These library source files have various authors but are all covered by either the GNU General Public License or the GNU Lesser General Public License, and are freely distributable under their terms and conditions. See the files ../docs/COPYING and ../docs/COPYING.LIB for relevant information. appendstr.c author - Markus Armbruster cleanup.* author - Markus Armbruster, Colin Watson debug.c author - Colin Watson encodings.* author - Colin Watson glcontainers.* author - Colin Watson linelength.* author - Martin Schulze, Jon Tombs, Colin Watson orderfiles.* author - Colin Watson pathsearch.* author - Colin Watson sandbox.* author - Colin Watson security.* author - John W. Eaton, Wilf., Colin Watson tempfile.c author - Colin Watson util.c author - John W. Eaton, Wilf., Colin Watson wordfnmatch.* author - Colin Watson xregcomp.* author - Colin Watson