Specification of decks and content panels of the sidebar. Specification of a sidebar deck which is a container of content panels. The deck title is displayed above the content panels. Internally used to identify the deck. Not displayed in the UI. This icon is displayed in the sidebar tab bar. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. This icon is displayed in the sidebar tab bar when high contrast mode is active. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. This icon is displayed in the title bar of the deck. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. This icon is displayed in the title bar of the deck when high contrast mode is active. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. Help about the sidebar deck. List of context descriptors. Each context descriptor is a string that contains four comma separated values (note that values are case sensitive): 1 Application name. Valid values are com.sun.star.text.TextDocument com.sun.star.text.GlobalDocument com.sun.star.text.WebDocument com.sun.star.xforms.XMLFormDocument com.sun.star.sdb.FormDesign com.sun.star.sdb.TextReportDesign com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument com.sun.star.chart2.ChartDocument Recognized shortcuts: Writer Calc Impress Draw Chart Shortcuts for multiple applications: DrawImpress WriterVariants These shortcuts exist for even more convenience and handle the frequent case of Draw and Impress as well as different variants of the Writer where they have otherwise identical context descriptions. Special values: any none 2 Context name Know context names are 3DObject, Annotation, Auditing, Axis, Cell, Chart, Draw, DrawPage, DrawText, EditCell, ErrorBar, Form, Frame, Graphic, HandoutPage, MasterPage, Media, Multiobj, OLE, OutlineText, Pivot, Series, SlidesorterPage, Table, Text, TextObject, Trendline default Special values: any 3 Panel state. One of visible Panel is initially visible and expanded hidden Panel is initially collapsed, ie only its title bar is visible 4 (Optional, only used for panels) UNO command that overrides the DefaultMenuCommand. Use the special value none to override the DefaultMenuCommand to the empty string and thereby disable the showing of a) the menu button in the panel titlebar and b) the showing of a dialog. Index used for ordering decks in the tab bar. Smaller values correspond to positions nearer to the top of the tab bar. 10000 This flag controls whether the deck is experimental and is shown only when experimental mode is enabled. false Specification of a sidebar content panel. The panel title is displayed above the content panel. When true then the title bar can be omitted when the panel is the only panel in a deck. false Internally used to identify the panel. Id of the deck to which the panel belongs. This icon is displayed in the title bar of the panel. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. This icon is displayed in the title bar of the panel when high contrast mode is active. Any URL scheme supported by the com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider service is suitable here. Help about the sidebar content panel. The default UNO command to execute when the user clicks on the menu button in the panel title bar. Can be overridden in the ContextList to provide context dependent menu dialogs. When empty then the menu icon is not shown in the panel title bar. For documentation, please see the Deck/ContextList. URL by which the implementation of the panel is known by its factory. Index used for ordering panels inside a deck. Smaller values correspond to positions nearer to the top of the deck. 10000 This flag controls whether the panel is shown when the document in the edit view is read only. false Experimental: Set to true when panel wants to paint its content via a XCanvas. false This flag controls whether the panel is experimental and is shown only when experimental mode is enabled. false General Sidebar settings. Maximum width the sidebar can have. Note that this can be overridden by extensions returning a larger value in XSidebarPanel::getMinimalWidth() 500 Description of the decks and panels that can be displayed in the content area of the sidebar. Contains all registered sidebar decks. Contains all registered sidebar content panels. Contains IDs of the decks that were active last time the application was closed. Each entry is a string of 2 comma-separated values, application name and DeckID. Valid values for application name are the same as those in ContextList, for example: WriterVariants, StyleListDeck; Impress, PropertyDeck; any,PropertyDeck