From 2886df93860f983d875b7d6acb418faa31491d5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 13:11:40 +0200 Subject: Adding debian version 2.4.57+dfsg-3+deb11u1. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- debian/schema/pmi.schema | 476 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 476 insertions(+) create mode 100644 debian/schema/pmi.schema (limited to 'debian/schema/pmi.schema') diff --git a/debian/schema/pmi.schema b/debian/schema/pmi.schema new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc3ca0b --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/schema/pmi.schema @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +# OpenLDAP X.509 PMI schema +# $OpenLDAP$ +## This work is part of OpenLDAP Software . +## +## Copyright 1998-2014 The OpenLDAP Foundation. +## All rights reserved. +## +## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +## modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP +## Public License. +## +## A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the +## top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at +## . +# + +# The version of this file as distributed by the OpenLDAP Foundation +# contains text claiming copyright by the Internet Society and including +# the IETF RFC license, which does not meet Debian's Free Software +# Guidelines. However, apart from short and obvious comments, the text of +# this file is purely a functional interface specification, which is not +# subject to that license and is not copyrightable under US law. +# +# The license statement is retained below so as not to remove credit, but +# as best as we can determine, it is not applicable to the contents of +# this file. + +## Portions Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1997-2006). +## All Rights Reserved. +## +## This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to +## others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it +## or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published +## and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any +## kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are +## included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this +## document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing +## the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other +## Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of +## developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for +## copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be +## followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than +## English. +## +## The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be +## revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. +## +## This document and the information contained herein is provided on an +## "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING +## TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING +## BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION +## HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +## MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +# +# +# Includes LDAPv3 schema items from: +# ITU X.509 (08/2005) +# +## X.509 (08/2005) pp. 120-121 +## +## -- object identifier assignments -- +## -- object classes -- +## id-oc-pmiUser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 24} +## id-oc-pmiAA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 25} +## id-oc-pmiSOA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 26} +## id-oc-attCertCRLDistributionPts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 27} +## id-oc-privilegePolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 32} +## id-oc-pmiDelegationPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 33} +## id-oc-protectedPrivilegePolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc 34} +## -- directory attributes -- +## id-at-attributeCertificate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 58} +## id-at-attributeCertificateRevocationList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 59} +## id-at-aACertificate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 61} +## id-at-attributeDescriptorCertificate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 62} +## id-at-attributeAuthorityRevocationList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 63} +## id-at-privPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 71} +## id-at-role OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 72} +## id-at-delegationPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 73} +## id-at-protPrivPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 74} +## id-at-xMLPrivilegeInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 75} +## id-at-xMLPprotPrivPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at 76} +## -- attribute certificate extensions -- +## id-ce-authorityAttributeIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 38} +## id-ce-roleSpecCertIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 39} +## id-ce-basicAttConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 41} +## id-ce-delegatedNameConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 42} +## id-ce-timeSpecification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 43} +## id-ce-attributeDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 48} +## id-ce-userNotice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 49} +## id-ce-sOAIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 50} +## id-ce-acceptableCertPolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 52} +## id-ce-targetInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 55} +## id-ce-noRevAvail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 56} +## id-ce-acceptablePrivilegePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 57} +## id-ce-indirectIssuer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 61} +## id-ce-noAssertion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 62} +## id-ce-issuedOnBehalfOf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 64} +## -- PMI matching rules -- +## id-mr-attributeCertificateMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 42} +## id-mr-attributeCertificateExactMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 45} +## id-mr-holderIssuerMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 46} +## id-mr-authAttIdMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 53} +## id-mr-roleSpecCertIdMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 54} +## id-mr-basicAttConstraintsMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 55} +## id-mr-delegatedNameConstraintsMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 56} +## id-mr-timeSpecMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 57} +## id-mr-attDescriptorMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 58} +## id-mr-acceptableCertPoliciesMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 59} +## id-mr-delegationPathMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 61} +## id-mr-sOAIdentifierMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 66} +## id-mr-indirectIssuerMatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-mr 67} +## +## +## X.509 (08/2005) pp. 71, 86-89 +## +## 14.4.1 Role attribute +## role ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX RoleSyntax +## ID id-at-role } +## RoleSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { +## roleAuthority [0] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, +## roleName [1] GeneralName } +## +## 14.5 XML privilege information attribute +## xmlPrivilegeInfo ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX UTF8String -- contains XML-encoded privilege information +## ID id-at-xMLPrivilegeInfo } +## +## 17.1 PMI directory object classes +## +## 17.1.1 PMI user object class +## pmiUser OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## -- a PMI user (i.e., a "holder") +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN {attributeCertificateAttribute} +## ID id-oc-pmiUser } +## +## 17.1.2 PMI AA object class +## pmiAA OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## -- a PMI AA +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN {aACertificate | +## attributeCertificateRevocationList | +## attributeAuthorityRevocationList} +## ID id-oc-pmiAA } +## +## 17.1.3 PMI SOA object class +## pmiSOA OBJECT-CLASS ::= { -- a PMI Source of Authority +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN {attributeCertificateRevocationList | +## attributeAuthorityRevocationList | +## attributeDescriptorCertificate} +## ID id-oc-pmiSOA } +## +## 17.1.4 Attribute certificate CRL distribution point object class +## attCertCRLDistributionPt OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN { attributeCertificateRevocationList | +## attributeAuthorityRevocationList } +## ID id-oc-attCertCRLDistributionPts } +## +## 17.1.5 PMI delegation path +## pmiDelegationPath OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN { delegationPath } +## ID id-oc-pmiDelegationPath } +## +## 17.1.6 Privilege policy object class +## privilegePolicy OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN {privPolicy } +## ID id-oc-privilegePolicy } +## +## 17.1.7 Protected privilege policy object class +## protectedPrivilegePolicy OBJECT-CLASS ::= { +## SUBCLASS OF {top} +## KIND auxiliary +## MAY CONTAIN {protPrivPolicy } +## ID id-oc-protectedPrivilegePolicy } +## +## 17.2 PMI Directory attributes +## +## 17.2.1 Attribute certificate attribute +## attributeCertificateAttribute ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX AttributeCertificate +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE attributeCertificateExactMatch +## ID id-at-attributeCertificate } +## +## 17.2.2 AA certificate attribute +## aACertificate ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX AttributeCertificate +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE attributeCertificateExactMatch +## ID id-at-aACertificate } +## +## 17.2.3 Attribute descriptor certificate attribute +## attributeDescriptorCertificate ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX AttributeCertificate +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE attributeCertificateExactMatch +## ID id-at-attributeDescriptorCertificate } +## +## 17.2.4 Attribute certificate revocation list attribute +## attributeCertificateRevocationList ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX CertificateList +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE certificateListExactMatch +## ID id-at-attributeCertificateRevocationList} +## +## 17.2.5 AA certificate revocation list attribute +## attributeAuthorityRevocationList ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX CertificateList +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE certificateListExactMatch +## ID id-at-attributeAuthorityRevocationList } +## +## 17.2.6 Delegation path attribute +## delegationPath ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX AttCertPath +## ID id-at-delegationPath } +## AttCertPath ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeCertificate +## +## 17.2.7 Privilege policy attribute +## privPolicy ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX PolicySyntax +## ID id-at-privPolicy } +## +## 17.2.8 Protected privilege policy attribute +## protPrivPolicy ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX AttributeCertificate +## EQUALITY MATCHING RULE attributeCertificateExactMatch +## ID id-at-protPrivPolicy } +## +## 17.2.9 XML Protected privilege policy attribute +## xmlPrivPolicy ATTRIBUTE ::= { +## WITH SYNTAX UTF8String -- contains XML-encoded privilege policy information +## ID id-at-xMLPprotPrivPolicy } +## + +## -- object identifier assignments -- +## -- object classes -- +objectidentifier id-oc-pmiUser +objectidentifier id-oc-pmiAA +objectidentifier id-oc-pmiSOA +objectidentifier id-oc-attCertCRLDistributionPts +objectidentifier id-oc-privilegePolicy +objectidentifier id-oc-pmiDelegationPath +objectidentifier id-oc-protectedPrivilegePolicy +## -- directory attributes -- +objectidentifier id-at-attributeCertificate +objectidentifier id-at-attributeCertificateRevocationList +objectidentifier id-at-aACertificate +objectidentifier id-at-attributeDescriptorCertificate +objectidentifier id-at-attributeAuthorityRevocationList +objectidentifier id-at-privPolicy +objectidentifier id-at-role +objectidentifier id-at-delegationPath +objectidentifier id-at-protPrivPolicy +objectidentifier id-at-xMLPrivilegeInfo +objectidentifier id-at-xMLPprotPrivPolicy +## -- attribute certificate extensions -- +## id-ce-authorityAttributeIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 38} +## id-ce-roleSpecCertIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 39} +## id-ce-basicAttConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 41} +## id-ce-delegatedNameConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 42} +## id-ce-timeSpecification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 43} +## id-ce-attributeDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 48} +## id-ce-userNotice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 49} +## id-ce-sOAIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 50} +## id-ce-acceptableCertPolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 52} +## id-ce-targetInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 55} +## id-ce-noRevAvail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 56} +## id-ce-acceptablePrivilegePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 57} +## id-ce-indirectIssuer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 61} +## id-ce-noAssertion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 62} +## id-ce-issuedOnBehalfOf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-ce 64} +## -- PMI matching rules -- +objectidentifier id-mr 2.5.13 +objectidentifier id-mr-attributeCertificateMatch id-mr:42 +objectidentifier id-mr-attributeCertificateExactMatch id-mr:45 +objectidentifier id-mr-holderIssuerMatch id-mr:46 +objectidentifier id-mr-authAttIdMatch id-mr:53 +objectidentifier id-mr-roleSpecCertIdMatch id-mr:54 +objectidentifier id-mr-basicAttConstraintsMatch id-mr:55 +objectidentifier id-mr-delegatedNameConstraintsMatch id-mr:56 +objectidentifier id-mr-timeSpecMatch id-mr:57 +objectidentifier id-mr-attDescriptorMatch id-mr:58 +objectidentifier id-mr-acceptableCertPoliciesMatch id-mr:59 +objectidentifier id-mr-delegationPathMatch id-mr:61 +objectidentifier id-mr-sOAIdentifierMatch id-mr:66 +objectidentifier id-mr-indirectIssuerMatch id-mr:67 +## -- syntaxes -- +## NOTE: is the oid arc assigned by OpenLDAP +## to this work in progress +objectidentifier AttributeCertificate +objectidentifier CertificateList +objectidentifier AttCertPath +objectidentifier PolicySyntax +objectidentifier RoleSyntax +# NOTE: OIDs from (expired) +#objectidentifier AttributeCertificate 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.7.5 +#objectidentifier AttCertPath 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.7.10 +#objectidentifier PolicySyntax 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.7.17 +#objectidentifier RoleSyntax 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.7.13 +## +## Substitute syntaxes +## +## AttCertPath +ldapsyntax ( + NAME 'AttCertPath' + DESC 'X.509 PMI attribute cartificate path: SEQUENCE OF AttributeCertificate' + X-SUBST '' ) +## +## PolicySyntax +ldapsyntax ( + NAME 'PolicySyntax' + DESC 'X.509 PMI policy syntax' + X-SUBST '' ) +## +## RoleSyntax +ldapsyntax ( + NAME 'RoleSyntax' + DESC 'X.509 PMI role syntax' + X-SUBST '' ) +## +## X.509 (08/2005) pp. 71, 86-89 +## +## 14.4.1 Role attribute +attributeType ( id-at-role + NAME 'role' + DESC 'X.509 Role attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX RoleSyntax ) +## +## 14.5 XML privilege information attribute +## -- contains XML-encoded privilege information +attributeType ( id-at-xMLPrivilegeInfo + NAME 'xmlPrivilegeInfo' + DESC 'X.509 XML privilege information attribute' + SYNTAX ) +## +## 17.2 PMI Directory attributes +## +## 17.2.1 Attribute certificate attribute +attributeType ( id-at-attributeCertificate + NAME 'attributeCertificateAttribute' + DESC 'X.509 Attribute certificate attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX AttributeCertificate + EQUALITY attributeCertificateExactMatch ) +## +## 17.2.2 AA certificate attribute +attributeType ( id-at-aACertificate + NAME 'aACertificate' + DESC 'X.509 AA certificate attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX AttributeCertificate + EQUALITY attributeCertificateExactMatch ) +## +## 17.2.3 Attribute descriptor certificate attribute +attributeType ( id-at-attributeDescriptorCertificate + NAME 'attributeDescriptorCertificate' + DESC 'X.509 Attribute descriptor certificate attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX AttributeCertificate + EQUALITY attributeCertificateExactMatch ) +## +## 17.2.4 Attribute certificate revocation list attribute +attributeType ( id-at-attributeCertificateRevocationList + NAME 'attributeCertificateRevocationList' + DESC 'X.509 Attribute certificate revocation list attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX CertificateList + X-EQUALITY 'certificateListExactMatch, not implemented yet' ) +## +## 17.2.5 AA certificate revocation list attribute +attributeType ( id-at-attributeAuthorityRevocationList + NAME 'attributeAuthorityRevocationList' + DESC 'X.509 AA certificate revocation list attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX CertificateList + X-EQUALITY 'certificateListExactMatch, not implemented yet' ) +## +## 17.2.6 Delegation path attribute +attributeType ( id-at-delegationPath + NAME 'delegationPath' + DESC 'X.509 Delegation path attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX AttCertPath ) +## AttCertPath ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeCertificate +## +## 17.2.7 Privilege policy attribute +attributeType ( id-at-privPolicy + NAME 'privPolicy' + DESC 'X.509 Privilege policy attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX PolicySyntax ) +## +## 17.2.8 Protected privilege policy attribute +attributeType ( id-at-protPrivPolicy + NAME 'protPrivPolicy' + DESC 'X.509 Protected privilege policy attribute, use ;binary' + SYNTAX AttributeCertificate + EQUALITY attributeCertificateExactMatch ) +## +## 17.2.9 XML Protected privilege policy attribute +## -- contains XML-encoded privilege policy information +attributeType ( id-at-xMLPprotPrivPolicy + NAME 'xmlPrivPolicy' + DESC 'X.509 XML Protected privilege policy attribute' + SYNTAX ) +## +## 17.1 PMI directory object classes +## +## 17.1.1 PMI user object class +## -- a PMI user (i.e., a "holder") +objectClass ( id-oc-pmiUser + NAME 'pmiUser' + DESC 'X.509 PMI user object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( attributeCertificateAttribute ) ) +## +## 17.1.2 PMI AA object class +## -- a PMI AA +objectClass ( id-oc-pmiAA + NAME 'pmiAA' + DESC 'X.509 PMI AA object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( aACertificate $ + attributeCertificateRevocationList $ + attributeAuthorityRevocationList + ) ) +## +## 17.1.3 PMI SOA object class +## -- a PMI Source of Authority +objectClass ( id-oc-pmiSOA + NAME 'pmiSOA' + DESC 'X.509 PMI SOA object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( attributeCertificateRevocationList $ + attributeAuthorityRevocationList $ + attributeDescriptorCertificate + ) ) +## +## 17.1.4 Attribute certificate CRL distribution point object class +objectClass ( id-oc-attCertCRLDistributionPts + NAME 'attCertCRLDistributionPt' + DESC 'X.509 Attribute certificate CRL distribution point object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( attributeCertificateRevocationList $ + attributeAuthorityRevocationList + ) ) +## +## 17.1.5 PMI delegation path +objectClass ( id-oc-pmiDelegationPath + NAME 'pmiDelegationPath' + DESC 'X.509 PMI delegation path' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( delegationPath ) ) +## +## 17.1.6 Privilege policy object class +objectClass ( id-oc-privilegePolicy + NAME 'privilegePolicy' + DESC 'X.509 Privilege policy object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( privPolicy ) ) +## +## 17.1.7 Protected privilege policy object class +objectClass ( id-oc-protectedPrivilegePolicy + NAME 'protectedPrivilegePolicy' + DESC 'X.509 Protected privilege policy object class' + SUP top + AUXILIARY + MAY ( protPrivPolicy ) ) + -- cgit v1.2.3