This directory contains a slapd overlay, smbk5pwd, that extends the PasswordModify Extended Operation to update Kerberos keys and Samba password hashes for an LDAP user. The Kerberos support is written for Heimdal using its hdb-ldap backend. If a PasswordModify is performed on an entry that has the krb5KDCEntry objectclass, then the krb5Key and krb5KeyVersionNumber will be updated using the new password in the PasswordModify request. Additionally, a new "{K5KEY}" password hash mechanism is provided. For krb5KDCEntries that have this hash specifier in their userPassword attribute, Simple Binds will be checked against the Kerberos keys of the Entry. No data is needed after the "{K5KEY}" hash specifier in the userPassword, it is looked up from the Entry directly. The Samba support is written using the Samba 3.0 LDAP schema. If a PasswordModify is performed on an entry that has the sambaSamAccount objectclass, then the sambaLMPassword, sambaNTPassword, and sambaPwdLastSet attributes will be updated accordingly. To use the overlay, add: include /krb5-kdc.schema include /samba.schema moduleload ... database bdb ... overlay smbk5pwd to your slapd configuration file. (You should obtain the necessary schema files from the Heimdal and/or Samba distributions. At this time, there are several known errors in these schema files that you will have to correct before they will load in slapd. As of Samba 3.0 the schema looks fine as shipped.) All modules compiled in (i.e. krb5 and samba) are enabled; the statement smbk5pwd-enable can be used to enable only the desired one(s); legal values for are "krb5", "samba" and "shadow", if they are respectively enabled by defining DO_KRB5, DO_SAMBA and DO_SHADOW. The samba module also supports the smbk5pwd-must-change which sets the "sambaPwdMustChange" attribute accordingly to force passwd expiry. A value of 0 disables this feature. The overlay now supports table-driven configuration, and thus can be run-time loaded and configured via back-config. The layout of the entry is # {0}smbk5pwd, {1}bdb, config dn: olcOverlay={0}smbk5pwd,olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config objectClass: olcOverlayConfig objectClass: olcSmbK5PwdConfig olcOverlay: {0}smbk5pwd olcSmbK5PwdEnable: krb5 olcSmbK5PwdEnable: samba olcSmbK5PwdMustChange: 2592000 which enables both krb5 and samba modules with a password expiry time of 30 days. The provided Makefile builds both Kerberos and Samba support by default. You must edit the Makefile to insure that the correct include and library paths are used. You can change the DEFS macro if you only want one or the other of Kerberos or Samba support. This overlay is only set up to be built as a dynamically loaded module. On most platforms, in order for the module to be usable, all of the library dependencies must also be available as shared libraries. If you need to build the overlay statically, you will have to move it into the slapd/overlays directory and edit the Makefile and overlays.c to reference it. You will also have to define SLAPD_OVER_SMBK5PWD to SLAPD_MOD_STATIC, and add the relevant libraries to the main slapd link command. --- This work is part of OpenLDAP Software . Copyright 2004-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. Portions Copyright 2004-2005 Howard Chu, Symas Corp. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License. A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at .