// $OpenLDAP$ /* * Copyright 2000-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ #include "debug.h" #include "LDAPAttributeList.h" #include "LDAPException.h" #include "LDAPAttribute.h" #include "LDAPAsynConnection.h" #include "LDAPMessage.h" #include using namespace std; // little helper function for doing case insensitve string comparison bool nocase_compare(char c1, char c2); LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributeList(){ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_CONSTRUCT, "LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributList( )" << endl); } LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributeList(const LDAPAttributeList& al){ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_CONSTRUCT, "LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributList(&)" << endl); m_attrs=al.m_attrs; } LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributeList(const LDAPAsynConnection *ld, LDAPMessage *msg){ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_CONSTRUCT, "LDAPAttributeList::LDAPAttributList()" << endl); BerElement *ptr=0; char *name=ldap_first_attribute(ld->getSessionHandle(), msg, &ptr); /* This code was making problems if no attribute were returned How am I supposed to find decoding errors? ldap_first/next_attribute return 0 in case of error or if there are no more attributes. In either case they set the LDAP* error code to 0x54 (Decoding error) ??? Strange.. There will be some changes in the new version of the C-API so that this code should work in the future. if(name == 0){ ber_free(ptr,0); ldap_memfree(name); throw LDAPException(ld); }else{ */ BerValue **values; for (;name !=0; name=ldap_next_attribute(ld->getSessionHandle(),msg,ptr) ){ values=ldap_get_values_len(ld->getSessionHandle(), msg, name); this->addAttribute(LDAPAttribute(name, values)); ldap_memfree(name); ldap_value_free_len(values); } ber_free(ptr,0); // } } LDAPAttributeList::~LDAPAttributeList(){ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_DESTROY,"LDAPAttributeList::~LDAPAttributList()" << endl); } size_t LDAPAttributeList::size() const{ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::size()" << endl); return m_attrs.size(); } bool LDAPAttributeList::empty() const{ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::empty()" << endl); return m_attrs.empty(); } LDAPAttributeList::const_iterator LDAPAttributeList::begin() const{ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::begin()" << endl); return m_attrs.begin(); } LDAPAttributeList::const_iterator LDAPAttributeList::end() const{ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::end()" << endl); return m_attrs.end(); } const LDAPAttribute* LDAPAttributeList::getAttributeByName( const string& name) const { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::getAttributeByName()" << endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE | LDAP_DEBUG_PARAMETER, " name:" << name << endl); LDAPAttributeList::const_iterator i; for( i = m_attrs.begin(); i != m_attrs.end(); i++){ const std::string& tmpType = i->getName(); if(name.size() == tmpType.size()){ if(equal(name.begin(), name.end(), tmpType.begin(), nocase_compare)){ return &(*i); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE," found:" << name << endl); } } } return 0; } void LDAPAttributeList::addAttribute(const LDAPAttribute& attr){ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::addAttribute()" << endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE | LDAP_DEBUG_PARAMETER, " attr:" << attr << endl); const std::string attrType = attr.getName(); const std::string::size_type attrLen = attrType.size(); std::string::size_type tmpAttrLen = 0; bool done=false; LDAPAttributeList::iterator i; for( i=m_attrs.begin(); i != m_attrs.end(); i++ ){ const std::string tmpAttrType = i->getName(); tmpAttrLen = tmpAttrType.size(); if(tmpAttrLen == attrLen){ if(equal(tmpAttrType.begin(), tmpAttrType.end(), attrType.begin(), nocase_compare)){ const StringList& values = attr.getValues(); StringList::const_iterator j; for(j = values.begin(); j != values.end(); j++){ i->addValue(*j); } DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"Attribute" << i->getName() << "already present" << endl); done=true; break; // The AttributeType was already present, // we are done here } } } if(! done){ m_attrs.push_back(attr); } } void LDAPAttributeList::delAttribute(const std::string& type) { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::replaceAttribute()" << endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE | LDAP_DEBUG_PARAMETER, " type: " << type << endl); LDAPAttributeList::iterator i; for( i = m_attrs.begin(); i != m_attrs.end(); i++){ if(type.size() == i->getName().size()){ if(equal(type.begin(), type.end(), i->getName().begin(), nocase_compare)){ m_attrs.erase(i); break; } } } } void LDAPAttributeList::replaceAttribute(const LDAPAttribute& attr) { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::replaceAttribute()" << endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE | LDAP_DEBUG_PARAMETER, " attr:" << attr << endl); LDAPAttributeList::iterator i; this->delAttribute( attr.getName() ); m_attrs.push_back(attr); } LDAPMod** LDAPAttributeList::toLDAPModArray() const{ DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"LDAPAttribute::toLDAPModArray()" << endl); LDAPMod **ret = (LDAPMod**) malloc((m_attrs.size()+1) * sizeof(LDAPMod*)); LDAPAttributeList::const_iterator i; int j=0; for (i=m_attrs.begin(); i!= m_attrs.end(); i++, j++){ ret[j]=i->toLDAPMod(); } ret[m_attrs.size()]=0; return ret; } ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const LDAPAttributeList& al){ LDAPAttributeList::const_iterator i; for(i=al.m_attrs.begin(); i!=al.m_attrs.end(); i++){ s << *i << "; "; } return s; } bool nocase_compare( char c1, char c2){ return toupper(c1) == toupper(c2); }