#!/bin/bash # Integration test for nrpe/check_nrpe # Should be run only on machines which do NOT have Nagios installed # and which do not have an enabled firewall. cd sample-config echo >> nrpe.cfg # Hopefully this is a newline! I think nrpe.cfg ends in a newling anyways. echo 'command[check_test]=/tmp/check_yes.sh' >> nrpe.cfg # Make sure the directory exists such that nrpe can create the nrpe.pid file in the default location mkdir /usr/ || true mkdir /usr/local || true mkdir /usr/local/nagios || true mkdir /usr/local/nagios/var || true # Make sure nagios user exists useradd nagios # Make a plugin touch /tmp/check_yes.sh echo 'echo OK' >> /tmp/check_yes.sh # Give nagios control of plugins chown nagios /tmp/check_yes.sh chmod +x /tmp/check_yes.sh # Start running the NRPE daemon to accept commands cd ../src ./nrpe -c ../sample-config/nrpe.cfg -d # Try to check_nrpe with our check_test command/check_yes.sh plugin ./check_nrpe -H -c check_test exit 0