel ), nSection, nItem );
+ if ( !g_strcmp0( pCommandFromModel, pCommand ) )
+ {
+ NativeSetItemText( nSection, nItem, rText );
+ g_free( pCommandFromModel );
+ g_free( pCommand );
+ return;
+ }
+ g_free( pCommandFromModel );
+ }
+ }
+ g_free( pCommand );
+ }
+void GtkSalMenu::SetItemImage( unsigned, SalMenuItem*, const Image& )
+void GtkSalMenu::SetAccelerator( unsigned, SalMenuItem*, const vcl::KeyCode&, const OUString& )
+void GtkSalMenu::GetSystemMenuData( SystemMenuData* )
+int GtkSalMenu::GetMenuBarHeight() const
+ return mpMenuBarWidget ? gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(mpMenuBarWidget) : 0;
+ * GtkSalMenuItem
+ */
+GtkSalMenuItem::GtkSalMenuItem( const SalItemParams* pItemData ) :
+ mpParentMenu( nullptr ),
+ mpSubMenu( nullptr ),
+ mnType( pItemData->eType ),
+ mnId( pItemData->nId ),
+ mbVisible( true )
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */