WORKDAY.INTL /text/scalc/01/func_workday.intl.xhp


Returns the date calculated from a start date with a specific number of work days, before or after the start date. The calculation can include week-ends and holidays as non-working days.
WORKDAY.INTL(StartDate; Days [; Weekend [; Holidays]]) StartDate: is the date from when the calculation is carried out. Days is the number of workdays. Positive value for a result after the start date, negative value for a result before the start date. What date comes 20 workdays after December 13, 2016? Enter the start date in C3 and the number of workdays in D3. The weekend parameter (number) may be left blank or defined as 1 for default weekend (non-working days) – Saturday and Sunday. Cells F3 to J3 contain five (5) holidays for Christmas and New Year in date format: December 24, 2016; December 25, 2016; December 26, 2016; December 31, 2016; and January 1, 2017. =WORKDAY.INTL(C3;D3;;F3:J3) returns January 11, 2017 in the result cell, say D6 (use date format for the cell). To define Friday and Saturday as weekend days, use the weekend parameter 7. =WORKDAY.INTL(C3;D3;7;F3:J3) returns January 15, 2017 with weekend parameter 7. To define Sunday only the weekend day, use the weekend parameter 11. =WORKDAY.INTL(C3;D3;11;F3:J3) returns January 9, 2017. Alternatively, use the weekend string "0000001" for Sunday only weekend. =WORKDAY.INTL(C3;D3;"0000001";F3:J3) returns January 9, 2017. The function can be used without the two optional parameters – Weekday and Holidays – by leaving them out: =WORKDAY.INTL(C3;D3) gives the result: January 10, 2017.