#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys from debian import deb822 import glob import os import os.path import re import shutil import subprocess import time import warnings from debian_linux.debian import Changelog, VersionLinux class Main(object): def __init__(self, input_files, override_version): self.log = sys.stdout.write self.input_files = input_files changelog = Changelog(version=VersionLinux)[0] source = changelog.source version = changelog.version if override_version: version = VersionLinux('%s-0' % override_version) self.version_dfsg = version.linux_dfsg if self.version_dfsg is None: self.version_dfsg = '0' self.log('Using source name %s, version %s, dfsg %s\n' % (source, version.upstream, self.version_dfsg)) self.orig = '%s-%s' % (source, version.upstream) self.orig_tar = '%s_%s.orig.tar.xz' % (source, version.upstream) self.tag = 'v' + version.linux_upstream_full def __call__(self): import tempfile self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='genorig', dir='debian') old_umask = os.umask(0o022) try: if os.path.isdir(self.input_files[0]): self.upstream_export(self.input_files[0]) else: self.upstream_extract(self.input_files[0]) if len(self.input_files) > 1: self.upstream_patch(self.input_files[1]) # exclude_files() will change dir mtimes. Capture the # original release time so we can apply it to the final # tarball. Note this doesn't work in case we apply an # upstream patch, as that doesn't carry a release time. orig_date = time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime( os.stat(os.path.join(self.dir, self.orig, 'Makefile')) .st_mtime)) self.exclude_files() os.umask(old_umask) self.tar(orig_date) finally: os.umask(old_umask) shutil.rmtree(self.dir) def upstream_export(self, input_repo): self.log("Exporting %s from %s\n" % (self.tag, input_repo)) gpg_wrapper = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "debian/bin/git-tag-gpg-wrapper") verify_proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', '-c', 'gpg.program=%s' % gpg_wrapper, 'tag', '-v', self.tag], cwd=input_repo) if verify_proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError("GPG tag verification failed") archive_proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'archive', '--format=tar', '--prefix=%s/' % self.orig, self.tag], cwd=input_repo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) extract_proc = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-xaf', '-'], cwd=self.dir, stdin=archive_proc.stdout) ret1 = archive_proc.wait() ret2 = extract_proc.wait() if ret1 or ret2: raise RuntimeError("Can't create archive") def upstream_extract(self, input_tar): self.log("Extracting tarball %s\n" % input_tar) match = re.match(r'(^|.*/)(?Plinux-\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S+)?)\.tar' r'(\.(?P(bz2|gz|xz)))?$', input_tar) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Can't identify name of tarball") cmdline = ['tar', '-xaf', input_tar, '-C', self.dir] if subprocess.Popen(cmdline).wait(): raise RuntimeError("Can't extract tarball") os.rename(os.path.join(self.dir, match.group('dir')), os.path.join(self.dir, self.orig)) def upstream_patch(self, input_patch): self.log("Patching source with %s\n" % input_patch) match = re.match(r'(^|.*/)patch-\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S+?)?' r'(\.(?P(bz2|gz|xz)))?$', input_patch) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Can't identify name of patch") cmdline = [] if match.group('extension') == 'bz2': cmdline.append('bzcat') elif match.group('extension') == 'gz': cmdline.append('zcat') elif match.group('extension') == 'xz': cmdline.append('xzcat') else: cmdline.append('cat') cmdline.append(input_patch) cmdline.append('| (cd %s; patch -p1 -f -s -t --no-backup-if-mismatch)' % os.path.join(self.dir, self.orig)) if os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, '/bin/sh', ['sh', '-c', ' '.join(cmdline)]): raise RuntimeError("Can't patch source") def exclude_files(self): self.log("Excluding file patterns specified in debian/copyright\n") with open("debian/copyright") as f: header = deb822.Deb822(f) patterns = header.get("Files-Excluded", '').strip().split() for pattern in patterns: matched = False for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dir, self.orig, pattern)): try: shutil.rmtree(name) except NotADirectoryError: os.unlink(name) matched = True if not matched: warnings.warn("Exclusion pattern '%s' did not match anything" % pattern, RuntimeWarning) def tar(self, orig_date): out = os.path.join("../orig", self.orig_tar) try: os.mkdir("../orig") except OSError: pass try: os.stat(out) raise RuntimeError("Destination already exists") except OSError: pass self.log("Generate tarball %s\n" % out) env = os.environ.copy() env.update({ 'LC_ALL': 'C', }) cmd = [ 'tar', '-C', self.dir, '--sort=name', '--mtime={}'.format(orig_date), '--owner=root', '--group=root', '--use-compress-program=xz -T0', '-cf', out, self.orig, ] try: subprocess.run(cmd, env=env, check=True) os.chmod(out, 0o644) except BaseException: try: os.unlink(out) except OSError: pass raise try: os.symlink(os.path.join('orig', self.orig_tar), os.path.join('..', self.orig_tar)) except OSError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [OPTION]... {TAR [PATCH] | REPO}") parser.add_option("-V", "--override-version", dest="override_version", help="Override version", metavar="VERSION") options, args = parser.parse_args() assert 1 <= len(args) <= 2 Main(args, options.override_version)()