#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Runs a set of tests in a given subdirectory. export skip_rc=4 export timeout_rc=124 export logfile=/dev/stdout export per_test_logging= # Defaults for "settings" file fields: # "timeout" how many seconds to let each test run before failing. export kselftest_default_timeout=45 # There isn't a shell-agnostic way to find the path of a sourced file, # so we must rely on BASE_DIR being set to find other tools. if [ -z "$BASE_DIR" ]; then echo "Error: BASE_DIR must be set before sourcing." >&2 exit 1 fi # If Perl is unavailable, we must fall back to line-at-a-time prefixing # with sed instead of unbuffered output. tap_prefix() { if [ ! -x /usr/bin/perl ]; then sed -e 's/^/# /' else "$BASE_DIR"/kselftest/prefix.pl fi } tap_timeout() { # Make sure tests will time out if utility is available. if [ -x /usr/bin/timeout ] ; then /usr/bin/timeout --foreground "$kselftest_timeout" \ /usr/bin/timeout "$kselftest_timeout" $1 else $1 fi } run_one() { DIR="$1" TEST="$2" NUM="$3" BASENAME_TEST=$(basename $TEST) # Reset any "settings"-file variables. export kselftest_timeout="$kselftest_default_timeout" # Load per-test-directory kselftest "settings" file. settings="$BASE_DIR/$DIR/settings" if [ -r "$settings" ] ; then while read line ; do # Skip comments. if echo "$line" | grep -q '^#'; then continue fi field=$(echo "$line" | cut -d= -f1) value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d= -f2-) eval "kselftest_$field"="$value" done < "$settings" fi TEST_HDR_MSG="selftests: $DIR: $BASENAME_TEST" echo "# $TEST_HDR_MSG" if [ ! -e "$TEST" ]; then echo "# Warning: file $TEST is missing!" echo "not ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG" else cmd="./$BASENAME_TEST" if [ ! -x "$TEST" ]; then echo "# Warning: file $TEST is not executable" if [ $(head -n 1 "$TEST" | cut -c -2) = "#!" ] then interpreter=$(head -n 1 "$TEST" | cut -c 3-) cmd="$interpreter ./$BASENAME_TEST" else echo "not ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG" return fi fi cd `dirname $TEST` > /dev/null ((((( tap_timeout "$cmd" 2>&1; echo $? >&3) | tap_prefix >&4) 3>&1) | (read xs; exit $xs)) 4>>"$logfile" && echo "ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG") || (rc=$?; \ if [ $rc -eq $skip_rc ]; then \ echo "ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG # SKIP" elif [ $rc -eq $timeout_rc ]; then \ echo "#" echo "not ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG # TIMEOUT $kselftest_timeout seconds" else echo "not ok $test_num $TEST_HDR_MSG # exit=$rc" fi) cd - >/dev/null fi } run_many() { echo "TAP version 13" DIR="${PWD#${BASE_DIR}/}" test_num=0 total=$(echo "$@" | wc -w) echo "1..$total" for TEST in "$@"; do BASENAME_TEST=$(basename $TEST) test_num=$(( test_num + 1 )) if [ -n "$per_test_logging" ]; then logfile="/tmp/$BASENAME_TEST" cat /dev/null > "$logfile" fi run_one "$DIR" "$TEST" "$test_num" done }