/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "system.hxx" #include "readwrite_helper.hxx" #include "file_url.hxx" #include "unixerrnostring.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LINES_INI 32 #define LINES_ADD 10 #define SECTIONS_INI 5 #define SECTIONS_ADD 3 #define ENTRIES_INI 5 #define ENTRIES_ADD 3 #define STR_INI_BOOLYES "yes" #define STR_INI_BOOLON "on" #define STR_INI_BOOLONE "1" #define STR_INI_BOOLNO "no" #define STR_INI_BOOLOFF "off" #define STR_INI_BOOLZERO "0" #define FLG_USER 0x00FF #define FLG_AUTOOPEN 0x0100 #define FLG_MODIFIED 0x0200 #define DEFAULT_PMODE (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH) typedef time_t osl_TStamp; namespace { enum osl_TLockMode { un_lock, read_lock, write_lock }; struct osl_TFile { int m_Handle; char* m_pReadPtr; char m_ReadBuf[512]; char* m_pWriteBuf; sal_uInt32 m_nWriteBufLen; sal_uInt32 m_nWriteBufFree; }; struct osl_TProfileEntry { sal_uInt32 m_Line; sal_uInt32 m_Offset; sal_uInt32 m_Len; }; struct osl_TProfileSection { sal_uInt32 m_Line; sal_uInt32 m_Offset; sal_uInt32 m_Len; sal_uInt32 m_NoEntries; sal_uInt32 m_MaxEntries; osl_TProfileEntry* m_Entries; }; /* Profile-data structure hidden behind oslProfile: */ struct osl_TProfileImpl { sal_uInt32 m_Flags; osl_TFile* m_pFile; osl_TStamp m_Stamp; char m_FileName[PATH_MAX + 1]; sal_uInt32 m_NoLines; sal_uInt32 m_MaxLines; sal_uInt32 m_NoSections; sal_uInt32 m_MaxSections; char** m_Lines; osl_TProfileSection* m_Sections; pthread_mutex_t m_AccessLock; bool m_bIsValid; }; } static osl_TFile* openFileImpl(const char* pszFilename, oslProfileOption ProfileFlags); static osl_TStamp closeFileImpl(osl_TFile* pFile, oslProfileOption Flags); static bool OslProfile_lockFile(const osl_TFile* pFile, osl_TLockMode eMode); static bool OslProfile_rewindFile(osl_TFile* pFile, bool bTruncate); static osl_TStamp OslProfile_getFileStamp(osl_TFile* pFile); static char* OslProfile_getLine(osl_TFile* pFile); static bool OslProfile_putLine(osl_TFile* pFile, const char *pszLine); static char* stripBlanks(char* String, sal_uInt32* pLen); static char* addLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Line); static char* insertLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Line, sal_uInt32 LineNo); static void removeLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, sal_uInt32 LineNo); static void setEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection* pSection, sal_uInt32 NoEntry, sal_uInt32 Line, char* Entry, sal_uInt32 Len); static bool addEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection *pSection, int Line, char* Entry, sal_uInt32 Len); static void removeEntry(osl_TProfileSection *pSection, sal_uInt32 NoEntry); static bool addSection(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, int Line, const char* Section, sal_uInt32 Len); static void removeSection(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection *pSection); static osl_TProfileSection* findEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Section, const char* Entry, sal_uInt32 *pNoEntry); static bool loadProfile(osl_TFile* pFile, osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile); static bool storeProfile(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, bool bCleanup); static osl_TProfileImpl* acquireProfile(oslProfile Profile, bool bWriteable); static bool releaseProfile(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile); static bool writeProfileImpl (osl_TFile* pFile); static osl_TFile* osl_openTmpProfileImpl(osl_TProfileImpl*); static bool osl_ProfileSwapProfileNames(osl_TProfileImpl*); static void osl_ProfileGenerateExtension(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszExtension, char* pszTmpName, int BufferMaxLen); static oslProfile osl_psz_openProfile(const char *pszProfileName, oslProfileOption Flags); oslProfile SAL_CALL osl_openProfile(rtl_uString *ustrProfileName, oslProfileOption Options) { char profilePath[PATH_MAX] = ""; return (ustrProfileName == nullptr || ustrProfileName->buffer[0] == 0 || (FileURLToPath(profilePath, PATH_MAX, ustrProfileName) == osl_File_E_None)) ? osl_psz_openProfile(profilePath, Options) : nullptr; } static oslProfile osl_psz_openProfile(const char *pszProfileName, oslProfileOption Flags) { osl_TFile* pFile; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile; bool bRet = false; if ( ( pFile = openFileImpl(pszProfileName, Flags ) ) == nullptr ) { return nullptr; } pProfile = static_cast(calloc(1, sizeof(osl_TProfileImpl))); if ( pProfile == nullptr ) { closeFileImpl(pFile, Flags); return nullptr; } pProfile->m_Flags = Flags & FLG_USER; if ( Flags & ( osl_Profile_READLOCK | osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_FLUSHWRITE ) ) { pProfile->m_pFile = pFile; } pthread_mutex_init(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock),PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_DEFAULT); pProfile->m_bIsValid = true; pProfile->m_Stamp = OslProfile_getFileStamp(pFile); bRet=loadProfile(pFile, pProfile); bRet &= realpath(pszProfileName, pProfile->m_FileName) != nullptr; SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "realpath(pszProfileName, pProfile->m_FileName) != NULL ==> false"); if (pProfile->m_pFile == nullptr) closeFileImpl(pFile,pProfile->m_Flags); // coverity[leaked_storage] - pFile is not leaked return pProfile; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_closeProfile(oslProfile Profile) { osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = static_cast(Profile); osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile; if ( Profile == nullptr ) { return false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN("sal.osl", "!pProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pProfile->m_bIsValid = false; if ( ! ( pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_READLOCK ) && ( pProfile->m_Flags & FLG_MODIFIED ) ) { pTmpProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, true); if ( pTmpProfile != nullptr ) { bool bRet = storeProfile(pTmpProfile, true); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "storeProfile(pTmpProfile, true) ==> false"); } } else { pTmpProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, false); } if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); SAL_INFO("sal.osl", "Out osl_closeProfile [pProfile==0]"); return false; } pProfile = pTmpProfile; if (pProfile->m_pFile != nullptr) closeFileImpl(pProfile->m_pFile,pProfile->m_Flags); pProfile->m_pFile = nullptr; pProfile->m_FileName[0] = '\0'; /* release whole profile data types memory */ if ( pProfile->m_NoLines > 0) { unsigned int idx=0; if ( pProfile->m_Lines != nullptr ) { for ( idx = 0 ; idx < pProfile->m_NoLines ; ++idx) { if ( pProfile->m_Lines[idx] != nullptr ) { free(pProfile->m_Lines[idx]); pProfile->m_Lines[idx]=nullptr; } } free(pProfile->m_Lines); pProfile->m_Lines=nullptr; } if ( pProfile->m_Sections != nullptr ) { /*osl_TProfileSection* pSections=pProfile->m_Sections;*/ for ( idx = 0 ; idx < pProfile->m_NoSections ; ++idx ) { if ( pProfile->m_Sections[idx].m_Entries != nullptr ) { free(pProfile->m_Sections[idx].m_Entries); pProfile->m_Sections[idx].m_Entries=nullptr; } } free(pProfile->m_Sections); pProfile->m_Sections=nullptr; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); free(pProfile); return true; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_flushProfile(oslProfile Profile) { osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = static_cast(Profile); osl_TFile* pFile; bool bRet = false; if ( pProfile == nullptr ) { return false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN_IF(!pProfile->m_bIsValid, "sal.osl", "!pProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pFile = pProfile->m_pFile; if ( !( pFile != nullptr && pFile->m_Handle >= 0 ) ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } if ( pProfile->m_Flags & FLG_MODIFIED ) { bRet = storeProfile(pProfile, false); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "storeProfile(pProfile, false) ==> false"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pProfile->m_AccessLock)); return bRet; } static bool writeProfileImpl(osl_TFile* pFile) { if ( !( pFile != nullptr && pFile->m_Handle >= 0 ) || ( pFile->m_pWriteBuf == nullptr ) ) { return false; } SAL_WARN_IF( (strlen(pFile->m_pWriteBuf) != pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree), "sal.osl", strlen(pFile->m_pWriteBuf) << " != " << (pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree)); if ( !safeWrite(pFile->m_Handle, pFile->m_pWriteBuf, pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree) ) { SAL_INFO("sal.osl", "write failed: " << UnixErrnoString(errno)); return false; } free(pFile->m_pWriteBuf); pFile->m_pWriteBuf=nullptr; pFile->m_nWriteBufLen=0; pFile->m_nWriteBufFree=0; return true; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_readProfileString(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, char* pszString, sal_uInt32 MaxLen, const char* pszDefault) { sal_uInt32 NoEntry; char* pStr=nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile=nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile=nullptr; bool bRet = false; pTmpProfile = static_cast(Profile); if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { return false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, false); if ( pProfile == nullptr ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec = findEntry(pProfile, pszSection, pszEntry, &NoEntry); if ((pSec != nullptr) && (NoEntry < pSec->m_NoEntries) && ((pStr = strchr(pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Line], '=')) != nullptr)) { pStr++; } else { pStr=const_cast(pszDefault); } if ( pStr != nullptr ) { pStr = stripBlanks(pStr, nullptr); MaxLen = (MaxLen - 1 < strlen(pStr)) ? (MaxLen - 1) : strlen(pStr); pStr = stripBlanks(pStr, &MaxLen); strncpy(pszString, pStr, MaxLen); pszString[MaxLen] = '\0'; } } else { /* not implemented */ } bRet=releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); if ( pStr == nullptr ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return true; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_readProfileBool(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, sal_Bool Default) { char Line[32]; Line[0] = '\0'; if (osl_readProfileString(Profile, pszSection, pszEntry, Line, sizeof(Line), "")) { if ((strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLYES) == 0) || (strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLON) == 0) || (strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLONE) == 0)) Default = true; else if ((strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLNO) == 0) || (strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLOFF) == 0) || (strcasecmp(Line, STR_INI_BOOLZERO) == 0)) Default = false; } return Default; } sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL osl_readProfileIdent(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, sal_uInt32 FirstId, const char* Strings[], sal_uInt32 Default) { sal_uInt32 i; char Line[256]; Line[0] = '\0'; if (osl_readProfileString(Profile, pszSection, pszEntry, Line, sizeof(Line), "")) { i = 0; while (Strings[i] != nullptr) { if (strcasecmp(Line, Strings[i]) == 0) { Default = i + FirstId; break; } i++; } } return Default; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_writeProfileString(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, const char* pszString) { sal_uInt32 i; bool bRet = false; sal_uInt32 NoEntry; char* pStr; char* Line = nullptr; osl_TProfileSection* pSec; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile = static_cast(Profile); if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { return false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN_IF(!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid, "sal.osl", "!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pProfile=acquireProfile(Profile, true); if (pProfile == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } Line = static_cast(malloc(strlen(pszEntry)+strlen(pszString)+48)); if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { if ((pSec = findEntry(pProfile, pszSection, pszEntry, &NoEntry)) == nullptr) { Line[0] = '\0'; addLine(pProfile, Line); Line[0] = '['; strcpy(&Line[1], pszSection); Line[1 + strlen(pszSection)] = ']'; Line[2 + strlen(pszSection)] = '\0'; pStr = addLine(pProfile, Line); if ((pStr == nullptr) || (! addSection(pProfile, pProfile->m_NoLines - 1, &pStr[1], strlen(pszSection)))) { bRet=releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); free(Line); return false; } pSec = &pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1]; NoEntry = pSec->m_NoEntries; } Line[0] = '\0'; strcpy(&Line[0], pszEntry); Line[0 + strlen(pszEntry)] = '='; strcpy(&Line[1 + strlen(pszEntry)], pszString); if (NoEntry >= pSec->m_NoEntries) { if (pSec->m_NoEntries > 0) i = pSec->m_Entries[pSec->m_NoEntries - 1].m_Line + 1; else i = pSec->m_Line + 1; pStr = insertLine(pProfile, Line, i); if ((pStr == nullptr) || (! addEntry(pProfile, pSec, i, pStr, strlen(pszEntry)))) { bRet=releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); free(Line); return false; } pProfile->m_Flags |= FLG_MODIFIED; } else { i = pSec->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Line; free(pProfile->m_Lines[i]); pProfile->m_Lines[i] = strdup(Line); setEntry(pProfile, pSec, NoEntry, i, pProfile->m_Lines[i], strlen(pszEntry)); pProfile->m_Flags |= FLG_MODIFIED; } } else { /* not implemented */ } bRet = releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( Line!= nullptr ) { free(Line); } return bRet; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_writeProfileBool(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, sal_Bool Value) { bool bRet = false; if (Value) bRet=osl_writeProfileString(Profile, pszSection, pszEntry, STR_INI_BOOLONE); else bRet=osl_writeProfileString(Profile, pszSection, pszEntry, STR_INI_BOOLZERO); return bRet; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_writeProfileIdent(oslProfile Profile, const char* pszSection, const char* pszEntry, sal_uInt32 FirstId, const char* Strings[], sal_uInt32 Value) { int i, n = 0; bool bRet = false; while (Strings[n] != nullptr) ++n; if ((i = Value - FirstId) >= n) bRet = false; else bRet = osl_writeProfileString(Profile, pszSection, pszEntry, Strings[i]); return bRet; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_removeProfileEntry(oslProfile Profile, const char *pszSection, const char *pszEntry) { sal_uInt32 NoEntry; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile = nullptr; bool bRet = false; pTmpProfile = static_cast(Profile); if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { return false; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN_IF(!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid, "sal.osl", "!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } pProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, true); if (pProfile == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return false; } if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec = findEntry(pProfile, pszSection, pszEntry, &NoEntry); if ((pSec != nullptr) && (NoEntry < pSec->m_NoEntries)) { removeLine(pProfile, pSec->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Line); removeEntry(pSec, NoEntry); if (pSec->m_NoEntries == 0) { removeLine(pProfile, pSec->m_Line); /* remove any empty separation line */ if ((pSec->m_Line > 0) && (pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Line - 1][0] == '\0')) removeLine(pProfile, pSec->m_Line - 1); removeSection(pProfile, pSec); } pProfile->m_Flags |= FLG_MODIFIED; } } else { /* not implemented */ } bRet = releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return bRet; } sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL osl_getProfileSectionEntries(oslProfile Profile, const char *pszSection, char* pszBuffer, sal_uInt32 MaxLen) { sal_uInt32 i, n = 0; sal_uInt32 NoEntry; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile = nullptr; bool bRet = false; pTmpProfile = static_cast(Profile); if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { return 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN_IF(!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid, "sal.osl", "!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return 0; } pProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, false); if (pProfile == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return 0; } if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec; if ((pSec = findEntry(pProfile, pszSection, "", &NoEntry)) != nullptr) { if (MaxLen != 0) { for (i = 0; i < pSec->m_NoEntries; i++) { if ((n + pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len + 1) < MaxLen) { strncpy(&pszBuffer[n], &pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Line] [pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Offset], pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len); n += pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len; pszBuffer[n++] = '\0'; } else break; } pszBuffer[n++] = '\0'; } else { for (i = 0; i < pSec->m_NoEntries; i++) n += pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len + 1; n += 1; } } else n = 0; } else { /* not implemented */ } bRet=releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return n; } sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL osl_getProfileSections(oslProfile Profile, char* pszBuffer, sal_uInt32 MaxLen) { sal_uInt32 i, n = 0; osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = nullptr; osl_TProfileImpl* pTmpProfile = nullptr; bool bRet = false; pTmpProfile = static_cast(Profile); if ( pTmpProfile == nullptr ) { return 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); if ( !pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid ) { SAL_WARN_IF(!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid, "sal.osl", "!pTmpProfile->m_bIsValid"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return 0; } pProfile = acquireProfile(Profile, false); if (pProfile == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return 0; } if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { if (MaxLen != 0) { for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoSections; i++) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec = &pProfile->m_Sections[i]; if ((n + pSec->m_Len + 1) < MaxLen) { strncpy(&pszBuffer[n], &pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Line][pSec->m_Offset], pSec->m_Len); n += pSec->m_Len; pszBuffer[n++] = '\0'; } else break; } pszBuffer[n++] = '\0'; } else { for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoSections; i++) n += pProfile->m_Sections[i].m_Len + 1; n += 1; } } else { /* not implemented */ } bRet=releaseProfile(pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "releaseProfile(pProfile) ==> false"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTmpProfile->m_AccessLock)); return n; } static osl_TStamp OslProfile_getFileStamp(osl_TFile* pFile) { struct stat status; if ( (pFile->m_Handle < 0) || (fstat(pFile->m_Handle, &status) < 0) ) { return 0; } return status.st_mtime; } static bool OslProfile_lockFile(const osl_TFile* pFile, osl_TLockMode eMode) { struct flock lock; static bool const bLockingDisabled = getenv( "STAR_PROFILE_LOCKING_DISABLED" ) != nullptr; if (pFile->m_Handle < 0) { return false; } if ( bLockingDisabled ) { return true; } lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_len = 0; switch (eMode) { case un_lock: lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; case read_lock: lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case write_lock: lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; } #ifndef MACOSX if ( fcntl(pFile->m_Handle, F_SETLKW, &lock) == -1 ) #else /* Mac OSX will return ENOTSUP for webdav drives so we should ignore it */ if ( fcntl(pFile->m_Handle, F_SETLKW, &lock) == -1 && errno != ENOTSUP ) #endif { SAL_INFO("sal.osl", "fcntl failed: " << UnixErrnoString(errno)); return false; } return true; } static osl_TFile* openFileImpl(const char* pszFilename, oslProfileOption ProfileFlags ) { int Flags; osl_TFile* pFile = static_cast(calloc(1, sizeof(osl_TFile))); bool bWriteable = false; if ( ProfileFlags & ( osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_FLUSHWRITE ) ) { bWriteable = true; } if (! bWriteable) { pFile->m_Handle = open(pszFilename, O_RDONLY); if (pFile->m_Handle == -1) { int e = errno; SAL_INFO("sal.file", "open(" << pszFilename << ",O_RDONLY): " << UnixErrnoString(e)); } else SAL_INFO("sal.file", "open(" << pszFilename << ",O_RDONLY) => " << pFile->m_Handle); /* mfe: argghh!!! do not check if the file could be opened */ /* default mode expects it that way!!! */ } else { if (((pFile->m_Handle = open(pszFilename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, DEFAULT_PMODE)) < 0) && ((pFile->m_Handle = open(pszFilename, O_RDWR)) < 0)) { int e = errno; SAL_INFO("sal.file", "open(" << pszFilename << ",...): " << UnixErrnoString(e)); free(pFile); return nullptr; } else SAL_INFO("sal.file", "open(" << pszFilename << ",...) => " << pFile->m_Handle); } /* set close-on-exec flag */ if ((Flags = fcntl(pFile->m_Handle, F_GETFD, 0)) != -1) { Flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; int e = fcntl(pFile->m_Handle, F_SETFD, Flags); SAL_INFO_IF( e != 0, "sal.osl", "fcntl to set FD_CLOEXEC failed for " << pszFilename); } pFile->m_pWriteBuf=nullptr; pFile->m_nWriteBufFree=0; pFile->m_nWriteBufLen=0; if ( ProfileFlags & (osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_READLOCK ) ) { OslProfile_lockFile(pFile, bWriteable ? write_lock : read_lock); } return pFile; } static osl_TStamp closeFileImpl(osl_TFile* pFile, oslProfileOption Flags) { osl_TStamp stamp = 0; if ( pFile == nullptr ) { return stamp; } if ( pFile->m_Handle >= 0 ) { stamp = OslProfile_getFileStamp(pFile); if ( Flags & (osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_READLOCK ) ) { OslProfile_lockFile(pFile, un_lock); } close(pFile->m_Handle); SAL_INFO("sal.file", "close(" << pFile->m_Handle << ")"); pFile->m_Handle = -1; } if ( pFile->m_pWriteBuf ) { free(pFile->m_pWriteBuf); } free(pFile); return stamp; } static bool OslProfile_rewindFile(osl_TFile* pFile, bool bTruncate) { bool bRet = true; if (pFile->m_Handle >= 0) { pFile->m_pReadPtr = pFile->m_ReadBuf + sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf); bRet = (lseek(pFile->m_Handle, SEEK_SET, 0) == 0); if (bTruncate) { bRet &= (ftruncate(pFile->m_Handle, 0) == 0); } } return bRet; } static char* OslProfile_getLine(osl_TFile* pFile) { int Max, Free, nLineBytes = 0; char* pChr; char* pLine = nullptr; char* pNewLine; if ( pFile == nullptr ) { return nullptr; } if (pFile->m_Handle < 0) return nullptr; do { int Bytes = sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf) - (pFile->m_pReadPtr - pFile->m_ReadBuf); if (Bytes <= 1) { /* refill buffer */ memcpy(pFile->m_ReadBuf, pFile->m_pReadPtr, Bytes); pFile->m_pReadPtr = pFile->m_ReadBuf; Free = sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf) - Bytes; if ((Max = read(pFile->m_Handle, &pFile->m_ReadBuf[Bytes], Free)) < 0) { SAL_INFO("sal.osl", "read failed: " << UnixErrnoString(errno)); if( pLine ) free( pLine ); pLine = nullptr; break; } if (Max < Free) { if ((Max == 0) && ! pLine) break; pFile->m_ReadBuf[Bytes + Max] = '\0'; } } for (pChr = pFile->m_pReadPtr; (*pChr != '\n') && (*pChr != '\r') && (*pChr != '\0') && (pChr < (pFile->m_ReadBuf + sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf) - 1)); pChr++); Max = pChr - pFile->m_pReadPtr; pNewLine = static_cast(malloc( nLineBytes + Max + 1 )); if( pLine ) { memcpy( pNewLine, pLine, nLineBytes ); free( pLine ); } memcpy(pNewLine+nLineBytes, pFile->m_pReadPtr, Max); nLineBytes += Max; pNewLine[ nLineBytes ] = 0; pLine = pNewLine; if (pChr < (pFile->m_ReadBuf + sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf) - 1)) { if (*pChr != '\0') { if ((pChr[0] == '\r') && (pChr[1] == '\n')) pChr += 2; else pChr += 1; } if ((pChr < (pFile->m_ReadBuf + sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf))) && (*pChr == '\0')) pChr = pFile->m_ReadBuf + sizeof(pFile->m_ReadBuf); /* setting Max to -1 indicates terminating read loop */ Max = -1; } pFile->m_pReadPtr = pChr; } while (Max > 0) ; return pLine; } static bool OslProfile_putLine(osl_TFile* pFile, const char *pszLine) { unsigned int Len = strlen(pszLine); if ( pFile == nullptr || pFile->m_Handle < 0 ) { return false; } if ( pFile->m_pWriteBuf == nullptr ) { pFile->m_pWriteBuf = static_cast(malloc(Len+3)); pFile->m_nWriteBufLen = Len+3; pFile->m_nWriteBufFree = Len+3; } else { if ( pFile->m_nWriteBufFree <= Len + 3 ) { char* pTmp; pTmp=static_cast(realloc(pFile->m_pWriteBuf,( ( pFile->m_nWriteBufLen + Len ) * 2) )); if ( pTmp == nullptr ) { return false; } pFile->m_pWriteBuf = pTmp; pFile->m_nWriteBufFree = pFile->m_nWriteBufFree + pFile->m_nWriteBufLen + ( 2 * Len ); pFile->m_nWriteBufLen = ( pFile->m_nWriteBufLen + Len ) * 2; memset( (pFile->m_pWriteBuf) + ( pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree ), 0, pFile->m_nWriteBufFree); } } memcpy(pFile->m_pWriteBuf + ( pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree ),pszLine,Len+1); pFile->m_pWriteBuf[pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree + Len]='\n'; pFile->m_pWriteBuf[pFile->m_nWriteBufLen - pFile->m_nWriteBufFree + Len + 1]='\0'; pFile->m_nWriteBufFree-=Len+1; return true; } static char* stripBlanks(char* String, sal_uInt32* pLen) { if ( ( pLen != nullptr ) && ( *pLen != 0 ) ) { while ((String[*pLen - 1] == ' ') || (String[*pLen - 1] == '\t')) (*pLen)--; while ( (*String == ' ') || (*String == '\t') ) { String++; (*pLen)--; } } else while ( (*String == ' ') || (*String == '\t') ) String++; return String; } static char* addLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Line) { if (pProfile->m_NoLines >= pProfile->m_MaxLines) { if (pProfile->m_Lines == nullptr) { pProfile->m_MaxLines = LINES_INI; pProfile->m_Lines = static_cast(calloc(pProfile->m_MaxLines, sizeof(char *))); } else { unsigned int idx=0; unsigned int oldmax=pProfile->m_MaxLines; pProfile->m_MaxLines += LINES_ADD; pProfile->m_Lines = static_cast(realloc(pProfile->m_Lines, pProfile->m_MaxLines * sizeof(char *))); for ( idx = oldmax ; idx < pProfile->m_MaxLines ; ++idx ) { pProfile->m_Lines[idx]=nullptr; } } } if (pProfile->m_Lines == nullptr) { pProfile->m_NoLines = 0; pProfile->m_MaxLines = 0; return nullptr; } if ( pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines] != nullptr ) { free(pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines]); } pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines++] = strdup(Line); return pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines - 1]; } static char* insertLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Line, sal_uInt32 LineNo) { if (pProfile->m_NoLines >= pProfile->m_MaxLines) { if (pProfile->m_Lines == nullptr) { pProfile->m_MaxLines = LINES_INI; pProfile->m_Lines = static_cast(calloc(pProfile->m_MaxLines, sizeof(char *))); } else { pProfile->m_MaxLines += LINES_ADD; pProfile->m_Lines = static_cast(realloc(pProfile->m_Lines, pProfile->m_MaxLines * sizeof(char *))); memset(&pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines], 0, (pProfile->m_MaxLines - pProfile->m_NoLines - 1) * sizeof(char*)); } if (pProfile->m_Lines == nullptr) { pProfile->m_NoLines = 0; pProfile->m_MaxLines = 0; return nullptr; } } LineNo = std::min(LineNo, pProfile->m_NoLines); if (LineNo < pProfile->m_NoLines) { sal_uInt32 i, n; memmove(&pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo + 1], &pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo], (pProfile->m_NoLines - LineNo) * sizeof(char *)); /* adjust line references */ for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoSections; i++) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec = &pProfile->m_Sections[i]; if (pSec->m_Line >= LineNo) pSec->m_Line++; for (n = 0; n < pSec->m_NoEntries; n++) if (pSec->m_Entries[n].m_Line >= LineNo) pSec->m_Entries[n].m_Line++; } } pProfile->m_NoLines++; pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo] = strdup(Line); return pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo]; } static void removeLine(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, sal_uInt32 LineNo) { if (LineNo >= pProfile->m_NoLines) return; free(pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo]); pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo]=nullptr; if (pProfile->m_NoLines - LineNo > 1) { sal_uInt32 i, n; memmove(&pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo], &pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo + 1], (pProfile->m_NoLines - LineNo - 1) * sizeof(char *)); memset(&pProfile->m_Lines[pProfile->m_NoLines - 1], 0, (pProfile->m_MaxLines - pProfile->m_NoLines) * sizeof(char*)); /* adjust line references */ for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoSections; i++) { osl_TProfileSection* pSec = &pProfile->m_Sections[i]; if (pSec->m_Line > LineNo) pSec->m_Line--; for (n = 0; n < pSec->m_NoEntries; n++) if (pSec->m_Entries[n].m_Line > LineNo) pSec->m_Entries[n].m_Line--; } } else { pProfile->m_Lines[LineNo] = nullptr; } pProfile->m_NoLines--; } static void setEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection* pSection, sal_uInt32 NoEntry, sal_uInt32 Line, char* Entry, sal_uInt32 Len) { Entry = stripBlanks(Entry, &Len); pSection->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Line = Line; pSection->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Offset = Entry - pProfile->m_Lines[Line]; pSection->m_Entries[NoEntry].m_Len = Len; } static bool addEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection *pSection, int Line, char* Entry, sal_uInt32 Len) { if (pSection != nullptr) { if (pSection->m_NoEntries >= pSection->m_MaxEntries) { if (pSection->m_Entries == nullptr) { pSection->m_MaxEntries = ENTRIES_INI; pSection->m_Entries = static_cast(malloc( pSection->m_MaxEntries * sizeof(osl_TProfileEntry))); } else { pSection->m_MaxEntries += ENTRIES_ADD; pSection->m_Entries = static_cast(realloc(pSection->m_Entries, pSection->m_MaxEntries * sizeof(osl_TProfileEntry))); } if (pSection->m_Entries == nullptr) { pSection->m_NoEntries = 0; pSection->m_MaxEntries = 0; return false; } } pSection->m_NoEntries++; Entry = stripBlanks(Entry, &Len); setEntry(pProfile, pSection, pSection->m_NoEntries - 1, Line, Entry, Len); return true; } return false; } static void removeEntry(osl_TProfileSection *pSection, sal_uInt32 NoEntry) { if (NoEntry >= pSection->m_NoEntries) return; if (pSection->m_NoEntries - NoEntry > 1) { memmove(&pSection->m_Entries[NoEntry], &pSection->m_Entries[NoEntry + 1], (pSection->m_NoEntries - NoEntry - 1) * sizeof(osl_TProfileEntry)); pSection->m_Entries[pSection->m_NoEntries - 1].m_Line=0; pSection->m_Entries[pSection->m_NoEntries - 1].m_Offset=0; pSection->m_Entries[pSection->m_NoEntries - 1].m_Len=0; } pSection->m_NoEntries--; } static bool addSection(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, int Line, const char* Section, sal_uInt32 Len) { if (pProfile->m_NoSections >= pProfile->m_MaxSections) { if (pProfile->m_Sections == nullptr) { pProfile->m_MaxSections = SECTIONS_INI; pProfile->m_Sections = static_cast(calloc(pProfile->m_MaxSections, sizeof(osl_TProfileSection))); } else { unsigned int idx=0; unsigned int oldmax=pProfile->m_MaxSections; pProfile->m_MaxSections += SECTIONS_ADD; pProfile->m_Sections = static_cast(realloc(pProfile->m_Sections, pProfile->m_MaxSections * sizeof(osl_TProfileSection))); for ( idx = oldmax ; idx < pProfile->m_MaxSections ; ++idx ) { pProfile->m_Sections[idx].m_Entries=nullptr; } } if (pProfile->m_Sections == nullptr) { pProfile->m_NoSections = 0; pProfile->m_MaxSections = 0; return false; } } pProfile->m_NoSections++; if ( pProfile->m_Sections[(pProfile->m_NoSections) - 1].m_Entries != nullptr ) { free(pProfile->m_Sections[(pProfile->m_NoSections) - 1].m_Entries); } pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_Entries = nullptr; pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_NoEntries = 0; pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_MaxEntries = 0; pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_Line = Line; pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_Offset = Section - pProfile->m_Lines[Line]; pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_Len = Len; return true; } static void removeSection(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, osl_TProfileSection *pSection) { sal_uInt32 Section; if ((Section = pSection - pProfile->m_Sections) >= pProfile->m_NoSections) return; free (pSection->m_Entries); pSection->m_Entries=nullptr; if (pProfile->m_NoSections - Section > 1) { memmove(&pProfile->m_Sections[Section], &pProfile->m_Sections[Section + 1], (pProfile->m_NoSections - Section - 1) * sizeof(osl_TProfileSection)); memset(&pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1], 0, (pProfile->m_MaxSections - pProfile->m_NoSections) * sizeof(osl_TProfileSection)); pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1].m_Entries = nullptr; } else { pSection->m_Entries = nullptr; } pProfile->m_NoSections--; } static osl_TProfileSection* findEntry(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, const char* Section, const char* Entry, sal_uInt32 *pNoEntry) { static sal_uInt32 Sect = 0; sal_uInt32 i, n; sal_uInt32 Len; osl_TProfileSection* pSec=nullptr; Len = strlen(Section); n = Sect; for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoSections; i++) { n %= pProfile->m_NoSections; pSec = &pProfile->m_Sections[n]; if ((Len == pSec->m_Len) && (strncasecmp(Section, &pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Line][pSec->m_Offset], pSec->m_Len) == 0)) break; n++; } Sect = n; if (i < pProfile->m_NoSections) { Len = strlen(Entry); *pNoEntry = pSec->m_NoEntries; for (i = 0; i < pSec->m_NoEntries; i++) { const char* pStr = &pProfile->m_Lines[pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Line] [pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Offset]; if ((Len == pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len) && (strncasecmp(Entry, pStr, pSec->m_Entries[i].m_Len) == 0)) { *pNoEntry = i; break; } } } else pSec = nullptr; return pSec; } static bool loadProfile(osl_TFile* pFile, osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile) { sal_uInt32 i; char* pStr; char* pChar; char* pLine; if ( !pFile ) { return false; } if ( !pProfile ) { return false; } pProfile->m_NoLines = 0; pProfile->m_NoSections = 0; OSL_VERIFY(OslProfile_rewindFile(pFile, false)); while ( ( pLine=OslProfile_getLine(pFile) ) != nullptr ) { char* bWasAdded = addLine( pProfile, pLine ); free( pLine ); SAL_WARN_IF(!bWasAdded, "sal.osl", "addLine( pProfile, pLine ) ==> false"); if ( ! bWasAdded ) return false; } for (i = 0; i < pProfile->m_NoLines; i++) { pStr = stripBlanks(pProfile->m_Lines[i], nullptr); if ((*pStr == '\0') || (*pStr == ';')) continue; if ((*pStr != '[') || ((pChar = strrchr(pStr, ']')) == nullptr) || ((pChar - pStr) <= 2)) { /* insert entry */ if (pProfile->m_NoSections < 1) continue; if ((pChar = strchr(pStr, '=')) == nullptr) pChar = pStr + strlen(pStr); if (! addEntry(pProfile, &pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1], i, pStr, pChar - pStr)) { SAL_WARN("sal.osl", "Adding entry => false"); continue; } } else { /* new section */ if (! addSection(pProfile, i, pStr + 1, pChar - pStr - 1)) { SAL_WARN("sal.osl", "Adding section => false"); continue; } } } return true; } static bool storeProfile(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile, bool bCleanup) { if (pProfile->m_Lines != nullptr) { if (pProfile->m_Flags & FLG_MODIFIED) { sal_uInt32 i; osl_TFile* pTmpFile = osl_openTmpProfileImpl(pProfile); if ( pTmpFile == nullptr ) { return false; } OSL_VERIFY(OslProfile_rewindFile(pTmpFile, true)); for ( i = 0 ; i < pProfile->m_NoLines ; i++ ) { OSL_VERIFY(OslProfile_putLine(pTmpFile, pProfile->m_Lines[i])); } if ( ! writeProfileImpl(pTmpFile) ) { if ( pTmpFile->m_pWriteBuf != nullptr ) { free(pTmpFile->m_pWriteBuf); } pTmpFile->m_pWriteBuf=nullptr; pTmpFile->m_nWriteBufLen=0; pTmpFile->m_nWriteBufFree=0; closeFileImpl(pTmpFile,pProfile->m_Flags); return false; } pProfile->m_Flags &= ~FLG_MODIFIED; closeFileImpl(pProfile->m_pFile,pProfile->m_Flags); closeFileImpl(pTmpFile,pProfile->m_Flags); osl_ProfileSwapProfileNames(pProfile); pProfile->m_pFile = openFileImpl(pProfile->m_FileName,pProfile->m_Flags); } if (bCleanup) { while (pProfile->m_NoLines > 0) removeLine(pProfile, pProfile->m_NoLines - 1); free(pProfile->m_Lines); pProfile->m_Lines = nullptr; pProfile->m_NoLines = 0; pProfile->m_MaxLines = 0; while (pProfile->m_NoSections > 0) removeSection(pProfile, &pProfile->m_Sections[pProfile->m_NoSections - 1]); free(pProfile->m_Sections); pProfile->m_Sections = nullptr; pProfile->m_NoSections = 0; pProfile->m_MaxSections = 0; } } return true; } static osl_TFile* osl_openTmpProfileImpl(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile) { osl_TFile* pFile=nullptr; char const * const pszExtension = "tmp"; char pszTmpName[PATH_MAX]; oslProfileOption PFlags=0; pszTmpName[0] = '\0'; /* generate tmp profilename */ osl_ProfileGenerateExtension(pProfile->m_FileName, pszExtension, pszTmpName, PATH_MAX); if ( pszTmpName[0] == 0 ) { return nullptr; } if ( ! ( pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_READLOCK ) ) { PFlags |= osl_Profile_WRITELOCK; } /* open this file */ pFile = openFileImpl(pszTmpName,pProfile->m_Flags | PFlags); /* return new pFile */ return pFile; } static bool osl_ProfileSwapProfileNames(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile) { char pszBakFile[PATH_MAX]; char pszTmpFile[PATH_MAX]; pszBakFile[0] = '\0'; pszTmpFile[0] = '\0'; osl_ProfileGenerateExtension(pProfile->m_FileName, "bak", pszBakFile, PATH_MAX); osl_ProfileGenerateExtension(pProfile->m_FileName, "tmp", pszTmpFile, PATH_MAX); /* unlink bak */ unlink( pszBakFile ); // Rename ini -> bak, then tmp -> ini: bool result = rename( pProfile->m_FileName, pszBakFile ) == 0; if (!result) { int e = errno; SAL_INFO("sal.file", "rename(" << pProfile->m_FileName << "," << pszBakFile << "): " << UnixErrnoString(e)); } else { SAL_INFO("sal.file", "rename(" << pProfile->m_FileName << "," << pszBakFile << "): OK"); result = rename( pszTmpFile, pProfile->m_FileName ) == 0; if (!result) { int e = errno; SAL_INFO("sal.file", "rename(" << pszTmpFile << "," << pProfile->m_FileName << "): " << UnixErrnoString(e)); } else { SAL_INFO("sal.file", "rename(" << pszTmpFile << "," << pProfile->m_FileName << "): OK"); } } return result; } static void osl_ProfileGenerateExtension(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszExtension, char* pszTmpName, int BufferMaxLen) { char* cursor = pszTmpName; int len; /* concatenate filename + "." + extension, limited to the size of the * output buffer; in case of overrun, data is truncated at the end... * and the result is always 0-terminated. */ len = strlen(pszFileName); if(len < BufferMaxLen) { memcpy(cursor, pszFileName, len); cursor += len; BufferMaxLen -= len; } else { memcpy(cursor, pszFileName, BufferMaxLen - 1); cursor += BufferMaxLen - 1; BufferMaxLen = 1; } if(BufferMaxLen > 1) { *cursor++ = '.'; BufferMaxLen -= 1; } len = strlen(pszExtension); if(len < BufferMaxLen) { memcpy(cursor, pszExtension, len); cursor += len; } else { memcpy(cursor, pszExtension, BufferMaxLen - 1); cursor += BufferMaxLen - 1; } *cursor = 0; } static osl_TProfileImpl* acquireProfile(oslProfile Profile, bool bWriteable) { osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile = static_cast(Profile); oslProfileOption PFlags=0; if ( bWriteable ) { PFlags = osl_Profile_DEFAULT | osl_Profile_WRITELOCK; } else { PFlags = osl_Profile_DEFAULT; } if (pProfile == nullptr) { if ( ( pProfile = static_cast(osl_openProfile(nullptr, PFlags )) ) != nullptr ) { pProfile->m_Flags |= FLG_AUTOOPEN; } } else { if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_SYSTEM)) { if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & (osl_Profile_READLOCK | osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_FLUSHWRITE ))) { osl_TStamp Stamp; if (! (pProfile->m_pFile = openFileImpl(pProfile->m_FileName, pProfile->m_Flags | PFlags ))) return nullptr; Stamp = OslProfile_getFileStamp(pProfile->m_pFile); if (memcmp(&Stamp, &(pProfile->m_Stamp), sizeof(osl_TStamp))) { pProfile->m_Stamp = Stamp; bool bRet = loadProfile(pProfile->m_pFile, pProfile); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "loadProfile(pProfile->m_pFile, pProfile) ==> false"); } } else { /* A readlock file could not be written */ if ((pProfile->m_Flags & osl_Profile_READLOCK) && bWriteable) { return nullptr; } } } } return pProfile; } static bool releaseProfile(osl_TProfileImpl* pProfile) { if ( pProfile == nullptr ) { return false; } if (pProfile->m_Flags & FLG_AUTOOPEN) { return osl_closeProfile(static_cast(pProfile)); } if (! (pProfile->m_Flags & (osl_Profile_READLOCK | osl_Profile_WRITELOCK | osl_Profile_FLUSHWRITE ))) { if (pProfile->m_Flags & FLG_MODIFIED) { bool bRet = storeProfile(pProfile, false); SAL_WARN_IF(!bRet, "sal.osl", "storeProfile(pProfile, false) ==> false"); } closeFileImpl(pProfile->m_pFile,pProfile->m_Flags); pProfile->m_pFile = nullptr; } return true; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */