path: root/README_FILES
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 12:06:34 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 12:06:34 +0000
commit5e61585d76ae77fd5e9e96ebabb57afa4d74880d (patch)
tree2b467823aaeebc7ef8bc9e3cabe8074eaef1666d /README_FILES
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 3.5.24.upstream/3.5.24upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
61 files changed, 23510 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9afa3b7
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+ PPoossttffiixx DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn
+GGeenneerraall ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+ * BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README: Basic configuration
+ * SOHO_README: Small/home office hints and tips
+ * STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README: Standard configuration examples
+ * ADDRESS_REWRITING_README: Address rewriting
+ * VIRTUAL_README: Virtual domain hosting
+ * SASL_README: SASL Authentication
+ * TLS_README: TLS Encryption and authentication
+ * IPV6_README: IP Version 6 Support
+ * MAILLOG_README: Postfix logging to file or stdout
+ * COMPATIBILITY_README: Backwards-Compatibility Safety Net
+ * INSTALL: Installation from source code
+PPrroobblleemm ssoollvviinngg
+ * QSHAPE_README: Bottleneck analysis
+ * STRESS_README: Stress-dependent configuration
+ * TUNING_README: Performance tuning
+ * DEBUG_README: Debugging strategies
+CCoonntteenntt iinnssppeeccttiioonn
+ * CONTENT_INSPECTION_README: Content inspection overview
+ * BACKSCATTER_README: Stopping backscatter mail
+ * BUILTIN_FILTER_README: Built-in content inspection
+ * FILTER_README: After-queue content filter
+ * SMTPD_PROXY_README: Before-queue content filter
+ * MILTER_README: Before-queue Milter applications
+SSMMTTPP RReellaayy aanndd aacccceessss ccoonnttrrooll
+ * SMTPD_ACCESS_README: Relay/access control overview
+ * SMTPD_POLICY_README: Access policy delegation
+ * ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README: Address verification
+ * RESTRICTION_CLASS_README: Per-client/user/etc. access
+ * POSTSCREEN_README: SMTP connection triage
+ * UUCP_README: LAN connected via UUCP
+LLooookkuupp ttaabblleess ((ddaattaabbaasseess))
+ * DATABASE_README: Lookup table overview
+ * DB_README: Berkeley DB Howto
+ * MEMCACHE_README: Memcache Howto
+ * PGSQL_README: PostgreSQL Howto
+MMaaiilliinngg lliisstt ssuuppppoorrtt
+SSppeecciiffiicc eennvviirroonnmmeennttss
+ * LINUX_README: Linux issues
+ * NFS_README: NFS issues
+OOtthheerr mmaaiill ddeelliivveerryy aaggeennttss
+OOtthheerr ttooppiiccss
+ * OVERVIEW: Architecture overview
+ * postconf(5): All parameters
+ * LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README: Rejecting Unknown Local Recipients
+ * ADDRESS_CLASS_README: Address Classes
+ * CONNECTION_CACHE_README: Connection cache howto
+ * DSN_README: Postfix DSN support
+ * BDAT_README: Postfix BDAT (CHUNKING) support
+ * PACKAGE_README: Guidelines for Package Builders
+ * SCHEDULER_README: Queue Scheduler
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index 0000000..2de5acc
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+PPoossttffiixx AAddddrreessss CCllaasssseess
+Postfix version 2.0 introduces the concept of address classes. This is a way of
+grouping recipient addresses by their delivery method. The idea comes from
+discussions with Victor Duchovni. Although address classes introduced a few
+incompatibilities they also made it possible to improve the handling of hosted
+domains and of unknown recipients.
+This document provides information on the following topics:
+ * What are address classes good for?
+ * What address classes does Postfix implement?
+ * Improvements compared to Postfix 1.1
+ * Incompatibilities with Postfix 1.1
+WWhhaatt aarree aaddddrreessss ccllaasssseess ggoooodd ffoorr??
+Why should you care about address classes? This is how Postfix decides what
+mail to accept, and how to deliver it. In other words, address classes are very
+important for the operation of Postfix.
+An address class is defined by three items.
+ * The list of domains that are a member of the class: for example, all local
+ domains, or all relay domains.
+ * The default delivery transport. For example, the local, virtual or relay
+ delivery transport (delivery transports are defined in This
+ helps to keep Postfix configurations simple, by avoiding the need for
+ explicit routing information in transport maps.
+ * The list of valid recipient addresses for that address class. The Postfix
+ SMTP server rejects invalid recipients with "User unknown in <name of
+ address class here> table". This helps to keep the Postfix queue free of
+ undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages.
+WWhhaatt aaddddrreessss ccllaasssseess ddooeess PPoossttffiixx iimmpplleemmeenntt??
+Initially the list of address classes is hard coded, but this is meant to
+become extensible. The summary below describes the main purpose of each class,
+and what the relevant configuration parameters are.
+The local domain class.
+ * Purpose: final delivery for traditional UNIX system accounts and
+ traditional Sendmail-style aliases. This is typically used for the
+ canonical domains of the machine. For a discussion of the difference
+ between canonical domains, hosted domains and other domains, see the
+ * Domain names are listed with the mydestination parameter. This domain class
+ also includes mail for user@[ipaddress] when the IP address is listed with
+ the inet_interfaces or proxy_interfaces parameters.
+ * Valid recipient addresses are listed with the local_recipient_maps
+ parameter, as described in LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README. The Postfix SMTP server
+ rejects invalid recipients with "User unknown in local recipient table". If
+ the local_recipient_maps parameter value is empty, then the Postfix SMTP
+ server accepts any address in the local domain class.
+ * The mail delivery transport is specified with the local_transport
+ parameter. The default value is llooccaall::$$mmyyhhoossttnnaammee for delivery with the
+ local(8) delivery agent.
+The virtual alias domain class.
+ * Purpose: hosted domains where each recipient address is aliased to a local
+ UNIX system account or to a remote address. A virtual alias example is
+ given in the VIRTUAL_README file.
+ * Domain names are listed in virtual_alias_domains. The default value is
+ $virtual_alias_maps for Postfix 1.1 compatibility.
+ * Valid recipient addresses are listed with the virtual_alias_maps parameter.
+ The Postfix SMTP server rejects invalid recipients with "User unknown in
+ virtual alias table". The default value is $virtual_maps for Postfix 1.1
+ compatibility.
+ * There is no mail delivery transport parameter. Every address must be
+ aliased to some other address.
+The virtual mailbox domain class.
+ * Purpose: final delivery for hosted domains where each recipient address can
+ have its own mailbox, and where users do not need to have a UNIX system
+ account. A virtual mailbox example is given in the VIRTUAL_README file.
+ * Domain names are listed with the virtual_mailbox_domains parameter. The
+ default value is $virtual_mailbox_maps for Postfix 1.1 compatibility.
+ * Valid recipient addresses are listed with the virtual_mailbox_maps
+ parameter. The Postfix SMTP server rejects invalid recipients with "User
+ unknown in virtual mailbox table". If this parameter value is empty, the
+ Postfix SMTP server accepts all recipients for domains listed in
+ $virtual_mailbox_domains.
+ * The mail delivery transport is specified with the virtual_transport
+ parameter. The default value is vviirrttuuaall for delivery with the virtual(8)
+ delivery agent.
+The relay domain class.
+ * Purpose: mail forwarding to remote destinations that list your system as
+ primary or backup MX host. For a discussion of the basic configuration
+ details, see the BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README document. For a discussion of
+ the difference between canonical domains, hosted domains and other domains,
+ see the VIRTUAL_README file.
+ * Domain names are listed with the relay_domains parameter.
+ * Valid recipient addresses are listed with the relay_recipient_maps
+ parameter. The Postfix SMTP server rejects invalid recipients with "User
+ unknown in relay recipient table". If this parameter value is empty, the
+ Postfix SMTP server accepts all recipients for domains listed with the
+ relay_domains parameter.
+ * The mail delivery transport is specified with the relay_transport
+ parameter. The default value is rreellaayy which is a clone of the smtp(8)
+ delivery agent.
+The default domain class.
+ * Purpose: mail forwarding to the Internet on behalf of authorized clients.
+ For a discussion of the basic configuration details, see the
+ BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README file. For a discussion of the difference between
+ canonical domains, hosted domains and other domains, see the VIRTUAL_README
+ file.
+ * This class has no destination domain table.
+ * This class has no valid recipient address table.
+ * The mail delivery transport is specified with the default_transport
+ parameter. The default value is ssmmttpp for delivery with the smtp(8) delivery
+ agent.
+IImmpprroovveemmeennttss ccoommppaarreedd ttoo PPoossttffiixx 11..11
+Postfix 2.0 address classes made the following improvements possible over
+earlier Postfix versions:
+ * You no longer need to specify all the virtual(8) mailbox domains in the
+ Postfix transport map. The virtual(8) delivery agent has become a first-
+ class citizen just like local(8) or smtp(8).
+ * On mail gateway systems, address classes provide separation of inbound mail
+ relay traffic ($relay_transport) from outbound traffic
+ ($default_transport). This eliminates a problem where inbound mail
+ deliveries could become resource starved in the presence of a high volume
+ of outbound mail.
+ * The SMTP server rejects unknown recipients in a more consistent manner than
+ was possible with Postfix version 1. This is needed to keep undeliverable
+ mail (and bounced undeliverable mail) out of the mail queue. This is
+ controlled by the smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient configuration parameter.
+ * As of Postfix version 2.1, the SMTP server also rejects unknown sender
+ addresses (i.e. addresses that it would reject as unknown recipient
+ addresses). Sender "egress filtering" can help to slow down an email worm
+ explosion. This is controlled by the smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender
+ configuration parameter.
+IInnccoommppaattiibbiilliittiieess wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx 11..11
+Postfix 2.0 address classes introduce a few incompatible changes in documented
+behavior. In order to ease the transitions, new parameters have default values
+that are backwards compatible.
+ * The virtual_maps parameter is replaced by virtual_alias_maps (for address
+ lookups) and by virtual_alias_domains (for the names of what were formerly
+ called "Postfix-style virtual domains").
+ For backwards compatibility with Postfix version 1.1, the new
+ virtual_alias_maps parameter defaults to $virtual_maps, and the new
+ virtual_alias_domains parameter defaults to $virtual_alias_maps.
+ * The virtual_mailbox_maps parameter now has a companion parameter called
+ virtual_mailbox_domains (for the names of domains served by the virtual
+ delivery agent). The virtual_mailbox_maps parameter is now used for address
+ lookups only.
+ For backwards compatibility with Postfix version 1.1, the new
+ virtual_mailbox_domains parameter defaults to $virtual_mailbox_maps.
+ * Introduction of the relay_recipient_maps parameter. The Postfix SMTP server
+ can use this to block mail for relay recipients that don't exist. This list
+ is empty by default, which means accept any recipient.
+ * The local_recipient_maps feature is now turned on by default. The Postfix
+ SMTP server uses this to reject mail for unknown local recipients. See the
+ LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README file hints and tips.
+ * Introduction of the relay delivery transport in This helps to
+ avoid mail delivery scheduling problems on inbound mail relays when there
+ is a lot of outbound mail, but may require that you update your
+ "defer_transports" setting.
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index 0000000..a0ccc20
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+PPoossttffiixx AAddddrreessss RReewwrriittiinngg
+PPoossttffiixx aaddddrreessss rreewwrriittiinngg ppuurrppoossee
+Address rewriting is at the heart of the Postfix mail system. Postfix rewrites
+addresses for many different purposes. Some are merely cosmetic, and some are
+necessary to deliver correctly formatted mail to the correct destination.
+Examples of address rewriting in Postfix are:
+ * Transform an incomplete address into a complete address. For example,
+ transform "username" into "", or transform
+ "username@hostname" into "".
+ * Replace an address by an equivalent address. For example, replace
+ "" by "" when sending
+ mail, and do the reverse transformation when receiving mail.
+ * Replace an internal address by an external address. For example, replace
+ "username@localdomain.local" by "isp-account@isp.example" when sending mail
+ from a home computer to the Internet.
+ * Replace an address by multiple addresses. For example, replace the address
+ of an alias by the addresses listed under that alias.
+ * Determine how and where to deliver mail for a specific address. For
+ example, deliver mail for "" with the smtp(8) delivery
+ agent, to the hosts that are listed in the DNS as the mail servers for the
+ domain "".
+Although Postfix currently has no address rewriting language, it can do
+surprisingly powerful address manipulation via table lookup. Postfix typically
+uses lookup tables with fixed strings to map one address to one or multiple
+addresses, and typically uses regular expressions to map multiple addresses to
+one or multiple addresses. Fixed-string lookup tables may be in the form of
+local files, or in the form of NIS, LDAP or SQL databases. The DATABASE_README
+document gives an introduction to Postfix lookup tables.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * To rewrite message headers or not, or to label as invalid
+ * Postfix address rewriting overview
+ * Address rewriting when mail is received
+ o Rewrite addresses to standard form
+ o Canonical address mapping
+ o Address masquerading
+ o Automatic BCC recipients
+ o Virtual aliasing
+ * Address rewriting when mail is delivered
+ o Resolve address to destination
+ o Mail transport switch
+ o Relocated users table
+ * Address rewriting with remote delivery
+ o Generic mapping for outgoing SMTP mail
+ * Address rewriting with local delivery
+ o Local alias database
+ o Local per-user .forward files
+ o Local catch-all address
+ * Debugging your address manipulations
+TToo rreewwrriittee mmeessssaaggee hheeaaddeerrss oorr nnoott,, oorr ttoo llaabbeell aass iinnvvaalliidd
+Postfix versions 2.1 and earlier always rewrite message header addresses, and
+append Postfix's own domain information to addresses that Postfix considers
+incomplete. While rewriting message header addresses is OK for mail with a
+local origin, it is undesirable for remote mail:
+ * Message header address rewriting is frowned upon by mail standards,
+ * Appending Postfix's own domain produces incorrect results with some
+ incomplete addresses,
+ * Appending Postfix's own domain sometimes creates the appearance that spam
+ is sent by local users.
+Postfix versions 2.2 give you the option to either not rewrite message headers
+from remote SMTP clients at all, or to label incomplete addresses in such
+message headers as invalid. Here is how it works:
+ * Postfix always rewrites message headers from local SMTP clients and from
+ the Postfix sendmail command, and appends its own domain to incomplete
+ addresses. The local_header_rewrite_clients parameter controls what SMTP
+ clients Postfix considers local (by default, only local network interface
+ addresses).
+ * Postfix never rewrites message header addresses from remote SMTP clients
+ when the remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter value is empty (the default
+ setting).
+ * Otherwise, Postfix rewrites message headers from remote SMTP clients, and
+ appends the remote_header_rewrite_domain value to incomplete addresses.
+ This feature can be used to append a reserved domain such as
+ "domain.invalid", so that incomplete addresses cannot be mistaken for local
+ addresses.
+PPoossttffiixx aaddddrreessss rreewwrriittiinngg oovveerrvviieeww
+The figure below zooms in on those parts of Postfix that are most involved with
+address rewriting activity. See the OVERVIEW document for an overview of the
+complete Postfix architecture. Names followed by a number are Postfix daemon
+programs, while unnumbered names represent Postfix queues or internal sources
+of mail messages.
+ trivial- trivial-
+ rewrite(8) rewrite(8)
+ (std form) (resolve)
+ ^ | ^ |
+ | v | v
+ smtpd(8) smtp(8)
+ qmqpd(8) >- cleanup(8) -> incoming -> active -> qmgr(8) -< lmtp(8)
+ pickup(8) local(8)
+ ^ ^ |
+ | | v
+ bounces
+ forwarding deferred
+ notices
+The table below summarizes all Postfix address manipulations. If you're reading
+this document for the first time, skip forward to "Address rewriting when mail
+is received". Once you've finished reading the remainder of this document, the
+table will help you to quickly find what you need.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |AAddddrreessss |SSccooppee |DDaaeemmoonn |GGlloobbaall ttuurrnn--oonn |SSeelleeccttiivvee ttuurrnn--ooffff ccoonnttrrooll |
+ |mmaanniippuullaattiioonn| | |ccoonnttrrooll | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Rewrite | |trivial-|append_at_myorigin, | |
+ |addresses to|all mail|rewrite |append_dot_mydomain,|local_header_rewrite_clients,|
+ |standard | |(8) |swap_bangpath, |remote_header_rewrite_domain |
+ |form | | |allow_percent_hack | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Canonical | |cleanup | |receive_override_options, |
+ |address |all mail|(8) |canonical_maps |local_header_rewrite_clients,|
+ |mapping | | | |remote_header_rewrite_domain |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Address | |cleanup | |receive_override_options, |
+ |masquerading|all mail|(8) |masquerade_domains |local_header_rewrite_clients,|
+ | | | | |remote_header_rewrite_domain |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Automatic | |cleanup |always_bcc, | |
+ |BCC |new mail|(8) |sender_bcc_maps, |receive_override_options |
+ |recipients | | |recipient_bcc_maps | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Virtual |all mail|cleanup |virtual_alias_maps |receive_override_options |
+ |aliasing | |(8) | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Resolve | |trivial-| | |
+ |address to |all mail|rewrite |none |none |
+ |destination | |(8) | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Mail | |trivial-| | |
+ |transport |all mail|rewrite |transport_maps |none |
+ |switch | |(8) | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Relocated | |trivial-| | |
+ |users table |all mail|rewrite |relocated_maps |none |
+ | | |(8) | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Generic |outgoing| | | |
+ |mapping |SMTP |smtp(8) |smtp_generic_maps |none |
+ |table |mail | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Local alias |local | | | |
+ |database |mail |local(8)|alias_maps |none |
+ | |only | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Local per- |local | | | |
+ |user |mail |local(8)|forward_path |none |
+ |.forward |only | | | |
+ |files | | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Local catch-|local | | | |
+ |all address |mail |local(8)|luser_relay |none |
+ | |only | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+AAddddrreessss rreewwrriittiinngg wwhheenn mmaaiill iiss rreecceeiivveedd
+The cleanup(8) server receives mail from outside of Postfix as well as mail
+from internal sources such as forwarded mail, undeliverable mail that is
+bounced to the sender, and postmaster notifications about problems with the
+mail system.
+The cleanup(8) server transforms the sender, recipients and message content
+into a standard form before writing it to an incoming queue file. The server
+cleans up sender and recipient addresses in message headers and in the
+envelope, adds missing message headers such as From: or Date: that are required
+by mail standards, and removes message headers such as Bcc: that should not be
+present. The cleanup(8) server delegates the more complex address manipulations
+to the trivial-rewrite(8) server as described later in this document.
+Address manipulations at this stage are:
+ * Rewrite addresses to standard form
+ * Canonical address mapping
+ * Address masquerading
+ * Automatic BCC recipients
+ * Virtual aliasing
+RReewwrriittee aaddddrreesssseess ttoo ssttaannddaarrdd ffoorrmm
+Before the cleanup(8) daemon runs an address through any address mapping lookup
+table, it first rewrites the address to the standard
+"user@fully.qualified.domain" form, by sending the address to the trivial-
+rewrite(8) daemon. The purpose of rewriting to standard form is to reduce the
+number of entries needed in lookup tables.
+The Postfix trivial-rewrite(8) daemon implements the following hard-coded
+address manipulations:
+ Rewrite "@hosta,@hostb:user@site" to "user@site"
+ In case you wonder what this is, the address form above is called a
+ route address, and specifies that mail for "user@site" be delivered via
+ "hosta" and "hostb". Usage of this form has been deprecated for a long
+ time. Postfix has no ability to handle route addresses, other than to
+ strip off the route part.
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter, or if the
+ remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+ empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+ "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+ Rewrite "site!user" to "user@site"
+ This feature is controlled by the boolean swap_bangpath parameter
+ (default: yes). The purpose is to rewrite UUCP-style addresses to
+ domain style. This is useful only when you receive mail via UUCP, but
+ it probably does not hurt otherwise.
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter, or if the
+ remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+ empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+ "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+ Rewrite "user%domain" to "user@domain"
+ This feature is controlled by the boolean allow_percent_hack parameter
+ (default: yes). Typically, this is used in order to deal with
+ monstrosities such as "user%domain@otherdomain".
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter, or if the
+ remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+ empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+ "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+ Rewrite "user" to "user@$myorigin"
+ This feature is controlled by the boolean append_at_myorigin parameter
+ (default: yes). You should never turn off this feature, because a lot
+ of Postfix components expect that all addresses have the form
+ "user@domain".
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter; otherwise they append the
+ domain name specified with the remote_header_rewrite_domain
+ configuration parameter, if one is specified. To get the behavior
+ before Postfix 2.2, specify "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:
+ all".
+ If your machine is not the main machine for $myorigin and you wish to
+ have some users delivered locally without going via that main machine,
+ make an entry in the virtual alias table that redirects
+ "user@$myorigin" to "user@$myhostname". See also the "delivering some
+ users locally" section in the STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README document.
+ Rewrite "user@host" to "user@host.$mydomain"
+ This feature is controlled by the boolean append_dot_mydomain parameter
+ (default: yes). The purpose is to get consistent treatment of different
+ forms of the same hostname.
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter; otherwise they append the
+ domain name specified with the remote_header_rewrite_domain
+ configuration parameter, if one is specified. To get the behavior
+ before Postfix 2.2, specify "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:
+ all".
+ Some will argue that rewriting "host" to "host.domain" is bad. That is
+ why it can be turned off. Others like the convenience of having
+ Postfix's own domain appended automatically.
+ Rewrite "user@site." to "user@site" (without the trailing dot).
+ A single trailing dot is silently removed. However, an address that
+ ends in multiple dots will be rejected as an invalid address.
+ NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from
+ remote SMTP clients only if the client matches the
+ local_header_rewrite_clients parameter, or if the
+ remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+ empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+ "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+CCaannoonniiccaall aaddddrreessss mmaappppiinngg
+The cleanup(8) daemon uses the canonical(5) tables to rewrite addresses in
+message envelopes and in message headers. By default all header and envelope
+addresses are rewritten; this is controlled with the canonical_classes
+configuration parameter.
+NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from remote SMTP
+clients only if the client matches the local_header_rewrite_clients parameter,
+or if the remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+"local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+Address rewriting is done for local and remote addresses. The mapping is useful
+to replace login names by "Firstname.Lastname" style addresses, or to clean up
+invalid domains in mail addresses produced by legacy mail systems.
+Canonical mapping is disabled by default. To enable, edit the canonical_maps
+parameter in the file and specify one or more lookup tables, separated
+by whitespace or commas.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
+ /etc/postfix/canonical:
+ wietse Wietse.Venema
+For static mappings as shown above, lookup tables such as hash:, ldap:, mysql:
+or pgsql: are sufficient. For dynamic mappings you can use regular expression
+tables. This requires that you become intimately familiar with the ideas
+expressed in regexp_table(5), pcre_table(5) and canonical(5).
+In addition to the canonical maps which are applied to both sender and
+recipient addresses, you can specify canonical maps that are applied only to
+sender addresses or to recipient addresses.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
+ recipient_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_canonical
+The sender and recipient canonical maps are applied before the common canonical
+maps. The sender_canonical_classes and recipient_canonical_classes parameters
+control what addresses are subject to sender_canonical_maps and
+recipient_canonical_maps mappings, respectively.
+Sender-specific rewriting is useful when you want to rewrite ugly sender
+addresses to pretty ones, and still want to be able to send mail to the those
+ugly address without creating a mailer loop.
+Canonical mapping can be turned off selectively for mail received by smtpd(8),
+qmqpd(8), or pickup(8), by overriding settings in the file.
+This feature is available in Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+Note: do not specify whitespace around the "=" here.
+AAddddrreessss mmaassqquueerraaddiinngg
+Address masquerading is a method to hide hosts inside a domain behind their
+mail gateway, and to make it appear as if the mail comes from the gateway
+itself, instead of from individual machines.
+NOTE: Postfix versions 2.2 and later rewrite message headers from remote SMTP
+clients only if the client matches the local_header_rewrite_clients parameter,
+or if the remote_header_rewrite_domain configuration parameter specifies a non-
+empty value. To get the behavior before Postfix 2.2, specify
+"local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
+Address masquerading is disabled by default, and is implemented by the cleanup
+(8) server. To enable, edit the masquerade_domains parameter in the
+file and specify one or more domain names separated by whitespace or commas.
+When Postfix tries to masquerade a domain, it processes the list from left to
+right, and processing stops at the first match.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ masquerade_domains =
+strips "" to "", but strips
+"" to "".
+A domain name prefixed with "!" means do not masquerade this domain or its
+ /etc/postfix/
+ masquerade_domains = !
+does not change "" and "", but strips
+"" to "".
+The masquerade_exceptions configuration parameter specifies what user names
+should not be subjected to address masquerading. Specify one or more user names
+separated by whitespace or commas.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ masquerade_exceptions = root
+By default, Postfix makes no exceptions.
+Subtle point: by default, address masquerading is applied only to message
+headers and to envelope sender addresses, but not to envelope recipients. This
+allows you to use address masquerading on a mail gateway machine, while still
+being able to forward mail from outside to users on individual machines.
+In order to subject envelope recipient addresses to masquerading, too, specify
+(Postfix version 1.1 and later):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ masquerade_classes = envelope_sender, envelope_recipient,
+ header_sender, header_recipient
+If you rewrite the envelope recipient like this, Postfix will no longer be able
+to send mail to individual machines.
+Address masquerading can be turned off selectively for mail received by smtpd
+(8), qmqpd(8), or pickup(8), by overriding settings in the
+file. This feature is available in Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+Note: do not specify whitespace around the "=" here.
+AAuuttoommaattiicc BBCCCC rreecciippiieennttss
+After applying the canonical and masquerade mappings, the cleanup(8) daemon can
+generate optional BCC (blind carbon-copy) recipients. Postfix provides three
+ always_bcc = address
+ Deliver a copy of all mail to the specified address. In Postfix
+ versions before 2.1, this feature is implemented by smtpd(8), qmqpd(8),
+ or pickup(8).
+ sender_bcc_maps = type:table
+ Search the specified "type:table" lookup table with the envelope sender
+ address for an automatic BCC address. This feature is available in
+ Postfix 2.1 and later.
+ recipient_bcc_maps = type:table
+ Search the specified "type:table" lookup table with the envelope
+ recipient address for an automatic BCC address. This feature is
+ available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
+Note: automatic BCC recipients are produced only for new mail. To avoid mailer
+loops, automatic BCC recipients are not generated for mail that Postfix
+forwards internally, nor for mail that Postfix generates itself.
+Automatic BCC recipients (including always_bcc) can be turned off selectively
+for mail received by smtpd(8), qmqpd(8), or pickup(8), by overriding
+settings in the file. This feature is available in Postfix version
+2.1 and later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+Note: do not specify whitespace around the "=" here.
+VViirrttuuaall aalliiaassiinngg
+Before writing the recipients to the queue file, the cleanup(8) daemon uses the
+optional virtual(5) alias tables to redirect mail for recipients. The mapping
+affects only envelope recipient addresses; it has no effect on message headers
+or envelope sender addresses. Virtual alias lookups are useful to redirect mail
+for virtual alias domains to real user mailboxes, and to redirect mail for
+domains that no longer exist. Virtual alias lookups can also be used to
+transform " Firstname.Lastname " back into UNIX login names, although it seems
+that local aliases may be a more appropriate vehicle. See the VIRTUAL_README
+document for an overview of methods to host virtual domains with Postfix.
+Virtual aliasing is disabled by default. To enable, edit the virtual_alias_maps
+parameter in the file and specify one or more lookup tables, separated
+by whitespace or commas.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ Wietse.Venema wietse
+Addresses found in virtual alias maps are subjected to another iteration of
+virtual aliasing, but are not subjected to canonical mapping, in order to avoid
+For static mappings as shown above, lookup tables such as hash:, ldap:, mysql:
+or pgsql: are sufficient. For dynamic mappings you can use regular expression
+tables. This requires that you become intimately familiar with the ideas
+expressed in regexp_table(5), pcre_table(5) and virtual(5).
+Virtual aliasing can be turned off selectively for mail received by smtpd(8),
+qmqpd(8), or pickup(8), by overriding settings in the file.
+This feature is available in Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+Note: do not specify whitespace around the "=" here.
+At this point the message is ready to be stored into the Postfix incoming
+AAddddrreessss rreewwrriittiinngg wwhheenn mmaaiill iiss ddeelliivveerreedd
+The Postfix queue manager sorts mail according to its destination and gives it
+to Postfix delivery agents such as local(8), smtp(8), or lmtp(8). Just like the
+cleanup(8) server, the Postfix queue manager delegates the more complex address
+manipulations to the trivial-rewrite(8) server.
+Address manipulations at this stage are:
+ * Resolve address to destination
+ * Mail transport switch
+ * Relocated users table
+Each Postfix delivery agent tries to deliver the mail to its destination, while
+encapsulating the sender, recipients, and message content according to the
+rules of the SMTP, LMTP, etc. protocol. When mail cannot be delivered, it is
+either returned to the sender or moved to the deferred queue and tried again
+Address manipulations when mail is delivered via the smtp(8) delivery agent:
+ * Generic mapping for outgoing SMTP mail
+Address manipulations when mail is delivered via the local(8) delivery agent:
+ * Local alias database
+ * Local per-user .forward files
+ * Local catch-all address
+The remainder of this document presents each address manipulation step in more
+detail, with specific examples or with pointers to documentation with examples.
+RReessoollvvee aaddddrreessss ttoo ddeessttiinnaattiioonn
+The Postfix qmgr(8) queue manager selects new mail from the incoming queue or
+old mail from the deferred queue, and asks the trivial-rewrite(8) address
+rewriting and resolving daemon where it should be delivered.
+As of version 2.0, Postfix distinguishes four major address classes. Each class
+has its own list of domain names, and each class has its own default delivery
+method, as shown in the table below. See the ADDRESS_CLASS_README document for
+the fine details. Postfix versions before 2.0 only distinguish between local
+delivery and everything else.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |DDeessttiinnaattiioonn ddoommaaiinn lliisstt |DDeeffaauulltt ddeelliivveerryy mmeetthhoodd|AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |$mydestination, $inet_interfaces,|$local_transport |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |$proxy_interfaces | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |$virtual_mailbox_domains |$virtual_transport |Postfix 2.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |$relay_domains |$relay_transport |Postfix 2.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |none |$default_transport |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+MMaaiill ttrraannssppoorrtt sswwiittcchh
+Once the trivial-rewrite(8) daemon has determined a default delivery method it
+searches the optional transport(5) table for information that overrides the
+message destination and/or delivery method. Typical use of the transport(5)
+table is to send mail to a system that is not connected to the Internet, or to
+use a special SMTP client configuration for destinations that have special
+requirements. See, for example, the STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README and
+UUCP_README documents, and the examples in the transport(5) manual page.
+Transport table lookups are disabled by default. To enable, edit the
+transport_maps parameter in the file and specify one or more lookup
+tables, separated by whitespace or commas.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+RReellooccaatteedd uusseerrss ttaabbllee
+Next, the trivial-rewrite(8) address rewriting and resolving daemon runs each
+recipient through the relocated(5) database. This table provides information on
+how to reach users that no longer have an account, or what to do with mail for
+entire domains that no longer exist. When mail is sent to an address that is
+listed in this table, the message is returned to the sender with an informative
+The relocated(5) database is searched after transport(5) table lookups, in
+anticipation of transport(5) tables that can replace one recipient address by a
+different one.
+Lookups of relocated users are disabled by default. To enable, edit the
+relocated_maps parameter in the file and specify one or more lookup
+tables, separated by whitespace or commas.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated
+ /etc/postfix/relocated:
+ otheruser@elsewhere.tld
+As of Postfix version 2, mail for a relocated user will be rejected by the SMTP
+server with the reason "user has moved to otheruser@elsewhere.tld". Older
+Postfix versions will receive the mail first, and then return it to the sender
+as undeliverable, with the same reason.
+GGeenneerriicc mmaappppiinngg ffoorr oouuttggooiinngg SSMMTTPP mmaaiill
+Some hosts have no valid Internet domain name, and instead use a name such as
+localdomain.local. This can be a problem when you want to send mail over the
+Internet, because many mail servers reject mail addresses with invalid domain
+With the smtp_generic_maps parameter you can specify generic(5) lookup tables
+that replace local mail addresses by valid Internet addresses when mail leaves
+the machine via SMTP. The generic(5) mapping replaces envelope and header
+addresses, and is non-recursive. It does not happen when you send mail between
+addresses on the local machine.
+This feature is available in Postfix version 2.2 and later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
+ /etc/postfix/generic:
+ his@localdomain.local hisaccount@hisisp.example
+ her@localdomain.local heraccount@herisp.example
+ @localdomain.local hisaccount+local@hisisp.example
+When mail is sent to a remote host via SMTP, this replaces
+his@localdomain.local by his ISP mail address, replaces her@localdomain.local
+by her ISP mail address, and replaces other local addresses by his ISP account,
+with an address extension of +local (this example assumes that the ISP supports
+"+" style address extensions).
+LLooccaall aalliiaass ddaattaabbaassee
+When mail is to be delivered locally, the local(8) delivery agent runs each
+local recipient name through the aliases(5) database. The mapping does not
+affect addresses in message headers. Local aliases are typically used to
+implement distribution lists, or to direct mail for standard aliases such as
+postmaster to real people. The table can also be used to map
+"Firstname.Lastname" addresses to login names.
+Alias lookups are enabled by default. The default configuration depends on the
+operating system environment, but it is typically one of the following:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
+ alias_maps = dbm:/etc/aliases, nis:mail.aliases
+The pathname of the alias database file is controlled with the alias_database
+configuration parameter. The value is system dependent. Usually it is one of
+the following:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases (4.4BSD, LINUX)
+ alias_database = dbm:/etc/aliases (4.3BSD, SYSV<4)
+ alias_database = dbm:/etc/mail/aliases (SYSV4)
+An aliases(5) file can specify that mail should be delivered to a local file,
+or to a command that receives the message in the standard input stream. For
+security reasons, deliveries to command and file destinations are performed
+with the rights of the alias database owner. A default userid, default_privs,
+is used for deliveries to commands or files in "root"-owned aliases.
+LLooccaall ppeerr--uusseerr ..ffoorrwwaarrdd ffiilleess
+With delivery via the local(8) delivery agent, users can control their own mail
+delivery by specifying destinations in a file called .forward in their home
+directories. The syntax of these files is the same as with the local aliases(5)
+file, except that the left-hand side of the alias (lookup key and colon) are
+not present.
+LLooccaall ccaattcchh--aallll aaddddrreessss
+When the local(8) delivery agent finds that a message recipient does not exist,
+the message is normally returned to the sender ("user unknown"). Sometimes it
+is desirable to forward mail for non-existing recipients to another machine.
+For this purpose you can specify an alternative destination with the
+luser_relay configuration parameter.
+Alternatively, mail for non-existent recipients can be delegated to an entirely
+different message transport, as specified with the fallback_transport
+configuration parameter. For details, see the local(8) delivery agent
+Note: if you use the luser_relay feature in order to receive mail for non-UNIX
+accounts, then you must specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ local_recipient_maps =
+(i.e. empty) in the file, otherwise the Postfix SMTP server will reject
+mail for non-UNIX accounts with "User unknown in local recipient table". See
+the LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README file for more information on this.
+luser_relay can specify one address. It is subjected to "$name" expansions.
+ $
+ The bare username, without address extension, is prepended to
+ "". For example, mail for "username+foo" is sent to
+ "".
+ $
+ The entire original recipient localpart, including address extension,
+ is prepended to "". For example, mail for "username+foo" is
+ sent to "".
+ sysadmin+$user
+ The bare username, without address extension, is appended to
+ "sysadmin". For example, mail for "username+foo" is sent to
+ "sysadmin+username".
+ sysadmin+$local
+ The entire original recipient localpart, including address extension,
+ is appended to "sysadmin". For example, mail for "username+foo" is sent
+ to "sysadmin+username+foo".
+DDeebbuuggggiinngg yyoouurr aaddddrreessss mmaanniippuullaattiioonnss
+Postfix version 2.1 and later can produce mail delivery reports for debugging
+purposes. These reports not only show sender/recipient addresses after address
+rewriting and alias expansion or forwarding, they also show information about
+delivery to mailbox, delivery to non-Postfix command, responses from remote
+SMTP servers, and so on.
+Postfix can produce two types of mail delivery reports for debugging:
+ * What-if: report what would happen, but do not actually deliver mail. This
+ mode of operation is requested with:
+ $ //uussrr//ssbbiinn//sseennddmmaaiill --bbvv aaddddrreessss......
+ Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <your login name>.
+ * What happened: deliver mail and report successes and/or failures, including
+ replies from remote SMTP servers. This mode of operation is requested with:
+ $ //uussrr//ssbbiinn//sseennddmmaaiill --vv aaddddrreessss......
+ Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <your login name>.
+These reports contain information that is generated by Postfix delivery agents.
+Since these run as daemon processes and do not interact with users directly,
+the result is sent as mail to the sender of the test message. The format of
+these reports is practically identical to that of ordinary non-delivery
+As an example, below is the delivery report that is produced with the command
+"sendmail -bv". The first part of the report contains
+human-readable text. In this case, mail would be delivered via,
+and the SMTP server replies with "250 Ok". Other reports may show delivery to
+mailbox, or delivery to non-Postfix command.
+ Content-Description: Notification
+ Content-Type: text/plain
+ This is the mail system at host
+ Enclosed is the mail delivery report that you requested.
+ The mail system
+ <>: delivery via[]: 250
+ 2.1.5 Ok
+The second part of the report is in machine-readable form, and includes the
+following information:
+ * The envelope sender address (
+ * The envelope recipient address ( If the
+ recipient address was changed by Postfix then Postfix also includes the
+ original recipient address.
+ * The delivery status.
+Some details depend on Postfix version. The example below is for Postfix
+version 2.3 and later.
+ Content-Description: Delivery report
+ Content-Type: message/delivery-status
+ Reporting-MTA: dns;
+ X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 84863BC0E5
+ X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822;
+ Arrival-Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 17:01:01 -0500 (EST)
+ Final-Recipient: rfc822;
+ Action: deliverable
+ Status: 2.1.5
+ Remote-MTA: dns;
+ Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 250 2.1.5 Ok
+The third part of the report contains the message that Postfix would have
+delivered, including From: and To: message headers, so that you can see any
+effects of address rewriting on those. Mail submitted with "sendmail -bv" has
+no body content so none is shown in the example below.
+ Content-Description: Message
+ Content-Type: message/rfc822
+ Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1001)
+ id 84863BC0E5; Sun, 26 Nov 2006 17:01:01 -0500 (EST)
+ Subject: probe
+ To:
+ Message-Id: <>
+ Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 17:01:01 -0500 (EST)
+ From: (Wietse Venema)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f21058c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+PPoossttffiixx AAddddrreessss VVeerriiffiiccaattiioonn HHoowwttoo
+Recipient address verification may cause an increased load on down-stream
+servers in the case of a dictionary attack or a flood of backscatter bounces.
+Sender address verification may cause your site to be blacklisted by some
+providers. See also the "Limitations" section below for more.
+WWhhaatt PPoossttffiixx aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ccaann ddoo ffoorr yyoouu
+Address verification is a feature that allows the Postfix SMTP server to block
+a sender (MAIL FROM) or recipient (RCPT TO) address until the address has been
+verified to be deliverable.
+The technique has obvious uses to reject junk mail with an unreplyable sender
+The technique is also useful to block mail for undeliverable recipients, for
+example on a mail relay host that does not have a list of all the valid
+recipient addresses. This prevents undeliverable junk mail from entering the
+queue, so that Postfix doesn't have to waste resources trying to send MAILER-
+DAEMON messages back.
+This feature is available in Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * How address verification works
+ * Limitations of address verification
+ * Recipient address verification
+ * Sender address verification for mail from frequently forged domains
+ * Sender address verification for all email
+ * Address verification database
+ * Managing the address verification database
+ * Controlling the routing of address verification probes
+ * Forced probe routing examples
+ * Limitations of forced probe routing
+HHooww aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn wwoorrkkss
+A Postfix MTA verifies a sender or recipient address by probing the preferred
+MTAs for that address, without actually delivering mail. The preferred MTAs
+could include the Postfix MTA itself, or some remote MTAs (SMTP interruptus).
+Probe messages are like normal mail, except that they are never delivered,
+deferred or bounced; probe messages are always discarded.
+ probe Postfix
+ message -> mail
+ Postfix Postfix -> queue
+ Internet -> SMTP <-> verify
+ server server |
+ v
+ <- Postfix
+ probe <- delivery -> Local
+ status agents -> Remote
+ ^
+ |
+ v
+ Address
+ verification
+ database
+With Postfix address verification turned on, normal mail will suffer only a
+short delay of up to 6 seconds while an address is being verified for the first
+time. Once an address status is known, the status is cached and Postfix replies
+When verification takes too long the Postfix SMTP server defers the sender or
+recipient address with a 450 reply. Normal mail clients will connect again
+after some delay. The address verification delay is configurable with the address_verify_poll_count and address_verify_poll_delay parameters. See
+postconf(5) for details.
+LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+ * Postfix assumes that a remote SMTP server will reject unknown addresses in
+ reply to the RCPT TO command. However, some sites report this in reply to
+ the DATA command. For such sites you may configure a workaround with the
+ smtp_address_verify_target parameter (Postfix 3.0 and later).
+ * When verifying a remote address, Postfix probes the preferred MTAs for that
+ address, without actually delivering mail. If a preferred MTA accepts the
+ address, then Postfix assumes that the address is deliverable. In reality,
+ mail for a remote address can bounce AFTER a preferred MTA accepts the
+ recipient address, or AFTER a preferred MTA accepts the message content.
+ * Some sites may blacklist you when you are probing them too often (a probe
+ is an SMTP session that does not deliver mail), or when you are probing
+ them too often for a non-existent address. This is one reason why you
+ should use sender address verification sparingly, if at all, when your site
+ receives lots of email.
+ * Normally, address verification probe messages follow the same path as
+ regular mail. However, some sites send mail to the Internet via an
+ intermediate relayhost; this breaks address verification. See below,
+ section "Controlling the routing of address verification probes", for how
+ to override mail routing and for possible limitations when you have to do
+ this.
+ * Postfix assumes that an address is undeliverable when a preferred MTA for
+ the address rejects the probe, regardless of the reason for rejection
+ (client rejected, HELO rejected, MAIL FROM rejected, etc.). Thus, Postfix
+ rejects an address when a preferred MTA for that address rejects mail from
+ your machine for any reason. This is not a limitation, but it is mentioned
+ here just in case people believe that it is a limitation.
+ * Unfortunately, some sites do not reject unknown addresses in reply to the
+ RCPT TO or DATA command, but instead report a delivery failure in response
+ to end of DATA after a message is transferred. Postfix address verification
+ does not work with such sites.
+ * By default, Postfix probe messages have a sender address "double-
+ bounce@$myorigin" (with Postfix versions before 2.5, the default is
+ "postmaster@$myorigin"). This is SAFE because the Postfix SMTP server does
+ not reject mail for this address.
+ You can change the probe sender address into the null address
+ ("address_verify_sender ="). This is UNSAFE because address probes will
+ fail with mis-configured sites that reject MAIL FROM: <>, while probes from
+ "double-bounce@$myorigin" would succeed.
+ * The downside of using a non-empty sender address is that the address may
+ end op on spammer mailing lists. Although Postfix always discards mail to
+ the double-bounce address, this still results in wasted network bandwidth
+ and server capacity. To defeat address harvesting, Postfix 2.9 and later
+ support time-dependent sender addresses when you specify a non-zero
+ address_verify_sender_ttl value.
+RReecciippiieenntt aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+As mentioned earlier, recipient address verification is useful to block mail
+for undeliverable recipients on a mail relay host that does not have a list of
+all valid recipient addresses. This can help to prevent the mail queue from
+filling up with MAILER-DAEMON messages.
+Recipient address verification is relatively straightforward and there are no
+surprises. If a recipient probe fails, then Postfix rejects mail for the
+recipient address. If a recipient probe succeeds, then Postfix accepts mail for
+the recipient address. However, recipient address verification probes can
+increase the load on down-stream MTAs when you're being flooded by backscatter
+bounces, or when some spammer is mounting a dictionary attack.
+By default, address verification results are saved in a persistent database
+(Postfix version 2.7 and later; with earlier versions, specify the database in as described later). The persistent database helps to avoid probing the
+same address repeatedly.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ # reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail
+ # relay policy is specified under smtpd_relay_restrictions
+ # (available with Postfix 2.10 and later).
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ ...
+ reject_unknown_recipient_domain
+ reject_unverified_recipient
+ ...
+ # Postfix 2.6 and later privacy feature.
+ # unverified_recipient_reject_reason = Address lookup failed
+ # Postfix 3.2 and earlier workaround.
+ # Do not set enable_original_recipient=no. This prevents Postfix
+ # from saving the recipient address verification result under
+ # the original address, when the address verification probe
+ # message goes through address aliasing or canonical mapping.
+The "reject_unknown_recipient_domain" restriction blocks mail for non-existent
+domains. Putting this before "reject_unverified_recipient" avoids the overhead
+of generating unnecessary probe messages.
+The unverified_recipient_reject_code parameter (default 450) specifies the
+numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a recipient address is known to
+bounce. Change this setting into 550 when you trust Postfix's judgments.
+The following features are available in Postfix 2.6 and later.
+The unverified_recipient_defer_code parameter (default 450) specifies the
+numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a recipient address probe fails
+with some temporary error. Some sites insist on changing this into 250. NOTE:
+This change turns MX servers into backscatter sources when the load is high.
+The unverified_recipient_reject_reason parameter (default: empty) specifies
+fixed text that Postfix will send to remote SMTP clients, instead of sending
+actual address verification details. Do not specify the SMTP status code or
+enhanced status code.
+The unverified_recipient_tempfail_action parameter (default: defer_if_permit)
+specifies the Postfix SMTP server action when a recipient address verification
+probe fails with some temporary error.
+SSeennddeerr aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ffoorr mmaaiill ffrroomm ffrreeqquueennttllyy ffoorrggeedd ddoommaaiinnss
+Only for very small sites, it is relatively safe to turn on sender address
+verification for specific domains that often appear in forged email.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
+ unverified_sender_reject_code = 550
+ # Postfix 2.6 and later.
+ # unverified_sender_defer_code = 250
+ # Default setting for Postfix 2.7 and later.
+ # Note 1: Be sure to read the "Caching" section below!
+ # Note 2: Avoid hash files here. Use btree or lmdb instead.
+ address_verify_map = btree:/var/lib/postfix/verify
+ # Postfix 3.2 and earlier workaround.
+ # Do not set enable_original_recipient=no. This prevents Postfix
+ # from saving the sender address verification result under the
+ # original address, when the address verification probe message
+ # goes through address aliasing or canonical mapping.
+ /etc/postfix/sender_access:
+ # Don't do this when you handle lots of email.
+ reject_unverified_sender
+ reject_unverified_sender
+ reject_unverified_sender
+ ... etcetera ...
+At some point in cyberspace/time, a list of frequently forged MAIL FROM domains
+could be found at
+NOTE: One of the first things you might want to do is to turn on sender address
+verification for all your own domains.
+SSeennddeerr aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ffoorr aallll eemmaaiill
+Unfortunately, sender address verification cannot simply be turned on for all
+email - you are likely to lose legitimate mail from mis-configured systems. You
+almost certainly will have to set up white lists for specific addresses, or
+even for entire domains.
+To find out how sender address verification would affect your mail, specify
+"warn_if_reject reject_unverified_sender" so that you can see what mail would
+be blocked:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sender_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ ...
+ check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
+ reject_unknown_sender_domain
+ warn_if_reject reject_unverified_sender
+ ...
+ # Postfix 2.6 and later.
+ # unverified_sender_reject_reason = Address verification failed
+ # Default setting for Postfix 2.7 and later.
+ # Note 1: Be sure to read the "Caching" section below!
+ # Note 2: Avoid hash files here. Use btree or lmdb instead.
+ address_verify_map = btree:/var/lib/postfix/verify
+This is also a good way to populate your cache with address verification
+results before you start to actually reject mail.
+The sender_access restriction is needed to whitelist domains or addresses that
+are known to be OK. Although Postfix will not mark a known-to-be-good address
+as bad after a probe fails, it is better to be safe than sorry.
+NOTE: You will have to whitelist sites such as and other
+sites that operate mailing lists that use a different sender address for each
+posting (VERP). Such addresses pollute the address verification cache quickly,
+and generate unnecessary sender verification probes.
+ /etc/postfix/sender_access
+ OK
+ ...
+The "reject_unknown_sender_domain" restriction blocks mail from non-existent
+domains. Putting this before "reject_unverified_sender" avoids the overhead of
+generating unnecessary probe messages.
+The unverified_sender_reject_code parameter (default 450) specifies the
+numerical Postfix server reply code when a sender address is known to bounce.
+Change this setting into 550 when you trust Postfix's judgments.
+The following features are available in Postfix 2.6 and later.
+The unverified_sender_defer_code parameter (default 450) specifies the
+numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a sender address verification
+probe fails with some temporary error. Specify a valid 2xx or 4xx code.
+The unverified_sender_reject_reason parameter (default: empty) specifies fixed
+text that Postfix will send to remote SMTP clients, instead of sending actual
+address verification details. Do not specify the SMTP status code or enhanced
+status code.
+The unverified_sender_tempfail_action parameter (default: defer_if_permit)
+specifies the Postfix SMTP server action when a sender address verification
+probe fails with some temporary error.
+AAddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ddaattaabbaassee
+To improve performance, the Postfix verify(8) daemon can save address
+verification results to a persistent database. This is enabled by default with
+Postfix 2.7 and later. The address_verify_map (NOTE: singular) configuration
+parameter specifies persistent storage for sender or recipient address
+verification results. If you specify an empty value, all address verification
+results are lost after "postfix reload" or "postfix stop".
+ # Example 1: Default setting for Postfix 2.7 and later.
+ # Note: avoid hash files here. Use btree or lmdb instead.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_map = btree:$data_directory/verify_cache
+ # Example 2: Shared persistent lmdb: cache (Postfix 2.11 or later).
+ # Disable automatic cache cleanup in all Postfix instances except
+ # for one instance that will be responsible for cache cleanup.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_map = lmdb:$data_directory/verify_cache
+ # address_verify_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ # Example 3: Shared persistent btree: cache (Postfix 2.9 or later).
+ # Disable automatic cache cleanup in all Postfix instances except
+ # for one instance that will be responsible for cache cleanup.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_map = proxy:btree:$data_directory/verify_cache
+ # address_verify_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ # Example 4: Shared memory cache (requires Postfix 2.9 or later).
+ # Disable automatic cache cleanup in all Postfix instances.
+ # See memcache_table(5) for details.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_map = memcache:/etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ # Example 5: Default setting for Postfix 2.6 and earlier.
+ # This uses non-persistent storage only.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ address_verify_map =
+NOTE 1: The database file should be stored under a Postfix-owned directory,
+such as $data_directory.
+ As of version 2.5, Postfix no longer uses root privileges when opening this
+ file. To maintain backwards compatibility, an attempt to open the file
+ under a non-Postfix directory is redirected to the Postfix-owned
+ data_directory, and a warning is logged. If you wish to continue using a
+ pre-existing database file, change its file ownership to the account
+ specified with the mail_owner parameter, and either move the file to the
+ data_directory, or move it to some other Postfix-owned directory.
+NOTE 2: Do not put this file in a file system that may run out of space. When
+the address verification table gets corrupted the world comes to an end and YOU
+will have to MANUALLY fix things as described in the next section. Meanwhile,
+you will not receive mail via SMTP.
+NOTE 3: The verify(8) daemon will create a new database when none exists. It
+will open or create the file before entering the chroot jail.
+MMaannaaggiinngg tthhee aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ddaattaabbaassee
+The verify(8) manual page describes parameters that control how long address
+verification results are cached before they need to be refreshed, and how long
+results can remain "unrefreshed" before they expire. Postfix uses different
+controls for positive results (address was accepted) and for negative results
+(address was rejected, or address verification failed for some other reason).
+The verify(8) daemon will periodically remove expired entries from the address
+verification database, and log the number of entries retained and dropped
+(Postfix versions 2.7 and later). A cleanup run is logged as "partial" when the
+daemon terminates early because of "postfix reload, "postfix stop", or because
+the daemon received no requests for $max_idle seconds. Postfix versions 2.6 and
+earlier do not implement automatic address verification database cleanup.
+There, the database is managed manually as described next.
+When the address verification database file becomes too big, or when it becomes
+corrupted, the solution is to manually rename or delete (NOT: truncate) the
+file and run "postfix reload". The verify(8) daemon will then create a new
+database file.
+CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee rroouuttiinngg ooff aaddddrreessss vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn pprroobbeess
+By default, Postfix sends address verification probe messages via the same
+route as regular mail, because that normally produces the most accurate result.
+It's no good to verify a local address by connecting to your own SMTP port;
+that just triggers all kinds of mailer loop alarms. The same is true for any
+destination that your machine is best MX host for: hidden domains, virtual
+domains, etc.
+However, some sites have a complex infrastructure where mail is not sent
+directly to the Internet, but is instead given to an intermediate relayhost.
+This is a problem for address verification, because remote Internet addresses
+can be verified only when Postfix can access remote destinations directly.
+For this reason, Postfix allows you to override the routing parameters when it
+delivers an address verification probe message.
+First, the address_verify_relayhost parameter allows you to override the
+relayhost setting, and the address_verify_transport_maps parameter allows you
+to override the transport_maps setting. The
+address_verify_sender_dependent_relayhost_maps parameter does the same for
+sender-dependent relayhost selection.
+Second, each address class is given its own address verification version of the
+message delivery transport, as shown in the table below. Address classes are
+defined in the ADDRESS_CLASS_README file.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |DDoommaaiinn lliisstt |RReegguullaarr ttrraannssppoorrtt|VVeerriiffyy ttrraannssppoorrtt |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mydestination |local_transport |address_verify_local_transport |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |virtual_alias_domains |(not applicable) |(not applicable) |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |virtual_mailbox_domains|virtual_transport|address_verify_virtual_transport|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |relay_domains |relay_transport |address_verify_relay_transport |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |(not applicable) |default_transport|address_verify_default_transport|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+By default, the parameters that control delivery of address probes have the
+same value as the parameters that control normal mail delivery.
+FFoorrcceedd pprroobbee rroouuttiinngg eexxaammpplleess
+In a typical scenario one would override the relayhost setting for address
+verification probes and leave everything else alone:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = $mydomain
+ address_verify_relayhost =
+ ...
+Sites behind a network address translation box might have to use a different
+SMTP client that sends the correct hostname information:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = $mydomain
+ address_verify_relayhost =
+ address_verify_default_transport = direct_smtp
+ /etc/postfix/
+ direct_smtp .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. smtp
+ -o
+LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff ffoorrcceedd pprroobbee rroouuttiinngg
+Inconsistencies can happen when probe messages don't follow the same path as
+regular mail. For example, a message can be accepted when it follows the
+regular route while an otherwise identical probe message is rejected when it
+follows the forced route. The opposite can happen, too, but is less likely.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2870d11
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+PPoossttffiixx BBaacckkssccaatttteerr HHoowwttoo
+This document describes features that require Postfix version 2.0 or later.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * What is backscatter mail?
+ * How do I block backscatter mail to random recipient addresses?
+ * How do I block backscatter mail to real recipient addresses?
+ o Blocking backscatter mail with forged mail server information
+ o Blocking backscatter mail with forged sender information
+ o Blocking backscatter mail with other forged information
+ o Blocking backscatter mail from virus scanners
+The examples use Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (Postfix pcre: tables),
+but also provide a translation to POSIX regular expressions (Postfix regexp:
+tables). PCRE is preferred primarily because the implementation is often
+WWhhaatt iiss bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill??
+When a spammer or worm sends mail with forged sender addresses, innocent sites
+are flooded with undeliverable mail notifications. This is called backscatter
+mail. With Postfix, you know that you're a backscatter victim when your logfile
+goes on and on like this:
+ Dec 4 04:30:09 hostname postfix/smtpd[58549]: NOQUEUE: reject:
+ RCPT from xxxxxxx[x.x.x.x]: 550 5.1.1 <>:
+ Recipient address rejected: User unknown; from=<>
+ to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<zzzzzz>
+What you see are lots of "user unknown" errors with "from=<>". These are error
+reports from MAILER-DAEMONs elsewhere on the Internet, about email that was
+sent with a false sender address in your domain.
+HHooww ddoo II bblloocckk bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill ttoo rraannddoomm rreecciippiieenntt aaddddrreesssseess??
+If your machine receives backscatter mail to random addresses, configure
+Postfix to reject all mail for non-existent recipients as described in the
+If your machine runs Postfix 2.0 and earlier, disable the "pause before reject"
+feature in the SMTP server. If your system is under stress then it should not
+waste time.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Not needed with Postfix 2.1 and later.
+ smtpd_error_sleep_time = 0
+ # Not needed with Postfix 2.4 and later.
+ unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
+HHooww ddoo II bblloocckk bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill ttoo rreeaall rreecciippiieenntt aaddddrreesssseess??
+When backscatter mail passes the "unknown recipient" barrier, there still is no
+need to despair. Many mail systems are kind enough to attach the message
+headers of the undeliverable mail in the non-delivery notification. These
+message headers contain information that you can use to recognize and block
+forged mail.
+BBlloocckkiinngg bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill wwiitthh ffoorrggeedd mmaaiill sseerrvveerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
+Although my email address is "", all my mail systems
+announce themselves with the SMTP HELO command as "".
+Thus, if returned mail has a Received: message header like this:
+ Received: from ...
+Then I know that this is almost certainly forged mail (almost; see next section
+for the fly in the ointment). Mail that is really sent by my systems looks like
+ Received: from ...
+For the same reason the following message headers are very likely to be the
+result of forgery:
+ Received: from ([] ...
+ Received: from [] (port=12345 ...
+ Received: from (HELO ...
+ Received: from (EHLO ...
+Some forgeries show up in the way that a mail server reports itself in
+Received: message headers. Keeping in mind that all my systems have a mail
+server name of, the following is definitely a forgery:
+ Received: by ...
+ Received: from ( ... ) by ...
+Another frequent sign of forgery is the Message-ID: header. My systems produce
+a Message-ID: of <>. The following are forgeries,
+especially the first one:
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Message-ID: <>
+To block such backscatter I use header_checks and body_checks patterns like
+ /etc/postfix/
+ header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks
+ body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks
+ /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ # Do not indent the patterns between "if" and "endif".
+ if /^Received:/
+ /^Received: +from +(porcupine\.org) +/
+ reject forged client name in Received: header: $1
+ /^Received: +from +[^ ]+ +\(([^ ]+ +[he]+lo=|[he]+lo +)
+ (porcupine\.org)\)/
+ reject forged client name in Received: header: $2
+ /^Received:.* +by +(porcupine\.org)\b/
+ reject forged mail server name in Received: header: $1
+ endif
+ /^Message-ID:.* <!&!/ DUNNO
+ /^Message-ID:.*@(porcupine\.org)/
+ reject forged domain name in Message-ID: header: $1
+ /etc/postfix/body_checks:
+ # Do not indent the patterns between "if" and "endif".
+ if /^[> ]*Received:/
+ /^[> ]*Received: +from +(porcupine\.org) /
+ reject forged client name in Received: header: $1
+ /^[> ]*Received: +from +[^ ]+ +\(([^ ]+ +[he]+lo=|[he]+lo +)
+ (porcupine\.org)\)/
+ reject forged client name in Received: header: $2
+ /^[> ]*Received:.* +by +(porcupine\.org)\b/
+ reject forged mail server name in Received: header: $1
+ endif
+ /^[> ]*Message-ID:.* <!&!/ DUNNO
+ /^[> ]*Message-ID:.*@(porcupine\.org)/
+ reject forged domain name in Message-ID: header: $1
+ * The example uses pcre: tables mainly for speed; with minor modifications,
+ you can use regexp: tables as explained below.
+ * The example is simplified for educational purposes. In reality my patterns
+ list multiple domain names, as "(domain|domain|...)".
+ * The "\." matches "." literally. Without the "\", the "." would match any
+ character.
+ * The "\(" and "\)" match "(" and ")" literally. Without the "\", the "(" and
+ ")" would be grouping operators.
+ * The "\b" is used here to match the end of a word. If you use regexp:
+ tables, specify "[[:>:]]" (on some systems you should specify "\>" instead;
+ for details see your system documentation).
+ * The "if /pattern/" and "endif" eliminate unnecessary matching attempts. DO
+ NOT indent lines starting with /pattern/ between the "if" and "endif"!
+ * The two "Message-ID:.* <!&!" rules are workarounds for some versions of
+ Outlook express, as described in the caveats section below.
+ * Netscape Messenger (and reportedly, Mozilla) sends a HELO name that is
+ identical to the sender address domain part. If you have such clients then
+ the above patterns would block legitimate email.
+ My network has only one such machine, and to prevent its mail from being
+ blocked I have configured it to send mail as
+ On the Postfix server, a canonical mapping translates this temporary
+ address into
+ /etc/postfix/
+ canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
+ /etc/postfix/canonical:
+ This is of course practical only when you have very few systems that send
+ HELO commands like this, and when you never have to send mail to a user on
+ such a host.
+ An alternative would be to remove the hostname from
+ "" with address masquerading, as described in the
+ * Reportedly, Outlook 2003 (perhaps Outlook Express, and other versions as
+ well) present substantially different Message-ID headers depending upon
+ whether or not a DSN is requested (via Options "Request a delivery receipt
+ for this message").
+ When a DSN is requested, Outlook 2003 uses a Message-ID string that ends in
+ the sender's domain name:
+ Message-ID: <!&! ...very long string...>
+ where is the domain name part of the email address specified in
+ Outlook's account settings for the user. Since many users configure their
+ email addresses as, messages with DSN turned on will
+ trigger the REJECT action in the previous section.
+ If you have such clients then you can to exclude their Message-ID strings
+ with the two "Message-ID:.* <!&!" patterns that are shown in the previous
+ section. Otherwise you will not be able to use the two backscatter rules to
+ stop forged Message ID strings. Of course this workaround may break the
+ next time Outlook is changed.
+BBlloocckkiinngg bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill wwiitthh ffoorrggeedd sseennddeerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
+Like many people I still have a few email addresses in domains that I used in
+the past. Mail for those addresses is forwarded to my current address. Most of
+the backscatter mail that I get claims to be sent from these addresses. Such
+mail is obviously forged and is very easy to stop.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks
+ body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks
+ /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ /^(From|Return-Path):.*\b(user@domain\.tld)\b/
+ reject forged sender address in $1: header: $2
+ /etc/postfix/body_checks:
+ /^[> ]*(From|Return-Path):.*\b(user@domain\.tld)\b/
+ reject forged sender address in $1: header: $2
+ * The example uses pcre: tables mainly for speed; with minor modifications,
+ you can use regexp: tables as explained below.
+ * The example is simplified for educational purposes. In reality, my patterns
+ list multiple email addresses as "(user1@domain1\.tld|user2@domain2\.tld)".
+ * The two "\b" as used in "\b(user@domain\.tld)\b" match the beginning and
+ end of a word, respectively. If you use regexp: tables, specify "[[:<:]]
+ and [[:>:]]" (on some systems you should specify "\< and \>" instead; for
+ details see your system documentation).
+ * The "\." matches "." literally. Without the "\", the "." would match any
+ character.
+BBlloocckkiinngg bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill wwiitthh ootthheerr ffoorrggeedd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
+Another sign of forgery can be found in the IP address that is recorded in
+Received: headers next to your HELO host or domain name. This information must
+be used with care, though. Some mail servers are behind a network address
+translator and never see the true client IP address.
+BBlloocckkiinngg bbaacckkssccaatttteerr mmaaiill ffrroomm vviirruuss ssccaannnneerrss
+With all the easily recognizable forgeries eliminated, there is one category of
+backscatter mail that remains, and that is notifications from virus scanner
+software. Unfortunately, some virus scanning software doesn't know that viruses
+forge sender addresses. To make matters worse, the software also doesn't know
+how to report a mail delivery problem, so that we cannot use the above
+techniques to recognize forgeries.
+Recognizing virus scanner mail is an error prone process, because there is a
+lot of variation in report formats. The following is only a small example of
+message header patterns. For a large collection of header and body patterns
+that recognize virus notification email, see or
+ /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ /^Subject: *Your email contains VIRUSES/ DISCARD virus notification
+ /^Content-Disposition:.*VIRUS1_DETECTED_AND_REMOVED/
+ DISCARD virus notification
+ /^Content-Disposition:.*VirusWarning.txt/ DISCARD virus notification
+Note: these documents haven't been updated since 2004, so they are useful only
+as a starting point.
+A plea to virus or spam scanner operators: please do not make the problem worse
+by sending return mail to forged sender addresses. You're only harassing
+innocent people. If you must return mail to the purported sender, please return
+the full message headers, so that the sender can filter out the obvious
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+PPoossttffiixx BBaassiicc CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+Postfix has several hundred configuration parameters that are controlled via
+the file. Fortunately, all parameters have sensible default values. In
+many cases, you need to configure only two or three parameters before you can
+start to play with the mail system. Here's a quick introduction to the syntax:
+ * Postfix configuration files
+The text below assumes that you already have Postfix installed on the system,
+either by compiling the source code yourself (as described in the INSTALL file)
+or by installing an already compiled version.
+This document covers basic Postfix configuration. Information about how to
+configure Postfix for specific applications such as mailhub, firewall or dial-
+up client can be found in the STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README file. But don't go
+there until you already have covered the material presented below.
+The first parameters of interest specify the machine's identity and role in the
+ * What domain name to use in outbound mail
+ * What domains to receive mail for
+ * What clients to relay mail from
+ * What destinations to relay mail to
+ * What delivery method: direct or indirect
+The default values for many other configuration parameters are derived from
+just these.
+The next parameter of interest controls the amount of mail sent to the local
+ * What trouble to report to the postmaster
+Be sure to set the following correctly if you're behind a proxy or network
+address translator, and you are running a backup MX host for some other domain:
+ * Proxy/NAT external network addresses
+Postfix daemon processes run in the background, and log problems and normal
+activity to the syslog daemon. Here are a few things that you need to be aware
+ * What you need to know about Postfix logging
+If your machine has unusual security requirements you may want to run Postfix
+daemon processes inside a chroot environment.
+ * Running Postfix daemon processes chrooted
+If you run Postfix on a virtual network interface, or if your machine runs
+other mailers on virtual interfaces, you'll have to look at the other
+parameters listed here as well:
+ * My own hostname
+ * My own domain name
+ * My own network addresses
+PPoossttffiixx ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffiilleess
+By default, Postfix configuration files are in /etc/postfix. The two most
+important files are and; these files must be owned by root.
+Giving someone else write permission to or (or to their
+parent directories) means giving root privileges to that person.
+In /etc/postfix/ you will have to set up a minimal number of
+configuration parameters. Postfix configuration parameters resemble shell
+variables, with two important differences: the first one is that Postfix does
+not know about quotes like the UNIX shell does.
+You specify a configuration parameter as:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ parameter = value
+and you use it by putting a "$" character in front of its name:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ other_parameter = $parameter
+You can use $parameter before it is given a value (that is the second main
+difference with UNIX shell variables). The Postfix configuration language uses
+lazy evaluation, and does not look at a parameter value until it is needed at
+Postfix uses database files for access control, address rewriting and other
+purposes. The DATABASE_README file gives an introduction to how Postfix works
+with Berkeley DB, LDAP or SQL and other types. Here is a common example of how
+Postfix invokes a database:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+Whenever you make a change to the or file, execute the
+following command as root in order to refresh a running mail system:
+ # postfix reload
+WWhhaatt ddoommaaiinn nnaammee ttoo uussee iinn oouuttbboouunndd mmaaiill
+The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that appears in mail that is posted
+on this machine. The default is to use the local machine name, $myhostname,
+which defaults to the name of the machine. Unless you are running a really
+small site, you probably want to change that into $mydomain, which defaults to
+the parent domain of the machine name.
+For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses, myorigin
+also specifies the domain name that is appended to an unqualified recipient
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ myorigin = $myhostname (default: send mail as "user@$myhostname")
+ myorigin = $mydomain (probably desirable: "user@$mydomain")
+WWhhaatt ddoommaaiinnss ttoo rreecceeiivvee mmaaiill ffoorr
+The mydestination parameter specifies what domains this machine will deliver
+locally, instead of forwarding to another machine. The default is to receive
+mail for the machine itself. See the VIRTUAL_README file for how to configure
+Postfix for hosted domains.
+You can specify zero or more domain names, "/file/name" patterns and/or "type:
+table" lookup tables (such as hash:, btree:, nis:, ldap:, or mysql:), separated
+by whitespace and/or commas. A "/file/name" pattern is replaced by its
+contents; "type:table" requests that a table lookup is done and merely tests
+for existence: the lookup result is ignored.
+IMPORTANT: If your machine is a mail server for its entire domain, you must
+list $mydomain as well.
+Example 1: default setting.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain localhost
+Example 2: domain-wide mail server.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain localhost $mydomain
+Example 3: host with multiple DNS A records.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain localhost
+ www.$mydomain ftp.$mydomain
+Caution: in order to avoid mail delivery loops, you must list all hostnames of
+the machine, including $myhostname, and localhost.$mydomain.
+WWhhaatt cclliieennttss ttoo rreellaayy mmaaiill ffrroomm
+By default, Postfix will forward mail from clients in authorized network blocks
+to any destination. Authorized networks are defined with the mynetworks
+configuration parameter. The current default is to authorize the local machine
+only. Prior to Postfix 3.0, the default was to authorize all clients in the IP
+subnetworks that the local machine is attached to.
+Postfix can also be configured to relay mail from "mobile" clients that send
+mail from outside an authorized network block. This is explained in the
+SASL_README and TLS_README documents.
+IMPORTANT: If your machine is connected to a wide area network then the
+"mynetworks_style = host" setting may be too friendly.
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mynetworks_style = subnet (not safe on a wide area network)
+ mynetworks_style = host (authorize local machine only)
+ mynetworks = (authorize local machine only)
+ mynetworks = (authorize local machine)
+ mynetworks = (authorize local networks)
+You can specify the trusted networks in the file, or you can let
+Postfix do the work for you. The default is to let Postfix do the work. The
+result depends on the mynetworks_style parameter value.
+ * Specify "mynetworks_style = host" when Postfix should forward mail from
+ only the local machine.
+ * Specify "mynetworks_style = subnet" (the default) when Postfix should
+ forward mail from SMTP clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local
+ machine. On Linux, this works correctly only with interfaces specified with
+ the "ifconfig" command.
+ * Specify "mynetworks_style = class" when Postfix should forward mail from
+ SMTP clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine.
+ Don't do this with a dialup site - it would cause Postfix to "trust" your
+ entire provider's network. Instead, specify an explicit mynetworks list by
+ hand, as described below.
+Alternatively, you can specify the mynetworks list by hand, in which case
+Postfix ignores the mynetworks_style setting. To specify the list of trusted
+networks by hand, specify network blocks in CIDR (network/mask) notation, for
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mynetworks =,
+You can also specify the absolute pathname of a pattern file instead of listing
+the patterns in the file.
+WWhhaatt ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss ttoo rreellaayy mmaaiill ttoo
+By default, Postfix will forward mail from strangers (clients outside
+authorized networks) to authorized remote destinations only. Authorized remote
+destinations are defined with the relay_domains configuration parameter. The
+default is to authorize all domains (and subdomains) of the domains listed with
+the mydestination parameter.
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay_domains = $mydestination (default)
+ relay_domains = (safe: never forward mail from strangers)
+ relay_domains = $mydomain (forward mail to my domain and subdomains)
+WWhhaatt ddeelliivveerryy mmeetthhoodd:: ddiirreecctt oorr iinnddiirreecctt
+By default, Postfix tries to deliver mail directly to the Internet. Depending
+on your local conditions this may not be possible or desirable. For example,
+your system may be turned off outside office hours, it may be behind a
+firewall, or it may be connected via a provider who does not allow direct mail
+to the Internet. In those cases you need to configure Postfix to deliver mail
+indirectly via a relay host.
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = (default: direct delivery to Internet)
+ relayhost = $mydomain (deliver via local mailhub)
+ relayhost = [mail.$mydomain] (deliver via local mailhub)
+ relayhost = [mail.isp.tld] (deliver via provider mailhub)
+The form enclosed with [] eliminates DNS MX lookups. Don't worry if you don't
+know what that means. Just be sure to specify the [] around the mailhub
+hostname that your ISP gave to you, otherwise mail may be mis-delivered.
+The STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README file has more hints and tips for firewalled
+and/or dial-up networks.
+WWhhaatt ttrroouubbllee ttoo rreeppoorrtt ttoo tthhee ppoossttmmaasstteerr
+You should set up a postmaster alias in the aliases(5) table that directs mail
+to a human person. The postmaster address is required to exist, so that people
+can report mail delivery problems. While you're updating the aliases(5) table,
+be sure to direct mail for the super-user to a human person too.
+ /etc/aliases:
+ postmaster: you
+ root: you
+Execute the command "newaliases" after changing the aliases file. Instead of /
+etc/aliases, your alias file may be located elsewhere. Use the command
+"postconf alias_maps" to find out.
+The Postfix system reports problems to the postmaster alias. You may not be
+interested in all types of trouble reports, so this reporting mechanism is
+configurable. The default is to report only serious problems (resource,
+software) to postmaster:
+Default setting:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ notify_classes = resource, software
+The meaning of the classes is as follows:
+ bounce
+ Inform the postmaster of undeliverable mail. Either send the postmaster
+ a copy of undeliverable mail that is returned to the sender, or send a
+ transcript of the SMTP session when Postfix rejected mail. For privacy
+ reasons, the postmaster copy of undeliverable mail is truncated after
+ the original message headers. This implies "2bounce" (see below). See
+ also the luser_relay feature. The notification is sent to the address
+ specified with the bounce_notice_recipient configuration parameter
+ (default: postmaster).
+ 2bounce
+ When Postfix is unable to return undeliverable mail to the sender, send
+ it to the postmaster instead (without truncating the message after the
+ primary headers). The notification is sent to the address specified
+ with the 2bounce_notice_recipient configuration parameter (default:
+ postmaster).
+ delay
+ Inform the postmaster of delayed mail. In this case, the postmaster
+ receives message headers only. The notification is sent to the address
+ specified with the delay_notice_recipient configuration parameter
+ (default: postmaster).
+ policy
+ Inform the postmaster of client requests that were rejected because of
+ (UCE) policy restrictions. The postmaster receives a transcript of the
+ SMTP session. The notification is sent to the address specified with
+ the error_notice_recipient configuration parameter (default:
+ postmaster).
+ protocol
+ Inform the postmaster of protocol errors (client or server side) or
+ attempts by a client to execute unimplemented commands. The postmaster
+ receives a transcript of the SMTP session. The notification is sent to
+ the address specified with the error_notice_recipient configuration
+ parameter (default: postmaster).
+ resource
+ Inform the postmaster of mail not delivered due to resource problems
+ (for example, queue file write errors). The notification is sent to the
+ address specified with the error_notice_recipient configuration
+ parameter (default: postmaster).
+ software
+ Inform the postmaster of mail not delivered due to software problems.
+ The notification is sent to the address specified with the
+ error_notice_recipient configuration parameter (default: postmaster).
+PPrrooxxyy//NNAATT eexxtteerrnnaall nneettwwoorrkk aaddddrreesssseess
+Some mail servers are connected to the Internet via a network address
+translator (NAT) or proxy. This means that systems on the Internet connect to
+the address of the NAT or proxy, instead of connecting to the network address
+of the mail server. The NAT or proxy forwards the connection to the network
+address of the mail server, but Postfix does not know this.
+If you run a Postfix server behind a proxy or NAT, you need to configure the
+proxy_interfaces parameter and specify all the external proxy or NAT addresses
+that Postfix receives mail on. You may specify symbolic hostnames instead of
+network addresses.
+IMPORTANT: You must specify your proxy/NAT external addresses when your system
+is a backup MX host for other domains, otherwise mail delivery loops will
+happen when the primary MX host is down.
+Example: host behind NAT box running a backup MX host.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ proxy_interfaces = (the proxy/NAT external network address)
+WWhhaatt yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo kknnooww aabboouutt PPoossttffiixx llooggggiinngg
+Postfix daemon processes run in the background, and log problems and normal
+activity to the syslog daemon. The syslogd process sorts events by class and
+severity, and appends them to logfiles. The logging classes, levels and logfile
+names are usually specified in /etc/syslog.conf. At the very least you need
+something like:
+ /etc/syslog.conf:
+ mail.err /dev/console
+ mail.debug /var/log/maillog
+After changing the syslog.conf file, send a "HUP" signal to the syslogd
+IMPORTANT: many syslogd implementations will not create files. You must create
+files before (re)starting syslogd.
+IMPORTANT: on Linux you need to put a "-" character before the pathname, e.g.,
+-/var/log/maillog, otherwise the syslogd process will use more system resources
+than Postfix.
+Hopefully, the number of problems will be small, but it is a good idea to run
+every night before the syslog files are rotated:
+ # postfix check
+ # egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
+ * The first line (postfix check) causes Postfix to report file permission/
+ ownership discrepancies.
+ * The second line looks for problem reports from the mail software, and
+ reports how effective the relay and junk mail access blocks are. This may
+ produce a lot of output. You will want to apply some postprocessing to
+ eliminate uninteresting information.
+The DEBUG_README document describes the meaning of the "warning" etc. labels in
+Postfix logging.
+RRuunnnniinngg PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn pprroocceesssseess cchhrrooootteedd
+Postfix daemon processes can be configured (via the file) to run in a
+chroot jail. The processes run at a fixed low privilege and with file system
+access limited to the Postfix queue directories (/var/spool/postfix). This
+provides a significant barrier against intrusion. The barrier is not
+impenetrable (chroot limits file system access only), but every little bit
+With the exception of Postfix daemons that deliver mail locally and/or that
+execute non-Postfix commands, every Postfix daemon can run chrooted.
+Sites with high security requirements should consider to chroot all daemons
+that talk to the network: the smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes, and perhaps also
+the lmtp(8) client. The author's own mail server runs all daemons
+chrooted that can be chrooted.
+The default /etc/postfix/ file specifies that no Postfix daemon runs
+chrooted. In order to enable chroot operation, edit the file /etc/postfix/, and follow instructions in the file. When you're finished, execute
+"postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+Note that a chrooted daemon resolves all filenames relative to the Postfix
+queue directory (/var/spool/postfix). For successful use of a chroot jail, most
+UNIX systems require you to bring in some files or device nodes. The examples/
+chroot-setup directory in the source code distribution has a collection of
+scripts that help you set up Postfix chroot environments on different operating
+Additionally, you almost certainly need to configure syslogd so that it listens
+on a socket inside the Postfix queue directory. Examples of syslogd command
+line options that achieve this for specific systems:
+FreeBSD: syslogd -l /var/spool/postfix/var/run/log
+Linux, OpenBSD: syslogd -a /var/spool/postfix/dev/log
+MMyy oowwnn hhoossttnnaammee
+The myhostname parameter specifies the fully-qualified domain name of the
+machine running the Postfix system. $myhostname appears as the default value in
+many other Postfix configuration parameters.
+By default, myhostname is set to the local machine name. If your local machine
+name is not in fully-qualified domain name form, or if you run Postfix on a
+virtual interface, you will have to specify the fully-qualified domain name
+that the mail system should use.
+Alternatively, if you specify mydomain in, then Postfix will use its
+value to generate a fully-qualified default value for the myhostname parameter.
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ myhostname = host.local.domain (machine name is not FQDN)
+ myhostname = host.virtual.domain (virtual interface)
+ myhostname = virtual.domain (virtual interface)
+MMyy oowwnn ddoommaaiinn nnaammee
+The mydomain parameter specifies the parent domain of $myhostname. By default,
+it is derived from $myhostname by stripping off the first part (unless the
+result would be a top-level domain).
+Conversely, if you specify mydomain in, then Postfix will use its value
+to generate a fully-qualified default value for the myhostname parameter.
+Examples (specify only one of the following):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydomain = local.domain
+ mydomain = virtual.domain (virtual interface)
+MMyy oowwnn nneettwwoorrkk aaddddrreesssseess
+The inet_interfaces parameter specifies all network interface addresses that
+the Postfix system should listen on; mail addressed to "user@[network address]"
+will be delivered locally, as if it is addressed to a domain listed in
+You can override the inet_interfaces setting in the Postfix file by
+prepending an IP address to a server name.
+The default is to listen on all active interfaces. If you run mailers on
+virtual interfaces, you will have to specify what interfaces to listen on.
+IMPORTANT: If you run MTAs on virtual interfaces you must specify explicit
+inet_interfaces values for the MTA that receives mail for the machine itself:
+this MTA should never listen on the virtual interfaces or you would have a
+mailer loop when a virtual MTA is down.
+Example: default setting.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet_interfaces = all
+Example: host running one or more virtual mailers. For each Postfix instance,
+specify only one of the following.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ inet_interfaces = (virtual Postfix)
+ inet_interfaces = $myhostname localhost... (non-virtual Postfix)
+Note: you need to stop and start Postfix after changing this parameter.
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+PPoossttffiixx BBDDAATT ((CCHHUUNNKKIINNGG)) ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix SMTP server supports RFC 3030 CHUNKING (the BDAT command) without
+BINARYMIME, in both smtpd(8) and postscreen(8). It is enabled by default.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Disabling BDAT support
+ * Impact on existing configurations
+ * Example SMTP session
+ * Benefits of CHUNKING (BDAT) support without BINARYMIME
+ * Downsides of CHUNKING (BDAT) support
+DDiissaabblliinngg BBDDAATT ssuuppppoorrtt
+BDAT support is enabled by default. To disable BDAT support globally:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # The logging alternative:
+ smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = chunking
+ # The non-logging alternative:
+ smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = chunking, silent-discard
+Specify '-o smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords=' in for the submission and
+smtps services, if you have clients that benefit from CHUNKING support.
+IImmppaacctt oonn eexxiissttiinngg ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss
+ * There are no changes for smtpd_mumble_restrictions, smtpd_proxy_filter,
+ smtpd_milters, or for postscreen settings, except for the above mentioned
+ option to suppress the SMTP server's CHUNKING service announcement.
+ * There are no changes in the Postfix queue file content, no changes for
+ down-stream SMTP servers or after-queue content filters, and no changes in
+ the envelope or message content that Milters will receive.
+EExxaammppllee SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn
+The main differences are that the Postfix SMTP server announces "CHUNKING"
+support in the EHLO response, and that instead of sending one DATA request, the
+remote SMTP client may send one or more BDAT requests. In the example below,
+"S:" indicates server responses, and "C:" indicates client requests (bold
+ S: 220
+ C: EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ S:
+ S: 250-SIZE 153600000
+ S: 250-VRFY
+ S: 250-ETRN
+ S: 250-8BITMIME
+ S: 250-DSN
+ S: 250-SMTPUTF8
+ C: MMAAIILL FFRROOMM::<<sseennddeerr@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm>>
+ S: 250 2.1.0 Ok
+ C: RRCCPPTT TTOO::<<rreecciippiieenntt@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm>>
+ S: 250 2.1.5 Ok
+ C: BBDDAATT 1100000000
+ C: ....ffoolllloowweedd bbyy 1100000000 bbyytteess......
+ S: 250 2.0.0 Ok: 10000 bytes
+ C: BBDDAATT 112233
+ C: ....ffoolllloowweedd bbyy 112233 bbyytteess......
+ S: 250 2.0.0 Ok: 123 bytes
+ S: 250 2.0.0 Ok: 10123 bytes queued as 41yYhh41qmznjbD
+ S: 221 2.0.0 Bye
+Internally in Postfix, there is no difference between mail that was received
+with BDAT or with DATA. Postfix smtpd_mumble_restrictions, policy delegation
+queries, smtpd_proxy_filter and Milters all behave as if Postfix received (MAIL
++ RCPT + DATA + end-of-data). However, Postfix will log BDAT-related failures
+as "xxx after BDAT" to avoid complicating troubleshooting (xxx = 'lost
+connection' or 'timeout'), and will log a warning when a client sends a
+malformed BDAT command.
+BBeenneeffiittss ooff CCHHUUNNKKIINNGG ((BBDDAATT)) ssuuppppoorrtt wwiitthhoouutt BBIINNAARRYYMMIIMMEE
+Support for CHUNKING (BDAT) was added to improve interoperability with some
+clients, a benefit that would reportedly exist even without Postfix support for
+BINARYMIME. Since June 2018, Wietse's mail server has received BDAT commands
+from a variety of systems.
+Postfix does not support BINARYMIME at this time because:
+ * BINARYMIME support would require moderately invasive changes to Postfix, to
+ support email content that is not line-oriented. With BINARYMIME, the
+ Content-Length: message header specifies the length of content that may or
+ may not have line boundaries. Without BINARYMIME support, email RFCs
+ require that binary content is base64-encoded, and formatted as lines of
+ text.
+ * For delivery to non-BINARYMIME systems including UNIX mbox, the available
+ options are to convert binary content into 8bit text, one of the 7bit forms
+ (base64 or quoted-printable), or to return email as undeliverable. Any
+ conversion would obviously break digital signatures, so conversion would
+ have to happen before signing.
+DDoowwnnssiiddeess ooff CCHHUUNNKKIINNGG ((BBDDAATT)) ssuuppppoorrtt
+The RFC 3030 authors did not specify any limitations on how clients may
+pipeline commands (i.e. send commands without waiting for a server response).
+If a server announces PIPELINING support, like Postfix does, then a remote SMTP
+client can pipeline all commands following EHLO, for example, MAIL/RCPT/BDAT/
+BDAT/MAIL/RCPT/BDAT, without ever having to wait for a server response. This
+means that with BDAT, the Postfix SMTP server cannot distinguish between a
+well-behaved client and a spambot, based on their command pipelining behavior.
+If you require "reject_unauth_pipelining" to block spambots, then turn off
+Postfix's CHUNKING announcement as described above.
+In RFC 4468, the authors write that a client may pipeline commands, and that
+after sending BURL LAST or BDAT LAST, a client must wait for the server's
+response. But as this text does not appear in RFC 3030 which defines BDAT, is
+it a useless restriction that Postfix will not enforce.
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index 0000000..5ed0416
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ PPoossttffiixx BBuuiilltt--iinn CCoonntteenntt IInnssppeeccttiioonn
+BBuuiilltt--iinn ccoonntteenntt iinnssppeeccttiioonn iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn
+Postfix supports a built-in filter mechanism that examines message header and
+message body content, one line at a time, before it is stored in the Postfix
+queue. The filter is usually implemented with POSIX or PCRE regular
+expressions, as described in the header_checks(5) manual page.
+The original purpose of the built-in filter is to stop an outbreak of specific
+email worms or viruses, and it does this job well. The filter has also helped
+to block bounced junk email, bounced email from worms or viruses, and
+notifications from virus detection systems. Information about this secondary
+application is given in the BACKSCATTER_README document.
+Because the built-in filter is optimized for stopping specific worms and virus
+outbreaks, it has limitations that make it NOT suitable for general junk email
+and virus detection. For that, you should use one of the external content
+inspection methods that are described in the FILTER_README, SMTPD_PROXY_README
+and MILTER_README documents.
+The following diagram gives an over-all picture of how Postfix built-in content
+inspection works:
+ Postmaster
+ notifications
+ |
+ v
+ Network or -> BBuuiilltt--iinn -> Postfix -> Delivery -> Network or
+ local users ffiilltteerr queue agents local mailbox
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ Undeliverable mail
+ Forwarded mail
+The picture makes clear that the filter works while Postfix is receiving new
+mail. This means that Postfix can reject mail from the network without having
+to return undeliverable mail to the originator address (which is often spoofed
+anyway). However, this ability comes at a price: if mail inspection takes too
+much time, then the remote client will time out, and the client may send the
+same message repeatedly.
+Topics covered by this document:
+ * What mail is subjected to header/body checks
+ * Limitations of Postfix header/body checks
+ * Preventing daily mail status reports from being blocked
+ * Configuring header/body checks for mail from outside users only
+ * Configuring different header/body checks for MX service and submission
+ service
+ * Configuring header/body checks for mail to some domains only
+WWhhaatt mmaaiill iiss ssuubbjjeecctteedd ttoo hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss
+Postfix header/body checks are implemented by the cleanup(8) server before it
+injects mail into the incoming queue. The diagram below zooms in on the cleanup
+(8) server, and shows that this server handles mail from many different
+sources. In order to keep the diagram readable, the sources of postmaster
+notifications are not shown, because they can be produced by many Postfix
+daemon processes.
+ bounce(8)
+ (undeliverable)
+ ssmmttppdd((88)) |
+ ((nneettwwoorrkk)) \ v
+ qqmmqqppdd((88)) -\ cleanup(8) -> incoming
+ ((nneettwwoorrkk)) -/ queue
+ ppiicckkuupp((88)) / ^
+ ((llooccaall)) |
+ local(8)
+ (forwarded)
+For efficiency reasons, only mail that enters from outside of Postfix is
+inspected with header/body checks. It would be inefficient to filter already
+filtered mail again, and it would be undesirable to block postmaster
+notifications. The table below summarizes what mail is and is not subject to
+header/body checks.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |MMeessssaaggee ttyyppee |SSoouurrccee |HHeeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss??|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Undeliverable mail|bounce(8)|No |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Network mail |smtpd(8) |Configurable |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Network mail |qmqpd(8) |Configurable |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Local submission |pickup(8)|Configurable |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Local forwarding |local(8) |No |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Postmaster notice |many |No |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+How does Postfix decide what mail needs to be filtered? It would be clumsy to
+make the decision in the cleanup(8) server, as this program receives mail from
+so many different sources. Instead, header/body checks are requested by the
+source. Examples of how to turn off header/body checks for mail received with
+smtpd(8), qmqpd(8) or pickup(8) are given below under "Configuring header/body
+checks for mail from outside users only", "Configuring different header/body
+checks for MX service and submission service", and "Configuring header/body
+checks for mail to some domains only".
+LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff PPoossttffiixx hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss
+ * Header/body checks do not decode message headers or message body content.
+ For example, if text in the message body is BASE64 encoded (RFC 2045) then
+ your regular expressions will have to match the BASE64 encoded form.
+ Likewise, message headers with encoded non-ASCII characters (RFC 2047) need
+ to be matched in their encoded form.
+ * Header/body checks cannot filter on a combination of message headers or
+ body lines. Header/body checks examine content one message header at a
+ time, or one message body line at a time, and cannot carry a decision over
+ to the next message header or body line.
+ * Header/body checks cannot depend on the recipient of a message.
+ o One message can have multiple recipients, and all recipients of a
+ message receive the same treatment. Workarounds have been proposed that
+ involve selectively deferring some recipients of multi-recipient mail,
+ but that results in poor SMTP performance and does not work for non-
+ SMTP mail.
+ o Some sources of mail send the headers and content ahead of the
+ recipient information. It would be inefficient to buffer up an entire
+ message before deciding if it needs to be filtered, and it would be
+ clumsy to filter mail and to buffer up all the actions until it is
+ known whether those actions need to be executed.
+ * Despite warnings, some people try to use the built-in filter feature for
+ general junk email and/or virus blocking, using hundreds or even thousands
+ of regular expressions. This can result in catastrophic performance
+ failure. The symptoms are as follows:
+ o The cleanup(8) processes use up all available CPU time in order to
+ process the regular expressions, and/or they use up all available
+ memory so that the system begins to swap. This slows down all incoming
+ mail deliveries.
+ o As Postfix needs more and more time to receive an email message, the
+ number of simultaneous SMTP sessions increases to the point that the
+ SMTP server process limit is reached.
+ o While all SMTP server processes are waiting for the cleanup(8) servers
+ to finish, new SMTP clients have to wait until an SMTP server process
+ becomes available. This causes mail deliveries to time out before they
+ have even begun.
+ The remedy for this type of performance problem is simple: don't use
+ header/body checks for general junk email and/or virus blocking, and don't
+ filter mail before it is queued. When performance is a concern, use an
+ external content filter that runs after mail is queued, as described in the
+ FILTER_README document.
+PPrreevveennttiinngg ddaaiillyy mmaaiill ssttaattuuss rreeppoorrttss ffrroomm bbeeiinngg bblloocckkeedd
+The following is quoted from Jim Seymour's Pflogsumm FAQ at http:// Pflogsumm is a program that
+analyzes Postfix logs, including the logging from rejected mail. If these logs
+contain text that was rejected by Postfix body_checks patterns, then the
+logging is also likely to be rejected by those same body_checks patterns. This
+problem does not exist with header_checks patterns, because those are not
+applied to the text that is part of the mail status report.
+ You configure Postfix to do body checks, Postfix does its thing, Pflogsumm
+ reports it and Postfix catches the same string in the Pflogsumm report.
+ There are several solutions to this.
+ Wolfgang Zeikat contributed this:
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use MIME::Lite;
+ ### Create a new message:
+ $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
+ From => '',
+ To => 'your@recipie.nt',
+ # Cc => ',',
+ Subject => 'pflogsumm',
+ Date => `date`,
+ Type => 'text/plain',
+ Encoding => 'base64',
+ Path => '/tmp/pflogg',
+ );
+ $msg->send;
+ Where "/tmp/pflogg" is the output of Pflogsumm. This puts Pflogsumm's
+ output in a base64 MIME attachment.
+Note by Wietse: if you run this on a machine that is accessible by untrusted
+users, it is safer to store the Pflogsumm report in a directory that is not
+world writable.
+ In a follow-up to a thread in the postfix-users mailing list, Ralf
+ Hildebrandt noted:
+ "mpack does the same thing."
+And it does. Which tool one should use is a matter of preference.
+Other solutions involve additional body_checks rules that make exceptions for
+daily mail status reports, but this is not recommended. Such rules slow down
+all mail and complicate Postfix maintenance.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss ffoorr mmaaiill ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee uusseerrss oonnllyy
+The following information applies to Postfix 2.1 and later. Earlier Postfix
+versions do not support the receive_override_options feature.
+The easiest approach is to configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple SMTP
+server IP addresses in
+ * Two SMTP server IP addresses for mail from inside users only, with header/
+ body filtering turned off, and a local mail pickup service with header/body
+ filtering turned off.
+ /etc/
+ # ==================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ==================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
+ pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup
+ -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
+ * Add some firewall rule to prevent access to from the outside
+ world.
+ * One SMTP server address for mail from outside users with header/body
+ filtering turned on via
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg ddiiffffeerreenntt hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss ffoorr MMXX sseerrvviiccee aanndd ssuubbmmiissssiioonn sseerrvviiccee
+If authorized user submissions require different header/body checks than mail
+from remote MTAs, then this is possible as long as you have separate mail
+streams for authorized users and for MX service.
+The example below assumes that authorized users connect to TCP port 587
+(submission) or 465 (smtps), and that remote MTAs connect to TCP port 25
+First, we define a few "user-defined" parameters that will override settings
+for the submission and smtps services.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ msa_cleanup_service_name = msa_cleanup
+ msa_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/msa_header_checks
+ msa_body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/msa_body_checks
+Next, we define msa_cleanup as a dedicated cleanup service that will be used
+only by the submission and smtps services. This service uses the header_checks
+and body_checks overrides that were defined above.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
+ msa_cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
+ -o header_checks=$msa_header_checks
+ -o body_checks=$msa_body_checks
+ submission inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o cleanup_service_name=$msa_cleanup_service_name
+ -o syslog_name=postfix/submission
+ ...[see sample file for more]...
+ smtps inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o cleanup_service_name=$msa_cleanup_service_name
+ -o syslog_name=postfix/smtps
+ -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
+ ...[see sample file for more]...
+By keeping the "msa_xxx" parameter settings in, you keep your
+file simple, and you minimize the amount of duplication.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy cchheecckkss ffoorr mmaaiill ttoo ssoommee ddoommaaiinnss oonnllyy
+The following information applies to Postfix 2.1. Earlier Postfix versions do
+not support the receive_override_options feature.
+If you are MX service provider and want to apply disable head/body checks for
+some domains, you can configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple SMTP server
+IP addresses in Each address provides a different service.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ # SMTP service for domains with header/body checks turned on.
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ # SMTP service for domains with header/body checks turned off.
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
+Once this is set up you can configure MX records in the DNS that route each
+domain to the proper SMTP server instance.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f06d47
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+PPoossttffiixx CCDDBB HHoowwttoo
+CDB (Constant DataBase) is an indexed file format designed by Daniel Bernstein.
+CDB is optimized exclusively for read access and guarantees that each record
+will be read in at most two disk accesses. This is achieved by forgoing support
+for incremental updates: no single-record inserts or deletes are supported. CDB
+databases can be modified only by rebuilding them completely from scratch,
+hence the "constant" qualifier in the name.
+Postfix CDB databases are specified as "cdb:name", where name specifies the CDB
+file name without the ".cdb" suffix (another suffix, ".tmp", is used
+temporarily while a CDB file is under construction). CDB databases are
+maintained with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command. The DATABASE_README
+document has general information about Postfix databases.
+CDB support is available with Postfix 2.2 and later releases. This document
+describes how to build Postfix with CDB support.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh CCDDBB ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Postfix is compatible with two CDB implementations:
+ * The original cdb library from Daniel Bernstein, available from http://
+, and
+ * tinycdb (version 0.5 and later) from Michael Tokarev, available from http:/
+ /
+Tinycdb is preferred, since it is a bit faster, has additional useful
+functionality and is much simpler to use.
+To build Postfix after you have installed tinycdb, use something like:
+ % make tidy
+ % CDB=../../../tinycdb-0.5
+ % make -f Makefile.init makefiles "CCARGS=-DHAS_CDB -I$CDB" \
+ "AUXLIBS_CDB=$CDB/libcdb.a"
+ % make
+Alternatively, for the D.J.B. version of CDB:
+ % make tidy
+ % CDB=../../../cdb-0.75
+ % make -f Makefile.init makefiles "CCARGS=-DHAS_CDB -I$CDB" \
+ "AUXLIBS_CDB=$CDB/cdb.a $CDB/alloc.a $CDB/buffer.a $CDB/unix.a $CDB/
+ byte.a"
+ % make
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_CDB. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded CDB database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_CDB variable supports
+building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded CDB database client.
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_CDB variable will defeat the purpose of dynamic
+ database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have CDB
+ database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic database
+ client loading was meant to avoid.
+After Postfix has been built with cdb support, you can use "cdb" tables
+wherever you can use read-only "hash", "btree" or "dbm" tables. However, the
+"ppoossttmmaapp --ii" (incremental record insertion) and "ppoossttmmaapp --dd" (incremental
+record deletion) command-line options are not available. For the same reason
+the "cdb" map type cannot be used to store the persistent address verification
+cache for the verify(8) service, or to store TLS session information for the
+tlsmgr(8) service.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20674ff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+PPoossttffiixx BBaacckkwwaarrddss--CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy SSaaffeettyy NNeett
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+Postfix 3.0 introduces a safety net that runs Postfix programs with backwards-
+compatible default settings after an upgrade. The safety net will log a warning
+whenever a "new" default setting could have an negative effect on your mail
+This document provides information on the following topics:
+ * Detailed descriptions of Postfix backwards-compatibility warnings.
+ * What backwards-compatible settings you may have to make permanent in
+ or
+ * How to turn off Postfix backwards-compatibility warnings.
+With backwards compatibility turned on, Postfix logs a message whenever a
+backwards-compatible default setting may be required for continuity of service.
+Based on this logging the system administrator can decide if any backwards-
+compatible settings need to be made permanent in or, before
+turning off the backwards-compatibility safety net as described at the end of
+this document.
+The following messages may be logged:
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting append_dot_mydomain=yes
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting chroot=y
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ (empty)
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting mynetworks_style=subnet
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting relay_domains=$mydestination
+ * Using backwards-compatible default setting smtputf8_enable=no
+If such a message is logged in the context of a legitimate request, the system
+administrator should make the backwards-compatible setting permanent in
+or, as detailed in the sections that follow.
+When no more backwards-compatible settings need to be made permanent, the
+system administrator should turn off the backwards-compatibility safety net as
+described at the end of this document.
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg aappppeenndd__ddoott__mmyyddoommaaiinn==yyeess
+The append_dot_mydomain default value has changed from "yes" to "no". This
+could result in unexpected non-delivery of email after Postfix is updated from
+an older version. The backwards-compatibility safety net is designed to prevent
+such surprises.
+As long as the append_dot_mydomain parameter is left at its implicit default
+value, and the compatibility_level setting is less than 1, Postfix may log one
+of the following messages:
+ * Messages about missing "localhost" in mydestination or other address class:
+ postfix/trivial-rewrite[14777]: using backwards-compatible
+ default setting append_dot_mydomain=yes to rewrite
+ "localhost" to ""; please add
+ "localhost" to mydestination or other address class
+ If Postfix logs the above message, add "localhost" to mydestination (or
+ virtual_alias_domains, virtual_mailbox_domains, or relay_domains) and
+ execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+ * Messages about incomplete domains in email addresses:
+ postfix/trivial-rewrite[25835]: using backwards-compatible
+ default setting append_dot_mydomain=yes to rewrite "foo" to
+ ""
+ If Postfix logs the above message for domains different from "localhost",
+ and the sender cannot be changed to use complete domain names in email
+ addresses, then the system administrator should make the backwards-
+ compatible setting "append_dot_mydomain = yes" permanent in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff aappppeenndd__ddoott__mmyyddoommaaiinn==yyeess
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg cchhrroooott==yy
+The chroot default value has changed from "y" (yes) to "n" (no). The
+new default avoids the need for copies of system files under the Postfix queue
+directory. However, sites with strict security requirements may want to keep
+the chroot feature enabled after updating Postfix from an older version. The
+backwards-compatibility safety net is designed allow the administrator to
+choose if they want to keep the old behavior.
+As long as a chroot field is left at its implicit default value, and
+the compatibility_level setting is less than 1, Postfix may log the following
+message while it reads the file:
+ postfix/master[27664]: /etc/postfix/ line 72: using
+ backwards-compatible default setting chroot=y
+If this service should remain chrooted, then the system administrator should
+make the backwards-compatible setting "chroot = y" permanent in For
+example, to update the chroot setting for the "smtp inet" service:
+ # ppoossttccoonnff --FF ssmmttpp//iinneett//cchhrroooott==yy
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg ssmmttppdd__rreellaayy__rreessttrriiccttiioonnss == ((eemmppttyy))
+The smtpd_relay_restrictions feature was introduced with Postfix version 2.10,
+as a safety mechanism for configuration errors in smtpd_recipient_restrictions
+that could make Postfix an open relay.
+The smtpd_relay_restrictions implicit default setting forbids mail to remote
+destinations from clients that don't match permit_mynetworks or
+permit_sasl_authenticated. This could result in unexpected 'Relay access
+denied' errors after Postfix is updated from an older Postfix version. The
+backwards-compatibility safety net is designed to prevent such surprises.
+When the compatibility_level less than 1, and the smtpd_relay_restrictions
+parameter is left at its implicit default setting, Postfix may log the
+following message:
+ postfix/smtpd[38463]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ "smtpd_relay_restrictions = (empty)" to avoid "Relay access
+ denied" error for recipient "" from client
+ "[]"
+If this request should not be blocked, then the system administrator should
+make the backwards-compatible setting "smtpd_relay_restrictions=" (i.e. empty)
+permanent in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff ssmmttppdd__rreellaayy__rreessttrriiccttiioonnss==
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg mmyynneettwwoorrkkss__ssttyyllee==ssuubbnneett
+The mynetworks_style default value has changed from "subnet" to "host". This
+parameter is used to implement the "permit_mynetworks" feature. The change
+could in unexpected 'access denied' errors after Postfix is updated from an
+older version. The backwards-compatibility safety net is designed to prevent
+such surprises.
+As long as the mynetworks and mynetworks_style parameters are left at their
+implicit default values, and the compatibility_level setting is less than 2,
+the Postfix SMTP server may log one of the following messages:
+ postfix/smtpd[17375]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ mynetworks_style=subnet to permit request from client
+ "[]"
+ postfix/postscreen[24982]: using backwards-compatible default
+ setting mynetworks_style=subnet to permit request from client
+ ""
+If the client request should not be rejected, then the system administrator
+should make the backwards-compatible setting "mynetworks_style = subnet"
+permanent in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff mmyynneettwwoorrkkss__ssttyyllee==ssuubbnneett
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg rreellaayy__ddoommaaiinnss==$$mmyyddeessttiinnaattiioonn
+The relay_domains default value has changed from "$mydestination" to the empty
+value. This could result in unexpected 'Relay access denied' errors or ETRN
+errors after Postfix is updated from an older version. The backwards-
+compatibility safety net is designed to prevent such surprises.
+As long as the relay_domains parameter is left at its implicit default value,
+and the compatibility_level setting is less than 2, Postfix may log one of the
+following messages.
+ * Messages about accepting mail for a remote domain:
+ postfix/smtpd[19052]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ relay_domains=$mydestination to accept mail for domain
+ ""
+ postfix/smtpd[19052]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ relay_domains=$mydestination to accept mail for address
+ ""
+ * Messages about providing ETRN service for a remote domain:
+ postfix/smtpd[19138]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ relay_domains=$mydestination to flush mail for domain
+ ""
+ postfix/smtp[13945]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ relay_domains=$mydestination to update fast-flush logfile for
+ domain ""
+If Postfix should continue to accept mail for that domain or continue to
+provide ETRN service for that domain, then the system administrator should make
+the backwards-compatible setting "relay_domains = $mydestination" permanent in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff ''rreellaayy__ddoommaaiinnss==$$mmyyddeessttiinnaattiioonn''
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+Note: quotes are required as indicated above.
+Instead of $mydestination, it may be better to specify an explicit list of
+domain names.
+UUssiinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbllee ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinngg ssmmttppuuttff88__eennaabbllee==nnoo
+The smtputf8_enable default value has changed from "no" to "yes. With the new
+"yes" setting, the Postfix SMTP server rejects non-ASCII addresses from clients
+that don't request SMTPUTF8 support, after Postfix is updated from an older
+version. The backwards-compatibility safety net is designed to prevent such
+As long as the smtputf8_enable parameter is left at its implicit default value,
+and the compatibility_level setting is less than 1, Postfix logs a warning each
+time an SMTP command uses a non-ASCII address localpart without requesting
+SMTPUTF8 support:
+ postfix/smtpd[27560]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ smtputf8_enable=no to accept non-ASCII sender address
+ "??" from localhost[]
+ postfix/smtpd[27560]: using backwards-compatible default setting
+ smtputf8_enable=no to accept non-ASCII recipient address
+ "??" from localhost[]
+If the address should not be rejected, and the client cannot be updated to use
+SMTPUTF8, then the system administrator should make the backwards-compatible
+setting "smtputf8_enable = no" permanent in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff ssmmttppuuttff88__eennaabbllee==nnoo
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee bbaacckkwwaarrddss--ccoommppaattiibbiilliittyy ssaaffeettyy nneett
+Backwards compatibility is turned off by updating the compatibility_level
+setting in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff ccoommppaattiibbiilliittyy__lleevveell==NN
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+For N specify the number that is logged in your postfix(1) warning message:
+ warning: To disable backwards compatibility use "postconf
+ compatibility_level=N" and "postfix reload"
+Sites that don't care about backwards compatibility may set
+"compatibility_level = 9999" at their own risk.
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index 0000000..bd2fd03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+PPoossttffiixx CCoonnnneeccttiioonn CCaacchhee
+This document describes the Postfix connection cache implementation, which is
+available with Postfix version 2.2 and later.
+See Client-side TLS connection reuse for how this connection cache is used to
+implement multiple deliveries per TLS-encrypted connection.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * What SMTP connection caching can do for you
+ * Connection cache implementation
+ * Connection cache configuration
+ * Connection cache safety mechanisms
+ * Connection cache limitations
+ * Connection cache statistics
+WWhhaatt SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhiinngg ccaann ddoo ffoorr yyoouu
+With SMTP connection caching, Postfix can deliver multiple messages over the
+same SMTP connection. By default, Postfix 2.2 reuses an SMTP connection
+automatically when a destination has high volume of mail in the active queue.
+SMTP Connection caching is a performance feature. Whether or not it actually
+improves performance depends on the conditions:
+ * SMTP Connection caching can greatly improve performance when delivering
+ mail to a destination with multiple mail servers, because it can help
+ Postfix to skip over a non-responding server.
+ * Otherwise, the benefits of SMTP connection caching are minor: it eliminates
+ the latency of the TCP handshake (SYN, SYN+ACK, ACK), plus the latency of
+ the SMTP initial handshake (220 greeting, EHLO command, EHLO response).
+ * SMTP Connection caching gives no gains with respect to SMTP session tear-
+ down. The Postfix smtp(8) client normally does not wait for the server's
+ reply to the QUIT command, and it never waits for the TCP final handshake
+ to complete.
+ * SMTP Connection caching introduces some overhead: the client needs to send
+ an RSET command to find out if a connection is still usable, before it can
+ send the next MAIL FROM command. This introduces one additional round-trip
+ delay.
+For other potential issues with SMTP connection caching, see the discussion of
+limitations at the end of this document.
+CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhee iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn
+For an overview of how Postfix delivers mail, see the Postfix architecture
+OVERVIEW document.
+The Postfix connection cache is shared among Postfix mail delivering processes.
+This maximizes the opportunity to reuse an open connection. Other MTAs such as
+Sendmail or exim have a non-shared connection cache. Here, a connection can be
+reused only by the mail delivering process that creates the connection. To get
+the same performance improvement as with a shared connection cache, non-shared
+connections need to be kept open for a longer time.
+The scache(8) server, introduced with Postfix version 2.2, maintains the shared
+connection cache. With Postfix version 2.2, only the smtp(8) client has support
+to access this cache.
+ /-- smtp(8) --> Internet
+ qmgr(8)
+ |
+ \-- | smtp(8) --> Internet
+ |
+ ^
+ |
+ scache(8)
+When SMTP connection caching is enabled (see next section), the smtp(8) client
+does not disconnect after a mail transaction, but gives the connection to the
+scache(8) server which keeps the connection open for a limited amount of time.
+After handing over the open connection to the scache(8) server, the smtp(8)
+client continues with some other mail delivery request. Meanwhile, any smtp(8)
+client process can ask the scache(8) server for that cached connection and
+reuse it for mail delivery.
+The connection cache can be searched by destination domain name (the right-hand
+side of the recipient address) and by the IP address of the host at the other
+end of the connection. This allows Postfix to reuse a connection even when the
+remote host is mail server for domains with different names.
+CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+The Postfix smtp(8) client supports two connection caching strategies:
+ * On-demand connection caching. This is enabled by default, and is controlled
+ with the smtp_connection_cache_on_demand configuration parameter. When this
+ feature is enabled, the Postfix smtp(8) client automatically saves a
+ connection to the connection cache when a destination has a high volume of
+ mail in the active queue.
+ Example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_connection_cache_on_demand = yes
+ * Per-destination connection caching. This is enabled by explicitly listing
+ specific destinations with the smtp_connection_cache_destinations
+ configuration parameter. After completing delivery to a selected
+ destination, the Postfix smtp(8) client always saves the connection to the
+ connection cache.
+ Specify a comma or white space separated list of destinations or pseudo-
+ destinations:
+ o if mail is sent without a relay host: a domain name (the right-hand
+ side of an email address, without the [] around a numeric IP address),
+ o if mail is sent via a relay host: a relay host name (without the [] or
+ non-default TCP port), as specified in or in the transport map,
+ o a /file/name with domain names and/or relay host names as defined
+ above,
+ o a "type:table" with domain names and/or relay host names on the left-
+ hand side. The right-hand side result from "type:table" lookups is
+ ignored.
+ Examples:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_connection_cache_destinations = $relayhost
+ smtp_connection_cache_destinations =, ...
+ smtp_connection_cache_destinations = static:all (not recommended)
+CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhee ssaaffeettyy mmeecchhaanniissmmss
+Connection caching must be used wisely. It is anti-social to keep an unused
+SMTP connection open for a significant amount of time, and it is unwise to send
+huge numbers of messages through the same connection. In order to avoid
+problems with SMTP connection caching, Postfix implements the following safety
+ * The Postfix scache(8) server keeps a connection open for only a limited
+ time. The time limit is specified with the smtp_connection_cache_time_limit
+ and with the connection_cache_ttl_limit configuration parameters. This
+ prevents anti-social behavior.
+ * The Postfix smtp(8) client reuses a session for only a limited number of
+ times. This avoids triggering bugs in implementations that do not correctly
+ handle multiple deliveries per session.
+ As of Postfix 2.3 connection reuse is preferably limited with the
+ smtp_connection_reuse_time_limit parameter. In addition, Postfix 2.11
+ provides smtp_connection_reuse_count_limit to limit how many times a
+ connection may be reused, but this feature is unsafe as it introduces a
+ "fatal attractor" failure mode (when a destination has multiple inbound
+ MTAs, the slowest inbound MTA will attract most connections from Postfix to
+ that destination).
+ Postfix 2.3 logs the use count of multiply-used connections, as shown in
+ the following example:
+ Nov 3 16:04:31 myname postfix/smtp[30840]: 19B6B2900FE:
+ to=<>, orig_to=<wietse@test>,
+[], ccoonnnn__uussee==22, delay=0.22,
+ delays=0.04/0.01/0.05/0.1, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok)
+ * The connection cache explicitly labels each cached connection with
+ destination domain and IP address information. A connection cache lookup
+ succeeds only when the correct information is specified. This prevents mis-
+ delivery of mail.
+CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhee lliimmiittaattiioonnss
+Postfix SMTP connection caching conflicts with certain applications:
+ * With Postfix versions < 3.4, the Postfix shared connection cache cannot be
+ used with TLS, because an open TLS connection can be reused only in the
+ process that creates it. For this reason, the Postfix smtp(8) client
+ historically always closed the connection after completing an attempt to
+ deliver mail over TLS.
+ * Postfix connection caching currently does not support multiple SASL
+ accounts per mail server. Specifically, Postfix connection caching assumes
+ that a SASL credential is valid for all hostnames or domain names that
+ deliver via the same mail server IP address and TCP port, and assumes that
+ the SASL credential does not depend on the message originator.
+CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhee ssttaattiissttiiccss
+The scache(8) connection cache server logs statistics about the peak cache size
+and the cache hit rates. This information is logged every
+connection_cache_status_update_time seconds, when the process terminates after
+the maximal idle time is exceeded, or when Postfix is reloaded.
+ * Hit rates for connection cache lookups by domain will tell you how useful
+ connection caching is.
+ * Connection cache lookups by network address will always fail, unless you're
+ sending mail to different domains that share the same MX hosts.
+ * No statistics are logged when no attempts are made to access the connection
+ cache.
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+PPoossttffiixx CCoonntteenntt IInnssppeeccttiioonn
+Postfix supports three content inspection methods, ranging from light-weight
+one-line-at-a-time scanning before mail is queued, to heavy duty machinery that
+does sophisticated content analysis after mail is queued. Each approach serves
+a different purpose.
+bbeeffoorree qquueeuuee,, bbuuiilltt--iinn,, lliigghhtt--wweeiigghhtt
+ This method inspects mail BEFORE it is stored in the queue, and uses
+ Postfix's built-in message header and message body inspection. Although the
+ main purpose is to stop a specific flood of mail from worms or viruses, it
+ is also useful to block a flood of bounced junk email and email
+ notifications from virus detection systems. The built-in regular
+ expressions are not meant to implement general SPAM and virus detection.
+ For that, you should use one of the content inspection methods described
+ below. Details are described in the BUILTIN_FILTER_README and
+aafftteerr qquueeuuee,, eexxtteerrnnaall,, hheeaavvyy--wweeiigghhtt
+ This method inspects mail AFTER it is stored in the queue, and uses
+ standard protocols such as SMTP or "pipe to command and wait for exit
+ status". After-queue inspection allows you to use content filters of
+ arbitrary complexity without causing timeouts while receiving mail, and
+ without running out of memory resources under a peak load. Details of this
+ approach are in the FILTER_README document.
+bbeeffoorree qquueeuuee,, eexxtteerrnnaall,, mmeeddiiuumm--wweeiigghhtt
+ The following two methods inspect mail BEFORE it is stored in the queue.
+ * The first method uses the SMTP protocol, and is described in the
+ SMTPD_PROXY_README document. This approach is available with Postfix
+ version 2.1 and later.
+ * The second method uses the Sendmail 8 Milter protocol, and is described
+ in the MILTER_README document. This approach is available with Postfix
+ version 2.3 and later.
+ Although these approaches appear to be attractive, they have some serious
+ limitations that you need to be aware of. First, content inspection
+ software must finish in a limited amount of time; if content inspection
+ needs too much time then incoming mail deliveries will time out. Second,
+ content inspection software must run in a limited amount of memory; if
+ content inspection needs too much memory then software will crash under a
+ peak load. Before-queue inspection limits the peak load that your system
+ can handle, and limits the sophistication of the content filter that you
+ can use.
+The more sophisticated content filtering software is not built into Postfix for
+good reasons: writing an MTA requires different skills than writing a SPAM or
+virus killer. Postfix encourages the use of external filters and standard
+protocols because this allows you to choose the best MTA and the best content
+inspection software for your purpose. Information about external content
+inspection software can be found on the Postfix website at http://, and on the mailing list.
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+PPoossttffiixx CCyyrruuss HHoowwttoo
+This document will be made available via
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+PPoossttffiixx LLooookkuupp TTaabbllee OOvveerrvviieeww
+This document covers the following topics:
+ * The Postfix lookup table model
+ * Postfix lists versus tables
+ * Preparing Postfix for LDAP or SQL lookups
+ * Maintaining Postfix lookup table files
+ * Updating Berkeley DB files safely
+ * Postfix lookup table types
+TThhee PPoossttffiixx llooookkuupp ttaabbllee mmooddeell
+Postfix uses lookup tables to store and look up information for access control,
+address rewriting and even for content filtering. All Postfix lookup tables are
+specified as "type:table", where "type" is one of the database types described
+under "Postfix lookup table types" at the end of this document, and where
+"table" is the lookup table name. The Postfix documentation uses the terms
+"database" and "lookup table" for the same thing.
+Examples of lookup tables that appear often in the Postfix documentation:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases (local aliasing)
+ header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks (content filtering)
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport (routing table)
+ virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual (address rewriting)
+All Postfix lookup tables store information as (key, value) pairs. This
+interface may seem simplistic at first, but it turns out to be very powerful.
+The (key, value) query interface completely hides the complexities of LDAP or
+SQL from Postfix. This is a good example of connecting complex systems with
+simple interfaces.
+Benefits of the Postfix (key, value) query interface:
+ * You can implement Postfix lookup tables first with local Berkeley DB files
+ and then switch to LDAP or MySQL without any impact on the Postfix
+ configuration itself, as described under "Preparing Postfix for LDAP or SQL
+ lookups" below.
+ * You can use Berkeley DB files with fixed lookup strings for simple address
+ rewriting operations and you can use regular expression tables for the more
+ complicated work. In other words, you don't have to put everything into the
+ same table.
+PPoossttffiixx lliissttss vveerrssuuss ttaabblleess
+Most Postfix lookup tables are used to look up information. Examples are
+address rewriting (the lookup string is the old address, and the result is the
+new address) or access control (the lookup string is the client, sender or
+recipient, and the result is an action such as "reject").
+With some tables, however, Postfix needs to know only if the lookup key exists.
+Any non-empty lookup result value may be used here: the lookup result is not
+used. Examples are the local_recipient_maps that determine what local
+recipients Postfix accepts in mail from the network, the mydestination
+parameter that specifies what domains Postfix delivers locally, or the
+mynetworks parameter that specifies the IP addresses of trusted clients or
+client networks. Technically, these are lists, not tables. Despite the
+difference, Postfix lists are described here because they use the same
+underlying infrastructure as Postfix lookup tables.
+PPrreeppaarriinngg PPoossttffiixx ffoorr LLDDAAPP oorr SSQQLL llooookkuuppss
+LDAP and SQL are complex systems. Trying to set up both Postfix and LDAP or SQL
+at the same time is definitely not a good idea. You can save yourself a lot of
+time by implementing Postfix first with local files such as Berkeley DB. Local
+files have few surprises, and are easy to debug with the postmap(1) command:
+ % ppoossttmmaapp --qq iinnffoo@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm hhaasshh:://eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall
+Once you have local files working properly you can follow the instructions in
+ldap_table(5), mysql_table(5), pgsql_table(5) or sqlite_table(5) and replace
+local file lookups with LDAP or SQL lookups. When you do this, you should use
+the postmap(1) command again, to verify that database lookups still produce the
+exact same results as local file lookup:
+ % ppoossttmmaapp --qq iinnffoo@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm llddaapp:://eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall..ccff
+Be sure to exercise all the partial address or parent domain queries that are
+documented under "table search order" in the relevant manual page: access(5),
+canonical(5), virtual(5), transport(5), or under the relevant configuration
+parameter: mynetworks, relay_domains, parent_domain_matches_subdomains.
+MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg PPoossttffiixx llooookkuupp ttaabbllee ffiilleess
+When you make changes to a database while the mail system is running, it would
+be desirable if Postfix avoids reading information while that information is
+being changed. It would also be nice if you can change a database without
+having to execute "postfix reload", in order to force Postfix to use the new
+information. Each time you do "postfix reload" Postfix loses a lot of
+ * If you change a network database such as LDAP, NIS or SQL, there is no need
+ to execute "postfix reload". The LDAP, NIS or SQL server takes care of
+ read/write access conflicts and gives the new data to Postfix once that
+ data is available.
+ * If you change a regexp:, pcre:, cidr: or texthash: file then Postfix may
+ not pick up the file changes immediately. This is because a Postfix process
+ reads the entire file into memory once and never examines the file again.
+ o If the file is used by a short-running process such as smtpd(8),
+ cleanup(8) or local(8), there is no need to execute "postfix reload"
+ after making a change.
+ o If the file is being used by a long-running process such as trivial-
+ rewrite(8) on a busy server it may be necessary to execute "postfix
+ reload".
+ * If you change a local file based database such as DBM or Berkeley DB, there
+ is no need to execute "postfix reload". Postfix uses file locking to avoid
+ read/write access conflicts, and whenever a Postfix daemon process notices
+ that a file has changed it will terminate before handling the next client
+ request, so that a new process can initialize with the new database.
+UUppddaattiinngg BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB ffiilleess ssaaffeellyy
+Postfix uses file locking to avoid access conflicts while updating Berkeley DB
+or other local database files. This used to be safe, but as Berkeley DB has
+evolved to use more aggressive caching, file locking may no longer be
+Furthermore, file locking would not prevent problems when the update fails
+because the disk is full or something else causes a database update to fail. In
+particular, commands such as postmap(1) or postalias(1) overwrite existing
+files. If the overwrite fails in the middle then you have no usable database,
+and Postfix will stop working. This is not an issue with the CDB database type
+available with Postfix 2.2 and later: CDB creates a new file, and renames the
+file upon successful completion.
+With Berkeley DB and other "one file" databases, it is possible to add some
+extra robustness by using "mv" to REPLACE an existing database file instead of
+overwriting it:
+ # ppoossttmmaapp aacccceessss..iinn &&&& mmvv aacccceessss..iinn..ddbb aacccceessss..ddbb
+This converts the input file "" into the output file "",
+and replaces the file "access.db" only when the postmap(1) command was
+successful. Of course typing such commands becomes boring quickly, and this is
+why people use "make" instead, as shown below. User input is shown in bold
+ # ccaatt MMaakkeeffiillee
+ all: aliases.db access.db virtual.db ...etcetera...
+ # Note 1: commands are specified after a TAB character.
+ # Note 2: use postalias(1) for local aliases, postmap(1) for the rest.
+ aliases.db:
+ postalias
+ mv aliases.db
+ access.db:
+ postmap
+ mv access.db
+ virtual.db:
+ postmap
+ mv virtual.db
+ ...etcetera...
+ # vvii aacccceessss..iinn
+ ...editing session not shown...
+ # mmaakkee
+ postmap
+ mv access.db
+ #
+The "make" command updates only the files that have changed. In case of error,
+the "make" command will stop and will not invoke the "mv" command, so that
+Postfix will keep using the existing database file as if nothing happened.
+PPoossttffiixx llooookkuupp ttaabbllee ttyyppeess
+To find out what database types your Postfix system supports, use the "ppoossttccoonnff
+--mm" command. Here is a list of database types that are often supported:
+ bbttrreeee
+ A sorted, balanced tree structure. This is available only on systems
+ with support for Berkeley DB databases. Database files are created with
+ the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command. The lookup table name as used
+ in "btree:table" is the database file name without the ".db" suffix.
+ ccddbb
+ A read-optimized structure with no support for incremental updates.
+ Database files are created with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command.
+ The lookup table name as used in "cdb:table" is the database file name
+ without the ".cdb" suffix. This feature is available with Postfix 2.2
+ and later.
+ cciiddrr
+ A table that associates values with Classless Inter-Domain Routing
+ (CIDR) patterns. The table format is described in cidr_table(5).
+ ddbbmm
+ An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on
+ systems with support for DBM databases. Public database files are
+ created with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command, and private
+ databases are maintained by Postfix daemons. The lookup table name as
+ used in "dbm:table" is the database file name without the ".dir" or
+ ".pag" suffix.
+ eennvviirroonn
+ The UNIX process environment array. The lookup key is the variable
+ name. The lookup table name in "environ:table" is ignored.
+ ffaaiill
+ A table that reliably fails all requests. The lookup table name is used
+ for logging only. This table exists to simplify Postfix error tests.
+ hhaasshh
+ An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on
+ systems with support for Berkeley DB databases. Public database files
+ are created with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command, and private
+ databases are maintained by Postfix daemons. The database name as used
+ in "hash:table" is the database file name without the ".db" suffix.
+ iinnlliinnee (read-only)
+ A non-shared, in-memory lookup table. Example: "inline:{ key=value,
+ { key = text with whitespace or comma }}". Key-value pairs are
+ separated by whitespace or comma; with a key-value pair inside "{}",
+ whitespace is ignored after the opening "{", around the "=" between key
+ and value, and before the closing "}". Inline tables eliminate the need
+ to create a database file for just a few fixed elements. See also the
+ static: map type.
+ iinntteerrnnaall
+ A non-shared, in-memory hash table. Its content are lost when a process
+ terminates.
+ llmmddbb
+ OpenLDAP LMDB database. This is available only on systems with support
+ for LMDB databases. Public database files are created with the postmap
+ (1) or postalias(1) command, and private databases are maintained by
+ Postfix daemons. The database name as used in "lmdb:table" is the
+ database file name without the ".lmdb" suffix. See lmdb_table(5) for
+ details.
+ llddaapp (read-only)
+ LDAP database client. Configuration details are given in the ldap_table
+ (5).
+ mmeemmccaacchhee
+ Memcache database client. Configuration details are given in
+ memcache_table(5).
+ mmyyssqqll (read-only)
+ MySQL database client. Configuration details are given in mysql_table
+ (5).
+ nneettiinnffoo (read-only)
+ Netinfo database client.
+ nniiss (read-only)
+ NIS database client.
+ nniisspplluuss (read-only)
+ NIS+ database client. Configuration details are given in nisplus_table
+ (5).
+ ppccrree (read-only)
+ A lookup table based on Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. The file
+ format is described in pcre_table(5). The lookup table name as used in
+ "pcre:table" is the name of the regular expression file.
+ ppiippeemmaapp (read-only)
+ A pipeline of lookup tables. Example: "pipemap:{type1:name1, ...,
+ typen:namen}". Each "pipemap:" query is given to the first table. Each
+ lookup result becomes the query for the next table in the pipeline, and
+ the last table produces the final result. When any table lookup
+ produces no result, the pipeline produces no result. The first and last
+ characters of the "pipemap:" table name must be "{" and "}". Within
+ these, individual maps are separated with comma or whitespace.
+ ppggssqqll (read-only)
+ PostgreSQL database client. Configuration details are given in
+ pgsql_table(5).
+ pprrooxxyy
+ Postfix proxymap(8) client for shared access to Postfix databases. The
+ lookup table name syntax is "proxy:type:table".
+ rraannddmmaapp (read-only)
+ An in-memory table that performs random selection. Example: "randmap:
+ {result1. ..., resultn}". Each table query returns a random choice from
+ the specified results. The first and last characters of the "randmap:
+ " table name must be "{" and "}". Within these, individual maps are
+ separated with comma or whitespace. To give a specific result more
+ weight, specify it multiple times.
+ rreeggeexxpp (read-only)
+ A lookup table based on regular expressions. The file format is
+ described in regexp_table(5). The lookup table name as used in "regexp:
+ table" is the name of the regular expression file.
+ ssddbbmm
+ An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on
+ systems with support for SDBM databases. Public database files are
+ created with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command, and private
+ databases are maintained by Postfix daemons. The lookup table name as
+ used in "sdbm:table" is the database file name without the ".dir" or
+ ".pag" suffix.
+ ssoocckkeettmmaapp (read-only)
+ Sendmail-style socketmap client. The name of the table is either iinneett:
+ host:port:name for a TCP/IP server, or uunniixx:pathname:name for a UNIX-
+ domain server. See socketmap_table(5) for details.
+ ssqqlliittee (read-only)
+ SQLite database. Configuration details are given in sqlite_table(5).
+ ssttaattiicc (read-only)
+ A table that always returns its name as the lookup result. For example,
+ "static:foobar" always returns the string "foobar" as lookup result.
+ Specify "static:{ text with whitespace }" when the result contains
+ whitespace; this form ignores whitespace after the opening "{" and
+ before the closing "}". See also the inline: map type.
+ ttccpp
+ TCP/IP client. The protocol is described in tcp_table(5). The lookup
+ table name is "tcp:host:port" where "host" specifies a symbolic
+ hostname or a numeric IP address, and "port" specifies a symbolic
+ service name or a numeric port number.
+ tteexxtthhaasshh (read-only)
+ A table that produces similar results as hash: files, except that you
+ don't have to run the postmap(1) command before you can use the file,
+ and that texthash: does not detect changes after the file is read. The
+ lookup table name is "texthash:filename", where the file name is taken
+ literally; no suffix is appended.
+ uunniioonnmmaapp (read-only)
+ A table that sends each query to multiple lookup tables and that
+ concatenates all found results, separated by comma. The table name
+ syntax is the same as for pipemap tables.
+ uunniixx (read-only)
+ A limited view of the UNIX authentication database. The following
+ tables are implemented:
+ uunniixx::ppaasssswwdd..bbyynnaammee
+ The table is the UNIX password database. The key is a login name.
+ The result is a password file entry in passwd(5) format.
+ uunniixx::ggrroouupp..bbyynnaammee
+ The table is the UNIX group database. The key is a group name. The
+ result is a group file entry in group(5) format.
+Other lookup table types may be available depending on how Postfix was built.
+With some Postfix distributions the list is dynamically extensible as support
+for lookup tables is dynamically linked into Postfix.
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+PPoossttffiixx BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB HHoowwttoo
+Postfix uses databases of various kinds to store and look up information.
+Postfix databases are specified as "type:name". Berkeley DB implements the
+Postfix database type "hash" and "btree". The name of a Postfix Berkeley DB
+database is the name of the database file without the ".db" suffix. Berkeley DB
+databases are maintained with the postmap(1) command.
+Note: Berkeley DB version 4 is not supported by Postfix versions before 2.0.
+This document describes:
+ 1. How to build Postfix without Berkeley DB support even if the system comes
+ with Berkeley DB.
+ 2. How to build Postfix on systems that normally have no Berkeley DB library.
+ 3. How to build Postfix on BSD or Linux systems with multiple Berkeley DB
+ versions.
+ 4. How to tweak performance.
+ 5. Missing pthread library trouble.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthhoouutt BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB ssuuppppoorrtt eevveenn iiff tthhee ssyysstteemm ccoommeess wwiitthh
+BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB
+Note: The following instructions apply to Postfix 2.9 and later.
+Postfix will normally enable Berkeley DB support if the system is known to have
+it. To build Postfix without Berkeley DB support, build the makefiles as
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-DNO_DB"
+ % make
+This will disable support for "hash" and "btree" files.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx oonn ssyysstteemmss tthhaatt nnoorrmmaallllyy hhaavvee nnoo BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB lliibbrraarryy
+Some UNIXes ship without Berkeley DB support; for historical reasons these use
+DBM files instead. A problem with DBM files is that they can store only limited
+amounts of data. To build Postfix with Berkeley DB support you need to download
+and install the source code from
+Warning: some Linux system libraries use Berkeley DB, as do some third-party
+libraries such as SASL. If you compile Postfix with a different Berkeley DB
+implementation, then every Postfix program will dump core because either the
+system library, the SASL library, or Postfix itself ends up using the wrong
+The more recent Berkeley DB versions have a compile-time switch, "--with-
+uniquename", which renames the symbols so that multiple versions of Berkeley DB
+can co-exist in the same application. Although wasteful, this may be the only
+way to keep things from falling apart.
+To build Postfix after you installed the Berkeley DB from source code, use
+something like:
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-DHAS_DB -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/include" \
+ AUXLIBS="-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/lib -ldb"
+ % make
+Solaris needs this:
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-DHAS_DB -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/include" \
+ AUXLIBS="-R/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/lib -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/lib -ldb"
+ % make
+The exact pathnames depend on the Berkeley DB version, and on how it was
+Warning: the file format produced by Berkeley DB version 1 is not compatible
+with that of versions 2 and 3 (versions 2 and 3 have the same format). If you
+switch between DB versions, then you may have to rebuild all your Postfix DB
+Warning: if you use Berkeley DB version 2 or later, do not enable DB 1.85
+compatibility mode. Doing so would break fcntl file locking.
+Warning: if you use Perl to manipulate Postfix's Berkeley DB files, then you
+need to use the same Berkeley DB version in Perl as in Postfix.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx oonn BBSSDD ssyysstteemmss wwiitthh mmuullttiippllee BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB vveerrssiioonnss
+Some BSD systems ship with multiple Berkeley DB implementations. Normally,
+Postfix builds with the default DB version that ships with the system.
+To build Postfix on BSD systems with a non-default DB version, use a variant of
+the following commands:
+ % make makefiles CCARGS=-I/usr/include/db3 AUXLIBS=-ldb3
+ % make
+Warning: the file format produced by Berkeley DB version 1 is not compatible
+with that of versions 2 and 3 (versions 2 and 3 have the same format). If you
+switch between DB versions, then you may have to rebuild all your Postfix DB
+Warning: if you use Berkeley DB version 2 or later, do not enable DB 1.85
+compatibility mode. Doing so would break fcntl file locking.
+Warning: if you use Perl to manipulate Postfix's Berkeley DB files, then you
+need to use the same Berkeley DB version in Perl as in Postfix.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx oonn LLiinnuuxx ssyysstteemmss wwiitthh mmuullttiippllee BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB vveerrssiioonnss
+Some Linux systems ship with multiple Berkeley DB implementations. Normally,
+Postfix builds with the default DB version that ships with the system.
+Warning: some Linux system libraries use Berkeley DB. If you compile Postfix
+with a non-default Berkeley DB implementation, then every Postfix program will
+dump core because either the system library or Postfix itself ends up using the
+wrong version.
+On Linux, you need to edit the makedefs script in order to specify a non-
+default DB library. The reason is that the location of the default db.h include
+file changes randomly between vendors and between versions, so that Postfix has
+to choose the file for you.
+Warning: the file format produced by Berkeley DB version 1 is not compatible
+with that of versions 2 and 3 (versions 2 and 3 have the same format). If you
+switch between DB versions, then you may have to rebuild all your Postfix DB
+Warning: if you use Berkeley DB version 2 or later, do not enable DB 1.85
+compatibility mode. Doing so would break fcntl file locking.
+Warning: if you use Perl to manipulate Postfix's Berkeley DB files, then you
+need to use the same Berkeley DB version in Perl as in Postfix.
+TTwweeaakkiinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+Postfix provides two configuration parameters that control how much buffering
+memory Berkeley DB will use.
+ * berkeley_db_create_buffer_size (default: 16 MBytes per table). This setting
+ is used by the commands that maintain Berkeley DB files: postalias(1) and
+ postmap(1). For "hash" files, create performance degrades rapidly unless
+ the memory pool is O(file size). For "btree" files, create performance is
+ good with sorted input even for small memory pools, but with random input
+ degrades rapidly unless the memory pool is O(file size).
+ * berkeley_db_read_buffer_size (default: 128 kBytes per table). This setting
+ is used by all other Postfix programs. The buffer size is adequate for
+ reading. If the cache is smaller than the table, random read performance is
+ hardly cache size dependent, except with btree tables, where the cache size
+ must be large enough to contain the entire path from the root node.
+ Empirical evidence shows that 64 kBytes may be sufficient. We double the
+ size to play safe, and to anticipate changes in implementation and bloat.
+MMiissssiinngg pptthhrreeaadd lliibbrraarryy ttrroouubbllee
+When building Postfix fails with:
+ undefined reference to `pthread_condattr_setpshared'
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutexattr_destroy'
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutexattr_init'
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_trylock'
+Add the "-lpthread" library to the "make makefiles" command.
+ % make makefiles .... AUXLIBS="... -lpthread"
+More information is available at
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a277d96
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+PPoossttffiixx DDeebbuuggggiinngg HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document describes how to debug parts of the Postfix mail system when
+things do not work according to expectation. The methods vary from making
+Postfix log a lot of detail, to running some daemon processes under control of
+a call tracer or debugger.
+The text assumes that the Postfix and configuration files are
+stored in directory /etc/postfix. You can use the command "ppoossttccoonnff
+ccoonnffiigg__ddiirreeccttoorryy" to find out the actual location of this directory on your
+Listed in order of increasing invasiveness, the debugging techniques are as
+ * Look for obvious signs of trouble
+ * Debugging Postfix from inside
+ * Try turning off chroot operation in
+ * Verbose logging for specific SMTP connections
+ * Record the SMTP session with a network sniffer
+ * Making Postfix daemon programs more verbose
+ * Manually tracing a Postfix daemon process
+ * Automatically tracing a Postfix daemon process
+ * Running daemon programs with the interactive ddd debugger
+ * Running daemon programs with the interactive gdb debugger
+ * Running daemon programs under a non-interactive debugger
+ * Unreasonable behavior
+ * Reporting problems to
+LLooookk ffoorr oobbvviioouuss ssiiggnnss ooff ttrroouubbllee
+Postfix logs all failed and successful deliveries to a logfile.
+ * When Postfix uses syslog logging (the default), the file is usually called
+ /var/log/maillog, /var/log/mail, or something similar; the exact pathname
+ is configured in a file called /etc/syslog.conf, /etc/rsyslog.conf, or
+ something similar.
+ * When Postfix uses its own logging system (see MAILLOG_README), the location
+ of the logfile is configured with the Postfix maillog_file parameter.
+When Postfix does not receive or deliver mail, the first order of business is
+to look for errors that prevent Postfix from working properly:
+ % eeggrreepp ''((wwaarrnniinngg||eerrrroorr||ffaattaall||ppaanniicc))::'' //ssoommee//lloogg//ffiillee || mmoorree
+Note: the most important message is near the BEGINNING of the output. Error
+messages that come later are less useful.
+The nature of each problem is indicated as follows:
+ * "ppaanniicc" indicates a problem in the software itself that only a programmer
+ can fix. Postfix cannot proceed until this is fixed.
+ * "ffaattaall" is the result of missing files, incorrect permissions, incorrect
+ configuration file settings that you can fix. Postfix cannot proceed until
+ this is fixed.
+ * "eerrrroorr" reports an error condition. For safety reasons, a Postfix process
+ will terminate when more than 13 of these happen.
+ * "wwaarrnniinngg" indicates a non-fatal error. These are problems that you may not
+ be able to fix (such as a broken DNS server elsewhere on the network) but
+ may also indicate local configuration errors that could become a problem
+ later.
+DDeebbuuggggiinngg PPoossttffiixx ffrroomm iinnssiiddee
+Postfix version 2.1 and later can produce mail delivery reports for debugging
+purposes. These reports not only show sender/recipient addresses after address
+rewriting and alias expansion or forwarding, they also show information about
+delivery to mailbox, delivery to non-Postfix command, responses from remote
+SMTP servers, and so on.
+Postfix can produce two types of mail delivery reports for debugging:
+ * What-if: report what would happen, but do not actually deliver mail. This
+ mode of operation is requested with:
+ % //uussrr//ssbbiinn//sseennddmmaaiill --bbvv aaddddrreessss......
+ Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <your login name>.
+ * What happened: deliver mail and report successes and/or failures, including
+ replies from remote SMTP servers. This mode of operation is requested with:
+ % //uussrr//ssbbiinn//sseennddmmaaiill --vv aaddddrreessss......
+ Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <your login name>.
+These reports contain information that is generated by Postfix delivery agents.
+Since these run as daemon processes that cannot interact with users directly,
+the result is sent as mail to the sender of the test message. The format of
+these reports is practically identical to that of ordinary non-delivery
+For a detailed example of a mail delivery status report, see the debugging
+section at the end of the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.
+TTrryy ttuurrnniinngg ooffff cchhrroooott ooppeerraattiioonn iinn mmaasstteerr..ccff
+A common mistake is to turn on chroot operation in the file without
+going through all the necessary steps to set up a chroot environment. This
+causes Postfix daemon processes to fail due to all kinds of missing files.
+The example below shows an SMTP server that is configured with chroot turned
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv cchhrroooott wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) ((yyeess)) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ smtp inet n - nn - - smtpd
+Inspect for any processes that have chroot operation not turned off.
+If you find any, save a copy of the file, and edit the entries in
+question. After executing the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd", see if the problem has
+gone away.
+If turning off chrooted operation made the problem go away, then
+congratulations. Leaving Postfix running in this way is adequate for most
+sites. If you prefer chrooted operation, see the Postfix
+BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README file for information about how to prepare Postfix
+for chrooted operation.
+VVeerrbboossee llooggggiinngg ffoorr ssppeecciiffiicc SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss
+In /etc/postfix/, list the remote site name or address in the
+debug_peer_list parameter. For example, in order to make the software log a lot
+of information to the syslog daemon for connections from or to the loopback
+ /etc/postfix/
+ debug_peer_list =
+You can specify one or more hosts, domains, addresses or net/masks. To make the
+change effective immediately, execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+RReeccoorrdd tthhee SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn wwiitthh aa nneettwwoorrkk ssnniiffffeerr
+This example uses ttccppdduummpp. In order to record a conversation you need to
+specify a large enough buffer with the "--ss" option or else you will miss some
+or all of the packet payload.
+ # ttccppdduummpp --ww //ffiillee//nnaammee --ss 00 hhoosstt eexxaammppllee..ccoomm aanndd ppoorrtt 2255
+Older tcpdump versions don't support "--ss 00"; in that case, use "--ss 22000000"
+Run this for a while, stop with Ctrl-C when done. To view the data use a binary
+viewer, eetthheerreeaall, or good old lleessss.
+MMaakkiinngg PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn pprrooggrraammss mmoorree vveerrbboossee
+Append one or more "--vv" options to selected daemon definitions in /etc/postfix/ and type "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd". This will cause a lot of activity to be
+logged to the syslog daemon. For example, to make the Postfix SMTP server
+process more verbose:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -v
+To diagnose problems with address rewriting specify a "--vv" option for the
+cleanup(8) and/or trivial-rewrite(8) daemon, and to diagnose problems with mail
+delivery specify a "--vv" option for the qmgr(8) or oqmgr(8) queue manager, or
+for the lmtp(8), local(8), pipe(8), smtp(8), or virtual(8) delivery agent.
+MMaannuuaallllyy ttrraacciinngg aa PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn pprroocceessss
+Many systems allow you to inspect a running process with a system call tracer.
+For example:
+ # ttrraaccee --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (SunOS 4)
+ # ssttrraaccee --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (Linux and many others)
+ # ttrruussss --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (Solaris, FreeBSD)
+ # kkttrraaccee --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (generic 4.4BSD)
+Even more informative are traces of system library calls. Examples:
+ # llttrraaccee --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (Linux, also ported to FreeBSD and BSD/OS)
+ # ssoottrruussss --pp pprroocceessss--iidd (Solaris)
+See your system documentation for details.
+Tracing a running process can give valuable information about what a process is
+attempting to do. This is as much information as you can get without running an
+interactive debugger program, as described in a later section.
+AAuuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ttrraacciinngg aa PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn pprroocceessss
+Postfix can attach a call tracer whenever a daemon process starts. Call tracers
+come in several kinds.
+ 1. System call tracers such as ttrraaccee, ttrruussss, ssttrraaccee, or kkttrraaccee. These show the
+ communication between the process and the kernel.
+ 2. Library call tracers such as ssoottrruussss and llttrraaccee. These show calls of
+ library routines, and give a better idea of what is going on within the
+ process.
+Append a --DD option to the suspect command in /etc/postfix/, for
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -D
+Edit the debugger_command definition in /etc/postfix/ so that it invokes
+the call tracer of your choice, for example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ debugger_command =
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin;
+ (truss -p $process_id 2>&1 | logger -p & sleep 5
+Type "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" and watch the logfile.
+RRuunnnniinngg ddaaeemmoonn pprrooggrraammss wwiitthh tthhee iinntteerraaccttiivvee dddddd ddeebbuuggggeerr
+If you have X Windows installed on the Postfix machine, then an interactive
+debugger such as dddddd can be convenient.
+Edit the debugger_command definition in /etc/postfix/ so that it invokes
+ /etc/postfix/
+ debugger_command =
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
+ ddd $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5
+Be sure that ggddbb is in the command search path, and export XXAAUUTTHHOORRIITTYY so that X
+access control works, for example:
+ % sseetteennvv XXAAUUTTHHOORRIITTYY ~~//..XXaauutthhoorriittyy (csh syntax)
+ $ eexxppoorrtt XXAAUUTTHHOORRIITTYY==$$HHOOMMEE//..XXaauutthhoorriittyy (sh syntax)
+Append a --DD option to the suspect daemon definition in /etc/postfix/,
+for example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -D
+Stop and start the Postfix system. This is necessary so that Postfix runs with
+Whenever the suspect daemon process is started, a debugger window pops up and
+you can watch in detail what happens.
+RRuunnnniinngg ddaaeemmoonn pprrooggrraammss wwiitthh tthhee iinntteerraaccttiivvee ggddbb ddeebbuuggggeerr
+If you have the screen command installed on the Postfix machine, then you can
+run an interactive debugger such as ggddbb as follows.
+Edit the debugger_command definition in /etc/postfix/ so that it runs
+ggddbb inside a detached ssccrreeeenn session:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ debugger_command =
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH; HOME=/root;
+ export HOME; screen -e^tt -dmS $process_name gdb
+ $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 2
+Be sure that ggddbb is in the command search path.
+Append a --DD option to the suspect daemon definition in /etc/postfix/,
+for example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -D
+Execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" and wait until a daemon process is started
+(you can see this in the maillog file).
+Then attach to the screen, and debug away:
+ # HOME=/root screen -r
+ gdb) continue
+ gdb) where
+RRuunnnniinngg ddaaeemmoonn pprrooggrraammss uunnddeerr aa nnoonn--iinntteerraaccttiivvee ddeebbuuggggeerr
+If you do not have X Windows installed on the Postfix machine, or if you are
+not familiar with interactive debuggers, then you can try to run ggddbb in non-
+interactive mode, and have it print a stack trace when the process crashes.
+Edit the debugger_command definition in /etc/postfix/ so that it invokes
+the ggddbb debugger:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ debugger_command =
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; (echo cont; echo
+ where; sleep 8640000) | gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name
+ $process_id 2>&1
+ >$config_directory/$process_name.$process_id.log & sleep 5
+Append a --DD option to the suspect daemon in /etc/postfix/, for
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -D
+Type "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to make the configuration changes effective.
+Whenever a suspect daemon process is started, an output file is created, named
+after the daemon and process ID (for example, smtpd.12345.log). When the
+process crashes, a stack trace (with output from the "wwhheerree" command) is
+written to its logfile.
+UUnnrreeaassoonnaabbllee bbeehhaavviioorr
+Sometimes the behavior exhibited by Postfix just does not match the source
+code. Why can a program deviate from the instructions given by its author?
+There are two possibilities.
+ * The compiler has erred. This rarely happens.
+ * The hardware has erred. Does the machine have ECC memory?
+In both cases, the program being executed is not the program that was supposed
+to be executed, so anything could happen.
+There is a third possibility:
+ * Bugs in system software (kernel or libraries).
+Hardware-related failures usually do not reproduce in exactly the same way
+after power cycling and rebooting the system. There's little Postfix can do
+about bad hardware. Be sure to use hardware that at the very least can detect
+memory errors. Otherwise, Postfix will just be waiting to be hit by a bit
+error. Critical systems deserve real hardware.
+When a compiler makes an error, the problem can be reproduced whenever the
+resulting program is run. Compiler errors are most likely to happen in the code
+optimizer. If a problem is reproducible across power cycles and system reboots,
+it can be worthwhile to rebuild Postfix with optimization disabled, and to see
+if optimization makes a difference.
+In order to compile Postfix with optimizations turned off:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess OOPPTT==
+This produces a set of Makefiles that do not request compiler optimization.
+Once the makefiles are set up, build the software:
+ % mmaakkee
+ % ssuu
+ Password:
+ # mmaakkee iinnssttaallll
+If the problem goes away, then it is time to ask your vendor for help.
+RReeppoorrttiinngg pprroobblleemmss ttoo ppoossttffiixx--uusseerrss@@ppoossttffiixx..oorrgg
+The people who participate on are very helpful,
+especially if YOU provide them with sufficient information. Remember, these
+volunteers are willing to help, but their time is limited.
+When reporting a problem, be sure to include the following information.
+ * A summary of the problem. Please do not just send some logging without
+ explanation of what YOU believe is wrong.
+ * Complete error messages. Please use cut-and-paste, or use attachments,
+ instead of reciting information from memory.
+ * Postfix logging. See the text at the top of the DEBUG_README document to
+ find out where logging is stored. Please do not frustrate the helpers by
+ word wrapping the logging. If the logging is more than a few kbytes of
+ text, consider posting an URL on a web or ftp site.
+ * Consider using a test email address so that you don't have to reveal email
+ addresses or passwords of innocent people.
+ * If you can't use a test email address, please anonymize email addresses and
+ host names consistently. Replace each letter by "A", each digit by "D" so
+ that the helpers can still recognize syntactical errors.
+ * Command output from:
+ o "ppoossttccoonnff --nn". Please do not send your file, or 1000+ lines of
+ ppoossttccoonnff command output.
+ o "ppoossttccoonnff --MMff" (Postfix 2.9 or later).
+ * Better, provide output from the ppoossttffiinnggeerr tool. This can be found at http:
+ //
+ * If the problem is SASL related, consider including the output from the
+ ssaassllffiinnggeerr tool. This can be found at
+ patrick.koetter/saslfinger/.
+ * If the problem is about too much mail in the queue, consider including
+ output from the qqsshhaappee tool, as described in the QSHAPE_README file.
+ * If the problem is protocol related (connections time out, or an SMTP server
+ complains about syntax errors etc.) consider recording a session with
+ ttccppdduummpp, as described in the DEBUG_README document.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd7f4c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+PPoossttffiixx DDSSNN SSuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix version 2.3 introduces support for Delivery Status Notifications as
+described in RFC 3464. This gives senders control over successful and failed
+delivery notifications.
+Specifically, DSN support gives an email sender the ability to specify:
+ * What notifications are sent: success, failure, delay, or none. Normally,
+ Postfix informs the sender only when mail delivery is delayed or when
+ delivery fails.
+ * What content is returned in case of failure: only the message headers, or
+ the full message.
+ * An envelope ID that is returned as part of delivery status notifications.
+ This identifies the message submission transaction, and must not be
+ confused with the message ID, which identifies the message content.
+The implementation of DSN support involves extra parameters to the SMTP MAIL
+FROM and RCPT TO commands, as well as two Postfix sendmail command line options
+that provide a sub-set of the functions of the extra SMTP command parameters.
+This document has information on the following topics:
+ * Restricting the scope of "success" notifications
+ * Postfix sendmail command-line interface
+ * Postfix VERP support compatibility
+RReessttrriiccttiinngg tthhee ssccooppee ooff ""ssuucccceessss"" nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonnss
+Just like reports of undeliverable mail, DSN reports of successful delivery can
+give away more information about the internal infrastructure than desirable.
+Unfortunately, disallowing "success" notification requests requires disallowing
+other DSN requests as well. The RFCs do not offer the option to negotiate
+feature subsets.
+This is not as bad as it sounds. When you turn off DSN for remote inbound mail,
+remote senders with DSN support will still be informed that their mail reached
+your Postfix gateway successfully; they just will not get successful delivery
+notices from your internal systems. Remote senders lose very little: they can
+no longer specify how Postfix should report delayed or failed delivery.
+Use the smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps feature if you wish to allow
+DSN requests from trusted clients but not from random strangers (see below for
+how to turn this off for all clients):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps =
+ cidr:/etc/postfix/esmtp_access
+ /etc/postfix/esmtp_access:
+ # Allow DSN requests from local subnet only
+ silent-discard
+ silent-discard, dsn
+ ::/0 silent-discard, dsn
+If you want to disallow all use of DSN requests from the network, use the
+smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords feature:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = silent-discard, dsn
+PPoossttffiixx sseennddmmaaiill ccoommmmaanndd--lliinnee iinntteerrffaaccee
+Postfix has two Sendmail-compatible command-line options for DSN support.
+ * The first option specifies what notifications are sent for mail that is
+ submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1) command line:
+ $ sseennddmmaaiill --NN ssuucccceessss,,ddeellaayy,,ffaaiilluurree ...... (one or more of these)
+ $ sseennddmmaaiill --NN nneevveerr ...... (or just this by itself)
+ The built-in default corresponds with "delay,failure".
+ * The second option specifies an envelope ID which is reported in delivery
+ status notifications for mail that is submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1)
+ command line:
+ $ sseennddmmaaiill --VV eennvveellooppee--iidd ......
+ Note: this conflicts with VERP support in older Postfix versions, as
+ discussed in the next section.
+PPoossttffiixx VVEERRPP ssuuppppoorrtt ccoommppaattiibbiilliittyy
+With Postfix versions before 2.3, the sendmail(1) command uses the -V command-
+line option to request VERP-style delivery. In order to request VERP style
+delivery with Postfix 2.3 and later, you must specify -XV instead of -V.
+The Postfix 2.3 sendmail(1) command will recognize if you try to use -V for
+VERP-style delivery. It will do the right thing and will remind you of the new
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bc8de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+PPoossttffiixx EETTRRNN HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee
+The SMTP ETRN command was designed for sites that have intermittent Internet
+connectivity. With ETRN, a site can tell the mail server of its provider to
+"Please deliver all my mail now". The SMTP server searches the queue for mail
+to the customer, and delivers that mail bbyy ccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo tthhee ccuussttoommeerr''ss SSMMTTPP
+sseerrvveerr. The mail is not delivered via the connection that was used for sending
+As of version 1.0, Postfix has a fast ETRN implementation that does not require
+Postfix to examine every queue file. Instead, Postfix maintains a record of
+what queue files contain mail for destinations that are configured for ETRN
+service. ETRN service is no longer available for domains that aren't configured
+for the service.
+This document provides information on the following topics:
+ * Using the Postfix fast ETRN service
+ * How Postfix fast ETRN works
+ * Postfix fast ETRN service limitations
+ * Configuring the Postfix fast ETRN service
+ * Configuring a domain for ETRN service only
+ * Testing the Postfix fast ETRN service
+Other documents with information on this subject:
+ * flush(8), flush service implementation
+UUssiinngg tthhee PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee
+The following is an example SMTP session that shows how an SMTP client requests
+the ETRN service. Client commands are shown in bold font.
+ 220 my.server.tld ESMTP Postfix
+ HHEELLOO mmyy..cclliieenntt..ttlldd
+ 250 Ok
+ EETTRRNN ssoommee..ccuussttoommeerr..ddoommaaiinn
+ 250 Queuing started
+ 221 Bye
+As mentioned in the introduction, the mail is delivered by connecting to the
+customer's SMTP server; it is not sent over the connection that was used to
+send the ETRN command.
+The Postfix operator can request delivery for a specific customer by using the
+command "sendmail -qRdestination" and, with Postfix version 1.1 and later,
+"postqueue -sdestination". Access to this feature is controlled with the
+authorized_flush_users configuration parameter (Postfix version 2.2 and later).
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN wwoorrkkss
+When a Postfix delivery agent decides that mail must be delivered later, it
+sends the destination domain name and the queue file name to the flush(8)
+daemon which maintains per-destination logfiles with file names of queued mail.
+These logfiles are kept below $queue_directory/flush. Per-destination logfiles
+are maintained only for destinations that are listed with the
+$fast_flush_domains parameter and that have syntactically valid domain names.
+ Postfix Postfix One logfile
+ delivery -(domain, queue ID)-> flush -(queue ID)-> per eligible
+ agent daemon domain
+When Postfix receives a request to "deliver mail for a domain now", the flush
+(8) daemon moves all deferred queue files that are listed for that domain to
+the incoming queue, and requests that the queue manager deliver them. In order
+to force delivery, the queue manager temporarily ignores the lists of
+undeliverable destinations: the volatile in-memory list of dead domains, and
+the list of message delivery transports specified with the defer_transports
+configuration parameter.
+PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee lliimmiittaattiioonnss
+The design of the flush(8) server and of the flush queue introduce a few
+limitations that should not be an issue unless you want to turn on fast ETRN
+service for every possible destination.
+ * The flush(8) daemon maintains per-destination logfiles with queue file
+ names. When a request to "deliver mail now" arrives, Postfix will attempt
+ to deliver all recipients in the queue files that have mail for the
+ destination in question. This does not perform well with queue files that
+ have recipients in many different domains, such as queue files with
+ outbound mailing list traffic.
+ * The flush(8) daemon maintains per-destination logfiles only for
+ destinations listed with $fast_flush_domains. With other destinations you
+ cannot request delivery with "sendmail -qRdestination" or, with Postfix
+ version 1.1 and later, "postqueue -sdestination".
+ * Up to and including early versions of Postfix version 2.1, the "fast flush"
+ service may not deliver some messages if the request to "deliver mail now"
+ is received while a deferred queue scan is already in progress. The reason
+ is that the queue manager does not ignore the volatile in-memory list of
+ dead domains, and the list of message delivery transports specified with
+ the defer_transports configuration parameter.
+ * Up to and including Postfix version 2.3, the "fast flush" service may not
+ deliver some messages if the request to "deliver mail now" arrives while an
+ incoming queue scan is already in progress.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee
+The behavior of the flush(8) daemon is controlled by parameters in the
+configuration file.
+By default, Postfix "fast ETRN" service is available only for destinations that
+Postfix is willing to relay mail to:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ fast_flush_domains = $relay_domains
+ smtpd_etrn_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject
+ * The relay_domains parameter specifies what destinations Postfix will relay
+ to. For destinations that are not eligible for the "fast ETRN" service,
+ Postfix replies with an error message.
+ * The smtpd_etrn_restrictions parameter limits what clients may execute the
+ ETRN command. By default, any client has permission.
+To enable "fast ETRN" for some other destination, specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ fast_flush_domains = $relay_domains, some.other.domain
+To disable "fast ETRN", so that Postfix rejects all ETRN requests and so that
+it maintains no per-destination logfiles, specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ fast_flush_domains =
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg aa ddoommaaiinn ffoorr EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee oonnllyy
+While an "ETRN" customer is off-line, Postfix will make spontaneous attempts to
+deliver mail to it. These attempts are separated in time by increasing time
+intervals, ranging from $minimal_backoff_time to $maximal_backoff_time, and
+should not be a problem unless a lot of mail is queued.
+To prevent Postfix from making spontaneous delivery attempts you can configure
+Postfix to always defer mail for the "ETRN" customer. Mail is delivered only
+after the ETRN command or with "sendmail -q", with "sendmail -qRdomain", or
+with "postqueue -sdomain"(Postfix version 1.1 and later only),
+In the example below we configure an "etrn-only" delivery transport which is
+simply a duplicate of the "smtp" and "relay" mail delivery transports. The only
+difference is that mail destined for this delivery transport is deferred as
+soon as it arrives.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 # =============================================================
+ 3 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ 4 # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ 5 # =============================================================
+ 6 smtp unix - - n - - smtp
+ 7 relay unix - - n - - smtp
+ 8 etrn-only unix - - n - - smtp
+ 9
+ 10 /etc/postfix/
+ 11 relay_domains = customer.tld ...other domains...
+ 12 defer_transports = etrn-only
+ 13 transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ 14
+ 15 /etc/postfix/transport:
+ 16 customer.tld etrn-only:[mailhost.customer.tld]
+ * Line 8: The "etrn-only" mail delivery service is a copy of the "smtp" and
+ "relay" service.
+ * Line 11: Don't forget to authorize relaying for this customer, either via
+ relay_domains or with the permit_mx_backup feature.
+ * Line 12: The "etrn-only" mail delivery service is configured so that
+ spontaneous mail delivery is disabled.
+ * Lines 13-16: Mail for the customer is given to the "etrn-only" mail
+ delivery service.
+ * Line 16: The "[mailhost.customer.tld]" turns off MX record lookups; you
+ must specify this if your Postfix server is the primary MX host for the
+ customer's domain.
+TTeessttiinngg tthhee PPoossttffiixx ffaasstt EETTRRNN sseerrvviiccee
+By default, "fast ETRN" service is enabled for all domains that match
+$relay_domains. If you run Postfix with "fast ETRN" service for the very first
+time, you need to run "sendmail -q" once in order to populate the per-site
+deferred mail logfiles. If you omit this step, no harm is done. The logfiles
+will eventually become populated as Postfix routinely attempts to deliver
+delayed mail, but that will take a couple hours. After the "sendmail -q"
+command has completed all delivery attempts (this can take a while), you're
+ready to test the "fast ETRN" service.
+To test the "fast ETRN" service, telnet to the Postfix SMTP server from a
+client that is allowed to execute ETRN commands (by default, that's every
+client), and type the commands shown in boldface:
+ 220 my.server.tld ESMTP Postfix
+ HHEELLOO mmyy..cclliieenntt..ttlldd
+ 250 Ok
+ EETTRRNN ssoommee..ccuussttoommeerr..ddoommaaiinn
+ 250 Queuing started
+where "some.customer.domain" is the name of a domain that has a non-empty
+logfile somewhere under $queue_directory/flush.
+In the maillog file, you should immediately see a couple of logfile records, as
+evidence that the queue manager has opened queue files:
+ Oct 2 10:51:19 myhostname postfix/qmgr[51999]: 682E8440A4:
+ from=<whatever>, size=12345, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
+ Oct 2 10:51:19 myhostname postfix/qmgr[51999]: 02249440B7:
+ from=<whatever>, size=4711, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
+What happens next depends on whether the destination is reachable. If it's not
+reachable, the mail queue IDs will be added back to the some.customer.domain
+logfile under $queue_directory/flush.
+Repeat the exercise with some other destination that your server is willing to
+relay to (any domain listed in $relay_domains), but that has no mail queued.
+The text in bold face stands for the commands that you type:
+ 220 my.server.tld ESMTP Postfix
+ HHEELLOO mmyy..cclliieenntt..ttlldd
+ 250 Ok
+ EETTRRNN ssoommee..ootthheerr..ccuussttoommeerr..ddoommaaiinn
+ 250 Queuing started
+This time, the "ETRN"" command should trigger NO mail deliveries at all. If
+this triggers delivery of all mail, then you used the wrong domain name, or
+"fast ETRN" service is turned off.
+Finally, repeat the exercise with a destination that your mail server is not
+willing to relay to. It does not matter if your server has mail queued for that
+ 220 my.server.tld ESMTP Postfix
+ HHEELLOO mmyy..cclliieenntt..ttlldd
+ 250 Ok
+ EETTRRNN nnoott..aa..ccuussttoommeerr..ddoommaaiinn
+ 459 <not.a.customer.domain>: service unavailable
+In this case, Postfix should reject the request as shown above.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe2adb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+PPoossttffiixx AAfftteerr--QQuueeuuee CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr
+This document requires Postfix version 2.1 or later.
+Normally, Postfix receives mail, stores it in the mail queue and then delivers
+it. With the external content filter described here, mail is filtered AFTER it
+is queued. This approach decouples mail receiving processes from mail filtering
+processes, and gives you maximal control over how many filtering processes you
+are willing to run in parallel.
+The after-queue content filter is meant to be used as follows:
+ Network or -> Postfix -> CCoonntteenntt -> Postfix -> Network or
+ local users queue ffiilltteerr queue local mailbox
+This document describes implementations that use a single Postfix instance for
+everything: receiving, filtering and delivering mail. Applications that use two
+separate Postfix instances will be covered by a later version of this document.
+The after-queue content filter is not to be confused with the approaches
+described in the SMTPD_PROXY_README or MILTER_README documents, where incoming
+SMTP mail is filtered BEFORE it is stored into the Postfix queue.
+This document describes two approaches to content filter all email, as well as
+several options to filter mail selectively:
+ * Principles of operation
+ * Simple content filter
+ o Simple content filter example
+ o Simple content filter performance
+ o Simple content filter limitations
+ o Turning off the simple content filter
+ * Advanced content filter
+ o Advanced content filter example
+ o Advanced content filter performance
+ o Turning off the advanced content filter
+ * Selective content filtering
+ o Filtering mail from outside users only
+ o Different filters for different domains
+ o FILTER actions in access or header/body tables
+PPrriinncciipplleess ooff ooppeerraattiioonn
+An after-queue content filter receives unfiltered mail from Postfix (as
+described further below) and can do one of the following:
+ 1. Re-inject the mail back into Postfix, perhaps after changing content and/or
+ destination.
+ 2. Discard or quarantine the mail.
+ 3. Reject the mail (by sending a suitable status code back to Postfix).
+ Postfix will send the mail back to the sender address.
+NOTE: in this time of mail worms and forged spam, it is a VERY BAD IDEA to send
+viruses back to the sender address, because the sender address is almost
+certainly not the originator. It is better to discard known viruses, and to
+quarantine material that is suspect so that a human can decide what to do with
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr eexxaammppllee
+The first example is simple to set up, but has major limitations that will be
+addressed in a second example. Postfix receives unfiltered mail from the
+network with the smtpd(8) server, and delivers unfiltered mail to a content
+filter with the Postfix pipe(8) delivery agent. The content filter injects
+filtered mail back into Postfix with the Postfix sendmail(1) command, so that
+Postfix can deliver it to the final destination.
+This means that mail submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1) command cannot be
+content filtered.
+In the figure below, names followed by a number represent Postfix commands or
+daemon programs. See the OVERVIEW document for an introduction to the Postfix
+ Unfiltered -> smtpd(8) qmgr(8) local(8) -> Filtered
+ >- cleanup(8) -> Postfix -< smtp(8) -> Filtered
+ pickup(8) queue pipe(8)
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ maildrop Postfix Postfix Content
+ queue <- postdrop <- sendmail <- filter
+ (1) (1)
+The content filter can be a simple shell script like this:
+ 1 #!/bin/sh
+ 2
+ 3 # Simple shell-based filter. It is meant to be invoked as follows:
+ 4 # /path/to/script -f sender recipients...
+ 5
+ 6 # Localize these. The -G option does nothing before Postfix 2.3.
+ 7 INSPECT_DIR=/var/spool/filter
+ 8 SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -G -i" # NEVER NEVER NEVER use "-t" here.
+ 9
+ 10 # Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
+ 13
+ 14 # Clean up when done or when aborting.
+ 15 trap "rm -f in.$$" 0 1 2 3 15
+ 16
+ 17 # Start processing.
+ 18 cd $INSPECT_DIR || {
+ 19 echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
+ 20
+ 21 cat >in.$$ || {
+ 22 echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
+ 23
+ 24 # Specify your content filter here.
+ 25 # filter <in.$$ || {
+ 26 # echo Message content rejected; exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE; }
+ 27
+ 28 $SENDMAIL "$@" <in.$$
+ 29
+ 30 exit $?
+ * Line 8: The -G option says the filter output is not a local mail
+ submission: don't do silly things like appending the local domain name to
+ addresses in message headers. This option does nothing before Postfix
+ version 2.3.
+ * Line 8: The -i option says don't stop reading input when a line contains
+ "." only.
+ * Line 8: NEVER NEVER NEVER use the "-t" command-line option here. It will
+ mis-deliver mail, like sending messages from a mailing list back to the
+ mailing list.
+ * Line 21: The idea is to first capture the message to file and then run the
+ content through a third-party content filter program.
+ * Line 22: If the message cannot be captured to file, mail delivery is
+ deferred by terminating with exit status 75 (EX_TEMPFAIL). Postfix places
+ the message in the deferred mail queue and tries again later.
+ * Line 25: You will need to specify a real content filter program here that
+ receives the content on standard input.
+ * Line 26: If the content filter program finds a problem, the mail is bounced
+ by terminating with exit status 69 (EX_UNAVAILABLE). Postfix will send the
+ message back to the sender as undeliverable mail.
+ * NOTE: in this time of mail worms and spam, it is a BAD IDEA to send known
+ viruses or spam back to the sender, because that address is likely to be
+ forged. It is safer to discard known viruses and to quarantine suspicious
+ content so that it can be inspected by a human being.
+ * Line 28: If the content is OK, it is given as input to the Postfix sendmail
+ command, and the exit status of the filter command is whatever exit status
+ the Postfix sendmail command produces. Postfix will deliver the message as
+ usual.
+ * Line 30: Postfix returns the exit status of the Postfix sendmail command.
+I suggest that you first run this script by hand until you are satisfied with
+the results. Run it with a real message (headers+body) as input:
+ % /path/to/script -f sender -- recipient... <message-file
+Once you're satisfied with the content filtering script:
+ * Create a dedicated local user account called "filter". This user handles
+ all potentially dangerous mail content - that is why it should be a
+ separate account. Do not use "nobody", and most certainly do not use "root"
+ or "postfix".
+ * Create a directory /var/spool/filter that is accessible only to the
+ "filter" user. This is where the content filtering script is supposed to
+ store its temporary files.
+ * Configure Postfix to deliver mail to the content filter with the pipe(8)
+ delivery agent (see the pipe(8) manpage for a description of the command
+ syntax below).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ filter unix - n n - 10 pipe
+ flags=Rq user=filter null_sender=
+ argv=/path/to/script -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
+ This runs up to 10 content filters in parallel. Instead of a limit of 10
+ concurrent processes, use whatever process limit is feasible for your
+ machine. Content inspection software can gobble up a lot of system
+ resources, so you don't want to have too much of it running at the same
+ time. The empty null_sender setting is required with Postfix 2.3 and later.
+ * To turn on content filtering for mail arriving via SMTP only, append "-
+ o content_filter=filter:dummy" to the entry that defines the
+ Postfix SMTP server:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ smtp inet ...other stuff here, do not change... smtpd
+ -o content_filter=filter:dummy
+ The "-o content_filter" line causes Postfix to add one content filter
+ request record to each incoming mail message, with content "filter:dummy".
+ This record overrides the normal mail routing and causes mail to be given
+ to the content filter instead.
+ The content_filter configuration parameter expects a value of the form
+ transport:destination. The transport name specifies the first field of a
+ mail delivery agent definition in; the syntax of the next-hop
+ destination is described in the manual page of the corresponding delivery
+ agent.
+ The meaning of an empty next-hop filter destination is version dependent.
+ Postfix 2.7 and later will use the recipient domain; earlier versions will
+ use $myhostname. Specify "default_filter_nexthop = $myhostname" for
+ compatibility with Postfix 2.6 or earlier, or specify a non-empty next-hop
+ filter destination.
+ The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER action that
+ is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table.
+ * Execute "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to complete the change.
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+With the shell script as shown above you will lose a factor of four in Postfix
+performance for transit mail that arrives and leaves via SMTP. You will lose
+another factor in transit performance for each additional temporary file that
+is created and deleted in the process of content filtering. The performance
+impact is less for mail that is submitted or delivered locally, because such
+deliveries are already slower than SMTP transit mail.
+SSiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr lliimmiittaattiioonnss
+The problem with content filters like the one above is that they are not very
+robust. The reason is that the software does not talk a well-defined protocol
+with Postfix. If the filter shell script aborts because the shell runs into
+some memory allocation problem, the script will not produce a nice exit status
+as defined in the file /usr/include/sysexits.h. Instead of going to the
+deferred queue, mail will bounce. The same lack of robustness can happen when
+the content filtering software itself runs into a resource problem.
+The simple content filter method is not suitable for content filter actions
+that are invoked via header_checks or body_checks patterns. These patterns will
+be applied again after mail is re-injected with the Postfix sendmail command,
+resulting in a mail filtering loop. The advanced content filtering method (see
+below) makes it possible to turn off header_checks or body_checks patterns for
+filtered mail.
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee ssiimmppllee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+To turn off "simple" content filtering:
+ * Edit the file, remove the "-o content_filter=filter:dummy" text
+ from the entry that defines the Postfix SMTP server.
+ * Execute "ppoossttssuuppeerr --rr AALLLL" to remove content filter request records from
+ existing queue files.
+ * Execute another "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr eexxaammppllee
+The second example is more complex, but can give better performance, and is
+less likely to bounce mail when the machine runs into some resource problem.
+This content filter receives unfiltered mail with SMTP on localhost port 10025,
+and sends filtered mail back into Postfix with SMTP on localhost port 10026.
+For non-SMTP capable content filtering software, Bennett Todd's SMTP proxy
+implements a nice PERL/SMTP content filtering framework. See: http://
+In the figure below, names followed by a number represent Postfix commands or
+daemon programs. See the OVERVIEW document for an introduction to the Postfix
+ Unfiltered -> smtpd(8) qmgr(8) smtp(8) -> Filtered
+ >- cleanup(8) -> Postfix -<
+ Unfiltered -> pickup(8) queue local(8) -> Filtered
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ smtpd(8) smtp(8)
+ 10026
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ content filter 10025
+The example given here filters all mail, including mail that arrives via SMTP
+and mail that is locally submitted via the Postfix sendmail command (local
+submissions enter Postfix via the pickup(8) server; to keep the figure simple
+we omit local submission details). See examples near the end of this document
+for how to exclude local users from filtering, or how to configure a
+destination dependent content filter.
+You can expect to lose about a factor of two in Postfix performance for mail
+that arrives and leaves via SMTP, provided that the content filter creates no
+temporary files. Each temporary file created by the content filter adds another
+factor to the performance loss.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: rreeqquueessttiinngg tthhaatt aallll mmaaiill iiss ffiilltteerreedd
+To enable the advanced content filter method for all mail, specify in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ content_filter = scan:localhost:10025
+ receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
+ * The "receive_override_options" line disables address manipulation before
+ the content filter, so that the content filter sees the original mail
+ addresses instead of the result of virtual alias expansion, canonical
+ mapping, automatic bcc, address masquerading, etc.
+ * The "content_filter" line causes Postfix to add one content filter request
+ record to each incoming mail message, with content "scan:localhost:10025".
+ The content filter request records are added by the smtpd(8) and pickup(8)
+ servers (and qmqpd(8) if you decide to enable this service).
+ * Content filter requests are stored in queue files; this is how Postfix
+ keeps track of what mail needs filtering. When a queue file contains a
+ content filter request, the queue manager will deliver the mail to the
+ specified content filter regardless of its final destination.
+ * The content_filter configuration parameter expects a value of the form
+ transport:destination. The transport name specifies the first field of a
+ mail delivery agent definition in; the syntax of the next-hop
+ destination is described in the manual page of the corresponding delivery
+ agent.
+ * The meaning of an empty next-hop filter destination is version dependent.
+ Postfix 2.7 and later will use the recipient domain; earlier versions will
+ use $myhostname. Specify "default_filter_nexthop = $myhostname" for
+ compatibility with Postfix 2.6 or earlier, or specify a non-empty next-hop
+ filter destination.
+ * The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER action that
+ is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: sseennddiinngg uunnffiilltteerreedd mmaaiill ttoo tthhee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+In this example, "scan" is an instance of the Postfix SMTP client with slightly
+different configuration parameters. This is how one would set up the service in
+the Postfix file:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ scan unix - - n - 10 smtp
+ -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
+ -o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes
+ -o smtp_generic_maps=
+ * This runs up to 10 content filters in parallel. Instead of a limit of 10
+ concurrent processes, use whatever process limit is feasible for your
+ machine. Content inspection software can gobble up a lot of system
+ resources, so you don't want to have too much of it running at the same
+ time.
+ * With "-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes", the scan transport will try to
+ forward the original client name and IP address through the content filter
+ to the after-filter smtpd process, so that filtered mail is logged with the
+ real client name IP address. See smtp(8) and XFORWARD_README for more
+ information.
+ * The "-o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes" is a workaround that prevents
+ the breaking of domainkeys and other digital signatures. This is needed
+ because some SMTP-based content filters don't announce 8BITMIME support,
+ even though they can handle 8-bit mail.
+ * The "-o smtp_generic_maps=" is a workaround that prevents local address
+ rewriting with generic(5) maps. Such rewriting should happen only when mail
+ is sent out to the Internet.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr:: rruunnnniinngg tthhee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+The content filter can be set up with the Postfix spawn service, which is the
+Postfix equivalent of inetd. For example, to instantiate up to 10 content
+filtering processes on localhost port 10025:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # ===================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ===================================================================
+ localhost:10025 inet n n n - 10 spawn
+ user=filter argv=/path/to/filter localhost 10026
+ * "filter" is a dedicated local user account. The user will never log in, and
+ can be given a "*" password and non-existent shell and home directory. This
+ user handles all potentially dangerous mail content - that is why it should
+ be a separate account.
+ * By default, Postfix will terminate a command that runs longer than
+ command_time_limit seconds (default: 1000s). This is a safety measure that
+ prevents filters from running forever.
+If you want to have your filter listening on port localhost:10025 instead of
+Postfix, then you must run your filter as a stand-alone program, and must not
+use the Postfix spawn service.
+AAddvvaanncceedd ffiilltteerr:: iinnjjeeccttiinngg mmaaiill bbaacckk iinnttoo PPoossttffiixx
+The job of the content filter is to either bounce mail with a suitable
+diagnostic, or to feed the mail back into Postfix through a dedicated listener
+on port localhost 10026.
+The simplest content filter just copies SMTP commands and data between its
+inputs and outputs. If it has a problem, all it has to do is to reply to an
+input of `.' from Postfix with `550 content rejected', and to disconnect
+without sending `.' on the connection that injects mail back into Postfix.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # ===================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ===================================================================
+ localhost:10026 inet n - n - 10 smtpd
+ -o content_filter=
+ -
+ o
+ receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks,no_milters
+ -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
+ # Postfix 2.10 and later: specify empty smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ -o smtpd_relay_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ -o mynetworks=
+ -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
+ * NOTE: do not use spaces around the "=" or "," characters.
+ * NOTE: the SMTP server must not have a smaller process limit than the
+ "filter" entry.
+ * The "-o content_filter=" overrides settings, and requests no
+ content filtering for mail from the content filter. This is required or
+ else mail will loop.
+ * The "-o receive_override_options" overrides settings to avoid
+ duplicating work that was already done before the content filter. These
+ options are complementary to the options that are specified in
+ o We specify "no_unknown_recipient_checks" to disable attempts to find
+ out if a recipient is unknown.
+ o We specify "no_header_body_checks" to disable header/body checks.
+ o We specify "no_milters" to disable Milter applications (this option is
+ available only in Postfix 2.3 and later).
+ o We don't specify "no_address_mappings" here. This enables virtual alias
+ expansion, canonical mappings, address masquerading, and other address
+ mappings after the content filter. The setting of
+ "receive_override_options" disables these mappings before the content
+ filter.
+ These receive override options are either implemented by the SMTP server
+ itself, or they are passed on to the cleanup server.
+ * The "-o smtpd_xxx_restrictions" and "-o mynetworks=" override
+ settings. They turn off junk mail controls that would only waste
+ time here.
+ * With "-o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=", the scan transport
+ will try to forward the original client name and IP address to the after-
+ filter smtpd process, so that filtered mail is logged with the real client
+ name and IP address. See XFORWARD_README and smtpd(8).
+AAddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+With the "sandwich" approach to content filtering described here, it is
+important to match the filter concurrency to the available CPU, memory and I/
+O resources. Too few content filter processes and mail accumulates in the
+active queue even with low traffic volume; too much concurrency and Postfix
+ends up deferring mail destined for the content filter because processes fail
+due to insufficient resources.
+Currently, content filter performance tuning is a process of trial and error;
+analysis is handicapped because filtered and unfiltered messages share the same
+queue. As mentioned in the introduction of this document, content filtering
+with multiple Postfix instances will be covered in a future version.
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee aaddvvaanncceedd ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+To turn off "advanced" content filtering:
+ * Delete or comment out the two following lines. The other changes
+ made for advanced content filtering have no effect when content filtering
+ is turned off.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ content_filter = scan:localhost:10025
+ receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
+ * Execute "ppoossttssuuppeerr --rr AALLLL" to remove content filter request records from
+ existing queue files.
+ * Execute another "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd".
+FFiilltteerriinngg mmaaiill ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee uusseerrss oonnllyy
+The easiest approach is to configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple SMTP
+server IP addresses in
+ * Two SMTP server IP addresses for mail from inside users only, with content
+ filtering turned off.
+ /etc/
+ # ==================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ==================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ * One SMTP server address for mail from outside users with content filtering
+ turned on.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=filter-service:filter-destination
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+After this, you can follow the same procedure as outlined in the "advanced" or
+"simple" content filtering examples above, except that you must not specify
+"content_filter" or "receive_override_options" in the file.
+DDiiffffeerreenntt ffiilltteerrss ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt ddoommaaiinnss
+If you are an MX service provider and want to apply different content filters
+for different domains, you can configure ONE Postfix instance with multiple
+SMTP server IP addresses in Each address provides a different
+content filter service.
+ /etc/
+ # =================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =================================================================
+ # SMTP service for domains that are filtered with service1:dest1
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=service1:dest1
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+ # SMTP service for domains that are filtered with service2:dest2
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=service2:dest2
+ -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
+After this, you can follow the same procedure as outlined in the "advanced" or
+"simple" content filtering examples above, except that you must not specify
+"content_filter" or "receive_override_options" in the file.
+Set up MX records in the DNS that route each domain to the proper SMTP server
+FFIILLTTEERR aaccttiioonnss iinn aacccceessss oorr hheeaaddeerr//bbooddyy ttaabblleess
+The above filtering configurations are static. Mail that follows a given path
+is either always filtered or it is never filtered. As of Postfix 2.0 you can
+also turn on content filtering on the fly.
+To turn on content filtering with an access(5) table rule:
+ /etc/postfix/access:
+ whatever FILTER foo:bar
+To turn on content filtering with a header_checks(5) or body_checks(5) table
+ /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ /whatever/ FILTER foo:bar
+You can do this in smtpd access maps as well as the cleanup server's header/
+body_checks. This feature must be used with great care: you must disable all
+the UCE features in the after-filter smtpd and cleanup daemons or else you will
+have a content filtering loop.
+ * FILTER actions from smtpd access maps and header/body_checks take
+ precedence over filters specified with the content_filter
+ parameter.
+ * If a message triggers more than one filter action, only the last one takes
+ effect.
+ * The same content filter is applied to all the recipients of a given
+ message.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3fb12
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+ TTLLSS FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn PPoossttffiixx
+Forward secrecy does not protect against active attacks such as forged DNS
+replies or forged TLS server certificates. If such attacks are a concern, then
+the SMTP client will need to authenticate the remote SMTP server in a
+sufficiently-secure manner. For example, by the fingerprint of a (CA or leaf)
+public key or certificate. Conventional PKI relies on many trusted parties and
+is easily subverted by a state-funded adversary.
+Postfix supports forward secrecy of TLS network communication since version
+2.2. This support was adopted from Lutz Ja"nicke's "Postfix TLS patch" for
+earlier Postfix versions. This document will focus on TLS Forward Secrecy in
+the Postfix SMTP client and server. See TLS_README for a general description of
+Postfix TLS support.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Give me some background on forward secrecy in Postfix
+ o What is Forward Secrecy
+ o Forward Secrecy in TLS
+ o Forward Secrecy in the Postfix SMTP Server
+ o Forward Secrecy in the Postfix SMTP Client
+ * Never mind, just show me what it takes to get forward secrecy
+ o Getting started, quick and dirty
+ o How can I see that a connection has forward secrecy?
+ o What ciphers provide forward secrecy?
+ o What do "Anonymous", "Untrusted", etc. in Postfix logging mean?
+ * Credits
+WWhhaatt iiss FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy
+The term "Forward Secrecy" (or sometimes "Perfect Forward Secrecy") is used to
+describe security protocols in which the confidentiality of past traffic is not
+compromised when long-term keys used by either or both sides are later
+Forward secrecy is accomplished by negotiating session keys using per-session
+cryptographically-strong random numbers that are not saved, and signing the
+exchange with long-term authentication keys. Later disclosure of the long-term
+keys allows impersonation of the key holder from that point on, but not
+recovery of prior traffic, since with forward secrecy, the discarded random key
+agreement inputs are not available to the attacker.
+Forward secrecy is only "perfect" when brute-force attacks on the key agreement
+algorithm are impractical even for the best-funded adversary and the random-
+number generators used by both parties are sufficiently strong. Otherwise,
+forward secrecy leaves the attacker with the challenge of cracking the key-
+agreement protocol, which is likely quite computationally intensive, but may be
+feasible for sessions of sufficiently high value. Thus forward secrecy places
+cost constraints on the efficacy of bulk surveillance, recovering all past
+traffic is generally infeasible, and even recovery of individual sessions may
+be infeasible given a sufficiently-strong key agreement method.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn TTLLSS
+Early implementations of the SSL protocol do not provide forward secrecy (some
+provide it only with artificially-weakened "export" cipher suites, but we will
+ignore those here). The client sends a random "pre-master secret" to the server
+encrypted with the server's RSA public key. The server decrypts this with its
+private key, and uses it together with other data exchanged in the clear to
+generate the session key. An attacker with access to the server's private key
+can perform the same computation at any later time. The TLS library in Windows
+XP and Windows Server 2003 only supported cipher suites of this type, and
+Exchange 2003 servers largely do not support forward secrecy.
+Later revisions to the TLS protocol introduced forward-secrecy cipher suites in
+which the client and server implement a key exchange protocol based on
+ephemeral secrets. Sessions encrypted with one of these newer cipher suites are
+not compromised by future disclosure of long-term authentication keys.
+The key-exchange algorithms used for forward secrecy require the TLS server to
+designate appropriate "parameters" consisting of a mathematical "group" and an
+element of that group called a "generator". Presently, there are two flavors of
+"groups" that work with PFS:
+ * PPrriimmee--ffiieelldd ggrroouuppss ((EEDDHH)):: The server needs to be configured with a
+ suitably-large prime and a corresponding "generator". The acronym for
+ forward secrecy over prime fields is EDH for Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (also
+ abbreviated as DHE).
+ * EElllliippttiicc--ccuurrvvee ggrroouuppss ((EEEECCDDHH)):: The server needs to be configured with a
+ "named curve". These offer better security at lower computational cost than
+ prime field groups, but are not as widely implemented. The acronym for the
+ elliptic curve version is EECDH which is short for Ephemeral Elliptic Curve
+ Diffie-Hellman (also abbreviated as ECDHE).
+It is not essential to know what these are, but one does need to know that
+OpenSSL supports EECDH with version 1.0.0 or later. Thus the configuration
+parameters related to Elliptic-Curve forward secrecy are available when Postfix
+is linked with OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 (provided EC support has not been disabled by
+the vendor, as in some versions of RedHat Linux).
+Elliptic curves used in cryptography are typically identified by a "name" that
+stands for a set of well-known parameter values, and it is these "names" (or
+associated ASN.1 object identifiers) that are used in the TLS protocol. On the
+other hand, with TLS there are no specially designated prime field groups, so
+each server is free to select its own suitably-strong prime and generator.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr
+The Postfix >= 2.2 SMTP server supports forward secrecy in its default
+configuration. If the remote SMTP client prefers cipher suites with forward
+secrecy, then the traffic between the server and client will resist decryption
+even if the server's long-term authentication keys are later compromised.
+Some remote SMTP clients may support forward secrecy, but prefer cipher suites
+without forward secrecy. In that case, Postfix >= 2.8 could be configured to
+ignore the client's preference with the setting "tls_preempt_cipherlist
+= yes". However, this will likely cause interoperability issues with older
+Exchange servers and is not recommended for now.
+EEDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix >= 2.2 support 1024-bit-prime EDH out of the box, with no additional
+configuration, but you may want to override the default prime to be 2048 bits
+long, and you may want to regenerate your primes periodically. See the quick-
+start section for details. With Postfix >= 3.1 the out of the box (compiled-in)
+EDH prime size is 2048 bits.
+With prime-field EDH, OpenSSL wants the server to provide two explicitly-
+selected (prime, generator) combinations. One for the now long-obsolete
+"export" cipher suites, and another for non-export cipher suites. Postfix has
+two such default combinations compiled in, but also supports explicitly-
+configured overrides.
+ * The "export" EDH parameters are used only with the obsolete "export"
+ ciphers. To use a non-default prime, generate a 512-bit DH parameter file
+ and set smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file to the filename (see the quick-start
+ section for details). With Postfix releases after the middle of 2015 the
+ default opportunistic TLS cipher grade (smtpd_tls_ciphers) is "medium" or
+ stronger, and export ciphers are no longer used.
+ * The non-export EDH parameters are used for all other EDH cipher suites. To
+ use a non-default prime, generate a 1024-bit or 2048-bit DH parameter file
+ and set smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file to the filename. Despite the name this
+ is simply the non-export parameter file and the prime need not actually be
+ 1024 bits long (see the quick-start section for details).
+As of mid-2015, SMTP clients are starting to reject TLS handshakes with primes
+smaller than 2048 bits. Each site needs to determine which prime size works
+best for the majority of its clients. See the quick-start section for the
+recommended configuration to work around this issue.
+EEEECCDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix >= 2.6 support NIST P-256 EECDH when built with OpenSSL >= 1.0.0. When
+the remote SMTP client also supports EECDH and implements the P-256 curve,
+forward secrecy just works.
+ Note: With Postfix 2.6 and 2.7, enable EECDH by setting the
+ parameter smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade to "strong".
+The elliptic curve standards are evolving, with new curves introduced in RFC
+8031 to augment or replace the NIST curves tarnished by the Snowden
+revelations. Fortunately, TLS clients advertise their list of supported curves
+to the server so that servers can choose newer stronger curves when mutually
+supported. OpenSSL 1.0.2 released in January 2015 was the first release to
+implement negotiation of supported curves in TLS servers. In older OpenSSL
+releases, the server is limited to selecting a single widely supported curve.
+With Postfix prior to 3.2 or OpenSSL prior to 1.0.2, only a single server-side
+curve can be configured, by specifying a suitable EECDH "grade":
+ smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade = strong | ultra
+ # Underlying curves, best not changed:
+ # tls_eecdh_strong_curve = prime256v1
+ # tls_eecdh_ultra_curve = secp384r1
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. When
+using this software combination, the default setting of "smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade"
+changes to "auto", which selects a curve that is supported by both the server
+and client. The list of candidate curves can be configured via
+"tls_eecdh_auto_curves", which can be used to configure a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the server and client. The
+default list is suitable for most users.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP CClliieenntt
+The Postfix >= 2.2 SMTP client supports forward secrecy in its default
+configuration. All supported OpenSSL releases support EDH key exchange. OpenSSL
+releases >= 1.0.0 also support EECDH key exchange (provided elliptic-curve
+support has not been disabled by the vendor as in some versions of RedHat
+Linux). If the remote SMTP server supports cipher suites with forward secrecy
+(and does not override the SMTP client's cipher preference), then the traffic
+between the server and client will resist decryption even if the server's long-
+term authentication keys are later compromised.
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. The list
+of candidate curves can be changed via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves"
+configuration parameter, which can be used to select a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the Postfix SMTP server and
+SMTP client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+The default Postfix SMTP client cipher lists are correctly ordered to prefer
+EECDH and EDH cipher suites ahead of similar cipher suites that don't implement
+forward secrecy. Administrators are strongly discouraged from changing the
+cipher list definitions.
+The default minimum cipher grade for opportunistic TLS is "medium" for Postfix
+releases after the middle of 2015, "export" for older releases. Changing the
+minimum cipher grade does not change the cipher preference order. Note that
+cipher grades higher than "medium" exclude Exchange 2003 and likely other MTAs,
+thus a "high" cipher grade should be chosen only on a case-by-case basis via
+the TLS policy table.
+GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd,, qquuiicckk aanndd ddiirrttyy
+EEEECCDDHH CClliieenntt ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 22..22 wwiitthh OOppeennSSSSLL >>== 11..00..00))
+This works "out of the box" with no need for additional configuration.
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. The list
+of candidate curves can be changed via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves"
+configuration parameter, which can be used to select a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the Postfix SMTP server and
+SMTP client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+EEEECCDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 22..66 wwiitthh OOppeennSSSSLL >>== 11..00..00))
+With Postfix 2.6 and 2.7, enable elliptic-curve support in the Postfix SMTP
+server. This is the default with Postfix >= 2.8. Note, however, that elliptic-
+curve support may be disabled by the vendor, as in some versions of RedHat
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Postfix 2.6 & 2.7 only. EECDH is on by default with Postfix >= 2.8.
+ # The default grade is "auto" with Postfix >= 3.2.
+ smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade = strong
+EEDDHH CClliieenntt ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 22..22,, aallll ssuuppppoorrtteedd OOppeennSSSSLL vveerrssiioonnss))
+This works "out of the box" without additional configuration.
+EEDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 22..22,, aallll ssuuppppoorrtteedd OOppeennSSSSLL vveerrssiioonnss))
+Optionally generate non-default Postfix SMTP server EDH parameters for improved
+security against pre-computation attacks and for compatibility with Debian-
+patched Exim SMTP clients that require a >= 2048-bit length for the non-export
+Execute as root (prime group generation can take a few seconds to a few
+ # cd /etc/postfix
+ # umask 022
+ # openssl dhparam -out dh512.tmp 512 && mv dh512.tmp dh512.pem
+ # openssl dhparam -out dh1024.tmp 1024 && mv dh1024.tmp dh1024.pem
+ # openssl dhparam -out dh2048.tmp 2048 && mv dh2048.tmp dh2048.pem
+ # chmod 644 dh512.pem dh1024.pem dh2048.pem
+The Postfix SMTP server EDH parameter files are not secret, after all these
+parameters are sent to all remote SMTP clients in the clear. Mode 0644 is fine.
+You can improve security against pre-computation attacks further by
+regenerating the Postfix SMTP server EDH parameters periodically (an hourly or
+daily cron job running the above commands as root can automate this task).
+Once the parameters are in place, update as follows:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file = ${config_directory}/dh2048.pem
+ smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file = ${config_directory}/dh512.pem
+If some of your MSA clients don't support 2048-bit EDH, you may need to adjust
+the submission entry in accordingly:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ submission inet n - n - - smtpd
+ # Some submission clients may not yet do 2048-bit EDH, if such
+ # clients use your MSA, configure 1024-bit EDH instead. However,
+ # as of mid-2015, many submission clients no longer accept primes
+ # with less than 2048-bits. Each site needs to determine which
+ # type of client is more important to support.
+ -o smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file=${config_directory}/dh1024.pem
+ -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
+ -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
+ ...
+HHooww ccaann II sseeee tthhaatt aa ccoonnnneeccttiioonn hhaass ffoorrwwaarrdd sseeccrreeccyy??
+Postfix can be configured to report information about the negotiated cipher,
+the corresponding key lengths, and the remote peer certificate or public-key
+verification status.
+ * With "smtp_tls_loglevel = 1" and "smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1", the Postfix SMTP
+ client and server will log TLS connection information to the maillog file.
+ The general logfile format is shown below. With TLS 1.3 there may be
+ additional properties logged after the cipher name and bits.
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]: Untrusted TLS connection established
+ to[]:25: TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits)
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]: Anonymous TLS connection established
+ from[]: TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits)
+ * With "smtpd_tls_received_header = yes", the Postfix SMTP server will record
+ TLS connection information in the Received: header in the form of comments
+ (text inside parentheses). The general format depends on the
+ smtpd_tls_ask_ccert setting. With TLS 1.3 there may be additional
+ properties logged after the cipher name and bits.
+ Received: from ( [])
+ (using TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits))
+ (Client CN "", Issuer "John Doe" (not
+ verified))
+ Received: from ( [])
+ (using TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits))
+ (No client certificate requested)
+ TLS 1.3 examples. Some of the new attributes may not appear when not
+ applicable or not available in older versions of the OpenSSL library.
+ Received: from localhost (localhost [])
+ (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)
+ server-digest SHA256)
+ (No client certificate requested)
+ Received: from localhost (localhost [])
+ (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)
+ server-digest SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256)
+ (Client CN "", Issuer "" (not verified))
+ o The "key-exchange" attribute records the type of "Diffie-Hellman" group
+ used for key agreement. Possible values include "DHE", "ECDHE",
+ "X25519" and "X448". With "DHE", the bit size of the prime will be
+ reported in parentheses after the algorithm name, with "ECDHE", the
+ curve name.
+ o The "server-signature" attribute shows the public key signature
+ algorithm used by the server. With "RSA-PSS", the bit size of the
+ modulus will be reported in parentheses. With "ECDSA", the curve name.
+ If, for example, the server has both an RSA and an ECDSA private key
+ and certificate, it will be possible to track which one was used for a
+ given connection.
+ o The new "server-digest" attribute records the digest algorithm used by
+ the server to prepare handshake messages for signing. The Ed25519 and
+ Ed448 signature algorithms do not make use of such a digest, so no
+ "server-digest" will be shown for these signature algorithms.
+ o When a client certificate is requested with "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert" and
+ the client uses a TLS client-certificate, the "client-signature" and
+ "client-digest" attributes will record the corresponding properties of
+ the client's TLS handshake signature.
+The next sections will explain what cipher-name, key-size, and peer
+verification status information to expect.
+WWhhaatt cciipphheerrss pprroovviiddee ffoorrwwaarrdd sseeccrreeccyy??
+There are dozens of ciphers that support forward secrecy. What follows is the
+beginning of a list of 51 ciphers available with OpenSSL 1.0.1e. The list is
+sorted in the default Postfix preference order. It excludes null ciphers that
+only authenticate and don't encrypt, together with export and low-grade ciphers
+whose encryption is too weak to offer meaningful secrecy. The first column
+shows the cipher name, and the second shows the key exchange method.
+ $ openssl ciphers -v \
+ awk '{printf "%-32s %s\n", $1, $3}'
+ ADH-AES256-SHA256 Kx=DH
+ ...
+To date, all ciphers that support forward secrecy have one of five values for
+the first component of their OpenSSL name: "AECDH", "ECDHE", "ADH", "EDH" or
+"DHE". Ciphers that don't implement forward secrecy have names that don't start
+with one of these prefixes. This pattern is likely to persist until some new
+key-exchange mechanism is invented that also supports forward secrecy.
+The actual key length and raw algorithm key length are generally the same with
+non-export ciphers, but may they differ for the legacy export ciphers where the
+actual key is artificially shortened.
+Starting with TLS 1.3 the cipher name no longer contains enough information to
+determine which forward-secrecy scheme was employed, but TLS 1.3 aallwwaayyss uses
+forward-secrecy. On the client side, up-to-date Postfix releases log additional
+information for TLS 1.3 connections, reporting the signature and key exchange
+algorithms. Two examples below (the long single line messages are folded across
+multiple lines for readability):
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established to[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established to[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange ECDHE (P-256) server-signature ECDSA (P-256) server-digest
+ SHA256
+In the above connections, the "key-exchange" value records the "Diffie-Hellman"
+algorithm used for key agreement. The "server-signature" value records the
+public key algorithm used by the server to sign the key exchange. The "server-
+digest" value records any hash algorithm used to prepare the data for signing.
+With "ED25519" and "ED448", no separate hash algorithm is used.
+Examples of Postfix SMTP server logging:
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established from localhost[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Anonymous TLS connection established from localhost[]:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Anonymous TLS connection established from localhost[]:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ server-signature ED25519
+Note that Postfix >= 3.4 server logging may also include a "to sni-name"
+element to record the use of an alternate server certificate chain for the
+connection in question. This happens when the client uses the TLS SNI
+extension, and the server selects a non-default certificate chain based on the
+client's SNI value:
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established from client.example[]
+ to server.example: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+WWhhaatt ddoo ""AAnnoonnyymmoouuss"",, ""UUnnttrruusstteedd"",, eettcc.. iinn PPoossttffiixx llooggggiinngg mmeeaann??
+The verification levels below are subject to man-in-the-middle attacks to
+different degrees. If such attacks are a concern, then the SMTP client will
+need to authenticate the remote SMTP server in a sufficiently-secure manner.
+For example, by the fingerprint of a (CA or leaf) public key or certificate.
+Remember that conventional PKI relies on many trusted parties and is easily
+subverted by a state-funded adversary.
+AAnnoonnyymmoouuss (no peer certificate)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: With opportunistic TLS (the "may" security level) the
+ Postfix SMTP client does not verify any information in the peer
+ certificate. In this case it enables and prefers anonymous cipher suites in
+ which the remote SMTP server does not present a certificate (these ciphers
+ offer forward secrecy of necessity). When the remote SMTP server also
+ supports anonymous TLS, and agrees to such a cipher suite, the verification
+ status will be logged as "Anonymous".
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: This is by far most common, as client certificates are
+ optional, and the Postfix SMTP server does not request client certificates
+ by default (see smtpd_tls_ask_ccert). Even when client certificates are
+ requested, the remote SMTP client might not send a certificate. Unlike the
+ Postfix SMTP client, the Postfix SMTP server "anonymous" verification
+ status does not imply that the cipher suite is anonymous, which corresponds
+ to the server not sending a certificate.
+UUnnttrruusstteedd (peer certificate not signed by trusted CA)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server presented a certificate, but
+ the Postfix SMTP client was unable to check the issuing CA signature. With
+ opportunistic TLS this is common with remote SMTP servers that don't
+ support anonymous cipher suites.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The remote SMTP client presented a certificate, but
+ the Postfix SMTP server was unable to check the issuing CA signature. This
+ can happen when the server is configured to request client certificates
+ (see smtpd_tls_ask_ccert).
+TTrruusstteedd (peer certificate signed by trusted CA, unverified peer name)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server's certificate was signed by a
+ CA that the Postfix SMTP client trusts, but either the client was not
+ configured to verify the destination server name against the certificate,
+ or the server certificate did not contain any matching names. This is
+ common with opportunistic TLS (smtp_tls_security_level is "may" or else
+ "dane" with no usable TLSA DNS records) when the Postfix SMTP client's
+ trusted CAs can verify the authenticity of the remote SMTP server's
+ certificate, but the client is not configured or unable to verify the
+ server name.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The remote SMTP client certificate was signed by a CA
+ that the Postfix SMTP server trusts. The Postfix SMTP server never verifies
+ the remote SMTP client name against the names in the client certificate.
+ Since the client chooses to connect to the server, the Postfix SMTP server
+ has no expectation of a particular client hostname.
+VVeerriiffiieedd (peer certificate signed by trusted CA and verified peer name; or:
+peer certificate with expected public-key or certificate fingerprint)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server's certificate was signed by a
+ CA that the Postfix SMTP client trusts, and the certificate name matches
+ the destination or server name(s). The Postfix SMTP client was configured
+ to require a verified name, otherwise the verification status would have
+ been just "Trusted".
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The "Verified" status may also mean that the Postfix
+ SMTP client successfully matched the expected fingerprint against the
+ remote SMTP server public key or certificate. The expected fingerprint may
+ come from smtp_tls_policy_maps or from TLSA (secure) DNS records. The
+ Postfix SMTP client ignores the CA signature.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The status is never "Verified", because the Postfix
+ SMTP server never verifies the remote SMTP client name against the names in
+ the client certificate, and because the Postfix SMTP server does not expect
+ a specific fingerprint in the client public key or certificate.
+ * TLS support for Postfix was originally developed by Lutz Ja"nicke at
+ Cottbus Technical University.
+ * Wietse Venema adopted and restructured the code and documentation.
+ * Viktor Dukhovni implemented support for many subsequent TLS features,
+ including EECDH, and authored the initial version of this document.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e61ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+PPoossttffiixx IInnssttaallllaattiioonn FFrroomm SSoouurrccee CCooddee
+11 -- PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+If you are using a pre-compiled version of Postfix, you should start with
+BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README and the general documentation referenced by it.
+INSTALL is only a bootstrap document to get Postfix up and running from scratch
+with the minimal number of steps; it should not be considered part of the
+general documentation.
+This document describes how to build, install and configure a Postfix system so
+that it can do one of the following:
+ * Send mail only, without changing an existing Sendmail installation.
+ * Send and receive mail via a virtual host interface, still without any
+ change to an existing Sendmail installation.
+ * Run Postfix instead of Sendmail.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ 1. Purpose of this document
+ 2. Typographical conventions
+ 3. Documentation
+ 4. Building on a supported system
+ 5. Porting Postfix to an unsupported system
+ 6. Installing the software after successful compilation
+ 7. Configuring Postfix to send mail only
+ 8. Configuring Postfix to send and receive mail via virtual interface
+ 9. Running Postfix instead of Sendmail
+10. Mandatory configuration file edits
+11. To chroot or not to chroot
+12. Care and feeding of the Postfix system
+22 -- TTyyppooggrraapphhiiccaall ccoonnvveennttiioonnss
+In the instructions below, a command written as
+ # command
+should be executed as the superuser.
+A command written as
+ $ command
+should be executed as an unprivileged user.
+33 -- DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn
+Documentation is available as README files (start with the file README_FILES/
+AAAREADME), as HTML web pages (point your browser to "html/index.html") and as
+UNIX-style manual pages.
+You should view the README files with a pager such as more(1) or less(1),
+because the files use backspace characters in order to produce bboolldd font. To
+print a README file without backspace characters, use the col(1) command. For
+ $ col -bx <file | lpr
+In order to view the manual pages before installing Postfix, point your MANPATH
+environment variable to the "man" subdirectory; be sure to use an absolute
+ $ export MANPATH; MANPATH="`pwd`/man:$MANPATH"
+ $ setenv MANPATH "`pwd`/man:$MANPATH"
+Of particular interest is the postconf(5) manual page that lists all the 500+
+configuration parameters. The HTML version of this text makes it easy to
+navigate around.
+All Postfix source files have their own built-in manual page. Tools to extract
+those embedded manual pages are available in the mantools directory.
+44 -- BBuuiillddiinngg oonn aa ssuuppppoorrtteedd ssyysstteemm
+Postfix development happens on FreeBSD and MacOS X, with regular tests on Linux
+(Fedora, Ubuntu) and Solaris. Support for other systems relies on feedback from
+their users, and may not always be up-to-date.
+OpenBSD is partially supported. The libc resolver does not implement the
+documented "internal resolver options which are [...] set by changing fields in
+the _res structure" (documented in the OpenBSD 5.6 resolver(3) manpage). This
+results in too many DNS queries, and false positives for queries that should
+Overview of topics:
+ * 4.1 - Getting started
+ * 4.2 - What compiler to use
+ * 4.3 - Building with Postfix position-independent executables (Postfix >=
+ 3.0)
+ * 4.4 - Building with Postfix dynamically-linked libraries and database
+ plugins (Postfix >= 3.0)
+ * 4.5 - Building with optional features
+ * 4.6 - Overriding built-in parameter default settings
+ * 4.7 - Overriding other compile-time features
+ * 4.8 - Support for thousands of processes
+ * 4.9 - Compiling Postfix, at last
+44..11 -- GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd
+On Solaris, the "make" command and other development utilities are in /usr/ccs/
+bin, so you MUST have /usr/ccs/bin in your command search path. If these files
+do not exist, you need to install the development packages first.
+If you need to build Postfix for multiple architectures from a single source-
+code tree, use the "lndir" command to build a shadow tree with symbolic links
+to the source files.
+If at any time in the build process you get messages like: "make: don't know
+how to ..." you should be able to recover by running the following command from
+the Postfix top-level directory:
+ $ make -f Makefile.init makefiles
+If you copied the Postfix source code after building it on another machine, it
+is a good idea to cd into the top-level directory and first do this:
+ $ make tidy
+This will get rid of any system dependencies left over from compiling the
+software elsewhere.
+44..22 -- WWhhaatt ccoommppiilleerr ttoo uussee
+To build with GCC, or with the native compiler if people told me that is better
+for your system, just cd into the top-level Postfix directory of the source
+tree and type:
+ $ make
+To build with a non-default compiler, you need to specify the name of the
+compiler. Here are a few examples:
+ $ make makefiles CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc (Solaris)
+ $ make
+ $ make makefiles CC="/opt/ansic/bin/cc -Ae" (HP-UX)
+ $ make
+ $ make makefiles CC="purify cc"
+ $ make
+and so on. In some cases, optimization will be turned off automatically.
+44..33 -- BBuuiillddiinngg wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx ppoossiittiioonn--iinnddeeppeennddeenntt eexxeeccuuttaabblleess ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..00))
+On some systems Postfix can be built with Position-Independent Executables. PIE
+is used by the ASLR exploit mitigation technique (ASLR = Address-Space Layout
+ $ make makefiles pie=yes ...other arguments...
+(Specify "make makefiles pie=no" to explicitly disable Postfix position-
+independent executable support).
+Postfix PIE support appears to work on Fedora Core 20, Ubuntu 14.04, FreeBSD 9
+and 10, and NetBSD 6 (all with the default system compilers).
+Whether the "pie=yes" above has any effect depends on the compiler. Some
+compilers always produce PIE executables, and some may even complain that the
+Postfix build option is redundant.
+44..44 -- BBuuiillddiinngg wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx ddyynnaammiiccaallllyy--lliinnkkeedd lliibbrraarriieess aanndd ddaattaabbaassee pplluuggiinnss
+((PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..00))
+Postfix dynamically-linked library and database plugin support exists for
+recent versions of Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS X. Dynamically-linked library
+builds may become the default at some point in the future.
+Overview of topics:
+ * 4.4.1 Turning on Postfix dynamically-linked library support
+ * 4.4.2 Turning on Postfix database-plugin support
+ * 4.4.3 Customizing Postfix dynamically-linked libraries and database plugins
+ * 4.4.4 Tips for distribution maintainers
+Note: directories with Postfix dynamically-linked libraries or database plugins
+should contain only postfix-related files. Postfix dynamically-linked libraries
+and database plugins should not be installed in a "public" system directory
+such as /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. Linking Postfix dynamically-linked library
+or database-plugin files into non-Postfix programs is not supported. Postfix
+dynamically-linked libraries and database plugins implement a Postfix-internal
+API that changes without maintaining compatibility.
+44..44..11 TTuurrnniinngg oonn PPoossttffiixx ddyynnaammiiccaallllyy--lliinnkkeedd lliibbrraarryy ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix can be built with Postfix dynamically-linked libraries (files typically
+named libpostfix-*.so). Postfix dynamically-linked libraries add minor run-time
+overhead and result in significantly-smaller Postfix executable files.
+Specify "shared=yes" on the "make makefiles" command line to build Postfix with
+dynamically-linked library support.
+ $ make makefiles shared=yes ...other arguments...
+ $ make
+(Specify "make makefiles shared=no" to explicitly disable Postfix dynamically-
+linked library support).
+This installs dynamically-linked libraries in $shlib_directory, typically /usr/
+lib/postfix or /usr/local/lib/postfix, with file names,
+where the name is a source-code directory name such as "util" or "global".
+See section 4.4.3 "Customizing Postfix dynamically-linked libraries and
+database plugins" below for how to customize the Postfix dynamically-linked
+library location, including support to upgrade a running mail system safely.
+44..44..22 TTuurrnniinngg oonn PPoossttffiixx ddaattaabbaassee--pplluuggiinn ssuuppppoorrtt
+Additionally, Postfix can be built to support dynamic loading of Postfix
+database clients (database plugins) with the Debian-style dynamicmaps feature.
+Postfix 3.0 supports dynamic loading of cdb:, ldap:, lmdb:, mysql:, pcre:,
+pgsql:, sdbm:, and sqlite: database clients. Dynamic loading is useful when you
+distribute or install pre-compiled Postfix packages.
+Specify "dynamicmaps=yes" on the "make makefiles" command line to build Postfix
+with support to dynamically load Postfix database clients with the Debian-style
+dynamicmaps feature.
+ $ make makefiles dynamicmaps=yes ...other arguments...
+ $ make
+(Specify "make makefiles dynamicmaps=no" to explicitly disable Postfix
+database-plugin support).
+This implicitly enables dynamically-linked library support, installs the
+configuration file in $meta_directory (usually, /etc/postfix or
+/usr/local/etc/postfix), and installs database plugins in $shlib_directory (see
+above). Database plugins are named where the type is a database
+type such as "cdb" or "ldap".
+ NOTE: The Postfix 3.0 build procedure expects that you specify database
+ library dependencies with variables named AUXLIBS_CDB, AUXLIBS_LDAP, etc.
+ With Postfix 3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports
+ building a statically-loaded database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_CDB
+ etc. variables support building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded
+ CDB etc. database client. See CDB_README, LDAP_README, etc. for details.
+ Failure to follow this advice will defeat the purpose of dynamic database
+ client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have database library
+ dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic database client loading was
+ meant to avoid.
+See the next section for how to customize the location and version of Postfix
+database plugins and the location of the file
+44..44..33 CCuussttoommiizziinngg PPoossttffiixx ddyynnaammiiccaallllyy--lliinnkkeedd lliibbrraarriieess aanndd ddaattaabbaassee pplluuggiinnss
+CCuussttoommiizziinngg bbuuiilldd--ttiimmee aanndd rruunn--ttiimmee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr PPoossttffiixx ddyynnaammiiccaallllyy--lliinnkkeedd
+lliibbrraarriieess aanndd ddaattaabbaassee pplluuggiinnss
+The build-time environment variables SHLIB_CFLAGS, SHLIB_RPATH, and
+SHLIB_SUFFIX provide control over how Postfix libraries and plugins are
+compiled, linked, and named.
+ $ make makefiles SHLIB_CFLAGS=flags SHLIB_RPATH=rpath SHLIB_SUFFIX=suffix
+ ...other arguments...
+ $ make
+See section 4.7 "Overriding other compile-time features" below for details.
+CCuussttoommiizziinngg tthhee llooccaattiioonn ooff PPoossttffiixx ddyynnaammiiccaallllyy--lliinnkkeedd lliibbrraarriieess aanndd ddaattaabbaassee
+As a reminder, the directories with Postfix dynamically-linked libraries or
+database plugins should contain only Postfix-related files. Linking these files
+into other programs is not supported.
+To override the default location of Postfix dynamically-linked libraries and
+database plugins specify, for example:
+ $ make makefiles shared=yes shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix ...
+If you intend to upgrade Postfix without stopping the mail system, then you
+should append the Postfix release version to the shlib_directory pathname, to
+eliminate the possibility that programs will link with dynamically-linked
+libraries or database plugins from the wrong Postfix version. For example:
+ $ make makefiles shared=yes \
+ shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix/MAIL_VERSION ...
+The command "make makefiles name=value..." will replace the string MAIL_VERSION
+at the end of a configuration parameter value with the Postfix release version.
+Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on this command line. This
+produces inconsistent results with different versions of the make(1) command.
+You can change the shlib_directory setting after Postfix is built, with "make
+install" or "make upgrade". However, you may have to run ldconfig if you change
+shlib_directory after Postfix is built (the symptom is that Postfix programs
+fail because the run-time linker cannot find the files libpostfix-*.so). No
+ldconfig command is needed if you keep the files libpostfix-*.so in the
+compiled-in default $shlib_directory location.
+ # make upgrade shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix ...
+ # make install shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix ...
+To append the Postfix release version to the pathname if you intend to upgrade
+Postfix without stopping the mail system:
+ # make upgrade shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix/MAIL_VERSION ...
+ # make install shlib_directory=/usr/local/lib/postfix/MAIL_VERSION ...
+See also the comments above for appending MAIL_VERSION with the "make
+makefiles" command.
+CCuussttoommiizziinngg tthhee llooccaattiioonn ooff ddyynnaammiiccmmaappss..ccff aanndd ootthheerr ffiilleess
+The meta_directory parameter has the same default setting as the
+config_directory parameter, typically /etc/postfix or /usr/local/etc/postfix.
+You can override the default meta_directory location at compile time or after
+Postfix is built. To override the default location at compile time specify, for
+ % make makefiles meta_directory=/usr/libexec/postfix ...
+Here is a tip if you want to make a pathname dependent on the Postfix release
+version: the command "make makefiles name=value..." will replace the string
+MAIL_VERSION at the end of a configuration parameter value with the Postfix
+release version. Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on this
+command line. This produces inconsistent results with different versions of the
+make(1) command.
+You can override the meta_directory setting after Postfix is built, with "make
+install" or "make upgrade".
+ # make upgrade meta_directory=/usr/libexec/postfix ...
+ # make install meta_directory=/usr/libexec/postfix ...
+As with the command "make makefiles, the command "make install/upgrade
+name=value..." will replace the string MAIL_VERSION at the end of a
+configuration parameter value with the Postfix release version. Do not try to
+specify something like $mail_version on this command line. This produces
+inconsistent results with different versions of the make(1) command.
+44..44..44 TTiippss ffoorr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn mmaaiinnttaaiinneerrss
+ * The shlib_directory parameter setting also provides the default directory
+ for database plugin files with a relative pathname in the file
+ * The meta_directory parameter specifies the location of the files
+, postfix-files, and some multi-instance template files. The
+ meta_directory parameter has the same default value as the config_directory
+ parameter (typically, /etc/postfix or /usr/local/etc/postfix). For
+ backwards compatibility with Postfix 2.6 .. 2.11, specify "meta_directory =
+ $daemon_directory" in before installing or upgrading Postfix, or
+ specify "meta_directory = /path/name" on the "make makefiles", "make
+ install" or "make upgrade" command line.
+ * The configuration file will automatically include files
+ under the directory, just like the configuration file
+ postfix-files will automatically include files under the directory postfix-
+ files.d. Thanks to this, you can install or deinstall a database plugin
+ package without having to edit postfix-files or Instead,
+ you give that plugin its own configuration files under and
+ postfix-files.d, and you add or remove those configuration files along with
+ the database plugin dynamically-linked object.
+ * Each configuration file under the directory must have the
+ same format as the configuration file There is no
+ requirement that these configuration file *names* have a specific format.
+ * Each configuration file under the directory postfix-files.d must have the
+ same format as the configuration file postfix-files. There is no
+ requirement that these configuration file *names* have a specific format.
+44..55 -- BBuuiillddiinngg wwiitthh ooppttiioonnaall ffeeaattuurreess
+By default, Postfix builds as a mail system with relatively few bells and
+whistles. Support for third-party databases etc. must be configured when
+Postfix is compiled. The following documents describe how to build Postfix with
+support for optional features:
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |OOppttiioonnaall ffeeaattuurree |DDooccuummeenntt |AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Berkeley DB database |DB_README |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |LMDB database |LMDB_README |Postfix 2.11|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |LDAP database |LDAP_README |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |MySQL database |MYSQL_README |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Perl compatible regular expression|PCRE_README |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |PostgreSQL database |PGSQL_README |Postfix 2.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |SASL authentication |SASL_README |Postfix 1.0 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |SQLite database |SQLITE_README|Postfix 2.8 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |STARTTLS session encryption |TLS_README |Postfix 2.2 |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+Note: IP version 6 support is compiled into Postfix on operating systems that
+have IPv6 support. See the IPV6_README file for details.
+44..66 -- OOvveerrrriiddiinngg bbuuiilltt--iinn ppaarraammeetteerr ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinnggss
+44..66..11 -- PPoossttffiixx 33..00 aanndd llaatteerr
+All Postfix configuration parameters can be changed by editing a Postfix
+configuration file, except for one: the parameter that specifies the location
+of Postfix configuration files. In order to build Postfix with a configuration
+directory other than /etc/postfix, use:
+ $ make makefiles config_directory=/some/where ...other arguments...
+ $ make
+The command "make makefiles name=value ..." will replace the string
+MAIL_VERSION at the end of a configuration parameter value with the Postfix
+release version. Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on this
+command line. This produces inconsistent results with different versions of the
+make(1) command.
+Parameters whose defaults can be specified in this way are listed below. See
+the postconf(5) manpage for a description (command: "nroff -man man/man5/
+postconf.5 | less").
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |ppaarraammeetteerr nnaammee |ttyyppiiccaall ddeeffaauulltt |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |command_directory |/usr/sbin |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |config_directory |/etc/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |default_database_type|hash |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |daemon_directory |/usr/libexec/postfix|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |data_directory |/var/lib/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |html_directory |no |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mail_spool_directory |/var/mail |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mailq_path |/usr/bin/mailq |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |manpage_directory |/usr/local/man |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |meta_directory |/etc/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |newaliases_path |/usr/bin/newaliases |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |openssl_path |openssl |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |queue_directory |/var/spool/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |readme_directory |no |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |sendmail_path |/usr/sbin/sendmail |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |shlib_directory |/usr/lib/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+44..66..22 -- AAllll PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonnss
+All Postfix configuration parameters can be changed by editing a Postfix
+configuration file, except for one: the parameter that specifies the location
+of Postfix configuration files. In order to build Postfix with a configuration
+directory other than /etc/postfix, use:
+ $ make makefiles CCARGS='-DDEF_CONFIG_DIR=\"/some/where\"'
+ $ make
+IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the quotes right. These details matter a lot.
+Parameters whose defaults can be specified in this way are listed below. See
+the postconf(5) manpage for a description (command: "nroff -man man/man5/
+postconf.5 | less").
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |MMaaccrroo nnaammee |ddeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee ffoorr |ttyyppiiccaall ddeeffaauulltt |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_COMMAND_DIR |command_directory |/usr/sbin |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_CONFIG_DIR |config_directory |/etc/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_DB_TYPE |default_database_type|hash |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_DAEMON_DIR |daemon_directory |/usr/libexec/postfix|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_DATA_DIR |data_directory |/var/lib/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_MAILQ_PATH |mailq_path |/usr/bin/mailq |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_HTML_DIR |html_directory |no |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_MANPAGE_DIR |manpage_directory |/usr/local/man |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_NEWALIAS_PATH|newaliases_path |/usr/bin/newaliases |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_QUEUE_DIR |queue_directory |/var/spool/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_README_DIR |readme_directory |no |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |DEF_SENDMAIL_PATH|sendmail_path |/usr/sbin/sendmail |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+Note: the data_directory parameter (for caches and pseudo-random numbers) was
+introduced with Postfix version 2.5.
+44..77 -- OOvveerrrriiddiinngg ootthheerr ccoommppiillee--ttiimmee ffeeaattuurreess
+The general method to override Postfix compile-time features is as follows:
+ $ make makefiles name=value name=value...
+ $ make
+The following is an extensive list of names and values.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+|NNaammee//VVaalluuee |DDeessccrriippttiioonn |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies one or more non-default object |
+| |libraries. Postfix 3.0 and later specify some|
+| |of their database library dependencies with |
+| |respectively. |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|CC=compiler_command |Specifies a non-default compiler. On many |
+| |systems, the default is gcc. |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies non-default compiler arguments, for|
+|CCARGS="compiler_arguments..." |example, a non-default include directory. The|
+| |following directives turn off Postfix |
+| |features at compile time: |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with Berkeley DB support. By |
+|| |default, Berkeley DB support is compiled in |
+||-DNO_DB |on platforms that are known to support this |
+|| |feature. If you override this, then you |
+|| |probably should also override DEF_DB_TYPE as |
+|| |described in section 4.6. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+||-DNO_DNSSEC |Do not build with DNSSEC support, even if the|
+|| |resolver library appears to support it. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with Solaris /dev/poll support. |
+||-DNO_DEVPOLL |By default, /dev/poll support is compiled in |
+|| |on Solaris versions that are known to support|
+|| |this feature. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with Linux EPOLL support. By |
+||-DNO_EPOLL |default, EPOLL support is compiled in on |
+|| |platforms that are known to support this |
+|| |feature. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with EAI (SMTPUTF8) support. By |
+||-DNO_EAI |default, EAI support is compiled in when the |
+|| |"icuuc" library and header files are found. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not require support for C99 "inline" |
+|| |functions. Instead, implement argument |
+||-DNO_INLINE |typechecks for non-printf/scanf-like |
+|| |functions with ternary operators and |
+|| |unreachable code. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with IPv6 support. By default, |
+|| |IPv6 support is compiled in on platforms that|
+|| |are known to have IPv6 support. Note: this |
+||-DNO_IPV6 |directive is for debugging And testing only. |
+|| |It is not guaranteed to work on all |
+|| |platforms. If you don't want IPv6 support, |
+|| |set "inet_protocols = ipv4" in |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD |
+||-DNO_KQUEUE |/ MacOSX KQUEUE support. By default, KQUEUE |
+|| |support is compiled in on platforms that are |
+|| |known to support it. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with NIS or NISPLUS support. NIS|
+||-DNO_NIS |is not available on some recent Linux |
+|| |distributions. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with NISPLUS support. NISPLUS is|
+||-DNO_NISPLUS |not available on some recent Solaris |
+|| |distributions. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Do not build with PCRE support. By default, |
+||-DNO_PCRE |PCRE support is compiled in when the pcre- |
+|| |config utility is installed. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Disable support for POSIX getpwnam_r/ |
+||-DNO_POSIX_GETPW_R |getpwuid_r. By default Postfix uses these |
+|| |where they are known to be available. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Use setjmp()/longjmp() instead of sigsetjmp |
+||-DNO_SIGSETJMP |()/siglongjmp(). By default, Postfix uses |
+|| |sigsetjmp()/siglongjmp() when they are known |
+|| |to be available. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+|| |Use sprintf() instead of snprintf(). By |
+||-DNO_SNPRINTF |default, Postfix uses snprintf() except on |
+|| |ancient systems. |
+|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies a non-default compiler debugging |
+|DEBUG=debug_level |level. The default is "-g". Specify DEBUG= to|
+| |turn off debugging. |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies a non-default optimization level. |
+|OPT=optimization_level |The default is "-O". Specify OPT= to turn off|
+| |optimization. |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies options for the postfix-install |
+|POSTFIX_INSTALL_OPTS=-option...|command, separated by whitespace. Currently, |
+| |the only supported option is "-keep-build- |
+| |mtime". |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies non-default compiler options for |
+|SHLIB_CFLAGS=flags |building Postfix dynamically-linked libraries|
+| |and database plugins. The typical default is |
+| |"-fPIC". |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies a non-default runpath for Postfix |
+|SHLIB_RPATH=rpath |dynamically-linked libraries. The typical |
+| |default is "'-Wl,-rpath,${SHLIB_DIR}'". |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies a non-default suffix for Postfix |
+|SHLIB_SUFFIX=suffix |dynamically-linked libraries and database |
+| |plugins. The typical default is ".so". |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+| |Specifies non-default compiler warning |
+|WARN="warning_flags..." |options for use when "make" is invoked in a |
+| |source subdirectory only. |
+|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+44..88 -- SSuuppppoorrtt ffoorr tthhoouussaannddss ooff pprroocceesssseess
+The number of connections that Postfix can manage simultaneously is limited by
+the number of processes that it can run. This number in turn is limited by the
+number of files and sockets that a single process can open. For example, the
+Postfix queue manager has a separate connection to each delivery process, and
+the anvil(8) server has one connection per smtpd(8) process.
+Postfix version 2.4 and later have no built-in limits on the number of open
+files or sockets, when compiled on systems that support one of the following:
+ * BSD kqueue(2) (FreeBSD 4.1, NetBSD 2.0, OpenBSD 2.9),
+ * Solaris 8 /dev/poll,
+ * Linux 2.6 epoll(4).
+With other Postfix versions or operating systems, the number of file
+descriptors per process is limited by the value of the FD_SETSIZE macro. If you
+expect to run more than 1000 mail delivery processes, you may need to override
+the definition of the FD_SETSIZE macro to make select() work correctly:
+ $ make makefiles CCARGS=-DFD_SETSIZE=2048
+Warning: the above has no effect on some Linux versions. Apparently, on these
+systems the FD_SETSIZE value can be changed only by using undocumented
+interfaces. Currently, that means including <bits/types.h> directly (which is
+not allowed) and overriding the __FD_SETSIZE macro. Beware, undocumented
+interfaces can change at any time and without warning.
+But wait, there is more: none of this will work unless the operating system is
+configured to handle thousands of connections. See the TUNING_README guide for
+examples of how to increase the number of open sockets or files.
+44..99 -- CCoommppiilliinngg PPoossttffiixx,, aatt llaasstt
+If the command
+ $ make
+is successful, then you can proceed to install Postfix (section 6).
+If the command produces compiler error messages, it may be time to search the
+web or to ask the mailing list, but be sure to search
+the mailing list archives first. Some mailing list archives are linked from
+55 -- PPoorrttiinngg PPoossttffiixx ttoo aann uunnssuuppppoorrtteedd ssyysstteemm
+Each system type that Postfix knows is identified by a unique name. Examples:
+SUNOS5, FREEBSD4, and so on. When porting Postfix to a new system, the first
+step is to choose a SYSTEMTYPE name for the new system. You must use a name
+that includes at least the major version of the operating system (such as
+SUNOS4 or LINUX2), so that different releases of the same system can be
+supported without confusion.
+Add a case statement to the "makedefs" shell script in the source code top-
+level directory that recognizes the new system reliably, and that emits the
+right system-specific information. Be sure to make the code robust against user
+PATH settings; if the system offers multiple UNIX flavors (e.g. BSD and SYSV)
+be sure to build for the native flavor, instead of the emulated one.
+Add an "#ifdef SYSTEMTYPE" section to the central util/sys_defs.h include file.
+You may have to invent new feature macro names. Please choose sensible feature
+macro names such as HAS_DBM or FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO_H.
+I strongly recommend against using "#ifdef SYSTEMTYPE" in individual source
+files. While this may look like the quickest solution, it will create a mess
+when newer versions of the same SYSTEMTYPE need to be supported. You're likely
+to end up placing "#ifdef" sections all over the source code again.
+66 -- IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ssooffttwwaarree aafftteerr ssuucccceessssffuull ccoommppiillaattiioonn
+This text describes how to install Postfix from source code. See the
+PACKAGE_README file if you are building a package for distribution to other
+66..11 -- SSaavvee eexxiissttiinngg SSeennddmmaaiill bbiinnaarriieess
+IMPORTANT: if you are REPLACING an existing Sendmail installation with Postfix,
+you may need to keep the old sendmail program running for some time in order to
+flush the mail queue.
+ * Some systems implement a mail switch mechanism where different MTAs
+ (Postfix, Sendmail, etc.) can be installed at the same time, while only one
+ of them is actually being used. Examples of such switching mechanisms are
+ the FreeBSD mailwrapper(8) or the Linux mail switch. In this case you
+ should try to "flip" the switch to "Postfix" before installing Postfix.
+ * If your system has no mail switch mechanism, execute the following commands
+ (your sendmail, newaliases and mailq programs may be in a different place):
+ # mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF
+ # mv /usr/bin/newaliases /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF
+ # mv /usr/bin/mailq /usr/bin/mailq.OFF
+ # chmod 755 /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF \
+ /usr/bin/mailq.OFF
+66..22 -- CCrreeaattee aaccccoouunntt aanndd ggrroouuppss
+Before you install Postfix for the first time you need to create an account and
+a group:
+ * Create a user account "postfix" with a user id and group id that are not
+ used by any other user account. Preferably, this is an account that no-one
+ can log into. The account does not need an executable login shell, and
+ needs no existing home directory. My password and group file entries look
+ like this:
+ /etc/passwd:
+ postfix:*:12345:12345:postfix:/no/where:/no/shell
+ /etc/group:
+ postfix:*:12345:
+ Note: there should be no whitespace before "postfix:".
+ * Create a group "postdrop" with a group id that is not used by any other
+ user account. Not even by the postfix user account. My group file entry
+ looks like:
+ /etc/group:
+ postdrop:*:54321:
+ Note: there should be no whitespace before "postdrop:".
+66..33 -- IInnssttaallll PPoossttffiixx
+To install or upgrade Postfix from compiled source code, run one of the
+following commands as the super-user:
+ # make install (interactive version, first time install)
+ # make upgrade (non-interactive version, for upgrades)
+ * The interactive version ("make install") asks for pathnames for Postfix
+ data and program files, and stores your preferences in the file. IIff
+ yyoouu ddoonn''tt wwaanntt PPoossttffiixx ttoo oovveerrwwrriittee nnoonn--PPoossttffiixx ""sseennddmmaaiill"",, ""mmaaiillqq"" aanndd
+ ""nneewwaalliiaasseess"" ffiilleess,, ssppeecciiffyy ppaatthhnnaammeess tthhaatt eenndd iinn ""..ppoossttffiixx"".
+ * The non-interactive version ("make upgrade") needs the /etc/postfix/
+ file from a previous installation. If the file does not exist, use
+ interactive installation ("make install") instead.
+ * If you specify name=value arguments on the "make install" or "make upgrade"
+ command line, then these will take precedence over compiled-in default
+ settings or settings.
+ The command "make install/upgrade name=value ..." will replace the string
+ MAIL_VERSION at the end of a configuration parameter value with the Postfix
+ release version. Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on this
+ command line. This produces inconsistent results with different versions of
+ the make(1) command.
+66..44 -- CCoonnffiigguurree PPoossttffiixx
+Proceed to the section on how you wish to run Postfix on your particular
+ * Send mail only, without changing an existing Sendmail installation (section
+ 7).
+ * Send and receive mail via a virtual host interface, still without any
+ change to an existing Sendmail installation (section 8).
+ * Run Postfix instead of Sendmail (section 9).
+77 -- CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttffiixx ttoo sseenndd mmaaiill oonnllyy
+If you are going to use Postfix to send mail only, there is no need to change
+your existing sendmail setup. Instead, set up your mail user agent so that it
+calls the Postfix sendmail program directly.
+Follow the instructions in the "Mandatory configuration file edits" in section
+10, and review the "To chroot or not to chroot" text in section 11.
+You MUST comment out the "smtp inet" entry in /etc/postfix/, in order
+to avoid conflicts with the real sendmail. Put a "#" character in front of the
+line that defines the smtpd service:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
+Start the Postfix system:
+ # postfix start
+or, if you feel nostalgic, use the Postfix sendmail command:
+ # sendmail -bd -qwhatever
+and watch your maillog file for any error messages. The pathname is /var/log/
+maillog, /var/log/mail, /var/log/syslog, or something else. Typically, the
+pathname is defined in the /etc/syslog.conf file.
+ $ egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
+Note: the most important error message is logged first. Later messages are not
+as useful.
+In order to inspect the mail queue, use one of the following commands:
+ $ mailq
+ $ sendmail -bp
+ $ postqueue -p
+See also the "Care and feeding" section 12 below.
+88 -- CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttffiixx ttoo sseenndd aanndd rreecceeiivvee mmaaiill vviiaa vviirrttuuaall iinntteerrffaaccee
+Alternatively, you can use the Postfix system to send AND receive mail while
+leaving your Sendmail setup intact, by running Postfix on a virtual interface
+address. Simply configure your mail user agent to directly invoke the Postfix
+sendmail program.
+To create a virtual network interface address, study your system ifconfig
+manual page. The command syntax could be any of:
+ # iiffccoonnffiigg llee00::11 <<aaddddrreessss>> nneettmmaasskk <<mmaasskk>> uupp
+ # iiffccoonnffiigg eenn00 aalliiaass <<aaddddrreessss>> nneettmmaasskk 225555..225555..225555..225555
+In the /etc/postfix/ file, I would specify
+ /etc/postfix/
+ myhostname =
+ inet_interfaces = $myhostname
+ mydestination = $myhostname
+Follow the instructions in the "Mandatory configuration file edits" in section
+10, and review the "To chroot or not to chroot" text in section 11.
+Start the Postfix system:
+ # postfix start
+or, if you feel nostalgic, use the Postfix sendmail command:
+ # sendmail -bd -qwhatever
+and watch your maillog file for any error messages. The pathname is /var/log/
+maillog, /var/log/mail, /var/log/syslog, or something else. Typically, the
+pathname is defined in the /etc/syslog.conf file.
+ $ egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
+Note: the most important error message is logged first. Later messages are not
+as useful.
+In order to inspect the mail queue, use one of the following commands:
+ $ mailq
+ $ sendmail -bp
+ $ postqueue -p
+See also the "Care and feeding" section 12 below.
+99 -- RRuunnnniinngg PPoossttffiixx iinnsstteeaadd ooff SSeennddmmaaiill
+Prior to installing Postfix you should save any existing sendmail program files
+as described in section 6. Be sure to keep the old sendmail running for at
+least a couple days to flush any unsent mail. To do so, stop the sendmail
+daemon and restart it as:
+ # /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF -q
+Note: this is old sendmail syntax. Newer versions use separate processes for
+mail submission and for running the queue.
+After you have visited the "Mandatory configuration file edits" section below,
+you can start the Postfix system with:
+ # postfix start
+or, if you feel nostalgic, use the Postfix sendmail command:
+ # sendmail -bd -qwhatever
+and watch your maillog file for any error messages. The pathname is /var/log/
+maillog, /var/log/mail, /var/log/syslog, or something else. Typically, the
+pathname is defined in the /etc/syslog.conf file.
+ $ egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
+Note: the most important error message is logged first. Later messages are not
+as useful.
+In order to inspect the mail queue, use one of the following commands:
+ $ mailq
+ $ sendmail -bp
+ $ postqueue -p
+See also the "Care and feeding" section 12 below.
+1100 -- MMaannddaattoorryy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffiillee eeddiittss
+Note: the material covered in this section is covered in more detail in the
+BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README document. The information presented below is
+targeted at experienced system administrators.
+1100..11 -- PPoossttffiixx ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffiilleess
+By default, Postfix configuration files are in /etc/postfix. The two most
+important files are and; these files must be owned by root.
+Giving someone else write permission to or (or to their
+parent directories) means giving root privileges to that person.
+In /etc/postfix/, you will have to set up a minimal number of
+configuration parameters. Postfix configuration parameters resemble shell
+variables, with two important differences: the first one is that Postfix does
+not know about quotes like the UNIX shell does.
+You specify a configuration parameter as:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ parameter = value
+and you use it by putting a "$" character in front of its name:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ other_parameter = $parameter
+You can use $parameter before it is given a value (that is the second main
+difference with UNIX shell variables). The Postfix configuration language uses
+lazy evaluation, and does not look at a parameter value until it is needed at
+Whenever you make a change to the or file, execute the
+following command in order to refresh a running mail system:
+ # postfix reload
+1100..22 -- DDeeffaauulltt ddoommaaiinn ffoorr uunnqquuaalliiffiieedd aaddddrreesssseess
+First of all, you must specify what domain will be appended to an unqualified
+address (i.e. an address without @domain.tld). The "myorigin" parameter
+defaults to the local hostname, but that is probably OK only for very small
+Some examples (use only one):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ myorigin = $myhostname (send mail as "user@$myhostname")
+ myorigin = $mydomain (send mail as "user@$mydomain")
+1100..33 -- WWhhaatt ddoommaaiinnss ttoo rreecceeiivvee llooccaallllyy
+Next you need to specify what mail addresses Postfix should deliver locally.
+Some examples (use only one):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
+ mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
+ mydestination = $myhostname
+The first example is appropriate for a workstation, the second is appropriate
+for the mailserver for an entire domain. The third example should be used when
+running on a virtual host interface.
+1100..44 -- PPrrooxxyy//NNAATT iinntteerrffaaccee aaddddrreesssseess
+The proxy_interfaces parameter specifies all network addresses that Postfix
+receives mail on by way of a proxy or network address translation unit. You may
+specify symbolic hostnames instead of network addresses.
+IMPORTANT: You must specify your proxy/NAT external addresses when your system
+is a backup MX host for other domains, otherwise mail delivery loops will
+happen when the primary MX host is down.
+Example: host behind NAT box running a backup MX host.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ proxy_interfaces = (the proxy/NAT external network address)
+1100..55 -- WWhhaatt llooccaall cclliieennttss ttoo rreellaayy mmaaiill ffrroomm
+If your machine is on an open network then you must specify what client IP
+addresses are authorized to relay their mail through your machine into the
+Internet. The default setting includes all subnetworks that the machine is
+attached to. This may give relay permission to too many clients. My own
+settings are:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mynetworks =,
+1100..66 -- WWhhaatt rreellaayy ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss ttoo aacccceepptt ffrroomm ssttrraannggeerrss
+If your machine is on an open network then you must also specify whether
+Postfix will forward mail from strangers. The default setting will forward mail
+to all domains (and subdomains of) what is listed in $mydestination. This may
+give relay permission for too many destinations. Recommended settings (use only
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay_domains = (do not forward mail from strangers)
+ relay_domains = $mydomain (my domain and subdomains)
+ relay_domains = $mydomain, other.domain.tld, ...
+1100..77 -- OOppttiioonnaall:: ccoonnffiigguurree aa ssmmaarrtt hhoosstt ffoorr rreemmoottee ddeelliivveerryy
+If you're behind a firewall, you should set up a relayhost. If you can, specify
+the organizational domain name so that Postfix can use DNS lookups, and so that
+it can fall back to a secondary MX host when the primary MX host is down.
+Otherwise just specify a hard-coded hostname.
+Some examples (use only one):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = $mydomain
+ relayhost = [mail.$mydomain]
+The form enclosed with [] eliminates DNS MX lookups.
+By default, the SMTP client will do DNS lookups even when you specify a relay
+host. If your machine has no access to a DNS server, turn off SMTP client DNS
+lookups like this:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ disable_dns_lookups = yes
+The STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README file has more hints and tips for firewalled
+and/or dial-up networks.
+1100..88 -- CCrreeaattee tthhee aalliiaasseess ddaattaabbaassee
+Postfix uses a Sendmail-compatible aliases(5) table to redirect mail for local
+(8) recipients. Typically, this information is kept in two files: in a text
+file /etc/aliases and in an indexed file /etc/aliases.db. The command "postconf
+alias_maps" will tell you the exact location of the text file.
+First, be sure to update the text file with aliases for root, postmaster and
+"postfix" that forward mail to a real person. Postfix has a sample aliases file
+/etc/postfix/aliases that you can adapt to local conditions.
+ /etc/aliases:
+ root: you
+ postmaster: root
+ postfix: root
+ bin: root
+ etcetera...
+Note: there should be no whitespace before the ":".
+Finally, build the indexed aliases file with one of the following commands:
+ # newaliases
+ # sendmail -bi
+1111 -- TToo cchhrroooott oorr nnoott ttoo cchhrroooott
+Postfix daemon processes can be configured (via to run in a chroot
+jail. The processes run at a fixed low privilege and with access only to the
+Postfix queue directories (/var/spool/postfix). This provides a significant
+barrier against intrusion. The barrier is not impenetrable, but every little
+bit helps.
+With the exception of Postfix daemons that deliver mail locally and/or that
+execute non-Postfix commands, every Postfix daemon can run chrooted.
+Sites with high security requirements should consider to chroot all daemons
+that talk to the network: the smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes, and perhaps also
+the lmtp(8) client. The author's own mail server runs all daemons
+chrooted that can be chrooted.
+The default /etc/postfix/ file specifies that no Postfix daemon runs
+chrooted. In order to enable chroot operation, edit the file /etc/postfix/ Instructions are in the file.
+Note that a chrooted daemon resolves all filenames relative to the Postfix
+queue directory (/var/spool/postfix). For successful use of a chroot jail, most
+UNIX systems require you to bring in some files or device nodes. The examples/
+chroot-setup directory in the source code distribution has a collection of
+scripts that help you set up Postfix chroot environments on different operating
+Additionally, you almost certainly need to configure syslogd so that it listens
+on a socket inside the Postfix queue directory. Examples for specific systems:
+ # mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run
+ # syslogd -l /var/spool/postfix/var/run/log
+Linux, OpenBSD:
+ # mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/dev
+ # syslogd -a /var/spool/postfix/dev/log
+1122 -- CCaarree aanndd ffeeeeddiinngg ooff tthhee PPoossttffiixx ssyysstteemm
+Postfix daemon processes run in the background, and log problems and normal
+activity to the syslog daemon. The names of logfiles are specified in /etc/
+syslog.conf. At the very least you need something like:
+ /etc/syslog.conf:
+ mail.err /dev/console
+ mail.debug /var/log/maillog
+IMPORTANT: the syslogd will not create files. You must create them before
+(re)starting syslogd.
+IMPORTANT: on Linux you need to put a "-" character before the pathname, e.g.,
+-/var/log/maillog, otherwise the syslogd will use more system resources than
+Postfix does.
+Hopefully, the number of problems will be small, but it is a good idea to run
+every night before the syslog files are rotated:
+ # postfix check
+ # egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
+ * The first line (postfix check) causes Postfix to report file permission/
+ ownership discrepancies.
+ * The second line looks for problem reports from the mail software, and
+ reports how effective the relay and junk mail access blocks are. This may
+ produce a lot of output. You will want to apply some postprocessing to
+ eliminate uninteresting information.
+The DEBUG_README document describes the meaning of the "warning" etc. labels in
+Postfix logging.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872756e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+PPoossttffiixx IIPPvv66 SSuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix 2.2 introduces support for the IPv6 (IP version 6) protocol. IPv6
+support for older Postfix versions was available as an add-on patch. The
+section "Compatibility with Postfix <2.2 IPv6 support" below discusses the
+differences between these implementations.
+The main feature of interest is that IPv6 uses 128-bit IP addresses instead of
+the 32-bit addresses used by IPv4. It can therefore accommodate a much larger
+number of hosts and networks without ugly kluges such as NAT. A side benefit of
+the much larger address space is that it makes random network scanning
+Postfix uses the same SMTP protocol over IPv6 as it already uses over the older
+IPv4 network, and does AAAA record lookups in the DNS in addition to the older
+A records. Information about IPv6 can be found at
+This document provides information on the following topics:
+ * Supported platforms
+ * Configuration
+ * Known limitations
+ * Compatibility with Postfix <2.2 IPv6 support
+ * IPv6 Support for unsupported platforms
+ * Credits
+SSuuppppoorrtteedd PPllaattffoorrmmss
+Postfix version 2.2 supports IPv4 and IPv6 on the following platforms:
+ * AIX 5.1+
+ * Darwin 7.3+
+ * FreeBSD 4+
+ * Linux 2.4+
+ * NetBSD 1.5+
+ * OpenBSD 2+
+ * Solaris 8+
+ * Tru64Unix V5.1+
+On other platforms Postfix will simply use IPv4 as it has always done.
+See below for tips how to port Postfix IPv6 support to other environments.
+Postfix IPv6 support introduces two new configuration parameters, and
+introduces an important change in address syntax notation in match lists such
+as mynetworks or debug_peer_list.
+Postfix IPv6 address syntax is a little tricky, because there are a few places
+where you must enclose an IPv6 address inside "[]" characters, and a few places
+where you must not. It is a good idea to use "[]" only in the few places where
+you have to. Check out the postconf(5) manual whenever you do IPv6 related
+configuration work with Postfix.
+ * Instead of hard-coding and ::1 loopback addresses in,
+ specify "inet_interfaces = loopback-only" in This way you can use
+ the same file regardless of whether or not Postfix will run on an
+ IPv6-enabled system.
+ * The first new parameter is called inet_protocols. This specifies what
+ protocols Postfix will use when it makes or accepts network connections,
+ and also controls what DNS lookups Postfix will use when it makes network
+ connections.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # You must stop/start Postfix after changing this parameter.
+ inet_protocols = ipv4 (DEFAULT: enable IPv4 only)
+ inet_protocols = all (enable IPv4, and IPv6 if supported)
+ inet_protocols = ipv4, ipv6 (enable both IPv4 and IPv6)
+ inet_protocols = ipv6 (enable IPv6 only)
+ By default, Postfix uses IPv4 only, because most systems aren't attached to
+ an IPv6 network.
+ o On systems with combined IPv4/IPv6 stacks, attempts to deliver mail via
+ IPv6 would always fail with "network unreachable", and those attempts
+ would only slow down Postfix.
+ o Linux kernels don't even load IPv6 protocol support by default. Any
+ attempt to use it would fail immediately.
+ Note 1: you must stop and start Postfix after changing the inet_protocols
+ configuration parameter.
+ Note 2: if you see error messages like the following, then you're running
+ Linux and need to turn on IPv6 in the kernel: see for
+ hints and tips. Unlike other systems, Linux does not have a combined stack
+ for IPv4 and IPv6, and IPv6 protocol support is not loaded by default.
+ postconf: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address
+ family not supported by protocol
+ postconf: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
+ Note 3: on older Linux and Solaris systems, the setting "inet_protocols =
+ ipv6" will not prevent Postfix from accepting IPv4 connections. Postfix
+ will present the client IP addresses in IPv6 format, though. In all other
+ cases, Postfix always presents IPv4 client IP addresses in the traditional
+ dotted quad IPv4 format.
+ * The other new parameter is smtp_bind_address6. This sets the local
+ interface address for outgoing IPv6 SMTP connections, just like the
+ smtp_bind_address parameter does for IPv4:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_bind_address6 = 2001:240:587:0:250:56ff:fe89:1
+ * If you left the value of the mynetworks parameter at its default (i.e. no
+ mynetworks setting in Postfix will figure out by itself what its
+ network addresses are. This is what a typical setting looks like:
+ % postconf mynetworks
+ mynetworks = [::1]/128 [fe80::]/10 [2001:
+ 240:587::]/64
+ If you did specify the mynetworks parameter value in, you need
+ update the mynetworks value to include the IPv6 networks the system is in.
+ Be sure to specify IPv6 address information inside "[]", like this:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mynetworks = ...IPv4 networks... [::1]/128 [2001:240:587::]/64 ...
+NNOOTTEE:: wwhheenn ccoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttffiixx mmaattcchh lliissttss ssuucchh aass mmyynneettwwoorrkkss oorr
+ddeebbuugg__ppeeeerr__lliisstt,, yyoouu mmuusstt ssppeecciiffyy IIPPvv66 aaddddrreessss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinnssiiddee ""[[]]"" iinn tthhee
+mmaaiinn..ccff ppaarraammeetteerr vvaalluuee aanndd iinn ffiilleess ssppeecciiffiieedd wwiitthh aa ""//ffiillee//nnaammee"" ppaatttteerrnn..
+IIPPvv66 aaddddrreesssseess ccoonnttaaiinn tthhee ""::"" cchhaarraacctteerr,, aanndd wwoouulldd ootthheerrwwiissee bbee ccoonnffuusseedd wwiitthh
+aa ""ttyyppee::ttaabbllee"" ppaatttteerrnn..
+KKnnoowwnn LLiimmiittaattiioonnss
+ * Postfix SMTP clients before version 2.8 try to connect over IPv6 before
+ trying IPv4. With more recent Postfix versions, the order of IPv6 versus
+ IPv4 outgoing connection attempts is configurable with the
+ smtp_address_preference parameter.
+ * Postfix versions before 2.6 do not support DNSBL (real-time blackhole list)
+ lookups for IPv6 client IP addresses.
+ * IPv6 does not have class A, B, C, etc. networks. With IPv6 networks, the
+ setting "mynetworks_style = class" has the same effect as the setting
+ "mynetworks_style = subnet".
+ * On Tru64Unix and AIX, Postfix can't figure out the local subnet mask and
+ always assumes a /128 network. This is a problem only with
+ "mynetworks_style = subnet" and no explicit mynetworks setting in
+CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx <<22..22 IIPPvv66 ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix version 2.2 IPv6 support is based on the Postfix/IPv6 patch by Dean
+Strik and others, but differs in a few minor ways.
+ * The inet_interfaces parameter does not support the notation "ipv6:
+ all" or "ipv4:all". Use the inet_protocols parameter instead.
+ * Specify "inet_protocols = all" or "inet_protocols = ipv4, ipv6" in
+ order to enable both IPv4 and IPv6 support.
+ * The inet_protocols parameter also controls what DNS lookups
+ Postfix will attempt to make when delivering or receiving mail.
+ * Specify "inet_interfaces = loopback-only" to listen on loopback
+ network interfaces only.
+ * The lmtp_bind_address and lmtp_bind_address6 features were omitted. The
+ Postfix LMTP client will be absorbed into the SMTP client, so there is no
+ reason to keep adding features to the LMTP client.
+ * The SMTP server now requires that IPv6 addresses in SMTP commands are
+ specified as [ipv6:ipv6address], as described in RFC 2821.
+ * The IPv6 network address matching code was rewritten from the ground up,
+ and is expected to be closer to the specification. The result may be
+ incompatible with the Postfix/IPv6 patch.
+IIPPvv66 SSuuppppoorrtt ffoorr uunnssuuppppoorrtteedd ppllaattffoorrmmss
+Getting Postfix IPv6 working on other platforms involves the following steps:
+ * Specify how Postfix should find the local network interfaces. Postfix needs
+ this information to avoid mailer loops and to find out if mail for user@
+ [ipaddress] is a local or remote destination.
+ If your system has the getifaddrs() routine then add the following to your
+ platform-specific section in src/util/sys_defs.h:
+ #ifndef NO_IPV6
+ # define HAS_IPV6
+ #endif
+ Otherwise, if your system has the SIOCGLIF ioctl() command in /usr/include/
+ */*.h, add the following to your platform-specific section in src/util/
+ sys_defs.h:
+ #ifndef NO_IPV6
+ # define HAS_IPV6
+ # define HAS_SIOCGLIF
+ #endif
+ Otherwise, Postfix will have to use the old SIOCGIF commands and get along
+ with reduced IPv6 functionality (it won't be able to figure out your IPv6
+ netmasks, which are needed for "mynetworks_style = subnet". Add this to
+ your platform-specific section in src/util/sys_defs.h:
+ #ifndef NO_IPV6
+ # define HAS_IPV6
+ #endif
+ * Test if Postfix can figure out its interface information.
+ After compiling Postfix in the usual manner, step into the src/util
+ directory and type "mmaakkee iinneett__aaddddrr__llooccaall". Running this file by hand should
+ produce all the interface addresses and network masks, for example:
+ % make
+ % cd src/util
+ % make inet_addr_local
+ [... some messages ...]
+ % ./inet_addr_local
+ [... some messages ...]
+ ./inet_addr_local: inet_addr_local: configured 2 IPv4 addresses
+ ./inet_addr_local: inet_addr_local: configured 4 IPv6 addresses
+ fe80:1::2d0:b7ff:fe88:2ca7/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
+ 2001:240:587:0:2d0:b7ff:fe88:2ca7/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
+ fe80:5::1/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
+ ::1/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
+ The above is for an old FreeBSD machine. Other systems produce slightly
+ different results, but you get the idea.
+If none of all this produces a usable result, send email to the postfix- mailing list and we'll try to help you through this.
+The following information is in part based on information that was compiled by
+Dean Strik.
+ * Mark Huizer wrote the original Postfix IPv6 patch.
+ * Jun-ichiro 'itojun' Hagino of the KAME project made substantial
+ improvements. Since then, we speak of the KAME patch.
+ * The PLD Linux Distribution ported the code to other stacks (notably USAGI).
+ We speak of the PLD patch. A very important feature of the PLD patch was
+ that it can work with Lutz Jaenicke's TLS patch for Postfix.
+ * Dean Strik extended IPv6 support to platforms other than KAME and USAGI,
+ updated the patch to keep up with Postfix development, and provided a
+ combined IPv6 + TLS patch. Information about his effort can be found on
+ Dean Strik's Postfix website at
+ * Wietse Venema took Dean Strik's IPv6 patch, merged it into Postfix 2.2, and
+ took the opportunity to eliminate all IPv4-specific code from Postfix that
+ could be removed. For systems without IPv6 support in the kernel and system
+ libraries, Postfix has a simple compatibility layer, so that it will use
+ IPv4 as before.
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+PPoossttffiixx LLDDAAPP HHoowwttoo
+LLDDAAPP SSuuppppoorrtt iinn PPoossttffiixx
+Postfix can use an LDAP directory as a source for any of its lookups: aliases
+(5), virtual(5), canonical(5), etc. This allows you to keep information for
+your mail service in a replicated network database with fine-grained access
+controls. By not storing it locally on the mail server, the administrators can
+maintain it from anywhere, and the users can control whatever bits of it you
+think appropriate. You can have multiple mail servers using the same
+information, without the hassle and delay of having to copy it to each.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Building Postfix with LDAP support
+ * Configuring LDAP lookups
+ * Example: aliases
+ * Example: virtual domains/addresses
+ * Example: expanding LDAP groups
+ * Other uses of LDAP lookups
+ * Notes and things to think about
+ * Feedback
+ * Credits
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh LLDDAAPP ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Note 1: Postfix no longer supports the LDAP version 1 interface.
+Note 2: to use LDAP with Debian GNU/Linux's Postfix, all you need is to install
+the postfix-ldap package and you're done. There is no need to recompile
+You need to have LDAP libraries and include files installed somewhere on your
+system, and you need to configure the Postfix Makefiles accordingly.
+For example, to build the OpenLDAP libraries for use with Postfix (i.e. LDAP
+client code only), you could use the following command:
+ % ./configure --without-kerberos --without-cyrus-sasl --without-tls \
+ --without-threads --disable-slapd --disable-slurpd \
+ --disable-debug --disable-shared
+If you're using the libraries from the UM distribution (
+~dirsvcs/ldap/ldap.html) or OpenLDAP (, something like
+this in the top level of your Postfix source tree should work:
+ % make tidy
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-I/usr/local/include -DHAS_LDAP" \
+ AUXLIBS_LDAP="-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -L/usr/local/lib -llber"
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_LDAP. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded LDAP database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_LDAP variable supports
+building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded LDAP database client.
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_LDAP variable will defeat the purpose of dynamic
+ database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have LDAP
+ database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic database
+ client loading was meant to avoid.
+On Solaris 2.x you may have to specify run-time link information, otherwise will not find some of the shared libraries:
+ % make tidy
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-I/usr/local/include -DHAS_LDAP" \
+ AUXLIBS_LDAP="-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib -lldap \
+ -L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib -llber"
+The 'make tidy' command is needed only if you have previously built Postfix
+without LDAP support.
+Instead of '/usr/local' specify the actual locations of your LDAP include files
+and libraries. Be sure to not mix LDAP include files and LDAP libraries of
+different versions!!
+If your LDAP libraries were built with Kerberos support, you'll also need to
+include your Kerberos libraries in this line. Note that the KTH Kerberos IV
+libraries might conflict with Postfix's lib/libdns.a, which defines dns_lookup.
+If that happens, you'll probably want to link with LDAP libraries that lack
+Kerberos support just to build Postfix, as it doesn't support Kerberos binds to
+the LDAP server anyway. Sorry about the bother.
+If you're using one of the Netscape LDAP SDKs, you'll need to change the
+AUXLIBS line to point to or or whatever you have,
+and you may need to use the appropriate linker option (e.g. '-R') so the
+executables can find it at runtime.
+If you are using OpenLDAP, and the libraries were built with SASL support, you
+can add -DUSE_LDAP_SASL to the CCARGS to enable SASL support. For example:
+ CCARGS="-I/usr/local/include -DHAS_LDAP -DUSE_LDAP_SASL"
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg LLDDAAPP llooookkuuppss
+In order to use LDAP lookups, define an LDAP source as a table lookup in, for example:
+ alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:/etc/postfix/
+The file /etc/postfix/ can specify a great number of parameters,
+including parameters that enable LDAP SSL or STARTTLS, and LDAP SASL. For a
+complete description, see the ldap_table(5) manual page.
+EExxaammppllee:: llooccaall((88)) aalliiaasseess
+Here's a basic example for using LDAP to look up local(8) aliases. Assume that
+in, you have:
+ alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:/etc/postfix/
+and in ldap:/etc/postfix/ you have:
+ server_host =
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+Upon receiving mail for a local address "ldapuser" that isn't found in the /
+etc/aliases database, Postfix will search the LDAP server listening at port 389
+on It will bind anonymously, search for any directory entries
+whose mailacceptinggeneralid attribute is "ldapuser", read the "maildrop"
+attributes of those found, and build a list of their maildrops, which will be
+treated as RFC822 addresses to which the message will be delivered.
+EExxaammppllee:: vviirrttuuaall ddoommaaiinnss//aaddddrreesssseess
+If you want to keep information for virtual lookups in your directory, it's
+only a little more complicated. First, you need to make sure Postfix knows
+about the virtual domain. An easy way to do that is to add the domain to the
+mailacceptinggeneralid attribute of some entry in the directory. Next, you'll
+want to make sure all of your virtual recipient's mailacceptinggeneralid
+attributes are fully qualified with their virtual domains. Finally, if you want
+to designate a directory entry as the default user for a virtual domain, just
+give it an additional mailacceptinggeneralid (or the equivalent in your
+directory) of "@fake.dom". That's right, no user part. If you don't want a
+catchall user, omit this step and mail to unknown users in the domain will
+simply bounce.
+In summary, you might have a catchall user for a virtual domain that looks like
+ dn: cn=defaultrecipient, dc=fake, dc=dom
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: virtualaccount
+ cn: defaultrecipient
+ owner: uid=root, dc=someserver, dc=isp, dc=dom
+ 1 -> mailacceptinggeneralid: fake.dom
+ 2 -> mailacceptinggeneralid: @fake.dom
+ 3 -> maildrop: realuser@real.dom
+ 1: Postfix knows fake.dom is a valid virtual domain when it looks for this
+ and gets something (the maildrop) back.
+ 2: This causes any mail for unknown users in fake.dom to go to this entry
+ ...
+ 3: ... and then to its maildrop.
+Normal users might simply have one mailacceptinggeneralid and maildrop, e.g.
+"normaluser@fake.dom" and "normaluser@real.dom".
+EExxaammppllee:: eexxppaannddiinngg LLDDAAPP ggrroouuppss
+LDAP is frequently used to store group member information. There are a number
+of ways of handling LDAP groups. We will show a few examples in order of
+increasing complexity, but owing to the number of independent variables, we can
+only present a tiny portion of the solution space. We show how to:
+ 1. query groups as lists of addresses;
+ 2. query groups as lists of user objects containing addresses;
+ 3. forward special lists unexpanded to a separate list server, for moderation
+ or other processing;
+ 4. handle complex schemas by controlling expansion and by treating leaf nodes
+ specially, using features that are new in Postfix 2.4.
+The example LDAP entries and implied schema below show two group entries
+("agroup" and "bgroup") and four user entries ("auser", "buser", "cuser" and
+"duser"). The group "agroup" has the users "auser" (1) and "buser" (2) as
+members via DN references in the multi-valued attribute "memberdn", and direct
+email addresses of two external users "" (3) and
+"" (4) stored in the multi-valued attribute "memberaddr". The
+same is true of "bgroup" and "cuser"/"duser" (6)/(7)/(8)/(9), but "bgroup" also
+has a "maildrop" attribute of "" (5):
+ dn: cn=agroup, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapgroup
+ cn: agroup
+ mail:
+ 1 -> memberdn: uid=auser, dc=example, dc=com
+ 2 -> memberdn: uid=buser, dc=example, dc=com
+ 3 -> memberaddr:
+ 4 -> memberaddr:
+ dn: cn=bgroup, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapgroup
+ cn: bgroup
+ mail:
+ 5 -> maildrop:
+ 6 -> memberdn: uid=cuser, dc=example, dc=com
+ 7 -> memberdn: uid=duser, dc=example, dc=com
+ 8 -> memberaddr:
+ 9 -> memberaddr:
+ dn: uid=auser, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapuser
+ uid: auser
+ 10 -> mail:
+ 11 -> maildrop:
+ dn: uid=buser, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapuser
+ uid: buser
+ 12 -> mail:
+ 13 -> maildrop:
+ dn: uid=cuser, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapuser
+ uid: cuser
+ 14 -> mail:
+ dn: uid=duser, dc=example, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: ldapuser
+ uid: duser
+ 15 -> mail:
+Our first use case ignores the "memberdn" attributes, and assumes that groups
+hold only direct "memberaddr" strings as in (3), (4), (8) and (9). The goal is
+to map the group address to the list of constituent "memberaddr" values. This
+is simple, ignoring the various connection related settings (hosts, ports, bind
+settings, timeouts, ...) we have:
+ ...
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+ query_filter = mail=%s
+ result_attribute = memberaddr
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+We search "dc=example, dc=com". The "mail" attribute is used in the
+query_filter to locate the right group, the "result_attribute" setting
+described in ldap_table(5) is used to specify that "memberaddr" values from the
+matching group are to be returned as a comma separated list. Always check
+tables using postmap(1) with the "-q" option, before deploying them into
+production use in
+Our second use case instead expands "memberdn" attributes (1), (2), (6) and
+(7), follows the DN references and returns the "maildrop" of the referenced
+user entries. Here we use the "special_result_attribute" setting from
+ldap_table(5) to designate the "memberdn" attribute as holding DNs of the
+desired member entries. The "result_attribute" setting selects which attributes
+are returned from the selected DNs. It is important to choose a result
+attribute that is not also present in the group object, because result
+attributes are collected from both the group and the member DNs. In this case
+we choose "maildrop" and assume for the moment that groups never have a
+"maildrop" (the "bgroup" "maildrop" attribute is for a different use case). The
+returned data for "auser" and "buser" is from items (11) and (13) in the
+example data.
+ ...
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+ query_filter = mail=%s
+ result_attribute = maildrop
+ special_result_attribute = memberdn
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+Note: if the desired member object result attribute is always also present in
+the group, you get surprising results: the expansion also returns the address
+of the group. This is a known limitation of Postfix releases prior to 2.4, and
+is addressed in the new with Postfix 2.4 "leaf_result_attribute" feature
+described in ldap_table(5).
+Our third use case has some groups that are expanded immediately, and other
+groups that are forwarded to a dedicated mailing list manager host for delayed
+expansion. This uses two LDAP tables, one for users and forwarded groups and a
+second for groups that can be expanded immediately. It is assumed that groups
+that require forwarding are never nested members of groups that are directly
+ ...
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+ query_filter = mail=%s
+ result_attribute = maildrop
+ ...
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+ query_filter = mail=%s
+ result_attribute = maildrop
+ special_result_attribute = memberdn
+ $ postmap -q \
+ ldap:/etc/postfix/ ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+ $ postmap -q \
+ ldap:/etc/postfix/ ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+ $ postmap -q \
+ ldap:/etc/postfix/ ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+Non-group objects and groups with delayed expansion (those that have a maildrop
+attribute) are rewritten to a single maildrop value. Groups that don't have a
+maildrop are expanded as the second use case. This admits a more elegant
+solution with Postfix 2.4 and later.
+Our final use case is the same as the third, but this time uses new features in
+Postfix 2.4. We now are able to use just one LDAP table and no longer need to
+assume that forwarded groups are never nested inside expanded groups.
+ ...
+ search_base = dc=example, dc=com
+ query_filter = mail=%s
+ result_attribute = memberaddr
+ special_result_attribute = memberdn
+ terminal_result_attribute = maildrop
+ leaf_result_attribute = mail
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+ $ postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/ \
+Above, delayed expansion is enabled via "terminal_result_attribute", which, if
+present, is used as the sole result and all other expansion is suppressed.
+Otherwise, the "leaf_result_attribute" is only returned for leaf objects that
+don't have a "special_result_attribute" (non-groups), while the
+"result_attribute" (direct member address of groups) is returned at every level
+of recursive expansion, not just the leaf nodes. This fancy example illustrates
+all the features of Postfix 2.4 group expansion.
+OOtthheerr uusseess ooff LLDDAAPP llooookkuuppss
+Other common uses for LDAP lookups include rewriting senders and recipients
+with Postfix's canonical lookups, for example in order to make mail leaving
+your site appear to be coming from "" instead of
+NNootteess aanndd tthhiinnggss ttoo tthhiinnkk aabboouutt
+ * The bits of schema and attribute names used in this document are just
+ examples. There's nothing special about them, other than that some are the
+ defaults in the LDAP configuration parameters. You can use whatever schema
+ you like, and configure Postfix accordingly.
+ * You probably want to make sure that mailacceptinggeneralids are unique, and
+ that not just anyone can specify theirs as postmaster or root, say.
+ * An entry can have an arbitrary number of mailacceptinggeneralids or
+ maildrops. Maildrops can also be comma-separated lists of addresses. They
+ will all be found and returned by the lookups. For example, you could
+ define an entry intended for use as a mailing list that looks like this
+ (Warning! Schema made up just for this example):
+ dn: cn=Accounting Staff List, dc=example, dc=com
+ cn: Accounting Staff List
+ o:
+ objectclass: maillist
+ mailacceptinggeneralid: accountingstaff
+ mailacceptinggeneralid: accounting-staff
+ maildrop: mylist-owner
+ maildrop: an-accountant
+ maildrop: some-other-accountant
+ maildrop: this, that, theother
+ * If you use an LDAP map for lookups other than aliases, you may have to make
+ sure the lookup makes sense. In the case of virtual lookups, maildrops
+ other than mail addresses are pretty useless, because Postfix can't know
+ how to set the ownership for program or file delivery. Your qquueerryy__ffiilltteerr
+ should probably look something like this:
+ query_filter = (&(mailacceptinggeneralid=%s)(!(|(maildrop="*|*")
+ (maildrop="*:*")(maildrop="*/*"))))
+ * And for that matter, even for aliases, you may not want users able to
+ specify their maildrops as programs, includes, etc. This might be
+ particularly pertinent on a "sealed" server where they don't have local
+ UNIX accounts, but exist only in LDAP and Cyrus. You might allow the fun
+ stuff only for directory entries owned by an administrative account, so
+ that if the object had a program as its maildrop and weren't owned by
+ "cn=root" it wouldn't be returned as a valid local user. This will require
+ some thought on your part to implement safely, considering the
+ ramifications of this type of delivery. You may decide it's not worth the
+ bother to allow any of that nonsense in LDAP lookups, ban it in the
+ qquueerryy__ffiilltteerr, and keep things like majordomo lists in local alias
+ databases.
+ query_filter = (&(mailacceptinggeneralid=%s)(!(|(maildrop="*|*")
+ (maildrop="*:*")(maildrop="*/*"))(owner=cn=root, dc=your, dc=com)))
+ * LDAP lookups are slower than local DB or DBM lookups. For most sites they
+ won't be a bottleneck, but it's a good idea to know how to tune your
+ directory service.
+ * Multiple LDAP maps share the same LDAP connection if they differ only in
+ their query related parameters: base, scope, query_filter, and so on. To
+ take advantage of this, avoid spurious differences in the definitions of
+ LDAP maps: host selection order, version, bind, tls parameters, ... should
+ be the same for multiple maps whenever possible.
+If you have questions, send them to Please include
+relevant information about your Postfix setup: LDAP-related output from
+postconf, which LDAP libraries you built with, and which directory server
+you're using. If your question involves your directory contents, please include
+the applicable bits of some directory entries.
+ * Manuel Guesdon: Spotted a bug with the timeout attribute.
+ * John Hensley: Multiple LDAP sources with more configurable attributes.
+ * Carsten Hoeger: Search scope handling.
+ * LaMont Jones: Domain restriction, URL and DN searches, multiple result
+ attributes.
+ * Mike Mattice: Alias dereferencing control.
+ * Hery Rakotoarisoa: Patches for LDAPv3 updating.
+ * Prabhat K Singh: Wrote the initial Postfix LDAP lookups and connection
+ caching.
+ * Keith Stevenson: RFC 2254 escaping in queries.
+ * Samuel Tardieu: Noticed that searches could include wildcards, prompting
+ the work on RFC 2254 escaping in queries. Spotted a bug in binding.
+ * Sami Haahtinen: Referral chasing and v3 support.
+ * Victor Duchovni: ldap_bind() timeout. With fixes from LaMont Jones:
+ OpenLDAP cache deprecation. Limits on recursion, expansion and search
+ results size. LDAP connection sharing for maps differing only in the query
+ parameters.
+ * Liviu Daia: Support for SSL/STARTTLS. Support for storing map definitions
+ in external files (ldap:/path/ needed to securely store passwords
+ for plain auth.
+ * Liviu Daia revised the configuration interface and added the
+ configuration feature.
+ * Liviu Daia with further refinements from Jose Luis Tallon and Victor
+ Duchovni developed the common query, result_format, domain and
+ expansion_limit interface for LDAP, MySQL and PosgreSQL.
+ * Gunnar Wrobel provided a first implementation of a feature to limit LDAP
+ search results to leaf nodes only. Victor generalized this into the Postfix
+ 2.4 "leaf_result_attribute" feature.
+ * Quanah Gibson-Mount contributed support for advanced LDAP SASL mechanisms,
+ beyond the password-based LDAP "simple" bind.
+And of course Wietse.
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+PPoossttffiixx aanndd LLiinnuuxx
+HHoosstt llooookkuupp iissssuueess
+By default Linux /etc/hosts lookups do not support multiple IP address per
+hostname. This causes warnings from the Postfix SMTP server that "hostname XXX
+does not resolve to address YYY", and is especially a problem with hosts that
+have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. To fix, turn on support for multiple IP
+ /etc/host.conf:
+ ...
+ # We have machines with multiple IP addresses.
+ multi on
+ ...
+Alternatively, specify the RESOLV_MULTI environment variable in
+ /etc/postfix/
+BBeerrkkeelleeyy DDBB iissssuueess
+If you can't compile Postfix because the file "db.h" isn't found, then you MUST
+install the Berkeley DB development package (name: db???-devel-???) that
+matches your system library. You can find out what is installed with the rpm
+command. For example:
+ $ rrppmm --qqff //uussrr//lliibb//lliibbddbb..ssoo
+ db4-4.3.29-2
+This means that you need to install db4-devel-4.3.29-2 (on some systems,
+specify "rrppmm --qqff //lliibb//lliibbddbb..ssoo" instead).
+DO NOT download some Berkeley DB version from the network. Every Postfix
+program will dump core when it is built with a different Berkeley DB version
+than the version that is used by the system library routines. See the DB_README
+file for further information.
+PPrrooccmmaaiill iissssuueess
+On RedHat Linux 7.1 and later pprrooccmmaaiill no longer has permission to write the
+mail spool directory. Workaround:
+ # chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail
+SSyyssllooggdd ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee
+LINUX ssyyssllooggdd uses synchronous writes by default. Because of this, ssyyssllooggdd can
+actually use more system resources than Postfix. To avoid such badness, disable
+synchronous mail logfile writes by editing /etc/syslog.conf and by prepending a
+- to the logfile name:
+ /etc/syslog.conf:
+ mail.* -/var/log/mail.log
+Send a "kkiillll --HHUUPP" to the ssyyssllooggdd to make the change effective.
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--- /dev/null
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+PPoossttffiixx OOppeennLLDDAAPP LLMMDDBB HHoowwttoo
+Postfix uses databases of various kinds to store and look up information.
+Postfix databases are specified as "type:name". OpenLDAP LMDB (called "LMDB"
+from here on) implements the Postfix database type "lmdb". The name of a
+Postfix LMDB database is the name of the database file without the ".lmdb"
+This document describes:
+ * Building Postfix with LMDB support.
+ * Configuring LMDB settings.
+ * Using LMDB maps with non-Postfix programs.
+ * Required minimum LMDB patchlevel.
+ * Credits.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh LLMMDDBB ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix normally does not enable LMDB support. To build Postfix with LMDB
+support, use something like:
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-DHAS_LMDB -I/usr/local/include" \
+ AUXLIBS_LMDB="-L/usr/local/lib -llmdb"
+ % make
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_LMDB. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded LMDB database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_LMDB variable supports
+building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded LMDB database client.
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_LMDB variable will defeat the purpose of dynamic
+ database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have LMDB
+ database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic database
+ client loading was meant to avoid.
+Solaris may need this:
+ % make makefiles CCARGS="-DHAS_LMDB -I/usr/local/include" \
+ AUXLIBS_LMDB="-R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -llmdb"
+ % make
+The exact pathnames depend on how LMDB was installed.
+When building Postfix fails with:
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutexattr_destroy'
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutexattr_init'
+ undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'
+Add the "-lpthread" library to the "make makefiles" command.
+ % make makefiles .... AUXLIBS_LMDB="... -lpthread"
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg LLMMDDBB sseettttiinnggss
+Postfix provides one configuration parameter that controls LMDB database
+ * lmdb_map_size (default: 16777216). This setting specifies the initial LMDB
+ database size limit in bytes. Each time a database becomes "full", its size
+ limit is doubled. The maximum size is the largest signed integer value of
+ "long".
+UUssiinngg LLMMDDBB mmaappss wwiitthh nnoonn--PPoossttffiixx pprrooggrraammss
+Programs that use LMDB's built-in locking protocol will corrupt a Postfix LMDB
+database or will read garbage.
+Postfix does not use LMDB's built-in locking protocol, because that would
+require world-writable lockfiles, and would violate Postfix security policy.
+Instead, Postfix uses external locks based on fcntl(2) to prevent writers from
+corrupting the database, and to prevent readers from receiving garbage.
+See lmdb_table(5) for a detailed description of the locking protocol that all
+programs must use when they access a Postfix LMDB database.
+RReeqquuiirreedd mmiinniimmuumm LLMMDDBB ppaattcchhlleevveell
+Currently, Postfix requires LMDB 0.9.11 or later. The required minimum LMDB
+patchlevel has evolved over time, as the result of Postfix deployment
+ * LMDB 0.9.11 allows Postfix daemons to log an LMDB error message, instead of
+ falling out of the sky without any notification.
+ * LMDB 0.9.10 closes an information leak where LMDB was writing up to 4-kbyte
+ chunks of uninitialized heap memory to the database. This would persist
+ information that was not meant to be persisted, or share information that
+ was not meant to be shared.
+ * LMDB 0.9.9 allows Postfix to use external (fcntl()-based) locks, instead of
+ having to use world-writable LMDB lock files, violating the Postfix
+ security model in multiple ways.
+ * LMDB 0.9.8 allows Postfix to recover from a "database full" error without
+ having to close the database. This version adds support to update the
+ database size limit on-the-fly. This is necessary because Postfix database
+ sizes vary with mail server load.
+ * LMDB 0.9.7 allows the postmap(1) and postalias(1) commands to use a bulk-
+ mode transaction larger than the amount of physical memory. This is
+ necessary because LMDB supports databases larger than physical memory.
+ * Howard Chu contributed the initial Postfix dict_lmdb driver.
+ * Wietse Venema wrote an abstraction layer (slmdb) that behaves more like
+ Berkeley DB, NDBM, etc. This layer automatically retries an LMDB request
+ when a database needs to be resized, or after a database was resized by a
+ different process.
+ * Howard and Wietse went through many iterations with changes to both LMDB
+ and Postfix, with input from Viktor Dukhovni.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea4ce25
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+RReejjeeccttiinngg UUnnkknnoowwnn LLooccaall RReecciippiieennttss wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx
+As of Postfix version 2.0, the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail for unknown
+recipients in local domains (domains that match $mydestination or the IP
+addresses in $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces) with "User unknown in local
+recipient table". This feature was optional with earlier Postfix versions.
+The good news is that this keeps undeliverable mail out of your queue, so that
+your mail queue is not clogged up with undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages.
+The bad news is that it may cause mail to be rejected when you upgrade from a
+Postfix system that was not configured to reject mail for unknown local
+This document describes what steps are needed in order to reject unknown local
+recipients correctly.
+ * Configuring local_recipient_maps in
+ * When you need to change the local_recipient_maps setting in
+ * Local recipient table format
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg llooccaall__rreecciippiieenntt__mmaappss iinn mmaaiinn..ccff
+The local_recipient_maps parameter specifies lookup tables with all names or
+addresses of local recipients. A recipient address is local when its domain
+matches $mydestination, $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces. If a local
+username or address is not listed in $local_recipient_maps, then the Postfix
+SMTP server will reject the address with "User unknown in local recipient
+The default setting, shown below, assumes that you use the default Postfix
+local(8) delivery agent for local delivery, where recipients are either UNIX
+accounts or local aliases:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
+To turn off unknown local recipient rejects by the SMTP server, specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ local_recipient_maps =
+That is, an empty value. With this setting, the Postfix SMTP server will not
+reject mail with "User unknown in local recipient table". DDoonn''tt ddoo tthhiiss oonn
+ssyysstteemmss tthhaatt rreecceeiivvee mmaaiill ddiirreeccttllyy ffrroomm tthhee IInntteerrnneett.. WWiitthh ttooddaayy''ss wwoorrmmss aanndd
+vviirruusseess,, PPoossttffiixx wwiillll bbeeccoommee aa bbaacckkssccaatttteerr ssoouurrccee:: iitt aacccceeppttss mmaaiill ffoorr nnoonn--
+eexxiisstteenntt rreecciippiieennttss aanndd tthheenn ttrriieess ttoo rreettuurrnn tthhaatt mmaaiill aass ""uunnddeelliivveerraabbllee"" ttoo
+tthhee oofftteenn ffoorrggeedd sseennddeerr aaddddrreessss.
+WWhheenn yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee llooccaall__rreecciippiieenntt__mmaappss sseettttiinngg iinn mmaaiinn..ccff
+ * Problem: you don't use the default Postfix local(8) delivery agent for
+ domains matching $mydestination, $inet_interfaces, or $proxy_interfaces.
+ For example, you redefined the "local_transport" setting in
+ Solution: your local_recipient_maps setting needs to specify a database
+ that lists all the known user names or addresses for that delivery agent.
+ For example, if you deliver users in $mydestination etc. domains via the
+ virtual(8) delivery agent, specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain localhost ...
+ local_transport = virtual
+ local_recipient_maps = $virtual_mailbox_maps
+ If you use a different delivery agent for $mydestination etc. domains, see
+ the section "Local recipient table format" below for a description of how
+ the table should be populated.
+ * Problem: you use the mailbox_transport or fallback_transport feature of the
+ Postfix local(8) delivery agent in order to deliver mail to non-UNIX
+ accounts.
+ Solution: you need to add the database that lists the non-UNIX users:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname, $alias_maps,
+ <the database with non-UNIX accounts>
+ See the section "Local recipient table format" below for a description of
+ how the table should be populated.
+ * Problem: you use the luser_relay feature of the Postfix local delivery
+ agent.
+ Solution: you must disable the local_recipient_maps feature completely, so
+ that Postfix accepts mail for all local addresses:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ local_recipient_maps =
+LLooccaall rreecciippiieenntt ttaabbllee ffoorrmmaatt
+If you use local files in postmap(1) format, then local_recipient_maps expects
+the following table format:
+ * In the left-hand side, specify a bare username, an "@domain.tld" wild-card,
+ or specify a complete "user@domain.tld" address.
+ * You have to specify something on the right-hand side of the table, but the
+ value is ignored by local_recipient_maps.
+If you use lookup tables based on NIS, LDAP, MYSQL, or PGSQL, then
+local_recipient_maps does the same queries as for local files in postmap(1)
+format, and expects the same results.
+With regular expression tables, Postfix only queries with the full recipient
+address, and not with the bare username or the "@domain.tld" wild-card.
+NOTE: a lookup table should always return a result when the address exists, and
+should always return "not found" when the address does not exist. In
+particular, a zero-length result does not count as a "not found" result.
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--- /dev/null
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+PPoossttffiixx ++ MMaaiillddrroopp HHoowwttoo
+This document discusses various options to plug the maildrop delivery agent
+into Postfix:
+ * Direct delivery without the local delivery agent
+ * Indirect delivery via the local delivery agent
+ * Credits
+DDiirreecctt ddeelliivveerryy wwiitthhoouutt tthhee llooccaall ddeelliivveerryy aaggeenntt
+Postfix can be configured to deliver mail directly to maildrop, without using
+the local(8) delivery agent as an intermediate. This means that you do not get
+local aliases(5) expansion or $HOME/.forward file processing. You would
+typically do this for hosted domains with recipients that don't have UNIX home
+The following example shows how to use maildrop for some.domain and for
+someother.domain. The example comes in two parts.
+Part 1 describes changes to the file:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 maildrop_destination_recipient_limit = 1
+ 3 virtual_mailbox_domains = some.domain someother.domain
+ 4 virtual_transport = maildrop
+ 5 virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_mailbox
+ 6 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_alias
+ 7
+ 8 /etc/postfix/virtual_mailbox:
+ 9 user1@some.domain ...text here does not matter...
+ 10 user2@some.domain ...text here does not matter...
+ 11 user3@someother.domain ...text here does not matter...
+ 12
+ 13 /etc/postfix/virtual_alias:
+ 14 postmaster@some.domain postmaster
+ 15 postmaster@someother.domain postmaster
+ * Line 2 is needed so that Postfix will provide one recipient at a time to
+ the maildrop delivery agent.
+ * Line 3 informs Postfix that some.domain and someother.domain are so-called
+ virtual mailbox domains. Instead of listing the names in you can
+ also list them in a file; see the virtual_mailbox_domains documentation for
+ details.
+ * Line 4 specifies that mail for some.domain and someother.domain should be
+ delivered by the maildrop delivery agent.
+ * Lines 5 and 8-11 specify what recipients the Postfix SMTP server should
+ receive mail for. This prevents the mail queue from becoming clogged with
+ undeliverable messages. Specify an empty value ("virtual_mailbox_maps =")
+ to disable this feature.
+ * Lines 6 and 13-15 redirect mail for postmaster to the local postmaster. RFC
+ 821 requires that every domain has a postmaster address.
+The vmail userid as used below is the user that maildrop should run as. This
+would be the owner of the virtual mailboxes if they all have the same owner. If
+maildrop is suid (see maildrop documentation), then maildrop will change to the
+appropriate owner to deliver the mail.
+Note: Do not use the postfix user as the maildrop user.
+Part 2 describes changes to the file:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags=ODRhu user=vmail argv=/path/to/maildrop -d ${recipient}
+The pipe(8) manual page gives a detailed description of the above command line
+arguments, and more.
+If you want to support user+extension@domain style addresses, use the following
+ /etc/postfix/
+ maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags=ODRhu user=vmail argv=/path/to/maildrop
+ -d ${user}@${domain} ${extension} ${recipient} ${user} ${nexthop}
+The mail is delivered to ${user}@${domain} (search key for maildrop userdb
+lookup). The ${extension} and the other address components are available to
+maildrop rules as $1, $2, $3, ... and can be omitted from or ignored
+by maildrop when not needed.
+With Postfix 2.4 and earlier, use ${nexthop} instead of ${domain}.
+IInnddiirreecctt ddeelliivveerryy vviiaa tthhee llooccaall ddeelliivveerryy aaggeenntt
+Postfix can be configured to deliver mail to maildrop via the local delivery
+agent. This is slightly less efficient than the "direct" approach discussed
+above, but gives you the convenience of local aliases(5) expansion and
+$HOME/.forward file processing. You would typically use this for domains that
+are listed in mydestination and that have users with a UNIX system account.
+To configure maildrop delivery for all UNIX system accounts:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mailbox_command = /path/to/maildrop -d ${USER}
+Note: ${USER} is spelled in upper case.
+To enable maildrop delivery for specific users only, you can use the Postfix
+local(8) delivery agent's mailbox_command_maps feature:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mailbox_command_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/mailbox_commands
+ /etc/postfix/mailbox_commands:
+ you /path/to/maildrop -d ${USER}
+Maildrop delivery for specific users is also possible by invoking it from the
+user's $HOME/.forward file:
+ /home/you/.forward:
+ "|/path/to/maildrop -d ${USER}"
+ * The original text was kindly provided by Russell Mosemann.
+ * Victor Duchovni provided tips for supporting user+foo@domain addresses.
+ * Tonni Earnshaw contributed text about delivery via the local(8) delivery
+ agent.
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+PPoossttffiixx llooggggiinngg ttoo ffiillee oorr ssttddoouutt
+Postfix supports it own logging system as an alternative to syslog (which
+remains the default). This is available with Postfix version 3.4 or later.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Configuring logging to file
+ * Configuring logging to stdout
+ * Rotating logs
+ * Limitations
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg llooggggiinngg ttoo ffiillee
+Logging to file solves a usability problem for MacOS, and eliminates multiple
+problems for systemd-based systems.
+ 1. Add the following line to if not already present (note: there
+ must be no whitespace at the start of the line):
+ postlog unix-dgram n - n - 1 postlogd
+ Note: the service type "uunniixx--ddggrraamm" was introduced with Postfix 3.4. Remove
+ the above line before backing out to an older Postfix version.
+ 2. Configure Postfix to write logging, to, for example, /var/log/postfix.log.
+ See also the "Logfile rotation" section below for logfile management.
+ # postfix stop
+ # postconf maillog_file=/var/log/postfix.log
+ # postfix start
+ By default, the logfile name must start with "/var" or "/dev/stdout" (the
+ list of allowed prefixes is configured with the maillog_file_prefixes
+ parameter). This safety mechanism limits the damage from a single
+ configuration mistake.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg llooggggiinngg ttoo ssttddoouutt
+Logging to stdout is useful when Postfix runs in a container, as it eliminates
+a syslogd dependency.
+ 1. Add the following line to if not already present (note: there
+ must be no whitespace at the start of the line):
+ postlog unix-dgram n - n - 1 postlogd
+ Note: the service type "uunniixx--ddggrraamm" was introduced with Postfix 3.4. Remove
+ the above line before backing out to an older Postfix version.
+ 2. Configure with "maillog_file = /dev/stdout".
+ 3. Start Postfix with "ppoossttffiixx ssttaarrtt--ffgg".
+RRoottaattiinngg llooggss
+The command "ppoossttffiixx llooggrroottaattee" may be run by hand or by a cronjob. It logs all
+errors, and reports errors to stderr if run from a terminal. This command
+implements the following steps:
+ * Rename the current logfile by appending a suffix that contains the date and
+ time. This suffix is configured with the maillog_file_rotate_suffix
+ parameter (default: %Y%m%d-%H%M%S).
+ * Reload Postfix so that postlogd(8) immediately closes the old logfile.
+ * After a brief pause, compress the old logfile. The compression program is
+ configured with the maillog_file_compressor parameter (default: gzip).
+ * This command will not rotate a logfile with pathname under the /dev
+ directory, such as /dev/stdout.
+ * This command does not (yet) remove old logfiles.
+ * Postfix consists of a number of daemon programs that run in the background,
+ as well as non-daemon programs for local mail submission or Postfix
+ management.
+ * Logging to Postfix logfile or stdout requires the Postfix postlogd(8)
+ service. This ensures that simultaneous logging from different programs
+ will not get mixed up.
+ * All Postfix programs can log to syslog, but not all programs have
+ sufficient privileges to use the Postfix logging service, and many non-
+ daemon programs must not log to stdout as that would corrupt their output.
+ * Non-daemon Postfix programs will log errors to syslogd(8) before they have
+ processed command-line options and parameters.
+ * If Postfix is down, the non-daemon programs postfix(1), postsuper(1),
+ postmulti(1), and postlog(1), will log directly to $maillog_file. These
+ programs expect to run with root privileges, for example during Postfix
+ start-up, reload, or shutdown.
+ * Other non-daemon Postfix programs will never write directly to
+ $maillog_file (also, logging to stdout would interfere with the operation
+ of some of these programs). These programs can log to postlogd(8) if they
+ are run by the super-user, or if their executable file has set-gid
+ permission. Do not set this permission on programs other than postdrop(1)
+ and postqueue(1).
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--- /dev/null
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+PPoossttffiixx mmeemmccaacchhee cclliieenntt HHoowwttoo
+The Postfix memcache client allows you to hook up Postfix to a memcache server.
+The current implementation supports one memcache server per Postfix table, with
+one optional Postfix database that provides persistent backup. The Postfix
+memcache client supports the lookup, update, delete and sequence operations.
+The sequence (i.e. first/next) operation requires a backup database that
+supports this operation.
+Typically, the Postfix memcache client is used to reduce query load on a
+persistent database, but it may also be used to query a memory-only database
+for low-value, easy-to-recreate, information such as a reputation cache for
+postscreen(8), verify(8) or greylisting.
+ * The Postfix memcache client cannot be used for security-sensitive tables
+ such as alias_maps (these may contain "|command" and "/file/name"
+ destinations), or virtual_uid_maps, virtual_gid_maps and
+ virtual_mailbox_maps (these specify UNIX process privileges or "/file/name"
+ destinations). Typically, a memcache database is writable by any process
+ that can talk to the memcache server; in contrast, security-sensitive
+ tables must never be writable by the unprivileged Postfix user.
+ * The Postfix memcache client requires additional configuration when used as
+ postscreen(8) or verify(8) cache. For details see the backup and ttl
+ parameter discussions in the memcache_table(5) manual page.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh mmeemmccaacchhee ssuuppppoorrtt
+The Postfix memcache client has no external dependencies, and is therefore
+built into Postfix by default.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg mmeemmccaacchhee llooookkuupp ttaabblleess
+Configuration is described in the memcache_table(5) manpage.
+The first memcache client for Postfix was written by Omar Kilani, and was based
+on the libmemcache library.
+Wietse wrote the current memcache client from the ground up for Postfix version
+2.9. This implementation does not use libmemcache, and bears no resemblance to
+earlier work.
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+PPoossttffiixx bbeeffoorree--qquueeuuee MMiilltteerr ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix implements support for the Sendmail version 8 Milter (mail filter)
+protocol. This protocol is used by applications that run outside the MTA to
+inspect SMTP events (CONNECT, DISCONNECT), SMTP commands (HELO, MAIL FROM,
+etc.) as well as mail content (headers and body). All this happens before mail
+is queued.
+The reason for adding Milter support to Postfix is that there exists a large
+collection of applications, not only to block unwanted mail, but also to verify
+authenticity (examples: OpenDKIM and DMARC) or to digitally sign mail (example:
+OpenDKIM). Having yet another Postfix-specific version of all that software is
+a poor use of human and system resources.
+The Milter protocol has evolved over time, and different Postfix versions
+implement different feature sets. See the workarounds and limitations sections
+at the end of this document for differences between Postfix and Sendmail
+This document provides information on the following topics:
+ * How Milter applications plug into Postfix
+ * Building Milter applications
+ * Running Milter applications
+ * Configuring Postfix
+ * Workarounds
+ * Limitations
+HHooww MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss pplluugg iinnttoo PPoossttffiixx
+The Postfix Milter implementation uses two different lists of mail filters: one
+list of filters for SMTP mail only, and one list of filters for non-SMTP mail.
+The two lists have different capabilities, which is unfortunate. Avoiding this
+would require major restructuring of Postfix.
+ * The SMTP-only filters handle mail that arrives via the Postfix smtpd(8)
+ server. They are typically used to filter unwanted mail and to sign mail
+ from authorized SMTP clients. You specify SMTP-only Milter applications
+ with the smtpd_milters parameter as described in a later section. Mail that
+ arrives via the Postfix smtpd(8) server is not filtered by the non-SMTP
+ filters that are described next.
+ * The non-SMTP filters handle mail that arrives via the Postfix sendmail(1)
+ command-line or via the Postfix qmqpd(8) server. They are typically used to
+ digitally sign mail only. Although non-SMTP filters can be used to filter
+ unwanted mail, they have limitations compared to the SMTP-only filters. You
+ specify non-SMTP Milter applications with the non_smtpd_milters parameter
+ as described in a later section.
+For those who are familiar with the Postfix architecture, the figure below
+shows how Milter applications plug into Postfix. Names followed by a number are
+Postfix commands or server programs, while unnumbered names inside shaded areas
+represent Postfix queues. To avoid clutter, the path for local submission is
+simplified (the OVERVIEW document has a more complete description of the
+Postfix architecture).
+ SMTP-only non-SMTP
+ filters filters
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ ^ |
+ | |
+ Network -> smtpd(8) | |
+ | v
+ \
+ Network -> qmqpd(8) -> cleanup(8) -> incoming
+ /
+ pickup(8)
+ :
+ Local -> sendmail(1)
+BBuuiillddiinngg MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
+Milter applications have been written in C, JAVA and Perl, but this document
+deals with C applications only. For these, you need an object library that
+implements the Sendmail 8 Milter protocol. Postfix currently does not provide
+such a library, but Sendmail does.
+Some systems install the Sendmail libmilter library by default. With other
+systems, libmilter may be provided by a package (called "sendmail-devel" on
+some Linux systems).
+Once libmilter is installed, applications such as OpenDKIM and OpenDMARC build
+out of the box without requiring any tinkering:
+ $ ggzzccaatt ooppeennddkkiimm--xx..yy..zz..ttaarr..ggzz || ttaarr xxff --
+ $ ccdd ooppeennddkkiimm--xx..yy..zz
+ $ ..//ccoonnffiigguurree ......ooppttiioonnss......
+ $ mmaakkee
+ [...lots of output omitted...]
+ $ mmaakkee iinnssttaallll
+RRuunnnniinngg MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
+To run a Milter application, see the documentation of the filter for options. A
+typical command looks like this:
+ # //ssoommee//wwhheerree//ooppeennddkkiimm --ll --uu uusseerriidd --pp iinneett::ppoorrttnnuummbbeerr@@llooccaallhhoosstt ......ootthheerr
+ ooppttiioonnss......
+Please specify a userid value that isn't used for other applications (not
+"postfix", not "www", etc.).
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttffiixx
+Like Sendmail, Postfix has a lot of configuration options that control how it
+talks to Milter applications. Besides global options that apply to all Milter
+applications, Postfix 3.0 and later support per-Milter timeouts, per-Milter
+error handling, etc.
+Information in this section:
+ * SMTP-Only Milter applications
+ * Non-SMTP Milter applications
+ * Milter error handling
+ * Milter protocol version
+ * Milter protocol timeouts
+ * Different settings for different Milter applications
+ * Different settings for different SMTP clients
+ * Sendmail macro emulation
+ * What macros will Postfix send to Milters?
+SSMMTTPP--OOnnllyy MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
+The SMTP-only Milter applications handle mail that arrives via the Postfix
+smtpd(8) server. They are typically used to filter unwanted mail, and to sign
+mail from authorized SMTP clients. Mail that arrives via the Postfix smtpd(8)
+server is not filtered by the non-SMTP filters that are described in the next
+ NOTE for Postfix versions that have a mail_release_date before 20141018: do
+ not use the header_checks(5) IGNORE action to remove Postfix's own
+ Received: message header. This causes problems with mail signing filters.
+ Instead, keep Postfix's own Received: message header and use the
+ header_checks(5) REPLACE action to sanitize information.
+You specify SMTP-only Milter applications (there can be more than one) with the
+smtpd_milters parameter. Each Milter application is identified by the name of
+its listening socket; other Milter configuration options will be discussed in
+later sections. Milter applications are applied in the order as specified, and
+the first Milter application that rejects a command will override the responses
+from other Milter applications.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Milters for mail that arrives via the smtpd(8) server.
+ # See below for socket address syntax.
+ smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:portnumber ...other filters...
+The general syntax for listening sockets is as follows:
+ uunniixx::pathname
+ Connect to the local UNIX-domain server that is bound to the specified
+ pathname. If the smtpd(8) or cleanup(8) process runs chrooted, an
+ absolute pathname is interpreted relative to the Postfix queue
+ directory.
+ iinneett::host::port
+ Connect to the specified TCP port on the specified local or remote
+ host. The host and port can be specified in numeric or symbolic form.
+ NOTE: Postfix syntax differs from Milter syntax which has the form
+ iinneett::port@@host.
+For advanced configuration see "Different settings for different SMTP clients"
+and "Different settings for different Milter applications".
+NNoonn--SSMMTTPP MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
+The non-SMTP Milter applications handle mail that arrives via the Postfix
+sendmail(1) command-line or via the Postfix qmqpd(8) server. They are typically
+used to digitally sign mail. Although non-SMTP filters can be used to filter
+unwanted mail, there are limitations as discussed later in this section. Mail
+that arrives via the Postfix smtpd(8) server is not filtered by the non-SMTP
+NOTE: Do not use the header_checks(5) IGNORE action to remove Postfix's own
+Received: message header. This causes problems with mail signing filters.
+Instead, keep Postfix's own Received: message header and use the header_checks
+(5) REPLACE action to sanitize information.
+You specify non-SMTP Milter applications with the non_smtpd_milters parameter.
+This parameter uses the same syntax as the smtpd_milters parameter in the
+previous section. As with the SMTP-only filters, you can specify more than one
+Milter application; they are applied in the order as specified, and the first
+Milter application that rejects a command will override the responses from the
+other applications.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Milters for non-SMTP mail.
+ # See below for socket address syntax.
+ non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:portnumber ...other filters...
+There's one small complication when using Milter applications for non-SMTP
+mail: there is no SMTP session. To keep Milter applications happy, the Postfix
+cleanup(8) server actually has to simulate the SMTP client CONNECT and
+DISCONNECT events, and the SMTP client EHLO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO and DATA
+ * When new mail arrives via the sendmail(1) command line, the Postfix cleanup
+ (8) server pretends that the mail arrives with ESMTP from "localhost" with
+ IP address "". The result is very similar to what happens with
+ command line submissions in Sendmail version 8.12 and later, although
+ Sendmail uses a different mechanism to achieve this result.
+ * When new mail arrives via the qmqpd(8) server, the Postfix cleanup(8)
+ server pretends that the mail arrives with ESMTP, and uses the QMQPD client
+ hostname and IP address.
+ * When old mail is re-injected into the queue with "postsuper -r", the
+ Postfix cleanup(8) server uses the same client information that was used
+ when the mail arrived as new mail.
+This generally works as expected, with only one exception: non-SMTP filters
+must not REJECT or TEMPFAIL simulated RCPT TO commands. When a
+non_smtpd_milters application REJECTs or TEMPFAILs a recipient, Postfix will
+report a configuration error, and mail will stay in the queue.
+SSiiggnniinngg iinntteerrnnaallllyy--ggeenneerraatteedd bboouunnccee mmeessssaaggeess
+Postfix normally does not apply content filters to mail that is generated
+internally such as bounces or Postmaster notifications. Filtering internally-
+generated bounces would result in loss of mail when a filter rejects a message,
+as the resulting double-bounce message would almost certainly also be blocked.
+To sign Postfix's own bounce messages, enable filtering of internally-generated
+bounces (line 2 below), and don't reject any internally-generated bounces with
+non_smtpd_milters, header_checks or body_checks (lines 3-5 below).
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 internal_mail_filter_classes = bounce
+ 3 non_smtpd_milters = don't reject internally-generated bounces
+ 4 header_checks = don't reject internally-generated bounces
+ 5 body_checks = don't reject internally-generated bounces
+MMiilltteerr eerrrroorr hhaannddlliinngg
+The milter_default_action parameter specifies how Postfix handles Milter
+application errors. The default action is to respond with a temporary error
+status, so that the client will try again later. Specify "accept" if you want
+to receive mail as if the filter does not exist, and "reject" to reject mail
+with a permanent status. The "quarantine" action is like "accept" but freezes
+the message in the "hold" queue, and is available with Postfix 2.6 or later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # What to do in case of errors? Specify accept, reject, tempfail,
+ # or quarantine (Postfix 2.6 or later).
+ milter_default_action = tempfail
+See "Different settings for different Milter applications" for advanced
+configuration options.
+MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll vveerrssiioonn
+As Postfix is not built with the Sendmail libmilter library, you may need to
+configure the Milter protocol version that Postfix should use. The default
+version is 6 (before Postfix 2.6 the default version is 2).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Postfix >= 2.6
+ milter_protocol = 6
+ # 2.3 <= Postfix <= 2.5
+ milter_protocol = 2
+If the Postfix milter_protocol setting specifies a too low version, the
+libmilter library will log an error message like this:
+ application name: st_optionneg[xxxxx]: 0xyy does not fulfill action
+ requirements 0xzz
+The remedy is to increase the Postfix milter_protocol version number. See,
+however, the limitations section below for features that aren't supported by
+With Postfix 2.7 and earlier, if the Postfix milter_protocol setting specifies
+a too high version, the libmilter library simply hangs up without logging a
+warning, and you see a Postfix warning message like one of the following:
+ warning: milter inet:host:port: can't read packet header: Unknown error : 0
+ warning: milter inet:host:port: can't read packet header: Success
+ warning: milter inet:host:port: can't read SMFIC_DATA reply packet header:
+ No such file or directory
+The remedy is to lower the Postfix milter_protocol version number. Postfix 2.8
+and later will automatically turn off protocol features that the application's
+libmilter library does not expect.
+See "Different settings for different Milter applications" for advanced
+configuration options.
+MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll ttiimmeeoouuttss
+Postfix uses different time limits at different Milter protocol stages. The
+table shows the timeout settings and the corresponding protocol stages (EOH =
+end of headers; EOM = end of message).
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPoossttffiixx ppaarraammeetteerr |TTiimmee lliimmiitt|MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll ssttaaggee |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_connect_timeout|30s |CONNECT |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_command_timeout|30s |HELO, MAIL, RCPT, DATA, UNKNOWN|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_content_timeout|300s |HEADER, EOH, BODY, EOM |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+Beware: 30s may be too short for Milter applications that do lots of DNS
+lookups. However, if you increase the above timeouts too much, remote SMTP
+clients may hang up and mail may be delivered multiple times. This is an
+inherent problem with before-queue filtering.
+See "Different settings for different Milter applications" for advanced
+configuration options.
+DDiiffffeerreenntt sseettttiinnggss ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt MMiilltteerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
+The previous sections list a number of Postfix parameters that control
+time limits and other settings for all Postfix Milter clients. This is
+sufficient for simple configurations. With more complex configurations it
+becomes desirable to have different settings for different Milter clients. This
+is supported with Postfix 3.0 and later.
+The following example shows a "non-critical" Milter client with a short connect
+timeout, and with "accept" as default action when the service is unvailable.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_milters = { inet:host:port,
+ 3 connect_timeout=10s, default_action=accept }
+Instead of a server endpoint, we now have a list enclosed in {}.
+ * Line 2: The first item in the list is the server endpoint. This supports
+ the exact same "inet" and "unix" syntax as described earlier.
+ * Line 3: The remainder of the list contains per-Milter settings. These
+ settings override global parameters, and have the same name as
+ those parameters, without the "milter_" prefix. The per-Milter settings
+ that are supported as of Postfix 3.0 are command_timeout, connect_timeout,
+ content_timeout, default_action, and protocol.
+Inside the list, syntax is similar to what we already know from items
+separated by space or comma. There is one difference: yyoouu mmuusstt eenncclloossee aa
+sseettttiinngg iinn ppaarreenntthheesseess,, aass iinn ""{{ nnaammee == vvaalluuee }}"",, iiff yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo hhaavvee ssppaaccee oorr
+ccoommmmaa wwiitthhiinn aa vvaalluuee oorr aarroouunndd ""=="".
+DDiiffffeerreenntt sseettttiinnggss ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt SSMMTTPP cclliieennttss
+The smtpd_milter_maps feature supports different Milter settings for different
+client IP addresses. Lookup results override the the global smtpd_milters
+setting, and have the same syntax. For example, to disable Milter settings for
+local address ranges:
+ smtpd_milter_maps = cidr:/etc/postfix/smtpd_milter_map
+ smtpd_milters = inet:host:port, { inet:host:port, ... }, ...
+ # Disable Milters for local clients.
+ ::/64 DISABLE
+ 2001:db8::/32 DISABLE
+This feature is available with Postfix 3.2 and later.
+SSeennddmmaaiill mmaaccrroo eemmuullaattiioonn
+Postfix emulates a limited number of Sendmail macros, as shown in the table.
+Some macro values depend on whether a recipient is rejected (rejected
+recipients are available on request by the Milter application). Different
+macros are available at different Milter protocol stages (EOH = end-of-header,
+EOM = end-of-message); their availability is not always the same as in
+Sendmail. See the workarounds section below for solutions.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |SSeennddmmaaiill mmaaccrroo |MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll ssttaaggee |DDeessccrriippttiioonn |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |i |DATA, EOH, EOM |Queue ID, also Postfix |
+ | | |queue file name |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |j |Always |Value of myhostname |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |_ |Always |The validated client name |
+ | | |and address |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{auth_authen} |MAIL, DATA, EOH, EOM |SASL login name |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{auth_author} |MAIL, DATA, EOH, EOM |SASL sender |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{auth_type} |MAIL, DATA, EOH, EOM |SASL login method |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{client_addr} |Always |Remote client IP address |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Connection concurrency for|
+ | | |this client (zero if the |
+ |{client_connections}|CONNECT |client is excluded from |
+ | | |all smtpd_client_* |
+ | | |limits). |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Remote client hostname |
+ | | |When address -> name |
+ |{client_name} |Always |lookup or name -> address |
+ | | |verification fails: |
+ | | |"unknown" |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{client_port} |Always (Postfix >=2.5) |Remote client TCP port |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Client name from address -|
+ |{client_ptr} |CONNECT, HELO, MAIL, DATA|> name lookup |
+ | | |When address -> name |
+ | | |lookup fails: "unknown" |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{cert_issuer} |HELO, MAIL, DATA, EOH, |TLS client certificate |
+ | |EOM |issuer |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{cert_subject} |HELO, MAIL, DATA, EOH, |TLS client certificate |
+ | |EOM |subject |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{cipher_bits} |HELO, MAIL, DATA, EOH, |TLS session key size |
+ | |EOM | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{cipher} |HELO, MAIL, DATA, EOH, |TLS cipher |
+ | |EOM | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{daemon_addr} |Always (Postfix >=3.2) |Local server IP address |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{daemon_name} |Always |value of |
+ | | |milter_macro_daemon_name |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{daemon_port} |Always (Postfix >=3.2) |Local server TCP port |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{mail_addr} |MAIL |Sender address |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{mail_host} |MAIL (Postfix >= 2.6, |Sender next-hop |
+ | |only with smtpd_milters) |destination |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{mail_mailer} |MAIL (Postfix >= 2.6, |Sender mail delivery |
+ | |only with smtpd_milters) |transport |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Recipient address |
+ |{rcpt_addr} |RCPT |With rejected recipient: |
+ | | |descriptive text |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Recipient next-hop |
+ |{rcpt_host} |RCPT (Postfix >= 2.6, |destination |
+ | |only with smtpd_milters) |With rejected recipient: |
+ | | |enhanced status code |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Recipient mail delivery |
+ |{rcpt_mailer} |RCPT (Postfix >= 2.6, |transport |
+ | |only with smtpd_milters) |With rejected recipient: |
+ | | |"error" |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |{tls_version} |HELO, MAIL, DATA, EOH, |TLS protocol version |
+ | |EOM | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |v |Always |value of milter_macro_v |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+WWhhaatt mmaaccrrooss wwiillll PPoossttffiixx sseenndd ttoo MMiilltteerrss??
+Postfix sends specific sets of macros at different Milter protocol stages. The
+sets are configured with the parameters as shown in the table below (EOH = end
+of headers; EOM = end of message). The protocol version is a number that
+Postfix sends at the beginning of the Milter protocol handshake.
+As of Sendmail 8.14.0, Milter applications can specify what macros they want to
+receive at different Milter protocol stages. An application-specified list
+takes precedence over a Postfix-specified list.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPoossttffiixx ppaarraammeetteerr |MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll|MMiilltteerr pprroottooccooll ssttaaggee|
+ | |vveerrssiioonn | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_connect_macros |2 or higher |CONNECT |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_helo_macros |2 or higher |HELO/EHLO |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_mail_macros |2 or higher |MAIL FROM |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_rcpt_macros |2 or higher |RCPT TO |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_data_macros |4 or higher |DATA |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_end_of_header_macros |6 or higher |EOH |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_end_of_data_macros |2 or higher |EOM |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |milter_unknown_command_macros|3 or higher |unknown command |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+By default, Postfix will send only macros whose values have been updated with
+information from or, from an SMTP session (for example; SASL
+login, or TLS certificates) or from a Mail delivery transaction (for example;
+queue ID, sender, or recipient).
+To force a macro to be sent even when its value has not been updated, you may
+specify macro default values with the milter_macro_defaults parameter. Specify
+zero or more name=value pairs separated by comma or whitespace; you may even
+specify macro names that Postfix does know about!
+ * To avoid breaking DKIM etc. signatures with an SMTP-based content filter,
+ update the before-filter SMTP client in, and add a line with "-
+ o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes" (note: no spaces around the "="). For
+ details, see the advanced content filter example.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ scan unix - - n - 10 smtp
+ -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
+ -o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes
+ -o smtp_generic_maps=
+ * Some Milter applications use the "{if_addr}" macro to recognize local mail;
+ this macro does not exist in Postfix. Workaround: use the "{daemon_addr}"
+ (Postfix >= 3.2) or "{client_addr}" macro instead.
+ * Some Milter applications log a warning that looks like this:
+ sid-filter[36540]: WARNING: sendmail symbol 'i' not available
+ And they may insert an ugly message header with "unknown-msgid" like this:
+ X-SenderID: Sendmail Sender-ID Filter vx.y.z <unknown-
+ msgid>
+ The problem is that Milter applications expect that the queue ID is known
+ before the MTA accepts the MAIL FROM (sender) command. Postfix does not
+ choose a queue ID, which is used as the queue file name, until after it
+ accepts the first valid RCPT TO (recipient) command.
+ If you experience the ugly header problem, see if a recent version of the
+ Milter application fixes it. For example, current versions of dkim-filter
+ and dk-filter already have code that looks up the Postfix queue ID at a
+ later protocol stage, and sid-filter version 1.0.0 no longer includes the
+ queue ID in the message header.
+ To fix the ugly message header, you will need to add code that looks up the
+ Postfix queue ID at some later point in time. The example below adds the
+ lookup after the end-of-message.
+ o Edit the filter source file (typically named xxx-filter/xxx-filter.c or
+ similar).
+ o Look up the mlfi_eom() function and add code near the top shown as bboolldd
+ text below:
+ dfc = cc->cctx_msg;
+ assert(dfc != NULL);
+ //** DDeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee jjoobb IIDD ffoorr llooggggiinngg.. **//
+ iiff ((ddffcc-->>mmccttxx__jjoobbiidd ==== 00 |||| ssttrrccmmpp((ddffcc-->>mmccttxx__jjoobbiidd,, JJOOBBIIDDUUNNKKNNOOWWNN)) ==== 00))
+ {{
+ cchhaarr **jjoobbiidd == ssmmffii__ggeettssyymmvvaall((ccttxx,, ""ii""));;
+ iiff ((jjoobbiidd !!== 00))
+ ddffcc-->>mmccttxx__jjoobbiidd == jjoobbiidd;;
+ }}
+ o Different mail filters use slightly different names for variables. If
+ the above code does not compile, look elsewhere in the mail filter
+ source file for code that looks up the "i" macro value, and copy that
+ code.
+ o This change fixes only the ugly message header, but not the WARNING
+ message. Fortunately, many Milters log that message only once.
+This section lists limitations of the Postfix Milter implementation. Some
+limitations will be removed as the implementation is extended over time. Of
+course the usual limitations of before-queue filtering will always apply. See
+the CONTENT_INSPECTION_README document for a discussion.
+ * The Milter protocol has evolved over time. Therefore, different Postfix
+ versions implement different feature sets.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPoossttffiixx|SSuuppppoorrtteedd MMiilltteerr rreeqquueessttss |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | 2.6 |All Milter requests of Sendmail 8.14.0 (see notes below). |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | |All Milter requests of Sendmail 8.14.0, except: |
+ | |SMFIP_RCPT_REJ (report rejected recipients to the mail filter), |
+ | 2.5 |SMFIR_CHGFROM (replace sender, with optional ESMTP parameters), |
+ | |SMFIR_ADDRCPT_PAR (add recipient, with optional ESMTP |
+ | |parameters). |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | 2.4 |All Milter requests of Sendmail 8.13.0. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | 2.3 |All Milter requests of Sendmail 8.13.0, except: |
+ | |SMFIR_REPLBODY (replace message body). |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ * For Milter applications that are written in C, you need to use the Sendmail
+ libmilter library.
+ * Postfix has TWO sets of mail filters: filters that are used for SMTP mail
+ only (specified with the smtpd_milters parameter), and filters for non-SMTP
+ mail (specified with the non_smtpd_milters parameter). The non-SMTP filters
+ are primarily for local submissions.
+ When mail is filtered by non_smtpd_milters, the Postfix cleanup(8) server
+ has to simulate SMTP client requests. This works as expected, with only one
+ exception: non_smtpd_milters must not REJECT or TEMPFAIL simulated RCPT TO
+ commands. When this rule is violated, Postfix will report a configuration
+ error, and mail will stay in the queue.
+ * When you use the before-queue content filter for incoming SMTP mail (see
+ SMTPD_PROXY_README), Milter applications have access only to the SMTP
+ command information; they have no access to the message header or body, and
+ cannot make modifications to the message or to the envelope.
+ * Postfix 2.6 ignores the optional ESMTP parameters in requests to replace
+ the sender (SMFIR_CHGFROM) or to append a recipient (SMFIR_ADDRCPT_PAR).
+ Postfix logs a warning message when a Milter application supplies such
+ ESMTP parameters:
+ warning: queue-id: cleanup_chg_from: ignoring ESMTP arguments "whatever"
+ warning: queue-id: cleanup_add_rcpt: ignoring ESMTP arguments "whatever"
+ * Postfix 2.3 does not implement requests to replace the message body. Milter
+ applications log a warning message when they need this unsupported
+ operation:
+ st_optionneg[134563840]: 0x3d does not fulfill action requirements 0x1e
+ The solution is to use Postfix version 2.4 or later.
+ * Most Milter configuration options are global. Future Postfix versions may
+ support per-Milter timeouts, per-Milter error handling, etc.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e930f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+MMaannaaggiinngg mmuullttiippllee PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaanncceess oonn aa ssiinnggllee hhoosstt
+This document is a guide to managing multiple Postfix instances on a single
+host using the postmulti(1) instance manager. Multi-instance support is
+available with Postfix version 2.6 and later. See the postfix-wrapper(5) manual
+page for background on the instance management framework, and on how to deploy
+a custom instance manager.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Why multiple Postfix instances
+ * Null-client instances versus service instances
+ * Multi-instance walk-through
+ * Components of a Postfix system
+ * The default Postfix instance
+ * Instance groups
+ * Multi-instance configuration parameters
+ * Using the postmulti(1) command
+ * Credits
+WWhhyy mmuullttiippllee PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaanncceess
+Postfix is a general-purpose mail system that can be configured to serve a
+variety of needs. Examples of Postfix applications are:
+ * Local mail submission for shell users and system processes.
+ * Incoming (MX host) email from the Internet.
+ * Outbound mail relay for a corporate network.
+ * Authenticated submission for roaming users.
+ * Before/after content-filter mail.
+A single Postfix configuration can provide many or all of these services, but a
+complex interplay of settings may be required, for example with
+options overriding settings. In this document we take the view that
+multiple Postfix instances may be a simpler way to configure a multi-function
+Postfix system. With multiple Postfix instances, each instance has its own
+directories for configuration, queue and data files, but it shares all Postfix
+program and documentation files with other instances.
+Since there is no single right way to configure your system, we recommend that
+you choose what makes you most comfortable. If different Postfix services don't
+involve incompatible or settings, and if they can be combined
+together without complex tricks, then a single monolithic configuration may be
+the simplest approach.
+The purpose of multi-instance support in Postfix is not to force you to create
+multiple Postfix instances, but rather to give you a choice. Multiple instances
+give you the freedom to tune each Postfix instance to a single task that it
+does well and to combine instances into complete systems.
+With the introduction of the postmulti(1) utility and the reduction of the per-
+instance configuration footprint of a secondary Postfix instance to just a and file (other files are now in shared locations), we hope
+that multiple instances will be easier to use than ever before.
+NNuullll--cclliieenntt iinnssttaanncceess vveerrssuuss sseerrvviiccee iinnssttaanncceess
+In the multi-instance approach to configuring Postfix, the first simplification
+is with the default local-submission Postfix instance.
+Most UNIX systems require support for email submission with the sendmail(1)
+command so that system processes such as cron jobs can send status reports, and
+so that system users can send email with command-line utilities. Such email can
+be handled with a null-client Postfix configuration that forwards all mail to a
+central mail hub. The null client will typically either not run an SMTP
+listener at all (master_service_disable = inet), or it will listen only on the
+loopback interface (inet_interfaces = loopback-only).
+When implementing specialized servers for inbound Internet email, outbound
+MTAs, internal mail hubs, and so on, we recommend using a null client for local
+submission and creating single-function secondary Postfix instances to serve
+the specialized needs.
+ Note: usually, you need to use different "myhostname" settings when you run
+ multiple instances on the same host. Otherwise, there will be false "mail
+ loops back to myself" alarms when one instance tries to send mail into
+ another instance. Typically, the null-client instance will use the system's
+ hostname, and other instances will use their own dedicated "myhostname"
+ settings. Different names are not needed when instances send mail to each
+ other with a protocol other than SMTP, or with SMTP over a TCP port other
+ than 25 as is usual with SMTP-based content filters.
+MMuullttii--iinnssttaannccee wwaallkk--tthhrroouugghh
+Before discussing the fine details of multi-instance operation we first show
+the steps for creating a border mail server. This server has with a null-client
+Postfix instance for local submission, an input Postfix instance to receive
+mail from the Internet, plus an advanced SMTP content-filter and an output
+Postfix instance to deliver filtered email to its internal destination.
+SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee nnuullll--cclliieenntt PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+On a border mail hub, while mail from the Internet requires a great deal of
+scrutiny, locally submitted messages are typically limited to mail from cron
+jobs and other system services. In this regard the border MTA is not different
+from other Unix hosts in your environment. For this reason, it will submit
+locally-generated email to the internal mail hub. We start the construction of
+the border mail server with the default instance, which will be a local-
+submission null client:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # We are
+ #
+ myhostname =
+ mydomain =
+ # Flat user-account namespace in
+ #
+ # not
+ #
+ myorigin = $mydomain
+ # Postfix 2.6+, disable inet services, specifically disable smtpd(8)
+ #
+ master_service_disable = inet
+ # No local delivery:
+ #
+ mydestination =
+ local_transport = error:5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable
+ alias_database =
+ alias_maps =
+ local_recipient_maps =
+ # Send everything to the internal mailhub
+ #
+ relayhost = []
+ # Indexed table macro:
+ # (use "hash", ... when cdb is not available)
+ #
+ default_database_type = cdb
+ indexed = ${default_database_type}:${config_directory}/
+ # Expose origin host of mail from "root", ...
+ #
+ smtp_generic_maps = ${indexed}generic
+ # Send messages addressed to "root", ... to the MTA support team
+ #
+ virtual_alias_maps = ${indexed}virtual
+ /etc/postfix/generic:
+ # The smarthost supports "+" addressing (recipient_delimiter = +).
+ # Mail from "root" exposes the origin host, without replies
+ # and bounces going back to the same host.
+ #
+ # On clustered MTAs this file is typically machine-built from
+ # a template file. The build process expands the template into
+ # "mtaadmin+root=mta1"
+ #
+ root mtaadmin+root=mta1
+ /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ # Caretaker aliases:
+ #
+ root mtaadmin
+ postmaster root
+You would typically also add a Makefile, to automatically run postmap(1)
+commands when source files change. This Makefile also creates a "generic"
+database when none exists.
+ /etc/postfix/Makefile:
+ MTAADMIN=mtaadmin
+ all: virtual.cdb generic.cdb
+ generic: Makefile
+ @echo Creating $@
+ @rm -f $@.tmp
+ @printf '%s\t%s+root=%s\n' root ${MTAADMIN} `uname -n` > $@.tmp
+ @mv $@.tmp generic
+ %.cdb: %
+ postmap cdb:$<
+Construct the "virtual" and "generic" databases (the latter is created by
+running "make"), then start and test the null-client:
+ # cd /etc/postfix; make
+ # postfix start
+ # sendmail -i -f root -t <<EOF
+ From: root
+ To: root
+ Subject: test
+ testing
+The test message should be delivered the members of the "mtaadmin" address
+group (or whatever address group you choose) with the following headers:
+ From:
+ To:
+ Subject: test
+SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee ""oouuttppuutt"" PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+With the null-client instance out of the way, we can create the MTA "output"
+instance that will deliver filtered mail to the inside network. We add the
+"output" instance first, because the output instance needs to be up and running
+before the input instance can be fully tested, and when the system boots, the
+"output" instance must start before the input instance. We will put the output
+and input instances into a single instance group named "mta".
+Just once, when adding the first secondary instance, enable multi-instance
+support in the default (null-client) instance:
+ # postmulti -e init
+Then create the output instance:
+ # postmulti -I postfix-out -G mta -e create
+The instance configuration directory defaults to /etc/postfix-out, more
+precisely, the "postfix-out" subdirectory of the parent directory of the
+default-instance configuration directory. The new instance will be created in a
+"disabled" state:
+ /etc/postfix-out/
+ #
+ # ... "stock" settings ...
+ #
+ multi_instance_name = postfix-out
+ queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix-out
+ data_directory = /var/lib/postfix-out
+ #
+ multi_instance_enable = no
+ master_service_disable = inet
+ authorized_submit_users =
+This instance has a "stock" file, and its queue and data directories,
+also named "postfix-out", will be located in the same parent directories as the
+corresponding directories of the default instance (e.g., /var/spool/postfix-out
+and /var/lib/postfix-out).
+While this instance is immediately safe to start, it is not yet usefully
+configured. It needs to be customized to fit the role of a post-filter re-
+injection SMTP service. Typical additions include:
+ /etc/postfix-out/
+ # Replace default "smtp inet" entry with one listening on port 10026.
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ /etc/postfix-out/
+ # ...
+ # Comment out if you don't use IPv6 internally
+ # inet_protocols = ipv4
+ inet_interfaces = loopback-only
+ mynetworks_style = host
+ smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts = $mynetworks
+ # Don't anvil(8) control the re-injection port.
+ #
+ smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 0
+ smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions = $mynetworks
+ # Best practice when inet_interfaces is set, as this is not a
+ # "secondary IP personality" configuration.
+ #
+ smtp_bind_address =
+ # All header rewriting happens upstream
+ #
+ local_header_rewrite_clients =
+ # No local delivery on border gateway
+ #
+ mydestination =
+ alias_maps =
+ alias_database =
+ local_recipient_maps =
+ local_transport = error:5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable
+ # May need a recipient_delimiter for per-user transport lookups:
+ #
+ recipient_delimiter = +
+ # Only one (unrestricted client)
+ # With multiple instances, rarely need "-o param=value" overrides
+ # in, each instance gets its own file.
+ #
+ # Postfix 2.10 and later: specify empty smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject
+ # Tolerate occasional high latency in the content filter.
+ #
+ smtpd_timeout = 1200s
+ # Best when empty, with all parent domain matches explicit.
+ #
+ parent_domain_matches_subdomains =
+ # Use the "relay" transport for inbound mail, and the default
+ # "smtp" transport for outbound mail (bounces, ...). The latter
+ # won't starve the former of delivery agent slots.
+ #
+ relay_domains =,
+ # With xforward, match the input instance setting, if you
+ # want "yes", set both to "yes".
+ #
+ smtpd_client_port_logging = no
+ # Transport settings ...
+ # Message size limit
+ # Concurrency tuning for "relay" and "smtp" transport
+ # ...
+With the "output" configuration in place, enable and start the instance:
+ 1 # postmulti -i postfix-out -x postconf -e \
+ 2 "master_service_disable =" "authorized_submit_users = root"
+ 3 # postmulti -i postfix-out -e enable
+ 4 # postmulti -i postfix-out -p start
+This uses the postmulti(1) command to invoke postconf(1) in the context
+(MAIL_CONFIG=/etc/postfix-out) of the output instance.
+ * Lines 1-2: With "authorized_submit_users = root", the superuser can test
+ the postfix-out instance with "postmulti -i postfix-out -x sendmail -bv
+ recipient...", but otherwise local submission remains disabled.
+ * Lines 1-2: With "master_service_disable =", the "inet" listeners are re-
+ enabled.
+ * Line 3: The output instance is enabled for multi-instance start/stop.
+ * Line 4: The output instance is started.
+Test the output instance by submitting probe messages via "sendmail -bv" and
+"telnet". For production systems, in-depth configuration tests should be done
+on a lab system. The simple tests just suggested will only confirm successful
+deployment of a configuration that should already be known good.
+SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee ccoonntteenntt--ffiilltteerr pprrooxxyy
+With the output instance ready, deploy your content-filter proxy. Most proxies
+will need their own /etc/rc* start/stop script. Some proxies, however, are
+started on demand by the Postfix spawn(8) service, in which case you need to
+add the relevant spawn(8) entry to the output instance file.
+Configure the proxy to listen on and to re-inject filtered
+email to Start the proxy service if necessary, then test the
+proxy via "telnet" or automated SMTP injectors. The proxy should support the
+following ESMTP features: DSN, 8BITMIME, and XFORWARD. In addition, the proxy
+should support multiple mail deliveries within an SMTP session.
+SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee iinnppuutt PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+The input Postfix instance receives mail from the network and sends it through
+the content filter. Now we create the input instance, also part of the "mta"
+instance group:
+ # postmulti -I postfix-in -G mta -e create
+The new instance configuration directory defaults to /etc/postfix-in, more
+precisely, the "postfix-in" subdirectory of the parent directory of the
+default-instance configuration directory. The new instance will be created in a
+"disabled" state:
+ /etc/postfix-in/
+ #
+ # ... "stock" settings ...
+ #
+ multi_instance_name = postfix-in
+ queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix-in
+ data_directory = /var/lib/postfix-in
+ #
+ multi_instance_enable = no
+ master_service_disable = inet
+ authorized_submit_users =
+As before, make appropriate changes to and to make the
+instance production ready. Consider setting "soft_bounce = yes" during the
+first few hours of deployment, so you can iron-out any unexpected "kinks".
+Manual testing can start with:
+ /etc/postfix-in/
+ # Accept only local traffic, but allow impersonation:
+ inet_interfaces =
+ smtpd_authorized_xclient_hosts =
+This allows you to use the Postfix-specific XCLIENT SMTP command to safely
+simulate connections from remote systems before any remote systems are able to
+connect. If the test results look good, revert the above settings to the
+required production values. Typical settings in the pre-filter input instance
+ /etc/postfix-in/
+ #
+ # ...
+ #
+ # No local delivery on border gateway
+ #
+ mydestination =
+ alias_maps =
+ alias_database =
+ local_recipient_maps =
+ local_transport = error:5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable
+ # Don't rewrite remote headers
+ #
+ local_header_rewrite_clients =
+ # All recipients of not yet filtered email go to the same filter
+ together.
+ #
+ # With multiple instances, the content-filter is specified
+ # via transport settings not the "content_filter" transport
+ # switch override! Here the filter listens on local port 10025.
+ #
+ # If you need to route some users or recipient domains directly to the
+ # output instance bypassing the filter, just define a transport table
+ # with suitable entries.
+ #
+ default_transport = smtp:[]:10025
+ relay_transport = $default_transport
+ virtual_transport = $default_transport
+ transport_maps =
+ # Pass original client log information through the filter.
+ #
+ smtp_send_xforward_command = yes
+ # Avoid splitting the envelope and scanning messages multiple times.
+ # Match the re-injection server's recipient limit.
+ #
+ smtp_destination_recipient_limit = 1000
+ # Tolerate occasional high latency in the content filter.
+ #
+ smtp_data_done_timeout = 1200s
+ # With xforward, match the output instance setting, if you
+ # want "yes", set both to "yes".
+ #
+ smtpd_client_port_logging = no
+ # ... Lots of settings for inbound MX host ...
+With the "input" instance configured, enable and start it:
+ # postmulti -i postfix-in -x postconf -e \
+ "master_service_disable =" "authorized_submit_users = root"
+ # postmulti -i postfix-in -e enable
+ # postmulti -i postfix-in -p start
+That's it. You now have a 3-instance configuration. A null-client sending all
+locally submitted mail to the internal mail hub and a pair of "mta" instances
+that receive mail from the Internet, pass it through a content-filter, and then
+deliver it to the internal destination.
+Running "postfix start" or "postfix stop" will now start/stop all three Postfix
+instances. You can use "postfix -c /config/path start" to start just one
+instance, or use the instance name (or instance group name) via postmulti(1):
+ # postmulti -i - -p stop
+ # postmulti -g mta -p status
+ # postmulti -i postfix-out -p flush
+ # postmulti -i postfix-in -p reload
+ # ...
+This example ends the multi-instance "walk through". The remainder of this
+document provides background information on Postfix multi-instance support
+features and options.
+CCoommppoonneennttss ooff aa PPoossttffiixx ssyysstteemm
+A Postfix system consists of the following components:
+Shared among all instances:
+ * Command-line utilities for administrators and users installed in
+ $command_directory, $sendmail_path, $mailq_path and $newaliases_path.
+ * Daemon executables, and run-time support files installed in
+ $daemon_directory.
+ * Bundled documentation, installed in $html_directory, $manpage_directory and
+ $readme_directory.
+ * Entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/group for the $mail_owner user and
+ $setgid_group group. The $mail_owner user provides the mail system with a
+ protected (non-root) execution context. The $setgid_group group is used
+ exclusively to support the setgid postdrop(1) and postqueue(1) utilities
+ (it mmuusstt nnoott be the primary group or secondary group of any users,
+ including the $mail_owner user).
+Private to each instance:
+ * The, (and other optional) configuration files in
+ $config_directory.
+ * The maildrop, incoming, active, deferred and hold queues in
+ $queue_directory (which contains additional directories needed by Postfix,
+ and which optionally doubles as a chroot jail for Postfix daemon
+ processes).
+ * Various caches (TLS session, address verification, ...) in $data_directory.
+The Postfix configuration parameters mentioned above are collectively referred
+to as "installation parameters". Their default values are set when the Postfix
+software is built from source, and all but one may be optionally set to a non-
+default value via the file. The one parameter that (catch-22) cannot be
+set in is $config_directory, as this defines the location of the file itself.
+Though config_directory cannot be set in, postfix(1) and most of the
+other command-line Postfix utilities allow you to specify a non-default
+configuration directory via a command line option (typically --cc) or via the
+MAIL_CONFIG environment variable. In this way, it is possible to have multiple
+configuration directories on the same machine, and to have multiple running
+master(8) daemons each with its own configuration files, queue directory and
+data directory.
+These multiple running copies of master(8) share the base Postfix software.
+They do not (and cannot) share their configuration directories, queue
+directories or data directories.
+Each combination of configuration directory, together with the queue directory
+and data directory (specified in the corresponding file) make up a
+Postfix iinnssttaannccee.
+TThhee ddeeffaauulltt PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+One Postfix instance is special: this is the instance whose configuration
+directory is the default one compiled into the Postfix utilities. The location
+of the default configuration directory is typically /etc/postfix, and can be
+queried via the "postconf -d config_directory" command. We call the instance
+with this configuration directory the "default instance".
+The default instance is responsible for local mail submission. The setgid
+postdrop(1) utility is used by the sendmail(1) local submission program to
+spool messages into the mmaaiillddrroopp sub-directory of the queue directory of the
+default instance.
+Even in the rare case when "sendmail -C" is used to submit local mail into a
+non-default Postfix instance, for security reasons, postdrop(1) will consult
+the default file to check the validity of the requested non-default
+configuration directory.
+So, while in most other respects, all instances are equal, the default instance
+is "more equal than others". You may choose to create additional instances, but
+you must have at least the default instance, with its configuration directory
+in the default compiled-in location.
+IInnssttaannccee ggrroouuppss
+The postmulti(1) multi-instance manager supports the notion of an instance
+"group". Typically, the member instances of an instance group constitute a
+logical service, and are expected to all be running or all be stopped.
+In many cases a single Postfix instance will be a complete logical "service".
+You should define such instances as stand-alone instances that are not members
+of any instance "group". The null-client instance is an example of a non-group
+When a logical service consists of multiple Postfix instances, often a pair of
+pre-filter and post-filter instances with a content filter proxy between them,
+the related instances should be members of a single instance group (however,
+the content filter usually has its own start/stop procedure that is separate
+from any Postfix instance).
+The default instance file's $multi_instance_directories configuration
+parameter lists the configuration directories of all secondary (non-default)
+instances. Together with the default instance, these secondary instances are
+managed by the multi-instance manager. Instances are started in the order
+listed, and stopped in the opposite order. For instances that are members of a
+service "group", you should arrange to start the service back-to-front, with
+the output stages started and ready to receive mail before the input stages are
+MMuullttii--iinnssttaannccee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+ This default-instance configuration parameter must be set to a suitable
+ multi-instance manager's "wrapper" program that controls the starting,
+ stopping, etc. of a multi-instance Postfix system. To use the postmulti(1)
+ manager described in this document, this parameter should be set with the
+ "postmulti -e init" command.
+ This default-instance configuration parameter specifies an optional list of
+ the secondary instances controlled via the multi-instance manager.
+ Instances are listed in their "start" order, with the default instance
+ always started first (if enabled). If $multi_instance_directories is left
+ empty, the postfix(1) command runs with multi-instance support turned off,
+ and none of the multi_instance_ configuration parameters will have any
+ effect.
+ Do not assign a non-empty list of secondary instance configuration
+ directories to multi_instance_directories until you have configured a
+ suitable multi_instance_wrapper setting! This is best accomplished via the
+ "postmulti -e init" command.
+ Each Postfix instance may be assigned a distinct name (with "postfix -
+ e create/import/assign -I name..."). This name can be used with the
+ postmulti(1) command-line utility to perform tasks on the instance by name
+ (rather than the full pathname of its configuration directory). Choose a
+ name that concisely captures the role of the instance (it must start with
+ "postfix-"). It is an error for two instances to have the same
+ $multi_instance_name. You can leave an instance "nameless" by leaving this
+ parameter at the default empty setting.
+ To avoid confusion in your logs, if you don't assign each secondary
+ instance a non-empty (distinct) $multi_instance_name, you should make sure
+ that the $syslog_name setting is different for each instance. The
+ $syslog_name parameter defaults to $multi_instance_name when the latter is
+ non-empty. If at all possible, the syslog_name should start with "postfix-
+ ", this helps log parsers to identify log entries from secondary Postfix
+ instances.
+ Each Postfix instance may be assigned an "instance group" name (with
+ "postfix -e create/import/assign -G name..."). The default (empty) value of
+ multi_instance_group parameter indicates a stand-alone instance that is not
+ part of any group. The group name can be used with the postmulti(1)
+ command-line utility to perform a task on the members of a group by name.
+ Choose a single-word group name that concisely captures the role of the
+ group.
+ This parameter controls whether a Postfix instance will be started by a
+ Postfix multi-instance manager. The default value is "no". The instance can
+ be started explicitly with "postfix -c /path/to/config/directory"; this is
+ useful for testing.
+ When an instance is disabled, the postfix(1) "start" command is replaced by
+ "check".
+ Some postfix(1) commands (such as "stop", "flush", ...) require a running
+ Postfix instance, and skip instances that are disabled.
+ Other postfix(1) commands (such as "status", "set-permissions", "upgrade-
+ configuration", ...) do not require a running Postfix system, and apply to
+ all instances whether enabled or not.
+The postmulti(1) utility can be used to create (or destroy) instances. It can
+also be used to "import" or "deport" existing instances into or from the list
+of managed instances. When using postmulti(1) to manage instances, the above
+configuration parameters are managed for you automatically. See below.
+UUssiinngg tthhee ppoossttmmuullttii((11)) ccoommmmaanndd
+ * Initializing the multi-instance manager
+ * Listing managed instances
+ * Starting or stopping a multi-instance system
+ * Ad-hoc multi-instance operations
+ * Creating a new Postfix instance
+ * Destroying a Postfix instance
+ * Importing an existing Postfix instance
+ * Deporting a managed Postfix instance
+ * Assigning a new name or group name
+ * Enabling/disabling managed instances
+IInniittiiaalliizziinngg tthhee mmuullttii--iinnssttaannccee mmaannaaggeerr
+Before postmulti(1) is used for the first time, you must install it as the
+multi_instance_wrapper for your Postfix system and enable multi-instance
+operation of the default Postfix instance. You can then proceed to add new or
+existing instances to the multi-instance configuration. This initial
+installation is accomplished as follows:
+ # postmulti -e init
+This updates the default instance file as follows:
+ # Use postmulti(1) as a postfix-wrapper(5)
+ #
+ multi_instance_wrapper = ${command_directory}/postmulti -p --
+ # Configure the default instance to start when in multi-instance mode
+ #
+ multi_instance_enable = yes
+If you prefer, you can make these changes by editing the default
+directly, or by using "postconf -e".
+LLiissttiinngg mmaannaaggeedd iinnssttaanncceess
+The list of managed instances consists of the default instance and the
+additional instances whose configuration directories are listed (in start
+order) under the multi_instance_directories parameter of the default
+configuration file.
+You can list selected instances, groups of instances or all instances by
+specifying only the instance matching options with the "-l" option. The "-a"
+option is assumed if no other instance selection options are specified (this
+behavior changes with the "-e" option). As a special case, even if it has an
+explicit name, the default instance can always be selected via "-i -".
+ # postmulti -l -a
+ # postmulti -l -g a_group
+ # postmulti -l -i an_instance
+The output is one line per instance (in "postfix start" order):
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |nnaammee |ggrroouupp|eennaabblleedd|ccoonnffiigg__ddiirreeccttoorryy |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |- |- |yes |/etc/postfix |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mta-out|mta |yes |/etc/postfix/mta-out|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mta-in |mta |yes |/etc/postfix-mta-in |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |msa-out|msa |yes |/etc/postfix-msa-out|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |msa-in |msa |yes |/etc/postfix-msa-in |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |test |- |no |/etc/postfix-test |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+The first line showing the column headings is not part of the output. When
+either the instance name or the instance group is not set, it is shown as a "-
+When selecting an existing instance via the "-i" option, you can always use the
+full pathname of its configuration directory instead of the instance (short)
+name. This is the only way to select a non-default nameless instance. The
+default instance can be selected via "-i -", whether it has a name or not.
+To list instances in reverse start order, include the "-R" option together with
+the instance selection options.
+SSttaarrttiinngg oorr ssttooppppiinngg aa mmuullttii--iinnssttaannccee ssyysstteemm
+To start, stop, reload, etc. the complete (already configured as above) multi-
+instance system just use postfix(1) as you would with a single-instance system.
+The Postfix multi-instance wrapper framework insulates Postfix init.d start and
+package upgrade scripts from the details of multi-instance management!
+The --pp option of postmulti(1) turns on postfix(1) compatibility mode. With this
+option the remaining arguments are exactly those supported by postfix(1), but
+commands are applied to all instances or all enabled instances as appropriate.
+As described above, this switch is required when using postmulti(1) as the
+If you want to specify a subset of instances by name, or group name, or run
+arbitrary commands (not just "postfix stop/start/etc. in the context
+(MAIL_CONFIG environment variable setting) of a particular instance or group of
+instances, then you can use the instance-aware postmulti(1) utility directly.
+AAdd--hhoocc mmuullttii--iinnssttaannccee ooppeerraattiioonnss
+The postmulti(1) command can be used by the administrator to run arbitrary
+commands in the context of one or more Postfix instances. The most common use-
+case is stopping or starting a group of Postfix instances:
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p start
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p flush
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p reload
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p status
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p stop
+ # postmulti -g mygroup -p upgrade-configuration
+The --pp option is essentially a short-hand for a leading ppoossttffiixx command
+argument, but with appropriate additional options turned on depending on the
+first argument. In the case of "start", disabled instances are "checked"
+(postfix check) rather than simply skipped.
+The resulting command is executed for each candidate instance with the
+MMAAIILL__CCOONNFFIIGG environment variable set to the configuration directory of the
+corresponding Postfix instance.
+The postmulti(1) utility is able to launch commands other than postfix(1), Use
+the --xx option to ask postmulti to execute an ad-hoc command for all instances,
+a group of instances, or just one instance. With ad-hoc commands the
+multi_instance_enable parameter is ignored: the command is unconditionally
+executed for the instances selected via -a, -g or -i. In addition to
+MAIL_CONFIG, the following instance parameters are exported into the command
+ command_directory=$command_directory
+ daemon_directory=$daemon_directory
+ config_directory=$config_directory
+ queue_directory=$queue_directory
+ data_directory=$data_directory
+ multi_instance_name=$multi_instance_name
+ multi_instance_group=$multi_instance_group
+ multi_instance_enable=$multi_instance_enable
+The config_directory setting is of course the same as MAIL_CONFIG, and is
+arguably redundant, but leaving it in is less surprising. If you want to skip
+disabled instances, just check multi_instance_enable environment variable and
+exit if it is set to "no".
+The ability to run ad-hoc commands opens up a wealth of additional
+ * Specify an instance by name rather than configuration directory when using
+ sendmail(1) to send a verification probe:
+ $ postmulti -i postfix-myinst -x sendmail -bv
+ * Display non-default settings of all Postfix instances. This uses an
+ inline shell script to package together multiple shell commands to execute
+ for each instance:
+ $ postmulti -x sh -c 'echo "-- $MAIL_CONFIG"; postconf -n'
+ * Put all mail in enabled member instances of a group on hold:
+ # postmulti -g group_name -x \
+ sh -c 'test $multi_instance_enable = yes && postsuper -h ALL'
+ * Show top 10 domains in the deferred queue of all instances:
+ # postmulti -x sh -c 'echo "-- $MAIL_CONFIG"; qshape deferred | head -
+ 12'
+CCrreeaattiinngg aa nneeww PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+The postmulti(1) command can be used to create additional Postfix instances.
+New instances are created with local submission and all "inet" services
+disabled via the following non-default parameter settings in the file:
+ authorized_submit_users =
+ master_service_disable = inet
+The above settings ensure that new instances are safe to start immediately:
+they will not conflict with inet listeners in existing Postfix instances. They
+will also not accept any mail until they are fully configured, at which point
+you can do away with one or both of the above safety measures.
+The postmulti(1) command encourages a preferred way of organizing the
+configuration directories, queue directories and data directories of non-
+default instances. If the default instance settings are:
+ config_directory = /conf-path/postfix
+ queue_directory = /queue-path/postfix
+ data_directory = /data-path/postfix
+A newly-created instance named postfix-myinst will by default have:
+ multi_instance_enable = no
+ multi_instance_name = postfix-myinst
+ config_directory = /conf-path/postfix-myinst
+ queue_directory = /queue-path/postfix-myinst
+ data_directory = /data-path/postfix-myinst
+You can override any of these defaults when creating the instance, but unless
+you want to spread instance queue directories over multiple file-systems, use
+the default naming strategy. It keeps the multiple instances organized in a
+uniform, predictable fashion.
+When specifying the instance name later, you can refer to it either as
+"postfix-myinst", or via the full path of the configuration directory.
+To create a new instance just use the --ee ccrreeaattee option:
+ # postmulti -I postfix-myinst -e create
+If the new instance is to belong to a group of related instances that implement
+a single logical service, assign it to a group:
+ # postmulti -I postfix-myinst -G mygroup -e create
+If you want to override the conventional values of the instance installation
+parameters, specify their values on the command-line:
+ # postmulti [-I postfix-myinst] [-G mygroup] -e create \
+ "config_directory = /path/to/config_directory" \
+ "queue_directory = /path/to/queue_directory" \
+ "data_directory = /path/to/data_directory"
+A note on the --II and --GG options above. These are always used to assign a name
+or group name to an instance, while the --ii and --gg options always select
+existing instances. By default, the configuration directories of newly managed
+instances are appended to the instance list. You can use the "-i" or "-g" or "-
+a" options to insert the new instance before the specified instance or group,
+or at the beginning of the instance list (multi_instance_directories parameter
+of the default instance).
+If you do specify a name (use "-I" with a name that is not "-") for the new
+instance, you may omit any of the 3 instance installation parameters whose
+instance-name based value is acceptable. Otherwise, all three instance
+installation parameters are required. You should set the "syslog_name"
+explicitly in the file of a "nameless" instance, in order to avoid
+confusion in the mail logs when multiple instances are in use.
+DDeessttrrooyyiinngg aa PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+If you no longer need an instance, you can destroy it via:
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -p stop
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e disable
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e destroy
+The instance must be stopped, disabled and have no queued messages. This is
+expected to fully delete a just created instance that has never been used. If
+the instance is not freshly created, files added after the instance was created
+will remain in the configuration, queue or data directories, in which case the
+corresponding directory may not be fully removed and a warning to that effect
+will be displayed. You can complete the destruction of the instance manually by
+removing any unwanted remnants of the instance-specific "private" directories.
+IImmppoorrttiinngg aann eexxiissttiinngg PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+If you already have an existing secondary Postfix instance that is not yet
+managed via postmulti(1), you can "import" it into the list of managed
+instances. If your instance is already using the default configuration
+directory naming scheme, just specify the corresponding instance name (the
+multi_instance_name parameter in its configuration file will be adjusted to
+match this name if necessary):
+ # postmulti -I postfix-myinst [-G mygroup] -e import
+Otherwise, you must specify the location of its configuration directory:
+ # postmulti [-I postfix-myinst] [-G mygroup] -e import \
+ "config_directory = /path/of/config_directory"
+When the instance is imported, you can assign a name or a group. As with
+"create", you can control the placement of the new instance in the start order
+by using "-i", "-g" or "-a" to prepend before the selected instance or
+An imported instance is usually not multi-instance "enabled", unless it was
+part of a multi-instance configuration at an earlier time. If it is fully
+configured and ready to run, don't forget to enable it and if necessary start
+it. When other enabled instances are already running, new instances need to be
+started individually when they are first created or imported.
+To find out what instances are running, use:
+ # postfix status
+DDeeppoorrttiinngg aa mmaannaaggeedd PPoossttffiixx iinnssttaannccee
+You can "deport" an existing instance from the list of managed instances. This
+does not destroy the instance, rather the instance just becomes a stand-alone
+Postfix instance not registered with the multi-instance manager. postmulti(1)
+will refuse to "deport" an instance that is not stopped and disabled.
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -p stop
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e disable
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e deport
+AAssssiiggnniinngg aa nneeww nnaammee oorr ggrroouupp nnaammee
+You can assign a new name or new group to a managed instance. Use "-" as the
+new value to assign the instance to no group or make it nameless. To specify a
+nameless secondary instance use the configuration directory path instead of the
+old name:
+ # postmulti -i postfix-old [-I postfix-new] [-G newgroup] -e assign
+EEnnaabblliinngg//ddiissaabblliinngg mmaannaaggeedd iinnssttaanncceess
+You can enable or disable a managed instance. As documented in postfix-wrapper
+(5), disabled instances are skipped with actions that start, stop or control
+running Postfix instances.
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e enable
+ # postmulti -i postfix-myinst -e disable
+Wietse Venema created Postfix, designed and implemented the multi-instance
+wrapper framework and provided design feedback that made the postmulti(1)
+utility much more general and useful than originally envisioned.
+The postmulti(1) utility was developed by Victor Duchovni of Morgan Stanley,
+who also wrote the initial version of this document.
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--- /dev/null
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+PPoossttffiixx MMyySSQQLL HHoowwttoo
+The Postfix mysql map type allows you to hook up Postfix to a MySQL database.
+This implementation allows for multiple mysql databases: you can use one for a
+virtual(5) table, one for an access(5) table, and one for an aliases(5) table
+if you want. You can specify multiple servers for the same database, so that
+Postfix can switch to a good database server if one goes bad.
+Busy mail servers using mysql maps will generate lots of concurrent mysql
+clients, so the mysql server(s) should be run with this fact in mind. You can
+reduce the number of concurrent mysql clients by using the Postfix proxymap(8)
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh MMyySSQQLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Note: to use mysql with Debian GNU/Linux's Postfix, all you need is to install
+the postfix-mysql package and you're done. There is no need to recompile
+The Postfix MySQL client utilizes the mysql client library, which can be
+obtained from:
+In order to build Postfix with mysql map support, you will need to add -
+DHAS_MYSQL and -I for the directory containing the mysql headers, and the
+mysqlclient library (and libm) to AUXLIBS_MYSQL, for example:
+ make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
+ 'CCARGS=-DHAS_MYSQL -I/usr/local/mysql/include' \
+ 'AUXLIBS_MYSQL=-L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -lm'
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_MYSQL. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded MySQL database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_MYSQL variable supports
+building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded MySQL database client.
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_MYSQL variable will defeat the purpose of
+ dynamic database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have
+ MYSQL database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic
+ database client loading was meant to avoid.
+On Solaris, use this instead:
+ make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
+ 'CCARGS=-DHAS_MYSQL -I/usr/local/mysql/include' \
+ 'AUXLIBS_MYSQL=-L/usr/local/mysql/lib -R/usr/local/mysql/lib \
+ -lmysqlclient -lz -lm'
+Then, just run 'make'. This requires libz, the compression library. Older mysql
+implementations build without libz.
+UUssiinngg MMyySSQQLL ttaabblleess
+Once Postfix is built with mysql support, you can specify a map type in
+like this:
+ alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/
+The file /etc/postfix/ specifies lots of information telling
+Postfix how to reference the mysql database. For a complete description, see
+the mysql_table(5) manual page.
+EExxaammppllee:: llooccaall aalliiaasseess
+# mysql config file for local(8) aliases(5) lookups
+# The user name and password to log into the mysql server.
+user = someone
+password = some_password
+# The database name on the servers.
+dbname = customer_database
+# For Postfix 2.2 and later The SQL query template.
+# See mysql_table(5) for details.
+query = SELECT forw_addr FROM mxaliases WHERE alias='%s' AND status='paid'
+# For Postfix releases prior to 2.2. See mysql_table(5) for details.
+select_field = forw_addr
+table = mxaliases
+where_field = alias
+# Don't forget the leading "AND"!
+additional_conditions = AND status = 'paid'
+# This is necessary to make UTF8 queries work for Postfix 2.11 .. 3.1,
+# and is the default setting as of Postfix 3.2.
+option_group = client
+AAddddiittiioonnaall nnootteess
+Postfix 3.2 and later read [[cclliieenntt]] option group settings by default. To
+disable this, specify no ooppttiioonn__ffiillee and specify "ooppttiioonn__ggrroouupp ==" (i.e. an
+empty value).
+Postfix 3.1 and earlier don't read [[cclliieenntt]] option group settings unless a non-
+empty ooppttiioonn__ffiillee or ooppttiioonn__ggrroouupp value are specified. To enable this, specify,
+for example "ooppttiioonn__ggrroouupp == cclliieenntt".
+The MySQL configuration interface setup allows for multiple mysql databases:
+you can use one for a virtual table, one for an access table, and one for an
+aliases table if you want.
+Since sites that have a need for multiple mail exchangers may enjoy the
+convenience of using a networked mailer database, but do not want to introduce
+a single point of failure to their system, we've included the ability to have
+Postfix reference multiple hosts for access to a single mysql map. This will
+work if sites set up mirrored mysql databases on two or more hosts. Whenever
+queries fail with an error at one host, the rest of the hosts will be tried in
+random order. If no mysql server hosts are reachable, then mail will be
+deferred until at least one of those hosts is reachable.
+ * The initial version was contributed by Scott Cotton and Joshua Marcus, IC
+ Group, Inc.
+ * Liviu Daia revised the configuration interface and added the
+ configuration feature.
+ * Liviu Daia with further refinements from Jose Luis Tallon and Victor
+ Duchovni developed the common query, result_format, domain and
+ expansion_limit interface for LDAP, MySQL and PosgreSQL.
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+PPoossttffiixx aanndd NNFFSS
+PPoossttffiixx ssuuppppoorrtt ssttaattuuss ffoorr NNFFSS
+What is the status of support for Postfix on NFS? The answer is that Postfix
+itself is supported when you use NFS, but there is no promise that an NFS-
+related problem will promptly receive a Postfix workaround, or that a
+workaround will even be possible.
+That said, Postfix will in many cases work very well on NFS, because Postfix
+implements a number of workarounds (see below). Good NFS implementations seldom
+if ever give problems with Postfix, so Wietse recommends that you spend your
+money wisely.
+PPoossttffiixx ffiillee lloocckkiinngg aanndd NNFFSS
+For the Postfix mail queue, it does not matter how well NFS file locking works.
+The reason is that you cannot share Postfix queues among multiple running
+Postfix instances. You can use NFS to switch a Postfix mail queue from one NFS
+client to another one, but only one NFS client can access a Postfix mail queue
+at any particular point in time.
+For mailbox file sharing with NFS, your options are to use ffccnnttll (kernel
+locks), ddoottlloocckk (username.lock files), to use both locking methods
+simultaneously, or to switch to maildir format. The maildir format uses one
+file per message and needs no file locking support in Postfix or in other mail
+Many sites that use mailbox format play safe and use both locking methods
+ /etc/postfix/
+ virtual_mailbox_lock = fcntl, dotlock
+ mailbox_delivery_lock = fcntl, dotlock
+PPoossttffiixx NNFFSS wwoorrkkaarroouunnddss
+The list below summarizes the workarounds that exist for running Postfix on NFS
+as of the middle of 2003. As a reminder, Postfix itself is still supported when
+it runs on NFS, but there is no promise that an NFS-related problem will
+promptly receive a Postfix workaround, or that a workaround will even be
+ * Problem: when renaming a file, the operation may succeed but report an
+ error anyway[1].
+ Workaround: when rename(old, new) reports an error, Postfix checks if the
+ new name exists and the old name is gone. If the check succeeds, Postfix
+ assumes that the rename() operation completed normally.
+ * Problem: when creating a directory, the operation may succeed but report an
+ error anyway[1].
+ Workaround: when mkdir(new) reports an EEXIST error, Postfix checks if the
+ new name resolves to a directory. If the check succeeds, Postfix assumes
+ that the mkdir() operation completed normally.
+ * Problem: when creating a hardlink to a file, the operation may succeed but
+ report an error anyway[1].
+ Workaround: when link(old, new) fails, Postfix compares the device and
+ inode number of the old and new files. When the two files are identical,
+ Postfix assumes that the link() operation completed normally.
+ * Problem: when creating a dotlock (username.lock) file, the operation may
+ succeed but report an error anyway[1].
+ Workaround: in this case, the only safe action is to back off and try again
+ later.
+ * Problem: when a file server's "time of day" clock is not synchronized with
+ the client's "time of day" clock, email deliveries are delayed by a minute
+ or more.
+ Workaround: Postfix explicitly sets file time stamps to avoid delays with
+ new mail (Postfix uses "last modified" file time stamps to decide when a
+ queue file is ready for delivery).
+[1] How can an operation succeed and report an error anyway?
+Suppose that an NFS server executes a client request successfully, and that the
+server's reply to the client is lost. After some time the client retransmits
+the request to the server. Normally, the server remembers that it already
+completed the request (it keeps a list of recently-completed requests and
+replies), and simply retransmits the reply.
+However, when the server has rebooted or when it has been very busy, the server
+no longer remembers that it already completed the request, and repeats the
+operation. This causes no problems with file read/write requests (they contain
+a file offset and can therefore be repeated safely), but fails with non-
+idempotent operations. For example, when the server executes a retransmitted
+rename() request, the server reports an ENOENT error because the old name does
+not exist; and when the server executes a retransmitted link(), mkdir() or
+create() request, the server reports an EEXIST error because the name already
+Thus, successful, non-idempotent, NFS operations will report false errors when
+the server reply is lost, the client retransmits the request, and the server
+does not remember that it already completed the request.
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+PPoossttffiixx AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree OOvveerrvviieeww
+This document presents an overview of the Postfix architecture, and provides
+pointers to descriptions of every Postfix command or server program. The text
+gives the general context in which each command or server program is used, and
+provides pointers to documents with specific usage examples and background
+Topics covered by this document:
+ * How Postfix receives mail
+ * How Postfix delivers mail
+ * Postfix behind the scenes
+ * Postfix support commands
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx rreecceeiivveess mmaaiill
+When a message enters the Postfix mail system, the first stop on the inside is
+the incoming queue. The figure below shows the main processes that are involved
+with new mail. Names followed by a number are Postfix commands or server
+programs, while unnumbered names inside shaded areas represent Postfix queues.
+ trivial-
+ rewrite(8)
+ Network -> smtpd(8)
+ ^ |
+ \ | v
+ Network -> qmqpd(8) -> cleanup(8) -> incoming
+ /
+ pickup(8) <- maildrop
+ ^
+ |
+ Local -> sendmail(1) -> postdrop(1)
+ * Network mail enters Postfix via the smtpd(8) or qmqpd(8) servers. These
+ servers remove the SMTP or QMQP protocol encapsulation, enforce some sanity
+ checks to protect Postfix, and give the sender, recipients and message
+ content to the cleanup(8) server. The smtpd(8) server can be configured to
+ block unwanted mail, as described in the SMTPD_ACCESS_README document.
+ * Local submissions are received with the Postfix sendmail(1) compatibility
+ command, and are queued in the maildrop queue by the privileged postdrop(1)
+ command. This arrangement even works while the Postfix mail system is not
+ running. The local pickup(8) server picks up local submissions, enforces
+ some sanity checks to protect Postfix, and gives the sender, recipients and
+ message content to the cleanup(8) server.
+ * Mail from internal sources is given directly to the cleanup(8) server.
+ These sources are not shown in the figure, and include: mail that is
+ forwarded by the local(8) delivery agent (see next section), messages that
+ are returned to the sender by the bounce(8) server (see second-next
+ section), and postmaster notifications about problems with Postfix.
+ * The cleanup(8) server implements the final processing stage before mail is
+ queued. It adds missing From: and other message headers, and transforms
+ addresses as described in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document.
+ Optionally, the cleanup(8) server can be configured to do light-weight
+ content inspection with regular expressions as described in the
+ BUILTIN_FILTER_README document. The cleanup(8) server places the result as
+ a single file into the incoming queue, and notifies the queue manager (see
+ next section) of the arrival of new mail.
+ * The trivial-rewrite(8) server rewrites addresses to the standard
+ "user@fully.qualified.domain" form, as described in the
+ ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document. Postfix currently does not implement a
+ rewriting language, but a lot can be done via table lookups and, if need
+ be, regular expressions.
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx ddeelliivveerrss mmaaiill
+Once a message has reached the incoming queue the next step is to deliver it.
+The figure shows the main components of the Postfix mail delivery apparatus.
+Names followed by a number are Postfix commands or server programs, while
+unnumbered names inside shaded areas represent Postfix queues.
+ trivial- smtp(8) -> Network
+ rewrite(8)
+ /
+ - lmtp(8) -> Network
+ ^ |
+ | v /
+ incoming -> active -> qmgr(8) --- local(8) -> File, command
+ \
+ ^ |
+ | v - virtual(8) -> File
+ deferred \
+ pipe(8) -> Command
+ * The queue manager (the qmgr(8) server process in the figure) is the heart
+ of Postfix mail delivery. It contacts the smtp(8), lmtp(8), local(8),
+ virtual(8), pipe(8), discard(8) or error(8) delivery agents, and sends a
+ delivery request for one or more recipient addresses. The discard(8) and
+ error(8) delivery agents are special: they discard or bounce all mail, and
+ are not shown in the figure above.
+ The queue manager maintains a small active queue with the messages that it
+ has opened for delivery. The active queue acts as a limited window on
+ potentially large incoming or deferred queues. The limited active queue
+ prevents the queue manager from running out of memory under heavy load.
+ The queue manager maintains a separate deferred queue for mail that cannot
+ be delivered, so that a large mail backlog will not slow down normal queue
+ accesses. The queue manager's strategy for delayed mail delivery attempts
+ is described in the QSHAPE_README and TUNING_README documents.
+ * The trivial-rewrite(8) server resolves each recipient address according to
+ its local or remote address class, as defined in the ADDRESS_CLASS_README
+ document. Additional routing information can be specified with the optional
+ transport(5) table. The trivial-rewrite(8) server optionally queries the
+ relocated(5) table for recipients whose address has changed; mail for such
+ recipients is returned to the sender with an explanation.
+ * The smtp(8) client looks up a list of mail exchangers for the destination
+ host, sorts the list by preference, and tries each server in turn until it
+ finds a server that responds. It then encapsulates the sender, recipient
+ and message content as required by the SMTP protocol; this includes
+ conversion of 8-bit MIME to 7-bit encoding.
+ * The lmtp(8) client speaks a protocol similar to SMTP that is optimized for
+ delivery to mailbox servers such as Cyrus. The advantage of this setup is
+ that one Postfix machine can feed multiple mailbox servers over LMTP. The
+ opposite is true as well: one mailbox server can be fed over LMTP by
+ multiple Postfix machines.
+ * The local(8) delivery agent understands UNIX-style mailboxes, qmail-
+ compatible maildir files, Sendmail-style system-wide aliases(5) databases,
+ and Sendmail-style per-user .forward files. Multiple local delivery agents
+ can be run in parallel, but parallel delivery to the same user is usually
+ limited.
+ The local(8) delivery agent has hooks for alternative forms of local
+ delivery: you can configure it to deliver to mailbox files in user home
+ directories, you can configure it to delegate mailbox delivery to an
+ external command such as procmail, or you can delegate delivery to a
+ different Postfix delivery agent.
+ * The virtual(8) delivery agent is a bare-bones delivery agent that delivers
+ to UNIX-style mailbox or qmail-style maildir files only. This delivery
+ agent can deliver mail for multiple domains, which makes it especially
+ suitable for hosting lots of small domains on a single machine. This is
+ described in the VIRTUAL_README document.
+ * The pipe(8) mailer is the outbound interface to other mail processing
+ systems (the Postfix sendmail(1) command being the inbound interface). The
+ interface is UNIX compatible: it provides information on the command line
+ and on the standard input stream, and expects a process exit status code as
+ defined in <sysexits.h>. Examples of delivery via the pipe(8) mailer are in
+ the MAILDROP_README and UUCP_README documents.
+PPoossttffiixx bbeehhiinndd tthhee sscceenneess
+The previous sections gave an overview of how Postfix server processes send and
+receive mail. These server processes rely on other server processes that do
+things behind the scenes. The text below attempts to visualize each service in
+its own context. As before, names followed by a number are Postfix commands or
+server programs, while unnumbered names inside shaded areas represent Postfix
+ * The resident master(8) server is the supervisor that keeps an eye on the
+ well-being of the Postfix mail system. It is typically started at system
+ boot time with the "postfix start" command, and keeps running until the
+ system goes down. The master(8) server is responsible for starting Postfix
+ server processes to receive and deliver mail, and for restarting servers
+ that terminate prematurely because of some problem. The master(8) server is
+ also responsible for enforcing the server process count limits as specified
+ in the mmaasstteerr..ccff configuration file. The picture below gives the program
+ hierarchy when Postfix is started up. Only some of the mail handling daemon
+ processes are shown.
+ postfix(1)
+ |
+ |
+ postfix-script(1)
+ / | \
+ |
+ / \
+ postsuper(1) master(8) postlog(1)
+ / | \
+ |
+ / \
+ smtpd(8) qmgr(8) local(8)
+ * The anvil(8) server implements client connection and request rate limiting
+ for all smtpd(8) servers. The TUNING_README document provides guidance for
+ dealing with mis-behaving SMTP clients. The anvil(8) service is available
+ in Postfix version 2.2 and later.
+ Network -> smtpd(8) <-> anvil(8)
+ * The bounce(8), defer(8) and trace(8) services each maintain their own queue
+ directory trees with per-message logfiles. Postfix uses this information
+ when sending "failed", "delayed" or "success" delivery status notifications
+ to the sender.
+ The trace(8) service also implements support for the Postfix "sendmail -bv"
+ and "sendmail -v" commands which produce reports about how Postfix delivers
+ mail, and is available with Postfix version 2.1 and later. See DEBUG_README
+ for examples.
+ qmgr(8) Delivery
+ cleanup(8) -> Postfix -> agents
+ queue
+ ^ | |
+ | v v
+ (Non-) bounce(8) Queue id,
+ delivery <- defer(8) <- recipient,
+ notice trace(8) status
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ Per-
+ message
+ logfiles
+ * The flush(8) servers maintain per-destination logs and implement both ETRN
+ and "sendmail -qRdestination", as described in the ETRN_README document.
+ This moves selected queue files from the deferred queue back to the
+ incoming queue and requests their delivery. The flush(8) service is
+ available with Postfix version 1.0 and later.
+ incoming
+ ^
+ deferred
+ ^
+ |
+ smtpd(8) Destination Deferred Delivery
+ sendmail(1) - to flush -> flush(8) <- destination, - agents,
+ postqueue(1) queue id qmgr(8)
+ ^ |
+ | v
+ Per-dest-
+ ination
+ logs
+ * The proxymap(8) servers provide read-only and read-write table lookup
+ service to Postfix processes. This overcomes chroot restrictions, reduces
+ the number of open lookup tables by sharing one open table among multiple
+ processes, and implements single-updater tables.
+ * The scache(8) server maintains the connection cache for the Postfix smtp(8)
+ client. When connection caching is enabled for selected destinations, the
+ smtp(8) client does not disconnect immediately after a mail transaction,
+ but gives the connection to the connection cache server which keeps the
+ connection open for a limited amount of time. The smtp(8) client continues
+ with some other mail delivery request. Meanwhile, any smtp(8) process can
+ ask the scache(8) server for that cached connection and reuse it for mail
+ delivery. As a safety measure, Postfix limits the number of times that a
+ connection may be reused.
+ When delivering mail to a destination with multiple mail servers,
+ connection caching can help to skip over a non-responding server, and thus
+ dramatically speed up delivery. SMTP connection caching is available in
+ Postfix version 2.2 and later. More information about this feature is in
+ /-- smtp(8) --> Internet
+ qmgr(8) |
+ |
+ \-- | smtp(8) --> Internet
+ |
+ ^
+ |
+ scache(8)
+ * The showq(8) servers list the Postfix queue status. This is the queue
+ listing service that does the work for the mailq(1) and postqueue(1)
+ commands.
+ mailq(1) Postfix
+ Output <- post- <- showq(8) <- queue
+ queue(1)
+ * The spawn(8) servers run non-Postfix commands on request, with the client
+ connected via socket or FIFO to the command's standard input, output and
+ error streams. You can find examples of its use in the SMTPD_POLICY_README
+ document.
+ * The tlsmgr(8) server runs when TLS (Transport Layer Security, formerly
+ known as SSL) is turned on in the Postfix smtp(8) client or smtpd(8)
+ server. This process has two duties:
+ o Maintain the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) that is used to seed
+ the TLS engines in Postfix smtp(8) client or smtpd(8) server processes.
+ The state of this PRNG is periodically saved to a file, and is read
+ when tlsmgr(8) starts up.
+ o Maintain the optional Postfix smtp(8) client or smtpd(8) server caches
+ with TLS session keys. Saved keys can improve performance by reducing
+ the amount of computation at the start of a TLS session.
+ TLS support is available in Postfix version 2.2 and later. Information
+ about the Postfix TLS implementation is in the TLS_README document.
+ <---seed--- ---seed--->
+ Network-> smtpd(8) tlsmgr(8) smtp(8) ->Network
+ <-session-> <-session->
+ / | \
+ |
+ / \
+ smtpd PRNG smtp
+ session state session
+ cache file cache
+ * The verify(8) server verifies that a sender or recipient address is
+ deliverable before the smtpd(8) server accepts it. The verify(8) server
+ queries a cache with address verification results. If a result is not
+ found, the verify(8) server injects a probe message into the Postfix queue
+ and processes the status update from a delivery agent or queue manager.
+ This process is described in the ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README document. The
+ verify(8) service is available with Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+ probe Postfix
+ message -> mail
+ queue
+ Network -> smtpd(8) <-> verify(8) ->
+ |
+ v
+ <- probe Postfix -> Local
+ status <- delivery -> Network
+ ^ agents
+ |
+ v
+ Address
+ verification
+ cache
+ * The postscreen(8) server can be put "in front" of Postfix smtpd(8)
+ processes. Its purpose is to accept connections from the network and to
+ decide what SMTP clients are allowed to talk to Postfix. According to the
+ 2008 MessageLabs annual report, 81% of all email was spam, and 90% of that
+ was sent by botnets; by 2010, those numbers were 92% and 95%, respectively.
+ While postscreen(8) keeps the zombies away, more smtpd(8) processes remain
+ available for legitimate clients.
+ postscreen(8) maintains a temporary whitelist for clients that pass its
+ tests; by allowing whitelisted clients to skip tests, postscreen(8)
+ minimizes its impact on legitimate email traffic.
+ The postscreen(8) server is available with Postfix 2.8 and later. To keep
+ the implementation simple, postscreen(8) delegates DNS white/blacklist
+ lookups to dnsblog(8) server processes, and delegates TLS encryption/
+ decryption to tlsproxy(8) server processes. This delegation is invisible to
+ the remote SMTP client, and is not shown in the diagram below.
+ zombie
+ \
+ zombie - - smtpd(8)
+ \ /
+ other --- postscreen(8)
+ / \
+ other - - smtpd(8)
+ /
+ zombie
+PPoossttffiixx ssuuppppoorrtt ccoommmmaannddss
+The Postfix architecture overview ends with a summary of command-line utilities
+for day-to-day use of the Postfix mail system. Besides the Sendmail-compatible
+sendmail(1), mailq(1), and newaliases(1) commands, the Postfix system comes
+with it own collection of command-line utilities. For consistency, these are
+all named postsomething.
+ * The postfix(1) command controls the operation of the mail system. It is the
+ interface for starting, stopping, and restarting the mail system, as well
+ as for some other administrative operations. This command is reserved to
+ the super-user.
+ * The postalias(1) command maintains Postfix aliases(5) type databases. This
+ is the program that does the work for the newaliases(1) command.
+ * The postcat(1) command displays the contents of Postfix queue files. This
+ is a limited, preliminary utility. This program is likely to be superseded
+ by something more powerful that can also edit Postfix queue files.
+ * The postconf(1) command displays or updates Postfix parameters and
+ displays system dependent information about the supported file locking
+ methods, and the supported types of lookup tables.
+ * The postdrop(1) command is the mail posting utility that is run by the
+ Postfix sendmail(1) command in order to deposit mail into the maildrop
+ queue directory.
+ * The postkick(1) command makes some Postfix internal communication channels
+ available for use in, for example, shell scripts.
+ * The postlock(1) command provides Postfix-compatible mailbox locking for use
+ in, for example, shell scripts.
+ * The postlog(1) command provides Postfix-compatible logging for shell
+ scripts.
+ * The postmap(1) command maintains Postfix lookup tables such as canonical
+ (5), virtual(5) and others. It is a cousin of the UNIX makemap command.
+ * The postmulti(1) command repeats the "postfix start" etc. command for each
+ Postfix instance, and supports creation, deletion etc. of Postfix
+ instances. For a tutorial, see MULTI_INSTANCE_README.
+ * The postqueue(1) command is the privileged command that is run by Postfix
+ sendmail(1) and mailq(1) in order to flush or list the mail queue.
+ * The postsuper(1) command maintains the Postfix queue. It removes old
+ temporary files, and moves queue files into the right directory after a
+ change in the hashing depth of queue directories. This command is run at
+ mail system startup time and when Postfix is restarted.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64604b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr PPaacckkaaggee BBuuiillddeerrss
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document has hints and tips for those who manage their own Postfix binary
+distribution for internal use, and for those who maintain Postfix binary
+distributions for general use.
+GGeenneerraall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonnss:: pplleeaassee pprroovviiddee aa ssmmaallll ddeeffaauulltt mmaaiinn..ccff ffiillee
+The installed file must be small. PLEASE resist the temptation to list
+all parameters in the file. Postfix is supposed to be easy to
+configure. Listing all parameters in defeats the purpose. It is an
+invitation for hobbyists to make random changes without understanding what they
+do, and gets them into endless trouble.
+GGeenneerraall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonnss:: pplleeaassee iinncclluuddee RREEAADDMMEE oorr HHTTMMLL ffiilleess
+Please provide the applicable README or HTML files. They are referenced by the
+Postfix manual pages and by other files. Without README or HTML files, Postfix
+will be difficult if not impossible to configure.
+PPoossttffiixx IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+Postfix installation is controlled by a dozen installation parameters. See the
+postfix-install and post-install files for details. Most parameters have
+system-dependent default settings that are configurable at compile time, as
+described in the INSTALL file.
+PPrreeppaarriinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt ppaacckkaaggee ffoorr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ttoo ootthheerr ssyysstteemmss
+You can build a Postfix package on a machine that does not have Postfix
+installed on it. All you need is Postfix source code and a compilation
+environment that is compatible with the target system.
+You can build a pre-built Postfix package as an unprivileged user.
+First compile Postfix. After successful compilation, execute:
+ % mmaakkee ppaacckkaaggee
+With Postfix versions before 2.2 you must invoke the post-install script
+directly (% sshh ppoosstt--iinnssttaallll).
+You will be prompted for installation parameters. Specify an install_root
+directory other than /. The mail_owner and setgid_group installation parameter
+settings will be recorded in the file, but they won't take effect until
+the package is unpacked and installed on the destination machine.
+If you want to fully automate this process, specify all the non-default
+installation parameters on the command line:
+ % mmaakkee nnoonn--iinntteerraaccttiivvee--ppaacckkaaggee iinnssttaallll__rroooott==//ssoommee//wwhheerree...
+With Postfix versions before 2.2 you must invoke the post-install script
+directly (% sshh ppoosstt--iinnssttaallll --nnoonn--iinntteerraaccttiivvee iinnssttaallll__rroooott......).
+With Postfix 3.0 and later, the command "make package name=value ..." will
+replace the string MAIL_VERSION in a configuration parameter value with the
+Postfix release version. Do not try to specify something like $mail_version on
+this command line. This produces inconsistent results with different versions
+of the make(1) command.
+BBeeggiinn SSeeccuurriittyy AAlleerrtt
+WWhheenn bbuuiillddiinngg aann aarrcchhiivvee ffoorr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn,, bbee ssuurree ttoo aarrcchhiivvee oonnllyy ffiilleess aanndd
+ssyymmbboolliicc lliinnkkss,, nnoott tthheeiirr ppaarreenntt ddiirreeccttoorriieess.. OOtthheerrwwiissee,, uunnppaacckkiinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt
+PPoossttffiixx ppaacckkaaggee mmaayy mmeessss uupp ppeerrmmiissssiioonn aanndd//oorr oowwnneerrsshhiipp ooff ssyysstteemm ddiirreeccttoorriieess
+ssuucchh aass // //eettcc //uussrr //uussrr//bbiinn //vvaarr //vvaarr//ssppooooll aanndd ssoo oonn.. TThhiiss iiss eessppeecciiaallllyy aann
+iissssuuee iiff yyoouu eexxeeccuutteedd ppoossttffiixx--iinnssttaallll ((sseeee aabboovvee)) aass aann uunnpprriivviilleeggeedd uusseerr..
+EEnndd SSeeccuurriittyy AAlleerrtt
+Thus, to tar up the pre-built package, take the following steps:
+ % rm -f SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+ % find . \! -type d -print | xargs tar rf SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+ % gzip SOMEWHERE/outputfile
+This way you will not include any directories that might cause trouble upon
+IInnssttaalllliinngg aa pprree--bbuuiilltt PPoossttffiixx ppaacckkaaggee
+ * To unpack a pre-built Postfix package, execute the equivalent of:
+ # umask 022
+ # gzip -d <outputfile.tar.gz | (cd / ; tar xvpf -)
+ The umask command is necessary for getting the correct permissions on non-
+ Postfix directories that need to be created in the process.
+ * Create the necessary mail_owner account and setgid_group group for
+ exclusive use by Postfix.
+ * Execute the postfix command to set ownership and permission of Postfix
+ files and directories, and to update Postfix configuration files. If
+ necessary, specify any non-default settings for mail_owner or setgid_group
+ on the postfix command line:
+ # postfix set-permissions upgrade-configuration \
+ setgid_group=xxx mail_owner=yyy
+ With Postfix versions before 2.1 you achieve the same result by invoking
+ the post-install script directly.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788859a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+PPoossttffiixx PPCCRREE SSuuppppoorrtt
+PPCCRREE ((PPeerrll CCoommppaattiibbllee RReegguullaarr EExxpprreessssiioonnss)) mmaapp ssuuppppoorrtt
+The optional "pcre" map type allows you to specify regular expressions with the
+PERL style notation such as \s for space and \S for non-space. The main
+benefit, however, is that pcre lookups are often faster than regexp lookups.
+This is because the pcre implementation is often more efficient than the POSIX
+regular expression implementation that you find on many systems.
+A description of how to use pcre tables, including examples, is given in the
+pcre_table(5) manual page. Information about PCRE itself can be found at http:/
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh PPCCRREE ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Note: to use pcre with Debian GNU/Linux's Postfix, all you need is to install
+the postfix-pcre package and you're done. There is no need to recompile
+In some future, Postfix will have a plug-in interface for adding map types.
+Until then, you need to compile PCRE support into Postfix.
+First of all, you need the PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions),
+which can be obtained from:
+NOTE: pcre versions prior to 2.06 cannot be used.
+In order to build Postfix with PCRE support you need to add -DHAS_PCRE and a -
+I option for the PCRE include file to CCARGS, and add the path to the PCRE
+library to AUXLIBS_PCRE, for example:
+ make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
+ "CCARGS=-DHAS_PCRE `pcre-config --cflags`" \
+ "AUXLIBS_PCRE=`pcre-config --libs`"
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_PCRE. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded PCRE database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_PCRE variable supports
+building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded PCRE database client.
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_PCRE variable will defeat the purpose of dynamic
+ database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have PCRE
+ library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic database client
+ loading was meant to avoid.
+TThhiinnggss ttoo kknnooww
+ * When Postfix searches a pcre: or regexp: lookup table, each pattern is
+ applied to the entire input string. Depending on the application, that
+ string is an entire client hostname, an entire client IP address, or an
+ entire mail address. Thus, no parent domain or parent network search is
+ done, "user@domain" mail addresses are not broken up into their user and
+ domain constituent parts, and "user+foo" is not broken up into user and
+ foo.
+ * Regular expression tables such as pcre: or regexp: are not allowed to do
+ $number substitution in lookup results that can be security sensitive:
+ currently, that restriction applies to the local aliases(5) database or the
+ virtual(8) delivery agent tables.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f6323a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+PPoossttffiixx PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL HHoowwttoo
+The Postfix pgsql map type allows you to hook up Postfix to a PostgreSQL
+database. This implementation allows for multiple pgsql databases: you can use
+one for a virtual(5) table, one for an access(5) table, and one for an aliases
+(5) table if you want. You can specify multiple servers for the same database,
+so that Postfix can switch to a good database server if one goes bad.
+Busy mail servers using pgsql maps will generate lots of concurrent pgsql
+clients, so the pgsql server(s) should be run with this fact in mind. You can
+reduce the number of concurrent pgsql clients by using the Postfix proxymap(8)
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Note: to use pgsql with Debian GNU/Linux's Postfix, all you need to do is to
+install the postfix-pgsql package and you're done. There is no need to
+recompile Postfix.
+In order to build Postfix with pgsql map support, you specify -DHAS_PGSQL, the
+directory with the PostgreSQL header files, and the location of the libpq
+library file.
+For example:
+ % make tidy
+ % make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
+ 'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include/pgsql' \
+ 'AUXLIBS_PGSQL=-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_PGSQL. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded PostgreSQL database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_PGSQL variable
+supports building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded PostgreSQL database
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_PGSQL variable will defeat the purpose of
+ dynamic database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have
+ PGSQL database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic
+ database client loading was meant to avoid.
+Then just run 'make'.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL llooookkuupp ttaabblleess
+Once Postfix is built with pgsql support, you can specify a map type in
+like this:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ alias_maps = pgsql:/etc/postfix/
+The file /etc/postfix/ specifies lots of information telling
+postfix how to reference the pgsql database. For a complete description, see
+the pgsql_table(5) manual page.
+EExxaammppllee:: llooccaall aalliiaasseess
+# pgsql config file for local(8) aliases(5) lookups
+# The hosts that Postfix will try to connect to
+hosts = host1.some.domain host2.some.domain
+# The user name and password to log into the pgsql server.
+user = someone
+password = some_password
+# The database name on the servers.
+dbname = customer_database
+# Postfix 2.2 and later The SQL query template. See pgsql_table(5).
+query = SELECT forw_addr FROM mxaliases WHERE alias='%s' AND status='paid'
+# For Postfix releases prior to 2.2. See pgsql_table(5) for details.
+select_field = forw_addr
+table = mxaliases
+where_field = alias
+# Don't forget the leading "AND"!
+additional_conditions = AND status = 'paid'
+UUssiinngg mmiirrrroorreedd ddaattaabbaasseess
+Sites that have a need for multiple mail exchangers may enjoy the convenience
+of using a networked mailer database, but do not want to introduce a single
+point of failure to their system.
+For this reason we've included the ability to have Postfix reference multiple
+hosts for access to a single pgsql map. This will work if sites set up mirrored
+pgsql databases on two or more hosts.
+Whenever queries fail with an error at one host, the rest of the hosts will be
+tried in random order. If no pgsql server hosts are reachable, then mail will
+be deferred until at least one of those hosts is reachable.
+ * This code is based upon the Postfix mysql map by Scott Cotton and Joshua
+ Marcus, IC Group, Inc.
+ * The PostgreSQL changes were done by Aaron Sethman.
+ * Updates for Postfix 1.1.x and PostgreSQL 7.1+ and support for calling
+ stored procedures were added by Philip Warner.
+ * LaMont Jones was the initial Postfix pgsql maintainer.
+ * Liviu Daia revised the configuration interface and added the
+ configuration feature.
+ * Liviu Daia revised the configuration interface and added the
+ configuration feature.
+ * Liviu Daia with further refinements from Jose Luis Tallon and Victor
+ Duchovni developed the common query, result_format, domain and
+ expansion_limit interface for LDAP, MySQL and PosgreSQL.
+ * Leandro Santi updated the PostgreSQL client after the PostgreSQL developers
+ made major database API changes in response to SQL injection problems, and
+ made PQexec() handling more robust.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78da5dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+PPoossttffiixx PPoossttssccrreeeenn HHoowwttoo
+This document describes features that are available in Postfix 2.8 and later.
+The Postfix postscreen(8) daemon provides additional protection against mail
+server overload. One postscreen(8) process handles multiple inbound SMTP
+connections, and decides which clients may talk to a Postfix SMTP server
+process. By keeping spambots away, postscreen(8) leaves more SMTP server
+processes available for legitimate clients, and delays the onset of server
+overload conditions.
+postscreen(8) should not be used on SMTP ports that receive mail from end-user
+clients (MUAs). In a typical deployment, postscreen(8) handles the MX service
+on TCP port 25, while MUA clients submit mail via the submission service on TCP
+port 587 which requires client authentication. Alternatively, a site could set
+up a dedicated, non-postscreen, "port 25" server that provides submission
+service and client authentication, but no MX service.
+postscreen(8) maintains a temporary whitelist for clients that pass its tests;
+by allowing whitelisted clients to skip tests, postscreen(8) minimizes its
+impact on legitimate email traffic.
+postscreen(8) is part of a multi-layer defense.
+ * As the first layer, postscreen(8) blocks connections from zombies and other
+ spambots that are responsible for about 90% of all spam. It is implemented
+ as a single process to make this defense as inexpensive as possible.
+ * The second layer implements more complex SMTP-level access checks with
+ Postfix SMTP servers, policy daemons, and Milter applications.
+ * The third layer performs light-weight content inspection with the Postfix
+ built-in header_checks and body_checks. This can block unacceptable
+ attachments such as executable programs, and worms or viruses with easy-to-
+ recognize signatures.
+ * The fourth layer provides heavy-weight content inspection with external
+ content filters. Typical examples are Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, and Milter
+ applications.
+Each layer reduces the spam volume. The general strategy is to use the less
+expensive defenses first, and to use the more expensive defenses only for the
+spam that remains.
+Topics in this document:
+ * Introduction
+ * The basic idea behind postscreen(8)
+ * General operation
+ * Quick tests before everything else
+ * Tests before the 220 SMTP server greeting
+ * Tests after the 220 SMTP server greeting
+ * Other errors
+ * When all tests succeed
+ * Configuring the postscreen(8) service
+ * Historical notes and credits
+TThhee bbaassiicc iiddeeaa bbeehhiinndd ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88))
+Most email is spam, and most spam is sent out by zombies (malware on
+compromised end-user computers). Wietse expects that the zombie problem will
+get worse before things improve, if ever. Without a tool like postscreen(8)
+that keeps the zombies away, Postfix would be spending most of its resources
+not receiving email.
+The main challenge for postscreen(8) is to make an is-a-zombie decision based
+on a single measurement. This is necessary because many zombies try to fly
+under the radar and avoid spamming the same site repeatedly. Once postscreen(8)
+decides that a client is not-a-zombie, it whitelists the client temporarily to
+avoid further delays for legitimate mail.
+Zombies have challenges too: they have only a limited amount of time to deliver
+spam before their IP address becomes blacklisted. To speed up spam deliveries,
+zombies make compromises in their SMTP protocol implementation. For example,
+they speak before their turn, or they ignore responses from SMTP servers and
+continue sending mail even when the server tells them to go away.
+postscreen(8) uses a variety of measurements to recognize zombies. First,
+postscreen(8) determines if the remote SMTP client IP address is blacklisted.
+Second, postscreen(8) looks for protocol compromises that are made to speed up
+delivery. These are good indicators for making is-a-zombie decisions based on
+single measurements.
+postscreen(8) does not inspect message content. Message content can vary from
+one delivery to the next, especially with clients that (also) send legitimate
+email. Content is not a good indicator for making is-a-zombie decisions based
+on single measurements, and that is the problem that postscreen(8) is focused
+GGeenneerraall ooppeerraattiioonn
+For each connection from an SMTP client, postscreen(8) performs a number of
+tests in the order as described below. Some tests introduce a delay of a few
+seconds. postscreen(8) maintains a temporary whitelist for clients that pass
+its tests; by allowing whitelisted clients to skip tests, postscreen(8)
+minimizes its impact on legitimate email traffic.
+By default, postscreen(8) hands off all connections to a Postfix SMTP server
+process after logging its findings. This mode is useful for non-destructive
+In a typical production setting, postscreen(8) is configured to reject mail
+from clients that fail one or more tests, after logging the helo, sender and
+recipient information.
+Note: postscreen(8) is not an SMTP proxy; this is intentional. The purpose is
+to keep zombies away from Postfix, with minimal overhead for legitimate
+QQuuiicckk tteessttss bbeeffoorree eevveerryytthhiinngg eellssee
+Before engaging in SMTP-level tests. postscreen(8) queries a number of local
+black and whitelists. These tests speed up the handling of known clients.
+ * Permanent white/blacklist test
+ * Temporary whitelist test
+ * MX Policy test
+PPeerrmmaanneenntt wwhhiittee//bbllaacckklliisstt tteesstt
+The postscreen_access_list parameter (default: permit_mynetworks) specifies a
+permanent access list for SMTP client IP addresses. Typically one would specify
+something that whitelists local networks, followed by a CIDR table for
+selective white- and blacklisting.
+ postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks,
+ cidr:/etc/postfix/postscreen_access.cidr
+ # Rules are evaluated in the order as specified.
+ # Blacklist 192.168.* except
+ permit
+ reject
+See the postscreen_access_list manpage documentation for more details.
+When the SMTP client address matches a "permit" action, postscreen(8) logs this
+with the client address and port number as:
+The whitelist action is not configurable: immediately hand off the connection
+to a Postfix SMTP server process.
+When the SMTP client address matches a "reject" action, postscreen(8) logs this
+with the client address and port number as:
+The postscreen_blacklist_action parameter specifies the action that is taken
+next. See "When tests fail before the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+TTeemmppoorraarryy wwhhiitteelliisstt tteesstt
+The postscreen(8) daemon maintains a temporary whitelist for SMTP client IP
+addresses that have passed all the tests described below. The
+postscreen_cache_map parameter specifies the location of the temporary
+whitelist. The temporary whitelist is not used for SMTP client addresses that
+appear on the permanent access list.
+By default the temporary whitelist is not shared with other postscreen(8)
+daemons. See Sharing the temporary whitelist below for alternatives.
+When the SMTP client address appears on the temporary whitelist, postscreen(8)
+logs this with the client address and port number as:
+ PPAASSSS OOLLDD [address]:port
+The action is not configurable: immediately hand off the connection to a
+Postfix SMTP server process. The client is excluded from further tests until
+its temporary whitelist entry expires, as controlled with the postscreen_*_ttl
+parameters. Expired entries are silently renewed if possible.
+MMXX PPoolliiccyy tteesstt
+When the remote SMTP client is not on the static access list or temporary
+whitelist, postscreen(8) can implement a number of whitelist tests, before it
+grants the client a temporary whitelist status that allows it to talk to a
+Postfix SMTP server process.
+When postscreen(8) is configured to monitor all primary and backup MX
+addresses, it can refuse to whitelist clients that connect to a backup MX
+address only (an old spammer trick to take advantage of backup MX hosts with
+weaker anti-spam policies than primary MX hosts).
+ NOTE: The following solution is for small sites. Larger sites would have to
+ share the postscreen(8) cache between primary and backup MTAs, which would
+ introduce a common point of failure.
+ * First, configure the host to listen on both primary and backup MX
+ addresses. Use the appropriate ifconfig command for the local operating
+ system, or update the appropriate configuration files and "refresh" the
+ network protocol stack.
+ Second, configure Postfix to listen on the new IP address (this step is
+ needed when you have specified inet_interfaces in
+ * Then, configure postscreen(8) to deny the temporary whitelist status on the
+ backup MX address(es). An example for Wietse's server is:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_whitelist_interfaces = ! static:all
+ Translation: allow clients to obtain the temporary whitelist status on all
+ server IP addresses except, which is a backup MX address.
+When a non-whitelisted client connects the backup MX address, postscreen(8)
+logs this with the client address and port number as:
+ CCOONNNNEECCTT ffrroomm [address]:port ttoo [[116688..110000..118899..88]]::2255
+Translation: the client at [address]:port connected to the backup MX address
+ while it was not whitelisted. The client will not be granted the
+temporary whitelist status, even if passes all the whitelist tests described
+TTeessttss bbeeffoorree tthhee 222200 SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr ggrreeeettiinngg
+The postscreen_greet_wait parameter specifies a short time interval before the
+"220 text..." server greeting, where postscreen(8) can run a number of tests in
+When a good client passes these tests, and no "deep protocol tests" are
+configured, postscreen(8) adds the client to the temporary whitelist and hands
+off the "live" connection to a Postfix SMTP server process. The client can then
+continue as if postscreen(8) never even existed (except of course for the short
+postscreen_greet_wait delay).
+ * Pregreet test
+ * DNS White/blacklist test
+ * When tests fail before the 220 SMTP server greeting
+PPrreeggrreeeett tteesstt
+The SMTP protocol is a classic example of a protocol where the server speaks
+before the client. postscreen(8) detects zombies that are in a hurry and that
+speak before their turn. This test is enabled by default.
+The postscreen_greet_banner parameter specifies the text portion of a "220-
+text..." teaser banner (default: $smtpd_banner). Note that this becomes the
+first part of a multi-line server greeting. The postscreen(8) daemon sends this
+before the postscreen_greet_wait timer is started. The purpose of the teaser
+banner is to confuse zombies so that they speak before their turn. It has no
+effect on SMTP clients that correctly implement the protocol.
+To avoid problems with poorly-implemented SMTP engines in network appliances or
+network testing tools, either exclude them from all tests with the
+postscreen_access_list feature or else specify an empty teaser banner:
+ # Exclude broken clients by whitelisting. Clients in mynetworks
+ # should always be whitelisted.
+ postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks,
+ cidr:/etc/postfix/postscreen_access.cidr
+ permit
+ # Disable the teaser banner (try whitelisting first if you can).
+ postscreen_greet_banner =
+When an SMTP client sends a command before the postscreen_greet_wait time has
+elapsed, postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ PPRREEGGRREEEETT count aafftteerr time ffrroomm [address]:port text...
+Translation: the client at [address]:port sent count bytes before its turn to
+speak. This happened time seconds after the postscreen_greet_wait timer was
+started. The text is what the client sent (truncated to 100 bytes, and with
+non-printable characters replaced with C-style escapes such as \r for carriage-
+return and \n for newline).
+The postscreen_greet_action parameter specifies the action that is taken next.
+See "When tests fail before the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+DDNNSS WWhhiittee//bbllaacckklliisstt tteesstt
+The postscreen_dnsbl_sites parameter (default: empty) specifies a list of DNS
+blocklist servers with optional filters and weight factors (positive weights
+for blacklisting, negative for whitelisting). These servers will be queried in
+parallel with the reverse client IP address. This test is disabled by default.
+ CAUTION: when postscreen rejects mail, its SMTP reply contains the DNSBL
+ domain name. Use the postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map feature to hide "password"
+ information in DNSBL domain names.
+When the postscreen_greet_wait time has elapsed, and the combined DNSBL score
+is equal to or greater than the postscreen_dnsbl_threshold parameter value,
+postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ DDNNSSBBLL rraannkk count ffoorr [address]:port
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port has a combined DNSBL score of
+The postscreen_dnsbl_action parameter specifies the action that is taken when
+the combined DNSBL score is equal to or greater than the threshold. See "When
+tests fail before the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+WWhheenn tteessttss ffaaiill bbeeffoorree tthhee 222200 SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr ggrreeeettiinngg
+When the client address matches the permanent blacklist, or when the client
+fails the pregreet or DNSBL tests, the action is specified with
+postscreen_blacklist_action, postscreen_greet_action, or
+postscreen_dnsbl_action, respectively.
+iiggnnoorree (default)
+ Ignore the failure of this test. Allow other tests to complete. Repeat this
+ test the next time the client connects. This option is useful for testing
+ and collecting statistics without blocking mail.
+ Allow other tests to complete. Reject attempts to deliver mail with a 550
+ SMTP reply, and log the helo/sender/recipient information. Repeat this test
+ the next time the client connects.
+ Drop the connection immediately with a 521 SMTP reply. Repeat this test the
+ next time the client connects.
+TTeessttss aafftteerr tthhee 222200 SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr ggrreeeettiinngg
+In this phase of the protocol, postscreen(8) implements a number of "deep
+protocol" tests. These tests use an SMTP protocol engine that is built into the
+postscreen(8) server.
+Important note: these protocol tests are disabled by default. They are more
+intrusive than the pregreet and DNSBL tests, and they have limitations as
+discussed next.
+ * The main limitation of "after 220 greeting" tests is that a new client must
+ disconnect after passing these tests (reason: postscreen is not a proxy).
+ Then the client must reconnect from the same IP address before it can
+ deliver mail. The following measures may help to avoid email delays:
+ o Allow "good" clients to skip tests with the
+ postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold feature (Postfix 2.11 and later).
+ This is especially effective for sites such as Google that never retry
+ immediately from the same IP address.
+ o Small sites: Configure postscreen(8) to listen on multiple IP
+ addresses, published in DNS as different IP addresses for the same MX
+ hostname or for different MX hostnames. This avoids mail delivery
+ delays with clients that reconnect immediately from the same IP
+ address.
+ o Large sites: Share the postscreen(8) cache between different Postfix
+ MTAs with a large-enough memcache_table(5). Again, this avoids mail
+ delivery delays with clients that reconnect immediately from the same
+ IP address.
+ * postscreen(8)'s built-in SMTP engine does not implement the AUTH, XCLIENT,
+ and XFORWARD features. If you need to make these services available on port
+ 25, then do not enable the tests after the 220 server greeting.
+ * End-user clients should connect directly to the submission service, so that
+ they never have to deal with postscreen(8)'s tests.
+The following "after 220 greeting" tests are available:
+ * Command pipelining test
+ * Non-SMTP command test
+ * Bare newline test
+ * When tests fail after the 220 SMTP server greeting
+CCoommmmaanndd ppiippeelliinniinngg tteesstt
+By default, SMTP is a half-duplex protocol: the sender and receiver send one
+command and one response at a time. Unlike the Postfix SMTP server, postscreen
+(8) does not announce support for ESMTP command pipelining. Therefore, clients
+are not allowed to send multiple commands. postscreen(8)'s deep protocol test
+for this is disabled by default.
+With "postscreen_pipelining_enable = yes", postscreen(8) detects zombies that
+send multiple commands, instead of sending one command and waiting for the
+server to reply.
+This test is opportunistically enabled when postscreen(8) has to use the built-
+in SMTP engine anyway. This is to make postscreen(8) logging more informative.
+When a client sends multiple commands, postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ CCOOMMMMAANNDD PPIIPPEELLIINNIINNGG ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command: text
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port sent multiple SMTP commands,
+instead of sending one command and then waiting for the server to reply. This
+happened after the client sent command. The text shows part of the input that
+was sent too early; it is not logged with Postfix 2.8.
+The postscreen_pipelining_action parameter specifies the action that is taken
+next. See "When tests fail after the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+NNoonn--SSMMTTPP ccoommmmaanndd tteesstt
+Some spambots send their mail through open proxies. A symptom of this is the
+usage of commands such as CONNECT and other non-SMTP commands. Just like the
+Postfix SMTP server's smtpd_forbidden_commands feature, postscreen(8) has an
+equivalent postscreen_forbidden_commands feature to block these clients.
+postscreen(8)'s deep protocol test for this is disabled by default.
+With "postscreen_non_smtp_command_enable = yes", postscreen(8) detects zombies
+that send commands specified with the postscreen_forbidden_commands parameter.
+This also detects commands with the syntax of a message header label. The
+latter is a symptom that the client is sending message content after ignoring
+all the responses from postscreen(8) that reject mail.
+This test is opportunistically enabled when postscreen(8) has to use the built-
+in SMTP engine anyway. This is to make postscreen(8) logging more informative.
+When a client sends non-SMTP commands, postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ NNOONN--SSMMTTPP CCOOMMMMAANNDD ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command: text
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port sent a command that matches the
+postscreen_forbidden_commands parameter, or that has the syntax of a message
+header label (text followed by optional space and ":"). The "aafftteerr command"
+portion is logged with Postfix 2.10 and later.
+The postscreen_non_smtp_command_action parameter specifies the action that is
+taken next. See "When tests fail after the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+BBaarree nneewwlliinnee tteesstt
+SMTP is a line-oriented protocol: lines have a limited length, and are
+terminated with <CR><LF>. Lines ending in a "bare" <LF>, that is newline not
+preceded by carriage return, are not allowed in SMTP. postscreen(8)'s deep
+protocol test for this is disabled by default.
+With "postscreen_bare_newline_enable = yes", postscreen(8) detects clients that
+send lines ending in bare newline characters.
+This test is opportunistically enabled when postscreen(8) has to use the built-
+in SMTP engine anyway. This is to make postscreen(8) logging more informative.
+When a client sends bare newline characters, postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ BBAARREE NNEEWWLLIINNEE ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port sent a bare newline character,
+that is newline not preceded by carriage return. The "aafftteerr command" portion is
+logged with Postfix 2.10 and later.
+The postscreen_bare_newline_action parameter specifies the action that is taken
+next. See "When tests fail after the 220 SMTP server greeting" below.
+WWhheenn tteessttss ffaaiill aafftteerr tthhee 222200 SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr ggrreeeettiinngg
+When the client fails the pipelining, non-SMTP command or bare newline tests,
+the action is specified with postscreen_pipelining_action,
+postscreen_non_smtp_command_action or postscreen_bare_newline_action,
+iiggnnoorree (default for bare newline)
+ Ignore the failure of this test. Allow other tests to complete. Do NOT
+ repeat this test before the result from some other test expires. This
+ option is useful for testing and collecting statistics without blocking
+ mail permanently.
+eennffoorrccee (default for pipelining)
+ Allow other tests to complete. Reject attempts to deliver mail with a 550
+ SMTP reply, and log the helo/sender/recipient information. Repeat this test
+ the next time the client connects.
+ddrroopp (default for non-SMTP commands)
+ Drop the connection immediately with a 521 SMTP reply. Repeat this test the
+ next time the client connects. This action is compatible with the Postfix
+ SMTP server's smtpd_forbidden_commands feature.
+OOtthheerr eerrrroorrss
+When an SMTP client hangs up unexpectedly, postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ HHAANNGGUUPP aafftteerr time ffrroomm [address]:port iinn test name
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port disconnected unexpectedly, time
+seconds after the start of the test named test name.
+There is no punishment for hanging up. A client that hangs up without sending
+the QUIT command can still pass all postscreen(8) tests.
+The following errors are reported by the built-in SMTP engine. This engine
+never accepts mail, therefore it has per-session limits on the number of
+commands and on the session length.
+ CCOOMMMMAANNDD TTIIMMEE LLIIMMIITT ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port reached the per-command time
+limit as specified with the postscreen_command_time_limit parameter. The
+session is terminated immediately. The "aafftteerr command" portion is logged with
+Postfix 2.10 and later.
+ CCOOMMMMAANNDD CCOOUUNNTT LLIIMMIITT ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port reached the per-session command
+count limit as specified with the postscreen_command_count_limit parameter. The
+session is terminated immediately. The "aafftteerr command" portion is logged with
+Postfix 2.10 and later.
+ CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLEENNGGTTHH LLIIMMIITT ffrroomm [address]:port aafftteerr command
+Translation: the SMTP client at [address]:port reached the per-command length
+limit, as specified with the line_length_limit parameter. The session is
+terminated immediately. The "aafftteerr command" portion is logged with Postfix 2.10
+and later.
+When an SMTP client makes too many connections at the same time, postscreen(8)
+rejects the connection with a 421 status code and logs:
+ NNOOQQUUEEUUEE:: rreejjeecctt:: CCOONNNNEECCTT ffrroomm [address]:port:: ttoooo mmaannyy ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss
+The postscreen_client_connection_count_limit parameter controls this limit.
+When an SMTP client connects after postscreen(8) has reached a connection count
+limit, postscreen(8) rejects the connection with a 421 status code and logs:
+ NNOOQQUUEEUUEE:: rreejjeecctt:: CCOONNNNEECCTT ffrroomm [address]:port:: aallll ssccrreeeenniinngg ppoorrttss bbuussyy
+ NNOOQQUUEEUUEE:: rreejjeecctt:: CCOONNNNEECCTT ffrroomm [address]:port:: aallll sseerrvveerr ppoorrttss bbuussyy
+The postscreen_pre_queue_limit and postscreen_post_queue_limit parameters
+control these limits.
+WWhheenn aallll tteessttss ssuucccceeeedd
+When a new SMTP client passes all tests (i.e. it is not whitelisted via some
+mechanism), postscreen(8) logs this as:
+ PPAASSSS NNEEWW [address]:port
+Where [address]:port are the client IP address and port. Then, postscreen(8)
+creates a temporary whitelist entry that excludes the client IP address from
+further tests until the temporary whitelist entry expires, as controlled with
+the postscreen_*_ttl parameters.
+When no "deep protocol tests" are configured, postscreen(8) hands off the
+"live" connection to a Postfix SMTP server process. The client can then
+continue as if postscreen(8) never even existed (except for the short
+postscreen_greet_wait delay).
+When any "deep protocol tests" are configured, postscreen(8) cannot hand off
+the "live" connection to a Postfix SMTP server process in the middle of the
+session. Instead, postscreen(8) defers mail delivery attempts with a 4XX
+status, logs the helo/sender/recipient information, and waits for the client to
+disconnect. The next time the client connects it will be allowed to talk to a
+Postfix SMTP server process to deliver its mail. postscreen(8) mitigates the
+impact of this limitation by giving deep protocol tests a long expiration time.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88)) sseerrvviiccee
+postscreen(8) has been tested on FreeBSD [4-8], Linux 2.[4-6] and Solaris 9
+ * Turning on postscreen(8) without blocking mail
+ * postscreen(8) TLS configuration
+ * Blocking mail with postscreen(8)
+ * Turning off postscreen(8)
+ * Sharing the temporary whitelist
+TTuurrnniinngg oonn ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88)) wwiitthhoouutt bblloocckkiinngg mmaaiill
+To enable the postscreen(8) service and log client information without blocking
+ 1. Make sure that local clients and systems with non-standard SMTP
+ implementations are excluded from any postscreen(8) tests. The default is
+ to exclude all clients in mynetworks. To exclude additional clients, for
+ example, third-party performance monitoring tools (these tend to have
+ broken SMTP implementations):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Exclude broken clients by whitelisting. Clients in mynetworks
+ # should always be whitelisted.
+ postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks,
+ cidr:/etc/postfix/postscreen_access.cidr
+ /etc/postfix/postscreen_access.cidr:
+ permit
+ 2. Comment out the "smtp inet ... smtpd" service in, including any
+ "-o parameter=value" entries that follow.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
+ # -o parameter=value ...
+ 3. Uncomment the new "smtpd pass ... smtpd" service in, and
+ duplicate any "-o parameter=value" entries from the smtpd service that was
+ commented out in the previous step.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd pass - - n - - smtpd
+ -o parameter=value ...
+ 4. Uncomment the new "smtp inet ... postscreen" service in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - 1 postscreen
+ 5. Uncomment the new "tlsproxy unix ... tlsproxy" service in This
+ service implements STARTTLS support for postscreen(8).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tlsproxy unix - - n - 0 tlsproxy
+ 6. Uncomment the new "dnsblog unix ... dnsblog" service in This
+ service does DNSBL lookups for postscreen(8) and logs results.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ dnsblog unix - - n - 0 dnsblog
+ 7. To enable DNSBL lookups, list some DNS blocklist sites in,
+ separated by whitespace. Different sites can have different weights. For
+ example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_dnsbl_threshold = 2
+ postscreen_dnsbl_sites =*2
+ Note: if your DNSBL queries have a "secret" in the domain name, you must
+ censor this information from the postscreen(8) SMTP replies. For example:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map = texthash:/etc/postfix/dnsbl_reply
+ /etc/postfix/dnsbl_reply:
+ # Secret DNSBL name Name in postscreen(8) replies
+ The texthash: format is similar to hash: except that there is no need to
+ run postmap(1) before the file can be used, and that it does not detect
+ changes after the file is read. It is new with Postfix version 2.8.
+ 8. Read the new configuration with "postfix reload".
+ * Some postscreen(8) configuration parameters implement stress-dependent
+ behavior. This is supported only when the default value is stress-dependent
+ (that is, "postconf -d parametername" output shows "parametername = $
+ {stress?something}${stress:something}"). Other parameters always evaluate
+ as if the stress value is the empty string.
+ * See "Tests before the 220 SMTP server greeting" for details about the
+ logging from these postscreen(8) tests.
+ * If you run Postfix 2.6 or earlier you must stop and start the master daemon
+ ("postfix stop; postfix start"). This is needed because the Postfix "pass"
+ master service type did not work reliably on all systems.
+ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88)) TTLLSS ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+postscreen(8) TLS support is available for remote SMTP clients that aren't
+whitelisted, including clients that need to renew their temporary whitelist
+status. When a remote SMTP client requests TLS service, postscreen(8) invisibly
+hands off the connection to a tlsproxy(8) process. Then, tlsproxy(8) encrypts
+and decrypts the traffic between postscreen(8) and the remote SMTP client. One
+tlsproxy(8) process can handle multiple SMTP sessions. The number of tlsproxy
+(8) processes slowly increases with server load, but it should always be much
+smaller than the number of postscreen(8) TLS sessions.
+TLS support for postscreen(8) and tlsproxy(8) uses the same parameters as with
+smtpd(8). We recommend that you keep the relevant configuration parameters in If you must specify "-o smtpd_mumble=value" parameter overrides in for a postscreen-protected smtpd(8) service, then you should specify
+those same parameter overrides for the postscreen(8) and tlsproxy(8) services.
+BBlloocckkiinngg mmaaiill wwiitthh ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88))
+For compatibility with smtpd(8), postscreen(8) implements the soft_bounce
+safety feature. This causes Postfix to reject mail with a "try again" reply
+ * To turn this on for all of Postfix, specify "soft_bounce = yes" in
+ * To turn this on for postscreen(8) only, append "-o soft_bounce=yes" (note:
+ NO SPACES around '=') to the postscreen entry in
+Execute "postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+After testing, do not forget to remove the soft_bounce feature, otherwise
+senders won't receive their non-delivery notification until many days later.
+To use the postscreen(8) service to block mail, edit and specify one or
+more of:
+ * "postscreen_dnsbl_action = enforce", to reject clients that are on DNS
+ blocklists, and to log the helo/sender/recipient information. With good
+ DNSBLs this reduces the amount of load on Postfix SMTP servers
+ dramatically.
+ * "postscreen_greet_action = enforce", to reject clients that talk before
+ their turn, and to log the helo/sender/recipient information. This stops
+ over half of all known-to-be illegitimate connections to Wietse's mail
+ server. It is backup protection for zombies that haven't yet been
+ blacklisted.
+ * You can also enable "deep protocol tests", but these are more intrusive
+ than the pregreet or DNSBL tests.
+ When a good client passes the "deep protocol tests", postscreen(8) adds the
+ client to the temporary whitelist but it cannot hand off the "live"
+ connection to a Postfix SMTP server process in the middle of the session.
+ Instead, postscreen(8) defers mail delivery attempts with a 4XX status,
+ logs the helo/sender/recipient information, and waits for the client to
+ disconnect.
+ When the good client comes back in a later session, it is allowed to talk
+ directly to a Postfix SMTP server. See "Tests after the 220 SMTP server
+ greeting" above for limitations with AUTH and other features that clients
+ may need.
+ An unexpected benefit from "deep protocol tests" is that some "good"
+ clients don't return after the 4XX reply; these clients were not so good
+ after all.
+ Unfortunately, some senders will retry requests from different IP
+ addresses, and may never get whitelisted. For this reason, Wietse stopped
+ using "deep protocol tests" on his own internet-facing mail server.
+ * There is also support for permanent blacklisting and whitelisting; see the
+ description of the postscreen_access_list parameter for details.
+TTuurrnniinngg ooffff ppoossttssccrreeeenn((88))
+To turn off postscreen(8) and handle mail directly with Postfix SMTP server
+ 1. Comment out the "smtp inet ... postscreen" service in, including
+ any "-o parameter=value" entries that follow.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #smtp inet n - n - 1 postscreen
+ # -o parameter=value ...
+ 2. Comment out the "dnsblog unix ... dnsblog" service in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #dnsblog unix - - n - 0 dnsblog
+ 3. Comment out the "smtpd pass ... smtpd" service in, including any
+ "-o parameter=value" entries that follow.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #smtpd pass - - n - - smtpd
+ # -o parameter=value ...
+ 4. Comment out the "tlsproxy unix ... tlsproxy" service in,
+ including any "-o parameter=value" entries that follow.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ #tlsproxy unix - - n - 0 tlsproxy
+ # -o parameter=value ...
+ 5. Uncomment the "smtp inet ... smtpd" service in, including any "-
+ o parameter=value" entries that may follow.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o parameter=value ...
+ 6. Read the new configuration with "postfix reload".
+SShhaarriinngg tthhee tteemmppoorraarryy wwhhiitteelliisstt
+By default, the temporary whitelist is not shared between multiple postscreen
+(8) daemons. To enable sharing, choose one of the following options:
+ * A non-persistent memcache: temporary whitelist can be shared between
+ postscreen(8) daemons on the same host or different hosts. Disable cache
+ cleanup (postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0) in all postscreen(8)
+ daemons because memcache: has no first-next API (but see example 4 below
+ for memcache: with persistent backup). This requires Postfix 2.9 or later.
+ # Example 1: non-persistent memcache: whitelist.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_cache_map = memcache:/etc/postfix/postscreen_cache
+ postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ /etc/postfix/postscreen_cache:
+ memcache = inet:
+ key_format = postscreen:%s
+ * A persistent lmdb: temporary whitelist can be shared between postscreen(8)
+ daemons that run under the same master(8) daemon, or under different master
+ (8) daemons on the same host. Disable cache cleanup
+ (postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0) in all postscreen(8) daemons except
+ one that is responsible for cache cleanup. This requires Postfix 2.11 or
+ later.
+ # Example 2: persistent lmdb: whitelist.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_cache_map = lmdb:$data_directory/postscreen_cache
+ # See note 1 below.
+ # postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ * Other kinds of persistent temporary whitelist can be shared only between
+ postscreen(8) daemons that run under the same master(8) daemon. In this
+ case, temporary whitelist access must be shared through the proxymap(8)
+ daemon. This requires Postfix 2.9 or later.
+ # Example 3: proxied btree: whitelist.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_cache_map =
+ proxy:btree:/var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache
+ # See note 1 below.
+ # postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ # Example 4: proxied btree: whitelist with memcache: accelerator.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ postscreen_cache_map = memcache:/etc/postfix/postscreen_cache
+ proxy_write_maps =
+ proxy:btree:/var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache
+ ... other proxied tables ...
+ # See note 1 below.
+ # postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0
+ /etc/postfix/postscreen_cache:
+ # Note: the $data_directory macro is not defined in this context.
+ memcache = inet:
+ backup = proxy:btree:/var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache
+ key_format = postscreen:%s
+ Note 1: disable cache cleanup (postscreen_cache_cleanup_interval = 0) in
+ all postscreen(8) daemons except one that is responsible for cache cleanup.
+ Note 2: postscreen(8) cache sharing via proxymap(8) requires Postfix 2.9 or
+ later; earlier proxymap(8) implementations don't support cache cleanup.
+HHiissttoorriiccaall nnootteess aanndd ccrreeddiittss
+Many ideas in postscreen(8) were explored in earlier work by Michael Tokarev,
+in OpenBSD spamd, and in MailChannels Traffic Control.
+Wietse threw together a crude prototype with pregreet and dnsbl support in June
+2009, because he needed something new for a Mailserver conference presentation
+in July. Ralf Hildebrandt ran this code on several servers to collect real-
+world statistics. This version used the dnsblog(8) ad-hoc DNS client program.
+Wietse needed new material for a LISA conference presentation in November 2010,
+so he added support for DNSBL weights and filters in August, followed by a
+major code rewrite, deep protocol tests, helo/sender/recipient logging, and
+stress-adaptive behavior in September. Ralf Hildebrandt ran this code on
+several servers to collect real-world statistics. This version still used the
+embarrassing dnsblog(8) ad-hoc DNS client program.
+Wietse added STARTTLS support in December 2010. This makes postscreen(8) usable
+for sites that require TLS support. The implementation introduces the tlsproxy
+(8) event-driven TLS proxy that decrypts/encrypts the sessions for multiple
+SMTP clients.
+The tlsproxy(8) implementation led to the discovery of a "new" class of
+vulnerability (CVE-2011-0411) that affected multiple implementations of SMTP,
+POP, IMAP, NNTP, and FTP over TLS.
+postscreen(8) was officially released as part of the Postfix 2.8 stable release
+in January 2011.
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+PPoossttffiixx qqmmaaiill aanndd eezzmmllmm ssuuppppoorrtt
+This document will be made available via
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+PPoossttffiixx BBoottttlleenneecckk AAnnaallyyssiiss
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document is an introduction to Postfix queue congestion analysis. It
+explains how the qshape(1) program can help to track down the reason for queue
+congestion. qshape(1) is bundled with Postfix 2.1 and later source code, under
+the "auxiliary" directory. This document describes qshape(1) as bundled with
+Postfix 2.4.
+This document covers the following topics:
+ * Introducing the qshape tool
+ * Trouble shooting with qshape
+ * Example 1: Healthy queue
+ * Example 2: Deferred queue full of dictionary attack bounces
+ * Example 3: Congestion in the active queue
+ * Example 4: High volume destination backlog
+ * Postfix queue directories
+ o The "maildrop" queue
+ o The "hold" queue
+ o The "incoming" queue
+ o The "active" queue
+ o The "deferred" queue
+ * Credits
+IInnttrroodduucciinngg tthhee qqsshhaappee ttooooll
+When mail is draining slowly or the queue is unexpectedly large, run qshape(1)
+as the super-user (root) to help zero in on the problem. The qshape(1) program
+displays a tabular view of the Postfix queue contents.
+ * On the horizontal axis, it displays the queue age with fine granularity for
+ recent messages and (geometrically) less fine granularity for older
+ messages.
+ * The vertical axis displays the destination (or with the "-s" switch the
+ sender) domain. Domains with the most messages are listed first.
+For example, in the output below we see the top 10 lines of the (mostly forged)
+sender domain distribution for captured spam in the "hold" queue:
+ $ qshape -s hold | head
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 486 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 20 40 419
+ 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 12
+ 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 11
+ 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11
+ 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 10
+ 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
+ 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
+ 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
+ 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
+ * The "T" column shows the total (in this case sender) count for each domain.
+ The columns with numbers above them, show counts for messages aged fewer
+ than that many minutes, but not younger than the age limit for the previous
+ column. The row labeled "TOTAL" shows the total count for all domains.
+ * In this example, there are 14 messages allegedly from, 1 between
+ 10 and 20 minutes old, 1 between 320 and 640 minutes old and 12 older than
+ 1280 minutes (1440 minutes in a day).
+When the output is a terminal intermediate results showing the top 20 domains
+(-n option) are displayed after every 1000 messages (-N option) and the final
+output also shows only the top 20 domains. This makes qshape useful even when
+the deferred queue is very large and it may otherwise take prohibitively long
+to read the entire deferred queue.
+By default, qshape shows statistics for the union of both the incoming and
+active queues which are the most relevant queues to look at when analyzing
+One can request an alternate list of queues:
+ $ qshape deferred
+ $ qshape incoming active deferred
+this will show the age distribution of the deferred queue or the union of the
+incoming active and deferred queues.
+Command line options control the number of display "buckets", the age limit for
+the smallest bucket, display of parent domain counts and so on. The "-h" option
+outputs a summary of the available switches.
+TTrroouubbllee sshhoooottiinngg wwiitthh qqsshhaappee
+Large numbers in the qshape output represent a large number of messages that
+are destined to (or alleged to come from) a particular domain. It should be
+possible to tell at a glance which domains dominate the queue sender or
+recipient counts, approximately when a burst of mail started, and when it
+The problem destinations or sender domains appear near the top left corner of
+the output table. Remember that the active queue can accommodate up to 20000
+($qmgr_message_active_limit) messages. To check whether this limit has been
+reached, use:
+ $ qshape -s active (show sender statistics)
+If the total sender count is below 20000 the active queue is not yet saturated,
+any high volume sender domains show near the top of the output.
+With oqmgr(8) the active queue is also limited to at most 20000 recipient
+addresses ($qmgr_message_recipient_limit). To check for exhaustion of this
+limit use:
+ $ qshape active (show recipient statistics)
+Having found the high volume domains, it is often useful to search the logs for
+recent messages pertaining to the domains in question.
+ # Find deliveries to
+ #
+ $ tail -10000 /var/log/maillog |
+ egrep -i ': to=<.*@example\.com>,' |
+ less
+ # Find messages from
+ #
+ $ tail -10000 /var/log/maillog |
+ egrep -i ': from=<.*@example\.com>,' |
+ less
+You may want to drill in on some specific queue ids:
+ # Find all messages for a specific queue id.
+ #
+ $ tail -10000 /var/log/maillog | egrep ': 2B2173FF68: '
+Also look for queue manager warning messages in the log. These warnings can
+suggest strategies to reduce congestion.
+ $ egrep 'qmgr.*(panic|fatal|error|warning):' /var/log/maillog
+When all else fails try the Postfix mailing list for help, but please don't
+forget to include the top 10 or 20 lines of qshape(1) output.
+EExxaammppllee 11:: HHeeaalltthhyy qquueeuuee
+When looking at just the incoming and active queues, under normal conditions
+(no congestion) the incoming and active queues are nearly empty. Mail leaves
+the system almost as quickly as it comes in or is deferred without congestion
+in the active queue.
+ $ qshape (show incoming and active queue status)
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2
+ 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2
+If one looks at the two queues separately, the incoming queue is empty or
+perhaps briefly has one or two messages, while the active queue holds more
+messages and for a somewhat longer time:
+ $ qshape incoming
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ $ qshape active
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2
+ 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2
+EExxaammppllee 22:: DDeeffeerrrreedd qquueeuuee ffuullll ooff ddiiccttiioonnaarryy aattttaacckk bboouunncceess
+This is from a server where recipient validation is not yet available for some
+of the hosted domains. Dictionary attacks on the unvalidated domains result in
+bounce backscatter. The bounces dominate the queue, but with proper tuning they
+do not saturate the incoming or active queues. The high volume of deferred mail
+is not a direct cause for alarm.
+ $ qshape deferred | head
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 2234 4 2 5 9 31 57 108 201 464 1353
+ 207 0 0 1 1 6 6 8 25 68 92
+ 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 44 56
+ 63 2 1 2 4 4 14 14 14 8 0
+ 49 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 3 16 23
+ 46 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 12 25
+ 44 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 8 11 22
+ 43 1 0 0 1 1 3 3 6 12 16
+ 41 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 11 12 15
+The domains shown are mostly bulk-mailers and all the volume is the tail end of
+the time distribution, showing that short term arrival rates are moderate.
+Larger numbers and lower message ages are more indicative of current trouble.
+Old mail still going nowhere is largely harmless so long as the active and
+incoming queues are short. We can also see that the
+undeliverables are low rate steady stream rather than a concentrated dictionary
+attack that is now over.
+ $ qshape -s deferred | head
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 2193 4 4 5 8 33 56 104 205 465 1309
+ MAILER-DAEMON 1709 4 4 5 8 33 55 101 198 452 849
+ 263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 261
+ 209 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 11 188
+ 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
+ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
+ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
+ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
+Looking at the sender distribution, we see that as expected most of the
+messages are bounces.
+EExxaammppllee 33:: CCoonnggeessttiioonn iinn tthhee aaccttiivvee qquueeuuee
+This example is taken from a Feb 2004 discussion on the Postfix Users list.
+Congestion was reported with the active and incoming queues large and not
+shrinking despite very large delivery agent process limits. The thread is
+archived at:
+groups?threadm=c0b7js$2r65$ and http://
+Using an older version of qshape(1) it was quickly determined that all the
+messages were for just a few destinations:
+ $ qshape (show incoming and active queue status)
+ T A 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 320+
+ TOTAL 11775 9996 0 0 1 1 42 94 221 1420
+ 7678 7678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 2313 2313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 100
+The "A" column showed the count of messages in the active queue, and the
+numbered columns showed totals for the deferred queue. At 10000 messages
+(Postfix 1.x active queue size limit) the active queue is full. The incoming
+was growing rapidly.
+With the trouble destinations clearly identified, the administrator quickly
+found and fixed the problem. It is substantially harder to glean the same
+information from the logs. While a careful reading of mailq(1) output should
+yield similar results, it is much harder to gauge the magnitude of the problem
+by looking at the queue one message at a time.
+EExxaammppllee 44:: HHiigghh vvoolluummee ddeessttiinnaattiioonn bbaacckklloogg
+When a site you send a lot of email to is down or slow, mail messages will
+rapidly build up in the deferred queue, or worse, in the active queue. The
+qshape output will show large numbers for the destination domain in all age
+buckets that overlap the starting time of the problem:
+ $ qshape deferred | head
+ T 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
+ TOTAL 5000 200 200 400 800 1600 1000 200 200 200 200
+ 4000 160 160 320 640 1280 1440 0 0 0 0
+ ...
+Here the "" destination is continuing to accumulate deferred
+mail. The incoming and active queues are fine, but the deferred queue started
+growing some time between 1 and 2 hours ago and continues to grow.
+If the high volume destination is not down, but is instead slow, one might see
+similar congestion in the active queue. Active queue congestion is a greater
+cause for alarm; one might need to take measures to ensure that the mail is
+deferred instead or even add an access(5) rule asking the sender to try again
+If a high volume destination exhibits frequent bursts of consecutive
+connections refused by all MX hosts or "421 Server busy errors", it is possible
+for the queue manager to mark the destination as "dead" despite the transient
+nature of the errors. The destination will be retried again after the
+expiration of a $minimal_backoff_time timer. If the error bursts are frequent
+enough it may be that only a small quantity of email is delivered before the
+destination is again marked "dead". In some cases enabling static (not on
+demand) connection caching by listing the appropriate nexthop domain in a table
+included in "smtp_connection_cache_destinations" may help to reduce the error
+rate, because most messages will re-use existing connections.
+The MTA that has been observed most frequently to exhibit such bursts of errors
+is Microsoft Exchange, which refuses connections under load. Some proxy virus
+scanners in front of the Exchange server propagate the refused connection to
+the client as a "421" error.
+Note that it is now possible to configure Postfix to exhibit similarly erratic
+behavior by misconfiguring the anvil(8) service. Do not use anvil(8) for
+steady-state rate limiting, its purpose is (unintentional) DoS prevention and
+the rate limits set should be very generous!
+If one finds oneself needing to deliver a high volume of mail to a destination
+that exhibits frequent brief bursts of errors and connection caching does not
+solve the problem, there is a subtle workaround.
+ * Postfix version 2.5 and later:
+ o In set up a dedicated clone of the "smtp" transport for the
+ destination in question. In the example below we will call it
+ "fragile".
+ o In configure a reasonable process limit for the cloned smtp
+ transport (a number in the 10-20 range is typical).
+ o IMPORTANT!!! In configure a large per-destination pseudo-cohort
+ failure limit for the cloned smtp transport.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ fragile_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit = 100
+ fragile_destination_concurrency_limit = 20
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ fragile:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ fragile unix - - n - 20 smtp
+ See also the documentation for
+ default_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit and
+ default_destination_concurrency_limit.
+ * Earlier Postfix versions:
+ o In set up a dedicated clone of the "smtp" transport for the
+ destination in question. In the example below we will call it
+ "fragile".
+ o In configure a reasonable process limit for the transport (a
+ number in the 10-20 range is typical).
+ o IMPORTANT!!! In configure a very large initial and destination
+ concurrency limit for this transport (say 2000).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ initial_destination_concurrency = 2000
+ fragile_destination_concurrency_limit = 2000
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ fragile:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ fragile unix - - n - 20 smtp
+ See also the documentation for default_destination_concurrency_limit.
+The effect of this configuration is that up to 2000 consecutive errors are
+tolerated without marking the destination dead, while the total concurrency
+remains reasonable (10-20 processes). This trick is only for a very specialized
+situation: high volume delivery into a channel with multi-error bursts that is
+capable of high throughput, but is repeatedly throttled by the bursts of
+When a destination is unable to handle the load even after the Postfix process
+limit is reduced to 1, a desperate measure is to insert brief delays between
+delivery attempts.
+ * Postfix version 2.5 and later:
+ o In set up a dedicated clone of the "smtp" transport for the
+ problem destination. In the example below we call it "slow".
+ o In configure a short delay between deliveries to the same
+ destination.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ slow_destination_rate_delay = 1
+ slow_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit = 100
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ slow:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ slow unix - - n - - smtp
+ See also the documentation for default_destination_rate_delay.
+ This solution forces the Postfix smtp(8) client to wait for
+ $slow_destination_rate_delay seconds between deliveries to the same
+ destination.
+ IMPORTANT!! The large slow_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
+ value is needed. This prevents Postfix from deferring all mail for the same
+ destination after only one connection or handshake error (the reason for
+ this is that non-zero slow_destination_rate_delay forces a per-destination
+ concurrency of 1).
+ * Earlier Postfix versions:
+ o In the transport map entry for the problem destination, specify a dead
+ host as the primary nexthop.
+ o In the entry for the transport specify the problem
+ destination as the fallback_relay and specify a small
+ smtp_connect_timeout value.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ slow:[]
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ slow unix - - n - 1 smtp
+ -o
+ -o smtp_connect_timeout=1
+ -o smtp_connection_cache_on_demand=no
+ This solution forces the Postfix smtp(8) client to wait for
+ $smtp_connect_timeout seconds between deliveries. The connection caching
+ feature is disabled to prevent the client from skipping over the dead host.
+PPoossttffiixx qquueeuuee ddiirreeccttoorriieess
+The following sections describe Postfix queues: their purpose, what normal
+behavior looks like, and how to diagnose abnormal behavior.
+TThhee ""mmaaiillddrroopp"" qquueeuuee
+Messages that have been submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1) command, but not
+yet brought into the main Postfix queue by the pickup(8) service, await
+processing in the "maildrop" queue. Messages can be added to the "maildrop"
+queue even when the Postfix system is not running. They will begin to be
+processed once Postfix is started.
+The "maildrop" queue is drained by the single threaded pickup(8) service
+scanning the queue directory periodically or when notified of new message
+arrival by the postdrop(1) program. The postdrop(1) program is a setgid helper
+that allows the unprivileged Postfix sendmail(1) program to inject mail into
+the "maildrop" queue and to notify the pickup(8) service of its arrival.
+All mail that enters the main Postfix queue does so via the cleanup(8) service.
+The cleanup service is responsible for envelope and header rewriting, header
+and body regular expression checks, automatic bcc recipient processing, milter
+content processing, and reliable insertion of the message into the Postfix
+"incoming" queue.
+In the absence of excessive CPU consumption in cleanup(8) header or body
+regular expression checks or other software consuming all available CPU
+resources, Postfix performance is disk I/O bound. The rate at which the pickup
+(8) service can inject messages into the queue is largely determined by disk
+access times, since the cleanup(8) service must commit the message to stable
+storage before returning success. The same is true of the postdrop(1) program
+writing the message to the "maildrop" directory.
+As the pickup service is single threaded, it can only deliver one message at a
+time at a rate that does not exceed the reciprocal disk I/O latency (+ CPU if
+not negligible) of the cleanup service.
+Congestion in this queue is indicative of an excessive local message submission
+rate or perhaps excessive CPU consumption in the cleanup(8) service due to
+excessive body_checks, or (Postfix >= 2.3) high latency milters.
+Note, that once the active queue is full, the cleanup service will attempt to
+slow down message injection by pausing $in_flow_delay for each message. In this
+case "maildrop" queue congestion may be a consequence of congestion downstream,
+rather than a problem in its own right.
+Note, you should not attempt to deliver large volumes of mail via the pickup(8)
+service. High volume sites should avoid using "simple" content filters that re-
+inject scanned mail via Postfix sendmail(1) and postdrop(1).
+A high arrival rate of locally submitted mail may be an indication of an
+uncaught forwarding loop, or a run-away notification program. Try to keep the
+volume of local mail injection to a moderate level.
+The "postsuper -r" command can place selected messages into the "maildrop"
+queue for reprocessing. This is most useful for resetting any stale
+content_filter settings. Requeuing a large number of messages using "postsuper
+-r" can clearly cause a spike in the size of the "maildrop" queue.
+TThhee ""hhoolldd"" qquueeuuee
+The administrator can define "smtpd" access(5) policies, or cleanup(8) header/
+body checks that cause messages to be automatically diverted from normal
+processing and placed indefinitely in the "hold" queue. Messages placed in the
+"hold" queue stay there until the administrator intervenes. No periodic
+delivery attempts are made for messages in the "hold" queue. The postsuper(1)
+command can be used to manually release messages into the "deferred" queue.
+Messages can potentially stay in the "hold" queue longer than
+$maximal_queue_lifetime. If such "old" messages need to be released from the
+"hold" queue, they should typically be moved into the "maildrop" queue using
+"postsuper -r", so that the message gets a new timestamp and is given more than
+one opportunity to be delivered. Messages that are "young" can be moved
+directly into the "deferred" queue using "postsuper -H".
+The "hold" queue plays little role in Postfix performance, and monitoring of
+the "hold" queue is typically more closely motivated by tracking spam and
+malware, than by performance issues.
+TThhee ""iinnccoommiinngg"" qquueeuuee
+All new mail entering the Postfix queue is written by the cleanup(8) service
+into the "incoming" queue. New queue files are created owned by the "postfix"
+user with an access bitmask (or mode) of 0600. Once a queue file is ready for
+further processing the cleanup(8) service changes the queue file mode to 0700
+and notifies the queue manager of new mail arrival. The queue manager ignores
+incomplete queue files whose mode is 0600, as these are still being written by
+The queue manager scans the incoming queue bringing any new mail into the
+"active" queue if the active queue resource limits have not been exceeded. By
+default, the active queue accommodates at most 20000 messages. Once the active
+queue message limit is reached, the queue manager stops scanning the incoming
+(and deferred, see below) queue.
+Under normal conditions the incoming queue is nearly empty (has only mode 0600
+files), with the queue manager able to import new messages into the active
+queue as soon as they become available.
+The incoming queue grows when the message input rate spikes above the rate at
+which the queue manager can import messages into the active queue. The main
+factors slowing down the queue manager are disk I/O and lookup queries to the
+trivial-rewrite service. If the queue manager is routinely not keeping up,
+consider not using "slow" lookup services (MySQL, LDAP, ...) for transport
+lookups or speeding up the hosts that provide the lookup service. If the
+problem is I/O starvation, consider striping the queue over more disks, faster
+controllers with a battery write cache, or other hardware improvements. At the
+very least, make sure that the queue directory is mounted with the "noatime"
+option if applicable to the underlying filesystem.
+The in_flow_delay parameter is used to clamp the input rate when the queue
+manager starts to fall behind. The cleanup(8) service will pause for
+$in_flow_delay seconds before creating a new queue file if it cannot obtain a
+"token" from the queue manager.
+Since the number of cleanup(8) processes is limited in most cases by the SMTP
+server concurrency, the input rate can exceed the output rate by at most "SMTP
+connection count" / $in_flow_delay messages per second.
+With a default process limit of 100, and an in_flow_delay of 1s, the coupling
+is strong enough to limit a single run-away injector to 1 message per second,
+but is not strong enough to deflect an excessive input rate from many sources
+at the same time.
+If a server is being hammered from multiple directions, consider raising the
+in_flow_delay to 10 seconds, but only if the incoming queue is growing even
+while the active queue is not full and the trivial-rewrite service is using a
+fast transport lookup mechanism.
+TThhee ""aaccttiivvee"" qquueeuuee
+The queue manager is a delivery agent scheduler; it works to ensure fast and
+fair delivery of mail to all destinations within designated resource limits.
+The active queue is somewhat analogous to an operating system's process run
+queue. Messages in the active queue are ready to be sent (runnable), but are
+not necessarily in the process of being sent (running).
+While most Postfix administrators think of the "active" queue as a directory on
+disk, the real "active" queue is a set of data structures in the memory of the
+queue manager process.
+Messages in the "maildrop", "hold", "incoming" and "deferred" queues (see
+below) do not occupy memory; they are safely stored on disk waiting for their
+turn to be processed. The envelope information for messages in the "active"
+queue is managed in memory, allowing the queue manager to do global scheduling,
+allocating available delivery agent processes to an appropriate message in the
+active queue.
+Within the active queue, (multi-recipient) messages are broken up into groups
+of recipients that share the same transport/nexthop combination; the group size
+is capped by the transport's recipient concurrency limit.
+Multiple recipient groups (from one or more messages) are queued for delivery
+grouped by transport/nexthop combination. The ddeessttiinnaattiioonn concurrency limit for
+the transports caps the number of simultaneous delivery attempts for each
+nexthop. Transports with a rreecciippiieenntt concurrency limit of 1 are special: these
+are grouped by the actual recipient address rather than the nexthop, yielding
+per-recipient concurrency limits rather than per-domain concurrency limits.
+Per-recipient limits are appropriate when performing final delivery to
+mailboxes rather than when relaying to a remote server.
+Congestion occurs in the active queue when one or more destinations drain
+slower than the corresponding message input rate.
+Input into the active queue comes both from new mail in the "incoming" queue,
+and retries of mail in the "deferred" queue. Should the "deferred" queue get
+really large, retries of old mail can dominate the arrival rate of new mail.
+Systems with more CPU, faster disks and more network bandwidth can deal with
+larger deferred queues, but as a rule of thumb the deferred queue scales to
+somewhere between 100,000 and 1,000,000 messages with good performance unlikely
+above that "limit". Systems with queues this large should typically stop
+accepting new mail, or put the backlog "on hold" until the underlying issue is
+fixed (provided that there is enough capacity to handle just the new mail).
+When a destination is down for some time, the queue manager will mark it dead,
+and immediately defer all mail for the destination without trying to assign it
+to a delivery agent. In this case the messages will quickly leave the active
+queue and end up in the deferred queue (with Postfix < 2.4, this is done
+directly by the queue manager, with Postfix >= 2.4 this is done via the "retry"
+delivery agent).
+When the destination is instead simply slow, or there is a problem causing an
+excessive arrival rate the active queue will grow and will become dominated by
+mail to the congested destination.
+The only way to reduce congestion is to either reduce the input rate or
+increase the throughput. Increasing the throughput requires either increasing
+the concurrency or reducing the latency of deliveries.
+For high volume sites a key tuning parameter is the number of "smtp" delivery
+agents allocated to the "smtp" and "relay" transports. High volume sites tend
+to send to many different destinations, many of which may be down or slow, so a
+good fraction of the available delivery agents will be blocked waiting for slow
+sites. Also mail destined across the globe will incur large SMTP command-
+response latencies, so high message throughput can only be achieved with more
+concurrent delivery agents.
+The default "smtp" process limit of 100 is good enough for most sites, and may
+even need to be lowered for sites with low bandwidth connections (no use
+increasing concurrency once the network pipe is full). When one finds that the
+queue is growing on an "idle" system (CPU, disk I/O and network not exhausted)
+the remaining reason for congestion is insufficient concurrency in the face of
+a high average latency. If the number of outbound SMTP connections (either
+ESTABLISHED or SYN_SENT) reaches the process limit, mail is draining slowly and
+the system and network are not loaded, raise the "smtp" and/or "relay" process
+When a high volume destination is served by multiple MX hosts with typically
+low delivery latency, performance can suffer dramatically when one of the MX
+hosts is unresponsive and SMTP connections to that host timeout. For example,
+if there are 2 equal weight MX hosts, the SMTP connection timeout is 30 seconds
+and one of the MX hosts is down, the average SMTP connection will take
+approximately 15 seconds to complete. With a default per-destination
+concurrency limit of 20 connections, throughput falls to just over 1 message
+per second.
+The best way to avoid bottlenecks when one or more MX hosts is non-responsive
+is to use connection caching. Connection caching was introduced with Postfix
+2.2 and is by default enabled on demand for destinations with a backlog of mail
+in the active queue. When connection caching is in effect for a particular
+destination, established connections are re-used to send additional messages,
+this reduces the number of connections made per message delivery and maintains
+good throughput even in the face of partial unavailability of the destination's
+MX hosts.
+If connection caching is not available (Postfix < 2.2) or does not provide a
+sufficient latency reduction, especially for the "relay" transport used to
+forward mail to "your own" domains, consider setting lower than default SMTP
+connection timeouts (1-5 seconds) and higher than default destination
+concurrency limits. This will further reduce latency and provide more
+concurrency to maintain throughput should latency rise.
+Setting high concurrency limits to domains that are not your own may be viewed
+as hostile by the receiving system, and steps may be taken to prevent you from
+monopolizing the destination system's resources. The defensive measures may
+substantially reduce your throughput or block access entirely. Do not set
+aggressive concurrency limits to remote domains without coordinating with the
+administrators of the target domain.
+If necessary, dedicate and tune custom transports for selected high volume
+destinations. The "relay" transport is provided for forwarding mail to domains
+for which your server is a primary or backup MX host. These can make up a
+substantial fraction of your email traffic. Use the "relay" and not the "smtp"
+transport to send email to these domains. Using the "relay" transport allocates
+a separate delivery agent pool to these destinations and allows separate tuning
+of timeouts and concurrency limits.
+Another common cause of congestion is unwarranted flushing of the entire
+deferred queue. The deferred queue holds messages that are likely to fail to be
+delivered and are also likely to be slow to fail delivery (time out). As a
+result the most common reaction to a large deferred queue (flush it!) is more
+than likely counter-productive, and typically makes the congestion worse. Do
+not flush the deferred queue unless you expect that most of its content has
+recently become deliverable (e.g. relayhost back up after an outage)!
+Note that whenever the queue manager is restarted, there may already be
+messages in the active queue directory, but the "real" active queue in memory
+is empty. In order to recover the in-memory state, the queue manager moves all
+the active queue messages back into the incoming queue, and then uses its
+normal incoming queue scan to refill the active queue. The process of moving
+all the messages back and forth, redoing transport table (trivial-rewrite(8)
+resolve service) lookups, and re-importing the messages back into memory is
+expensive. At all costs, avoid frequent restarts of the queue manager (e.g. via
+frequent execution of "postfix reload").
+TThhee ""ddeeffeerrrreedd"" qquueeuuee
+When all the deliverable recipients for a message are delivered, and for some
+recipients delivery failed for a transient reason (it might succeed later), the
+message is placed in the deferred queue.
+The queue manager scans the deferred queue periodically. The scan interval is
+controlled by the queue_run_delay parameter. While a deferred queue scan is in
+progress, if an incoming queue scan is also in progress (ideally these are
+brief since the incoming queue should be short), the queue manager alternates
+between looking for messages in the "incoming" queue and in the "deferred"
+queue. This "round-robin" strategy prevents starvation of either the incoming
+or the deferred queues.
+Each deferred queue scan only brings a fraction of the deferred queue back into
+the active queue for a retry. This is because each message in the deferred
+queue is assigned a "cool-off" time when it is deferred. This is done by time-
+warping the modification time of the queue file into the future. The queue file
+is not eligible for a retry if its modification time is not yet reached.
+The "cool-off" time is at least $minimal_backoff_time and at most
+$maximal_backoff_time. The next retry time is set by doubling the message's age
+in the queue, and adjusting up or down to lie within the limits. This means
+that young messages are initially retried more often than old messages.
+If a high volume site routinely has large deferred queues, it may be useful to
+adjust the queue_run_delay, minimal_backoff_time and maximal_backoff_time to
+provide short enough delays on first failure (Postfix >= 2.4 has a sensibly low
+minimal backoff time by default), with perhaps longer delays after multiple
+failures, to reduce the retransmission rate of old messages and thereby reduce
+the quantity of previously deferred mail in the active queue. If you want a
+really low minimal_backoff_time, you may also want to lower queue_run_delay,
+but understand that more frequent scans will increase the demand for disk I/O.
+One common cause of large deferred queues is failure to validate recipients at
+the SMTP input stage. Since spammers routinely launch dictionary attacks from
+unrepliable sender addresses, the bounces for invalid recipient addresses clog
+the deferred queue (and at high volumes proportionally clog the active queue).
+Recipient validation is strongly recommended through use of the
+local_recipient_maps and relay_recipient_maps parameters. Even when bounces
+drain quickly they inundate innocent victims of forgery with unwanted email. To
+avoid this, do not accept mail for invalid recipients.
+When a host with lots of deferred mail is down for some time, it is possible
+for the entire deferred queue to reach its retry time simultaneously. This can
+lead to a very full active queue once the host comes back up. The phenomenon
+can repeat approximately every maximal_backoff_time seconds if the messages are
+again deferred after a brief burst of congestion. Perhaps, a future Postfix
+release will add a random offset to the retry time (or use a combination of
+strategies) to reduce the odds of repeated complete deferred queue flushes.
+The qshape(1) program was developed by Victor Duchovni of Morgan Stanley, who
+also wrote the initial version of this document.
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+../RELEASE_NOTES \ No newline at end of file
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+PPoossttffiixx PPeerr--CClliieenntt//UUsseerr//eettcc.. AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll
+PPoossttffiixx rreessttrriiccttiioonn ccllaasssseess
+The Postfix SMTP server supports access restrictions such as reject_rbl_client
+or reject_unknown_client_hostname on the right-hand side of SMTP server access
+(5) tables. This allows you to implement different junk mail restrictions for
+different clients or users.
+Having to specify lists of access restrictions for every recipient becomes
+tedious quickly. Postfix restriction classes allow you to give easy-to-remember
+names to groups of UCE restrictions (such as "permissive", "restrictive", and
+so on).
+The real reason for the existence of Postfix restriction classes is more
+mundane: you can't specify a lookup table on the right-hand side of a Postfix
+access table. This is because Postfix needs to open lookup tables ahead of
+time, but the reader probably does not care about these low-level details.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_restriction_classes = restrictive, permissive
+ # With Postfix < 2.3 specify reject_unknown_client.
+ restrictive = reject_unknown_sender_domain
+ reject_unknown_client_hostname ...
+ permissive = permit
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ # reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail
+ # relay policy is specified with smtpd_relay_restrictions
+ # (available with Postfix 2.10 and later).
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access
+ ...
+ /etc/postfix/recipient_access:
+ joe@my.domain permissive
+ jane@my.domain restrictive
+With this in place, you can use "restrictive" or "permissive" on the right-hand
+side of your per-client, helo, sender, or recipient SMTPD access tables.
+The remainder of this document gives examples of how Postfix access restriction
+classes can be used to:
+ * Shield an internal mailing list from outside posters,
+ * Prevent external access by internal senders.
+These questions come up frequently, and the examples hopefully make clear that
+Postfix restriction classes aren't really the right solution. They should be
+used for what they were designed to do, different junk mail restrictions for
+different clients or users.
+PPrrootteeccttiinngg iinntteerrnnaall eemmaaiill ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn lliissttss
+ We want to implement an internal email distribution list. Something like
+, which aliases to all employees. My first thought was to
+ use the aliases map, but that would lead to "all" being accessible from the
+ "outside", and this is not desired... :-)
+Postfix can implement per-address access controls. What follows is based on the
+SMTP client IP address, and therefore is subject to IP spoofing.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ ...
+ check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/access
+ ...the usual stuff...
+ /etc/postfix/access:
+ all@my.domain permit_mynetworks,reject
+ all@my.hostname permit_mynetworks,reject
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what map types Postfix supports, use the command ppoossttccoonnff --mm.
+Now, that would be sufficient when your machine receives all Internet mail
+directly from the Internet. That's unlikely if your network is a bit larger
+than an office. For example, your backup MX hosts would "launder" the client IP
+address of mail from the outside so it would appear to come from a trusted
+In the general case you need two lookup tables: one table that lists
+destinations that need to be protected, and one table that lists domains that
+are allowed to send to the protected destinations.
+What follows is based on the sender SMTP envelope address, and therefore is
+subject to SMTP sender spoofing.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ ...
+ check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/protected_destinations
+ ...the usual stuff...
+ smtpd_restriction_classes = insiders_only
+ insiders_only = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/insiders, reject
+ /etc/postfix/protected_destinations:
+ all@my.domain insiders_only
+ all@my.hostname insiders_only
+ /etc/postfix/insiders:
+ my.domain OK matches my.domain and subdomains
+ another.domain OK matches another.domain and subdomains
+Getting past this scheme is relatively easy, because all one has to do is to
+spoof the SMTP sender address.
+If the internal list is a low-volume one, perhaps it makes more sense to make
+it moderated.
+RReessttrriiccttiinngg wwhhaatt uusseerrss ccaann sseenndd mmaaiill ttoo ooffff--ssiittee ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss
+ How can I configure Postfix in a way that some users can send mail to the
+ internet and other users not. The users with no access should receive a
+ generic bounce message. Please don't discuss whether such access
+ restrictions are necessary, it was not my decision.
+Postfix has support for per-user restrictions. The restrictions are implemented
+by the SMTP server. Thus, users that violate the policy have their mail
+rejected by the SMTP server. Like this:
+ 554 <user@remote>: Access denied
+The implementation uses two lookup tables. One table defines what users are
+restricted in where they can send mail, and the other table defines what
+destinations are local. It is left as an exercise for the reader to change this
+into a scheme where only some users have permission to send mail to off-site
+destinations, and where most users are restricted.
+The example assumes DB/DBM files, but this could also be done with LDAP or SQL.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ ...
+ check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/restricted_senders
+ ...other stuff...
+ smtpd_restriction_classes = local_only
+ local_only =
+ check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/local_domains, reject
+ /etc/postfix/restricted_senders:
+ foo@domain local_only
+ bar@domain local_only
+ /etc/postfix/local_domains:
+ this.domain OK matches this.domain and subdomains
+ that.domain OK matches that.domain and subdomains
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what map types Postfix supports, use the command ppoossttccoonnff --mm.
+Note: this scheme does not authenticate the user, and therefore it can be
+bypassed in several ways:
+ * By sending mail via a less restrictive mail relay host.
+ * By sending mail as someone else who does have permission to send mail to
+ off-site destinations.
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+PPoossttffiixx SSAASSLL HHoowwttoo
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx uusseess SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn
+SMTP servers need to decide whether an SMTP client is authorized to send mail
+to remote destinations, or only to destinations that the server itself is
+responsible for. Usually, SMTP servers accept mail to remote destinations when
+the client's IP address is in the "same network" as the server's IP address.
+SMTP clients outside the SMTP server's network need a different way to get
+"same network" privileges. To address this need, Postfix supports SASL
+authentication (RFC 4954, formerly RFC 2554). With this a remote SMTP client
+can authenticate to the Postfix SMTP server, and the Postfix SMTP client can
+authenticate to a remote SMTP server. Once a client is authenticated, a server
+can give it "same network" privileges.
+Postfix does not implement SASL itself, but instead uses existing
+implementations as building blocks. This means that some SASL-related
+configuration files will belong to Postfix, while other configuration files
+belong to the specific SASL implementation that Postfix will use. This document
+covers both the Postfix and non-Postfix configuration.
+NOTE: People who go to the trouble of installing Postfix may have the
+expectation that Postfix is more secure than some other mailers. The Cyrus SASL
+library contains a lot of code. With this, Postfix becomes as secure as other
+mail systems that use the Cyrus SASL library. Dovecot provides an alternative
+that may be worth considering.
+You can read more about the following topics:
+ * Configuring SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP server
+ * Configuring SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP/LMTP client
+ * Building Postfix with SASL support
+ * Using Cyrus SASL version 1.5.x
+ * Credits
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+As mentioned earlier, SASL is implemented separately from Postfix. For this
+reason, configuring SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP server involves two
+different steps:
+ * Configuring the SASL implementation to offer a list of mechanisms that are
+ suitable for SASL authentication and, depending on the SASL implementation
+ used, configuring authentication backends that verify the remote SMTP
+ client's authentication data against the system password file or some other
+ database.
+ * Configuring the Postfix SMTP server to enable SASL authentication, and to
+ authorize clients to relay mail or to control what envelope sender
+ addresses the client may use.
+Successful authentication in the Postfix SMTP server requires a functional SASL
+framework. Configuring SASL should therefore always be the first step, before
+configuring Postfix.
+You can read more about the following topics:
+ * Which SASL Implementations are supported?
+ * Configuring Dovecot SASL
+ o Postfix to Dovecot SASL communication
+ * Configuring Cyrus SASL
+ o Cyrus SASL configuration file name
+ o Cyrus SASL configuration file location
+ o Postfix to Cyrus SASL communication
+ * Enabling SASL authentication and authorization in the Postfix SMTP server
+ o Enabling SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP server
+ o Postfix SMTP Server policy - SASL mechanism properties
+ o Enabling SASL authorization in the Postfix SMTP server
+ o Additional SMTP Server SASL options
+ * Testing SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP server
+WWhhiicchh SSAASSLL IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonnss aarree ssuuppppoorrtteedd??
+Currently the Postfix SMTP server supports the Cyrus SASL and Dovecot SASL
+ NNoottee
+ Current Postfix versions have a plug-in architecture that can support
+ multiple SASL implementations. Before Postfix version 2.3, Postfix had
+ support only for Cyrus SASL.
+To find out what SASL implementations are compiled into Postfix, use the
+following commands:
+ % ppoossttccoonnff --aa (SASL support in the SMTP server)
+ % ppoossttccoonnff --AA (SASL support in the SMTP+LMTP client)
+These commands are available only with Postfix version 2.3 and later.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg DDoovveeccoott SSAASSLL
+Dovecot is a POP/IMAP server that has its own configuration to authenticate
+POP/IMAP clients. When the Postfix SMTP server uses Dovecot SASL, it reuses
+parts of this configuration. Consult the Dovecot documentation for how to
+configure and operate the Dovecot authentication server.
+PPoossttffiixx ttoo DDoovveeccoott SSAASSLL ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn
+Communication between the Postfix SMTP server and Dovecot SASL happens over a
+UNIX-domain socket or over a TCP socket. We will be using a UNIX-domain socket
+for better privacy.
+The following fragment for Dovecot version 2 assumes that the Postfix queue is
+under /var/spool/postfix/.
+ 1 conf.d/10-master.conf:
+ 2 service auth {
+ 3 ...
+ 4 unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
+ 5 mode = 0660
+ 6 # Assuming the default Postfix user and group
+ 7 user = postfix
+ 8 group = postfix
+ 9 }
+ 10 ...
+ 11 }
+ 12
+ 13 conf.d/10-auth.conf
+ 14 auth_mechanisms = plain login
+Line 4 places the Dovecot SASL socket in /var/spool/postfix/private/auth, lines
+5-8 limit read+write permissions to user and group postfix only, and line 14
+provides plain and login as mechanisms for the Postfix SMTP server.
+Proceed with the section "Enabling SASL authentication and authorization in the
+Postfix SMTP server" to turn on and use SASL in the Postfix SMTP server.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL
+The Cyrus SASL framework supports a wide variety of applications (POP, IMAP,
+SMTP, etc.). Different applications may require different configurations. As a
+consequence each application may have its own configuration file.
+The first step configuring Cyrus SASL is to determine name and location of a
+configuration file that describes how the Postfix SMTP server will use the SASL
+CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffiillee nnaammee
+The name of the configuration file (default: smtpd.conf) is configurable. It is
+a concatenation from a value that the Postfix SMTP server sends to the Cyrus
+SASL library, and the suffix .conf, added by Cyrus SASL.
+The value sent by Postfix is the name of the server component that will use
+Cyrus SASL. It defaults to smtpd and is configured with one of the following
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Postfix 2.3 and later
+ smtpd_sasl_path = smtpd
+ # Postfix < 2.3
+ smtpd_sasl_application_name = smtpd
+CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffiillee llooccaattiioonn
+The location where Cyrus SASL searches for the named file depends on the Cyrus
+SASL version and the OS/distribution used.
+You can read more about the following topics:
+ * Cyrus SASL version 2.x searches for the configuration file in /usr/lib/
+ sasl2/.
+ * Cyrus SASL version 2.1.22 and newer additionally search in /etc/sasl2/.
+ * Some Postfix distributions are modified and look for the Cyrus SASL
+ configuration file in /etc/postfix/sasl/, /var/lib/sasl2/ etc. See the
+ distribution-specific documentation to determine the expected location.
+ NNoottee
+ Cyrus SASL searches /usr/lib/sasl2/ first. If it finds the specified
+ configuration file there, it will not examine other locations.
+PPoossttffiixx ttoo CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn
+As the Postfix SMTP server is linked with the Cyrus SASL library libsasl,
+communication between Postfix and Cyrus SASL takes place by calling functions
+in the SASL library.
+The SASL library may use an external password verification service, or an
+internal plugin to connect to authentication backends and verify the SMTP
+client's authentication data against the system password file or other
+The following table shows typical combinations discussed in this document:
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ | aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn bbaacckkeenndd |ppaasssswwoorrdd vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn sseerrvviiccee // pplluuggiinn|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |/etc/shadow |saslauthd |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |PAM |saslauthd |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |IMAP server |saslauthd |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |sasldb |sasldb |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite|sql |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |LDAP |ldapdb |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ NNoottee
+ Read the Cyrus SASL documentation for other backends it can use.
+ssaassllaauutthhdd -- CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ppaasssswwoorrdd vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn sseerrvviiccee
+Communication between the Postfix SMTP server (read: Cyrus SASL's libsasl) and
+the saslauthd server takes place over a UNIX-domain socket.
+saslauthd usually establishes the UNIX domain socket in /var/run/saslauthd/ and
+waits for authentication requests. The Postfix SMTP server must have
+read+execute permission to this directory or authentication attempts will fail.
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Some distributions require the user postfix to be member of a special group
+ e.g. sasl, otherwise it will not be able to access the saslauthd socket
+ directory.
+The following example configures the Cyrus SASL library to contact saslauthd as
+its password verification service:
+ /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
+ pwcheck_method: saslauthd
+ mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Do not specify any other mechanisms in mech_list than PLAIN or LOGIN when
+ using saslauthd! It can only handle these two mechanisms, and
+ authentication will fail if clients are allowed to choose other mechanisms.
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Plaintext mechanisms (PLAIN, LOGIN) send credentials unencrypted. This
+ information should be protected by an additional security layer such as a
+ TLS-encrypted SMTP session (see: TLS_README).
+Additionally the saslauthd server itself must be configured. It must be told
+which authentication backend to turn to for password verification. The backend
+is selected with a saslauthd command-line option and will be shown in the
+following examples.
+ NNoottee
+ Some distributions use a configuration file to provide saslauthd command
+ line options to set e.g. the authentication backend. Typical locations are
+ /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd or /etc/default/saslauthd.
+UUssiinngg ssaassllaauutthhdd wwiitthh //eettcc//sshhaaddooww
+Access to the /etc/shadow system password file requires root privileges. The
+Postfix SMTP server (and in consequence libsasl linked to the server) runs with
+the least privilege possible. Direct access to /etc/shadow would not be
+possible without breaking the Postfix security architecture.
+The saslauthd socket builds a safe bridge. Postfix, running as limited user
+postfix, can access the UNIX-domain socket that saslauthd receives commands on;
+saslauthd, running as privileged user root, has the privileges required to
+access the shadow file.
+The saslauthd server verifies passwords against the authentication backend /
+etc/shadow if started like this:
+ % ssaassllaauutthhdd --aa sshhaaddooww
+See section "Testing saslauthd authentication" for test instructions.
+UUssiinngg ssaassllaauutthhdd wwiitthh PPAAMM
+Cyrus SASL can use the PAM framework to authenticate credentials. saslauthd
+uses the PAM framework when started like this:
+ % ssaassllaauutthhdd --aa ppaamm
+ NNoottee
+ PAM configuration for the Postfix SMTP server is usually given in /etc/
+ pam.d/smtp and is beyond the scope of this document.
+See section "Testing saslauthd authentication" for test instructions.
+UUssiinngg ssaassllaauutthhdd wwiitthh aann IIMMAAPP sseerrvveerr
+saslauthd can verify the SMTP client credentials by using them to log into an
+IMAP server. If the login succeeds, SASL authentication also succeeds.
+saslauthd contacts an IMAP server when started like this:
+ % ssaassllaauutthhdd --aa rriimmaapp --OO iimmaapp..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ NNoottee
+ The option "-O" specifies the IMAP server saslauthd should
+ contact when it verifies credentials.
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ saslauthd sends IMAP login information unencrypted. Any IMAP session
+ leaving the local host should be protected by an additional security layer
+ such as an SSL tunnel.
+See section "Testing saslauthd authentication" for test instructions.
+TTeessttiinngg ssaassllaauutthhdd aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn
+Cyrus SASL provides the testsaslauthd utility to test saslauthd authentication.
+The username and password are given as command line arguments. The example
+shows the response when authentication is successful:
+ % tteessttssaassllaauutthhdd --uu uusseerrnnaammee --pp ppaasssswwoorrdd
+ 0: OK "Success."
+ NNoottee
+ Sometimes the testsaslauthd program is not distributed with a the Cyrus
+ SASL main package. In that case, it may be distributed with -devel, -dev or
+ -debug packages.
+Specify an additional "-s smtp" if saslauthd was configured to contact the PAM
+authentication framework, and specify an additional "-f //ppaatthh//ttoo//ssoocckkeettddiirr//mmuuxx"
+if saslauthd establishes the UNIX-domain socket in a non-default location.
+If authentication succeeds, proceed with the section "Enabling SASL
+authentication and authorization in the Postfix SMTP server".
+CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL PPlluuggiinnss -- aauuxxiilliiaarryy pprrooppeerrttyy pplluuggiinnss
+Cyrus SASL uses a plugin infrastructure (called auxprop) to expand libsasl's
+capabilities. Currently Cyrus SASL sources provide three authentication
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPlluuggiinn|DDeessccrriippttiioonn |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |sasldb|Accounts are stored stored in a Cyrus SASL Berkeley DB database|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |sql |Accounts are stored in a SQL database |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |ldapdb|Accounts are stored stored in an LDAP database |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ These three plugins support shared-secret mechanisms i.e. CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-
+ MD5 and NTLM. These mechanisms send credentials encrypted but their
+ verification process requires the password to be available in plaintext.
+ Consequently passwords cannot (!) be stored in encrypted form.
+TThhee ssaassllddbb pplluuggiinn
+The sasldb auxprop plugin authenticates SASL clients against credentials that
+are stored in a Berkeley DB database. The database schema is specific to Cyrus
+SASL. The database is usually located at /etc/sasldb2.
+ NNoottee
+ The sasldb2 file contains passwords in plaintext, and should have
+ read+write access only to user postfix or a group that postfix is member
+ of.
+The saslpasswd2 command-line utility creates and maintains the database:
+ % ssaassllppaasssswwdd22 --cc --uu eexxaammppllee..ccoomm uusseerrnnaammee
+ Password:
+ Again (for verification):
+This command creates an account uusseerrnnaammee@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm.
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ users must specify uusseerrnnaammee@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm as login name, not uusseerrnnaammee.
+Run the following command to reuse the Postfix mydomain parameter value as the
+login domain:
+ % ssaassllppaasssswwdd22 --cc --uu ``ppoossttccoonnff --hh mmyyddoommaaiinn`` uusseerrnnaammee
+ Password:
+ Again (for verification):
+ NNoottee
+ Run saslpasswd2 without any options for further help on how to use the
+ command.
+The sasldblistusers2 command lists all existing users in the sasldb database:
+ % ssaassllddbblliissttuusseerrss22
+ password1
+ password2
+Configure libsasl to use sasldb with the following instructions:
+ /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
+ pwcheck_method: auxprop
+ auxprop_plugin: sasldb
+ NNoottee
+ In the above example adjust mech_list to the mechanisms that are applicable
+ for your environment.
+TThhee ssqqll pplluuggiinn
+The sql auxprop plugin is a generic SQL plugin. It provides access to
+credentials stored in a MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite database. This plugin
+requires that SASL client passwords are stored as plaintext.
+ TTiipp
+ If you must store encrypted passwords, you cannot use the sql auxprop
+ plugin. Instead, see section "Using saslauthd with PAM", and configure PAM
+ to look up the encrypted passwords with, for example, the pam_mysql module.
+ You will not be able to use any of the methods that require access to
+ plaintext passwords, such as the shared-secret methods CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-
+ MD5.
+The following example configures libsasl to use the sql plugin and connects it
+to a PostgreSQL server:
+ /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
+ pwcheck_method: auxprop
+ auxprop_plugin: sql
+ sql_engine: pgsql
+ sql_hostnames:,
+ sql_user: username
+ sql_passwd: secret
+ sql_database: dbname
+ sql_select: SELECT password FROM users WHERE user = '%u@%r'
+ NNoottee
+ Set appropriate permissions if smtpd.conf contains a password. The file
+ should be readable by the postfix user.
+ NNoottee
+ In the above example, adjust mech_list to the mechanisms that are
+ applicable for your environment.
+The sql plugin has the following configuration options:
+ sql_engine
+ Specify mysql to connect to a MySQL server, pgsql for a PostgreSQL
+ server or sqlite for an SQLite database
+ sql_hostnames
+ Specify one or more servers (hostname or hostname:port) separated by
+ commas.
+ NNoottee
+ With MySQL servers, specify localhost to connect over a UNIX-domain
+ socket, and specify to connect over a TCP socket.
+ sql_user
+ The login name to gain access to the database.
+ sql_passwd
+ The password to gain access to the database.
+ sql_database
+ The name of the database to connect to.
+ sql_select
+ The SELECT statement that should retrieve the plaintext password from a
+ database table.
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Do not enclose the statement in quotes! Use single quotes to escape
+ macros!
+The sql plugin provides macros to build sql_select statements. They will be
+replaced with arguments sent from the client. The following macros are
+ %u
+ The name of the user whose properties are being selected.
+ %p
+ The name of the property being selected. While this could technically
+ be anything, Cyrus SASL will try userPassword and cmusaslsecretMECHNAME
+ (where MECHNAME is the name of a SASL mechanism).
+ %r
+ The name of the realm to which the user belongs. This could be the
+ KERBEROS realm, the fully-qualified domain name of the computer the
+ SASL application is running on, or the domain after the "@" in a
+ username.
+TThhee llddaappddbb pplluuggiinn
+The ldapdb auxprop plugin provides access to credentials stored in an LDAP
+server. This plugin requires that SASL client passwords are stored as
+ TTiipp
+ If you must store encrypted passwords, you cannot use the ldapdb auxprop
+ plugin. Instead, you can use "saslauthd -a ldap" to query the LDAP database
+ directly, with appropriate configuration in saslauthd.conf, as described
+ here. You will not be able to use any of the methods that require access to
+ plaintext passwords, such as the shared-secret methods CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-
+ MD5.
+The ldapdb plugin implements proxy authorization. This means that the ldapdb
+plugin uses its own username and password to authenticate with the LDAP server,
+before it asks the LDAP server for the remote SMTP client's password. The LDAP
+server then decides if the ldapdb plugin is authorized to read the remote SMTP
+client's password.
+In a nutshell: Configuring ldapdb means authentication and authorization must
+be configured twice - once in the Postfix SMTP server to authenticate and
+authorize the remote SMTP client, and once in the LDAP server to authenticate
+and authorize the ldapdb plugin.
+This example configures libsasl to use the ldapdb plugin and the plugin to
+connect to an LDAP server:
+ /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
+ pwcheck_method: auxprop
+ auxprop_plugin: ldapdb
+ ldapdb_uri: ldap://localhost
+ ldapdb_id: proxyuser
+ ldapdb_pw: password
+ ldapdb_mech: DIGEST-MD5
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Set appropriate permissions if smtpd.conf contains a password. The file
+ should be readable by the postfix user.
+ NNoottee
+ The shared-secret mechanisms (CRAM-MD5, etc.) require that the SASL client
+ passwords are stored as plaintext.
+The following is a summary of applicable smtpd.conf file entries:
+ auxprop_plugin
+ Specify ldapdb to enable the plugin.
+ ldapdb_uri
+ Specify either ldapi:// for to connect over a UNIX-domain socket, ldap:
+ // for an unencrypted TCP connection or ldaps:// for an encrypted TCP
+ connection.
+ ldapdb_id
+ The login name to authenticate the ldapdb plugin to the LDAP server
+ (proxy authorization).
+ ldapdb_pw
+ The password (in plaintext) to authenticate the ldapdb plugin to the
+ LDAP server (proxy authorization).
+ ldapdb_mech
+ The mechanism to authenticate the ldapdb plugin to the LDAP server.
+ NNoottee
+ Specify a mechanism here that is supported by the LDAP server.
+ ldapdb_rc (optional)
+ The path to a file containing individual configuration options for the
+ ldapdb LDAP client (libldap). This allows to specify a TLS client
+ certificate which in turn can be used to use the SASL EXTERNAL
+ mechanism.
+ NNoottee
+ This mechanism supports authentication over an encrypted transport
+ layer, which is recommended if the plugin must connect to an
+ OpenLDAP server on a remote machine.
+ ldapdb_starttls (optional)
+ The TLS policy for connecting to the LDAP server. Specify either try or
+ demand. If the option is try the plugin will attempt to establish a
+ TLS-encrypted connection with the LDAP server, and will fallback to an
+ unencrypted connection if TLS fails. If the policy is demand and a TLS-
+ encrypted connection cannot be established, the connection fails
+ immediately.
+When the ldapdb plugin connects to the OpenLDAP server and successfully
+authenticates, the OpenLDAP server decides if the plugin user is authorized to
+read SASL account information.
+The following configuration gives an example of authorization configuration in
+the OpenLDAP slapd server:
+ /etc/openldap/slapd.conf:
+ authz-regexp
+ uid=(.*),cn=.*,cn=auth
+ ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?cn=$1
+ authz-policy to
+Here, the authz-regexp option serves for authentication of the ldapdb user. It
+maps its login name to a DN in the LDAP directory tree where slapd can look up
+the SASL account information. The authz-policy options defines the
+authentication policy. In this case it grants authentication privileges "to"
+the ldapdb plugin.
+The last configuration step is to tell the OpenLDAP slapd server where ldapdb
+may search for usernames matching the one given by the mail client. The example
+below adds an additional attribute ldapdb user object (here: authzTo because
+the authz-policy is "to") and configures the scope where the login name
+"proxyuser" may search:
+ dn: cn=proxyuser,dc=example,dc=com
+ changetype: modify
+ add: authzTo
+ authzTo: dn.regex:uniqueIdentifier=(.*),ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
+Use the ldapmodify or ldapadd command to add the above attribute.
+ NNoottee
+ Read the chapter "Using SASL" in the OpenLDAP Admin Guide for more detailed
+ instructions to set up SASL authentication in OpenLDAP.
+EEnnaabblliinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn aanndd aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+By default the Postfix SMTP server uses the Cyrus SASL implementation. If the
+Dovecot SASL implementation should be used, specify an smtpd_sasl_type value of
+dovecot instead of cyrus:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
+Additionally specify how Postfix SMTP server can find the Dovecot
+authentication server. This depends on the settings that you have selected in
+the section "Postfix to Dovecot SASL communication".
+ * If you configured Dovecot for UNIX-domain socket communication, configure
+ Postfix as follows:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
+ NNoottee
+ This example uses a pathname relative to the Postfix queue directory, so
+ that it will work whether or not the Postfix SMTP server runs chrooted.
+ * If you configured Dovecot for TCP socket communication, configure Postfix
+ as follows. If Dovecot runs on a different machine, replace by
+ that machine's IP address.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_path = inet:
+ NNoottee
+ If you specify a remote IP address, information will be sent as plaintext
+ over the network.
+EEnnaabblliinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+Regardless of the SASL implementation type, enabling SMTP authentication in the
+Postfix SMTP server always requires setting the smtpd_sasl_auth_enable option:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
+After a "postfix reload", SMTP clients will see the additional capability AUTH
+in an SMTP session, followed by a list of authentication mechanisms the server
+ % tteellnneett sseerrvveerr..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm 2255
+ ...
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ ...
+However not all clients recognize the AUTH capability as defined by the SASL
+authentication RFC. Some historical implementations expect the server to send
+an "=" as separator between the AUTH verb and the list of mechanisms that
+follows it.
+The broken_sasl_auth_clients configuration option lets Postfix repeat the AUTH
+statement in a form that these broken clients understand:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
+ NNoottee
+ Enable this option for Outlook up to and including version 2003 and Outlook
+ Express up to version 6. This option does not hurt other clients.
+After "postfix reload", the Postfix SMTP server will propagate the AUTH
+capability twice - once for compliant and once for broken clients:
+ % tteellnneett sseerrvveerr..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm 2255
+ ...
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ ...
+PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr ppoolliiccyy -- SSAASSLL mmeecchhaanniissmm pprrooppeerrttiieess
+The Postfix SMTP server supports policies that limit the SASL mechanisms that
+it makes available to clients, based on the properties of those mechanisms. The
+next two sections give examples of how these policies are used.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPrrooppeerrttyy |DDeessccrriippttiioonn |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |noanonymous |Don't use mechanisms that permit anonymous |
+ | |authentication. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |noplaintext |Don't use mechanisms that transmit unencrypted username |
+ | |and password information. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |nodictionary |Don't use mechanisms that are vulnerable to dictionary |
+ | |attacks. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |forward_secrecy|Require forward secrecy between sessions (breaking one |
+ | |session does not break earlier sessions). |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mutual_auth |Use only mechanisms that authenticate both the client and|
+ | |the server to each other. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+UUnneennccrryypptteedd SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn
+The default policy is to allow any mechanism in the Postfix SMTP server except
+for those based on anonymous authentication:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Specify a list of properties separated by comma or whitespace
+ smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Always set at least the noanonymous option. Otherwise, the Postfix SMTP
+ server can give strangers the same authorization as a properly-
+ authenticated client.
+EEnnccrryypptteedd SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn ((TTLLSS))
+A separate parameter controls Postfix SASL mechanism policy during a TLS-
+encrypted SMTP session. The default is to copy the settings from the
+unencrypted session:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = $smtpd_sasl_security_options
+A more sophisticated policy allows plaintext mechanisms, but only over a TLS-
+encrypted connection:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
+ smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
+To offer SASL authentication only after a TLS-encrypted session has been
+established specify this:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
+EEnnaabblliinngg SSAASSLL aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+After the client has authenticated with SASL, the Postfix SMTP server decides
+what the remote SMTP client will be authorized for. Examples of possible SMTP
+clients authorizations are:
+ * Send a message to a remote recipient.
+ * Use a specific envelope sender in the MAIL FROM command.
+These permissions are not enabled by default.
+MMaaiill rreellaayy aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn
+With permit_sasl_authenticated the Postfix SMTP server can allow SASL-
+authenticated SMTP clients to send mail to remote destinations. Examples:
+ # With Postfix 2.10 and later, the mail relay policy is
+ # preferably specified under smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ ppeerrmmiitt__ssaassll__aauutthheennttiiccaatteedd
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ # Older configurations combine relay control and spam control under
+ # smtpd_recipient_restrictions. To use this example with Postfix >=
+ # 2.10 specify "smtpd_relay_restrictions=".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ ppeerrmmiitt__ssaassll__aauutthheennttiiccaatteedd
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ ...other rules...
+EEnnvveellooppee sseennddeerr aaddddrreessss aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn
+By default an SMTP client may specify any envelope sender address in the MAIL
+FROM command. That is because the Postfix SMTP server only knows the remote
+SMTP client hostname and IP address, but not the user who controls the remote
+SMTP client.
+This changes the moment an SMTP client uses SASL authentication. Now, the
+Postfix SMTP server knows who the sender is. Given a table of envelope sender
+addresses and SASL login names, the Postfix SMTP server can decide if the SASL
+authenticated client is allowed to use a particular envelope sender address:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ ssmmttppdd__sseennddeerr__llooggiinn__mmaappss == hhaasshh:://eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ccoonnttrroolllleedd__eennvveellooppee__sseennddeerrss
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ ...
+ rreejjeecctt__sseennddeerr__llooggiinn__mmiissmmaattcchh
+ permit_sasl_authenticated
+ ...
+The controlled_envelope_senders table specifies the binding between a sender
+envelope address and the SASL login names that own that address:
+ /etc/postfix/controlled_envelope_senders
+ # envelope sender owners (SASL login names)
+ postmaster
+ barney, fred,,
+With this, the reject_sender_login_mismatch restriction above will reject the
+sender address in the MAIL FROM command if smtpd_sender_login_maps does not
+specify the SMTP client's login name as an owner of that address.
+See also reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch,
+reject_known_sender_login_mismatch, and
+reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch for additional control over the
+SASL login name and the envelope sender.
+AAddddiittiioonnaall SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr SSAASSLL ooppttiioonnss
+Postfix provides a wide range of SASL authentication configuration options. The
+next section lists a few that are discussed frequently. See postconf(5) for a
+complete list.
+PPeerr--aaccccoouunntt aacccceessss ccoonnttrrooll
+Postfix can implement policies that depend on the SASL login name (Postfix 2.11
+and later). Typically this is used to HOLD or REJECT mail from accounts whose
+credentials have been compromised.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ check_sasl_access hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_access
+ permit_sasl_authenticated
+ ...
+ /etc/postfix/sasl_access:
+ # Use this when smtpd_sasl_local_domain is empty.
+ username HOLD
+ # Use this when
+DDeeffaauulltt aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn ddoommaaiinn
+Postfix can append a domain name (or any other string) to a SASL login name
+that does not have a domain part, e.g. "john" instead of "":
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
+This is useful as a default setting and safety net for misconfigured clients,
+or during a migration to an authentication method/backend that requires an
+authentication REALM or domain name, before all SMTP clients are configured to
+send such information.
+HHiiddiinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn ffrroomm cclliieennttss oorr nneettwwoorrkkss
+Some clients insist on using SASL authentication if it is offered, even when
+they are not configured to send credentials - and therefore they will always
+fail and disconnect.
+Postfix can hide the AUTH capability from these clients/networks:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks = !,
+AAddddiinngg tthhee SSAASSLL llooggiinn nnaammee ttoo mmaaiill hheeaaddeerrss
+To report SASL login names in Received: message headers (Postfix version 2.3
+and later):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes
+ NNoottee
+ The SASL login names will be shared with the entire world.
+TTeessttiinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr
+To test the server side, connect (for example, with telnet) to the Postfix SMTP
+server port and you should be able to have a conversation as shown below.
+Information sent by the client (that is, you) is shown in bboolldd font.
+ % tteellnneett sseerrvveerr..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm 2255
+ ...
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250 8BITMIME
+ 235 Authentication successful
+To test this over a connection that is encrypted with TLS, use openssl s_client
+instead of telnet:
+ % ooppeennssssll ss__cclliieenntt --ccoonnnneecctt sseerrvveerr..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm::2255 --ssttaarrttttllss ssmmttpp
+ ...
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ ...see above example for more...
+Instead of AHRlc3QAdGVzdHBhc3M=, specify the base64-encoded form of
+\0username\0password (the \0 is a null byte). The example above is for a user
+named `test' with password `testpass'.
+ CCaauuttiioonn
+ When posting logs of the SASL negotiations to public lists, please keep in
+ mind that username/password information is trivial to recover from the
+ base64-encoded form.
+You can use one of the following commands to generate base64 encoded
+authentication information:
+ * Using a recent version of the bbaasshh shell:
+ % eecchhoo --nnee ''\\000000uusseerrnnaammee\\000000ppaasssswwoorrdd'' || ooppeennssssll bbaassee6644
+ Some other shells support similar syntax.
+ * Using the pprriinnttff command:
+ % pprriinnttff ''\\00%%ss\\00%%ss'' ''uusseerrnnaammee'' ''ppaasssswwoorrdd'' || ooppeennssssll bbaassee6644
+ % pprriinnttff ''\\00%%ss\\00%%ss'' ''uusseerrnnaammee'' ''ppaasssswwoorrdd'' || mmmmeennccooddee
+ The mmmmeennccooddee command is part of the metamail software.
+ * Using Perl MMIIMMEE::::BBaassee6644 (from
+ % ppeerrll --MMMMIIMMEE::::BBaassee6644 --ee \\
+ ''pprriinntt eennccooddee__bbaassee6644((""\\00uusseerrnnaammee\\00ppaasssswwoorrdd""));;''
+ If the username or password contain "@", you must specify "\@".
+ * Using the ggeenn--aauutthh script:
+ % ggeenn--aauutthh ppllaaiinn
+ username: uusseerrnnaammee
+ password:
+ The ggeenn--aauutthh Perl script was written by John Jetmore and can be found at
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+The Postfix SMTP and the LMTP client can authenticate with a remote SMTP server
+via the Cyrus SASL framework. At this time, the Dovecot SASL implementation
+does not provide client functionality.
+ NNoottee
+ The examples in this section discuss only the SMTP client. Replace smtp_
+ with lmtp_ to get the corresponding LMTP client configuration.
+You can read more about the following topics:
+ * Enabling SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP/LMTP client
+ * Configuring sender-dependent SASL authentication
+ * Postfix SMTP/LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism pprrooppeerrttiieess
+ * Postfix SMTP/LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism nnaammeess
+EEnnaabblliinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+This section shows a typical scenario where the Postfix SMTP client sends all
+messages via a mail gateway server that requires SASL authentication.
+ TTrroouubbllee ssoollvviinngg ttiippss::
+ * If your SASL logins fail with "SASL authentication failure: No worthy
+ mechs found" in the mail logfile, then see the section "Postfix SMTP/
+ LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism pprrooppeerrttiieess".
+ * For a solution to a more obscure class of SASL authentication failures,
+ see "Postfix SMTP/LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism nnaammeess".
+To make the example more readable we introduce it in two parts. The first part
+takes care of the basic configuration, while the second part sets up the
+username/password information.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
+ smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
+ smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
+ relayhost = [mail.isp.example]
+ # Alternative form:
+ # relayhost = [mail.isp.example]:submission
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ * The smtp_sasl_auth_enable setting enables client-side authentication. We
+ will configure the client's username and password information in the second
+ part of the example.
+ * The smtp_tls_security_level setting ensures that the connection to the
+ remote smtp server will be encrypted, and smtp_sasl_tls_security_options
+ removes the prohibition on plaintext passwords.
+ * The relayhost setting forces the Postfix SMTP to send all remote messages
+ to the specified mail server instead of trying to deliver them directly to
+ their destination.
+ * In the relayhost setting, the "[" and "]" prevent the Postfix SMTP client
+ from looking up MX (mail exchanger) records for the enclosed name.
+ * The relayhost destination may also specify a non-default TCP port. For
+ example, the alternative form [mail.isp.example]:submission tells Postfix
+ to connect to TCP network port 587, which is reserved for email client
+ applications.
+ * The Postfix SMTP client is compatible with SMTP servers that use the non-
+ standard "AUTH=mmeetthhoodd....." syntax in response to the EHLO command; this
+ requires no additional Postfix client configuration.
+ * The Postfix SMTP client does not support the obsolete "wrappermode"
+ protocol, which uses TCP port 465 on the SMTP server. See TLS_README for a
+ solution that uses the stunnel command.
+ * With the smtp_sasl_password_maps parameter, we configure the Postfix SMTP
+ client to send username and password information to the mail gateway
+ server. As discussed in the next section, the Postfix SMTP client supports
+ multiple ISP accounts. For this reason the username and password are stored
+ in a table that contains one username/password combination for each mail
+ gateway server.
+ /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd:
+ # destination credentials
+ [mail.isp.example] username:password
+ # Alternative form:
+ # [mail.isp.example]:submission username:password
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Keep the SASL client password file in /etc/postfix, and make the file
+ read+write only for root to protect the username/password combinations
+ against other users. The Postfix SMTP client will still be able to read the
+ SASL client passwords. It opens the file as user root before it drops
+ privileges, and before entering an optional chroot jail.
+ * Use the postmap command whenever you change the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ file.
+ * If you specify the "[" and "]" in the relayhost destination, then you must
+ use the same form in the smtp_sasl_password_maps file.
+ * If you specify a non-default TCP Port (such as ":submission" or ":587") in
+ the relayhost destination, then you must use the same form in the
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps file.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSeennddeerr--DDeeppeennddeenntt SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn
+Postfix supports different ISP accounts for different sender addresses (version
+2.3 and later). This can be useful when one person uses the same machine for
+work and for personal use, or when people with different ISP accounts share the
+same Postfix server.
+To make this possible, Postfix supports per-sender SASL passwords and per-
+sender relay hosts. In the example below, the Postfix SMTP client will search
+the SASL password file by sender address before it searches that same file by
+destination. Likewise, the Postfix trivial-rewrite(8) daemon will search the
+per-sender relayhost file, and use the default relayhost setting only as a
+final resort.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes
+ sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay
+ smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ relayhost = [mail.isp.example]
+ # Alternative form:
+ # relayhost = [mail.isp.example]:submission
+ /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd:
+ # Per-sender authentication; see also /etc/postfix/sender_relay.
+ username1:password1
+ username2:password2
+ # Login information for the default relayhost.
+ [mail.isp.example] username:password
+ # Alternative form:
+ # [mail.isp.example]:submission username:password
+ /etc/postfix/sender_relay:
+ # Per-sender provider; see also /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.
+ []:submission
+ []
+ * If you are creative, then you can try to combine the two tables into one
+ single MySQL database, and configure different Postfix queries to extract
+ the appropriate information.
+ * Specify dbm instead of hash if your system uses dbm files instead of db
+ files. To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command
+ "postconf -m".
+ * Execute the command "postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd" whenever you change
+ the sasl_passwd table.
+ * Execute the command "postmap /etc/postfix/sender_relay" whenever you change
+ the sender_relay table.
+PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt ppoolliiccyy -- SSAASSLL mmeecchhaanniissmm pprrooppeerrttiieess
+Just like the Postfix SMTP server, the SMTP client has a policy that determines
+which SASL mechanisms are acceptable, based on their properties. The next two
+sections give examples of how these policies are used.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |PPrrooppeerrttyy |DDeessccrriippttiioonn |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |noanonymous |Don't use mechanisms that permit anonymous authentication. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |noplaintext |Don't use mechanisms that transmit unencrypted username and|
+ | |password information. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |nodictionary|Don't use mechanisms that are vulnerable to dictionary |
+ | |attacks. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |mutual_auth |Use only mechanisms that authenticate both the client and |
+ | |the server to each other. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+UUnneennccrryypptteedd SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn
+The default policy is stricter than that of the Postfix SMTP server - plaintext
+mechanisms are not allowed (nor is any anonymous mechanism):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_security_options = noplaintext, noanonymous
+This default policy, which allows no plaintext passwords, leads to
+authentication failures if the remote server only offers plaintext
+authentication mechanisms (the SMTP server announces "AUTH PLAIN LOGIN"). In
+such cases the SMTP client will log the following error message:
+ SASL authentication failure: No worthy mechs found
+ NNoottee
+ This same error message will also be logged when the or
+ modules are not installed in the /usr/lib/sasl2 directory.
+The insecure approach is to lower the security standards and permit plaintext
+authentication mechanisms:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
+The more secure approach is to protect the plaintext username and password with
+TLS session encryption. To find out if the remote SMTP server supports TLS,
+connect to the server and see if it announces STARTTLS support as shown in the
+example. Information sent by the client (that is, you) is shown in bboolldd font.
+ % tteellnneett sseerrvveerr..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm 2255
+ ...
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ ...
+Instead of port 25 (smtp), specify port 587 (submission) where appropriate.
+EEnnccrryypptteedd SSMMTTPP sseessssiioonn ((TTLLSS))
+To turn on TLS in the Postfix SMTP client, see TLS_README for configuration
+The smtp_sasl_tls_security_options parameter controls Postfix SASL mechanism
+policy during a TLS-encrypted SMTP session. The default is to copy the settings
+from the unencrypted session:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = $smtp_sasl_security_options
+A more sophisticated policy allows plaintext mechanisms, but only over a TLS-
+encrypted connection:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
+ smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
+PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt ppoolliiccyy -- SSAASSLL mmeecchhaanniissmm nnaammeess
+Given the SASL security options of the previous section, the Cyrus SASL library
+will choose the most secure authentication mechanism that both the SMTP client
+and server implement. Unfortunately, that authentication mechanism may fail
+because the client or server is not configured to use that mechanism.
+To prevent this, the Postfix SMTP client can filter the names of the
+authentication mechanisms from the remote SMTP server. Used correctly, the
+filter hides unwanted mechanisms from the Cyrus SASL library, forcing the
+library to choose from the mechanisms the Postfix SMTP client filter passes
+The following example filters out everything but the mechanisms PLAIN and
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
+ NNoottee
+ If the remote server does not offer any of the mechanisms on the filter
+ list, authentication will fail.
+We close this section with an example that passes every mechanism except for
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = !gssapi, !login, static:all
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh SSAASSLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+As mentioned elsewhere, Postfix supports two SASL implementations: Cyrus SASL
+(SMTP client and server) and Dovecot SASL (SMTP server only). Both
+implementations can be built into Postfix simultaneously.
+ * Building Dovecot SASL support
+ * Building Cyrus SASL support
+BBuuiillddiinngg DDoovveeccoott SSAASSLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+Support for the Dovecot version 1 SASL protocol is available in Postfix 2.3 and
+later. At the time of writing, only server-side SASL support is available, so
+you can't use it to authenticate the Postfix SMTP client to your network
+provider's server.
+Dovecot uses its own daemon process for authentication. This keeps the Postfix
+build process simple, because there is no need to link extra libraries into
+To generate the necessary Makefiles, execute the following in the Postfix top-
+level directory:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==''--DDUUSSEE__SSAASSLL__AAUUTTHH \\
+ --DDDDEEFF__SSEERRVVEERR__SSAASSLL__TTYYPPEE==\\""ddoovveeccoott\\""''
+After this, proceed with "make" as described in the INSTALL document.
+ * The -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" is not necessary; it just makes
+ Postfix configuration a little more convenient because you don't have to
+ specify the SASL plug-in type in the Postfix file (but this may
+ cause surprises when you switch to a later Postfix version that is built
+ with the default SASL type of sasl).
+ * If you also want support for LDAP or TLS (or for Cyrus SASL), you need to
+ merge their CCARGS and AUXLIBS options into the above command line; see the
+ LDAP_README and TLS_README for details.
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==''--DDUUSSEE__SSAASSLL__AAUUTTHH \\
+ --DDDDEEFF__SSEERRVVEERR__SSAASSLL__TTYYPPEE==\\""ddoovveeccoott\\"" \\
+ ......CCCCAARRGGSS ooppttiioonnss ffoorr LLDDAAPP oorr TTLLSS eettcc........'' \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==''......AAUUXXLLIIBBSS ooppttiioonnss ffoorr LLDDAAPP oorr TTLLSS eettcc........''
+BBuuiillddiinngg CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+BBuuiillddiinngg tthhee CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL lliibbrraarryy
+Postfix works with cyrus-sasl-1.5.x or cyrus-sasl-2.1.x, which are available
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ If you install the Cyrus SASL libraries as per the default, you will have
+ to create a symlink /usr/lib/sasl -> /usr/local/lib/sasl for version 1.5.x
+ or /usr/lib/sasl2 -> /usr/local/lib/sasl2 for version 2.1.x.
+Reportedly, Microsoft Outlook (Express) requires the non-standard LOGIN and/or
+NTLM authentication mechanism. To enable these authentication mechanisms, build
+the Cyrus SASL libraries with:
+ % ..//ccoonnffiigguurree ----eennaabbllee--llooggiinn ----eennaabbllee--nnttllmm
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+The following assumes that the Cyrus SASL include files are in /usr/local/
+include, and that the Cyrus SASL libraries are in /usr/local/lib.
+On some systems this generates the necessary Makefile definitions:
+Cyrus SASL version 2.1.x
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee//ssaassll"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssaassll22""
+Cyrus SASL version 1.5.x
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssaassll""
+On Solaris 2.x you need to specify run-time link information, otherwise the run-time linker will not find the SASL shared library:
+Cyrus SASL version 2.1.x
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # remove left-over files from a previous build
+ --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee//ssaassll"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb \\
+ --RR//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssaassll22""
+Cyrus SASL version 1.5.x
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb \\
+ --RR//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssaassll""
+UUssiinngg CCyyrruuss SSAASSLL vveerrssiioonn 11..55..xx
+Postfix supports Cyrus SASL version 1.x, but you shouldn't use it unless you
+are forced to. The makers of Cyrus SASL write:
+ This library is being deprecated and applications should transition to
+ using the SASLv2 library (source: Project Cyrus: Downloads).
+If you still need to set it up, here's a quick rundown:
+Read the regular section on SMTP server configurations for the Cyrus SASL
+framework. The differences are:
+ * Cyrus SASL version 1.5.x searches for configuration (smtpd.conf) in /usr/
+ lib/sasl/ only. You must place the configuration in that directory. Some
+ systems may have modified Cyrus SASL and put the files into e.g. /var/lib/
+ sasl/.
+ * Use the saslpasswd command instead of saslpasswd2 to create users in
+ sasldb.
+ * Use the sasldblistusers command instead of sasldblistusers2 to find users
+ in sasldb.
+ * In the smtpd.conf file you can't use mech_list to limit the range of
+ mechanisms offered. Instead, remove their libraries from /usr/lib/sasl/
+ (and remember remove those files again when a system update re-installs new
+ versions).
+ * Postfix SASL support was originally implemented by Till Franke of SuSE
+ Rhein/Main AG.
+ * Wietse trimmed down the code to only the bare necessities.
+ * Support for Cyrus SASL version 2 was contributed by Jason Hoos.
+ * Liviu Daia added smtpd_sasl_application_name, separated
+ reject_sender_login_mismatch into
+ reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch and
+ reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch, and revised the docs.
+ * Wietse made another iteration through the code to add plug-in support for
+ multiple SASL implementations, and for reasons that have been lost, also
+ changed smtpd_sasl_application_name into smtpd_sasl_path.
+ * The Dovecot SMTP server-only plug-in was originally implemented by Timo
+ Sirainen of Procontrol, Finland.
+ * Patrick Ben Koetter revised this document for Postfix 2.4 and made much
+ needed updates.
+ * Patrick Ben Koetter revised this document again for Postfix 2.7 and made
+ much needed updates.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f7702
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+PPoossttffiixx QQuueeuuee SScchheedduulleerr
+Many of the transport-specific configuration parameters discussed in this
+document will not show up in "postconf" command output before Postfix version
+2.9. This limitation applies to many parameters whose name is a combination of
+a service name such as "relay" and a built-in suffix such as
+The queue manager is by far the most complex part of the Postfix mail system.
+It schedules delivery of new mail, retries failed deliveries at specific times,
+and removes mail from the queue after the last delivery attempt. There are two
+major classes of mechanisms that control the operation of the queue manager.
+Topics covered by this document:
+ * Concurrency scheduling, concerned with the number of concurrent deliveries
+ to a specific destination, including decisions on when to suspend
+ deliveries after persistent failures.
+ * Preemptive scheduling, concerned with the selection of email messages and
+ recipients for a given destination.
+ * Credits, something this document would not be complete without.
+CCoonnccuurrrreennccyy sscchheedduulliinngg
+The following sections document the Postfix 2.5 concurrency scheduler, after a
+discussion of the limitations of the earlier concurrency scheduler. This is
+followed by results of medium-concurrency experiments, and a discussion of
+trade-offs between performance and robustness.
+The material is organized as follows:
+ * Drawbacks of the existing concurrency scheduler
+ * Summary of the Postfix 2.5 concurrency feedback algorithm
+ * Summary of the Postfix 2.5 "dead destination" detection algorithm
+ * Pseudocode for the Postfix 2.5 concurrency scheduler
+ * Results for delivery to concurrency limited servers
+ * Discussion of concurrency limited server results
+ * Limitations of less-than-1 per delivery feedback
+ * Concurrency configuration parameters
+DDrraawwbbaacckkss ooff tthhee eexxiissttiinngg ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy sscchheedduulleerr
+From the start, Postfix has used a simple but robust algorithm where the per-
+destination delivery concurrency is decremented by 1 after delivery failed due
+to connection or handshake failure, and incremented by 1 otherwise. Of course
+the concurrency is never allowed to exceed the maximum per-destination
+concurrency limit. And when a destination's concurrency level drops to zero,
+the destination is declared "dead" and delivery is suspended.
+Drawbacks of +/-1 concurrency feedback per delivery are:
+ * Overshoot due to exponential delivery concurrency growth with each pseudo-
+ cohort(*). This can be an issue with high-concurrency channels. For
+ example, with the default initial concurrency of 5, concurrency would
+ proceed over time as (5-10-20).
+ * Throttling down to zero concurrency after a single pseudo-cohort(*)
+ failure. This was especially an issue with low-concurrency channels where a
+ single failure could be sufficient to mark a destination as "dead", causing
+ the suspension of further deliveries to the affected destination.
+(*) A pseudo-cohort is a number of delivery requests equal to a destination's
+delivery concurrency.
+The revised concurrency scheduler has a highly modular structure. It uses
+separate mechanisms for per-destination concurrency control and for "dead
+destination" detection. The concurrency control in turn is built from two
+separate mechanisms: it supports less-than-1 feedback per delivery to allow for
+more gradual concurrency adjustments, and it uses feedback hysteresis to
+suppress concurrency oscillations. And instead of waiting for delivery
+concurrency to throttle down to zero, a destination is declared "dead" after a
+configurable number of pseudo-cohorts reports connection or handshake failure.
+SSuummmmaarryy ooff tthhee PPoossttffiixx 22..55 ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy ffeeeeddbbaacckk aallggoorriitthhmm
+We want to increment a destination's delivery concurrency when some (not
+necessarily consecutive) number of deliveries complete without connection or
+handshake failure. This is implemented with positive feedback g(N) where N is
+the destination's delivery concurrency. With g(N)=1 feedback per delivery,
+concurrency increases by 1 after each positive feedback event; this gives us
+the old scheduler's exponential growth in time. With g(N)=1/N feedback per
+delivery, concurrency increases by 1 after an entire pseudo-cohort N of
+positive feedback reports; this gives us linear growth in time. Less-than-
+1 feedback per delivery and integer truncation naturally give us hysteresis, so
+that transitions to larger concurrency happen every 1/g(N) positive feedback
+We want to decrement a destination's delivery concurrency when some (not
+necessarily consecutive) number of deliveries complete after connection or
+handshake failure. This is implemented with negative feedback f(N) where N is
+the destination's delivery concurrency. With f(N)=1 feedback per delivery,
+concurrency decreases by 1 after each negative feedback event; this gives us
+the old scheduler's behavior where concurrency is throttled down dramatically
+after a single pseudo-cohort failure. With f(N)=1/N feedback per delivery,
+concurrency backs off more gently. Again, less-than-1 feedback per delivery and
+integer truncation naturally give us hysteresis, so that transitions to lower
+concurrency happen every 1/f(N) negative feedback events.
+However, with negative feedback we introduce a subtle twist. We "reverse" the
+negative hysteresis cycle so that the transition to lower concurrency happens
+at the bbeeggiinnnniinngg of a sequence of 1/f(N) negative feedback events. Otherwise, a
+correction for overload would be made too late. This makes the choice of f(N)
+relatively unimportant, as borne out by measurements later in this document.
+In summary, the main ingredients for the Postfix 2.5 concurrency feedback
+algorithm are a) the option of less-than-1 positive feedback per delivery to
+avoid overwhelming servers, b) the option of less-than-1 negative feedback per
+delivery to avoid giving up too fast, c) feedback hysteresis to avoid rapid
+oscillation, and d) a "reverse" hysteresis cycle for negative feedback, so that
+it can correct for overload quickly.
+SSuummmmaarryy ooff tthhee PPoossttffiixx 22..55 ""ddeeaadd ddeessttiinnaattiioonn"" ddeetteeccttiioonn aallggoorriitthhmm
+We want to suspend deliveries to a specific destination after some number of
+deliveries suffers connection or handshake failure. The old scheduler declares
+a destination "dead" when negative (-1) feedback throttles the delivery
+concurrency down to zero. With less-than-1 feedback per delivery, this
+throttling down would obviously take too long. We therefore have to separate
+"dead destination" detection from concurrency feedback. This is implemented by
+introducing the concept of pseudo-cohort failure. The Postfix 2.5 concurrency
+scheduler declares a destination "dead" after a configurable number of pseudo-
+cohorts suffers from connection or handshake failures. The old scheduler
+corresponds to the special case where the pseudo-cohort failure limit is equal
+to 1.
+PPsseeuuddooccooddee ffoorr tthhee PPoossttffiixx 22..55 ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy sscchheedduulleerr
+The pseudo code shows how the ideas behind new concurrency scheduler are
+implemented as of November 2007. The actual code can be found in the module
+ Each destination has one set of the following variables
+ int concurrency
+ double success
+ double failure
+ double fail_cohorts
+Feedback functions:
+ N is concurrency; x, y are arbitrary numbers in [0..1] inclusive
+ positive feedback: g(N) = x/N | x/sqrt(N) | x
+ negative feedback: f(N) = y/N | y/sqrt(N) | y
+ concurrency = initial_concurrency
+ success = 0
+ failure = 0
+ fail_cohorts = 0
+After success:
+ fail_cohorts = 0
+ Be prepared for feedback > hysteresis, or rounding error
+ success += g(concurrency)
+ while (success >= 1) Hysteresis 1
+ concurrency += 1 Hysteresis 1
+ failure = 0
+ success -= 1 Hysteresis 1
+ Be prepared for overshoot
+ if (concurrency > concurrency limit)
+ concurrency = concurrency limit
+ Don't apply positive feedback unless
+ concurrency < busy_refcount + init_dest_concurrency
+ otherwise negative feedback effect could be delayed
+After failure:
+ if (concurrency > 0)
+ fail_cohorts += 1.0 / concurrency
+ if (fail_cohorts > cohort_failure_limit)
+ concurrency = 0
+ if (concurrency > 0)
+ Be prepared for feedback > hysteresis, rounding errors
+ failure -= f(concurrency)
+ while (failure < 0)
+ concurrency -= 1 Hysteresis 1
+ failure += 1 Hysteresis 1
+ success = 0
+ Be prepared for overshoot
+ if (concurrency < 1)
+ concurrency = 1
+RReessuullttss ffoorr ddeelliivveerryy ttoo ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy--lliimmiitteedd sseerrvveerrss
+Discussions about the concurrency scheduler redesign started early 2004, when
+the primary goal was to find alternatives that did not exhibit exponential
+growth or rapid concurrency throttling. No code was implemented until late
+2007, when the primary concern had shifted towards better handling of server
+concurrency limits. For this reason we measure how well the new scheduler does
+this job. The table below compares mail delivery performance of the old +/-
+1 feedback per delivery with several less-than-1 feedback functions, for
+different limited-concurrency server scenarios. Measurements were done with a
+FreeBSD 6.2 client and with FreeBSD 6.2 and various Linux servers.
+Server configuration:
+ * The mail flow was slowed down with 1 second latency per recipient
+ ("smtpd_client_restrictions = sleep 1"). The purpose was to make results
+ less dependent on hardware details, by avoiding slow-downs by queue file I/
+ O, logging I/O, and network I/O.
+ * Concurrency was limited by the server process limit ("default_process_limit
+ = 5" and "smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions = static:all"). Postfix was
+ stopped and started after changing the process limit, because the same
+ number is also used as the backlog argument to the listen(2) system call,
+ and "postfix reload" does not re-issue this call.
+ * Mail was discarded with "local_recipient_maps = static:all" and
+ "local_transport = discard". The discard action in access maps or header/
+ body checks could not be used as it fails to update the in_flow_delay
+ counters.
+Client configuration:
+ * Queue file overhead was minimized by sending one message to a virtual alias
+ that expanded into 2000 different remote recipients. All recipients were
+ accounted for according to the maillog file. The
+ virtual_alias_expansion_limit setting was increased to avoid complaints
+ from the cleanup(8) server.
+ * The number of deliveries was maximized with
+ "smtp_destination_recipient_limit = 2". A smaller limit would cause Postfix
+ to schedule the concurrency per recipient instead of domain, which is not
+ what we want.
+ * Maximum concurrency was limited with "smtp_destination_concurrency_limit =
+ 20", and initial_destination_concurrency was set to the same value.
+ * The positive and negative concurrency feedback hysteresis was 1.
+ Concurrency was incremented by 1 at the END of 1/feedback steps of positive
+ feedback, and was decremented by 1 at the START of 1/feedback steps of
+ negative feedback.
+ * The SMTP client used the default 30s SMTP connect timeout and 300s SMTP
+ greeting timeout.
+IImmppaacctt ooff tthhee 3300ss SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneecctt ttiimmeeoouutt
+The first results are for a FreeBSD 6.2 server, where our artificially low
+listen(2) backlog results in a very short kernel queue for established
+connections. The table shows that all deferred deliveries failed due to a 30s
+connection timeout, and none failed due to a server greeting timeout. This
+measurement simulates what happens when the server's connection queue is
+completely full under load, and the TCP engine drops new connections.
+ cclliieenntt sseerrvveerr ffeeeeddbbaacckk ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ppeerrcceennttaaggee cclliieenntt ttiimmeedd--oouutt iinn
+ lliimmiitt lliimmiitt ssttyyllee ccaacchhiinngg ddeeffeerrrreedd ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy ccoonnnneecctt//
+ aavveerraaggee//ssttddddeevv ggrreeeettiinngg
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 20 5 1/N no 9.9 19.4 0.49 198 -
+ 20 5 1/N yes 10.3 19.4 0.49 206 -
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) no 10.4 19.6 0.59 208 -
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) yes 10.6 19.6 0.61 212 -
+ 20 5 1 no 10.1 19.5 1.29 202 -
+ 20 5 1 yes 10.8 19.3 1.57 216 -
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ A busy server with a completely full connection queue. N is the client
+ delivery concurrency. Failed deliveries time out after 30s without
+ completing the TCP handshake. See text for a discussion of results.
+IImmppaacctt ooff tthhee 330000ss SSMMTTPP ggrreeeettiinngg ttiimmeeoouutt
+The next table shows results for a Fedora Core 8 server (results for RedHat 7.3
+are identical). In this case, the artificially small listen(2) backlog argument
+does not impact our measurement. The table shows that practically all deferred
+deliveries fail after the 300s SMTP greeting timeout. As these timeouts were
+10x longer than with the first measurement, we increased the recipient count
+(and thus the running time) by a factor of 10 to keep the results comparable.
+The deferred mail percentages are a factor 10 lower than with the first
+measurement, because the 1s per-recipient delay was 1/300th of the greeting
+timeout instead of 1/30th of the connection timeout.
+ cclliieenntt sseerrvveerr ffeeeeddbbaacckk ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ppeerrcceennttaaggee cclliieenntt ttiimmeedd--oouutt iinn
+ lliimmiitt lliimmiitt ssttyyllee ccaacchhiinngg ddeeffeerrrreedd ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy ccoonnnneecctt//
+ aavveerraaggee//ssttddddeevv ggrreeeettiinngg
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 20 5 1/N no 1.16 19.8 0.37 - 230
+ 20 5 1/N yes 1.36 19.8 0.36 - 272
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) no 1.21 19.9 0.23 4 238
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) yes 1.36 20.0 0.23 - 272
+ 20 5 1 no 1.18 20.0 0.16 - 236
+ 20 5 1 yes 1.39 20.0 0.16 - 278
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ A busy server with a non-full connection queue. N is the client delivery
+ concurrency. Failed deliveries complete at the TCP level, but time out
+ after 300s while waiting for the SMTP greeting. See text for a discussion
+ of results.
+IImmppaacctt ooff aaccttiivvee sseerrvveerr ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy lliimmiitteerr
+The final concurrency-limited result shows what happens when SMTP connections
+don't time out, but are rejected immediately with the Postfix server's
+smtpd_client_connection_count_limit feature (the server replies with a 421
+status and disconnects immediately). Similar results can be expected with
+concurrency limiting features built into other MTAs or firewalls. For this
+measurement we specified a server concurrency limit and a client initial
+destination concurrency of 5, and a server process limit of 10; all other
+conditions were the same as with the first measurement. The same result would
+be obtained with a FreeBSD or Linux server, because the "pushing back" is done
+entirely by the receiving side.
+ cclliieenntt sseerrvveerr ffeeeeddbbaacckk ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ppeerrcceennttaaggee cclliieenntt tthheeoorreettiiccaall
+ lliimmiitt lliimmiitt ssttyyllee ccaacchhiinngg ddeeffeerrrreedd ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy ddeeffeerr rraattee
+ aavveerraaggee//ssttddddeevv
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 20 5 1/N no 16.5 5.17 0.38 1/6
+ 20 5 1/N yes 16.5 5.17 0.38 1/6
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) no 24.5 5.28 0.45 1/4
+ 20 5 1/sqrt(N) yes 24.3 5.28 0.46 1/4
+ 20 5 1 no 49.7 5.63 0.67 1/2
+ 20 5 1 yes 49.7 5.68 0.70 1/2
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ A server with active per-client concurrency limiter that replies with 421
+ and disconnects. N is the client delivery concurrency. The theoretical
+ defer rate is 1/(1+roundup(1/feedback)). This is always 1/2 with the fixed
+ +/-1 feedback per delivery; with the concurrency-dependent feedback
+ variants, the defer rate decreases with increasing concurrency. See text
+ for a discussion of results.
+DDiissccuussssiioonn ooff ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy--lliimmiitteedd sseerrvveerr rreessuullttss
+All results in the previous sections are based on the first delivery runs only;
+they do not include any second etc. delivery attempts. It's also worth noting
+that the measurements look at steady-state behavior only. They don't show what
+happens when the client starts sending at a much higher or lower concurrency.
+The first two examples show that the effect of feedback is negligible when
+concurrency is limited due to congestion. This is because the initial
+concurrency is already at the client's concurrency maximum, and because there
+is 10-100 times more positive than negative feedback. Under these conditions,
+it is no surprise that the contribution from SMTP connection caching is also
+In the last example, the old +/-1 feedback per delivery will defer 50% of the
+mail when confronted with an active (anvil-style) server concurrency limit,
+where the server hangs up immediately with a 421 status (a TCP-level RST would
+have the same result). Less aggressive feedback mechanisms fare better than
+more aggressive ones. Concurrency-dependent feedback fares even better at
+higher concurrencies than shown here, but has limitations as discussed in the
+next section.
+LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff lleessss--tthhaann--11 ppeerr ddeelliivveerryy ffeeeeddbbaacckk
+Less-than-1 feedback is of interest primarily when sending large amounts of
+mail to destinations with active concurrency limiters (servers that reply with
+421, or firewalls that send RST). When sending small amounts of mail per
+destination, less-than-1 per-delivery feedback won't have a noticeable effect
+on the per-destination concurrency, because the number of deliveries to the
+same destination is too small. You might just as well use zero per-delivery
+feedback and stay with the initial per-destination concurrency. And when mail
+deliveries fail due to congestion instead of active concurrency limiters, the
+measurements above show that per-delivery feedback has no effect. With large
+amounts of mail you might just as well use zero per-delivery feedback and start
+with the maximal per-destination concurrency.
+The scheduler with less-than-1 concurrency feedback per delivery solves a
+problem with servers that have active concurrency limiters. This works only
+because feedback is handled in a peculiar manner: positive feedback will
+increment the concurrency by 1 at the eenndd of a sequence of events of length 1/
+feedback, while negative feedback will decrement concurrency by 1 at the
+bbeeggiinnnniinngg of such a sequence. This is how Postfix adjusts quickly for overshoot
+without causing lots of mail to be deferred. Without this difference in
+feedback treatment, less-than-1 feedback per delivery would defer 50% of the
+mail, and would be no better in this respect than the old +/-1 feedback per
+Unfortunately, the same feature that corrects quickly for concurrency overshoot
+also makes the scheduler more sensitive for noisy negative feedback. The reason
+is that one lonely negative feedback event has the same effect as a complete
+sequence of length 1/feedback: in both cases delivery concurrency is dropped by
+1 immediately. As a worst-case scenario, consider multiple servers behind a
+load balancer on a single IP address, and no backup MX address. When 1 out of K
+servers fails to complete the SMTP handshake or drops the connection, a
+scheduler with 1/N (N = concurrency) feedback stops increasing its concurrency
+once it reaches a concurrency level of about K, even though the good servers
+behind the load balancer are perfectly capable of handling more traffic.
+This noise problem gets worse as the amount of positive feedback per delivery
+gets smaller. A compromise is to use fixed less-than-1 positive feedback values
+instead of concurrency-dependent positive feedback. For example, to tolerate 1
+of 4 bad servers in the above load balancer scenario, use positive feedback of
+1/4 per "good" delivery (no connect or handshake error), and use an equal or
+smaller amount of negative feedback per "bad" delivery. The downside of using
+concurrency-independent feedback is that some of the old +/-1 feedback problems
+will return at large concurrencies. Sites that must deliver mail at non-trivial
+per-destination concurrencies will require special configuration.
+CCoonnccuurrrreennccyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+The Postfix 2.5 concurrency scheduler is controlled with the following
+configuration parameters, where "transport_foo" provides a transport-specific
+parameter override. All parameter default settings are compatible with earlier
+Postfix versions.
+ PPaarraammeetteerr nnaammee PPoossttffiixx DDeessccrriippttiioonn
+ vveerrssiioonn
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Initial per-
+ initial_destination_concurrency all destination
+ transport_initial_destination_concurrency 2.5 delivery
+ concurrency
+ Maximum per-
+ default_destination_concurrency_limit all destination
+ transport_destination_concurrency_limit all delivery
+ concurrency
+ Per-
+ destination
+ positive
+ feedback
+ default_destination_concurrency_positive_feedback 2.5 amount, per
+ transport_destination_concurrency_positive_feedback 2.5 delivery that
+ does not fail
+ with
+ connection or
+ handshake
+ failure
+ Per-
+ destination
+ negative
+ feedback
+ default_destination_concurrency_negative_feedback 2.5 amount, per
+ transport_destination_concurrency_negative_feedback 2.5 delivery that
+ fails with
+ connection or
+ handshake
+ failure
+ Number of
+ failed
+ pseudo-
+ cohorts after
+ default_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit 2.5 which a
+ transport_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit 2.5 destination
+ is declared
+ "dead" and
+ delivery is
+ suspended
+ Enable
+ verbose
+ destination_concurrency_feedback_debug 2.5 logging of
+ concurrency
+ scheduler
+ activity
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PPrreeeemmppttiivvee sscchheedduulliinngg
+The following sections describe the new queue manager and its preemptive
+scheduler algorithm. Note that the document was originally written to describe
+the changes between the new queue manager (in this text referred to as nqmgr,
+the name it was known by before it became the default queue manager) and the
+old queue manager (referred to as oqmgr). This is why it refers to oqmgr every
+so often.
+This document is divided into sections as follows:
+ * The structures used by nqmgr
+ * What happens when nqmgr picks up the message - how it is assigned to
+ transports, jobs, peers, entries
+ * How the entry selection works
+ * How the preemption works - what messages may be preempted and how and what
+ messages are chosen to preempt them
+ * How destination concurrency limits affect the scheduling algorithm
+ * Dealing with memory resource limits
+TThhee ssttrruuccttuurreess uusseedd bbyy nnqqmmggrr
+Let's start by recapitulating the structures and terms used when referring to
+queue manager and how it operates. Many of these are partially described
+elsewhere, but it is nice to have a coherent overview in one place:
+ * Each message structure represents one mail message which Postfix is to
+ deliver. The message recipients specify to what destinations is the message
+ to be delivered and what transports are going to be used for the delivery.
+ * Each recipient entry groups a batch of recipients of one message which are
+ all going to be delivered to the same destination (and over the same
+ transport).
+ * Each transport structure groups everything what is going to be delivered by
+ delivery agents dedicated for that transport. Each transport maintains a
+ set of queues (describing the destinations it shall talk to) and jobs
+ (referencing the messages it shall deliver).
+ * Each transport queue (not to be confused with the on-disk active queue or
+ incoming queue) groups everything what is going be delivered to given
+ destination (aka nexthop) by its transport. Each queue belongs to one
+ transport, so each destination may be referred to by several queues, one
+ for each transport. Each queue maintains a list of all recipient entries
+ (batches of message recipients) which shall be delivered to given
+ destination (the todo list), and a list of recipient entries already being
+ delivered by the delivery agents (the busy list).
+ * Each queue corresponds to multiple peer structures. Each peer structure is
+ like the queue structure, belonging to one transport and referencing one
+ destination. The difference is that it lists only the recipient entries
+ which all originate from the same message, unlike the queue structure,
+ whose entries may originate from various messages. For messages with few
+ recipients, there is usually just one recipient entry for each destination,
+ resulting in one recipient entry per peer. But for large mailing list
+ messages the recipients may need to be split to multiple recipient entries,
+ in which case the peer structure may list many entries for single
+ destination.
+ * Each transport job groups everything it takes to deliver one message via
+ its transport. Each job represents one message within the context of the
+ transport. The job belongs to one transport and message, so each message
+ may have multiple jobs, one for each transport. The job groups all the peer
+ structures, which describe the destinations the job's message has to be
+ delivered to.
+The first four structures are common to both nqmgr and oqmgr, the latter two
+were introduced by nqmgr.
+These terms are used extensively in the text below, feel free to look up the
+description above anytime you'll feel you have lost a sense what is what.
+WWhhaatt hhaappppeennss wwhheenn nnqqmmggrr ppiicckkss uupp tthhee mmeessssaaggee
+Whenever nqmgr moves a queue file into the active queue, the following happens:
+It reads all necessary information from the queue file as oqmgr does, and also
+reads as many recipients as possible - more on that later, for now let's just
+pretend it always reads all recipients.
+Then it resolves the recipients as oqmgr does, which means obtaining (address,
+nexthop, transport) triple for each recipient. For each triple, it finds the
+transport; if it does not exist yet, it instantiates it (unless it's dead).
+Within the transport, it finds the destination queue for given nexthop; if it
+does not exist yet, it instantiates it (unless it's dead). The triple is then
+bound to given destination queue. This happens in qmgr_resolve() and is
+basically the same as in oqmgr.
+Then for each triple which was bound to some queue (and thus transport), the
+program finds the job which represents the message within that transport's
+context; if it does not exist yet, it instantiates it. Within the job, it finds
+the peer which represents the bound destination queue within this jobs context;
+if it does not exist yet, it instantiates it. Finally, it stores the address
+from the resolved triple to the recipient entry which is appended to both the
+queue entry list and the peer entry list. The addresses for same nexthop are
+batched in the entries up to recipient_concurrency limit for that transport.
+This happens in qmgr_assign() and apart from that it operates with job and peer
+structures it is basically the same as in oqmgr.
+When the job is instantiated, it is enqueued on the transport's job list based
+on the time its message was picked up by nqmgr. For first batch of recipients
+this means it is appended to the end of the job list, but the ordering of the
+job list by the enqueue time is important as we will see shortly.
+[Now you should have pretty good idea what is the state of the nqmgr after
+couple of messages was picked up, what is the relation between all those job,
+peer, queue and entry structures.]
+HHooww tthhee eennttrryy sseelleeccttiioonn wwoorrkkss
+Having prepared all those above mentioned structures, the task of the nqmgr's
+scheduler is to choose the recipient entries one at a time and pass them to the
+delivery agent for corresponding transport. Now how does this work?
+The first approximation of the new scheduling algorithm is like this:
+ foreach transport (round-robin-by-transport)
+ do
+ if transport busy continue
+ if transport process limit reached continue
+ foreach transport's job (in the order of the transport's job list)
+ do
+ foreach job's peer (round-robin-by-destination)
+ if peer->queue->concurrency < peer->queue->window
+ return next peer entry.
+ done
+ done
+ done
+Now what is the "order of the transport's job list"? As we know already, the
+job list is by default kept in the order the message was picked up by the
+nqmgr. So by default we get the top-level round-robin transport, and within
+each transport we get the FIFO message delivery. The round-robin of the peers
+by the destination is perhaps of little importance in most real-life cases
+(unless the recipient_concurrency limit is reached, in one job there is only
+one peer structure for each destination), but theoretically it makes sure that
+even within single jobs, destinations are treated fairly.
+[By now you should have a feeling you really know how the scheduler works,
+except for the preemption, under ideal conditions - that is, no recipient
+resource limits and no destination concurrency problems.]
+HHooww tthhee pprreeeemmppttiioonn wwoorrkkss
+As you might perhaps expect by now, the transport's job list does not remain
+sorted by the job's message enqueue time all the time. The most cool thing
+about nqmgr is not the simple FIFO delivery, but that it is able to slip mail
+with little recipients past the mailing-list bulk mail. This is what the job
+preemption is about - shuffling the jobs on the transport's job list to get the
+best message delivery rates. Now how is it achieved?
+First I have to tell you that there are in fact two job lists in each
+transport. One is the scheduler's job list, which the scheduler is free to play
+with, while the other one keeps the jobs always listed in the order of the
+enqueue time and is used for recipient pool management we will discuss later.
+For now, we will deal with the scheduler's job list only.
+So, we have the job list, which is first ordered by the time the jobs' messages
+were enqueued, oldest messages first, the most recently picked one at the end.
+For now, let's assume that there are no destination concurrency problems.
+Without preemption, we pick some entry of the first (oldest) job on the queue,
+assign it to delivery agent, pick another one from the same job, assign it
+again, and so on, until all the entries are used and the job is delivered. We
+would then move onto the next job and so on and on. Now how do we manage to
+sneak in some entries from the recently added jobs when the first job on the
+job list belongs to a message going to the mailing-list and has thousands of
+recipient entries?
+The nqmgr's answer is that we can artificially "inflate" the delivery time of
+that first job by some constant for free - it is basically the same trick you
+might remember as "accumulation of potential" from the amortized complexity
+lessons. For example, instead of delivering the entries of the first job on the
+job list every time a delivery agent becomes available, we can do it only every
+second time. If you view the moments the delivery agent becomes available on a
+timeline as "delivery slots", then instead of using every delivery slot for the
+first job, we can use only every other slot, and still the overall delivery
+efficiency of the first job remains the same. So the delivery 11112222 becomes
+ (1 and 2 are the imaginary job numbers, . denotes the free
+slot). Now what do we do with free slots?
+As you might have guessed, we will use them for sneaking the mail with little
+recipients in. For example, if we have one four-recipient mail followed by four
+one recipients mail, the delivery sequence (that is, the sequence in which the
+jobs are assigned to the delivery slots) might look like this: 12131415. Hmm,
+fine for sneaking in the single recipient mail, but how do we sneak in the mail
+with more than one recipient? Say if we have one four-recipient mail followed
+by two two-recipient mails?
+The simple answer would be to use delivery sequence 12121313. But the problem
+is that this does not scale well. Imagine you have mail with thousand
+recipients followed by mail with hundred recipients. It is tempting to suggest
+the delivery sequence like 121212...., but alas! Imagine there arrives another
+mail with say ten recipients. But there are no free slots anymore, so it can't
+slip by, not even if it had just only one recipients. It will be stuck until
+the hundred-recipient mail is delivered, which really sucks.
+So, it becomes obvious that while inflating the message to get free slots is
+great idea, one has to be really careful of how the free slots are assigned,
+otherwise one might corner himself. So, how does nqmgr really use the free
+The key idea is that one does not have to generate the free slots in a uniform
+way. The delivery sequence 111...1 is no worse than, in fact, it is
+even better as some entries are in the first case selected earlier than in the
+second case, and none is selected later! So it is possible to first
+"accumulate" the free delivery slots and then use them all at once. It is even
+possible to accumulate some, then use them, then accumulate some more and use
+them again, as in 11..1.1 .
+Let's get back to the one hundred recipient example. We now know that we could
+first accumulate one hundred free slots, and only after then to preempt the
+first job and sneak the one hundred recipient mail in. Applying the algorithm
+recursively, we see the hundred recipient job can accumulate ten free delivery
+slots, and then we could preempt it and sneak in the ten-recipient mail... Wait
+wait wait! Could we? Aren't we overinflating the original one thousand
+recipient mail?
+Well, despite it looks so at the first glance, another trick will allow us to
+answer "no, we are not!". If we had said that we will inflate the delivery time
+twice at maximum, and then we consider every other slot as a free slot, then we
+would overinflate in case of the recursive preemption. BUT! The trick is that
+if we use only every n-th slot as a free slot for n>2, there is always some
+worst inflation factor which we can guarantee not to be breached, even if we
+apply the algorithm recursively. To be precise, if for every k>1 normally used
+slots we accumulate one free delivery slot, than the inflation factor is not
+worse than k/(k-1) no matter how many recursive preemptions happen. And it's
+not worse than (k+1)/k if only non-recursive preemption happens. Now, having
+got through the theory and the related math, let's see how nqmgr implements
+Each job has so called "available delivery slot" counter. Each transport has a
+transport_delivery_slot_cost parameter, which defaults to
+default_delivery_slot_cost parameter which is set to 5 by default. This is the
+k from the paragraph above. Each time k entries of the job are selected for
+delivery, this counter is incremented by one. Once there are some slots
+accumulated, job which requires no more than that number of slots to be fully
+delivered can preempt this job.
+[Well, the truth is, the counter is incremented every time an entry is selected
+and it is divided by k when it is used. But for the understanding it's good
+enough to use the above approximation of the truth.]
+OK, so now we know the conditions which must be satisfied so one job can
+preempt another one. But what job gets preempted, how do we choose what job
+preempts it if there are several valid candidates, and when does all this
+exactly happen?
+The answer for the first part is simple. The job whose entry was selected the
+last time is so called current job. Normally, it is the first job on the
+scheduler's job list, but destination concurrency limits may change this as we
+will see later. It is always only the current job which may get preempted.
+Now for the second part. The current job has certain amount of recipient
+entries, and as such may accumulate at maximum some amount of available
+delivery slots. It might have already accumulated some, and perhaps even
+already used some when it was preempted before (remember a job can be preempted
+several times). In either case, we know how many are accumulated and how many
+are left to deliver, so we know how many it may yet accumulate at maximum.
+Every other job which may be delivered by less than that number of slots is a
+valid candidate for preemption. How do we choose among them?
+The answer is - the one with maximum enqueue_time/recipient_entry_count. That
+is, the older the job is, the more we should try to deliver it in order to get
+best message delivery rates. These rates are of course subject to how many
+recipients the message has, therefore the division by the recipient (entry)
+count. No one shall be surprised that message with n recipients takes n times
+longer to deliver than message with one recipient.
+Now let's recap the previous two paragraphs. Isn't it too complicated? Why
+don't the candidates come only among the jobs which can be delivered within the
+number of slots the current job already accumulated? Why do we need to estimate
+how much it has yet to accumulate? If you found out the answer, congratulate
+yourself. If we did it this simple way, we would always choose the candidate
+with least recipient entries. If there were enough single recipient mails
+coming in, they would always slip by the bulk mail as soon as possible, and the
+two and more recipients mail would never get a chance, no matter how long they
+have been sitting around in the job list.
+This candidate selection has interesting implication - that when we choose the
+best candidate for preemption (this is done in qmgr_choose_candidate()), it may
+happen that we may not use it for preemption immediately. This leads to an
+answer to the last part of the original question - when does the preemption
+The preemption attempt happens every time next transport's recipient entry is
+to be chosen for delivery. To avoid needless overhead, the preemption is not
+attempted if the current job could never accumulate more than
+transport_minimum_delivery_slots (defaults to default_minimum_delivery_slots
+which defaults to 3). If there is already enough accumulated slots to preempt
+the current job by the chosen best candidate, it is done immediately. This
+basically means that the candidate is moved in front of the current job on the
+scheduler's job list and decreasing the accumulated slot counter by the amount
+used by the candidate. If there is not enough slots... well, I could say that
+nothing happens and the another preemption is attempted the next time. But
+that's not the complete truth.
+The truth is that it turns out that it is not really necessary to wait until
+the jobs counter accumulates all the delivery slots in advance. Say we have
+ten-recipient mail followed by two two-recipient mails. If the preemption
+happened when enough delivery slot accumulate (assuming slot cost 2), the
+delivery sequence becomes 11112211113311. Now what would we get if we would
+wait only for 50% of the necessary slots to accumulate and we promise we would
+wait for the remaining 50% later, after we get back to the preempted job? If we
+use such slot loan, the delivery sequence becomes 11221111331111. As we can
+see, it makes it no considerably worse for the delivery of the ten-recipient
+mail, but it allows the small messages to be delivered sooner.
+The concept of these slot loans is where the transport_delivery_slot_discount
+and transport_delivery_slot_loan come from (they default to
+default_delivery_slot_discount and default_delivery_slot_loan, whose values are
+by default 50 and 3, respectively). The discount (resp. loan) specifies how
+many percent (resp. how many slots) one "gets in advance", when the number of
+slots required to deliver the best candidate is compared with the number of
+slots the current slot had accumulated so far.
+And it pretty much concludes this chapter.
+[Now you should have a feeling that you pretty much understand the scheduler
+and the preemption, or at least that you will have it after you read the last
+chapter couple more times. You shall clearly see the job list and the
+preemption happening at its head, in ideal delivery conditions. The feeling of
+understanding shall last until you start wondering what happens if some of the
+jobs are blocked, which you might eventually figure out correctly from what had
+been said already. But I would be surprised if your mental image of the
+scheduler's functionality is not completely shattered once you start wondering
+how it works when not all recipients may be read in-core. More on that later.]
+HHooww ddeessttiinnaattiioonn ccoonnccuurrrreennccyy lliimmiittss aaffffeecctt tthhee sscchheedduulliinngg aallggoorriitthhmm
+The nqmgr uses the same algorithm for destination concurrency control as oqmgr.
+Now what happens when the destination limits are reached and no more entries
+for that destination may be selected by the scheduler?
+From user's point of view it is all simple. If some of the peers of a job can't
+be selected, those peers are simply skipped by the entry selection algorithm
+(the pseudo-code described before) and only the selectable ones are used. If
+none of the peers may be selected, the job is declared a "blocker job". Blocker
+jobs are skipped by the entry selection algorithm and they are also excluded
+from the candidates for preemption of current job. Thus the scheduler
+effectively behaves as if the blocker jobs didn't exist on the job list at all.
+As soon as at least one of the peers of a blocker job becomes unblocked (that
+is, the delivery agent handling the delivery of the recipient entry for given
+destination successfully finishes), the job's blocker status is removed and the
+job again participates in all further scheduler actions normally.
+So the summary is that the users don't really have to be concerned about the
+interaction of the destination limits and scheduling algorithm. It works well
+on its own and there are no knobs they would need to control it.
+From a programmer's point of view, the blocker jobs complicate the scheduler
+quite a lot. Without them, the jobs on the job list would be normally delivered
+in strict FIFO order. If the current job is preempted, the job preempting it is
+completely delivered unless it is preempted itself. Without blockers, the
+current job is thus always either the first job on the job list, or the top of
+the stack of jobs preempting the first job on the job list.
+The visualization of the job list and the preemption stack without blockers
+would be like this:
+ first job-> 1--2--3--5--6--8--... <- job list
+ on job list |
+ 4 <- preemption stack
+ |
+ current job-> 7
+In the example above we see that job 1 was preempted by job 4 and then job 4
+was preempted by job 7. After job 7 is completed, remaining entries of job 4
+are selected, and once they are all selected, job 1 continues.
+As we see, it's all very clean and straightforward. Now how does this change
+because of blockers?
+The answer is: a lot. Any job may become blocker job at any time, and also
+become normal job again at any time. This has several important implications:
+ 1. The jobs may be completed in arbitrary order. For example, in the example
+ above, if the current job 7 becomes blocked, the next job 4 may complete
+ before the job 7 becomes unblocked again. Or if both 7 and 4 are blocked,
+ then 1 is completed, then 7 becomes unblocked and is completed, then 2 is
+ completed and only after that 4 becomes unblocked and is completed... You
+ get the idea.
+ [Interesting side note: even when jobs are delivered out of order, from
+ single destination's point of view the jobs are still delivered in the
+ expected order (that is, FIFO unless there was some preemption involved).
+ This is because whenever a destination queue becomes unblocked (the
+ destination limit allows selection of more recipient entries for that
+ destination), all jobs which have peers for that destination are unblocked
+ at once.]
+ 2. The idea of the preemption stack at the head of the job list is gone. That
+ is, it must be possible to preempt any job on the job list. For example, if
+ the jobs 7, 4, 1 and 2 in the example above become all blocked, job 3
+ becomes the current job. And of course we do not want the preemption to be
+ affected by the fact that there are some blocked jobs or not. Therefore, if
+ it turns out that job 3 might be preempted by job 6, the implementation
+ shall make it possible.
+ 3. The idea of the linear preemption stack itself is gone. It's no longer true
+ that one job is always preempted by only one job at one time (that is
+ directly preempted, not counting the recursively nested jobs). For example,
+ in the example above, job 1 is directly preempted by only job 4, and job 4
+ by job 7. Now assume job 7 becomes blocked, and job 4 is being delivered.
+ If it accumulates enough delivery slots, it is natural that it might be
+ preempted for example by job 8. Now job 4 is preempted by both job 7 AND
+ job 8 at the same time.
+Now combine the points 2) and 3) with point 1) again and you realize that the
+relations on the once linear job list became pretty complicated. If we extend
+the point 3) example: jobs 7 and 8 preempt job 4, now job 8 becomes blocked
+too, then job 4 completes. Tricky, huh?
+If I illustrate the relations after the above mentioned examples (but those in
+point 1)), the situation would look like this:
+ v- parent
+ adoptive parent -> 1--2--3--5--... <- "stack" level 0
+ | |
+ parent gone -> ? 6 <- "stack" level 1
+ / \
+ children -> 7 8 ^- child <- "stack" level 2
+ ^- siblings
+Now how does nqmgr deal with all these complicated relations?
+Well, it maintains them all as described, but fortunately, all these relations
+are necessary only for purposes of proper counting of available delivery slots.
+For purposes of ordering the jobs for entry selection, the original rule still
+applies: "the job preempting the current job is moved in front of the current
+job on the job list". So for entry selection purposes, the job relations remain
+as simple as this:
+ 7--8--1--2--6--3--5--.. <- scheduler's job list order
+The job list order and the preemption parent/child/siblings relations are
+maintained separately. And because the selection works only with the job list,
+you can happily forget about those complicated relations unless you want to
+study the nqmgr sources. In that case the text above might provide some helpful
+introduction to the problem domain. Otherwise I suggest you just forget about
+all this and stick with the user's point of view: the blocker jobs are simply
+[By now, you should have a feeling that there is more things going under the
+hood than you ever wanted to know. You decide that forgetting about this
+chapter is the best you can do for the sake of your mind's health and you
+basically stick with the idea how the scheduler works in ideal conditions, when
+there are no blockers, which is good enough.]
+DDeeaalliinngg wwiitthh mmeemmoorryy rreessoouurrccee lliimmiittss
+When discussing the nqmgr scheduler, we have so far assumed that all recipients
+of all messages in the active queue are completely read into the memory. This
+is simply not true. There is an upper bound on the amount of memory the nqmgr
+may use, and therefore it must impose some limits on the information it may
+store in the memory at any given time.
+First of all, not all messages may be read in-core at once. At any time, only
+qmgr_message_active_limit messages may be read in-core at maximum. When read
+into memory, the messages are picked from the incoming and deferred message
+queues and moved to the active queue (incoming having priority), so if there is
+more than qmgr_message_active_limit messages queued in the active queue, the
+rest will have to wait until (some of) the messages in the active queue are
+completely delivered (or deferred).
+Even with the limited amount of in-core messages, there is another limit which
+must be imposed in order to avoid memory exhaustion. Each message may contain
+huge amount of recipients (tens or hundreds of thousands are not uncommon), so
+if nqmgr read all recipients of all messages in the active queue, it may easily
+run out of memory. Therefore there must be some upper bound on the amount of
+message recipients which are read into the memory at the same time.
+Before discussing how exactly nqmgr implements the recipient limits, let's see
+how the sole existence of the limits themselves affects the nqmgr and its
+The message limit is straightforward - it just limits the size of the lookahead
+the nqmgr's scheduler has when choosing which message can preempt the current
+one. Messages not in the active queue simply are not considered at all.
+The recipient limit complicates more things. First of all, the message reading
+code must support reading the recipients in batches, which among other things
+means accessing the queue file several times and continuing where the last
+recipient batch ended. This is invoked by the scheduler whenever the current
+job has space for more recipients, subject to transport's refill_limit and
+refill_delay parameters. It is also done any time when all in-core recipients
+of the message are dealt with (which may also mean they were deferred) but
+there are still more in the queue file.
+The second complication is that with some recipients left unread in the queue
+file, the scheduler can't operate with exact counts of recipient entries. With
+unread recipients, it is not clear how many recipient entries there will be, as
+they are subject to per-destination grouping. It is not even clear to what
+transports (and thus jobs) the recipients will be assigned. And with messages
+coming from the deferred queue, it is not even clear how many unread recipients
+are still to be delivered. This all means that the scheduler must use only
+estimates of how many recipients entries there will be. Fortunately, it is
+possible to estimate the minimum and maximum correctly, so the scheduler can
+always err on the safe side. Obviously, the better the estimates, the better
+results, so it is best when we are able to read all recipients in-core and turn
+the estimates into exact counts, or at least try to read as many as possible to
+make the estimates as accurate as possible.
+The third complication is that it is no longer true that the scheduler is done
+with a job once all of its in-core recipients are delivered. It is possible
+that the job will be revived later, when another batch of recipients is read in
+core. It is also possible that some jobs will be created for the first time
+long after the first batch of recipients was read in core. The nqmgr code must
+be ready to handle all such situations.
+And finally, the fourth complication is that the nqmgr code must somehow impose
+the recipient limit itself. Now how does it achieve it?
+Perhaps the easiest solution would be to say that each message may have at
+maximum X recipients stored in-core, but such solution would be poor for
+several reasons. With reasonable qmgr_message_active_limit values, the X would
+have to be quite low to maintain reasonable memory footprint. And with low X
+lots of things would not work well. The nqmgr would have problems to use the
+transport_destination_recipient_limit efficiently. The scheduler's preemption
+would be suboptimal as the recipient count estimates would be inaccurate. The
+message queue file would have to be accessed many times to read in more
+recipients again and again.
+Therefore it seems reasonable to have a solution which does not use a limit
+imposed on per-message basis, but which maintains a pool of available recipient
+slots, which can be shared among all messages in the most efficient manner. And
+as we do not want separate transports to compete for resources whenever
+possible, it seems appropriate to maintain such recipient pool for each
+transport separately. This is the general idea, now how does it work in
+First we have to solve little chicken-and-egg problem. If we want to use the
+per-transport recipient pools, we first need to know to what transport(s) is
+the message assigned. But we will find that out only after we read in the
+recipients first. So it is obvious that we first have to read in some
+recipients, use them to find out to what transports is the message to be
+assigned, and only after that we can use the per-transport recipient pools.
+Now how many recipients shall we read for the first time? This is what
+qmgr_message_recipient_minimum and qmgr_message_recipient_limit values control.
+The qmgr_message_recipient_minimum value specifies how many recipients of each
+message we will read for the first time, no matter what. It is necessary to
+read at least one recipient before we can assign the message to a transport and
+create the first job. However, reading only qmgr_message_recipient_minimum
+recipients even if there are only few messages with few recipients in-core
+would be wasteful. Therefore if there is less than qmgr_message_recipient_limit
+recipients in-core so far, the first batch of recipients may be larger than
+qmgr_message_recipient_minimum - as large as is required to reach the
+qmgr_message_recipient_limit limit.
+Once the first batch of recipients was read in core and the message jobs were
+created, the size of the subsequent recipient batches (if any - of course it's
+best when all recipients are read in one batch) is based solely on the position
+of the message jobs on their corresponding transports' job lists. Each
+transport has a pool of transport_recipient_limit recipient slots which it can
+distribute among its jobs (how this is done is described later). The subsequent
+recipient batch may be as large as the sum of all recipient slots of all jobs
+of the message permits (plus the qmgr_message_recipient_minimum amount which
+always applies).
+For example, if a message has three jobs, first with 1 recipient still in-core
+and 4 recipient slots, second with 5 recipient in-core and 5 recipient slots,
+and third with 2 recipients in-core and 0 recipient slots, it has 1+5+2=7
+recipients in-core and 4+5+0=9 jobs' recipients slots in total. This means that
+we could immediately read 2+qmgr_message_recipient_minimum more recipients of
+that message in core.
+The above example illustrates several things which might be worth mentioning
+explicitly: first, note that although the per-transport slots are assigned to
+particular jobs, we can't guarantee that once the next batch of recipients is
+read in core, that the corresponding amounts of recipients will be assigned to
+those jobs. The jobs lend its slots to the message as a whole, so it is
+possible that some jobs end up sponsoring other jobs of their message. For
+example, if in the example above the 2 newly read recipients were assigned to
+the second job, the first job sponsored the second job with 2 slots. The second
+notable thing is the third job, which has more recipients in-core than it has
+slots. Apart from sponsoring by other job we just saw it can be result of the
+first recipient batch, which is sponsored from global recipient pool of
+qmgr_message_recipient_limit recipients. It can be also sponsored from the
+message recipient pool of qmgr_message_recipient_minimum recipients.
+Now how does each transport distribute the recipient slots among its jobs? The
+strategy is quite simple. As most scheduler activity happens on the head of the
+job list, it is our intention to make sure that the scheduler has the best
+estimates of the recipient counts for those jobs. As we mentioned above, this
+means that we want to try to make sure that the messages of those jobs have all
+recipients read in-core. Therefore the transport distributes the slots "along"
+the job list from start to end. In this case the job list sorted by message
+enqueue time is used, because it doesn't change over time as the scheduler's
+job list does.
+More specifically, each time a job is created and appended to the job list, it
+gets all unused recipient slots from its transport's pool. It keeps them until
+all recipients of its message are read. When this happens, all unused recipient
+slots are transferred to the next job (which is now in fact now first such job)
+on the job list which still has some recipients unread, or eventually back to
+the transport pool if there is no such job. Such transfer then also happens
+whenever a recipient entry of that job is delivered.
+There is also a scenario when a job is not appended to the end of the job list
+(for example it was created as a result of second or later recipient batch).
+Then it works exactly as above, except that if it was put in front of the first
+unread job (that is, the job of a message which still has some unread
+recipients in queue file), that job is first forced to return all of its unused
+recipient slots to the transport pool.
+The algorithm just described leads to the following state: The first unread job
+on the job list always gets all the remaining recipient slots of that transport
+(if there are any). The jobs queued before this job are completely read (that
+is, all recipients of their message were already read in core) and have at
+maximum as many slots as they still have recipients in-core (the maximum is
+there because of the sponsoring mentioned before) and the jobs after this job
+get nothing from the transport recipient pool (unless they got something before
+and then the first unread job was created and enqueued in front of them later -
+in such case the also get at maximum as many slots as they have recipients in-
+Things work fine in such state for most of the time, because the current job is
+either completely read in-core or has as much recipient slots as there are, but
+there is one situation which we still have to take care of specially. Imagine
+if the current job is preempted by some unread job from the job list and there
+are no more recipient slots available, so this new current job could read only
+batches of qmgr_message_recipient_minimum recipients at a time. This would
+really degrade performance. For this reason, each transport has extra pool of
+transport_extra_recipient_limit recipient slots, dedicated exactly for this
+situation. Each time an unread job preempts the current job, it gets half of
+the remaining recipient slots from the normal pool and this extra pool.
+And that's it. It sure does sound pretty complicated, but fortunately most
+people don't really have to care how exactly it works as long as it works.
+Perhaps the only important things to know for most people are the following
+upper bound formulas:
+Each transport has at maximum
+ max(
+ qmgr_message_recipient_minimum * qmgr_message_active_limit
+ + *_recipient_limit + *_extra_recipient_limit,
+ qmgr_message_recipient_limit
+ )
+recipients in core.
+The total amount of recipients in core is
+ max(
+ qmgr_message_recipient_minimum * qmgr_message_active_limit
+ + sum( *_recipient_limit + *_extra_recipient_limit ),
+ qmgr_message_recipient_limit
+ )
+where the sum is over all used transports.
+And this terribly complicated chapter concludes the documentation of nqmgr
+[By now you should theoretically know the nqmgr scheduler inside out. In
+practice, you still hope that you will never have to really understand the last
+or last two chapters completely, and fortunately most people really won't.
+Understanding how the scheduler works in ideal conditions is more than good
+enough for vast majority of users.]
+ * Wietse Venema designed and implemented the initial queue manager with per-
+ domain FIFO scheduling, and per-delivery +/-1 concurrency feedback.
+ * Patrik Rak designed and implemented preemption where mail with fewer
+ recipients can slip past mail with more recipients in a controlled manner,
+ and wrote up its documentation.
+ * Wietse Venema initiated a discussion with Patrik Rak and Victor Duchovni on
+ alternatives for the +/-1 feedback scheduler's aggressive behavior. This is
+ when K/N feedback was reviewed (N = concurrency). The discussion ended
+ without a good solution for both negative feedback and dead site detection.
+ * Victor Duchovni resumed work on concurrency feedback in the context of
+ concurrency-limited servers.
+ * Wietse Venema then re-designed the concurrency scheduler in terms of the
+ simplest possible concepts: less-than-1 concurrency feedback per delivery,
+ forward and reverse concurrency feedback hysteresis, and pseudo-cohort
+ failure. At this same time, concurrency feedback was separated from dead
+ site detection.
+ * These simplifications, and their modular implementation, helped to develop
+ further insights into the different roles that positive and negative
+ concurrency feedback play, and helped to identify some worst-case
+ scenarios.
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+PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP rreellaayy aanndd aacccceessss ccoonnttrrooll
+The Postfix SMTP server receives mail from the network and is exposed to the
+big bad world of junk email and viruses. This document introduces the built-in
+and external methods that control what SMTP mail Postfix will accept, what
+mistakes to avoid, and how to test your configuration.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Relay control, junk mail control, and per-user policies
+ * Restrictions that apply to all SMTP mail
+ * Getting selective with SMTP access restriction lists
+ * Delayed evaluation of SMTP access restriction lists
+ * Dangerous use of smtpd_recipient_restrictions
+ * SMTP access rule testing
+RReellaayy ccoonnttrrooll,, jjuunnkk mmaaiill ccoonnttrrooll,, aanndd ppeerr--uusseerr ppoolliicciieess
+In a distant past, the Internet was a friendly environment. Mail servers
+happily forwarded mail on behalf of anyone towards any destination. On today's
+Internet, spammers abuse servers that forward mail from arbitrary systems, and
+abused systems end up on anti-spammer blacklists. See, for example, the
+information on and other websites.
+By default, Postfix has a moderately restrictive approach to mail relaying.
+Postfix forwards mail only from clients in trusted networks, from clients that
+have authenticated with SASL, or to domains that are configured as authorized
+relay destinations. For a description of the default mail relay policy, see the
+smtpd_relay_restrictions parameter in the postconf(5) manual page, and the
+information that is referenced from there.
+ NOTE: Postfix versions before 2.10 did not have smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ They combined the mail relay and spam blocking policies, under
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions. This could lead to unexpected results. For
+ example, a permissive spam blocking policy could unexpectedly result in a
+ permissive mail relay policy. An example of this is documented under
+ "Dangerous use of smtpd_recipient_restrictions".
+Most of the Postfix SMTP server access controls are targeted at stopping junk
+ * Protocol oriented: some SMTP server access controls block mail by being
+ very strict with respect to the SMTP protocol; these catch poorly
+ implemented and/or poorly configured junk email software, as well as email
+ worms that come with their own non-standard SMTP client implementations.
+ Protocol-oriented access controls become less useful over time as spammers
+ and worm writers learn to read RFC documents.
+ * Blacklist oriented: some SMTP server access controls query blacklists with
+ known to be bad sites such as open mail relays, open web proxies, and home
+ computers that have been compromised and that are under remote control by
+ criminals. The effectiveness of these blacklists depends on how complete
+ and how up to date they are.
+ * Threshold oriented: some SMTP server access controls attempt to raise the
+ bar by either making the client do more work (greylisting) or by asking for
+ a second opinion (SPF and sender/recipient address verification). The
+ greylisting and SPF policies are implemented externally, and are the
+ subject of the SMTPD_POLICY_README document. Sender/recipient address
+ verification is the subject of the ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README document.
+Unfortunately, all junk mail controls have the possibility of falsely rejecting
+legitimate mail. This can be a problem for sites with many different types of
+users. For some users it is unacceptable when any junk email slips through,
+while for other users the world comes to an end when a single legitimate email
+message is blocked. Because there is no single policy that is "right" for all
+users, Postfix supports different SMTP access restrictions for different users.
+This is described in the RESTRICTION_CLASS_README document.
+RReessttrriiccttiioonnss tthhaatt aappppllyy ttoo aallll SSMMTTPP mmaaiill
+Besides the restrictions that can be made configurable per client or per user
+as described in the next section, Postfix implements a few restrictions that
+apply to all SMTP mail.
+ * The built-in header_checks and body_checks content restrictions, as
+ described in the BUILTIN_FILTER_README document. This happens while Postfix
+ receives mail, before it is stored in the incoming queue.
+ * The external before-queue content restrictions, as described in the
+ SMTPD_PROXY_README document. This happens while Postfix receives mail,
+ before it is stored in the incoming queue.
+ * Requiring that the client sends the HELO or EHLO command before sending the
+ MAIL FROM or ETRN command. This may cause problems with home-grown
+ applications that send mail. For this reason, the requirement is disabled
+ by default ("smtpd_helo_required = no").
+ * Disallowing illegal syntax in MAIL FROM or RCPT TO commands. This may cause
+ problems with home-grown applications that send mail, and with ancient PC
+ mail clients. For this reason, the requirement is disabled by default
+ ("strict_rfc821_envelopes = no").
+ o Disallowing RFC 822 address syntax (example: "MAIL FROM: the dude
+ <>").
+ o Disallowing addresses that are not enclosed with <> (example: "MAIL
+ FROM:").
+ * Rejecting mail from a non-existent sender address. This form of egress
+ filtering helps to slow down worms and other malware, but may cause
+ problems with home-grown software that sends out mail software with an
+ unreplyable address. For this reason the requirement is disabled by default
+ ("smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = no").
+ * Rejecting mail for a non-existent recipient address. This form of ingress
+ filtering helps to keep the mail queue free of undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON
+ messages. This requirement is enabled by default
+ ("smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes").
+GGeettttiinngg sseelleeccttiivvee wwiitthh SSMMTTPP aacccceessss rreessttrriiccttiioonn lliissttss
+Postfix allows you to specify lists of access restrictions for each stage of
+the SMTP conversation. Individual restrictions are described in the postconf(5)
+manual page.
+Examples of simple restriction lists are:
+ # Allow connections from trusted networks only.
+ smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject
+ # Don't talk to mail systems that don't know their own hostname.
+ # With Postfix < 2.3, specify reject_unknown_hostname.
+ smtpd_helo_restrictions = reject_unknown_helo_hostname
+ # Don't accept mail from domains that don't exist.
+ smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain
+ # Spam control: exclude local clients and authenticated clients
+ # from DNSBL lookups.
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
+ permit_sasl_authenticated,
+ # reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail
+ # relay policy is specified under smtpd_relay_restrictions
+ # (available with Postfix 2.10 and later).
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ reject_rbl_client,
+ reject_rhsbl_reverse_client,
+ reject_rhsbl_helo,
+ reject_rhsbl_sender
+ # Relay control (Postfix 2.10 and later): local clients and
+ # authenticated clients may specify any destination domain.
+ smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
+ permit_sasl_authenticated,
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ # Block clients that speak too early.
+ smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining
+ # Enforce mail volume quota via policy service callouts.
+ smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service unix:private/policy
+Each restriction list is evaluated from left to right until some restriction
+produces a result of PERMIT, REJECT or DEFER (try again later). The end of each
+list is equivalent to a PERMIT result. By placing a PERMIT restriction before a
+REJECT restriction you can make exceptions for specific clients or users. This
+is called whitelisting; the fourth example above allows mail from local
+networks but otherwise rejects mail to arbitrary destinations.
+The table below summarizes the purpose of each SMTP access restriction list.
+All lists use the exact same syntax; they differ only in the time of evaluation
+and in the effect of a REJECT or DEFER result.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ | | | |EEffffeecctt ooff |
+ |RReessttrriiccttiioonn lliisstt nnaammee |VVeerrssiioonn|SSttaattuuss |RREEJJEECCTT oorr |
+ | | | |DDEEFFEERR |
+ | | | |rreessuulltt |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | | |Reject all |
+ |smtpd_client_restrictions |All |Optional |client |
+ | | | |commands |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | | |Reject |
+ |smtpd_helo_restrictions |All |Optional |HELO/EHLO |
+ | | | |information|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | | |Reject MAIL|
+ |smtpd_sender_restrictions |All |Optional |FROM |
+ | | | |information|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Required if | |
+ | |>= 2.10|smtpd_relay_restrictions | |
+ | | |does not enforce relay |Reject RCPT|
+ |smtpd_recipient_restrictions | |policy |TO |
+ | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |information|
+ | | | | |
+ | |< 2.10 |Required | |
+ | | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | |Required if | |
+ | |>= 2.10|smtpd_recipient_restrictions| |
+ | | |does not enforce relay |Reject RCPT|
+ |smtpd_relay_restrictions | |policy |TO |
+ | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |information|
+ | | | | |
+ | |< 2.10 |Not available | |
+ | | | | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |smtpd_data_restrictions |>= 2.0 |Optional |Reject DATA|
+ | | | |command |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ | | | |Reject END-|
+ |smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions|>= 2.2 |Optional |OF-DATA |
+ | | | |command |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |smtpd_etrn_restrictions |All |Optional |Reject ETRN|
+ | | | |command |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+DDeellaayyeedd eevvaalluuaattiioonn ooff SSMMTTPP aacccceessss rreessttrriiccttiioonn lliissttss
+Early Postfix versions evaluated SMTP access restrictions lists as early as
+possible. The client restriction list was evaluated before Postfix sent the
+"220 $myhostname..." greeting banner to the SMTP client, the helo restriction
+list was evaluated before Postfix replied to the HELO (EHLO) command, the
+sender restriction list was evaluated before Postfix replied to the MAIL FROM
+command, and so on. This approach turned out to be difficult to use.
+Current Postfix versions postpone the evaluation of client, helo and sender
+restriction lists until the RCPT TO or ETRN command. This behavior is
+controlled by the smtpd_delay_reject parameter. Restriction lists are still
+evaluated in the proper order of (client, helo, etrn) or (client, helo, sender,
+relay, recipient, data, or end-of-data) restrictions. When a restriction list
+(example: client) evaluates to REJECT or DEFER the restriction lists that
+follow (example: helo, sender, etc.) are skipped.
+Around the time that smtpd_delay_reject was introduced, Postfix was also
+changed to support mixed restriction lists that combine information about the
+client, helo, sender and recipient or etrn command.
+Benefits of delayed restriction evaluation, and of restriction mixing:
+ * Some SMTP clients do not expect a negative reply early in the SMTP session.
+ When the bad news is postponed until the RCPT TO reply, the client goes
+ away as it is supposed to, instead of hanging around until a timeout
+ happens, or worse, going into an endless connect-reject-connect loop.
+ * Postfix can log more useful information. For example, when Postfix rejects
+ a client name or address and delays the action until the RCPT TO command,
+ it can log the sender and the recipient address. This is more useful than
+ logging only the client hostname and IP address and not knowing whose mail
+ was being blocked.
+ * Mixing is needed for complex whitelisting policies. For example, in order
+ to reject local sender addresses in mail from non-local clients, you need
+ to be able to mix restrictions on client information with restrictions on
+ sender information in the same restriction list. Without this ability, many
+ per-user access restrictions would be impossible to express.
+DDaannggeerroouuss uussee ooff ssmmttppdd__rreecciippiieenntt__rreessttrriiccttiioonnss
+By now the reader may wonder why we need smtpd client, helo or sender
+restrictions, when their evaluation is postponed until the RCPT TO or ETRN
+command. Some people recommend placing ALL the access restrictions in the
+smtpd_recipient_restrictions list. Unfortunately, this can result in too
+permissive access. How is this possible?
+The purpose of the smtpd_recipient_restrictions feature is to control how
+Postfix replies to the RCPT TO command. If the restriction list evaluates to
+REJECT or DEFER, the recipient address is rejected; no surprises here. If the
+result is PERMIT, then the recipient address is accepted. And this is where
+surprises can happen.
+The problem is that Postfix versions before 2.10 did not have
+smtpd_relay_restrictions. They combined the mail relay and spam blocking
+policies, under smtpd_recipient_restrictions. The result is that a permissive
+spam blocking policy could unexpectedly result in a permissive mail relay
+Here is an example that shows when a PERMIT result can result in too much
+access permission:
+1 /etc/postfix/
+2 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+3 permit_mynetworks
+4 check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access
+5 reject_unknown_helo_hostname
+6 rreejjeecctt__uunnaauutthh__ddeessttiinnaattiioonn
+8 /etc/postfix/helo_access:
+9 localhost.localdomain PERMIT
+Line 5 rejects mail from hosts that don't specify a proper hostname in the HELO
+command (with Postfix < 2.3, specify reject_unknown_hostname). Lines 4 and 9
+make an exception to allow mail from some machine that announces itself with
+"HELO localhost.localdomain".
+The problem with this configuration is that smtpd_recipient_restrictions
+evaluates to PERMIT for EVERY host that announces itself as
+"localhost.localdomain", making Postfix an open relay for all such hosts.
+With Postfix before version 2.10 you should place non-recipient restrictions
+AFTER the reject_unauth_destination restriction, not before. In the above
+example, the HELO based restrictions should be placed AFTER
+reject_unauth_destination, or better, the HELO based restrictions should be
+placed under smtpd_helo_restrictions where they can do no harm.
+1 /etc/postfix/
+2 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+3 permit_mynetworks
+4 rreejjeecctt__uunnaauutthh__ddeessttiinnaattiioonn
+5 check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access
+6 reject_unknown_helo_hostname
+8 /etc/postfix/helo_access:
+9 localhost.localdomain PERMIT
+The above mistake will not happen with Postfix 2.10 and later, when the relay
+policy is specified under smtpd_relay_restrictions, and the spam blocking
+policy under smtpd_recipient_restrictions. Then, a permissive spam blocking
+policy will not result in a permissive mail relay policy.
+SSMMTTPP aacccceessss rruullee tteessttiinngg
+Postfix has several features that aid in SMTP access rule testing:
+ This is a safety net that changes SMTP server REJECT actions into DEFER
+ (try again later) actions. This keeps mail queued that would otherwise be
+ returned to the sender. Specify "soft_bounce = yes" in the file to
+ prevent the Postfix SMTP server from rejecting mail permanently, by
+ changing all 5xx SMTP reply codes into 4xx.
+ When placed before a reject-type restriction, access table query, or
+ check_policy_service query, this logs a "reject_warning" message instead of
+ rejecting a request (when a reject-type restriction fails due to a
+ temporary error, this logs a "reject_warning" message for any implicit
+ "defer_if_permit" actions that would normally prevent mail from being
+ accepted by some later access restriction). This feature has no effect on
+ defer_if_reject restrictions.
+ With this feature, an authorized SMTP client can impersonate other systems
+ and perform realistic SMTP access rule tests. Examples of how to
+ impersonate other systems for access rule testing are given at the end of
+ the XCLIENT_README document.
+ This feature is available in Postfix 2.1.
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+PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP AAcccceessss PPoolliiccyy DDeelleeggaattiioonn
+PPuurrppoossee ooff PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP aacccceessss ppoolliiccyy ddeelleeggaattiioonn
+The Postfix SMTP server has a number of built-in mechanisms to block or accept
+mail at specific SMTP protocol stages. In addition, the Postfix SMTP server can
+delegate decisions to an external policy server (Postfix 2.1 and later).
+With this policy delegation mechanism, a simple greylist policy can be
+implemented with only a dozen lines of Perl, as is shown at the end of this
+document. A complete example can be found in the Postfix source code, in the
+directory examples/smtpd-policy.
+Another example of policy delegation is the SPF policy server at https://
+Policy delegation is now the preferred method for adding policies to Postfix.
+It's much easier to develop a new feature in few lines of Perl, Python, Ruby,
+or TCL, than trying to do the same in C code. The difference in performance
+will be unnoticeable except in the most demanding environments. On active
+systems a policy daemon process is used multiple times, for up to $max_use
+incoming SMTP connections.
+This document covers the following topics:
+ * Policy protocol description
+ * Simple policy client/server configuration
+ * Advanced policy client configuration
+ * Example: greylist policy server
+ * Greylisting mail from frequently forged domains
+ * Greylisting all your mail
+ * Routine greylist maintenance
+ * Example Perl greylist server
+PPrroottooccooll ddeessccrriippttiioonn
+The Postfix policy delegation protocol is really simple. The client sends a
+request and the server sends a response. Unless there was an error, the server
+must not close the connection, so that the same connection can be used multiple
+The client request is a sequence of name=value attributes separated by newline,
+and is terminated by an empty line. The server reply is one name=value
+attribute and it, too, is terminated by an empty line.
+Here is an example of all the attributes that the Postfix SMTP server sends in
+a delegated SMTPD access policy request:
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..11 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ request=smtpd_access_policy
+ protocol_state=RCPT
+ protocol_name=SMTP
+ helo_name=some.domain.tld
+ queue_id=8045F2AB23
+ sender=foo@bar.tld
+ recipient=bar@foo.tld
+ recipient_count=0
+ client_address=
+ client_name=another.domain.tld
+ reverse_client_name=another.domain.tld
+ instance=123.456.7
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..22 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ sasl_method=plain
+ sasl_username=you
+ sasl_sender=
+ size=12345
+ ccert_issuer=Wietse+20Venema
+ ccert_fingerprint=C2:9D:F4:87:71:73:73:D9:18:E7:C2:F3:C1:DA:6E:04
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..33 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ encryption_protocol=TLSv1/SSLv3
+ encryption_cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
+ encryption_keysize=256
+ etrn_domain=
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..55 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ stress=
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..99 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ ccert_pubkey_fingerprint=68:B3:29:DA:98:93:E3:40:99:C7:D8:AD:5C:B9:C9:40
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 33..00 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ client_port=1234
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 33..11 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ policy_context=submission
+ PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 33..22 aanndd llaatteerr::
+ server_address=
+ server_port=54321
+ [empty line]
+ * The "request" attribute is required. In this example the request type is
+ "smtpd_access_policy".
+ * The order of the attributes does not matter. The policy server should
+ ignore any attributes that it does not care about.
+ * When the same attribute name is sent more than once, the server may keep
+ the first value or the last attribute value.
+ * When an attribute value is unavailable, the client either does not send the
+ attribute, sends the attribute with an empty value ("name="), or sends a
+ zero value ("name=0") in the case of a numerical attribute.
+ * The "recipient" attribute is available in the "RCPT TO" stage. It is also
+ available in the "DATA" and "END-OF-MESSAGE" stages if Postfix accepted
+ only one recipient for the current message. The DATA protocol state also
+ applies to email that is received with BDAT commands (Postfix 3.4 and
+ later).
+ * The "recipient_count" attribute (Postfix 2.3 and later) is non-zero only in
+ the "DATA" and "END-OF-MESSAGE" stages. It specifies the number of
+ recipients that Postfix accepted for the current message. The DATA protocol
+ state also applies to email that is received with BDAT commands (Postfix
+ 3.4 and later).
+ * The remote client or local server IP address is an IPv4 dotted quad in the
+ form or it is an IPv6 address in the form 1:2:3::4:5:6.
+ * The remote client or local server port is a decimal number in the range 0-
+ 65535.
+ * For a discussion of the differences between reverse and verified
+ client_name information, see the reject_unknown_client_hostname discussion
+ in the postconf(5) document.
+ * An attribute name must not contain "=", null or newline, and an attribute
+ value must not contain null or newline.
+ * The "instance" attribute value can be used to correlate different requests
+ regarding the same message delivery. These requests are sent over the same
+ policy connection (unless the policy daemon terminates the connection).
+ Once Postfix sends a query with a different instance attribute over that
+ same policy connection, the previous message delivery is either completed
+ or aborted.
+ * The "size" attribute value specifies the message size that the client
+ specified in the MAIL FROM command (zero if none was specified). With
+ Postfix 2.2 and later, it specifies the actual message size after the
+ client sends the END-OF-MESSAGE.
+ * The "sasl_*" attributes (Postfix 2.2 and later) specify information about
+ how the client was authenticated via SASL. These attributes are empty in
+ case of no SASL authentication.
+ * The "ccert_*" attributes (Postfix 2.2 and later) specify information about
+ how the client was authenticated via TLS. These attributes are empty in
+ case of no certificate authentication. As of Postfix 2.2.11 these attribute
+ values are encoded as xtext: some characters are represented by +XX, where
+ XX is the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the character value. With
+ Postfix 2.6 and later, the decoded string is an UTF-8 string without non-
+ printable ASCII characters.
+ * The "encryption_*" attributes (Postfix 2.3 and later) specify information
+ about how the connection is encrypted. With plaintext connections the
+ protocol and cipher attributes are empty and the keysize is zero.
+ * The "etrn_domain" attribute is defined only in the context of the ETRN
+ command, and specifies the ETRN command parameter.
+ * The "stress" attribute is either empty or "yes". See the STRESS_README
+ document for further information.
+ * The "policy_context" attribute provides a way to pass information that is
+ not available via other attributes (Postfix version 3.1 and later).
+The following is specific to SMTPD delegated policy requests:
+ * Protocol names are ESMTP or SMTP.
+ VRFY or ETRN; these are the SMTP protocol states where the Postfix SMTP
+ server makes an OK/REJECT/HOLD/etc. decision. The DATA protocol state also
+ applies to email that is received with BDAT commands (Postfix 3.4 and
+ later).
+The policy server replies with any action that is allowed in a Postfix SMTPD
+access(5) table. Example:
+ action=defer_if_permit Service temporarily unavailable
+ [empty line]
+This causes the Postfix SMTP server to reject the request with a 450 temporary
+error code and with text "Service temporarily unavailable", if the Postfix SMTP
+server finds no reason to reject the request permanently.
+In case of trouble the policy server must not send a reply. Instead the server
+must log a warning and disconnect. Postfix will retry the request at some later
+SSiimmppllee ppoolliiccyy cclliieenntt//sseerrvveerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+The Postfix delegated policy client can connect to a TCP socket or to a UNIX-
+domain socket. Examples:
+ inet:
+ unix:/some/where/policy
+ unix:private/policy
+The first example specifies that the policy server listens on a TCP socket at
+ port 9998. The second example specifies an absolute pathname of a
+UNIX-domain socket. The third example specifies a pathname relative to the
+Postfix queue directory; use this for policy servers that are spawned by the
+Postfix master daemon.
+To create a policy service that listens on a UNIX-domain socket called
+"policy", and that runs under control of the Postfix spawn(8) daemon, you would
+use something like this:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 policy unix - n n - 0 spawn
+ 3 user=nobody argv=/some/where/policy-server
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/
+ 6 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 7 ...
+ 8 reject_unauth_destination
+ 9 check_policy_service unix:private/policy
+ 10 ...
+ 11 policy_time_limit = 3600
+ 12 # smtpd_policy_service_request_limit = 1
+ * Lines 2-3: this creates the service called "policy" that listens on a UNIX-
+ domain socket. The service is implemented by the Postfix spawn(8) daemon,
+ which executes the policy server program that is specified with the aarrggvv
+ attribute, using the privileges specified with the uusseerr attribute.
+ * Line 2: specify a "0" process limit instead of the default "-", to avoid
+ "connection refused" and other problems when you increase the smtpd process
+ limit.
+ * Line 8: reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail relay
+ policy is specified with smtpd_relay_restrictions (available with Postfix
+ 2.10 and later).
+ * Lines 8, 9: always specify "check_policy_service" AFTER
+ "reject_unauth_destination" or else your system could become an open relay.
+ * Line 11: this increases the time that a policy server process may run to
+ 3600 seconds. The default time limit of 1000 seconds is too short; the
+ policy daemon needs to run long as the SMTP server process that talks to
+ it. See the spawn(8) manpage for more information about the
+ transport_time_limit parameter.
+ Note: the "policy_time_limit" parameter will not show up in "postconf"
+ command output before Postfix version 2.9. This limitation applies to
+ many parameters whose name is a combination of a service name
+ (in the above example, "policy") and a built-in suffix (in the above
+ example: "_time_limit").
+ * Line 12: specify smtpd_policy_service_request_limit to avoid error-recovery
+ delays with policy servers that cannot maintain a persistent connection.
+ * With Solaris < 9, or Postfix < 2.10 on any Solaris version, use TCP sockets
+ instead of UNIX-domain sockets:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 inet n n n - 0 spawn
+ 3 user=nobody argv=/some/where/policy-server
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/
+ 6 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 7 ...
+ 8 reject_unauth_destination
+ 9 check_policy_service inet:
+ 10 ...
+ 11 = 3600
+ 12 # smtpd_policy_service_request_limit = 1
+Configuration parameters that control the client side of the policy delegation
+ * smtpd_policy_service_default_action (default: 451 4.3.5 Server
+ configuration problem): The default action when an SMTPD policy service
+ request fails. Available with Postfix 3.0 and later.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_max_idle (default: 300s): The amount of time before
+ the Postfix SMTP server closes an unused policy client connection.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_max_ttl (default: 1000s): The amount of time before
+ the Postfix SMTP server closes an active policy client connection.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_request_limit (default: 0): The maximal number of
+ requests per policy connection, or zero (no limit). Available with Postfix
+ 3.0 and later.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_timeout (default: 100s): The time limit to connect to,
+ send to or receive from a policy server.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_try_limit (default: 2): The maximal number of attempts
+ to send an SMTPD policy service request before giving up. Available with
+ Postfix 3.0 and later.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_retry_delay (default: 1s): The delay between attempts
+ to resend a failed SMTPD policy service request. Available with Postfix 3.0
+ and later.
+ * smtpd_policy_service_policy_context (default: empty): Optional information
+ that is passed in the "policy_context" attribute of an SMTPD policy service
+ request (originally, to share the same SMTPD service endpoint among
+ multiple check_policy_service clients). Available with Postfix 3.1 and
+ later.
+Configuration parameters that control the server side of the policy delegation
+ * transport_time_limit ($command_time_limit): The maximal amount of time the
+ policy daemon is allowed to run before it is terminated. The transport is
+ the service name of the entry for the policy daemon service. In
+ the above examples, the service name is "policy" or "".
+AAddvvaanncceedd ppoolliiccyy cclliieenntt ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+The previous section lists a number of Postfix parameters that control
+time limits and other settings for all policy clients. This is sufficient for
+simple configurations. With more complex configurations it becomes desirable to
+have different settings per policy client. This is supported with Postfix 3.0
+and later.
+The following example shows a "non-critical" policy service with a short
+timeout, and with "DUNNO" as default action when the service is unvailable. The
+"DUNNO" action causes Postfix to ignore the result.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 mua_recipient_restrictions =
+ 3 ...
+ 4 reject_unauth_destination
+ 5 check_policy_service { inet:host:port,
+ 6 timeout=10s, default_action=DUNNO
+ 7 policy_context=submission }
+ 8 ...
+Instead of a server endpoint, we now have a list enclosed in {}.
+ * Line 5: The first item in the list is the server endpoint. This supports
+ the exact same "inet" and "unix" syntax as described earlier.
+ * Line 6-7: The remainder of the list contains per-client settings. These
+ settings override global parameters, and have the same name as
+ those parameters, without the "smtpd_policy_service_" prefix.
+Inside the list, syntax is similar to what we already know from items
+separated by space or comma. There is one difference: yyoouu mmuusstt eenncclloossee aa
+sseettttiinngg iinn ppaarreenntthheesseess,, aass iinn ""{{ nnaammee == vvaalluuee }}"",, iiff yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo hhaavvee ssppaaccee oorr
+ccoommmmaa wwiitthhiinn aa vvaalluuee oorr aarroouunndd ""=="". This comes in handy when different policy
+servers require different default actions with different SMTP status codes or
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 3 ...
+ 4 reject_unauth_destination
+ 5 check_policy_service {
+ 6 inet:host:port1,
+ 7 { default_action = 451 4.3.5 See
+ support1 }
+ 8 }
+ 9 ...
+EExxaammppllee:: ggrreeyylliisstt ppoolliiccyy sseerrvveerr
+Greylisting is a defense against junk email that is described at http:// The idea was discussed on the postfix-users mailing list
+one year before it was popularized.
+The file examples/smtpd-policy/ in the Postfix source tree
+implements a simplified greylist policy server. This server stores a time stamp
+for every (client, sender, recipient) triple. By default, mail is not accepted
+until a time stamp is more than 60 seconds old. This stops junk mail with
+randomly selected sender addresses, and mail that is sent through randomly
+selected open proxies. It also stops junk mail from spammers that change their
+IP address frequently.
+Copy examples/smtpd-policy/ to /usr/libexec/postfix or whatever
+location is appropriate for your system.
+In the Perl script you need to specify the location of the greylist
+database file, and how long mail will be delayed before it is accepted. The
+default settings are:
+ $database_name="/var/mta/greylist.db";
+ $greylist_delay=60;
+The /var/mta directory (or whatever you choose) should be writable by "nobody",
+or by whatever username you configure below in for the policy
+ # mkdir /var/mta
+ # chown nobody /var/mta
+Note: DO NOT create the greylist database in a world-writable directory such as
+/tmp or /var/tmp, and DO NOT create the greylist database in a file system that
+may run out of space. Postfix can survive "out of space" conditions with the
+mail queue and with the mailbox store, but it cannot survive a corrupted
+greylist database. If the file becomes corrupted you may not be able to receive
+mail at all until you delete the file by hand.
+The Perl script can be run under control by the Postfix master
+daemon. For example, to run the script as user "nobody", using a UNIX-domain
+socket that is accessible by Postfix processes only:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 greylist unix - n n - 0 spawn
+ 3 user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/perl /usr/libexec/postfix/
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/
+ 6 greylist_time_limit = 3600
+ 7 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 8 ...
+ 9 reject_unauth_destination
+ 10 check_policy_service unix:private/greylist
+ 11 ...
+ 12 # smtpd_policy_service_request_limit = 1
+ * Lines 2-3: this creates the service called "greylist" that listens on a
+ UNIX-domain socket. The service is implemented by the Postfix spawn(8)
+ daemon, which executes the script that is specified with the
+ aarrggvv attribute, using the privileges specified with the uusseerr attribute.
+ * Line 2: specify a "0" process limit instead of the default "-", to avoid
+ "connection refused" and other problems when you increase the smtpd process
+ limit.
+ * Line 3: Specify " -v" for verbose logging of each request and
+ reply.
+ * Line 6: this increases the time that a greylist server process may run to
+ 3600 seconds. The default time limit of 1000 seconds is too short; the
+ greylist daemon needs to run long as the SMTP server process that talks to
+ it. See the spawn(8) manpage for more information about the
+ transport_time_limit parameter.
+ * Line 9: reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail relay
+ policy is specified with smtpd_relay_restrictions (available with Postfix
+ 2.10 and later).
+ Note: the "greylist_time_limit" parameter will not show up in
+ "postconf" command output before Postfix version 2.9. This limitation
+ applies to many parameters whose name is a combination of a
+ service name (in the above example, "greylist") and a built-in suffix
+ (in the above example: "_time_limit").
+ * Line 12: specify smtpd_policy_service_request_limit to avoid error-recovery
+ delays with policy servers that cannot maintain a persistent connection.
+With Solaris < 9, or Postfix < 2.10 on any Solaris version, use inet: style
+sockets instead of unix: style, as detailed in the "Policy client/server
+configuration" section above.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 inet n n n - 0 spawn
+ 3 user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/perl /usr/libexec/postfix/
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/
+ 6 = 3600
+ 7 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 8 ...
+ 9 reject_unauth_destination
+ 10 check_policy_service inet:
+ 11 ...
+ 12 # smtpd_policy_service_request_limit = 1
+GGrreeyylliissttiinngg mmaaiill ffrroomm ffrreeqquueennttllyy ffoorrggeedd ddoommaaiinnss
+It is relatively safe to turn on greylisting for specific domains that often
+appear in forged email. At some point in cyberspace/time a list of frequently
+forged MAIL FROM domains could be found at
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 3 reject_unlisted_recipient
+ 4 ...
+ 5 reject_unauth_destination
+ 6 check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
+ 7 ...
+ 8 smtpd_restriction_classes = greylist
+ 9 greylist = check_policy_service unix:private/greylist
+ 10
+ 11 /etc/postfix/sender_access:
+ 12 greylist
+ 13 greylist
+ 14 greylist
+ 15 ... etcetera ...
+ * Line 9: On Solaris < 9, or Postfix < 2.10 on any Solaris version, use inet:
+ style sockets instead of unix: style, as detailed in the "Example: greylist
+ policy server" section above.
+ * Line 5: reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail relay
+ policy is specified with smtpd_relay_restrictions (available with Postfix
+ 2.10 and later).
+ * Line 6: Be sure to specify "check_sender_access" AFTER
+ "reject_unauth_destination" or else your system could become an open mail
+ relay.
+ * Line 3: With Postfix 2.0 snapshot releases, "reject_unlisted_recipient" is
+ called "check_recipient_maps". Postfix 2.1 understands both forms.
+ * Line 3: The greylist database gets polluted quickly with bogus addresses.
+ It helps if you protect greylist lookups with other restrictions that
+ reject unknown senders and/or recipients.
+GGrreeyylliissttiinngg aallll yyoouurr mmaaiill
+If you turn on greylisting for all mail you may want to make exceptions for
+mailing lists that use one-time sender addresses, because each message will be
+delayed due to greylisting, and the one-time sender addresses can pollute your
+greylist database relatively quickly. Instead of making exceptions, you can
+automatically whitelist clients that survive greylisting repeatedly; this
+avoids most of the delays and most of the database pollution problem.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 3 reject_unlisted_recipient
+ 4 ...
+ 5 reject_unauth_destination
+ 6 check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
+ 7 check_policy_service unix:private/policy
+ 8 ...
+ 9
+ 10 /etc/postfix/sender_access:
+ 11 OK
+ 12 ...
+ * Line 7: On Solaris < 9, or Postfix < 2.10 on any Solaris version, use inet:
+ style sockets instead of unix: style, as detailed in the "Example: greylist
+ policy server" section above.
+ * Line 5: reject_unauth_destination is not needed here if the mail relay
+ policy is specified with smtpd_relay_restrictions (available with Postfix
+ 2.10 and later).
+ * Lines 6-7: Be sure to specify check_sender_access and check_policy_service
+ AFTER reject_unauth_destination or else your system could become an open
+ mail relay.
+ * Line 3: The greylist database gets polluted quickly with bogus addresses.
+ It helps if you precede greylist lookups with restrictions that reject
+ unknown senders and/or recipients.
+RRoouuttiinnee ggrreeyylliisstt mmaaiinntteennaannccee
+The greylist database grows over time, because the greylist server never
+removes database entries. If left unattended, the greylist database will
+eventually run your file system out of space.
+When the status file size exceeds some threshold you can simply rename or
+remove the file without adverse effects; Postfix automatically creates a new
+file. In the worst case, new mail will be delayed by an hour or so. To lessen
+the impact, rename or remove the file in the middle of the night at the
+beginning of a weekend.
+EExxaammppllee PPeerrll ggrreeyylliisstt sseerrvveerr
+This is the Perl subroutine that implements the example greylist policy. It is
+part of a general purpose sample policy server that is distributed with the
+Postfix source as examples/smtpd-policy/
+# greylist status database and greylist time interval. DO NOT create the
+# greylist status database in a world-writable directory such as /tmp
+# or /var/tmp. DO NOT create the greylist database in a file system
+# that can run out of space.
+# Auto-whitelist threshold. Specify 0 to disable, or the number of
+# successful "come backs" after which a client is no longer subject
+# to greylisting.
+$auto_whitelist_threshold = 10;
+# Demo SMTPD access policy routine. The result is an action just like
+# it would be specified on the right-hand side of a Postfix access
+# table. Request attributes are available via the %attr hash.
+sub smtpd_access_policy {
+ my($key, $time_stamp, $now);
+ # Open the database on the fly.
+ open_database() unless $database_obj;
+ # Search the auto-whitelist.
+ if ($auto_whitelist_threshold > 0) {
+ $count = read_database($attr{"client_address"});
+ if ($count > $auto_whitelist_threshold) {
+ return "dunno";
+ }
+ }
+ # Lookup the time stamp for this client/sender/recipient.
+ $key =
+ lc $attr{"client_address"}."/".$attr{"sender"}."/".$attr{"recipient"};
+ $time_stamp = read_database($key);
+ $now = time();
+ # If new request, add this client/sender/recipient to the database.
+ if ($time_stamp == 0) {
+ $time_stamp = $now;
+ update_database($key, $time_stamp);
+ }
+ # The result can be any action that is allowed in a Postfix access(5) map.
+ #
+ # To label the mail, return ``PREPEND headername: headertext''
+ #
+ # In case of success, return ``DUNNO'' instead of ``OK'', so that the
+ # check_policy_service restriction can be followed by other restrictions.
+ #
+ # In case of failure, return ``DEFER_IF_PERMIT optional text...'',
+ # so that mail can still be blocked by other access restrictions.
+ #
+ syslog $syslog_priority, "request age %d", $now - $time_stamp if $verbose;
+ if ($now - $time_stamp > $greylist_delay) {
+ # Update the auto-whitelist.
+ if ($auto_whitelist_threshold > 0) {
+ update_database($attr{"client_address"}, $count + 1);
+ }
+ return "dunno";
+ } else {
+ return "defer_if_permit Service temporarily unavailable";
+ }
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cd530
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+PPoossttffiixx BBeeffoorree--QQuueeuuee CCoonntteenntt FFiilltteerr
+The before-queue content filtering feature described in this document limits
+the amount of mail that a site can handle. See the "Pros and Cons" section
+below for details.
+TThhee PPoossttffiixx bbeeffoorree--qquueeuuee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr ffeeaattuurree
+As of version 2.1, the Postfix SMTP server can forward all incoming mail to a
+content filtering proxy server that inspects all mail BEFORE it is stored in
+the Postfix mail queue. It is roughly equivalent in capabilities to the
+approach described in MILTER_README, except that the latter uses a dedicated
+protocol instead of SMTP.
+The before-queue content filter is meant to be used as follows:
+ Postfix BBeeffoorree Postfix Postfix Postfix smtp
+ Internet -> SMTP -> qquueeuuee -> SMTP -> cleanup -> queue -< local
+ server ffiilltteerr server server virtual
+The before-queue content filter is not to be confused with the approach
+described in the FILTER_README document, where mail is filtered AFTER it is
+stored in the Postfix mail queue.
+This document describes the following topics:
+ * Principles of operation
+ * Pros and cons of before-queue content filtering
+ * Configuring the Postfix SMTP pass-through proxy feature
+ * Configuration parameters
+ * How Postfix talks to the before-queue content filter
+PPrriinncciipplleess ooff ooppeerraattiioonn
+As shown in the diagram above, the before-queue filter sits between two Postfix
+SMTP server processes.
+ * The before-filter Postfix SMTP server accepts connections from the Internet
+ and does the usual relay access control, SASL authentication, TLS
+ negotiation, RBL lookups, rejecting non-existent sender or recipient
+ addresses, etc.
+ * The before-queue filter receives unfiltered mail content from Postfix and
+ does one of the following:
+ 1. Re-inject the mail back into Postfix via SMTP, perhaps after changing
+ its content and/or destination.
+ 2. Discard or quarantine the mail.
+ 3. Reject the mail by sending a suitable SMTP status code back to Postfix.
+ Postfix passes the status back to the remote SMTP client. This way,
+ Postfix does not have to send a bounce message.
+ * The after-filter Postfix SMTP server receives mail from the content filter.
+ From then on Postfix processes the mail as usual.
+The before-queue content filter described here works just like the after-queue
+content filter described in the FILTER_README document. In many cases you can
+use the same software, within the limitations as discussed in the "Pros and
+Cons" section below.
+PPrrooss aanndd ccoonnss ooff bbeeffoorree--qquueeuuee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerriinngg
+ * Pro: Postfix can reject mail before the incoming SMTP mail transfer
+ completes, so that Postfix does not have to send rejected mail back to the
+ sender (which is usually forged anyway). Mail that is not accepted remains
+ the responsibility of the remote SMTP client.
+ * Con: The remote SMTP client expects an SMTP reply within a deadline. As the
+ system load increases, fewer and fewer CPU cycles remain available to
+ answer within the deadline, and eventually you either have to stop
+ accepting mail or you have to stop filtering mail. It is for this reason
+ that the before-queue content filter limits the amount of mail that a site
+ can handle.
+ * Con: Content filtering software can use lots of memory resources. You have
+ to reduce the number of simultaneous content filter processes so that a
+ burst of mail will not drive your system into the ground.
+ o With Postfix versions 2.7 and later, SMTP clients will experience an
+ increase in the delay between the time the client sends "end-of-
+ message" and the time the Postfix SMTP server replies (here, the number
+ of before-filter SMTP server processes can be larger than the number of
+ filter processes).
+ o With Postfix versions before 2.7, SMTP clients will experience an
+ increase in the delay before they can receive service (here, the number
+ of before-filter SMTP server processes is always equal to the number of
+ filter processes).
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP ppaassss--tthhrroouugghh pprrooxxyy ffeeaattuurree
+In the following example, the before-filter Postfix SMTP server gives mail to a
+content filter that listens on localhost port 10025. The after-filter Postfix
+SMTP server receives mail from the content filter via localhost port 10026.
+From then on mail is processed as usual.
+The content filter itself is not described here. You can use any filter that is
+SMTP enabled. For non-SMTP capable content filtering software, Bennett Todd's
+SMTP proxy implements a nice Perl-based framework. See: http:// or
+ Postfix
+ Postfix filter on SMTP server Postfix Postfix
+ Internet -> SMTP server -> localhost -> on -> cleanup -> incoming
+ on port 25 port 10025 localhost server queue
+ port 10026
+This is configured by editing the file:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ #
+ # Before-filter SMTP server. Receive mail from the network and
+ # pass it to the content filter on localhost port 10025.
+ #
+ smtp inet n - n - 20 smtpd
+ -o smtpd_proxy_filter=
+ -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=10
+ # Postfix 2.7 and later performance feature.
+ # -o smtpd_proxy_options=speed_adjust
+ #
+ # After-filter SMTP server. Receive mail from the content filter
+ # on localhost port 10026.
+ #
+ inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
+ -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
+ # Postfix 2.10 and later: specify empty smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ -o smtpd_relay_restrictions=
+ -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
+ -o smtpd_data_restrictions=
+ -o mynetworks=
+ -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks
+Note: do not specify spaces around the "=" or "," characters.
+The before-filter SMTP server entry is a modified version of the default
+Postfix SMTP server entry that is normally configured at the top of the file:
+ * The number of SMTP sessions is reduced from the default 100 to only 20.
+ This prevents a burst of mail from running your system into the ground with
+ too many content filter processes.
+ * The "-o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=10" prevents one SMTP client
+ from using up all 20 SMTP server processes. This limit is not necessary if
+ you receive all mail from a trusted relay host.
+ Note: this setting is available in Postfix version 2.2 and later. Earlier
+ Postfix versions will ignore it.
+ * The "-o smtpd_proxy_filter=" tells the before-filter SMTP
+ server that it should give incoming mail to the content filter that listens
+ on localhost TCP port 10025.
+ * The "-o smtpd_proxy_options=speed_adjust" tells the before-filter SMTP
+ server that it should receive an entire email message before it connects to
+ a content filter. This reduces the number of simultaneous filter processes.
+ NOTE 1: When this option is turned on, a content filter must not
+ selectively reject recipients of a multi-recipient message. Rejecting all
+ recipients is OK, as is accepting all recipients.
+ NOTE 2: This feature increases the minimum amount of free queue space by
+ $message_size_limit. The extra space is needed to save the message to a
+ temporary file.
+ * Postfix >= 2.3 supports both TCP and UNIX-domain filters. The above filter
+ could be specified as "inet:". To specify a UNIX-domain
+ filter, specify "unix:pathname". A relative pathname is interpreted
+ relative to the Postfix queue directory.
+The after-filter SMTP server is a new entry:
+ * The "" makes the after-filter SMTP server listen on the
+ localhost address only, without exposing it to the network. NEVER expose
+ the after-filter SMTP server to the Internet :-)
+ * The "-o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=" allows the after-
+ filter SMTP server to receive remote SMTP client information from the
+ before-filter SMTP server, so that the after-filter Postfix daemons log the
+ remote SMTP client information instead of logging localhost[].
+ * The other after-filter SMTP server settings avoid duplication of work that
+ is already done in the "before filter" SMTP server.
+By default, the filter has 100 seconds to do its work. If it takes longer then
+Postfix gives up and reports an error to the remote SMTP client. You can
+increase this time limit (see configuration parameter section below) but doing
+so is pointless because you can't control when the remote SMTP client times
+CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+Parameters that control proxying:
+ * smtpd_proxy_filter (syntax: host:port): The host and TCP port of the
+ before-queue content filter. When no host or host: is specified here,
+ localhost is assumed.
+ * smtpd_proxy_timeout (default: 100s): Timeout for connecting to the before-
+ queue content filter and for sending and receiving commands and data. All
+ proxy errors are logged to the maillog file. For privacy reasons, all the
+ remote SMTP client sees is "451 Error: queue file write error". It would
+ not be right to disclose internal details to strangers.
+ * smtpd_proxy_ehlo (default: $myhostname): The hostname to use when sending
+ an EHLO command to the before-queue content filter.
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx ttaallkkss ttoo tthhee bbeeffoorree--qquueeuuee ccoonntteenntt ffiilltteerr
+The before-filter Postfix SMTP server connects to the content filter, delivers
+one message, and disconnects. While sending mail into the content filter,
+Postfix speaks ESMTP but uses no command pipelining. Postfix generates its own
+EHLO, XFORWARD (for logging the remote client IP address instead of localhost
+[]), DATA and QUIT commands, and forwards unmodified copies of all the
+MAIL FROM and RCPT TO commands that the before-filter Postfix SMTP server
+didn't reject itself. Postfix sends no other SMTP commands.
+The content filter should accept the same MAIL FROM and RCPT TO command syntax
+as the before-filter Postfix SMTP server, and should forward the commands
+without modification to the after-filter SMTP server. If the content filter or
+after-filter SMTP server does not support all the ESMTP features that the
+before-filter Postfix SMTP server supports, then the missing features must be
+turned off in the before-filter Postfix SMTP server with the
+smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords parameter.
+When the filter rejects content, it should send a negative SMTP response back
+to the before-filter Postfix SMTP server, and it should abort the connection
+with the after-filter Postfix SMTP server without completing the SMTP
+conversation with the after-filter Postfix SMTP server.
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--- /dev/null
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+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ssuuppppoorrtt
+This document describes Postfix support for Email Address Internationalization
+(EAI) as defined in RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8 extension), RFC 6532 (Internationalized
+email headers) and RFC 6533 (Internationalized delivery status notifications).
+Introduced with Postfix version 3.0, this fully supports UTF-8 email addresses
+and UTF-8 message header values.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Building with/without SMTPUTF8 support
+ * Enabling Postfix SMTPUTF8 support
+ * Using Postfix SMTPUTF8 support
+ * SMTPUTF8 autodetection
+ * Limitations of the current implementation
+ * Compatibility with pre-SMTPUTF8 environments
+ * Compatibility with IDNA2003
+ * Credits
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh//wwiitthhoouutt SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix will build with SMTPUTF8 support if the ICU version >= 46 library and
+header files are installed on the system. The package name varies with the OS
+distribution. The table shows package names for a number of platforms at the
+time this text was written.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |OOSS DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn |PPaacckkaaggee |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc.|icu |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Centos, Fedora, RHEL |libicu-devel|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |Debian, Ubuntu |libicu-dev |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+To force Postfix to build without SMTPUTF8, specify:
+ $ mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDNNOO__EEAAII ......""
+See the INSTALL document for more "make makefiles" options.
+EEnnaabblliinngg PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ssuuppppoorrtt
+There is more to SMTPUTF8 than just Postfix itself. The rest of your email
+infrastructure also needs to be able to handle UTF-8 email addresses and
+message header values. This includes SMTPUTF8 protocol support in SMTP-based
+content filters (Amavisd), LMTP servers (Dovecot), and down-stream SMTP
+Postfix SMTPUTF8 support is enabled by default, but it may be disabled as part
+of a backwards-compatibility safety net (see the COMPATIBILITY_README file).
+SMTPUTF8 support is enabled by setting the smtputf8_enable parameter in
+ # ppoossttccoonnff ""ssmmttppuuttff88__eennaabbllee == yyeess""
+ # ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd
+(With Postfix <= 3.1, you may also need to specify "ooppttiioonn__ggrroouupp == cclliieenntt" in
+Postfix MySQL client files, to enable UTF8 support in MySQL queries. This
+setting is the default as of Postfix 3.2.)
+With SMTPUTF8 support enabled, Postfix changes behavior with respect to earlier
+Postfix releases:
+ * UTF-8 is permitted in the myorigin parameter value. However, the myhostname
+ and mydomain parameters must currently specify ASCII-only domain names.
+ This limitation may be removed later.
+ * UTF-8 is the only form of non-ASCII text that Postfix supports in access
+ tables, address rewriting tables, and other tables that are indexed with an
+ email address, hostname, or domain name.
+ * The header_checks-like and body_checks-like features are not UTF-8 enabled,
+ and therefore they do not enforce UTF-8 syntax rules on inputs and outputs.
+ The reason is that non-ASCII text may be sent in encodings other than UTF-
+ 8, and that real email sometimes contains malformed headers. Instead of
+ skipping non-UTF-8 content, Postfix should be able to filter it. You may
+ try to enable UTF-8 processing by starting a PCRE pattern with the sequence
+ (*UTF8), but this is will result in "message not accepted, try again later"
+ errors when the PCRE pattern matcher encounters non-UTF-8 input. Other
+ features that are not UTF-8 enabled are smtpd_command_filter,
+ smtp_reply_filter, the *_delivery_status_filter features, and the
+ *_dns_reply_filter features (the latter because DNS is by definition an
+ ASCII protocol).
+ * The Postfix SMTP server announces SMTPUTF8 support in the EHLO response.
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-VRFY
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250-8BITMIME
+ 250-DSN
+ 250 SMTPUTF8
+ * The Postfix SMTP server accepts the SMTPUTF8 request in MAIL FROM and VRFY
+ commands.
+ MMAAIILL FFRROOMM::<<aaddddrreessss>> SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ......
+ * The Postfix SMTP client may issue the SMTPUTF8 request in MAIL FROM
+ commands.
+ * The Postfix SMTP server accepts UTF-8 in email address domains, but only
+ after the remote SMTP client issues the SMTPUTF8 request in MAIL FROM or
+ VRFY commands.
+Postfix already permitted UTF-8 in message header values and in address
+localparts. This does not change.
+UUssiinngg PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ssuuppppoorrtt
+After Postfix SMTPUTF8 support is turned on, Postfix behavior will depend on 1)
+whether a remote SMTP client requests SMTPUTF8 support, 2) the presence of UTF-
+8 content in the message envelope and headers, and 3) whether a down-stream
+SMTP (or LMTP) server announces SMTPUTF8 support.
+ * When the Postfix SMTP server receives a message WITHOUT the SMTPUTF8
+ request, Postfix handles the message as it has always done (at least that
+ is the default, see autodetection below). Specifically, the Postfix SMTP
+ server does not accept UTF-8 in the envelope sender domain name or envelope
+ recipient domain name, and the Postfix SMTP client does not issue the
+ SMTPUTF8 request when delivering that message to an SMTP or LMTP server
+ that announces SMTPUTF8 support (again, that is the default). Postfix will
+ accept UTF-8 in message header values and in the localpart of envelope
+ sender and recipient addresses, because it has always done that.
+ * When the Postfix SMTP server receives a message WITH the SMTPUTF8 request,
+ Postfix will issue the SMTPUTF8 request when delivering that message to an
+ SMTP or LMTP server that announces SMTPUTF8 support. This is not
+ configurable.
+ * When a message is received with the SMTPUTF8 request, Postfix will deliver
+ the message to a non-SMTPUTF8 SMTP or LMTP server ONLY if:
+ o No message header value contains UTF-8.
+ o The envelope sender address contains no UTF-8,
+ o No envelope recipient address for that specific SMTP/LMTP delivery
+ transaction contains UTF-8.
+ NOTE: Recipients in other email delivery transactions for that same
+ message may still contain UTF-8.
+ Otherwise, Postfix will return the recipient(s) for that email delivery
+ transaction as undeliverable. The delivery status notification message will
+ be an SMTPUTF8 message. It will therefore be subject to the same
+ restrictions as email that is received with the SMTPUTF8 request.
+ * When the Postfix SMTP server receives a message with the SMTPUTF8 request,
+ that request also applies after the message is forwarded via a virtual or
+ local alias, or $HOME/.forward file.
+SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 aauuttooddeetteeccttiioonn
+This section applies only to systems that have SMTPUTF8 support turned on
+(smtputf8_enable = yes).
+For compatibility with pre-SMTPUTF8 environments, Postfix does not
+automatically set the "SMTPUTF8 requested" flag on messages from non-SMTPUTF8
+clients that contain an UTF-8 header value or UTF-8 address localpart. This
+would make such messages undeliverable to non-SMTPUTF8 servers, and could be a
+barrier to SMTPUTF8 adoption.
+By default, Postfix sets the "SMTPUTF8 requested" flag only on address
+verification probes and on Postfix sendmail submissions that contain UTF-8 in
+the sender address, UTF-8 in a recipient address, or UTF-8 in a message header
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtputf8_autodetect_classes = sendmail, verify
+However, if you have a non-ASCII myorigin or mydomain setting, or if you have a
+configuration that introduces UTF-8 addresses with virtual aliases, canonical
+mappings, or BCC mappings, then you may have to apply SMTPUTF8 autodetection to
+all email:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtputf8_autodetect_classes = all
+This will, of course, also flag email that was received without SMTPUTF8
+request, but that contains UTF-8 in a sender address localpart, receiver
+address localpart, or message header value. Such email was not standards-
+compliant, but Postfix would have delivered it if SMTPUTF8 support was
+LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn
+The Postfix implementation is a work in progress; limitations are steadily
+being removed. The text below describes the situation at one point in time.
+NNoo aauuttoommaattiicc ccoonnvveerrssiioonnss bbeettwweeeenn AASSCCIIII aanndd UUTTFF--88 ddoommaaiinn nnaammeess..
+Some background: According to RFC 6530 and related documents, an
+internationalized domain name can appear in two forms: the UTF-8 form, and the
+ASCII (xn--mumble) form. An internationalized address localpart must be encoded
+in UTF-8; the RFCs do not define an ASCII alternative form.
+Postfix currently does not convert internationalized domain names from UTF-
+8 into ASCII (or from ASCII into UTF-8) before using domain names in SMTP
+commands and responses, before looking up domain names in lists such as
+mydestination, relay_domains or in lookup tables such as access tables, etc.,
+before using domain names in a policy daemon or Milter request, or before
+logging events.
+Postfix does, however, casefold domain names and email addresses before
+matching them against a Postfix configuration parameter or lookup table.
+In order to use Postfix SMTPUTF8 support:
+ * The Postfix parameters myhostname and mydomain must be in ASCII form. One
+ is a substring of the other, and the myhostname value is used in SMTP
+ commands and responses that require ASCII. The parameter myorigin (added to
+ local addresses without domain) supports UTF-8.
+ * You need to configure both the ASCII and UTF-8 forms of an
+ Internationalized domain name in Postfix parameters such as mydestination
+ and relay_domains, as well as lookup table search keys.
+ * Milters, content filters, policy servers and logfile analysis tools need to
+ be able to handle both the ASCII and UTF-8 forms of Internationalized
+ domain names.
+CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy wwiitthh pprree--SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 eennvviirroonnmmeennttss
+MMaaiilliinngg lliissttss wwiitthh UUTTFF--88 aanndd nnoonn--UUTTFF--88 ssuubbssccrriibbeerrss
+With Postfix, there is no need to split mailing lists into UTF-8 and non-UTF-
+8 members. Postfix will try to deliver the non-UTF8 subscribers over
+"traditional" non-SMTPUTF8 sessions, as long as the message has an ASCII
+envelope sender address and all-ASCII header values. The mailing list manager
+may have to apply RFC 2047 encoding to satisfy that last condition.
+PPrree--eexxiissttiinngg nnoonn--AASSCCIIII eemmaaiill fflloowwss
+With "smtputf8_enable = no", Postfix handles email with non-ASCII in address
+localparts (and in headers) as before. The vast majority of email software is
+perfectly capable of handling such email, even if pre-SMTPUTF8 standards do not
+support such practice.
+RReejjeeccttiinngg nnoonn--UUTTFF88 aaddddrreesssseess
+With "smtputf8_enable = yes", Postfix requires that non-ASCII address
+information is encoded in UTF-8 and will reject other encodings such as ISO-
+8859. It is not practical for Postfix to support multiple encodings at the same
+time. There is no problem with RFC 2047 encodings such as "=?ISO-8859-
+1?Q?text?=", because those use only characters from the ASCII characterset.
+RReejjeeccttiinngg nnoonn--AASSCCIIII aaddddrreesssseess iinn nnoonn--SSMMTTPPUUTTFF88 ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss
+Setting "strict_smtputf8 = yes" in addition to "smtputf8_enable = yes" will
+enable stricter enforcement of the SMTPUTF8 protocol. Specifically, the Postfix
+SMTP server will not only reject non-UTF8 sender or recipient addresses, it
+will in addition accept UTF-8 sender or recipient addresses only when the
+client requests an SMTPUTF8 mail transaction.
+CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy wwiitthh IIDDNNAA22000033
+Postfix >= 3.2 by default disables the 'transitional' compatibility between
+IDNA2003 and IDNA2008, when converting UTF-8 domain names to/from the ASCII
+form that is used in DNS lookups. This makes Postfix behavior consistent with
+current versions of the Firefox and Chrome web browsers. Specify
+"enable_idna2003_compatibility = yes" to get the historical behavior.
+This affects the conversion of domain names that contain for example the German
+sz (ß) and the Greek zeta (ς). See
+for more examples.
+ * May 15, 2014: Arnt Gulbrandsen posted his patch for Unicode email support.
+ This work was sponsored by CNNIC.
+ * July 15, 2014: Wietse integrated Arnt Gulbrandsen's code and released
+ Postfix with SMTPUTF8 support.
+ * January 2015: Wietse added UTF-8 support for casefolding in Postfix lookup
+ tables and caseless string comparison in Postfix list-based features.
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+PPoossttffiixx SSmmaallll//HHoommee OOffffiiccee HHiinnttss aanndd TTiippss
+This document combines hints and tips for "small office/home office"
+applications into one document so that they are easier to find. The text
+describes the mail sending side only. If your machine does not receive mail
+directly (i.e. it does not have its own Internet domain name and its own fixed
+IP address), then you will need a solution such as "fetchmail", which is
+outside the scope of the Postfix documentation.
+ * Selected topics from the STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README document:
+ o Postfix on a stand-alone Internet host
+ o Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname
+ Selected topics from the SASL_README document:
+ o Enabling SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP client
+ o Configuring Sender-Dependent SASL authentication
+See the SASL_README and STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README documents for further
+information on these topics.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn aa ssttaanndd--aalloonnee IInntteerrnneett hhoosstt
+Postfix should work out of the box without change on a stand-alone machine that
+has direct Internet access. At least, that is how Postfix installs when you
+download the Postfix source code via
+You can use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --nn" to find out what settings are overruled
+by your Besides a few pathname settings, few parameters should be set
+on a stand-alone box, beyond what is covered in the BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Optional: send mail as user@domainname instead of user@hostname.
+ #myorigin = $mydomain
+ # Optional: specify NAT/proxy external address.
+ #proxy_interfaces =
+ # Alternative 1: don't relay mail from other hosts.
+ mynetworks_style = host
+ relay_domains =
+ # Alternative 2: relay mail from local clients only.
+ # mynetworks =
+ # relay_domains =
+See also the section "Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname" if
+this is applicable to your configuration.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn hhoossttss wwiitthhoouutt aa rreeaall IInntteerrnneett hhoossttnnaammee
+This section is for hosts that don't have their own Internet hostname.
+Typically these are systems that get a dynamic IP address via DHCP or via
+dialup. Postfix will let you send and receive mail just fine between accounts
+on a machine with a fantasy name. However, you cannot use a fantasy hostname in
+your email address when sending mail into the Internet, because no-one would be
+able to reply to your mail. In fact, more and more sites refuse mail addresses
+with non-existent domain names.
+Note: the following information is Postfix version dependent. To find out what
+Postfix version you have, execute the command "ppoossttccoonnff mmaaiill__vveerrssiioonn".
+SSoolluuttiioonn 11:: PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..22 aanndd llaatteerr
+Postfix 2.2 uses the generic(5) address mapping to replace local fantasy email
+addresses by valid Internet addresses. This mapping happens ONLY when mail
+leaves the machine; not when you send mail between users on the same machine.
+The following example presents additional configuration. You need to combine
+this with basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/generic:
+ 5 his@localdomain.local hisaccount@hisisp.example
+ 6 her@localdomain.local heraccount@herisp.example
+ 7 @localdomain.local hisaccount+local@hisisp.example
+When mail is sent to a remote host via SMTP:
+ * Line 5 replaces his@localdomain.local by his ISP mail address,
+ * Line 6 replaces her@localdomain.local by her ISP mail address, and
+ * Line 7 replaces other local addresses by his ISP account, with an address
+ extension of +local (this example assumes that the ISP supports "+" style
+ address extensions).
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ggeenneerriicc" whenever you change the
+generic table.
+SSoolluuttiioonn 22:: PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..11 aanndd eeaarrlliieerr
+The solution with older Postfix systems is to use valid Internet addresses
+where possible, and to let Postfix map valid Internet addresses to local
+fantasy addresses. With this, you can send mail to the Internet and to local
+fantasy addresses, including mail to local fantasy addresses that don't have a
+valid Internet address of their own.
+The following example presents additional configuration. You need to combine
+this with basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 myhostname = hostname.localdomain
+ 3 mydomain = localdomain
+ 4
+ 5 canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
+ 6
+ 7 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 8
+ 9 /etc/postfix/canonical:
+ 10 your-login-name
+ 11
+ 12 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 13 your-login-name
+ * Lines 2-3: Substitute your fantasy hostname here. Do not use a domain name
+ that is already in use by real organizations on the Internet. See RFC 2606
+ for examples of domain names that are guaranteed not to be owned by anyone.
+ * Lines 5, 9, 10: This provides the mapping from "your-login-
+ name@hostname.localdomain" to "". This part is
+ required.
+ * Lines 7, 12, 13: Deliver mail for "" locally,
+ instead of sending it to the ISP. This part is not required but is
+ convenient.
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ccaannoonniiccaall" whenever you change the
+canonical table.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" whenever you change the
+virtual table.
+EEnnaabblliinngg SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+This section shows a typical scenario where the Postfix SMTP client sends all
+messages via a mail gateway server that requires SASL authentication.
+ TTrroouubbllee ssoollvviinngg ttiippss::
+ * If your SASL logins fail with "SASL authentication failure: No worthy
+ mechs found" in the mail logfile, then see the section "Postfix SMTP/
+ LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism pprrooppeerrttiieess".
+ * For a solution to a more obscure class of SASL authentication failures,
+ see "Postfix SMTP/LMTP client policy - SASL mechanism nnaammeess".
+To make the example more readable we introduce it in two parts. The first part
+takes care of the basic configuration, while the second part sets up the
+username/password information.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
+ smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
+ smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
+ relayhost = [mail.isp.example]
+ # Alternative form:
+ # relayhost = [mail.isp.example]:submission
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ * The smtp_sasl_auth_enable setting enables client-side authentication. We
+ will configure the client's username and password information in the second
+ part of the example.
+ * The smtp_tls_security_level setting ensures that the connection to the
+ remote smtp server will be encrypted, and smtp_sasl_tls_security_options
+ removes the prohibition on plaintext passwords.
+ * The relayhost setting forces the Postfix SMTP to send all remote messages
+ to the specified mail server instead of trying to deliver them directly to
+ their destination.
+ * In the relayhost setting, the "[" and "]" prevent the Postfix SMTP client
+ from looking up MX (mail exchanger) records for the enclosed name.
+ * The relayhost destination may also specify a non-default TCP port. For
+ example, the alternative form [mail.isp.example]:submission tells Postfix
+ to connect to TCP network port 587, which is reserved for email client
+ applications.
+ * The Postfix SMTP client is compatible with SMTP servers that use the non-
+ standard "AUTH=mmeetthhoodd....." syntax in response to the EHLO command; this
+ requires no additional Postfix client configuration.
+ * The Postfix SMTP client does not support the obsolete "wrappermode"
+ protocol, which uses TCP port 465 on the SMTP server. See TLS_README for a
+ solution that uses the stunnel command.
+ * With the smtp_sasl_password_maps parameter, we configure the Postfix SMTP
+ client to send username and password information to the mail gateway
+ server. As discussed in the next section, the Postfix SMTP client supports
+ multiple ISP accounts. For this reason the username and password are stored
+ in a table that contains one username/password combination for each mail
+ gateway server.
+ /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd:
+ # destination credentials
+ [mail.isp.example] username:password
+ # Alternative form:
+ # [mail.isp.example]:submission username:password
+ IImmppoorrttaanntt
+ Keep the SASL client password file in /etc/postfix, and make the file
+ read+write only for root to protect the username/password combinations
+ against other users. The Postfix SMTP client will still be able to read the
+ SASL client passwords. It opens the file as user root before it drops
+ privileges, and before entering an optional chroot jail.
+ * Use the postmap command whenever you change the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ file.
+ * If you specify the "[" and "]" in the relayhost destination, then you must
+ use the same form in the smtp_sasl_password_maps file.
+ * If you specify a non-default TCP Port (such as ":submission" or ":587") in
+ the relayhost destination, then you must use the same form in the
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps file.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSeennddeerr--DDeeppeennddeenntt SSAASSLL aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn
+Postfix supports different ISP accounts for different sender addresses (version
+2.3 and later). This can be useful when one person uses the same machine for
+work and for personal use, or when people with different ISP accounts share the
+same Postfix server.
+To make this possible, Postfix supports per-sender SASL passwords and per-
+sender relay hosts. In the example below, the Postfix SMTP client will search
+the SASL password file by sender address before it searches that same file by
+destination. Likewise, the Postfix trivial-rewrite(8) daemon will search the
+per-sender relayhost file, and use the default relayhost setting only as a
+final resort.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes
+ sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay
+ smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
+ smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
+ relayhost = [mail.isp.example]
+ # Alternative form:
+ # relayhost = [mail.isp.example]:submission
+ /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd:
+ # Per-sender authentication; see also /etc/postfix/sender_relay.
+ username1:password1
+ username2:password2
+ # Login information for the default relayhost.
+ [mail.isp.example] username:password
+ # Alternative form:
+ # [mail.isp.example]:submission username:password
+ /etc/postfix/sender_relay:
+ # Per-sender provider; see also /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd.
+ []:submission
+ []
+ * If you are creative, then you can try to combine the two tables into one
+ single MySQL database, and configure different Postfix queries to extract
+ the appropriate information.
+ * Specify dbm instead of hash if your system uses dbm files instead of db
+ files. To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command
+ "postconf -m".
+ * Execute the command "postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd" whenever you change
+ the sasl_passwd table.
+ * Execute the command "postmap /etc/postfix/sender_relay" whenever you change
+ the sender_relay table.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..324b305
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+PPoossttffiixx SSQQLLiittee HHoowwttoo
+The Postfix sqlite map type allows you to hook up Postfix to a SQLite database.
+This implementation allows for multiple sqlite databases: you can use one for a
+virtual(5) table, one for an access(5) table, and one for an aliases(5) table
+if you want.
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh SSQQLLiittee ssuuppppoorrtt
+The Postfix SQLite client utilizes the sqlite3 library, which can be obtained
+In order to build Postfix with sqlite map support, you will need to add to
+CCARGS the flags -DHAS_SQLITE and -I with the directory containing the sqlite
+header files, and you will need to add to AUXLIBS the directory and name of the
+sqlite3 library, plus the name of the standard POSIX thread library (pthread).
+For example:
+ make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
+ 'CCARGS=-DHAS_SQLITE -I/usr/local/include' \
+ 'AUXLIBS_SQLITE=-L/usr/local/lib -lsqlite3 -lpthread'
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use AUXLIBS instead of AUXLIBS_SQLITE. With Postfix
+3.0 and later, the old AUXLIBS variable still supports building a statically-
+loaded SQLite database client, but only the new AUXLIBS_SQLITE variable
+supports building a dynamically-loaded or statically-loaded SQLite database
+ Failure to use the AUXLIBS_SQLITE variable will defeat the purpose of
+ dynamic database client loading. Every Postfix executable file will have
+ SQLITE database library dependencies. And that was exactly what dynamic
+ database client loading was meant to avoid.
+Then, just run 'make'.
+UUssiinngg SSQQLLiittee ttaabblleess
+Once Postfix is built with sqlite support, you can specify a map type in like this:
+ alias_maps = sqlite:/etc/postfix/
+The file /etc/postfix/ specifies lots of information telling
+Postfix how to reference the sqlite database. For a complete description, see
+the sqlite_table(5) manual page.
+EExxaammppllee:: llooccaall aalliiaasseess
+# sqlite config file for local(8) aliases(5) lookups
+# Path to database
+dbpath = /some/path/to/sqlite_database
+# See sqlite_table(5) for details.
+query = SELECT forw_addr FROM mxaliases WHERE alias='%s' AND status='paid'
+AAddddiittiioonnaall nnootteess
+The SQLite configuration interface setup allows for multiple sqlite databases:
+you can use one for a virtual table, one for an access table, and one for an
+aliases table if you want.
+SQLite support was added with Postfix version 2.8.
+ * Implementation by Axel Steiner
+ * Documentation by Jesus Garcia Crespo
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+PPoossttffiixx SSttaannddaarrdd CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn EExxaammpplleess
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document presents a number of typical Postfix configurations. This
+document should be reviewed after you have followed the basic configuration
+steps as described in the BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README document. In particular,
+do not proceed here if you don't already have Postfix working for local mail
+submission and for local mail delivery.
+The first part of this document presents standard configurations that each
+solve one specific problem.
+ * Postfix on a stand-alone Internet host
+ * Postfix on a null client
+ * Postfix on a local network
+ * Postfix email firewall/gateway
+The second part of this document presents additional configurations for hosts
+in specific environments.
+ * Delivering some but not all accounts locally
+ * Running Postfix behind a firewall
+ * Configuring Postfix as primary or backup MX host for a remote site
+ * Postfix on a dialup machine
+ * Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname
+PPoossttffiixx oonn aa ssttaanndd--aalloonnee IInntteerrnneett hhoosstt
+Postfix should work out of the box without change on a stand-alone machine that
+has direct Internet access. At least, that is how Postfix installs when you
+download the Postfix source code via
+You can use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --nn" to find out what settings are overruled
+by your Besides a few pathname settings, few parameters should be set
+on a stand-alone box, beyond what is covered in the BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Optional: send mail as user@domainname instead of user@hostname.
+ #myorigin = $mydomain
+ # Optional: specify NAT/proxy external address.
+ #proxy_interfaces =
+ # Alternative 1: don't relay mail from other hosts.
+ mynetworks_style = host
+ relay_domains =
+ # Alternative 2: relay mail from local clients only.
+ # mynetworks =
+ # relay_domains =
+See also the section "Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname" if
+this is applicable to your configuration.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn aa nnuullll cclliieenntt
+A null client is a machine that can only send mail. It receives no mail from
+the network, and it does not deliver any mail locally. A null client typically
+uses POP, IMAP or NFS for mailbox access.
+In this example we assume that the Internet domain name is "" and
+that the machine is named "". As usual, the examples show
+only parameters that are not left at their default settings.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 myhostname =
+ 3 myorigin = $mydomain
+ 4 relayhost = $mydomain
+ 5 inet_interfaces = loopback-only
+ 6 mydestination =
+ * Line 2: Set myhostname to, in case the machine name
+ isn't set to a fully-qualified domain name (use the command "postconf -
+ d myhostname" to find out what the machine name is).
+ * Line 2: The myhostname value also provides the default value for the
+ mydomain parameter (here, "mydomain =").
+ * Line 3: Send mail as "" (instead of
+ ""), so that nothing ever has a reason to send
+ mail to "".
+ * Line 4: Forward all mail to the mail server that is responsible for the
+ "" domain. This prevents mail from getting stuck on the null
+ client if it is turned off while some remote destination is unreachable.
+ Specify a real hostname here if your "" domain has no MX record.
+ * Line 5: Do not accept mail from the network.
+ * Line 6: Disable local mail delivery. All mail goes to the mail server as
+ specified in line 4.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn aa llooccaall nneettwwoorrkk
+This section describes a local area network environment of one main server and
+multiple other systems that send and receive email. As usual we assume that the
+Internet domain name is "". All systems are configured to send mail
+as "", and all systems receive mail for
+"". The main server also receives mail for
+"". We call this machine by the name of
+A drawback of sending mail as "" is that mail for "root" and
+other system accounts is also sent to the central mailhost. See the section
+"Delivering some but not all accounts locally" below for possible solutions.
+As usual, the examples show only parameters that are not left at their default
+First we present the non-mailhost configuration, because it is the simpler one.
+This machine sends mail as "" and is final destination for
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 myorigin = $mydomain
+ 3 mynetworks =
+ 4 relay_domains =
+ 5 # Optional: forward all non-local mail to mailhost
+ 6 #relayhost = $mydomain
+ * Line 2: Send mail as "".
+ * Line 3: Specify the trusted networks.
+ * Line 4: This host does not relay mail from untrusted networks.
+ * Line 6: This is needed if no direct Internet access is available. See also
+ below, "Postfix behind a firewall".
+Next we present the mailhost configuration. This machine sends mail as
+"" and is final destination for "" as
+well as "".
+ 1 DNS:
+ 2 IN MX 10
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/
+ 5 myorigin = $mydomain
+ 6 mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain localhost $mydomain
+ 7 mynetworks =
+ 8 relay_domains =
+ 9 # Optional: forward all non-local mail to firewall
+ 10 #relayhost = []
+ * Line 2: Send mail for the domain "" to the machine
+ Remember to specify the "." at the end of the line.
+ * Line 5: Send mail as "".
+ * Line 6: This host is the final mail destination for the ""
+ domain, in addition to the names of the machine itself.
+ * Line 7: Specify the trusted networks.
+ * Line 8: This host does not relay mail from untrusted networks.
+ * Line 10: This is needed only when the mailhost has to forward non-local
+ mail via a mail server on a firewall. The [] forces Postfix to do no MX
+ record lookups.
+In an environment like this, users access their mailbox in one or more of the
+following ways:
+ * Mailbox access via NFS or equivalent.
+ * Mailbox access via POP or IMAP.
+ * Mailbox on the user's preferred machine.
+In the latter case, each user has an alias on the mailhost that forwards mail
+to her preferred machine:
+ /etc/aliases:
+ joe: joe@joes.preferred.machine
+ jane: jane@janes.preferred.machine
+On some systems the alias database is not in /etc/aliases. To find out the
+location for your system, execute the command "ppoossttccoonnff aalliiaass__mmaappss".
+Execute the command "nneewwaalliiaasseess" whenever you change the aliases file.
+PPoossttffiixx eemmaaiill ffiirreewwaallll//ggaatteewwaayy
+The idea is to set up a Postfix email firewall/gateway that forwards mail for
+"" to an inside gateway machine but rejects mail for
+"". There is only one problem: with "relay_domains =", the firewall normally also accepts mail for
+"". That would not be right.
+Note: this example requires Postfix version 2.0 and later. To find out what
+Postfix version you have, execute the command "ppoossttccoonnff mmaaiill__vveerrssiioonn".
+The solution is presented in multiple parts. This first part gets rid of local
+mail delivery on the firewall, making the firewall harder to break.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 myorigin =
+ 3 mydestination =
+ 4 local_recipient_maps =
+ 5 local_transport = error:local mail delivery is disabled
+ 6
+ 7 /etc/postfix/
+ 8 Comment out the local delivery agent
+ * Line 2: Send mail from this machine as "", so that no
+ reason exists to send mail to "".
+ * Lines 3-8: Disable local mail delivery on the firewall machine.
+For the sake of technical correctness the firewall must be able to receive mail
+for postmaster@[firewall ip address]. Reportedly, some things actually expect
+this ability to exist. The second part of the solution therefore adds support
+for postmaster@[firewall ip address], and as a bonus we do abuse@[firewall ip
+address] as well. All the mail to these two accounts is forwarded to an inside
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 5 postmaster
+ 6 abuse
+ * Because mydestination is empty (see the previous example), only address
+ literals matching $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces are deemed local.
+ So "localpart@[a.d.d.r]" can be matched as simply "localpart" in canonical
+ (5) and virtual(5). This avoids the need to specify firewall IP addresses
+ into Postfix configuration files.
+The last part of the solution does the email forwarding, which is the real
+purpose of the firewall email function.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 mynetworks =
+ 3 relay_domains =
+ 4 parent_domain_matches_subdomains =
+ 5 debug_peer_list smtpd_access_maps
+ 6a # Postfix 2.10 and later support separate relay control and
+ 7a # spam control.
+ 8a smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ 9a permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination
+ 10a smtpd_recipient_restrictions = ...spam blocking rules....
+ 6b # Older configurations combine relay control and spam control. To
+ 7b # use this with Postfix >= 2.10 specify "smtpd_relay_restrictions=".
+ 8b smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 9b permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination
+ 10b ...spam blocking rules....
+ 11 relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_recipients
+ 12 transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ 13
+ 14 /etc/postfix/relay_recipients:
+ 15 x
+ 16 x
+ 17 . . .
+ 18
+ 19 /etc/postfix/transport:
+ 20 smtp:[]
+ * Lines 1-10: Accept mail from local systems in $mynetworks, and accept mail
+ from outside for "" but not for
+ "". The magic is in lines 4-5.
+ * Lines 11, 13-16: Define the list of valid addresses in the ""
+ domain that can receive mail from the Internet. This prevents the mail
+ queue from filling up with undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages. If you
+ can't maintain a list of valid recipients then you must specify
+ "relay_recipient_maps =" (that is, an empty value), or you must specify an
+ " x" wild-card in the relay_recipients table.
+ * Lines 12, 19-20: Route mail for "" to the inside gateway
+ machine. The [] forces Postfix to do no MX lookup.
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//rreellaayy__rreecciippiieennttss" whenever you change
+the relay_recipients table.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ttrraannssppoorrtt" whenever you change the
+transport table.
+In some installations, there may be separate instances of Postfix processing
+inbound and outbound mail on a multi-homed firewall. The inbound Postfix
+instance has an SMTP server listening on the external firewall interface, and
+the outbound Postfix instance has an SMTP server listening on the internal
+interface. In such a configuration is it is tempting to configure
+$inet_interfaces in each instance with just the corresponding interface
+In most cases, using inet_interfaces in this way will not work, because as
+documented in the $inet_interfaces reference manual, the smtp(8) delivery agent
+will also use the specified interface address as the source address for
+outbound connections and will be unable to reach hosts on "the other side" of
+the firewall. The symptoms are that the firewall is unable to connect to hosts
+that are in fact up. See the inet_interfaces parameter documentation for
+suggested work-arounds.
+DDeelliivveerriinngg ssoommee bbuutt nnoott aallll aaccccoouunnttss llooccaallllyy
+A drawback of sending mail as "" (instead of
+"") is that mail for "root" and other system accounts
+is also sent to the central mailhost. In order to deliver such accounts
+locally, you can set up virtual aliases as follows:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 5 root root@localhost
+ 6 . . .
+ * Line 5: As described in the virtual(5) manual page, the bare name "root"
+ matches "root@site" when "site" is equal to $myorigin, when "site" is
+ listed in $mydestination, or when it matches $inet_interfaces or
+ $proxy_interfaces.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" after editing the file.
+RRuunnnniinngg PPoossttffiixx bbeehhiinndd aa ffiirreewwaallll
+The simplest way to set up Postfix on a host behind a firewalled network is to
+send all mail to a gateway host, and to let that mail host take care of
+internal and external forwarding. Examples of that are shown in the local area
+network section above. A more sophisticated approach is to send only external
+mail to the gateway host, and to send intranet mail directly.
+Note: this example requires Postfix version 2.0 and later. To find out what
+Postfix version you have, execute the command "ppoossttccoonnff mmaaiill__vveerrssiioonn".
+The following example presents additional configuration. You need to combine
+this with basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ 3 relayhost =
+ 4 # Optional for a machine that isn't "always on"
+ 5 #fallback_relay = []
+ 6
+ 7 /etc/postfix/transport:
+ 8 # Internal delivery.
+ 9 :
+ 10 :
+ 11 # External delivery.
+ 12 * smtp:[]
+ * Lines 2, 7-12: Request that intranet mail is delivered directly, and that
+ external mail is given to a gateway. Obviously, this example assumes that
+ the organization uses DNS MX records internally. The [] forces Postfix to
+ do no MX lookup.
+ * Line 3: IMPORTANT: do not specify a relayhost in
+ * Line 5: This prevents mail from being stuck in the queue when the machine
+ is turned off. Postfix tries to deliver mail directly, and gives
+ undeliverable mail to a gateway.
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ttrraannssppoorrtt" whenever you edit the
+transport table.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPoossttffiixx aass pprriimmaarryy oorr bbaacckkuupp MMXX hhoosstt ffoorr aa rreemmoottee ssiittee
+This section presents additional configuration. You need to combine this with
+basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this document.
+When your system is SECONDARY MX host for a remote site this is all you need:
+ 1 DNS:
+ 2 the.backed-up.domain.tld IN MX 100 your.machine.tld.
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/
+ 5 relay_domains = . . . the.backed-up.domain.tld
+ 6a # Postfix 2.10 and later support separate relay control and
+ 7a # spam control.
+ 8a smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ 9a permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination
+ 10a smtpd_recipient_restrictions = ...spam blocking rules....
+ 6b # Older configurations combine relay control and spam control. To
+ 7b # use this with Postfix >= 2.10 specify "smtpd_relay_restrictions=".
+ 8b smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ 9b permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination
+ 10b ...spam blocking rules....
+ 11 # You must specify your NAT/proxy external address.
+ 12 #proxy_interfaces =
+ 13
+ 14 relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_recipients
+ 15
+ 16 /etc/postfix/relay_recipients:
+ 17 user1@the.backed-up.domain.tld x
+ 18 user2@the.backed-up.domain.tld x
+ 19 . . .
+When your system is PRIMARY MX host for a remote site you need the above, plus:
+ 20 /etc/postfix/
+ 21 transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ 22
+ 23 /etc/postfix/transport:
+ 24 the.backed-up.domain.tld relay:[]
+Important notes:
+ * Do not list the.backed-up.domain.tld in mydestination.
+ * Do not list the.backed-up.domain.tld in virtual_alias_domains.
+ * Do not list the.backed-up.domain.tld in virtual_mailbox_domains.
+ * Lines 1-9: Forward mail from the Internet for "the.backed-up.domain.tld" to
+ the primary MX host for that domain.
+ * Line 12: This is a must if Postfix receives mail via a NAT relay or proxy
+ that presents a different IP address to the world than the local machine.
+ * Lines 14-18: Define the list of valid addresses in the "the.backed-
+ up.domain.tld" domain. This prevents your mail queue from filling up with
+ undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages. If you can't maintain a list of valid
+ recipients then you must specify "relay_recipient_maps =" (that is, an
+ empty value), or you must specify an "@the.backed-up.domain.tld x" wild-
+ card in the relay_recipients table.
+ * Line 24: The [] forces Postfix to do no MX lookup.
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ttrraannssppoorrtt" whenever you change the
+transport table.
+NOTE for Postfix < 2.2: Do not use the fallback_relay feature when relaying
+mail for a backup or primary MX domain. Mail would loop between the Postfix MX
+host and the fallback_relay host when the final destination is unavailable.
+ * In specify "relay_transport = relay",
+ * In specify "-o fallback_relay =" at the end of the relay entry.
+ * In transport maps, specify "relay:nexthop..." as the right-hand side for
+ backup or primary MX domain entries.
+These are default settings in Postfix version 2.2 and later.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn aa ddiiaalluupp mmaacchhiinnee
+This section applies to dialup connections that are down most of the time. For
+dialup connections that are up 24x7, see the local area network section above.
+This section presents additional configuration. You need to combine this with
+basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this document.
+If you do not have your own hostname and IP address (usually with dialup, cable
+TV or DSL connections) then you should also study the section on "Postfix on
+hosts without a real Internet hostname".
+ * Route all outgoing mail to your network provider.
+ If your machine is disconnected most of the time, there isn't a lot of
+ opportunity for Postfix to deliver mail to hard-to-reach corners of the
+ Internet. It's better to give the mail to a machine that is connected all
+ the time. In the example below, the [] prevents Postfix from trying to look
+ up DNS MX records.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = []
+ * Disable spontaneous SMTP mail delivery (if using on-demand dialup IP only).
+ Normally, Postfix attempts to deliver outbound mail at its convenience. If
+ your machine uses on-demand dialup IP, this causes your system to place a
+ telephone call whenever you submit new mail, and whenever Postfix retries
+ to deliver delayed mail. To prevent such telephone calls from being placed,
+ disable spontaneous SMTP mail deliveries.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ defer_transports = smtp (Only for on-demand dialup IP hosts)
+ * Disable SMTP client DNS lookups (dialup LAN only).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ disable_dns_lookups = yes (Only for on-demand dialup IP hosts)
+ * Flush the mail queue whenever the Internet link is established.
+ Put the following command into your PPP or SLIP dialup scripts:
+ /usr/sbin/sendmail -q (whenever the Internet link is up)
+ The exact location of the Postfix sendmail command is system-specific. Use
+ the command "ppoossttccoonnff sseennddmmaaiill__ppaatthh" to find out where the Postfix sendmail
+ command is located on your machine.
+ In order to find out if the mail queue is flushed, use something like:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # Start mail deliveries.
+ /usr/sbin/sendmail -q
+ # Allow deliveries to start.
+ sleep 10
+ # Loop until all messages have been tried at least once.
+ while mailq | grep '^[^ ]*\*' >/dev/null
+ do
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ If you have disabled spontaneous SMTP mail delivery, you also need to run
+ the "sseennddmmaaiill --qq" command every now and then while the dialup link is up,
+ so that newly-posted mail is flushed from the queue.
+PPoossttffiixx oonn hhoossttss wwiitthhoouutt aa rreeaall IInntteerrnneett hhoossttnnaammee
+This section is for hosts that don't have their own Internet hostname.
+Typically these are systems that get a dynamic IP address via DHCP or via
+dialup. Postfix will let you send and receive mail just fine between accounts
+on a machine with a fantasy name. However, you cannot use a fantasy hostname in
+your email address when sending mail into the Internet, because no-one would be
+able to reply to your mail. In fact, more and more sites refuse mail addresses
+with non-existent domain names.
+Note: the following information is Postfix version dependent. To find out what
+Postfix version you have, execute the command "ppoossttccoonnff mmaaiill__vveerrssiioonn".
+SSoolluuttiioonn 11:: PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..22 aanndd llaatteerr
+Postfix 2.2 uses the generic(5) address mapping to replace local fantasy email
+addresses by valid Internet addresses. This mapping happens ONLY when mail
+leaves the machine; not when you send mail between users on the same machine.
+The following example presents additional configuration. You need to combine
+this with basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
+ 3
+ 4 /etc/postfix/generic:
+ 5 his@localdomain.local hisaccount@hisisp.example
+ 6 her@localdomain.local heraccount@herisp.example
+ 7 @localdomain.local hisaccount+local@hisisp.example
+When mail is sent to a remote host via SMTP:
+ * Line 5 replaces his@localdomain.local by his ISP mail address,
+ * Line 6 replaces her@localdomain.local by her ISP mail address, and
+ * Line 7 replaces other local addresses by his ISP account, with an address
+ extension of +local (this example assumes that the ISP supports "+" style
+ address extensions).
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ggeenneerriicc" whenever you change the
+generic table.
+SSoolluuttiioonn 22:: PPoossttffiixx vveerrssiioonn 22..11 aanndd eeaarrlliieerr
+The solution with older Postfix systems is to use valid Internet addresses
+where possible, and to let Postfix map valid Internet addresses to local
+fantasy addresses. With this, you can send mail to the Internet and to local
+fantasy addresses, including mail to local fantasy addresses that don't have a
+valid Internet address of their own.
+The following example presents additional configuration. You need to combine
+this with basic configuration information as discussed the first half of this
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 myhostname = hostname.localdomain
+ 3 mydomain = localdomain
+ 4
+ 5 canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
+ 6
+ 7 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 8
+ 9 /etc/postfix/canonical:
+ 10 your-login-name
+ 11
+ 12 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 13 your-login-name
+ * Lines 2-3: Substitute your fantasy hostname here. Do not use a domain name
+ that is already in use by real organizations on the Internet. See RFC 2606
+ for examples of domain names that are guaranteed not to be owned by anyone.
+ * Lines 5, 9, 10: This provides the mapping from "your-login-
+ name@hostname.localdomain" to "". This part is
+ required.
+ * Lines 7, 12, 13: Deliver mail for "" locally,
+ instead of sending it to the ISP. This part is not required but is
+ convenient.
+Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb files.
+To find out what lookup tables Postfix supports, use the command "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ccaannoonniiccaall" whenever you change the
+canonical table.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" whenever you change the
+virtual table.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae6ad1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+PPoossttffiixx SSttrreessss--DDeeppeennddeenntt CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+This document describes the symptoms of Postfix SMTP server overload. It
+presents permanent changes to avoid overload during normal operation,
+and temporary changes to cope with an unexpected burst of mail. This
+document makes specific suggestions for Postfix 2.5 and later which support
+stress-adaptive behavior, and for earlier Postfix versions that don't.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Symptoms of Postfix SMTP server overload
+ * Automatic stress-adaptive behavior
+ * Service more SMTP clients at the same time
+ * Spend less time per SMTP client
+ * Disconnect suspicious SMTP clients
+ * Temporary measures for older Postfix releases
+ * Detecting support for stress-adaptive behavior
+ * Forcing stress-adaptive behavior on or off
+ * Other measures to off-load zombies
+ * Credits
+SSyymmppttoommss ooff PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr oovveerrllooaadd
+Under normal conditions, the Postfix SMTP server responds immediately when an
+SMTP client connects to it; the time to deliver mail is noticeable only with
+large messages. Performance degrades dramatically when the number of SMTP
+clients exceeds the number of Postfix SMTP server processes. When an SMTP
+client connects while all Postfix SMTP server processes are busy, the client
+must wait until a server process becomes available.
+SMTP server overload may be caused by a surge of legitimate mail (example: a
+DNS registrar opens a new zone for registrations), by mistake (mail explosion
+caused by a forwarding loop) or by malice (worm outbreak, botnet, or other
+illegitimate activity).
+Symptoms of Postfix SMTP server overload are:
+ * Remote SMTP clients experience a long delay before Postfix sends the "220
+ ESMTP Postfix" greeting.
+ o NOTE: Broken DNS configurations can also cause lengthy delays before
+ Postfix sends "220 ...". These delays also exist
+ when Postfix is NOT overloaded.
+ o NOTE: To avoid "overload" delays for end-user mail clients, enable the
+ "submission" service entry in (present since Postfix 2.1),
+ and tell users to connect to this instead of the public SMTP service.
+ * The Postfix SMTP server logs an increased number of "lost connection after
+ CONNECT" events. This happens because remote SMTP clients disconnect before
+ Postfix answers the connection.
+ o NOTE: A portscan for open SMTP ports can also result in "lost
+ connection ..." logfile messages.
+ * Postfix 2.3 and later logs a warning that all server ports are busy:
+ Oct 3 20:39:27 spike postfix/master[28905]: warning: service "smtp"
+ (25) has reached its process limit "30": new clients may experience
+ noticeable delays
+ Oct 3 20:39:27 spike postfix/master[28905]: warning: to avoid this
+ condition, increase the process count in or reduce the
+ service time per client
+ Oct 3 20:39:27 spike postfix/master[28905]: warning: see
+ for examples of
+ stress-adapting configuration settings
+Legitimate mail that doesn't get through during an episode of Postfix SMTP
+server overload is not necessarily lost. It should still arrive once the
+situation returns to normal, as long as the overload condition is temporary.
+AAuuttoommaattiicc ssttrreessss--aaddaappttiivvee bbeehhaavviioorr
+Postfix version 2.5 introduces automatic stress-adaptive behavior. It works as
+follows. When a "public" network service such as the SMTP server runs into an
+"all server ports are busy" condition, the Postfix master(8) daemon logs a
+warning, restarts the service (without interrupting existing network sessions),
+and runs the service with "-o stress=yes" on the server process command line:
+ 80821 ?? S 0:00.24 smtpd -n smtp -t inet -u -c -o stress=yes
+Normally, the Postfix master(8) daemon runs such a service with "-o stress=" on
+the command line (i.e. with an empty parameter value):
+ 83326 ?? S 0:00.28 smtpd -n smtp -t inet -u -c -o stress=
+You won't see "-o stress" command-line parameters with services that have local
+clients only. These include services internal to Postfix such as the queue
+manager, and services that listen on a loopback interface only, such as after-
+filter SMTP services.
+The "stress" parameter value is the key to making parameter settings
+stress adaptive. The following settings are the default with Postfix 2.6 and
+ 1 smtpd_timeout = ${stress?{10}:{300}}s
+ 2 smtpd_hard_error_limit = ${stress?{1}:{20}}
+ 3 smtpd_junk_command_limit = ${stress?{1}:{100}}
+ 4 # Parameters added after Postfix 2.6:
+ 5 smtpd_per_record_deadline = ${stress?{yes}:{no}}
+ 6 smtpd_starttls_timeout = ${stress?{10}:{300}}s
+ 7 address_verify_poll_count = ${stress?{1}:{3}}
+Postfix versions before 3.0 use the older form ${stress?x}${stress:y} instead
+of the newer form ${stress?{x}:{y}}.
+The syntax of ${name?{value}:{value}}, ${name?value} and ${name:value} is
+explained at the beginning of the postconf(5) manual page.
+ * Line 1: under conditions of stress, use an smtpd_timeout value of 10
+ seconds instead of the default 300 seconds. Experience on the postfix-users
+ list from a variety of sysadmins shows that reducing the "normal"
+ smtpd_timeout to 60s is unlikely to affect legitimate clients. However, it
+ is unlikely to become the Postfix default because it's not RFC compliant.
+ Setting smtpd_timeout to 10s or even 5s under stress will still allow most
+ legitimate clients to connect and send mail, but may delay mail from some
+ clients. No mail should be lost, as long as this measure is used only
+ temporarily.
+ * Line 2: under conditions of stress, use an smtpd_hard_error_limit of 1
+ instead of the default 20. This disconnects clients after a single error,
+ giving other clients a chance to connect. However, this may cause
+ significant delays with legitimate mail, such as a mailing list that
+ contains a few no-longer-active user names that didn't bother to
+ unsubscribe. No mail should be lost, as long as this measure is used only
+ temporarily.
+ * Line 3: under conditions of stress, use an smtpd_junk_command_limit of 1
+ instead of the default 100. This prevents clients from keeping connections
+ open by repeatedly sending HELO, EHLO, NOOP, RSET, VRFY or ETRN commands.
+ * Line 5: under conditions of stress, change the behavior of smtpd_timeout
+ and smtpd_starttls_timeout, from a time limit per read or write system
+ call, to a time limit to send or receive a complete record (an SMTP command
+ line, SMTP response line, SMTP message content line, or TLS protocol
+ message).
+ * Line 6: under conditions of stress, reduce the time limit for TLS protocol
+ handshake messages to 10 seconds, from the default value of 300 seconds.
+ See also the smtpd_timeout discussion above.
+ * Line 7: under conditions of stress, do not wait up to 6 seconds for the
+ completion of an address verification probe. If the result is not already
+ in the address verification cache, reply immediately with
+ $unverified_recipient_tempfail_action or
+ $unverified_sender_tempfail_action. No mail should be lost, as long as this
+ measure is used only temporarily.
+NOTE: Please keep in mind that the stress-adaptive feature is a fairly
+desperate measure to keep ssoommee legitimate mail flowing under overload
+conditions. If a site is reaching the SMTP server process limit when there
+isn't an attack or bot flood occurring, then either the process limit needs to
+be raised or more hardware needs to be added.
+SSeerrvviiccee mmoorree SSMMTTPP cclliieennttss aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee
+This section and the ones that follow discuss permanent measures against mail
+server overload.
+One measure to avoid the "all server processes busy" condition is to service
+more SMTP clients simultaneously. For this you need to increase the number of
+Postfix SMTP server processes. This will improve the responsiveness for remote
+SMTP clients, as long as the server machine has enough hardware and software
+resources to run the additional processes, and as long as the file system can
+keep up with the additional load.
+ * You increase the number of SMTP server processes either by increasing the
+ default_process_limit in (line 3 below), or by increasing the SMTP
+ server's "maxproc" field in (line 10 below). Either way, you need
+ to issue a "postfix reload" command to make the change effective.
+ * Process limits above 1000 require Postfix version 2.4 or later, and an
+ operating system that supports kernel-based event filters (BSD kqueue(2),
+ Linux epoll(4), or Solaris /dev/poll).
+ * More processes use more memory. You can reduce the Postfix memory footprint
+ by using cdb: lookup tables instead of Berkeley DB's hash: or btree:
+ tables.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 # Raise the global process limit, 100 since Postfix 2.0.
+ 3 default_process_limit = 200
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/
+ 6 # =============================================================
+ 7 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ 8 # =============================================================
+ 9 # Raise the SMTP service process limit only.
+ 10 smtp inet n - n - 200 smtpd
+ * NOTE: older versions of the SMTPD_POLICY_README document contain a mistake:
+ they configure a fixed number of policy daemon processes. When you raise
+ the SMTP server's "maxproc" field in, SMTP server processes will
+ report problems when connecting to policy server processes, because there
+ aren't enough of them. Examples of errors are "connection refused" or
+ "operation timed out".
+ To fix, edit and specify a zero "maxproc" field in all policy
+ server entries; see line 6 in the example below. Issue a "postfix reload"
+ command to make the change effective.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 # =============================================================
+ 3 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ 4 # =============================================================
+ 5 # Disable the policy service process limit.
+ 6 policy unix - n n - 0 spawn
+ 7 user=nobody argv=/some/where/policy-server
+SSppeenndd lleessss ttiimmee ppeerr SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+When increasing the number of SMTP server processes is not practical, you can
+improve Postfix server responsiveness by eliminating delays. When Postfix
+spends less time per SMTP session, the same number of SMTP server processes can
+service more clients in a given amount of time.
+ * Eliminate non-functional RBL lookups (blocklists that are no longer in
+ operation). These lookups can degrade performance. Postfix logs a warning
+ when an RBL server does not respond.
+ * Eliminate redundant RBL lookups (people often use multiple Spamhaus RBLs
+ that include each other). To find out whether RBLs include other RBLs, look
+ up the websites that document the RBL's policies.
+ * Eliminate header_checks and body_checks, and keep just a few emergency
+ patterns to block the latest worm explosion or backscatter mail. See
+ BACKSCATTER_README for examples of the latter.
+ * Group your header_checks and body_checks patterns to avoid unnecessary
+ pattern matching operations:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/header_checks:
+ 2 if /^Subject:/
+ 3 /^Subject: virus found in mail from you/ reject
+ 4 /^Subject: ..other../ reject
+ 5 endif
+ 6
+ 7 if /^Received:/
+ 8 /^Received: from (postfix\.org) / reject forged client name in
+ received header: $1
+ 9 /^Received: from ..other../ reject ....
+ 10 endif
+DDiissccoonnnneecctt ssuussppiicciioouuss SSMMTTPP cclliieennttss
+Under conditions of overload you can improve Postfix SMTP server responsiveness
+by hanging up on suspicious clients, so that other clients get a chance to talk
+to Postfix.
+ * Use "521" SMTP reply codes (Postfix 2.6 and later) or "421" (Postfix 2.3-
+ 2.5) to hang up on clients that that match botnet-related RBLs (see next
+ bullet) or that match selected non-RBL restrictions such as SMTP access
+ maps. The Postfix SMTP server will reject mail and disconnect without
+ waiting for the remote SMTP client to send a QUIT command.
+ * To hang up connections from blacklisted zombies, you can set specific
+ Postfix SMTP server reject codes for specific RBLs, and for individual
+ responses from specific RBLs. We'll use as an example; by
+ the time you read this document, details may have changed. Right now, their
+ documents say that a response of or indicates a
+ dynamic client IP address, which means that the machine is probably running
+ a bot of some kind. To give a 521 response instead of the default 554
+ response, use something like:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_client_restrictions =
+ 3 permit_mynetworks
+ 4 reject_rbl_client
+ 5 reject_rbl_client
+ 6 reject_rbl_client
+ 7
+ 8 rbl_reply_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/rbl_reply_maps
+ 9
+ 10 /etc/postfix/rbl_reply_maps:
+ 11 # With Postfix 2.3-2.5 use "421" to hang up connections.
+ 12 521 4.7.1 Service unavailable;
+ 13 $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using
+ 14 $rbl_domain${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
+ 15
+ 16 521 4.7.1 Service unavailable;
+ 17 $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using
+ 18 $rbl_domain${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
+ Although the above example shows three RBL lookups (lines 4-6), Postfix
+ will only do a single DNS query, so it does not affect the performance.
+ * With Postfix 2.3-2.5, use reply code 421 (521 will not cause Postfix to
+ disconnect). The down-side of replying with 421 is that it works only for
+ zombies and other malware. If the client is running a real MTA, then it may
+ connect again several times until the mail expires in its queue. When this
+ is a problem, stick with the default 554 reply, and use
+ "smtpd_hard_error_limit = 1" as described below.
+ * You can automatically turn on the above overload measure with Postfix 2.5
+ and later, or with earlier releases that contain the stress-adaptive
+ behavior source code patch from the mirrors listed at http://
+ Simply replace line above 8 with:
+ 8 rbl_reply_maps = ${stress?hash:/etc/postfix/rbl_reply_maps}
+More information about automatic stress-adaptive behavior is in section
+"Automatic stress-adaptive behavior".
+TTeemmppoorraarryy mmeeaassuurreess ffoorr oollddeerr PPoossttffiixx rreelleeaasseess
+See the section "Automatic stress-adaptive behavior" if you are running Postfix
+version 2.5 or later, or if you have applied the source code patch for stress-
+adaptive behavior from the mirrors listed at
+The following measures can be applied temporarily during overload. They still
+allow mmoosstt legitimate clients to connect and send mail, but may affect some
+legitimate clients.
+ * Reduce smtpd_timeout (default: 300s). Experience on the postfix-users list
+ from a variety of sysadmins shows that reducing the "normal" smtpd_timeout
+ to 60s is unlikely to affect legitimate clients. However, it is unlikely to
+ become the Postfix default because it's not RFC compliant. Setting
+ smtpd_timeout to 10s (line 2 below) or even 5s under stress will still
+ allow mmoosstt legitimate clients to connect and send mail, but may delay mail
+ from some clients. No mail should be lost, as long as this measure is used
+ only temporarily.
+ * Reduce smtpd_hard_error_limit (default: 20). Setting this to 1 under stress
+ (line 3 below) helps by disconnecting clients after a single error, giving
+ other clients a chance to connect. However, this may cause significant
+ delays with legitimate mail, such as a mailing list that contains a few no-
+ longer-active user names that didn't bother to unsubscribe. No mail should
+ be lost, as long as this measure is used only temporarily.
+ * Use an smtpd_junk_command_limit of 1 instead of the default 100. This
+ prevents clients from keeping idle connections open by repeatedly sending
+ NOOP or RSET commands.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 smtpd_timeout = 10
+ 3 smtpd_hard_error_limit = 1
+ 4 smtpd_junk_command_limit = 1
+With these measures, no mail should be lost, as long as these measures are used
+only temporarily. The next section of this document introduces a way to
+automate this process.
+DDeetteeccttiinngg ssuuppppoorrtt ffoorr ssttrreessss--aaddaappttiivvee bbeehhaavviioorr
+To find out if your Postfix installation supports stress-adaptive behavior, use
+the "ps" command, and look for the smtpd processes. Postfix has stress-adaptive
+support when you see "-o stress=" or "-o stress=yes" command-line options.
+Remember that Postfix never enables stress-adaptive behavior on servers that
+listen on local addresses only.
+The following example is for FreeBSD or Linux. On Solaris, HP-UX and other
+System-V flavors, use "ps -ef" instead of "ps ax".
+ $ ps ax|grep smtpd
+ 83326 ?? S 0:00.28 smtpd -n smtp -t inet -u -c -o stress=
+ 84345 ?? Ss 0:00.11 /usr/bin/perl /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd-
+You can't use postconf(1) to detect stress-adaptive support. The postconf(1)
+command ignores the existence of the stress parameter in, because the
+parameter has no effect there. Command-line "-o parameter" settings always take
+precedence over parameter settings.
+If you configure stress-adaptive behavior in when it isn't supported,
+nothing bad will happen. The processes will run as if the stress parameter
+always has an empty value.
+FFoorrcciinngg ssttrreessss--aaddaappttiivvee bbeehhaavviioorr oonn oorr ooffff
+You can manually force stress-adaptive behavior on, by adding a "-o stress=yes"
+command-line option in This can be useful for testing overrides on
+the SMTP service. Issue "postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+Note: setting the stress parameter in has no effect for services that
+accept remote connections.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 # =============================================================
+ 3 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ 4 # =============================================================
+ 5 #
+ 6 smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
+ 7 -o stress=yes
+ 8 -o . . .
+To permanently force stress-adaptive behavior off with a specific service,
+specify "-o stress=" on its command line. This may be desirable for
+the "submission" service. Issue "postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+Note: setting the stress parameter in has no effect for services that
+accept remote connections.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 # =============================================================
+ 3 # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ 4 # =============================================================
+ 5 #
+ 6 submission inet n - n - - smtpd
+ 7 -o stress=
+ 8 -o . . .
+OOtthheerr mmeeaassuurreess ttoo ooffff--llooaadd zzoommbbiieess
+The postscreen(8) daemon, introduced with Postfix 2.8, provides additional
+protection against mail server overload. One postscreen(8) process handles
+multiple inbound SMTP connections, and decides which clients may to talk to a
+Postfix SMTP server process. By keeping spambots away, postscreen(8) leaves
+more SMTP server processes available for legitimate clients, and delays the
+onset of server overload conditions.
+ * Thanks to the postfix-users mailing list members for sharing early
+ experiences with the stress-adaptive feature.
+ * The RBL example and several other paragraphs of text were adapted from
+ postfix-users postings by Noel Jones.
+ * Wietse implemented stress-adaptive behavior as the smallest possible patch
+ while he should be working on other things.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f36fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+PPoossttffiixx lleeggaaccyy TTLLSS SSuuppppoorrtt
+This document describes an old TLS user interface that is based on a third-
+party TLS patch by Lutz Jänicke. As of Postfix version 2.3, the old user
+interface still exists to allow migration from earlier Postfix releases, but
+its functionality is frozen.
+WWhhaatt PPoossttffiixx TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt ddooeess ffoorr yyoouu
+Transport Layer Security (TLS, formerly called SSL) provides certificate-based
+authentication and encrypted sessions. An encrypted session protects the
+information that is transmitted with SMTP mail or with SASL authentication.
+Postfix version 2.2 introduces support for TLS as described in RFC 3207. TLS
+Support for older Postfix versions was available as an add-on patch. The
+section "Compatibility with Postfix < 2.2 TLS support" below discusses the
+differences between these implementations.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * How Postfix TLS support works
+ * Building Postfix with TLS support
+ * SMTP Server specific settings
+ * SMTP Client specific settings
+ * TLS manager specific settings
+ * Reporting problems
+ * Compatibility with Postfix < 2.2 TLS support
+ * Credits
+And last but not least, for the impatient:
+ * Getting started, quick and dirty
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt wwoorrkkss
+The diagram below shows the main elements of the Postfix TLS architecture and
+their relationships. Colored boxes with numbered names represent Postfix daemon
+programs. Other colored boxes represent storage elements.
+ * The smtpd(8) server implements the SMTP over TLS server side.
+ * The smtp(8) client implements the SMTP over TLS client side.
+ * The tlsmgr(8) server maintains the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
+ that seeds the TLS engines in the smtpd(8) server and smtp(8) client
+ processes, and maintains the TLS session key cache files.
+ <---seed--- ---seed--->
+Network-> smtpd(8) tlsmgr(8) smtp(8) ->Network
+ <-session-> <-session->
+ / | \
+ |
+ / \
+ smtpd PRNG smtp
+ session state session
+ key cache file key cache
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt
+To build Postfix with TLS support, first we need to generate the make(1) files
+with the necessary definitions. This is done by invoking the command "make
+makefiles" in the Postfix top-level directory and with arguments as shown next.
+NNOOTTEE:: DDoo nnoott uussee GGnnuu TTLLSS.. IItt wwiillll ssppoonnttaanneeoouussllyy tteerrmmiinnaattee aa PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn
+pprroocceessss wwiitthh eexxiitt ssttaattuuss ccooddee 22,, iinnsstteeaadd ooff aalllloowwiinngg PPoossttffiixx ttoo 11)) rreeppoorrtt tthhee
+eerrrroorr ttoo tthhee mmaaiilllloogg ffiillee,, aanndd ttoo 22)) pprroovviiddee ppllaaiinntteexxtt sseerrvviiccee wwhheerree tthhiiss iiss
+ * If the OpenSSL include files (such as ssl.h) are in directory /usr/include/
+ openssl, and the OpenSSL libraries (such as and are
+ in directory /usr/lib:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+ * If the OpenSSL include files (such as ssl.h) are in directory /usr/local/
+ include/openssl, and the OpenSSL libraries (such as and
+ are in directory /usr/local/lib:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+ On Solaris, specify the -R option as shown below:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--RR//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+If you need to apply other customizations (such as Berkeley DB databases,
+MySQL, PosgreSQL, LDAP or SASL), see the respective Postfix README documents,
+and combine their "make makefiles" instructions with the instructions above:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS \\
+ ((ootthheerr --DD oorr --II ooppttiioonnss))"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--llssssll --llccrryyppttoo \\
+ ((ootthheerr --ll ooppttiioonnss ffoorr lliibbrraarriieess iinn //uussrr//lliibb)) \\
+ ((--LL//ppaatthh//nnaammee ++ --ll ooppttiioonnss ffoorr ootthheerr lliibbrraarriieess))""
+To complete the build process, see the Postfix INSTALL instructions. Postfix
+has TLS support turned off by default, so you can start using Postfix as soon
+as it is installed.
+SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+Topics covered in this section:
+ * Server-side certificate and private key configuration
+ * Server-side TLS activity logging
+ * Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP server
+ * Client certificate verification
+ * Supporting AUTH over TLS only
+ * Server-side TLS session cache
+ * Server access control
+ * Server-side cipher controls
+ * Miscellaneous server controls
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd pprriivvaattee kkeeyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+In order to use TLS, the Postfix SMTP server needs a certificate and a private
+key. Both must be in "pem" format. The private key must not be encrypted,
+meaning: the key must be accessible without password. Both certificate and
+private key may be in the same file.
+Both RSA and DSA certificates are supported. Typically you will only have RSA
+certificates issued by a commercial CA. In addition, the tools supplied with
+OpenSSL will by default issue RSA certificates. You can have both at the same
+time, in which case the cipher used determines which certificate is presented.
+For Netscape and OpenSSL clients without special cipher choices, the RSA
+certificate is preferred.
+In order for remote SMTP clients to check the Postfix SMTP server certificates,
+the CA certificate (in case of a certificate chain, all CA certificates) must
+be available. You should add these certificates to the server certificate, the
+server certificate first, then the issuing CA(s).
+Example: the certificate for "server.dom.ain" was issued by "intermediate CA"
+which itself has a certificate issued by "root CA". Create the server.pem file
+ % ccaatt sseerrvveerr__cceerrtt..ppeemm iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee__CCAA..ppeemm >> sseerrvveerr..ppeemm
+A Postfix SMTP server certificate supplied here must be usable as SSL server
+certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose sslserver ..." test.
+A client that trusts the root CA has a local copy of the root CA certificate,
+so it is not necessary to include the root CA certificate here. Leaving it out
+of the "server.pem" file reduces the overhead of the TLS exchange.
+If you want the Postfix SMTP server to accept remote SMTP client certificates
+issued by these CAs, append the root certificate to $smtpd_tls_CAfile or
+install it in the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory. When you configure trust in a
+root CA, it is not necessary to explicitly trust intermediary CAs signed by the
+root CA, unless $smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth is less than the number of CAs in
+the certificate chain for the clients of interest. With a verify depth of 1 you
+can only verify certificates directly signed by a trusted CA, and all trusted
+intermediary CAs need to be configured explicitly. With a verify depth of 2 you
+can verify clients signed by a root CA or a direct intermediary CA (so long as
+the client is correctly configured to supply its intermediate CA certificate).
+RSA key and certificate examples:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/server.pem
+ smtpd_tls_key_file = $smtpd_tls_cert_file
+Their DSA counterparts:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/server-dsa.pem
+ smtpd_tls_dkey_file = $smtpd_tls_dcert_file
+To verify a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP server needs to
+trust the certificates of the issuing Certification Authorities. These
+certificates in "pem" format can be stored in a single $smtpd_tls_CAfile or in
+multiple files, one CA per file in the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory. If you use
+a directory, don't forget to create the necessary "hash" links with:
+ # $$OOPPEENNSSSSLL__HHOOMMEE//bbiinn//cc__rreehhaasshh //ppaatthh//ttoo//ddiirreeccttoorryy
+The $smtpd_tls_CAfile contains the CA certificates of one or more trusted CAs.
+The file is opened (with root privileges) before Postfix enters the optional
+chroot jail and so need not be accessible from inside the chroot jail.
+Additional trusted CAs can be specified via the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory, in
+which case the certificates are read (with $mail_owner privileges) from the
+files in the directory when the information is needed. Thus, the
+$smtpd_tls_CApath directory needs to be accessible inside the optional chroot
+When you configure Postfix to request client certificates (by setting
+$smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes), any certificates in $smtpd_tls_CAfile are sent to
+the client, in order to allow it to choose an identity signed by a CA you
+trust. If no $smtpd_tls_CAfile is specified, no preferred CA list is sent, and
+the client is free to choose an identity signed by any CA. Many clients use a
+fixed identity regardless of the preferred CA list and you may be able to
+reduce TLS negotiation overhead by installing client CA certificates mostly or
+only in $smtpd_tls_CApath. In the latter case you need not specify a
+Note, that unless client certificates are used to allow greater access to TLS
+authenticated clients, it is best to not ask for client certificates at all, as
+in addition to increased overhead some clients (notably in some cases qmail)
+are unable to complete the TLS handshake when client certificates are
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee TTLLSS aaccttiivviittyy llooggggiinngg
+To get additional information about Postfix SMTP server TLS activity you can
+increase the loglevel from 0..4. Each logging level also includes the
+information that is logged at a lower logging level.
+ 0 Disable logging of TLS activity.
+ 1 Log TLS handshake and certificate information.
+ 2 Log levels during TLS negotiation.
+ 3 Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS negotiation process
+ 4 Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete transmission after STARTTLS
+Use loglevel 3 only in case of problems. Use of loglevel 4 is strongly
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_loglevel = 0
+To include information about the protocol and cipher used as well as the client
+and issuer CommonName into the "Received:" message header, set the
+smtpd_tls_received_header variable to true. The default is no, as the
+information is not necessarily authentic. Only information recorded at the
+final destination is reliable, since the headers may be changed by intermediate
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
+EEnnaabblliinngg TTLLSS iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+By default, TLS is disabled in the Postfix SMTP server, so no difference to
+plain Postfix is visible. Explicitly switch it on using "smtpd_use_tls = yes".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_use_tls = yes
+With this, Postfix SMTP server announces STARTTLS support to SMTP clients, but
+does not require that clients use TLS encryption.
+Note: when an unprivileged user invokes "sendmail -bs", STARTTLS is never
+offered due to insufficient privileges to access the server private key. This
+is intended behavior.
+You can ENFORCE the use of TLS, so that the Postfix SMTP server announces
+STARTTLS and accepts no mail without TLS encryption, by setting
+"smtpd_enforce_tls = yes". According to RFC 2487 this MUST NOT be applied in
+case of a publicly-referenced Postfix SMTP server. This option is off by
+default and should only seldom be used.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_enforce_tls = yes
+TLS is sometimes used in the non-standard "wrapper" mode where a server always
+uses TLS, instead of announcing STARTTLS support and waiting for clients to
+request TLS service. Some clients, namely Outlook [Express] prefer the
+"wrapper" mode. This is true for OE (Win32 < 5.0 and Win32 >=5.0 when run on a
+port<>25 and OE (5.01 Mac on all ports).
+It is strictly discouraged to use this mode from If you want to
+support this service, enable a special port in and specify "-
+o smtpd_tls_wrappermode = yes" as an smtpd(8) command line option. Port 465
+(smtps) was once chosen for this feature.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtps inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
+CClliieenntt cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+To receive a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP server must
+explicitly ask for one (any contents of $smtpd_tls_CAfile are also sent to the
+client as a hint for choosing a certificate from a suitable CA). Unfortunately,
+Netscape clients will either complain if no matching client certificate is
+available or will offer the user client a list of certificates to choose from.
+Additionally some MTAs (notably some versions of qmail) are unable to complete
+TLS negotiation when client certificates are requested, and abort the SMTP
+session. So this option is "off" by default. You will however need the
+certificate if you want to use certificate based relaying with, for example,
+the permit_tls_clientcerts feature.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = no
+You may also decide to REQUIRE a remote SMTP client certificate before allowing
+TLS connections. This feature is included for completeness, and implies
+"smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes".
+Please be aware, that this will inhibit TLS connections without a proper client
+certificate and that it makes sense only when non-TLS submission is disabled
+(smtpd_enforce_tls = yes). Otherwise, clients could bypass the restriction by
+simply not using STARTTLS at all.
+When TLS is not enforced, the connection will be handled as if only
+"smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes" is specified, and a warning is logged.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_req_ccert = no
+A client certificate verification depth of 1 is sufficient if the certificate
+is directly issued by a CA listed in the CA file. The default value (5) should
+also suffice for longer chains (root CA issues special CA which then issues the
+actual certificate...)
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth = 5
+SSuuppppoorrttiinngg AAUUTTHH oovveerr TTLLSS oonnllyy
+Sending AUTH data over an unencrypted channel poses a security risk. When TLS
+layer encryption is required (smtpd_enforce_tls = yes), the Postfix SMTP server
+will announce and accept AUTH only after the TLS layer has been activated with
+STARTTLS. When TLS layer encryption is optional (smtpd_enforce_tls = no), it
+may however still be useful to only offer AUTH when TLS is active. To maintain
+compatibility with non-TLS clients, the default is to accept AUTH without
+encryption. In order to change this behavior, set "smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee TTLLSS sseessssiioonn ccaacchhee
+The Postfix SMTP server and the remote SMTP client negotiate a session, which
+takes some computer time and network bandwidth. By default, this session
+information is cached only in the smtpd(8) process actually using this session
+and is lost when the process terminates. To share the session information
+between multiple smtpd(8) processes, a persistent session cache can be used.
+You can specify any database type that can store objects of several kbytes and
+that supports the sequence operator. DBM databases are not suitable because
+they can only store small objects. The cache is maintained by the tlsmgr(8)
+process, so there is no problem with concurrent access. Session caching is
+highly recommended, because the cost of repeatedly negotiating TLS session keys
+is high.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/etc/postfix/smtpd_scache
+As of version 2.5, Postfix will no longer maintain this file in a directory
+with non-Postfix ownership. As a migration aid, attempts to open such files are
+redirected to the Postfix-owned $data_directory, and a warning is logged.
+Cached Postfix SMTP server session information expires after a certain amount
+of time. Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL default of 300s, but a longer
+time of 3600sec (=1 hour). RFC 2246 recommends a maximum of 24 hours.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
+SSeerrvveerr aacccceessss ccoonnttrrooll
+Postfix TLS support introduces three additional features for Postfix SMTP
+server access control:
+ permit_tls_clientcerts
+ Allow the remote SMTP client SMTP request if the client certificate
+ passes verification, and if its fingerprint is listed in the list of
+ client certificates (see relay_clientcerts discussion below).
+ permit_tls_all_clientcerts
+ Allow the remote client SMTP request if the client certificate passes
+ verification.
+ check_ccert_access type:table
+ If the client certificate passes verification, use its fingerprint as a
+ key for the specified access(5) table.
+The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature must be used with caution, because it
+can result in too many access permissions. Use this feature only if a special
+CA issues the client certificates, and only if this CA is listed as trusted CA.
+If other CAs are trusted, any owner of a valid client certificate would be
+authorized. The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature can be practical for a
+specially created email relay server.
+It is however recommended to stay with the permit_tls_clientcerts feature and
+list all certificates via $relay_clientcerts, as permit_tls_all_clientcerts
+does not permit any control when a certificate must no longer be used (e.g. an
+employee leaving).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ ...
+ permit_tls_clientcerts
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ ...
+The Postfix list manipulation routines give special treatment to whitespace and
+some other characters, making the use of certificate names impractical. Instead
+we use the certificate fingerprints as they are difficult to fake but easy to
+use for lookup. Postfix lookup tables are in the form of (key, value) pairs.
+Since we only need the key, the value can be chosen freely, e.g. the name of
+the user or host.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay_clientcerts = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts
+ /etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts:
+ D7:04:2F:A7:0B:8C:A5:21:FA:31:77:E1:41:8A:EE:80
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee cciipphheerr ccoonnttrroollss
+To influence the Postfix SMTP server cipher selection scheme, you can give
+cipherlist string. A detailed description would go to far here; please refer to
+the OpenSSL documentation. If you don't know what to do with it, simply don't
+touch it and leave the (openssl-)compiled in default!
+DO NOT USE " to enclose the string, specify just the string!!!
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_cipherlist = DEFAULT
+If you want to take advantage of ciphers with EDH, DH parameters are needed.
+Instead of using the built-in DH parameters for both 1024bit and 512bit, it is
+better to generate "own" parameters, since otherwise it would "pay" for a
+possible attacker to start a brute force attack against parameters that are
+used by everybody. For this reason, the parameters chosen are already different
+from those distributed with other TLS packages.
+To generate your own set of DH parameters, use:
+ % ooppeennssssll ggeennddhh --oouutt //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ddhh__11002244..ppeemm --22 --rraanndd //vvaarr//rruunn//eeggdd--ppooooll
+ 11002244
+ % ooppeennssssll ggeennddhh --oouutt //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ddhh__551122..ppeemm --22 --rraanndd //vvaarr//rruunn//eeggdd--ppooooll 551122
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file = /etc/postfix/dh_1024.pem
+ smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file = /etc/postfix/dh_512.pem
+MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss sseerrvveerr ccoonnttrroollss
+The smtpd_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix SMTP server
+write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown handshake procedures.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_starttls_timeout = 300s
+SSMMTTPP CClliieenntt ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+Topics covered in this section:
+ * Client-side certificate and private key configuration
+ * Client-side TLS activity logging
+ * Client-side TLS session cache
+ * Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP client
+ * Requiring TLS encryption
+ * Disabling server certificate verification
+ * Per-site TLS policies
+ * Closing a DNS loophole with per-site TLS policies
+ * Discovering servers that support TLS
+ * Server certificate verification depth
+ * Client-side cipher controls
+ * Miscellaneous client controls
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd pprriivvaattee kkeeyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+During TLS startup negotiation the Postfix SMTP client may present a
+certificate to the remote SMTP server. The Netscape client is rather clever
+here and lets the user select between only those certificates that match CA
+certificates offered by the remote SMTP server. As the Postfix SMTP client uses
+the "SSL_connect()" function from the OpenSSL package, this is not possible and
+we have to choose just one certificate. So for now the default is to use _no_
+certificate and key unless one is explicitly specified here.
+Both RSA and DSA certificates are supported. You can have both at the same
+time, in which case the cipher used determines which certificate is presented.
+It is possible for the Postfix SMTP client to use the same key/certificate pair
+as the Postfix SMTP server. If a certificate is to be presented, it must be in
+"pem" format. The private key must not be encrypted, meaning: it must be
+accessible without password. Both parts (certificate and private key) may be in
+the same file.
+In order for remote SMTP servers to verify the Postfix SMTP client
+certificates, the CA certificate (in case of a certificate chain, all CA
+certificates) must be available. You should add these certificates to the
+client certificate, the client certificate first, then the issuing CA(s).
+Example: the certificate for "" was issued by "intermediate
+CA" which itself has a certificate of "root CA". Create the client.pem file
+ % ccaatt cclliieenntt__cceerrtt..ppeemm iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee__CCAA..ppeemm >> cclliieenntt..ppeemm
+A Postfix SMTP client certificate supplied here must be usable as SSL client
+certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose sslclient ..." test.
+A server that trusts the root CA has a local copy of the root CA certificate,
+so it is not necessary to include the root CA certificate here. Leaving it out
+of the "client.pem" file reduces the overhead of the TLS exchange.
+If you want the Postfix SMTP client to accept remote SMTP server certificates
+issued by these CAs, append the root certificate to $smtp_tls_CAfile or install
+it in the $smtp_tls_CApath directory. When you configure trust in a root CA, it
+is not necessary to explicitly trust intermediary CAs signed by the root CA,
+unless $smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth is less than the number of CAs in the
+certificate chain for the servers of interest. With a verify depth of 1 you can
+only verify certificates directly signed by a trusted CA, and all trusted
+intermediary CAs need to be configured explicitly. With a verify depth of 2 you
+can verify servers signed by a root CA or a direct intermediary CA (so long as
+the server is correctly configured to supply its intermediate CA certificate).
+RSA key and certificate examples:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/client.pem
+ smtp_tls_key_file = $smtp_tls_cert_file
+Their DSA counterparts:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/client-dsa.pem
+ smtp_tls_dkey_file = $smtp_tls_dcert_file
+To verify a remote SMTP server certificate, the Postfix SMTP client needs to
+trust the certificates of the issuing Certification Authorities. These
+certificates in "pem" format can be stored in a single $smtp_tls_CAfile or in
+multiple files, one CA per file in the $smtp_tls_CApath directory. If you use a
+directory, don't forget to create the necessary "hash" links with:
+ # $$OOPPEENNSSSSLL__HHOOMMEE//bbiinn//cc__rreehhaasshh //ppaatthh//ttoo//ddiirreeccttoorryy
+The $smtp_tls_CAfile contains the CA certificates of one or more trusted CAs.
+The file is opened (with root privileges) before Postfix enters the optional
+chroot jail and so need not be accessible from inside the chroot jail.
+Additional trusted CAs can be specified via the $smtp_tls_CApath directory, in
+which case the certificates are read (with $mail_owner privileges) from the
+files in the directory when the information is needed. Thus, the
+$smtp_tls_CApath directory needs to be accessible inside the optional chroot
+The choice between $smtp_tls_CAfile and $smtp_tls_CApath is a space/time
+tradeoff. If there are many trusted CAs, the cost of preloading them all into
+memory may not pay off in reduced access time when the certificate is needed.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem
+ smtp_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee TTLLSS aaccttiivviittyy llooggggiinngg
+To get additional information about Postfix SMTP client TLS activity you can
+increase the loglevel from 0..4. Each logging level also includes the
+information that is logged at a lower logging level.
+ 0 Disable logging of TLS activity.
+ 1 Log TLS handshake and certificate information.
+ 2 Log levels during TLS negotiation.
+ 3 Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS negotiation process
+ 4 Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete transmission after STARTTLS
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_loglevel = 0
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee TTLLSS sseessssiioonn ccaacchhee
+The remote SMTP server and the Postfix SMTP client negotiate a session, which
+takes some computer time and network bandwidth. By default, this session
+information is cached only in the smtp(8) process actually using this session
+and is lost when the process terminates. To share the session information
+between multiple smtp(8) processes, a persistent session cache can be used. You
+can specify any database type that can store objects of several kbytes and that
+supports the sequence operator. DBM databases are not suitable because they can
+only store small objects. The cache is maintained by the tlsmgr(8) process, so
+there is no problem with concurrent access. Session caching is highly
+recommended, because the cost of repeatedly negotiating TLS session keys is
+high. Future Postfix SMTP servers may limit the number of sessions that a
+client is allowed to negotiate per unit time.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/etc/postfix/smtp_scache
+As of version 2.5, Postfix will no longer maintain this file in a directory
+with non-Postfix ownership. As a migration aid, attempts to open such files are
+redirected to the Postfix-owned $data_directory, and a warning is logged.
+Cached Postfix SMTP client session information expires after a certain amount
+of time. Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL default of 300s, but a longer
+time of 3600s (=1 hour). RFC 2246 recommends a maximum of 24 hours.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
+EEnnaabblliinngg TTLLSS iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+By default, TLS is disabled in the Postfix SMTP client, so no difference to
+plain Postfix is visible. If you enable TLS, the Postfix SMTP client will send
+STARTTLS when TLS support is announced by the remote SMTP server.
+When the server accepts the STARTTLS command, but the subsequent TLS handshake
+fails, and no other server is available, the Postfix SMTP client defers the
+delivery attempt, and the mail stays in the queue. After a handshake failure,
+the communications channel is in an indeterminate state and cannot be used for
+non-TLS deliveries.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_use_tls = yes
+RReeqquuiirriinngg TTLLSS eennccrryyppttiioonn
+You can ENFORCE the use of TLS, so that the Postfix SMTP client will not
+deliver mail over unencrypted connections. In this mode, the remote SMTP server
+hostname must match the information in the remote server certificate, and the
+server certificate must be issued by a CA that is trusted by the Postfix SMTP
+client. If the remote server certificate doesn't verify or the remote SMTP
+server hostname doesn't match, and no other server is available, the delivery
+attempt is deferred and the mail stays in the queue.
+The remote SMTP server hostname is verified against all names provided as
+dNSNames in the SubjectAlternativeName. If no dNSNames are specified, the
+CommonName is checked. Verification may be turned off with the
+smtp_tls_enforce_peername option which is discussed below.
+Enforcing the use of TLS is useful if you know that you will only connect to
+servers that support RFC 2487 _and_ that present server certificates that meet
+the above requirements. An example would be a client only sends email to one
+specific mailhub that offers the necessary STARTTLS support.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_enforce_tls = yes
+DDiissaabblliinngg sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+As of RFC 2487 the requirements for hostname checking for MTA clients are not
+set. When TLS is required (smtp_enforce_tls = yes), the option
+smtp_tls_enforce_peername can be set to "no" to disable strict remote SMTP
+server hostname checking. In this case, the mail delivery will proceed
+regardless of the CommonName etc. listed in the certificate.
+Despite the potential for eliminating "man-in-the-middle" and other attacks,
+mandatory certificate/peername verification is not viable as a default Internet
+mail delivery policy at this time. A significant fraction of TLS enabled MTAs
+uses self-signed certificates, or certificates that are signed by a private
+Certification Authority. On a machine that delivers mail to the Internet, if
+you set smtp_enforce_tls = yes, you should probably also set
+smtp_tls_enforce_peername = no. You can use the per-site TLS policies (see
+below) to enable full peer verification for specific destinations that are
+known to have verifiable TLS server certificates.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_enforce_tls = yes
+ smtp_tls_enforce_peername = no
+PPeerr--ssiittee TTLLSS ppoolliicciieess
+A small fraction of servers offer STARTTLS but the negotiation consistently
+fails, leading to mail aging out of the queue and bouncing back to the sender.
+In such cases, you can use the per-site policies to disable TLS for the problem
+sites. Alternatively, you can enable TLS for just a few specific sites and not
+enable it for all sites.
+The smtp_tls_per_site table is searched for a policy that matches the following
+ remote SMTP server hostname
+ This is simply the DNS name of the server that the Postfix SMTP client
+ connects to; this name may be obtained from other DNS lookups, such as
+ MX lookups or CNAME lookups.
+ next-hop destination
+ This is normally the domain portion of the recipient address, but it
+ may be overruled by information from the transport(5) table, from the
+ relayhost parameter setting, or from the relay_transport setting. When
+ it's not the recipient domain, the next-hop destination can have the
+ Postfix-specific form "[name]", [name]:port", "name" or "name:port".
+When both the hostname lookup and the next-hop lookup succeed, the host policy
+does not automatically override the next-hop policy. Instead, precedence is
+given to either the more specific or the more secure per-site policy as
+described below.
+The smtp_tls_per_site table uses a simple "name whitespace value" format.
+Specify host names or next-hop destinations on the left-hand side; no wildcards
+are allowed. On the right hand side specify one of the following keywords:
+ Don't use TLS at all. This overrides a less specific MMAAYY lookup result
+ from the alternate host or next-hop lookup key, and overrides the
+ global smtp_use_tls, smtp_enforce_tls, and smtp_tls_enforce_peername
+ settings.
+ Try to use TLS if the server announces support, otherwise use the
+ unencrypted connection. This has less precedence than a more specific
+ result (including NNOONNEE) from the alternate host or next-hop lookup key,
+ and has less precedence than the more specific global "smtp_enforce_tls
+ = yes" or "smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes".
+ Require TLS encryption, but do not require that the remote SMTP server
+ hostname matches the information in the remote SMTP server certificate,
+ or that the server certificate was issued by a trusted CA. This
+ overrides a less secure NNOONNEE or a less specific MMAAYY lookup result from
+ the alternate host or next-hop lookup key, and overrides the global
+ smtp_use_tls, smtp_enforce_tls and smtp_tls_enforce_peername settings.
+ Require TLS encryption, require that the remote SMTP server hostname
+ matches the information in the remote SMTP server certificate, and
+ require that the remote SMTP server certificate was issued by a trusted
+ CA. This overrides a less secure NNOONNEE and MMUUSSTT__NNOOPPEEEERRMMAATTCCHH or a less
+ specific MMAAYY lookup result from the alternate host or next-hop lookup
+ key, and overrides the global smtp_use_tls, smtp_enforce_tls and
+ smtp_tls_enforce_peername settings.
+The precedences between global ( and per-site TLS policies can be
+summarized as follows:
+ * When neither the remote SMTP server hostname nor the next-hop destination
+ are found in the smtp_tls_per_site table, the policy is based on
+ smtp_use_tls, smtp_enforce_tls and smtp_tls_enforce_peername. Note:
+ "smtp_enforce_tls = yes" and "smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes" imply
+ "smtp_use_tls = yes".
+ * When both hostname and next-hop destination lookups produce a result, the
+ more specific per-site policy (NONE, MUST, etc) overrides the less specific
+ one (MAY), and the more secure per-site policy (MUST, etc) overrides the
+ less secure one (NONE).
+ * After the per-site policy lookups are combined, the result generally
+ overrides the global policy. The exception is the less specific MMAAYY per-
+ site policy, which is overruled by the more specific global
+ "smtp_enforce_tls = yes" with server certificate verification as specified
+ with the smtp_tls_enforce_peername parameter.
+CClloossiinngg aa DDNNSS lloooopphhoollee wwiitthh ppeerr--ssiittee TTLLSS ppoolliicciieess
+As long as no secure DNS lookup mechanism is available, false hostnames in MX
+or CNAME responses can change the server hostname that Postfix uses for TLS
+policy lookup and server certificate verification. Even with a perfect match
+between the server hostname and the server certificate, there is no guarantee
+that Postfix is connected to the right server. To avoid this loophole take the
+following steps:
+ * Eliminate MX lookups. Specify local transport(5) table entries for
+ sensitive domains with explicit smtp:[mailhost] or smtp:[mailhost]:port
+ destinations (you can assure security of this table unlike DNS); in the
+ smtp_tls_per_site table specify the value MMUUSSTT for the key [mailhost] or
+ smtp:[mailhost]:port. This prevents false hostname information in DNS MX
+ records from changing the server hostname that Postfix uses for TLS policy
+ lookup and server certificate verification.
+ * Disallow CNAME hostname overrides. In specify
+ "smtp_cname_overrides_servername = no". This prevents false hostname
+ information in DNS CNAME records from changing the server hostname that
+ Postfix uses for TLS policy lookup and server certificate verification.
+ This feature requires Postfix 2.2.9 or later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_per_site = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_per_site
+ relayhost = []:587
+ /etc/postfix/tls_per_site:
+ # relayhost exact nexthop match
+ []:587 MUST
+ # TLS should not be used with the MX hosts.
+ # TLS should not be used with the host
+DDiissccoovveerriinngg sseerrvveerrss tthhaatt ssuuppppoorrtt TTLLSS
+As we decide on a "per site" basis whether or not to use TLS, it would be good
+to have a list of sites that offered "STARTTLS". We can collect it ourselves
+with this option.
+If the smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer feature is enabled and a server offers
+STARTTLS while TLS is not already enabled for that server, the Postfix SMTP
+client logs a line as follows:
+ postfix/smtp[pid]: Host offered STARTTLS: []
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
+SSeerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ddeepptthh
+When verifying a remote SMTP server certificate, a verification depth of 1 is
+sufficient if the certificate is directly issued by a CA specified with
+smtp_tls_CAfile or smtp_tls_CApath. The default value of 5 should also suffice
+for longer chains (root CA issues special CA which then issues the actual
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth = 5
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee cciipphheerr ccoonnttrroollss
+To influence the Postfix SMTP client cipher selection scheme, you can give
+cipherlist string. A detailed description would go to far here; please refer to
+the OpenSSL documentation. If you don't know what to do with it, simply don't
+touch it and leave the (openssl-)compiled in default!
+DO NOT USE " to enclose the string, specify just the string!!!
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_cipherlist = DEFAULT
+MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss cclliieenntt ccoonnttrroollss
+The smtp_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix SMTP client
+write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown handshake procedures.
+In case of problems the Postfix SMTP client tries the next network address on
+the mail exchanger list, and defers delivery if no alternative server is
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_starttls_timeout = 300s
+TTLLSS mmaannaaggeerr ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+The security of cryptographic software such as TLS depends critically on the
+ability to generate unpredictable numbers for keys and other information. To
+this end, the tlsmgr(8) process maintains a Pseudo Random Number Generator
+(PRNG) pool. This is queried by the smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes when they
+initialize. By default, these daemons request 32 bytes, the equivalent to 256
+bits. This is more than sufficient to generate a 128bit (or 168bit) session
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_daemon_random_bytes = 32
+In order to feed its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8) reads entropy from an
+external source, both at startup and during run-time. Specify a good entropy
+source, like EGD or /dev/urandom; be sure to only use non-blocking sources (on
+OpenBSD, use /dev/arandom when tlsmgr(8) complains about /dev/urandom timeout
+errors). If the entropy source is not a regular file, you must prepend the
+source type to the source name: "dev:" for a device special file, or "egd:" for
+a source with EGD compatible socket interface.
+Examples (specify only one in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
+ tls_random_source = egd:/var/run/egd-pool
+By default, tlsmgr(8) reads 32 bytes from the external entropy source at each
+seeding event. This amount (256bits) is more than sufficient for generating a
+128bit symmetric key. With EGD and device entropy sources, the tlsmgr(8) limits
+the amount of data read at each step to 255 bytes. If you specify a regular
+file as entropy source, a larger amount of data can be read.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_bytes = 32
+In order to update its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8) queries the external
+entropy source again after a pseudo-random amount of time. The time is
+calculated using the PRNG, and is between 0 and the maximal time specified with
+tls_random_reseed_period. The default maximal time interval is 1 hour.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_reseed_period = 3600s
+The tlsmgr(8) process saves the PRNG state to a persistent exchange file at
+regular times and when the process terminates, so that it can recover the PRNG
+state the next time it starts up. This file is created when it does not exist.
+Its default location is under the Postfix configuration directory, which is not
+the proper place for information that is modified by Postfix. Instead, the file
+location should probably be on the /var partition (but nnoott inside the chroot
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_exchange_name = /etc/postfix/prng_exch
+ tls_random_prng_update_period = 3600s
+GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd,, qquuiicckk aanndd ddiirrttyy
+The following steps will get you started quickly. Because you sign your own
+Postfix public key certificate, you get TLS encryption but no TLS
+authentication. This is sufficient for testing, and for exchanging email with
+sites that you have no trust relationship with. For real authentication, your
+Postfix public key certificate needs to be signed by a recognized Certification
+Authority, and Postfix needs to be configured with a list of public key
+certificates of Certification Authorities, so that Postfix can verify the
+public key certificates of remote hosts.
+In the examples below, user input is shown in bboolldd font, and a "#" prompt
+indicates a super-user shell.
+ * Become your own Certification Authority, so that you can sign your own
+ public keys. This example uses the script that ships with OpenSSL. By
+ default, OpenSSL installs this as /usr/local/ssl/misc/, but your
+ mileage may vary. The script creates a private key in ./demoCA/private/
+ cakey.pem and a public key in ./demoCA/cacert.pem.
+ % //uussrr//llooccaall//ssssll//mmiisscc//CCAA..ppll --nneewwccaa
+ CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
+ Making CA certificate ...
+ Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
+ ....................++++++
+ .....++++++
+ writing new private key to './demoCA/private/cakey.pem'
+ Enter PEM pass phrase:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ * Create an unpassworded private key for host FOO and create an unsigned
+ public key certificate.
+ % ooppeennssssll rreeqq --nneeww --nnooddeess --kkeeyyoouutt FFOOOO--kkeeyy..ppeemm --oouutt FFOOOO--rreeqq..ppeemm --ddaayyss
+ 336655
+ Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
+ ........................................++++++
+ ....++++++
+ writing new private key to 'FOO-key.pem'
+ -----
+ You are about to be asked to enter information that will be
+ incorporated
+ into your certificate request.
+ What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a
+ DN.
+ There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+ For some fields there will be a default value,
+ If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+ -----
+ Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:UUSS
+ State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:NNeeww YYoorrkk
+ Locality Name (eg, city) []:WWeessttcchheesstteerr
+ Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:PPoorrccuuppiinnee
+ Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
+ Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:FFOOOO
+ Email Address []:wwiieettssee@@ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+ to be sent with your certificate request
+ A challenge password []:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ An optional company name []:
+ * Sign the public key certificate for host FOO with the Certification
+ Authority private key that we created a few steps ago.
+ % ooppeennssssll ccaa --oouutt FFOOOO--cceerrtt..ppeemm --iinnffiilleess FFOOOO--rreeqq..ppeemm
+ Uing configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Enter PEM pass phrase:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ Check that the request matches the signature
+ Signature ok
+ The Subjects Distinguished Name is as follows
+ countryName :PRINTABLE:'US'
+ stateOrProvinceName :PRINTABLE:'New York'
+ localityName :PRINTABLE:'Westchester'
+ organizationName :PRINTABLE:'Porcupine'
+ commonName :PRINTABLE:'FOO'
+ emailAddress :IA5STRING:''
+ Certificate is to be certified until Nov 21 19:40:56 2005 GMT (365
+ days)
+ Sign the certificate? [y/n]:yy
+ 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]yy
+ Write out database with 1 new entries
+ Data Base Updated
+ * Install the host private key, the host public key certificate, and the
+ Certification Authority certificate files. This requires super-user
+ privileges.
+ # ccpp ddeemmooCCAA//ccaacceerrtt..ppeemm FFOOOO--kkeeyy..ppeemm FFOOOO--cceerrtt..ppeemm //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx
+ # cchhmmoodd 664444 //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//FFOOOO--cceerrtt..ppeemm //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ccaacceerrtt..ppeemm
+ # cchhmmoodd 440000 //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//FFOOOO--kkeeyy..ppeemm
+ * Configure Postfix, by adding the following to /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem
+ smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/FOO-cert.pem
+ smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/FOO-key.pem
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/run/smtp_tls_session_cache
+ smtp_use_tls = yes
+ smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/FOO-cert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/FOO-key.pem
+ smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/run/
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache
+ smtpd_use_tls = yes
+ tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
+RReeppoorrttiinngg pprroobblleemmss
+When reporting a problem, please be thorough in the report. Patches, when
+possible, are greatly appreciated too.
+Please differentiate when possible between:
+ * Problems in the TLS code: <>
+ * Problems in vanilla Postfix: <>
+CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx <<22..22 TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix version 2.2 TLS support is based on the Postfix/TLS patch by Lutz
+Jänicke, but differs in a few minor ways.
+ * Specify "btree" instead of "sdbm" for TLS session cache databases.
+ TLS session cache databases are now accessed only by the tlsmgr(8) process,
+ so there are no more concurrency issues. Although Postfix has an sdbm
+ client, the sdbm library (1000 lines of code) is not included with Postfix.
+ TLS session caches can use any database that can store objects of several
+ kbytes or more, and that implements the sequence operation. In most cases,
+ btree databases should be adequate.
+ NOTE: You cannot use dbm databases. TLS session objects are too large.
+ * Specify "unix" instead of "fifo" as the tlsmgr service type.
+ The smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes now use a client-server protocol in
+ order to access the tlsmgr(8) pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) pool,
+ and in order to access the TLS session cache databases. Such a protocol
+ cannot be run across fifos.
+ * smtp_tls_per_site: the MUST_NOPEERMATCH per-site policy cannot override the
+ global "smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes" setting.
+ * smtp_tls_per_site: a combined (NONE + MAY) lookup result for (hostname and
+ next-hop destination) produces counter-intuitive results for different
+ settings. TLS is enabled with "smtp_tls_enforce_peername = no", but
+ it is disabled when both "smtp_enforce_tls = yes" and
+ "smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes".
+The smtp_tls_per_site limitations were removed by the end of the Postfix 2.2
+support cycle.
+ * TLS support for Postfix was originally developed by Lutz Jänicke at Cottbus
+ Technical University.
+ * Wietse Venema adopted the code, did some restructuring, and compiled this
+ part of the documentation from Lutz's documents.
+ * Victor Duchovni was instrumental with the re-implementation of the
+ smtp_tls_per_site code in terms of enforcement levels, which simplified the
+ implementation greatly.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0cddeb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2495 @@
+PPoossttffiixx TTLLSS SSuuppppoorrtt
+WWhhaatt PPoossttffiixx TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt ddooeess ffoorr yyoouu
+Transport Layer Security (TLS, formerly called SSL) provides certificate-based
+authentication and encrypted sessions. An encrypted session protects the
+information that is transmitted with SMTP mail or with SASL authentication.
+NOTE: By turning on TLS support in Postfix, you not only get the ability to
+encrypt mail and to authenticate remote SMTP clients or servers. You also turn
+on hundreds of thousands of lines of OpenSSL library code. Assuming that
+OpenSSL is written as carefully as Wietse's own code, every 1000 lines
+introduce one additional bug into Postfix.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * How Postfix TLS support works
+ * SMTP Server specific settings
+ * SMTP Client specific settings
+ * TLS manager specific settings
+ * Building Postfix with TLS support
+ * Reporting problems
+ * Credits
+And last but not least, for the impatient:
+ * Getting started, quick and dirty
+HHooww PPoossttffiixx TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt wwoorrkkss
+The diagram below shows the main elements of the Postfix TLS architecture and
+their relationships. Colored boxes with numbered names represent Postfix daemon
+programs. Other colored boxes represent storage elements.
+ * The smtpd(8) server implements the SMTP over TLS server side.
+ * The smtp(8) client implements the SMTP (and LMTP) over TLS client side.
+ * The tlsmgr(8) server maintains the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
+ that seeds the TLS engines in the smtpd(8) server and smtp(8) client
+ processes, and maintains the TLS session key cache files.
+Not shown in the figure are the tlsproxy(8) server and the postscreen(8)
+server. These use TLS in the same manner as smtpd(8).
+ <---seed---- ----seed--->
+Network-> smtpd(8) tlsmgr(8) smtp(8) ->Network
+ <-key/cert-> <-key/cert->
+ / | \
+ |
+ / \
+ smtpd PRNG smtp
+ session state session
+ key cache file key cache
+SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+Topics covered in this section:
+ * Server-side certificate and private key configuration
+ * Server-side forward-secrecy configuration
+ * Server-side TLS activity logging
+ * Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP server
+ * Client certificate verification
+ * Supporting AUTH over TLS only
+ * Server-side TLS session cache
+ * Server access control
+ * Server-side cipher controls
+ * Miscellaneous server controls
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd pprriivvaattee kkeeyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+In order to use TLS, the Postfix SMTP server generally needs a certificate and
+a private key. Both must be in "PEM" format. The private key must not be
+encrypted, meaning: the key must be accessible without a password. The
+certificate and private key may be in the same file, in which case the
+certificate file should be owned by "root" and not be readable by any other
+user. If the key is stored separately, this access restriction applies to the
+key file only, and the certificate file may be "world-readable".
+Public Internet MX hosts without certificates signed by a well-known public CA
+must still generate, and be prepared to present to most clients, a self-signed
+or private-CA signed certificate. The remote SMTP client will generally not be
+able to verify the self-signed certificate, but unless the client is running
+Postfix or similar software, it will only negotiate TLS ciphersuites that
+require a server certificate.
+For servers that are nnoott public Internet MX hosts, Postfix supports
+configurations with no certificates. This entails the use of just the anonymous
+TLS ciphers, which are not supported by typical SMTP clients. Since some
+clients may not fall back to plain text after a TLS handshake failure, a
+certificate-less Postfix SMTP server will be unable to receive email from some
+TLS-enabled clients. To avoid accidental configurations with no certificates,
+Postfix enables certificate-less operation only when the administrator
+explicitly sets "smtpd_tls_cert_file = none". This ensures that new Postfix
+SMTP server configurations will not accidentally enable TLS without
+Note that server certificates are nnoott optional in TLS 1.3. To run without
+certificates you'd have to disable the TLS 1.3 protocol by including '!TLSv1.3'
+in "smtpd_tls_protocols" and perhaps also "smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols". It
+is simpler instead to just configure a certificate chain. Certificate-less
+operation is not recommended.
+RSA, DSA and ECDSA (Postfix >= 2.6) certificates are supported. Most sites only
+have RSA certificates. You can configure all three at the same time, in which
+case the ciphersuite negotiated with the remote SMTP client determines which
+certificate is used. If your DNS zone is signed, and you want to publish DANE
+TLSA (RFC 6698, RFC 7671, RFC 7672) records, these must match all of the
+configured certificate chains. Since the best practice is to publish "3 1 1"
+certificate associations, create a separate TLSA record to match each public-
+key certificate digest.
+CCrreeaattiinngg tthhee sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ffiillee
+To verify the Postfix SMTP server certificate, the remote SMTP client must
+receive the issuing CA certificates via the TLS handshake or via public-key
+infrastructure. This means that the Postfix server public-key certificate file
+must include the server certificate first, then the issuing CA(s) (bottom-up
+order). The Postfix SMTP server certificate must be usable as SSL server
+certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose sslserver ..." test.
+The examples that follow show how to create a server certificate file. We
+assume that the certificate for "" was issued by
+"intermediate CA" which itself has a certificate issued by "root CA".
+ * With legacy public CA trust verification, you can omit the root certificate
+ from the "server.pem" certificate file. If the client trusts the root CA,
+ it will already have a local copy of the root CA certificate. Omitting the
+ root CA certificate reduces the size of the server TLS handshake.
+ % ccaatt sseerrvveerr__cceerrtt..ppeemm iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee__CCAA..ppeemm >> sseerrvveerr..ppeemm
+ * If you publish DANE TLSA (RFC 6698, RFC 7671, RFC 7672) "2 0 1" or "2 1 1"
+ records to specify root CA certificate digests, you must include the
+ corresponding root CA certificates in the "server.pem" certificate file.
+ % ccaatt sseerrvveerr__cceerrtt..ppeemm iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee__CCAA..ppeemm rroooott..ppeemm >> sseerrvveerr..ppeemm
+ Remote SMTP clients will be able to use the TLSA record you publish (which
+ only contains the certificate digest) only if they have access to the
+ corresponding certificate. Failure to verify certificates per the server's
+ published TLSA records will typically cause the SMTP client to defer mail
+ delivery. The foregoing also applies to "2 0 2" and "2 1 2" TLSA records or
+ any other digest of a CA certificate, but it is expected that SHA256 will
+ be by far the most common digest for TLSA.
+ As a best practice, publish "3 1 1" TLSA associations that specify the
+ SHA256 digest of the server's public key. These continue to work unmodified
+ when a certificate is renewed with the same public/private key pair.
+For instructions on how to compute the digest of a certificate or its public
+key for use in TLSA records, see the documentation of the
+smtpd_tls_fingerprint_digest parameter.
+When a new key or certificate is generated, an additional TLSA record with the
+new digest must be published in advance of the actual deployment of the new key
+or certificate on the server. You must allow sufficient time for any TLSA
+RRsets with only the old digest to expire from DNS caches. The safest practice
+is to wait until the DNSSEC signature on the previous TLSA RRset expires, and
+only then switch the server to use new keys published in the updated TLSA
+RRset. Once the new certificate trust chain and private key are in effect, the
+DNS should be updated once again to remove the old digest from the TLSA RRset.
+If you want the Postfix SMTP server to accept remote SMTP client certificates
+issued by one or more root CAs, append the root certificate to
+$smtpd_tls_CAfile or install it in the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory.
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd kkeeyy ffiilleess
+Example: Postfix >= 3.4 all-in-one chain file(s). One or more chain files that
+start with a key that is immediately followed by the corresponding certificate
+and any additional issuer certificates. A single file can hold multiple (key,
+cert, [chain]) sequences, one per algorithm. It is typically simpler to keep
+the chain for each algorithm in its own file. Most users are likely to deploy
+just a single RSA chain, but with OpenSSL 1.1.1, it is possible to deploy up to
+five chains, one each for RSA, ECDSA, ED25519, ED448 and even the obsolete DSA.
+ # Postfix >= 3.4. Preferred configuration interface. Each file
+ # starts with the private key, followed by the corresponding
+ # certificate, and any intermediate issuer certificates. The root CA
+ # cert may also be needed when published as a DANE trust anchor.
+ #
+ smtpd_tls_chain_files =
+ /etc/postfix/rsa.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsa.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ed25519.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ed448.pem
+You can also store the keys separately from their certificates, again provided
+each is listed before the corresponding certificate chain. Storing a key and
+its associated certificate chain in separate files is not recommended, because
+this is prone to race conditions during key rollover, as there is no way to
+update multiple files atomically.
+ # Postfix >= 3.4.
+ # Storing keys separately from the associated certificates is not
+ # recommended.
+ smtpd_tls_chain_files =
+ /etc/postfix/rsakey.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/rsacerts.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsakey.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsacerts.pem
+The below examples show the legacy algorithm-specific configurations for
+Postfix 3.3 and older. With Postfix <= 3.3, even if the key is stored in the
+same file as the certificate, the file is read twice and a (brief) race
+condition still exists during key rollover. While Postfix >= 3.4 avoids the
+race when the key and certificate are in the same file, you should use the new
+"smtpd_tls_chain_files" interface shown above.
+RSA key and certificate examples:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/server.pem
+ smtpd_tls_key_file = $smtpd_tls_cert_file
+Their DSA counterparts:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/server-dsa.pem
+ smtpd_tls_dkey_file = $smtpd_tls_dcert_file
+Their ECDSA counterparts (Postfix >= 2.6 + OpenSSL >= 1.0.0):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Some clients will not be ECDSA capable, so you will likely still need
+ # an RSA certificate and private key.
+ #
+ smtpd_tls_eccert_file = /etc/postfix/server-ecdsa.pem
+ smtpd_tls_eckey_file = $smtpd_tls_eccert_file
+TLS without certificates for servers serving exclusively anonymous-cipher
+capable clients:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Not recommended: breaks TLS 1.3 and clients that don't support
+ # anonymous cipher suites.
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = none
+To verify a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP server needs to
+trust the certificates of the issuing Certification Authorities. These
+certificates in "PEM" format can be stored in a single $smtpd_tls_CAfile or in
+multiple files, one CA per file in the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory. If you use
+a directory, don't forget to create the necessary "hash" links with:
+ # $$OOPPEENNSSSSLL__HHOOMMEE//bbiinn//cc__rreehhaasshh //ppaatthh//ttoo//ddiirreeccttoorryy
+The $smtpd_tls_CAfile contains the CA certificates of one or more trusted CAs.
+The file is opened (with root privileges) before Postfix enters the optional
+chroot jail and so need not be accessible from inside the chroot jail.
+Additional trusted CAs can be specified via the $smtpd_tls_CApath directory, in
+which case the certificates are read (with $mail_owner privileges) from the
+files in the directory when the information is needed. Thus, the
+$smtpd_tls_CApath directory needs to be accessible inside the optional chroot
+When you configure the Postfix SMTP server to request client certificates, the
+DNs of Certification Authorities in $smtpd_tls_CAfile are sent to the client,
+in order to allow it to choose an identity signed by a CA you trust. If no
+$smtpd_tls_CAfile is specified, no preferred CA list is sent, and the client is
+free to choose an identity signed by any CA. Many clients use a fixed identity
+regardless of the preferred CA list and you may be able to reduce TLS
+negotiation overhead by installing client CA certificates mostly or only in
+$smtpd_tls_CApath. In the latter case you need not specify a $smtpd_tls_CAfile.
+Note, that unless client certificates are used to allow greater access to TLS
+authenticated clients, it is best to not ask for client certificates at all, as
+in addition to increased overhead some clients (notably in some cases qmail)
+are unable to complete the TLS handshake when client certificates are
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee ffoorrwwaarrdd--sseeccrreeccyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+If you want to take maximal advantage of ciphers that offer forward secrecy see
+the Getting started section of FORWARD_SECRECY_README. The full document
+conveniently presents all information about Postfix forward secrecy support in
+one place: what forward secrecy is, how to tweak settings, and what you can
+expect to see when Postfix uses ciphers with forward secrecy.
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee TTLLSS aaccttiivviittyy llooggggiinngg
+To get additional information about Postfix SMTP server TLS activity you can
+increase the log level from 0..4. Each logging level also includes the
+information that is logged at a lower logging level.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |LLeevveell|PPoossttffiixx 22..99 aanndd llaatteerr |EEaarrlliieerr rreelleeaasseess.. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |0 |Disable logging of TLS activity. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |1 |Log only a summary message on TLS |Log the summary message, peer |
+ | |handshake completion -- no logging|certificate summary information|
+ | |of client certificate trust-chain |and unconditionally log trust- |
+ | |verification errors if client |chain verification errors. |
+ | |certificate verification is not | |
+ | |required. | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |2 |Also log levels during TLS negotiation. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |3 |Also log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS negotiation process. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |4 |Also log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete transmission after|
+ | |STARTTLS. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+Use log level 3 only in case of problems. Use of log level 4 is strongly
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_loglevel = 0
+To include information about the protocol and cipher used as well as the client
+and issuer CommonName into the "Received:" message header, set the
+smtpd_tls_received_header variable to true. The default is no, as the
+information is not necessarily authentic. Only information recorded at the
+final destination is reliable, since the headers may be changed by intermediate
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
+EEnnaabblliinngg TTLLSS iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+By default, TLS is disabled in the Postfix SMTP server, so no difference to
+plain Postfix is visible. Explicitly switch it on with
+"smtpd_tls_security_level = may".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = may
+With this, the Postfix SMTP server announces STARTTLS support to remote SMTP
+clients, but does not require that clients use TLS encryption.
+Note: when an unprivileged user invokes "sendmail -bs", STARTTLS is never
+offered due to insufficient privileges to access the Postfix SMTP server
+private key. This is intended behavior.
+You can ENFORCE the use of TLS, so that the Postfix SMTP server announces
+STARTTLS and accepts no mail without TLS encryption, by setting
+"smtpd_tls_security_level = encrypt". According to RFC 2487 this MUST NOT be
+applied in case of a publicly-referenced Postfix SMTP server. This option is
+off by default and should only seldom be used.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = encrypt
+TLS is sometimes used in the non-standard "wrapper" mode where a server always
+uses TLS, instead of announcing STARTTLS support and waiting for remote SMTP
+clients to request TLS service. Some clients, namely Outlook [Express] prefer
+the "wrapper" mode. This is true for OE (Win32 < 5.0 and Win32 >=5.0 when run
+on a port<>25 and OE (5.01 Mac on all ports).
+It is strictly discouraged to use this mode from If you want to
+support this service, enable a special port in and specify "-
+o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes" (note: no space around the "=") as an smtpd(8)
+command line option. Port 465 (smtps) was once chosen for this feature.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtps inet n - n - - smtpd
+ -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
+CClliieenntt cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+To receive a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP server must
+explicitly ask for one (any contents of $smtpd_tls_CAfile are also sent to the
+client as a hint for choosing a certificate from a suitable CA). Unfortunately,
+Netscape clients will either complain if no matching client certificate is
+available or will offer the user client a list of certificates to choose from.
+Additionally some MTAs (notably some versions of qmail) are unable to complete
+TLS negotiation when client certificates are requested, and abort the SMTP
+session. So this option is "off" by default. You will however need the
+certificate if you want to use certificate based relaying with, for example,
+the permit_tls_clientcerts feature. A server that wants client certificates
+must first present its own certificate. While Postfix by default offers
+anonymous ciphers to remote SMTP clients, these are automatically suppressed
+when the Postfix SMTP server is configured to ask for client certificates.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = may
+When TLS is enforced you may also decide to REQUIRE a remote SMTP client
+certificate for all TLS connections, by setting "smtpd_tls_req_ccert = yes".
+This feature implies "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes". When TLS is not enforced,
+"smtpd_tls_req_ccert = yes" is ignored and a warning is logged.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_req_ccert = yes
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = encrypt
+The client certificate verification depth is specified with the
+smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth parameter. The default verification depth is 9 (the
+OpenSSL default), for compatibility with Postfix versions before 2.5 where
+smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth was ignored. When you configure trust in a root CA,
+it is not necessary to explicitly trust intermediary CAs signed by the root CA,
+unless $smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth is less than the number of CAs in the
+certificate chain for the clients of interest. With a verify depth of 1 you can
+only verify certificates directly signed by a trusted CA, and all trusted
+intermediary CAs need to be configured explicitly. With a verify depth of 2 you
+can verify clients signed by a root CA or a direct intermediary CA (so long as
+the client is correctly configured to supply its intermediate CA certificate).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth = 2
+SSuuppppoorrttiinngg AAUUTTHH oovveerr TTLLSS oonnllyy
+Sending AUTH data over an unencrypted channel poses a security risk. When TLS
+layer encryption is required ("smtpd_tls_security_level = encrypt"), the
+Postfix SMTP server will announce and accept AUTH only after the TLS layer has
+been activated with STARTTLS. When TLS layer encryption is optional
+("smtpd_tls_security_level = may"), it may however still be useful to only
+offer AUTH when TLS is active. To maintain compatibility with non-TLS clients,
+the default is to accept AUTH without encryption. In order to change this
+behavior, set "smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee TTLLSS sseessssiioonn ccaacchhee
+The Postfix SMTP server and the remote SMTP client negotiate a session, which
+takes some computer time and network bandwidth. SSL protocol versions other
+than SSLv2 support resumption of cached sessions. Not only is this more CPU and
+bandwidth efficient, it also reduces latency as only one network round-trip is
+used to resume a session while it takes two round-trips to create a session
+from scratch.
+Since Postfix uses multiple smtpd(8) service processes, an in-memory cache is
+not sufficient for session re-use. Clients store at most one cached session per
+server and are very unlikely to repeatedly connect to the same server process.
+Thus session caching in the Postfix SMTP server generally requires a shared
+cache (an alternative available with Postfix >= 2.11 is described below).
+To share the session information between multiple smtpd(8) processes, a session
+cache database is used. You can specify any database type that can store
+objects of several kbytes and that supports the sequence operator. DBM
+databases are not suitable because they can only store small objects. The cache
+is maintained by the tlsmgr(8) process, so there is no problem with concurrent
+access. Session caching is highly recommended, because the cost of repeatedly
+negotiating TLS session keys is high.
+Starting with Postfix 2.11, linked with a compatible OpenSSL library (at least
+0.9.8h, preferably 1.0.0 or later) the Postfix SMTP server supports RFC 5077
+TLS session resumption without server-side state when the remote SMTP client
+also supports RFC 5077. The session is encrypted by the server in a session
+ticket returned to client for storage. When a client sends a valid session
+ticket, the server decrypts it and resumes the session, provided neither the
+ticket nor the session have expired. This makes it possible to resume cached
+sessions without allocating space for a shared database on the server.
+Consequently, for Postfix >= 2.11 the smtpd_tls_session_cache_database
+parameter should generally be left empty. Session caching can be disabled by
+setting the session cache timeout to zero, otherwise the timeout must be at
+least 2 minutes and at most 100 days.
+Note, session tickets can only be negotiated if the client disables SSLv2 and
+does not use the legacy SSLv2 compatible HELLO message. This is true by default
+with the Postfix >= 2.6 SMTP client.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtpd_scache
+Note: as of version 2.5, Postfix no longer uses root privileges when opening
+this file. The file should now be stored under the Postfix-owned
+data_directory. As a migration aid, an attempt to open the file under a non-
+Postfix directory is redirected to the Postfix-owned data_directory, and a
+warning is logged.
+Cached Postfix SMTP server session information expires after a certain amount
+of time. Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL default of 300s, but a longer
+time of 3600sec (=1 hour). RFC 2246 recommends a maximum of 24 hours.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
+As of Postfix 2.11 this setting cannot exceed 100 days. If set <= 0, session
+caching is disabled. If set to a positive value less than 2 minutes, the
+minimum value of 2 minutes is used instead.
+When the Postfix SMTP server does not save TLS sessions to an external cache
+database, client-side session caching is unlikely to be useful. To reduce waste
+of client resources, the Postfix SMTP server can be configured to not issue TLS
+session ids. By default the Postfix SMTP server always issues TLS session ids.
+This works around known interoperability issues with some MUAs, and prevents
+possible interoperability issues with other MTAs.
+ smtpd_tls_always_issue_session_ids = no
+SSeerrvveerr aacccceessss ccoonnttrrooll
+Postfix TLS support introduces three additional features for Postfix SMTP
+server access control:
+ permit_tls_clientcerts
+ Allow the remote SMTP client request if the client certificate
+ fingerprint or certificate public key fingerprint (Postfix 2.9 and
+ later) is listed in the client certificate table (see relay_clientcerts
+ discussion below).
+ permit_tls_all_clientcerts
+ Allow the remote SMTP client request if the client certificate passes
+ trust chain verification. Useful with private-label CAs that only issue
+ certificates to trusted clients (and not otherwise).
+ check_ccert_access type:table
+ Use the remote SMTP client certificate fingerprint or public key
+ fingerprint (Postfix 2.9 and later) as the lookup key for the specified
+ access(5) table.
+The digest algorithm used to compute the client certificate fingerprints is
+specified with the smtpd_tls_fingerprint_digest parameter. The default
+is "md5", for compatibility with Postfix versions < 2.5.
+The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature must be used with caution, because it
+can result in too many access permissions. Use this feature only if a special
+CA issues the client certificates, and only if this CA is listed as trusted CA.
+If other CAs are trusted, any owner of a valid client certificate would be
+authorized. The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature can be practical for a
+specially created email relay server.
+It is however recommended to stay with the permit_tls_clientcerts feature and
+list all certificates via $relay_clientcerts, as permit_tls_all_clientcerts
+does not permit any control when a certificate must no longer be used (e.g. an
+employee leaving).
+ # With Postfix 2.10 and later, the mail relay policy is
+ # preferably specified under smtpd_relay_restrictions.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_relay_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ permit_tls_clientcerts
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ # Older configurations combine relay control and spam control under
+ # smtpd_recipient_restrictions. To use this example with Postfix >=
+ # 2.10 specify "smtpd_relay_restrictions=".
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
+ permit_mynetworks
+ permit_tls_clientcerts
+ reject_unauth_destination
+ ...other rules...
+Example: Postfix lookup tables are in the form of (key, value) pairs. Since we
+only need the key, the value can be chosen freely, e.g. the name of the user or
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay_clientcerts = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts
+ /etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts:
+ D7:04:2F:A7:0B:8C:A5:21:FA:31:77:E1:41:8A:EE:80
+To extract the public key fingerprint from an X.509 certificate, you need to
+extract the public key from the certificate and compute the appropriate digest
+of its DER (ASN.1) encoding. With OpenSSL the "-pubkey" option of the "x509"
+command extracts the public key always in "PEM" format. We pipe the result to
+another OpenSSL command that converts the key to DER and then to the "dgst"
+command to compute the fingerprint.
+The actual command to transform the key to DER format depends on the version of
+OpenSSL used. With OpenSSL 1.0.0 and later, the "pkey" command supports all key
+types. With OpenSSL 0.9.8 and earlier, the key type is always RSA (nobody uses
+DSA, and EC keys are not fully supported by 0.9.8), so the "rsa" command is
+ # OpenSSL 1.0 with all certificates and SHA-1 fingerprints.
+ $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -pubkey |
+ openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER |
+ openssl dgst -sha1 -c
+ (stdin)= 64:3f:1f:f6:e5:1e:d4:2a:56:8b:fc:09:1a:61:98:b5:bc:7c:60:58
+ # OpenSSL 0.9.8 with RSA certificates and MD5 fingerprints.
+ $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -pubkey |
+ openssl rsa -pubin -outform DER |
+ openssl dgst -md5 -c
+ (stdin)= f4:62:60:f6:12:8f:d5:8d:28:4d:13:a7:db:b2:ff:50
+Note: Postfix 2.9.0-2.9.5 computed the public key fingerprint incorrectly. To
+use public-key fingerprints, upgrade to Postfix 2.9.6 or later.
+SSeerrvveerr--ssiiddee cciipphheerr ccoonnttrroollss
+The Postfix SMTP server supports 5 distinct cipher grades as specified by the
+smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers configuration parameter, which determines the
+minimum cipher grade with mandatory TLS encryption. The default minimum cipher
+grade for mandatory TLS is "medium" which is essentially 128-bit encryption or
+better. The smtpd_tls_ciphers parameter (Postfix >= 2.6) controls the minimum
+cipher grade used with opportunistic TLS. Here, the default minimum cipher
+grade is "medium" for Postfix releases after the middle of 2015, "export" for
+older Postfix releases. With Postfix < 2.6, the minimum opportunistic TLS
+cipher grade is always "export".
+By default anonymous ciphers are enabled. They are automatically disabled when
+remote SMTP client certificates are requested. If clients are expected to
+always verify the Postfix SMTP server certificate you may want to disable
+anonymous ciphers by setting "smtpd_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = aNULL" or
+"smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers = aNULL", as appropriate. One can't force a remote
+SMTP client to check the server certificate, so excluding anonymous ciphers is
+generally unnecessary.
+With mandatory and opportunistic TLS encryption, the Postfix SMTP server by
+default disables SSLv2 and SSLv3 with Postfix releases after the middle of
+2015; older releases only disable SSLv2 for mandatory TLS. The mandatory TLS
+protocol list is specified via the smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols configuration
+parameter. The smtpd_tls_protocols parameter (Postfix >= 2.6) controls the SSL/
+TLS protocols used with opportunistic TLS.
+Note that the OpenSSL library only supports protocol exclusion (not inclusion).
+For this reason, Postfix can exclude only protocols that are known at the time
+the Postfix software is written. If new protocols are added to the OpenSSL
+library, they cannot be excluded without corresponding changes to the Postfix
+source code.
+For a server that is not a public Internet MX host, Postfix supports
+configurations with no server certificates that use oonnllyy the anonymous ciphers.
+This is enabled by explicitly setting "smtpd_tls_cert_file = none" and not
+specifying an smtpd_tls_dcert_file or smtpd_tls_eccert_file. Such
+configurations may not interoperate with some clients, and require that TLSv1.3
+be explicitly disabled. Therefore, they are not recommended, it is better and
+simpler to just configure a suitable certificate.
+Example, MSA that requires TLSv1 or higher, not SSLv2 or SSLv3, with high grade
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/cert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/key.pem
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers = high
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = aNULL, MD5
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = encrypt
+ # Preferred syntax with Postfix >= 2.5:
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3
+ # Legacy syntax:
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = TLSv1
+With Postfix >= 3.4, specify instead a single file that holds the key followed
+by the corresponding certificate and any associated issuing certificates,
+leaving the "smtpd_tls_cert_file" and "smtpd_tls_key_file" and related DSA and
+ECDSA parameters empty.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_tls_chain_files = /etc/postfix/rsachain.pem
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file =
+ smtpd_tls_key_file =
+ ...
+If you want to take maximal advantage of ciphers that offer forward secrecy see
+the Getting started section of FORWARD_SECRECY_README. The full document
+conveniently presents all information about Postfix forward secrecy support in
+one place: what forward secrecy is, how to tweak settings, and what you can
+expect to see when Postfix uses ciphers with forward secrecy.
+Postfix 2.8 and later, in combination with OpenSSL 0.9.7 and later allows TLS
+servers to preempt the TLS client's cipher-suite preference list. This is
+possible only with SSLv3 and later, as in SSLv2 the client chooses the cipher-
+suite from a list supplied by the server.
+By default, the OpenSSL server selects the client's most preferred cipher-suite
+that the server supports. With SSLv3 and later, the server may choose its own
+most preferred cipher-suite that is supported (offered) by the client. Setting
+"tls_preempt_cipherlist = yes" enables server cipher-suite preferences. The
+default OpenSSL behavior applies with "tls_preempt_cipherlist = no".
+While server cipher-suite selection may in some cases lead to a more secure or
+performant cipher-suite choice, there is some risk of interoperability issues.
+In the past, some SSL clients have listed lower priority ciphers that they did
+not implement correctly. If the server chooses a cipher that the client prefers
+less, it may select a cipher whose client implementation is flawed. Most
+notably Windows 2003 Microsoft Exchange servers have flawed implementations of
+DES-CBC3-SHA, which OpenSSL considers stronger than RC4-SHA. Enabling server
+cipher-suite selection may create interoperability issues with Windows 2003
+Microsoft Exchange clients.
+MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss sseerrvveerr ccoonnttrroollss
+The smtpd_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix SMTP server
+write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown handshake procedures.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_starttls_timeout = 300s
+With Postfix 2.8 and later, the tls_disable_workarounds parameter specifies a
+list or bit-mask of default-enabled OpenSSL bug work-arounds to disable. This
+may be necessary if one of the work-arounds enabled by default in OpenSSL
+proves to pose a security risk, or introduces an unexpected interoperability
+issue. The list of enabled bug work-arounds is OpenSSL-release-specific. See
+the tls_disable_workarounds parameter documentation for the list of supported
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_disable_workarounds = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ tls_disable_workarounds = CVE-2010-4180
+With Postfix >= 2.11, the tls_ssl_options parameter specifies a list or bit-
+mask of OpenSSL options to enable. Specify one or more of the named options
+below, or a hexadecimal bitmask of options found in the ssl.h file
+corresponding to the run-time OpenSSL library. While it may be reasonable to
+turn off all bug workarounds (see above), it is not a good idea to attempt to
+turn on all features. See the tls_ssl_options parameter documentation for the
+list of supported values.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_ssl_options = no_ticket, no_compression
+You should only enable features via the hexadecimal mask when the need to
+control the feature is critical (to deal with a new vulnerability or a serious
+interoperability problem). Postfix DOES NOT promise backwards compatible
+behavior with respect to the mask bits. A feature enabled via the mask in one
+release may be enabled by other means in a later release, and the mask bit will
+then be ignored. Therefore, use of the hexadecimal mask is only a temporary
+measure until a new Postfix or OpenSSL release provides a better solution.
+SSMMTTPP CClliieenntt ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+Topics covered in this section:
+ * Configuring TLS in the SMTP/LMTP client
+ * Client-side TLS activity logging
+ * Client-side certificate and private key configuration
+ * Client-side TLS connection reuse
+ * Client-side TLS session cache
+ * Client TLS limitations
+ * Per-destination TLS policy
+ * Discovering servers that support TLS
+ * Server certificate verification depth
+ * Client-side cipher controls
+ * Client-side SMTPS support
+ * Miscellaneous client controls
+CCoonnffiigguurriinngg TTLLSS iinn tthhee SSMMTTPP//LLMMTTPP cclliieenntt
+Similar to the Postfix SMTP server, the Postfix SMTP/LMTP client implements
+multiple TLS security levels. These levels are described in more detail in the
+sections that follow.
+ No TLS.
+ Opportunistic TLS.
+ Mandatory TLS encryption.
+ Opportunistic DANE TLS.
+ Mandatory DANE TLS.
+ Certificate fingerprint verification.
+ Mandatory server certificate verification.
+ Secure-channel TLS.
+TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt iinn tthhee LLMMTTPP ddeelliivveerryy aaggeenntt
+The smtp(8) and lmtp(8) delivery agents are implemented by a single dual-
+purpose program. Specifically, all the TLS features described below apply
+equally to SMTP and LMTP, after replacing the "smtp_" prefix of the each
+parameter name with "lmtp_".
+The Postfix LMTP delivery agent can communicate with LMTP servers listening on
+UNIX-domain sockets. When server certificate verification is enabled and the
+server is listening on a UNIX-domain socket, the $myhostname parameter is used
+to set the TLS verification nexthop and hostname.
+NOTE: Opportunistic encryption of LMTP traffic over UNIX-domain sockets or
+loopback TCP connections is futile. TLS is only useful in this context when it
+is mandatory, typically to allow at least one of the server or the client to
+authenticate the other. The "null" cipher grade may be appropriate in this
+context, when available on both client and server. The "null" ciphers provide
+authentication without encryption.
+NNoo TTLLSS eennccrryyppttiioonn
+At the "none" TLS security level, TLS encryption is disabled. This is the
+default security level, and can be configured explicitly by setting
+"smtp_tls_security_level = none". For LMTP, use the corresponding "lmtp_"
+Per-destination settings may override this default setting, in which case TLS
+is used selectively, only with destinations explicitly configured for TLS.
+You can disable TLS for a subset of destinations, while leaving it enabled for
+the rest. With the Postfix TLS policy table, specify the "none" security level.
+OOppppoorrttuunniissttiicc TTLLSS
+At the "may" TLS security level, TLS encryption is opportunistic. The SMTP
+transaction is encrypted if the STARTTLS ESMTP feature is supported by the
+server. Otherwise, messages are sent in the clear. Opportunistic TLS can be
+configured by setting "smtp_tls_security_level = may". For LMTP, use the
+corresponding "lmtp_" parameter.
+The "smtp_tls_ciphers" and "smtp_tls_protocols" configuration parameters
+(Postfix >= 2.6) provide control over the cipher grade and protocols used with
+opportunistic TLS. With earlier Postfix releases, opportunistic TLS always uses
+the cipher grade "export" and enables all protocols.
+With opportunistic TLS, mail delivery continues even if the server certificate
+is untrusted or bears the wrong name. When the TLS handshake fails for an
+opportunistic TLS session, rather than give up on mail delivery, the Postfix
+SMTP client retries the transaction with TLS disabled. Trying an unencrypted
+connection makes it possible to deliver mail to sites with non-interoperable
+server TLS implementations.
+Opportunistic encryption is never used for LMTP over UNIX-domain sockets. The
+communications channel is already confidential without TLS, so the only
+potential benefit of TLS is authentication. Do not configure opportunistic TLS
+for LMTP deliveries over UNIX-domain sockets. Only configure TLS for LMTP over
+UNIX-domain sockets at the encrypt security level or higher. Attempts to
+configure opportunistic encryption of LMTP sessions will be ignored with a
+warning written to the mail logs.
+You can enable opportunistic TLS just for selected destinations. With the
+Postfix TLS policy table, specify the "may" security level.
+This is the most common security level for TLS protected SMTP sessions,
+stronger security is not generally available and, if needed, is typically only
+configured on a per-destination basis. See the section on TLS limitations
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_security_level = may
+MMaannddaattoorryy TTLLSS eennccrryyppttiioonn
+At the "encrypt" TLS security level, messages are sent only over TLS encrypted
+sessions. The SMTP transaction is aborted unless the STARTTLS ESMTP feature is
+supported by the remote SMTP server. If no suitable servers are found, the
+message will be deferred. Mandatory TLS encryption can be configured by setting
+"smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt". Even though TLS encryption is always used,
+mail delivery continues even if the server certificate is untrusted or bears
+the wrong name. For LMTP, use the corresponding "lmtp_" parameter.
+At this security level and higher, the smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols and
+smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers configuration parameters determine the list of
+sufficiently secure SSL protocol versions and the minimum cipher strength. If
+the protocol or cipher requirements are not met, the mail transaction is
+aborted. The documentation for these parameters includes useful
+interoperability and security guidelines.
+Despite the potential for eliminating passive eavesdropping attacks, mandatory
+TLS encryption is not viable as a default security level for mail delivery to
+the public Internet. Some MX hosts do not support TLS at all, and some of those
+that do have broken implementations. On a host that delivers mail to the
+Internet, you should not configure mandatory TLS encryption as the default
+security level.
+You can enable mandatory TLS encryption just for specific destinations. With
+the Postfix TLS policy table, specify the "encrypt" security level.
+In the example below, traffic to and its sub-domains via the
+corresponding MX hosts always uses TLS. The SSLv2 protocol will be disabled
+(the default setting of smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols excludes SSLv2+3). Only
+high- or medium-strength (i.e. 128 bit or better) ciphers will be used by
+default for all "encrypt" security level sessions.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ encrypt
+ encrypt
+In the next example, secure message submission is configured via the MSA "
+[]:587". TLS sessions are encrypted without authentication, because
+this MSA does not possess an acceptable certificate. This MSA is known to be
+capable of "TLSv1" and "high" grade ciphers, so these are selected via the
+policy table.
+NNoottee:: the policy table lookup key is the verbatim next-hop specification from
+the recipient domain, transport(5) table or relayhost parameter, with any
+enclosing square brackets and optional port. Take care to be consistent: the
+suffixes ":smtp" or ":25" or no port suffix result in different policy table
+lookup keys, even though they are functionally equivalent nexthop
+specifications. Use at most one of these forms for all destinations. Below, the
+policy table has multiple keys, just in case the transport table entries are
+not specified consistently.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ /etc/services:
+ submission 587/tcp msa # mail message
+ submission
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ []:587 encrypt protocols=TLSv1 ciphers=high
+ []:msa encrypt protocols=TLSv1 ciphers=high
+ []:submission encrypt protocols=TLSv1 ciphers=high
+DDAANNEE TTLLSS aauutthheennttiiccaattiioonn..
+The Postfix SMTP client supports two TLS security levels based on DANE TLSA
+(RFC 6698, RFC 7671, RFC 7672) records. The opportunistic "dane" level and the
+mandatory "dane-only" level.
+The "dane" level is a stronger form of opportunistic TLS that is resistant to
+man in the middle and downgrade attacks when the destination domain uses DNSSEC
+to publish DANE TLSA records for its MX hosts. If a remote SMTP server has
+"usable" (see section 3 of RFC 7672) DANE TLSA records, the server connection
+will be authenticated. When DANE authentication fails, there is no fallback to
+unauthenticated or plaintext delivery.
+If TLSA records are published for a given remote SMTP server (implying TLS
+support), but are all "unusable" due to unsupported parameters or malformed
+data, the Postfix SMTP client will use mandatory unauthenticated TLS.
+Otherwise, when no TLSA records are published, the Postfix SMTP client behavior
+is the same as with may.
+TLSA records must be published in DNSSEC validated DNS zones. Any TLSA records
+in DNS zones not protected via DNSSEC are ignored. The Postfix SMTP client will
+not look for TLSA records associated with MX hosts whose "A" or "AAAA" records
+lie in an "insecure" DNS zone. Such lookups have been observed to cause
+interoperability issues with poorly implemented DNS servers, and are in any
+case not expected to ever yield "secure" results, since that would require a
+very unlikely DLV DNS trust anchor configured between the host record and the
+associated "_25._tcp" child TLSA record.
+The "dane-only" level is a form of secure-channel TLS based on the DANE PKI. If
+"usable" TLSA records are present these are used to authenticate the remote
+SMTP server. Otherwise, or when server certificate verification fails, delivery
+via the server in question tempfails.
+At both security levels, the TLS policy for the destination is obtained via
+TLSA records validated with DNSSEC. For TLSA policy to be in effect, the
+destination domain's containing DNS zone must be signed and the Postfix SMTP
+client's operating system must be configured to send its DNS queries to a
+recursive DNS nameserver that is able to validate the signed records. Each MX
+host's DNS zone needs to also be signed, and needs to publish DANE TLSA (see
+section 3 of RFC 7672) records that specify how that MX host's TLS certificate
+is to be verified.
+TLSA records do not preempt the normal SMTP MX host selection algorithm, if
+some MX hosts support TLSA and others do not, TLS security will vary from
+delivery to delivery. It is up to the domain owner to configure their MX hosts
+and their DNS sensibly. To configure the Postfix SMTP client for DNSSEC lookups
+see the documentation for the smtp_dns_support_level parameter. The
+tls_dane_digests parameter controls the list of supported digests.
+As explained in section 3 of RFC 7672, certificate usages "0" and "1", which
+are intended to "constrain" existing Web-PKI trust, are not supported with MTA-
+to-MTA SMTP. Rather, TLSA records with usages "0" and "1" are treated as
+The Postfix SMTP client supports only certificate usages "2" and "3".
+Experimental support for silently mapping certificate usage "1" to "3" has been
+withdrawn starting with Postfix 3.2.
+When usable TLSA records are obtained for the remote SMTP server the Postfix
+SMTP client sends the SNI TLS extension in its SSL client hello message. This
+may help the remote SMTP server live up to its promise to provide a certificate
+that matches its TLSA records.
+For purposes of protocol and cipher selection, the "dane" security level is
+treated like a "mandatory" TLS security level, and weak ciphers and protocols
+are disabled. Since DANE authenticates server certificates the "aNULL" cipher-
+suites are transparently excluded at this level, no need to configure this
+manually. RFC 7672 (DANE) TLS authentication is available with Postfix 2.11 and
+When a DANE TLSA record specifies a trust-anchor (TA) certificate (that is an
+issuing CA), the strategy used to verify the peername of the server certificate
+is unconditionally "nexthop, hostname". Both the nexthop domain and the
+hostname obtained from the DNSSEC-validated MX lookup are safe from forgery and
+the server certificate must contain at least one of these names.
+When a DANE TLSA record specifies an end-entity (EE) certificate, (that is the
+actual server certificate), as with the fingerprint security level below, no
+name checks or certificate expiration checks are applied. The server
+certificate (or its public key) either matches the DANE record or not. Server
+administrators should publish such EE records in preference to all other types.
+The pre-requisites for DANE support in the Postfix SMTP client are:
+ * A compile-time OpenSSL library that supports the TLS SNI extension and
+ "SHA-2" message digests.
+ * A compile-time DNS resolver library that supports DNSSEC. Postfix binaries
+ built on an older system will not support DNSSEC even if deployed on a
+ system with an updated resolver library.
+ * The "smtp_dns_support_level" must be set to "dnssec".
+ * The "smtp_host_lookup" parameter must include "dns".
+ * A DNSSEC-validating recursive resolver (see note below).
+The above client pre-requisites do not apply to the Postfix SMTP server. It
+will support DANE provided it supports TLSv1 and its TLSA records are published
+in a DNSSEC signed zone. To receive DANE secured mail for multiple domains, use
+the same hostname to add the server to each domain's MX records. There are no
+plans to implement SNI in the Postfix SMTP server.
+Note: The Postfix SMTP client's internal stub DNS resolver is DNSSEC-aware, but
+it does not itself validate DNSSEC records, rather it delegates DNSSEC
+validation to the operating system's configured recursive DNS nameserver. The
+Postfix DNS client relies on a secure channel to the resolver's cache for
+DNSSEC integrity, but does not support TSIG to protect the transmission channel
+between itself and the nameserver. Therefore, it is strongly recommended (DANE
+security guarantee void otherwise) that each MTA run a local DNSSEC-validating
+recursive resolver ("unbound" from is a reasonable choice)
+listening on the loopback interface, and that the system be configured to use
+only this local nameserver. The local nameserver may forward queries to an
+upstream recursive resolver on another host if desired.
+Note: When the operating system's recursive nameserver is not local, enabling
+EDNS0 expanded DNS packet sizes and turning on the DNSSEC "DO" bit in the DNS
+request and/or the new DNSSEC-specific records returned in the nameserver's
+replies may cause problems with older or buggy firewall and DNS server
+implementations. Therefore, Postfix does not enable DNSSEC by default. Since MX
+lookups happen before the security level is determined, DANE support is
+disabled for all destinations unless you set "smtp_dns_support_level = dnssec".
+To enable DNSSEC lookups selectively, define a new dedicated transport with a
+"-o smtp_dns_support_level=dnssec" override in and route selected
+domains to that transport. If DNSSEC proves to be sufficiently reliable for
+these domains, you can enable it for all destinations by changing the global
+smtp_dns_support_level in
+EExxaammppllee: "dane" security for selected destinations, with opportunistic TLS by
+default. This is the recommended configuration for early adopters.
+ * The "" destination uses DANE, but if TLSA records are not
+ present or are unusable, mail is deferred.
+ * The "" destination uses DANE if possible, but if no TLSA records
+ are found opportunistic TLS is used.
+ indexed = ${default_database_type}:${config_directory}/
+ #
+ # default: Opportunistic TLS with no DNSSEC lookups.
+ #
+ smtp_tls_security_level = may
+ smtp_dns_support_level = enabled
+ #
+ # Per-destination TLS policy
+ #
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = ${indexed}tls_policy
+ #
+ # default_transport = smtp, but some destinations are special:
+ #
+ transport_maps = ${indexed}transport
+ transport:
+ dane
+ dane
+ tls_policy:
+ dane-only
+ dane unix - - n - - smtp
+ -o smtp_dns_support_level=dnssec
+ -o smtp_tls_security_level=dane
+CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee ffiinnggeerrpprriinntt vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+At the fingerprint security level, no trusted Certification Authorities are
+used or required. The certificate trust chain, expiration date, etc., are not
+checked. Instead, the smtp_tls_fingerprint_cert_match parameter or the "match"
+attribute in the policy table lists the remote SMTP server certificate
+fingerprint or public key fingerprint. Certificate fingerprint verification is
+available with Postfix 2.5 and later, public-key fingerprint support is
+available with Postfix 2.9 and later.
+If certificate fingerprints are exchanged securely, this is the strongest, and
+least scalable security level. The administrator needs to securely collect the
+fingerprints of the X.509 certificates of each peer server, store them into a
+local file, and update this local file whenever the peer server's public
+certificate changes. If public key fingerprints are used in place of
+fingerprints of the entire certificate, the fingerprints remain valid even
+after the certificate is renewed, pprroovviiddeedd that the same public/private keys
+are used to obtain the new certificate.
+Fingerprint verification may be feasible for an SMTP "VPN" connecting a small
+number of branch offices over the Internet, or for secure connections to a
+central mail hub. It works poorly if the remote SMTP server is managed by a
+third party, and its public certificate changes periodically without prior
+coordination with the verifying site.
+The digest algorithm used to calculate the fingerprint is selected by the
+ssmmttpp__ttllss__ffiinnggeerrpprriinntt__ddiiggeesstt parameter. In the policy table multiple
+fingerprints can be combined with a "|" delimiter in a single match attribute,
+or multiple match attributes can be employed. The ":" character is not used as
+a delimiter as it occurs between each pair of fingerprint (hexadecimal) digits.
+Example: fingerprint TLS security with an internal mailhub. Two matching
+fingerprints are listed. The relayhost may be multiple physical hosts behind a
+load-balancer, each with its own private/public key and self-signed
+certificate. Alternatively, a single relayhost may be in the process of
+switching from one set of private/public keys to another, and both keys are
+trusted just prior to the transition.
+ relayhost = []
+ smtp_tls_security_level = fingerprint
+ smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = md5
+ smtp_tls_fingerprint_cert_match =
+ 3D:95:34:51:24:66:33:B9:D2:40:99:C0:C1:17:0B:D1
+ EC:3B:2D:B0:5B:B1:FB:6D:20:A3:9D:72:F6:8D:12:35
+Example: Certificate fingerprint verification with selected destinations. As in
+the example above, we show two matching fingerprints:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = md5
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ fingerprint
+ match=3D:95:34:51:24:66:33:B9:D2:40:99:C0:C1:17:0B:D1
+ match=EC:3B:2D:B0:5B:B1:FB:6D:20:A3:9D:72:F6:8D:12:35
+To extract the public key fingerprint from an X.509 certificate, you need to
+extract the public key from the certificate and compute the appropriate digest
+of its DER (ASN.1) encoding. With OpenSSL the "-pubkey" option of the "x509"
+command extracts the public key always in "PEM" format. We pipe the result to
+another OpenSSL command that converts the key to DER and then to the "dgst"
+command to compute the fingerprint.
+The actual command to transform the key to DER format depends on the version of
+OpenSSL used. With OpenSSL 1.0.0 and later, the "pkey" command supports all key
+types. With OpenSSL 0.9.8 and earlier, the key type is always RSA (nobody uses
+DSA, and EC keys are not fully supported by 0.9.8), so the "rsa" command is
+ # OpenSSL 1.0 with all certificates and SHA-1 fingerprints.
+ $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -pubkey |
+ openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER |
+ openssl dgst -sha1 -c
+ (stdin)= 64:3f:1f:f6:e5:1e:d4:2a:56:8b:fc:09:1a:61:98:b5:bc:7c:60:58
+ # OpenSSL 0.9.8 with RSA certificates and MD5 fingerprints.
+ $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -pubkey |
+ openssl rsa -pubin -outform DER |
+ openssl dgst -md5 -c
+ (stdin)= f4:62:60:f6:12:8f:d5:8d:28:4d:13:a7:db:b2:ff:50
+Note: Postfix 2.9.0-2.9.5 computed the public key fingerprint incorrectly. To
+use public-key fingerprints, upgrade to Postfix 2.9.6 or later.
+MMaannddaattoorryy sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+At the verify TLS security level, messages are sent only over TLS encrypted
+sessions if the remote SMTP server certificate is valid (not expired or
+revoked, and signed by a trusted Certification Authority) and where the server
+certificate name matches a known pattern. Mandatory server certificate
+verification can be configured by setting "smtp_tls_security_level = verify".
+The smtp_tls_verify_cert_match parameter can override the default "hostname"
+certificate name matching strategy. Fine-tuning the matching strategy is
+generally only appropriate for secure-channel destinations. For LMTP use the
+corresponding "lmtp_" parameters.
+If the server certificate chain is trusted (see smtp_tls_CAfile and
+smtp_tls_CApath), any DNS names in the SubjectAlternativeName certificate
+extension are used to verify the remote SMTP server name. If no DNS names are
+specified, the certificate CommonName is checked. If you want mandatory
+encryption without server certificate verification, see above.
+With Postfix >= 2.11 the "smtp_tls_trust_anchor_file" parameter or more
+typically the corresponding per-destination "tafile" attribute optionally
+modifies trust chain verification. If the parameter is not empty the root CAs
+in CAfile and CApath are no longer trusted. Rather, the Postfix SMTP client
+will only trust certificate-chains signed by one of the trust-anchors contained
+in the chosen files. The specified trust-anchor certificates and public keys
+are not subject to expiration, and need not be (self-signed) root CAs. They
+may, if desired, be intermediate certificates. Therefore, these certificates
+also may be found "in the middle" of the trust chain presented by the remote
+SMTP server, and any untrusted issuing parent certificates will be ignored.
+Despite the potential for eliminating "man-in-the-middle" and other attacks,
+mandatory certificate trust chain and subject name verification is not viable
+as a default Internet mail delivery policy. Some MX hosts do not support TLS at
+all, and a significant portion of TLS-enabled MTAs use self-signed
+certificates, or certificates that are signed by a private Certification
+Authority. On a machine that delivers mail to the Internet, you should not
+configure mandatory server certificate verification as a default policy.
+Mandatory server certificate verification as a default security level may be
+appropriate if you know that you will only connect to servers that support RFC
+2487 and that present verifiable server certificates. An example would be a
+client that sends all email to a central mailhub that offers the necessary
+STARTTLS support. In such cases, you can often use a secure-channel
+configuration instead.
+You can enable mandatory server certificate verification just for specific
+destinations. With the Postfix TLS policy table, specify the "verify" security
+In this example, the Postfix SMTP client encrypts all traffic to the domain. The peer hostname is verified, but verification is
+vulnerable to DNS response forgery. Mail transmission to recipients
+uses "high" grade ciphers.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ indexed = ${default_database_type}:${config_directory}/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = ${config_directory}/CAfile.pem
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = ${indexed}tls_policy
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ verify ciphers=high
+SSeeccuurree sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn
+At the secure TLS security level, messages are sent only over secure-channel
+TLS sessions where DNS forgery resistant server certificate verification
+succeeds. If no suitable servers are found, the message will be deferred.
+Postfix secure-channels can be configured by setting "smtp_tls_security_level =
+secure". The smtp_tls_secure_cert_match parameter can override the default
+"nexthop, dot-nexthop" certificate match strategy. For LMTP, use the
+corresponding "lmtp_" parameters.
+If the server certificate chain is trusted (see smtp_tls_CAfile and
+smtp_tls_CApath), any DNS names in the SubjectAlternativeName certificate
+extension are used to verify the remote SMTP server name. If no DNS names are
+specified, the CommonName is checked. If you want mandatory encryption without
+server certificate verification, see above.
+With Postfix >= 2.11 the "smtp_tls_trust_anchor_file" parameter or more
+typically the corresponding per-destination "tafile" attribute optionally
+modifies trust chain verification. If the parameter is not empty the root CAs
+in CAfile and CApath are no longer trusted. Rather, the Postfix SMTP client
+will only trust certificate-chains signed by one of the trust-anchors contained
+in the chosen files. The specified trust-anchor certificates and public keys
+are not subject to expiration, and need not be (self-signed) root CAs. They
+may, if desired, be intermediate certificates. Therefore, these certificates
+also may be found "in the middle" of the trust chain presented by the remote
+SMTP server, and any untrusted issuing parent certificates will be ignored.
+Despite the potential for eliminating "man-in-the-middle" and other attacks,
+mandatory secure server certificate verification is not viable as a default
+Internet mail delivery policy. Some MX hosts do not support TLS at all, and a
+significant portion of TLS-enabled MTAs use self-signed certificates, or
+certificates that are signed by a private Certification Authority. On a machine
+that delivers mail to the Internet, you should not configure secure TLS
+verification as a default policy.
+Mandatory secure server certificate verification as a default security level
+may be appropriate if you know that you will only connect to servers that
+support RFC 2487 and that present verifiable server certificates. An example
+would be a client that sends all email to a central mailhub that offers the
+necessary STARTTLS support.
+You can enable secure TLS verification just for specific destinations. With the
+Postfix TLS policy table, specify the "secure" security level.
+ * Secure-channel TLS without transport(5) table overrides:
+ The Postfix SMTP client will encrypt all traffic and verify the destination
+ name immune from forged DNS responses. MX lookups are still used to find
+ the hostnames of the SMTP servers for, but these hostnames are
+ not used when checking the names in the server certificate(s). Rather, the
+ requirement is that the MX hosts for have trusted certificates
+ with a subject name of or a sub-domain, see the documentation
+ for the smtp_tls_secure_cert_match parameter.
+ The related domains and are hosted on the same
+ MX hosts as the primary domain, and traffic to these is secured
+ by verifying the primary domain in the server certificates.
+ This frees the server administrator from needing the CA to sign
+ certificates that list all the secondary domains. The downside is that
+ clients that want secure channels to the secondary domains need explicit
+ TLS policy table entries.
+ Note, there are two ways to handle related domains. The first is to use the
+ default routing for each domain, but add policy table entries to override
+ the expected certificate subject name. The second is to override the next-
+ hop in the transport table, and use a single policy table entry for the
+ common nexthop. We choose the first approach, because it works better when
+ domain ownership changes. With the second approach we securely deliver mail
+ to the wrong destination, with the first approach, authentication fails and
+ mail stays in the local queue, the first approach is more appropriate in
+ most cases.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAfile.pem
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ secure
+ secure
+ secure
+ * Secure-channel TLS with transport(5) table overrides:
+ In this case traffic to and its related domains is sent to a
+ single logical gateway (to avoid a single point of failure, its name may
+ resolve to one or more load-balancer addresses, or to the combined
+ addresses of multiple physical hosts). All the physical hosts reachable via
+ the gateway's IP addresses have the logical gateway name listed in their
+ certificates.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAfile.pem
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ smtp:[]
+ smtp:[]
+ smtp:[]
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ [] secure
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee TTLLSS aaccttiivviittyy llooggggiinngg
+To get additional information about Postfix SMTP client TLS activity you can
+increase the loglevel from 0..4. Each logging level also includes the
+information that is logged at a lower logging level.
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |LLeevveell|PPoossttffiixx 22..99 aanndd llaatteerr |EEaarrlliieerr rreelleeaasseess.. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |0 |Disable logging of TLS activity. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |1 |Log only a summary message on TLS |Log the summary message and |
+ | |handshake completion -- no logging|unconditionally log trust-chain|
+ | |of remote SMTP server certificate |verification errors. |
+ | |trust-chain verification errors if| |
+ | |server certificate verification is| |
+ | |not required. | |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |2 |Also log levels during TLS negotiation. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |3 |Also log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS negotiation process. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |4 |Also log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete transmission after|
+ | |STARTTLS. |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_loglevel = 0
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aanndd pprriivvaattee kkeeyy ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
+Do not configure Postfix SMTP client certificates unless you mmuusstt present
+client TLS certificates to one or more servers. Client certificates are not
+usually needed, and can cause problems in configurations that work well without
+them. The recommended setting is to let the defaults stand:
+ smtp_tls_cert_file =
+ smtp_tls_dcert_file =
+ smtp_tls_key_file =
+ smtp_tls_dkey_file =
+ # Postfix >= 2.6
+ smtp_tls_eccert_file =
+ smtp_tls_eckey_file =
+ # Postfix >= 3.4
+ smtp_tls_chain_files =
+The best way to use the default settings is to comment out the above parameters
+in if present.
+During TLS startup negotiation the Postfix SMTP client may present a
+certificate to the remote SMTP server. Browsers typically let the user select
+among the certificates that match the CA names indicated by the remote SMTP
+server. The Postfix SMTP client does not yet have a mechanism to select from
+multiple candidate certificates on the fly, and supports a single set of
+certificates (at most one per public key algorithm).
+RSA, DSA and ECDSA (Postfix >= 2.6) certificates are supported. You can
+configure all three at the same time, in which case the cipher used determines
+which certificate is presented.
+It is possible for the Postfix SMTP client to use the same key/certificate pair
+as the Postfix SMTP server. If a certificate is to be presented, it must be in
+"PEM" format. The private key must not be encrypted, meaning: it must be
+accessible without password. Both parts (certificate and private key) may be in
+the same file.
+With OpenSSL 1.1.1 and Postfix >= 3.4 it is also possible to configure Ed25519
+and Ed448 certificates. Rather than add two more pairs of key and certificate
+parameters, Postfix 3.4 introduces a new "smtp_tls_chain_files" parameter which
+specifies all the configured certificates at once, and handles files that hold
+both the key and the associated certificates in one pass, thereby avoiding
+potential race conditions during key rollover.
+To enable remote SMTP servers to verify the Postfix SMTP client certificate,
+the issuing CA certificates must be made available to the server. You should
+include the required certificates in the client certificate file, the client
+certificate first, then the issuing CA(s) (bottom-up order).
+Example: the certificate for "" was issued by "intermediate
+CA" which itself has a certificate issued by "root CA". As the "root" super-
+user create the client.pem file with:
+ # uummaasskk 007777
+ # ccaatt cclliieenntt__kkeeyy..ppeemm cclliieenntt__cceerrtt..ppeemm iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee__CCAA..ppeemm >> cchhaaiinn..ppeemm
+A Postfix SMTP client certificate supplied here must be usable as SSL client
+certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose sslclient ..." test.
+A server that trusts the root CA has a local copy of the root CA certificate,
+so it is not necessary to include the root CA certificate here. Leaving it out
+of the "chain.pem" file reduces the overhead of the TLS exchange.
+If you want the Postfix SMTP client to accept remote SMTP server certificates
+issued by these CAs, append the root certificate to $smtp_tls_CAfile or install
+it in the $smtp_tls_CApath directory.
+Example: Postfix >= 3.4 all-in-one chain file(s). One or more chain files that
+start with a key that is immediately followed by the corresponding certificate
+and any additional issuer certificates. A single file can hold multiple (key,
+cert, [chain]) sequences, one per algorithm. It is typically simpler to keep
+the chain for each algorithm in its own file. Most users are likely to deploy
+at most a single RSA chain, but with OpenSSL 1.1.1, it is possible to deploy up
+five chains, one each for RSA, ECDSA, ED25519, ED448 and even the obsolete DSA.
+ # Postfix >= 3.4. Preferred configuration interface. Each file
+ # starts with the private key, followed by the corresponding
+ # certificate, and any intermediate issuer certificates.
+ #
+ smtp_tls_chain_files =
+ /etc/postfix/rsa.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsa.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ed25519.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ed448.pem
+You can also store the keys separately from their certificates, again provided
+each is listed before the corresponding certificate chain. Storing a key and
+its associated certificate chain in separate files is not recommended, because
+this is prone to race conditions during key rollover, as there is no way to
+update multiple files atomically.
+ # Postfix >= 3.4.
+ # Storing keys separately from the associated certificates is not
+ # recommended.
+ smtp_tls_chain_files =
+ /etc/postfix/rsakey.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/rsacerts.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsakey.pem,
+ /etc/postfix/ecdsacerts.pem
+The below examples show the legacy algorithm-specific configurations for
+Postfix 3.3 and older. With Postfix <= 3.3, even if the key is stored in the
+same file as the certificate, the file is read twice and a (brief) race
+condition still exists during key rollover. While Postfix >= 3.4 avoids the
+race when the key and certificate are in the same file, you should use the new
+"smtp_tls_chain_files" interface shown above.
+RSA key and certificate examples:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/client.pem
+ smtp_tls_key_file = $smtp_tls_cert_file
+Their DSA counterparts:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/client-dsa.pem
+ smtp_tls_dkey_file = $smtp_tls_dcert_file
+Their ECDSA counterparts (Postfix >= 2.6 + OpenSSL >= 1.0.0):
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_eccert_file = /etc/postfix/client-ecdsa.pem
+ smtp_tls_eckey_file = $smtp_tls_eccert_file
+To verify a remote SMTP server certificate, the Postfix SMTP client needs to
+trust the certificates of the issuing Certification Authorities. These
+certificates in "pem" format can be stored in a single $smtp_tls_CAfile or in
+multiple files, one CA per file in the $smtp_tls_CApath directory. If you use a
+directory, don't forget to create the necessary "hash" links with:
+ # $$OOPPEENNSSSSLL__HHOOMMEE//bbiinn//cc__rreehhaasshh //ppaatthh//ttoo//ddiirreeccttoorryy
+The $smtp_tls_CAfile contains the CA certificates of one or more trusted CAs.
+The file is opened (with root privileges) before Postfix enters the optional
+chroot jail and so need not be accessible from inside the chroot jail.
+Additional trusted CAs can be specified via the $smtp_tls_CApath directory, in
+which case the certificates are read (with $mail_owner privileges) from the
+files in the directory when the information is needed. Thus, the
+$smtp_tls_CApath directory needs to be accessible inside the optional chroot
+The choice between $smtp_tls_CAfile and $smtp_tls_CApath is a space/time
+tradeoff. If there are many trusted CAs, the cost of preloading them all into
+memory may not pay off in reduced access time when the certificate is needed.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem
+ smtp_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee TTLLSS ccoonnnneeccttiioonn rreeuussee
+Historically, the Postfix SMTP client has supported multiple deliveries per
+plaintext connection. Postfix 3.4 introduces support for multiple deliveries
+per TLS-encrypted connection. Multiple deliveries per connection improve mail
+delivery performance, especially for destinations that throttle clients that
+don't combine deliveries.
+To enable multiple deliveries per TLS connection, specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_connection_reuse = yes
+Alternatively, specify the attribute "connection_reuse=yes" in an
+smtp_tls_policy_maps entry.
+The implementation of TLS connection reuse relies on the same scache(8) service
+as used for delivering plaintext SMTP mail, the same tlsproxy(8) daemon as used
+by the postscreen(8) service, and relies on the same hints from the qmgr(8)
+daemon. See "Postfix Connection Cache" for a description of the underlying
+connection reuse infrastructure.
+Initial SMTP handshake:
+ smtp(8) -> remote SMTP server
+Reused SMTP/TLS connection, or new SMTP/TLS connection:
+ smtp(8) -> tlsproxy(8) -> remote SMTP server
+Cached SMTP/TLS connection:
+ scache(8) -> tlsproxy(8) -> remote SMTP server
+As of Postfix 3.4, TLS connection reuse is disabled by default. This may change
+once the impact on over-all performance is understood.
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee TTLLSS sseessssiioonn ccaacchhee
+The remote SMTP server and the Postfix SMTP client negotiate a session, which
+takes some computer time and network bandwidth. By default, this session
+information is cached only in the smtp(8) process actually using this session
+and is lost when the process terminates. To share the session information
+between multiple smtp(8) processes, a persistent session cache can be used. You
+can specify any database type that can store objects of several kbytes and that
+supports the sequence operator. DBM databases are not suitable because they can
+only store small objects. The cache is maintained by the tlsmgr(8) process, so
+there is no problem with concurrent access. Session caching is highly
+recommended, because the cost of repeatedly negotiating TLS session keys is
+high. Future Postfix SMTP servers may limit the number of sessions that a
+client is allowed to negotiate per unit time.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtp_scache
+Note: as of version 2.5, Postfix no longer uses root privileges when opening
+this file. The file should now be stored under the Postfix-owned
+data_directory. As a migration aid, an attempt to open the file under a non-
+Postfix directory is redirected to the Postfix-owned data_directory, and a
+warning is logged.
+Cached Postfix SMTP client session information expires after a certain amount
+of time. Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL default of 300s, but a longer
+time of 3600s (=1 hour). RFC 2246 recommends a maximum of 24 hours.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
+As of Postfix 2.11 this setting cannot exceed 100 days. If set <= 0, session
+caching is disabled. If set to a positive value less than 2 minutes, the
+minimum value of 2 minutes is used instead.
+CClliieenntt TTLLSS lliimmiittaattiioonnss
+The security properties of TLS communication channels are application specific.
+While the TLS protocol can provide a confidential, tamper-resistant, mutually
+authenticated channel between client and server, not all of these security
+features are applicable to every communication.
+For example, while mutual TLS authentication between browsers and web servers
+is possible, it is not practical, or even useful, for web-servers that serve
+the public to verify the identity of every potential user. In practice, most
+HTTPS transactions are asymmetric: the browser verifies the HTTPS server's
+identity, but the user remains anonymous. Much of the security policy is up to
+the client. If the client chooses to not verify the server's name, the server
+is not aware of this. There are many interesting browser security topics, but
+we shall not dwell on them here. Rather, our goal is to understand the security
+features of TLS in conjunction with SMTP.
+An important SMTP-specific observation is that a public MX host is even more at
+the mercy of the SMTP client than is an HTTPS server. Not only can it not
+enforce due care in the client's use of TLS, but it cannot even enforce the use
+of TLS, because TLS support in SMTP clients is still the exception rather than
+the rule. One cannot, in practice, limit access to one's MX hosts to just TLS-
+enabled clients. Such a policy would result in a vast reduction in one's
+ability to communicate by email with the world at large.
+One may be tempted to try enforcing TLS for mail from specific sending
+organizations, but this, too, runs into obstacles. One such obstacle is that we
+don't know who is (allegedly) sending mail until we see the "MAIL FROM:" SMTP
+command, and at that point, if TLS is not already in use, a potentially
+sensitive sender address (and with SMTP PIPELINING one or more of the
+recipients) has (have) already been leaked in the clear. Another obstacle is
+that mail from the sender to the recipient may be forwarded, and the forwarding
+organization may not have any security arrangements with the final destination.
+Bounces also need to be protected. These can only be identified by the IP
+address and HELO name of the connecting client, and it is difficult to keep
+track of all the potential IP addresses or HELO names of the outbound email
+servers of the sending organization.
+Consequently, TLS security for mail delivery to public MX hosts is almost
+entirely the client's responsibility. The server is largely a passive enabler
+of TLS security, the rest is up to the client. While the server has a greater
+opportunity to mandate client security policy when it is a dedicated MSA that
+only handles outbound mail from trusted clients, below we focus on the client
+security policy.
+On the SMTP client, there are further complications. When delivering mail to a
+given domain, in contrast to HTTPS, one rarely uses the domain name directly as
+the target host of the SMTP session. More typically, one uses MX lookups -
+- these are usually unauthenticated -- to obtain the domain's SMTP server
+hostname(s). When, as is current practice, the client verifies the insecurely
+obtained MX hostname, it is subject to a DNS man-in-the-middle attack.
+Adoption of DNSSEC and RFC6698 (DANE) may gradually (as domains implement
+DNSSEC and publish TLSA records for their MX hosts) address the DNS man-in-the-
+middle risk and provide scalable key management for SMTP with TLS. Postfix >=
+2.11 supports the new dane and dane-only security levels that take advantage of
+these standards.
+If clients instead attempted to verify the recipient domain name, an SMTP
+server for multiple domains would need to list all its email domain names in
+its certificate, and generate a new certificate each time a new domain were
+added. At least some CAs set fairly low limits (20 for one prominent CA) on the
+number of names that server certificates can contain. This approach is not
+consistent with current practice and does not scale.
+It is regrettably the case that TLS secure-channels (fully authenticated and
+immune to man-in-the-middle attacks) impose constraints on the sending and
+receiving sites that preclude ubiquitous deployment. One needs to manually
+configure this type of security for each destination domain, and in many cases
+implement non-default TLS policy table entries for additional domains hosted at
+a common secured destination. For these reasons secure-channel configurations
+will never be the norm. For the generic domain with which you have made no
+specific security arrangements, this security level is not a good fit.
+Given that strong authentication is not generally possible, and that verifiable
+certificates cost time and money, many servers that implement TLS use self-
+signed certificates or private CAs. This further limits the applicability of
+verified TLS on the public Internet.
+Historical note: while the documentation of these issues and many of the
+related features were new with Postfix 2.3, the issue was well understood
+before Postfix 1.0, when Lutz Ja"nicke was designing the first unofficial
+Postfix TLS patch. See his original post
+archive/msg00304.html and the first response
+mail-archive/msg00305.html. The problem is not even unique to SMTP or even TLS,
+similar issues exist for secure connections via aliases for HTTPS and Kerberos.
+SMTP merely uses indirect naming (via MX records) more frequently.
+TTLLSS ppoolliiccyy ttaabbllee
+A small fraction of servers offer STARTTLS but the negotiation consistently
+fails. As long as encryption is not mandatory, the Postfix SMTP client retries
+the delivery immediately with TLS disabled, without any need to explicitly
+disable TLS for the problem destinations.
+The policy table is specified via the smtp_tls_policy_maps parameter. This
+lists optional lookup tables with the Postfix SMTP client TLS security policy
+by next-hop destination.
+The TLS policy table is indexed by the full next-hop destination, which is
+either the recipient domain, or the verbatim next-hop specified in the
+transport table, $local_transport, $virtual_transport, $relay_transport or
+$default_transport. This includes any enclosing square brackets and any non-
+default destination server port suffix. The LMTP socket type prefix (inet: or
+unix:) is not included in the lookup key.
+Only the next-hop domain, or $myhostname with LMTP over UNIX-domain sockets, is
+used as the nexthop name for certificate verification. The port and any
+enclosing square brackets are used in the table lookup key, but are not used
+for server name verification.
+When the lookup key is a domain name without enclosing square brackets or any :
+port suffix (typically the recipient domain), and the full domain is not found
+in the table, just as with the transport(5) table, the parent domain starting
+with a leading "." is matched recursively. This allows one to specify a
+security policy for a recipient domain and all its sub-domains.
+The lookup result is a security level, followed by an optional list of
+whitespace and/or comma separated name=value attributes that override related settings. The TLS security levels are described above. Below, we
+describe the corresponding table syntax:
+ No TLS. No additional attributes are supported at this level.
+ Opportunistic TLS. The optional "ciphers", "exclude" and "protocols"
+ attributes (available for opportunistic TLS with Postfix >= 2.6) override
+ the "smtp_tls_ciphers", "smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers" and "smtp_tls_protocols"
+ configuration parameters. At this level and higher, the optional
+ "servername" attribute (available with Postfix >= 3.4) overrides the global
+ "smtp_tls_servername" parameter, enabling per-destination configuration of
+ the SNI extension sent to the remote SMTP server.
+ Mandatory encryption. Mail is delivered only if the remote SMTP server
+ offers STARTTLS and the TLS handshake succeeds. At this level and higher,
+ the optional "protocols" attribute overrides the
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols parameter, the optional "ciphers" attribute
+ overrides the smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers parameter, and the
+ optional "exclude" attribute (Postfix >= 2.6) overrides the
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers parameter.
+ Opportunistic DANE TLS. The TLS policy for the destination is obtained via
+ TLSA records in DNSSEC. If no TLSA records are found, the effective
+ security level used is may. If TLSA records are found, but none are usable,
+ the effective security level is encrypt. When usable TLSA records are
+ obtained for the remote SMTP server, SSLv2+3 are automatically disabled
+ (see smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols), and the server certificate must match
+ the TLSA records. RFC 7672 (DANE) TLS authentication and DNSSEC support is
+ available with Postfix 2.11 and later.
+ Mandatory DANE TLS. The TLS policy for the destination is obtained via TLSA
+ records in DNSSEC. If no TLSA records are found, or none are usable, no
+ connection is made to the server. When usable TLSA records are obtained for
+ the remote SMTP server, SSLv2+3 are automatically disabled (see
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols), and the server certificate must match the
+ TLSA records. RFC 7672 (DANE) TLS authentication and DNSSEC support is
+ available with Postfix 2.11 and later.
+ Certificate fingerprint verification. Available with Postfix 2.5 and later.
+ At this security level, there are no trusted Certification Authorities. The
+ certificate trust chain, expiration date, ... are not checked. Instead, the
+ optional mmaattcchh attribute, or else the
+ ssmmttpp__ttllss__ffiinnggeerrpprriinntt__cceerrtt__mmaattcchh parameter, lists the server certificate
+ fingerprints or public key fingerprints (Postfix 2.9 and later). The digest
+ algorithm used to calculate fingerprints is selected by the
+ ssmmttpp__ttllss__ffiinnggeerrpprriinntt__ddiiggeesstt parameter. Multiple fingerprints can be
+ combined with a "|" delimiter in a single match attribute, or multiple
+ match attributes can be employed. The ":" character is not used as a
+ delimiter as it occurs between each pair of fingerprint (hexadecimal)
+ digits.
+ Mandatory server certificate verification. Mail is delivered only if the
+ TLS handshake succeeds, if the remote SMTP server certificate can be
+ validated (not expired or revoked, and signed by a trusted Certification
+ Authority), and if the server certificate name matches the optional "match"
+ attribute (or the smtp_tls_verify_cert_match parameter value when
+ no optional "match" attribute is specified). With Postfix >= 2.11 the
+ "tafile" attribute optionally modifies trust chain verification in the same
+ manner as the "smtp_tls_trust_anchor_file" parameter. The "tafile"
+ attribute may be specified multiple times to load multiple trust-anchor
+ files.
+ Secure certificate verification. Mail is delivered only if the TLS
+ handshake succeeds, if the remote SMTP server certificate can be validated
+ (not expired or revoked, and signed by a trusted Certification Authority),
+ and if the server certificate name matches the optional "match" attribute
+ (or the smtp_tls_secure_cert_match parameter value when no optional
+ "match" attribute is specified). With Postfix >= 2.11 the "tafile"
+ attribute optionally modifies trust chain verification in the same manner
+ as the "smtp_tls_trust_anchor_file" parameter. The "tafile" attribute may
+ be specified multiple times to load multiple trust-anchor files.
+ * The "match" attribute is especially useful to verify TLS certificates for
+ domains that are hosted on a shared server. In that case, specify "match"
+ rules for the shared server's name. While secure verification can also be
+ achieved with manual routing overrides in Postfix transport(5) tables, that
+ approach can deliver mail to the wrong host when domains are assigned to
+ new gateway hosts. The "match" attribute approach avoids the problems of
+ manual routing overrides; mail is deferred if verification of a new MX host
+ fails.
+ * When a policy table entry specifies multiple match patterns, multiple match
+ strategies, or multiple protocols, these must be separated by colons.
+ * The "exclude" attribute (Postfix >= 2.6) is used to disable ciphers that
+ cause handshake failures with a specific mandatory TLS destination, without
+ disabling the ciphers for all mandatory destinations. Alternatively, you
+ can exclude ciphers that cause issues with multiple remote servers in
+, and selectively enable them on a per-destination basis in the
+ policy table by setting a shorter or empty exclusion list. The per-
+ destination "exclude" list preempts both the opportunistic and mandatory
+ security level exclusions, so that all excluded ciphers can be enabled for
+ known-good destinations. For non-mandatory TLS destinations that exhibit
+ cipher-specific problems, Postfix will fall back to plain-text delivery. If
+ plain-text is not acceptable make TLS mandatory and exclude the problem
+ ciphers.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_policy_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy
+ # Postfix 2.5 and later
+ smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = md5
+ /etc/postfix/tls_policy:
+ none
+ may
+ encrypt ciphers=high
+ verify match=hostname:dot-nexthop ciphers=high
+ secure
+ secure
+ []:587 secure match=nexthop
+ # Postfix 2.5 and later
+ [] fingerprint
+ match=EC:3B:2D:B0:5B:B1:FB:6D:20:A3:9D:72:F6:8D:12:35
+ match=3D:95:34:51:24:66:33:B9:D2:40:99:C0:C1:17:0B:D1
+ # Postfix 2.6 and later
+ may protocols=!SSLv2 ciphers=medium
+ exclude=3DES
+NNoottee:: The "hostname" strategy if listed in a non-default setting of
+smtp_tls_secure_cert_match or in the "match" attribute in the policy table can
+render the "secure" level vulnerable to DNS forgery. Do not use the "hostname"
+strategy for secure-channel configurations in environments where DNS security
+is not assured.
+DDiissccoovveerriinngg sseerrvveerrss tthhaatt ssuuppppoorrtt TTLLSS
+As we decide on a "per site" basis whether or not to use TLS, it would be good
+to have a list of sites that offered "STARTTLS". We can collect it ourselves
+with this option.
+If the smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer feature is enabled and a server offers
+STARTTLS while TLS is not already enabled for that server, the Postfix SMTP
+client logs a line as follows:
+ postfix/smtp[pid]: Host offered STARTTLS: []
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
+SSeerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn ddeepptthh
+The server certificate verification depth is specified with the
+smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth parameter. The default verification depth is 9 (the
+OpenSSL default), for compatibility with Postfix versions before 2.5 where
+smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth was ignored. When you configure trust in a root CA,
+it is not necessary to explicitly trust intermediary CAs signed by the root CA,
+unless $smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth is less than the number of CAs in the
+certificate chain for the servers of interest. With a verify depth of 1 you can
+only verify certificates directly signed by a trusted CA, and all trusted
+intermediary CAs need to be configured explicitly. With a verify depth of 2 you
+can verify servers signed by a root CA or a direct intermediary CA (so long as
+the server is correctly configured to supply its intermediate CA certificate).
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth = 2
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee cciipphheerr ccoonnttrroollss
+The Postfix SMTP client supports 5 distinct cipher grades as specified by the
+smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers configuration parameter. This setting controls the
+minimum acceptable SMTP client TLS cipher grade for use with mandatory TLS
+encryption. The default value "medium" is suitable for most destinations with
+which you may want to enforce TLS, and is beyond the reach of today's
+cryptanalytic methods. See smtp_tls_policy_maps for information on how to
+configure ciphers on a per-destination basis.
+By default anonymous ciphers are allowed, and automatically disabled when
+remote SMTP server certificates are verified. If you want to disable anonymous
+ciphers even at the "encrypt" security level, set
+"smtp_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = aNULL"; and to disable anonymous ciphers
+even with opportunistic TLS, set "smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers = aNULL". There is
+generally no need to take these measures. Anonymous ciphers save bandwidth and
+TLS session cache space, if certificates are ignored, there is little point in
+requesting them.
+The "smtp_tls_ciphers" configuration parameter (Postfix >= 2.6) provides
+control over the minimum cipher grade for opportunistic TLS. The default
+minimum cipher grade for opportunistic TLS is "medium" for Postfix releases
+after the middle of 2015, and "export" for older releases. With Postfix < 2.6,
+the minimum opportunistic TLS cipher grade is always "export".
+With mandatory and opportunistic TLS encryption, the Postfix SMTP client will
+by default disable SSLv2 and SSLv3. The mandatory TLS protocol list is
+specified via the smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols configuration parameter. The
+corresponding smtp_tls_protocols parameter (Postfix >= 2.6) controls the SSL/
+TLS protocols used with opportunistic TLS.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers = medium
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = RC4, MD5
+ smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers = aNULL
+ # Preferred form with Postfix >= 2.5:
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2
+ # Legacy form for Postfix < 2.5:
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = SSLv3, TLSv1
+ # Also available with Postfix >= 2.6:
+ smtp_tls_ciphers = medium
+ smtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2
+CClliieenntt--ssiiddee SSMMTTPPSS ssuuppppoorrtt
+These sections show how to send mail to a server that does not support
+STARTTLS, but that provides the deprecated SMTPS service on TCP port 465.
+Depending on the Postfix version, some additional tooling may be required.
+PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..00
+The Postfix SMTP client has SMTPS support built-in as of version 3.0. Use one
+of the following examples, to send all remote mail, or to send only some remote
+mail, to an SMTPS server.
+PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..00:: SSeennddiinngg aallll rreemmoottee mmaaiill ttoo aann SSMMTTPPSS sseerrvveerr
+The first example will send all remote mail over SMTPS through a provider's
+server called "":
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Client-side SMTPS requires "encrypt" or stronger.
+ smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
+ smtp_tls_wrappermode = yes
+ # The [] suppress MX lookups.
+ relayhost = []:465
+Use "postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+See SOHO_README for additional information about SASL authentication.
+PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..00:: SSeennddiinngg oonnllyy mmaaiill ffoorr aa ssppeecciiffiicc ddeessttiinnaattiioonn vviiaa SSMMTTPPSS
+The second example will send only mail for "" via SMTPS. This time,
+Postfix uses a transport map to deliver only mail for "" via SMTPS:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay-smtps unix - - n - - smtp
+ # Client-side SMTPS requires "encrypt" or stronger.
+ -o smtp_tls_security_level=encrypt
+ -o smtp_tls_wrappermode=yes
+Use "postmap hash:/etc/postfix/transport" and "postfix reload" to make the
+change effective.
+See SOHO_README for additional information about SASL authentication.
+PPoossttffiixx << 33..00
+Although older Postfix SMTP client versions do not support TLS wrapper mode, it
+is relatively easy to forward a connection through the stunnel program if
+Postfix needs to deliver mail to some legacy system that doesn't support
+PPoossttffiixx << 33..00:: SSeennddiinngg aallll rreemmoottee mmaaiill ttoo aann SSMMTTPPSS sseerrvveerr
+The first example uses SMTPS to send all remote mail to a provider's mail
+server called "".
+A minimal stunnel.conf file is sufficient to set up a tunnel from local port
+11125 to the remote destination "" and port "smtps". Postfix
+will later use this tunnel to connect to the remote server.
+ /path/to/stunnel.conf:
+ [smtp-tls-wrapper]
+ accept = 11125
+ client = yes
+ connect =
+To test this tunnel, use:
+ $ telnet localhost 11125
+This should produce the greeting from the remote SMTP server at
+On the Postfix side, the relayhost feature sends all remote mail through the
+local stunnel listener on port 11125:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = []:11125
+Use "postfix reload" to make the change effective.
+See SOHO_README for additional information about SASL authentication.
+PPoossttffiixx << 33..00:: SSeennddiinngg oonnllyy mmaaiill ffoorr aa ssppeecciiffiicc ddeessttiinnaattiioonn vviiaa SSMMTTPPSS
+The second example will use SMTPS to send only mail for "" via
+SMTPS. It uses the same stunnel configuration file as the first example, so it
+won't be repeated here.
+This time, the Postfix side uses a transport map to direct only mail for
+"" through the tunnel:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ relay:[]:11125
+Use "postmap hash:/etc/postfix/transport" and "postfix reload" to make the
+change effective.
+See SOHO_README for additional information about SASL authentication.
+MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss cclliieenntt ccoonnttrroollss
+The smtp_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix SMTP client
+write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown handshake procedures.
+In case of problems the Postfix SMTP client tries the next network address on
+the mail exchanger list, and defers delivery if no alternative server is
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_starttls_timeout = 300s
+With Postfix 2.8 and later, the tls_disable_workarounds parameter specifies a
+list or bit-mask of OpenSSL bug work-arounds to disable. This may be necessary
+if one of the work-arounds enabled by default in OpenSSL proves to pose a
+security risk, or introduces an unexpected interoperability issue. Some bug
+work-arounds known to be problematic are disabled in the default value of the
+parameter when linked with an OpenSSL library that could be vulnerable.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_disable_workarounds = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ tls_disable_workarounds = CVE-2010-4180, LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT
+Note: Disabling LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT is not wise at this time, lots of servers
+are still unpatched and Postfix is not significantly vulnerable to the
+renegotiation issue in the TLS protocol.
+With Postfix >= 2.11, the tls_ssl_options parameter specifies a list or bit-
+mask of OpenSSL options to enable. Specify one or more of the named options
+below, or a hexadecimal bitmask of options found in the ssl.h file
+corresponding to the run-time OpenSSL library. While it may be reasonable to
+turn off all bug workarounds (see above), it is not a good idea to attempt to
+turn on all features.
+A future version of OpenSSL may by default no longer allow connections to
+servers that don't support secure renegotiation. Since the exposure for SMTP is
+minimal, and some SMTP servers may remain unpatched, you can add
+LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT to the options to restore the more permissive default of
+current OpenSSL releases.
+ /etc/postfix/
+You should only enable features via the hexadecimal mask when the need to
+control the feature is critical (to deal with a new vulnerability or a serious
+interoperability problem). Postfix DOES NOT promise backwards compatible
+behavior with respect to the mask bits. A feature enabled via the mask in one
+release may be enabled by other means in a later release, and the mask bit will
+then be ignored. Therefore, use of the hexadecimal mask is only a temporary
+measure until a new Postfix or OpenSSL release provides a better solution.
+TTLLSS mmaannaaggeerr ssppeecciiffiicc sseettttiinnggss
+The security of cryptographic software such as TLS depends critically on the
+ability to generate unpredictable numbers for keys and other information. To
+this end, the tlsmgr(8) process maintains a Pseudo Random Number Generator
+(PRNG) pool. This is queried by the smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes when they
+initialize. By default, these daemons request 32 bytes, the equivalent to 256
+bits. This is more than sufficient to generate a 128bit (or 168bit) session
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_daemon_random_bytes = 32
+In order to feed its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8) reads entropy from an
+external source, both at startup and during run-time. Specify a good entropy
+source, like EGD or /dev/urandom; be sure to only use non-blocking sources (on
+OpenBSD, use /dev/arandom when tlsmgr(8) complains about /dev/urandom timeout
+errors). If the entropy source is not a regular file, you must prepend the
+source type to the source name: "dev:" for a device special file, or "egd:" for
+a source with EGD compatible socket interface.
+Examples (specify only one in
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
+ tls_random_source = egd:/var/run/egd-pool
+By default, tlsmgr(8) reads 32 bytes from the external entropy source at each
+seeding event. This amount (256bits) is more than sufficient for generating a
+128bit symmetric key. With EGD and device entropy sources, the tlsmgr(8) limits
+the amount of data read at each step to 255 bytes. If you specify a regular
+file as entropy source, a larger amount of data can be read.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_bytes = 32
+In order to update its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8) queries the external
+entropy source again after a pseudo-random amount of time. The time is
+calculated using the PRNG, and is between 0 and the maximal time specified with
+tls_random_reseed_period. The default maximal time interval is 1 hour.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_reseed_period = 3600s
+The tlsmgr(8) process saves the PRNG state to a persistent exchange file at
+regular times and when the process terminates, so that it can recover the PRNG
+state the next time it starts up. This file is created when it does not exist.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ tls_random_exchange_name = /var/lib/postfix/prng_exch
+ tls_random_prng_update_period = 3600s
+As of version 2.5, Postfix no longer uses root privileges when opening this
+file. The file should now be stored under the Postfix-owned data_directory. As
+a migration aid, an attempt to open the file under a non-Postfix directory is
+redirected to the Postfix-owned data_directory, and a warning is logged. If you
+wish to continue using a pre-existing PRNG state file, move it to the
+data_directory and change the ownership to the account specified with the
+mail_owner parameter.
+With earlier Postfix versions the default file location is under the Postfix
+configuration directory, which is not the proper place for information that is
+modified by Postfix.
+GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd,, qquuiicckk aanndd ddiirrttyy
+The following steps will get you started quickly. Because you sign your own
+Postfix public key certificate, you get TLS encryption but no TLS
+authentication. This is sufficient for testing, and for exchanging email with
+sites that you have no trust relationship with. For real authentication you
+need also enable DNSSEC record signing for your domain and publish TLSA records
+and/or your Postfix public key certificate needs to be signed by a recognized
+Certification Authority. To authenticate the certificates of remote host you
+need a DNSSEC-validating local resolver and to enable DANE authentication and/
+or configure the Postfix SMTP client with a list of public key certificates of
+Certification Authorities, but make sure to read about the limitations of the
+latter approach.
+In the examples below, user input is shown in bboolldd font, and a "#" prompt
+indicates a super-user shell.
+ * Quick-start TLS with Postfix >= 3.1.
+ * Self-signed server certificate.
+ * Private Certification Authority.
+QQuuiicckk--ssttaarrtt TTLLSS wwiitthh PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..11
+Postfix 3.1 provides built-in support for enabling TLS in the SMTP client and
+server and for ongoing certificate and DANE TLSA record management.
+ * Quick-start TLS in the Postfix >= 3.1 SMTP client.
+ * Quick-start TLS in the Postfix >= 3.1 SMTP server.
+QQuuiicckk--ssttaarrtt TTLLSS iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..11 SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt..
+If you are using Postfix 3.1 or later, and your SMTP client TLS settings are in
+their default state, you can enable opportunistic TLS in the SMTP client as
+ # postfix tls enable-client
+ # postfix reload
+If some of the Postfix SMTP client TLS settings are not in their default state,
+this will not make any changes, but will instead suggest the minimal required
+settings for SMTP client TLS. The "postfix reload" command is optional, it is
+only needed if you want the settings to take effect right away. Note, this does
+not enable trust in any public certification authorities, and does not
+configure client TLS certificates as these are largely pointless with
+opportunistic TLS.
+There is not yet a turn-key command for enabling DANE authentication. This is
+because DANE requires changes to your rreessoollvv..ccoonnff file and a corresponding
+DNSSEC-validating resolver local to the Postfix host, these changes are
+difficult to automate in a portable way.
+If you're willing to revert your settings to the defaults and switch to a
+"stock" opportunistic TLS configuration, then you can: erase all the SMTP
+client TLS settings and then enable client TLS:
+ # postconf -X `postconf -nH | egrep '^smtp(_|_enforce_|_use_)tls'`
+ # postfix tls enable-client
+ # postfix reload
+QQuuiicckk--ssttaarrtt TTLLSS iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..11 SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr..
+If you are using Postfix 3.1 or later, and your SMTP server TLS settings are in
+their default state, you can enable opportunistic TLS in the SMTP server as
+ # postfix tls enable-server
+ # postfix reload
+If some of the Postfix SMTP client TLS settings are not in their default state,
+this will not make any changes, but will instead suggest the minimal required
+settings for SMTP client TLS. The "postfix reload" command is optional, it is
+only needed if you want the settings to take effect right away. This will
+generate a self-signed private key and certificate and enable TLS in the
+Postfix SMTP server.
+If you're willing to revert your settings to the defaults and switch to a
+"stock" server TLS configuration, then you can: erase all the SMTP server TLS
+settings and then enable server TLS:
+ # postconf -X `postconf -nH | egrep '^smtpd(_|_enforce_|_use_)tls'`
+ # postfix tls enable-server
+ # postfix reload
+Postfix >= 3.1 provides additional built-in support for ongoing management of
+TLS in the SMTP server, via additional "postfix tls" sub-commands. These make
+it easy to generate certificate signing requests, create and deploy new keys
+and certificates, and generate DANE TLSA records. See the postfix-tls(1)
+documentation for details.
+SSeellff--ssiiggnneedd sseerrvveerr cceerrttiiffiiccaattee
+The following commands (credits: Viktor Dukhovni) generate and install a 2048-
+bit RSA private key and 10-year self-signed certificate for the local Postfix
+system. This requires super-user privileges. (By using date-specific filenames
+for the certificate and key files, and updating with new filenames, a
+potential race condition in which the key and certificate might not match is
+ # dir="$(postconf -h config_directory)"
+ # fqdn=$(postconf -h myhostname)
+ # case $fqdn in /*) fqdn=$(cat "$fqdn");; esac
+ # ymd=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
+ # key="${dir}/key-${ymd}.pem"; rm -f "${key}"
+ # cert="${dir}/cert-${ymd}.pem"; rm -f "${cert}"
+ # (umask 077; openssl genrsa -out "${key}" 2048) &&
+ openssl req -new -key "${key}" \
+ -x509 -subj "/CN=${fqdn}" -days 3650 -out "${cert}" &&
+ postconf -e \
+ "smtpd_tls_cert_file = ${cert}" \
+ "smtpd_tls_key_file = ${key}" \
+ 'smtpd_tls_security_level = may' \
+ 'smtpd_tls_received_header = yes' \
+ 'smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1' \
+ 'smtp_tls_security_level = may' \
+ 'smtp_tls_loglevel = 1' \
+ 'smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache'
+ \
+ 'tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom'
+Note: the last command requires both single (') and double (") quotes.
+The postconf(1) command above enables opportunistic TLS for receiving and
+sending mail. It also enables logging of TLS connections and recording of TLS
+use in the "Received" header. TLS session caching is also enabled in the
+Postfix SMTP client. With Postfix >= 2.10, the SMTP server does not need an
+explicit session cache since session reuse is better handled via RFC 5077 TLS
+session tickets.
+PPrriivvaattee CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn AAuutthhoorriittyy
+ * Become your own Certification Authority, so that you can sign your own
+ certificates, and so that your own systems can authenticate certificates
+ from your own CA. This example uses the script that ships with
+ OpenSSL. On some systems, OpenSSL installs this as /usr/local/openssl/misc/
+ Some systems install this as part of a package named openssl-perl or
+ something similar. The script creates a private key in ./demoCA/private/
+ cakey.pem and a public key in ./demoCA/cacert.pem.
+ % //uussrr//llooccaall//ssssll//mmiisscc//CCAA..ppll --nneewwccaa
+ CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
+ Making CA certificate ...
+ Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
+ ....................++++++
+ .....++++++
+ writing new private key to './demoCA/private/cakey.pem'
+ Enter PEM pass phrase:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ * Create an unpassworded private key for host and create an
+ unsigned public key certificate.
+ % ((uummaasskk 007777;; ooppeennssssll rreeqq --nneeww --nneewwkkeeyy rrssaa::22004488 --nnooddeess --kkeeyyoouutt ffoooo--
+ kkeeyy..ppeemm --oouutt ffoooo--rreeqq..ppeemm))
+ Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
+ ........................................++++++
+ ....++++++
+ writing new private key to 'foo-key.pem'
+ -----
+ You are about to be asked to enter information that will be
+ incorporated
+ into your certificate request.
+ What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a
+ DN.
+ There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+ For some fields there will be a default value,
+ If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+ -----
+ Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:UUSS
+ State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:NNeeww YYoorrkk
+ Locality Name (eg, city) []:WWeessttcchheesstteerr
+ Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:PPoorrccuuppiinnee
+ Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
+ Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:ffoooo..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ Email Address []:wwiieettssee@@ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+ to be sent with your certificate request
+ A challenge password []:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ An optional company name []:
+ * Sign the public key certificate for host with the
+ Certification Authority private key that we created a few steps ago.
+ % ooppeennssssll ccaa --oouutt ffoooo--cceerrtt..ppeemm --ddaayyss 336655 --iinnffiilleess ffoooo--rreeqq..ppeemm
+ Using configuration from /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+ Enter PEM pass phrase:wwhhaatteevveerr
+ Check that the request matches the signature
+ Signature ok
+ The Subjects Distinguished Name is as follows
+ countryName :PRINTABLE:'US'
+ stateOrProvinceName :PRINTABLE:'New York'
+ localityName :PRINTABLE:'Westchester'
+ organizationName :PRINTABLE:'Porcupine'
+ commonName :PRINTABLE:''
+ emailAddress :IA5STRING:''
+ Certificate is to be certified until Nov 21 19:40:56 2005 GMT (365
+ days)
+ Sign the certificate? [y/n]:yy
+ 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]yy
+ Write out database with 1 new entries
+ Data Base Updated
+ * Install the host private key, the host public key certificate, and the
+ Certification Authority certificate files. This requires super-user
+ privileges.
+ The following commands assume that the key and certificate will be
+ installed for the local Postfix MTA. You will need to adjust the commands
+ if the Postfix MTA is on a different host.
+ # ccpp ddeemmooCCAA//ccaacceerrtt..ppeemm ffoooo--kkeeyy..ppeemm ffoooo--cceerrtt..ppeemm //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx
+ # cchhmmoodd 664444 //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ffoooo--cceerrtt..ppeemm //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ccaacceerrtt..ppeemm
+ # cchhmmoodd 440000 //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ffoooo--kkeeyy..ppeemm
+ * Configure Postfix, by adding the following to /etc/postfix/ It is
+ generally best to not configure client certificates, unless there are
+ servers which authenticate your mail submission via client certificates.
+ Often servers that perform TLS client authentication will issue the
+ required certificates signed by their own CA. If you configure the client
+ certificate and key incorrectly, you will be unable to send mail to sites
+ that request client certificate, but don't require them from all clients.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem
+ smtp_tls_session_cache_database =
+ btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtp_tls_session_cache
+ smtp_tls_security_level = may
+ smtp_tls_loglevel = 1
+ smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/foo-cert.pem
+ smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/foo-key.pem
+ smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
+ smtpd_tls_session_cache_database =
+ btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtpd_tls_session_cache
+ tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = may
+ smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
+BBuuiillddiinngg PPoossttffiixx wwiitthh TTLLSS ssuuppppoorrtt
+These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described
+in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix
+from a vendor-specific source package.
+To build Postfix with TLS support, first we need to generate the make(1) files
+with the necessary definitions. This is done by invoking the command "make
+makefiles" in the Postfix top-level directory and with arguments as shown next.
+NNOOTTEE:: DDoo nnoott uussee GGnnuu TTLLSS.. IItt wwiillll ssppoonnttaanneeoouussllyy tteerrmmiinnaattee aa PPoossttffiixx ddaaeemmoonn
+pprroocceessss wwiitthh eexxiitt ssttaattuuss ccooddee 22,, iinnsstteeaadd ooff aalllloowwiinngg PPoossttffiixx ttoo 11)) rreeppoorrtt tthhee
+eerrrroorr ttoo tthhee mmaaiilllloogg ffiillee,, aanndd ttoo 22)) pprroovviiddee ppllaaiinntteexxtt sseerrvviiccee wwhheerree tthhiiss iiss
+ * If the OpenSSL include files (such as ssl.h) are in directory /usr/include/
+ openssl, and the OpenSSL libraries (such as and are
+ in directory /usr/lib:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS"" AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+ * If the OpenSSL include files (such as ssl.h) are in directory /usr/local/
+ include/openssl, and the OpenSSL libraries (such as and
+ are in directory /usr/local/lib:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+ On Solaris, specify the -R option as shown below:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS --II//uussrr//llooccaall//iinncclluuddee"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--RR//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --LL//uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb --llssssll --llccrryyppttoo""
+If you need to apply other customizations (such as Berkeley DB databases,
+MySQL, PostgreSQL, LDAP or SASL), see the respective Postfix README documents,
+and combine their "make makefiles" instructions with the instructions above:
+ % mmaakkee ttiiddyy # if you have left-over files from a previous build
+ % mmaakkee mmaakkeeffiilleess CCCCAARRGGSS==""--DDUUSSEE__TTLLSS \\
+ ((ootthheerr --DD oorr --II ooppttiioonnss))"" \\
+ AAUUXXLLIIBBSS==""--llssssll --llccrryyppttoo \\
+ ((ootthheerr --ll ooppttiioonnss ffoorr lliibbrraarriieess iinn //uussrr//lliibb)) \\
+ ((--LL//ppaatthh//nnaammee ++ --ll ooppttiioonnss ffoorr ootthheerr lliibbrraarriieess))""
+To complete the build process, see the Postfix INSTALL instructions. Postfix
+has TLS support turned off by default, so you can start using Postfix as soon
+as it is installed.
+RReeppoorrttiinngg pprroobblleemmss
+Problems are preferably reported via <>. See http:// for subscription information. When reporting a
+problem, please be thorough in the report. Patches, when possible, are greatly
+appreciated too.
+ * TLS support for Postfix was originally developed by Lutz Ja"nicke at
+ Cottbus Technical University.
+ * Wietse Venema adopted the code, did some restructuring, and compiled this
+ part of the documentation from Lutz's documents.
+ * Victor Duchovni was instrumental with the re-implementation of the
+ smtp_tls_per_site code in terms of enforcement levels, which simplified the
+ implementation greatly.
+ * Victor Duchovni implemented the fingerprint security level, added more
+ sanity checks, and separated TLS connection management from security policy
+ enforcement. The latter change simplified the code that verifies
+ certificate signatures, certificate names, and certificate fingerprints.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c117661
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ PPoossttffiixx PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee TTuunniinngg
+PPuurrppoossee ooff PPoossttffiixx ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ttuunniinngg
+The hints and tips in this document help you improve the performance of Postfix
+systems that already work. If your Postfix system is unable to receive or
+deliver mail, then you need to solve those problems first, using the
+DEBUG_README document as guidance.
+For tuning external content filter performance, first read the respective
+information in the FILTER_README and SMTPD_PROXY_README documents. Then make
+sure to avoid latency in the content filter code. As much as possible avoid
+performing queries against external data sources with a high or highly variable
+delay. Your content filter will run with a small concurrency to avoid CPU/
+memory starvation, and if any latency creeps in, content filter throughput will
+suffer. High volume environments should avoid RBL lookups, complex database
+queries and so on.
+Topics on mail receiving performance:
+ * General mail receiving performance tips
+ * Doing more work with your SMTP server processes
+ * Slowing down SMTP clients that make many errors
+ * Measures against clients that make too many connections
+Topics on mail delivery performance:
+ * General mail delivery performance tips
+ * Tuning the frequency of deferred mail delivery attempts
+ * Tuning the number of simultaneous deliveries
+ * Tuning the number of recipients per delivery
+Other Postfix performance tuning topics:
+ * Tuning the number of Postfix processes
+ * Tuning the number of processes on the system
+ * Tuning the number of open files or sockets
+The following tools can be used to measure mail system performance under
+artificial loads. They are normally not installed with Postfix.
+ * smtp-source, SMTP/LMTP message generator
+ * smtp-sink, SMTP/LMTP message dump
+ * qmqp-source, QMQP message generator
+ * qmqp-sink, QMQP message dump
+GGeenneerraall mmaaiill rreecceeiivviinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ttiippss
+ * Read and understand the maildrop queue, incoming queue, and active queue
+ discussions in the QSHAPE_README document.
+ * Run a local name server to reduce slow-down due to DNS lookups. If you run
+ multiple Postfix systems, point each local name server to a shared
+ forwarding server to reduce the number of lookups across the upstream
+ network link.
+ * Eliminate unnecessary LDAP lookups, by specifying a domain filter. This
+ eliminates lookups for addresses in remote domains, and eliminates lookups
+ of partial addresses. See ldap_table(5) for details.
+When Postfix responds slowly to SMTP clients:
+ * Look for obvious signs of trouble as described in the DEBUG_README
+ document, and eliminate those problems first.
+ * Turn off your header_checks and body_checks patterns and see if the problem
+ goes away.
+ * Turn off chroot operation as described in the DEBUG_README document and see
+ if the problem goes away.
+ * If Postfix logs the SMTP client as "unknown" then you have a name service
+ problem: the name server is bad, or the resolv.conf file contains bad
+ information, or some packet filter is blocking the DNS requests or replies.
+ * If the number of smtpd(8) processes has reached the process limit as
+ specified in, new SMTP clients must wait until a process becomes
+ available. See the STRESS_README and POSTSCREEN_README documents for
+ measures that help to prevent SMTP server overload.
+DDooiinngg mmoorree wwoorrkk wwiitthh yyoouurr SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr pprroocceesssseess
+With Postfix versions 2.0 and earlier, the smtpd(8) server pauses before
+reporting an error to an SMTP client. The idea is called tar pitting. However,
+these delays also slow down Postfix. When the smtpd(8) server replies slowly,
+sessions take more time, so that more smtpd(8) server processes are needed to
+handle the load. When your Postfix smtpd(8) server process limit is reached,
+new clients must wait until a server process becomes available. This means that
+all clients experience poor performance.
+You can speed up the handling of smtpd(8) server error replies by turning off
+the delay:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # Not needed with Postfix 2.1
+ smtpd_error_sleep_time = 0
+With the above setting, Postfix 2.0 and earlier can serve more SMTP clients
+with the same number SMTP server processes. The next section describes how
+Postfix deals with clients that make a large number of errors.
+SSlloowwiinngg ddoowwnn SSMMTTPP cclliieennttss tthhaatt mmaakkee mmaannyy eerrrroorrss
+The Postfix smtpd(8) server maintains a per-session error count. The error
+count is reset when a message is transferred successfully, and is incremented
+when a client request is unrecognized or unimplemented, when a client request
+violates access restrictions, or when some other error happens.
+As the per-session error count increases, the smtpd(8) server changes behavior
+and begins to insert delays into the responses. The idea is to slow down a run-
+away client in order to limit resource usage. The behavior is Postfix version
+IMPORTANT: These delays slow down Postfix, too. When too much delay is
+configured, the number of simultaneous SMTP sessions will increase until it
+reaches the smtpd(8) server process limit, and new SMTP clients must wait until
+an smtpd(8) server process becomes available.
+Postfix version 2.1 and later:
+ * When the error count reaches $smtpd_soft_error_limit (default: 10), the
+ Postfix smtpd(8) server delays all non-error and error responses by
+ $smtpd_error_sleep_time seconds (default: 1 second).
+ * When the error count reaches $smtpd_hard_error_limit (default: 20) the
+ Postfix smtpd(8) server breaks the connection.
+Postfix version 2.0 and earlier:
+ * When the error count is less than $smtpd_soft_error_limit (default: 10) the
+ Postfix smtpd(8) server delays all error replies by $smtpd_error_sleep_time
+ (1 second with Postfix 2.0, 5 seconds with Postfix 1.1 and earlier).
+ * When the error count reaches $smtpd_soft_error_limit, the Postfix smtpd(8)
+ server delays all responses by "error count" seconds or
+ $smtpd_error_sleep_time, whichever is more.
+ * When the error count reaches $smtpd_hard_error_limit (default: 20) the
+ Postfix smtpd(8) server breaks the connection.
+MMeeaassuurreess aaggaaiinnsstt cclliieennttss tthhaatt mmaakkee ttoooo mmaannyy ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss
+Note: these features use the Postfix anvil(8) service, introduced with Postfix
+version 2.2.
+The Postfix smtpd(8) server can limit the number of simultaneous connections
+from the same SMTP client, as well as the connection rate and the rate of
+certain SMTP commands from the same client. These statistics are maintained by
+the anvil(8) server (translation: if anvil(8) breaks, then connection limits
+stop working).
+IMPORTANT: These limits must not be used to regulate legitimate traffic: mail
+will suffer grotesque delays if you do so. The limits are designed to protect
+the smtpd(8) server against abuse by out-of-control clients.
+ smtpd_client_connection_count_limit (default: 50)
+ The maximum number of connections that an SMTP client may make
+ simultaneously.
+ smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit (default: no limit)
+ The maximum number of connections that an SMTP client may make in the
+ time interval specified with anvil_rate_time_unit (default: 60s).
+ smtpd_client_message_rate_limit (default: no limit)
+ The maximum number of message delivery requests that an SMTP client may
+ make in the time interval specified with anvil_rate_time_unit (default:
+ 60s).
+ smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit (default: no limit)
+ The maximum number of recipient addresses that an SMTP client may
+ specify in the time interval specified with anvil_rate_time_unit
+ (default: 60s).
+ smtpd_client_new_tls_session_rate_limit (default: no limit)
+ The maximum number of new TLS sessions (without using the TLS session
+ cache) that an SMTP client may negotiate in the time interval specified
+ with anvil_rate_time_unit (default: 60s).
+ smtpd_client_auth_rate_limit (default: no limit)
+ The maximum number of AUTH commands that an SMTP client may send in the
+ time interval specified with anvil_rate_time_unit (default: 60s).
+ Available in Postfix 3.1 and later.
+ smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions (default: $mynetworks)
+ SMTP clients that are excluded from connection and rate limits
+ specified above.
+GGeenneerraall mmaaiill ddeelliivveerryy ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ttiippss
+ * Read and understand the maildrop queue, incoming queue, active queue and
+ deferred queue discussions in the QSHAPE_README document.
+ * In case of slow delivery, run the qshape tool as described in the
+ QSHAPE_README document.
+ * Submit multiple recipients per message instead of submitting messages with
+ only a few recipients.
+ * Submit mail via SMTP instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail. You may have to adjust
+ the smtpd_recipient_limit parameter setting.
+ * Don't overwhelm the disk with mail submissions. Optimize the mail
+ submission rate by tuning the number of parallel submissions and/or by
+ tuning the Postfix in_flow_delay parameter setting.
+ * Run a local name server to reduce slow-down due to DNS lookups. If you run
+ multiple Postfix systems, point each local name server to a shared
+ forwarding server to reduce the number of lookups across the upstream
+ network link.
+ * Reduce the smtp_connect_timeout and smtp_helo_timeout values so that
+ Postfix does not waste lots of time connecting to non-responding remote
+ SMTP servers.
+ * Use a dedicated mail delivery transport for problematic destinations, with
+ reduced timeouts and with adjusted concurrency. See "Tuning the number of
+ simultaneous deliveries" below.
+ * Use a fallback_relay host for mail that cannot be delivered upon the first
+ attempt. This "graveyard" machine can use shorter retry times for difficult
+ to reach destinations. See "Tuning the frequency of deferred mail delivery
+ attempts" below.
+ * Speed up disk updates with a large (64MB) persistent write cache. This
+ allows disk updates to be sorted for optimal access speed without
+ compromising file system integrity when the system crashes.
+ * Use a solid-state disk (a persistent RAM disk). This is an expensive
+ solution that should be used in combination with short SMTP timeouts and a
+ fallback_relay "graveyard" machine that delivers mail for problem
+ destinations.
+TTuunniinngg tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff ssiimmuullttaanneeoouuss ddeelliivveerriieess
+Although Postfix can be configured to run 1000 SMTP client processes at the
+same time, it is rarely desirable that it makes 1000 simultaneous connections
+to the same remote system. For this reason, Postfix has safety mechanisms in
+place to avoid this so-called "thundering herd" problem.
+The Postfix queue manager implements the analog of the TCP slow start flow
+control strategy: when delivering to a site, send a small number of messages
+first, then increase the concurrency as long as all goes well; reduce
+concurrency in the face of congestion.
+ * The initial_destination_concurrency parameter (default: 5) controls how
+ many messages are initially sent to the same destination before adapting
+ delivery concurrency. Of course, this setting is effective only as long as
+ it does not exceed the process limit and the destination concurrency limit
+ for the specific mail transport channel.
+ * The default_destination_concurrency_limit parameter (default: 20) controls
+ how many messages may be sent to the same destination simultaneously. You
+ can override this setting for specific message delivery transports by
+ taking the name of the entry and appending
+ "_destination_concurrency_limit".
+Examples of transport specific concurrency limits are:
+ * The local_destination_concurrency_limit parameter (default: 2) controls how
+ many messages are delivered simultaneously to the same local recipient. The
+ recommended limit is low because delivery to the same mailbox must happen
+ sequentially, so massive parallelism is not useful. Another good reason to
+ limit delivery concurrency to the same recipient: if the recipient has an
+ expensive shell command in her .forward file, or if the recipient is a
+ mailing list manager, you don't want to run too many instances of those
+ processes at the same time.
+ * The default smtp_destination_concurrency_limit of 20 seems enough to
+ noticeably load a system without bringing it to its knees. Be careful when
+ changing this to a much larger number.
+The above default values of the concurrency limits work well in a broad range
+of situations. Knee-jerk changes to these parameters in the face of congestion
+can actually make problems worse. Specifically, large destination concurrencies
+should never be the default. They should be used only for transports that
+deliver mail to a small number of high volume domains.
+A common situation where high concurrency is called for is on gateways relaying
+a high volume of mail between the Internet and an intranet mail environment.
+Approximately half the mail (assuming equal volumes inbound and outbound) will
+be destined for the internal mail hubs. Since the internal mail hubs will be
+receiving all external mail exclusively from the gateway, it is reasonable to
+configure the gateway to make greater demands on the capacity of the internal
+SMTP servers.
+The tuning of the inbound concurrency limits need not be trial and error. A
+high volume capable mailhub should be able to easily handle 50 or 100 (rather
+than the default 20) simultaneous connections, especially if the gateway
+forwards to multiple MX hosts. When all MX hosts are up and accepting
+connections in a timely fashion, throughput will be high. If any MX host is
+down and completely unresponsive, the average connection latency rises to at
+least 1/N * $smtp_connection_timeout, if there are N MX hosts. This limits
+throughput to at most the destination concurrency * N /
+For example, with a destination concurrency of 100 and 2 MX hosts, each host
+will handle up to 50 simultaneous connections. If one MX host is down and the
+default SMTP connection timeout is 30s, the throughput limit is 100 * 2 / 30 ~=
+6 messages per second. This suggests that high volume destinations with good
+connectivity and multiple MX hosts need a lower connection timeout, values as
+low as 5s or even 1s can be used to prevent congestion when one or more, but
+not all MX hosts are down.
+If necessary, set a higher transport_destination_concurrency_limit (in
+since this is a queue manager parameter) and a lower smtp_connection_timeout
+(with a "-o" override in since this parameter has no per-transport
+name) for the relay transport and any transports dedicated for specific high
+volume destinations.
+TTuunniinngg tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff rreecciippiieennttss ppeerr ddeelliivveerryy
+The default_destination_recipient_limit parameter (default: 50) controls how
+many recipients a Postfix delivery agent will send with each copy of an email
+message. You can override this setting for specific Postfix delivery agents.
+For example, "uucp_destination_recipient_limit = 100" would limit the number of
+recipients per UUCP delivery to 100.
+If an email message exceeds the recipient limit for some destination, the
+Postfix queue manager breaks up the list of recipients into smaller lists.
+Postfix will attempt to send multiple copies of the message in parallel.
+IMPORTANT: Be careful when increasing the recipient limit per message delivery;
+some SMTP servers abort the connection when they run out of memory or when a
+hard recipient limit is reached, so that the message will never be delivered.
+The smtpd_recipient_limit parameter (default: 1000) controls how many
+recipients the Postfix smtpd(8) server will take per delivery. The default
+limit is more than any reasonable SMTP client would send. The limit exists to
+protect the local mail system against a run-away client.
+TTuunniinngg tthhee ffrreeqquueennccyy ooff ddeeffeerrrreedd mmaaiill ddeelliivveerryy aatttteemmppttss
+When a Postfix delivery agent (smtp(8), local(8), etc.) is unable to deliver a
+message it may blame the message itself, or it may blame the receiving party.
+ * When the delivery agent blames the message, the queue manager gives the
+ queue file a time stamp into the future, so it won't be looked at for a
+ while. By default, the amount of time to cool down is the amount of time
+ that has passed since the message arrived. This results in so-called
+ exponential backoff behavior.
+ * When the delivery agent blames the receiving party (for example a local
+ recipient user, or a remote host), the queue manager not only advances the
+ queue file time stamp, but also puts the receiving party on a "dead" list
+ so that it will be skipped for some amount of time.
+This process is governed by a bunch of little parameters.
+ queue_run_delay (default: 300 seconds; before Postfix 2.4: 1000s)
+ How often the queue manager scans the queue for deferred mail.
+ minimal_backoff_time (default: 300 seconds; before Postfix 2.4: 1000s)
+ The minimal amount of time a message won't be looked at, and the
+ minimal amount of time to stay away from a "dead" destination.
+ maximal_backoff_time (default: 4000 seconds)
+ The maximal amount of time a message won't be looked at after a
+ delivery failure.
+ maximal_queue_lifetime (default: 5 days)
+ How long a message stays in the queue before it is sent back as
+ undeliverable. Specify 0 for mail that should be returned immediately
+ after the first unsuccessful delivery attempt.
+ bounce_queue_lifetime (default: 5 days, available with Postfix version 2.1
+ and later)
+ How long a MAILER-DAEMON message stays in the queue before it is
+ considered undeliverable. Specify 0 for mail that should be tried only
+ once.
+ qmgr_message_recipient_limit (default: 20000)
+ The size of many in-memory queue manager data structures. Among others,
+ this parameter limits the size of the short-term, in-memory list of
+ "dead" destinations. Destinations that don't fit the list are not
+ added.
+ transport_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
+ Controls when a destination is considered "dead". This parameter is
+ critical with a non-zero transport_destination_rate_delay, with a
+ reduced transport_destination_concurrency_limit, or with a reduced
+ initial_destination_concurrency.
+IMPORTANT: If you increase the frequency of deferred mail delivery attempts, or
+if you flush the deferred mail queue frequently, then you may find that Postfix
+mail delivery performance actually becomes worse. The symptoms are as follows:
+ * The active queue becomes saturated with mail that has delivery problems.
+ New mail enters the active queue only when an old message is deferred. This
+ is a slow process that usually requires timing out one or more SMTP
+ connections.
+ * All available Postfix delivery agents become occupied trying to connect to
+ unreachable sites etc. New mail has to wait until a delivery agent becomes
+ available. This is a slow process that usually requires timing out one or
+ more SMTP connections.
+When mail is being deferred frequently, fixing the problem is always better
+than increasing the frequency of delivery attempts. However, if you can control
+only the delivery attempt frequency, consider using a dedicated fallback_relay
+"graveyard" machine for bad destinations, so that these destinations do not
+ruin the performance of normal mail deliveries.
+TTuunniinngg tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff PPoossttffiixx pprroocceesssseess
+The default_process_limit configuration parameter gives direct control over how
+many daemon processes Postfix will run. As of Postfix 2.0 the default limit is
+100 SMTP client processes, 100 SMTP server processes, and so on. This may
+overwhelm systems with little memory, as well as networks with low bandwidth.
+You can change the global process limit by specifying a non-default
+default_process_limit in the file. For example, to run up to 10 SMTP
+client processes, 10 SMTP server processes, and so on:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ default_process_limit = 10
+You need to execute "postfix reload" to make the change effective. This limit
+is enforced by the Postfix master(8) daemon which does not automatically read when it changes.
+You can override the process limit for specific Postfix daemons by editing the file. For example, if you do not wish to receive 100 SMTP messages at
+the same time, but do not want to change the process limits for other Postfix
+daemons, you could specify:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # ====================================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # ====================================================================
+ . . .
+ smtp inet n - - - 10 smtpd
+ . . .
+TTuunniinngg tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff pprroocceesssseess oonn tthhee ssyysstteemm
+ * MacOS X will run out of process slots when you increase Postfix process
+ limits. The following works with OSX 10.4 and OSX 10.5.
+ MacOS X kernel parameters can be specified in /etc/sysctl.conf.
+ /etc/sysctl.conf:
+ kern.maxproc=2048
+ kern.maxprocperuid=2048
+ Unfortunately these can't simply be set on the fly with "sysctl -w". You
+ also have to set the following in /etc/launchd.conf so that the root user
+ after boot will have the right process limit (2048). Otherwise you have to
+ always run ulimit -u 2048 as root, then start a user shell, and then start
+ processes for things to take effect.
+ /etc/launchd.conf:
+ limit maxproc 2048
+ Once these are in place, reboot the system. After that, the limits will
+ stay in place.
+TTuunniinngg tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff ooppeenn ffiilleess oorr ssoocckkeettss
+When Postfix opens too many files or sockets, processes will abort with fatal
+errors, and the system may log "file table full" errors.
+ * Depending on your Postfix and operating system versions you may need to
+ recompile Postfix if you need more than 1024 file descriptors per process:
+ o No recompilation is needed for Postfix version 2.4 and later, when it
+ was compiled for systems that support BSD kqueue(2) (FreeBSD 4.1,
+ NetBSD 2.0, OpenBSD 2.9), Solaris 8 /dev/poll, or Linux 2.6 epoll(4).
+ o Otherwise, Postfix needs to be recompiled to override the default
+ FD_SETSIZE value.
+ * Reduce the number of processes as described under "Tuning the number of
+ Postfix processes" above. Fewer processes need fewer open files and
+ sockets.
+ * Configure the kernel for more open files and sockets. The details are
+ extremely system dependent and change with the operating system version. Be
+ sure to verify the following information with your system tuning guide:
+ o Some FreeBSD kernel parameters can be specified in /boot/loader.conf,
+ and some can be specified in /etc/sysctl.conf or changed with sysctl
+ commands. Which is which depends on the version.
+ kern.ipc.maxsockets="5000"
+ kern.ipc.nmbclusters="65536"
+ kern.maxproc="2048"
+ kern.maxfiles="16384"
+ kern.maxfilesperproc="16384"
+ o Linux kernel parameters can be specified in /etc/sysctl.conf or changed
+ with sysctl commands:
+ fs.file-max=16384
+ kernel.threads-max=2048
+ o Solaris kernel parameters can be specified in /etc/system, as described
+ in the Solaris FAQ entry titled "How can I increase the number of file
+ descriptors per process?"
+ * set hard limit on file descriptors
+ set rlim_fd_max = 4096
+ * set soft limit on file descriptors
+ set rlim_fd_cur = 1024
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98078d1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+PPoossttffiixx aanndd UUllttrriixx
+PPoossttffiixx oonn UUllttrriixx
+This document is probably only of historical value, because Ultrix version 4
+dates from the early 1990s. However, as long as Wietse keeps Postfix alive for
+SunOS 4, it is likely to run on Ultrix 4 with very little change. Feedback is
+welcome if anyone actually still uses Postfix on any version of Ultrix.
+The source of this document is an email message by Christian von Roques that
+was sent on Jun 2, 1999.
+ I've upgraded the MTA of our DECstation-3100 running Ultrix4.3a to postfix-
+ 19990317-pl05 and am sending you the patches I needed to get it running
+ under Ultrix.
+ . . .
+ One of the bugs of Ultrix's /bin/sh is that shell-variables set in
+ arguments of `:' expand to garbage if expanded in here-documents. Using a
+ different shell helps. I needed to replace all calls of ``sh .../makedefs''
+ by ``$(SHELL) .../makedefs'' in all the and am now able to use
+ ``make SHELL=/bin/sh5'' or zsh.
+ . . .
+ Ultrix's FD_SET_SIZE is 4096, but getdtablesize() returns 64 by default, if
+ not increased when building a new kernel. getrlimit() doesn't know
+ RLIMIT_NOFILE. This makes event_init() always log the warning: `could
+ allocate space for only 64 open files'.
+ I just reduced the threshold from 256 to 64, but this is not good. The
+ initial problem still remains: How to disable this warning on Ultrix
+ without making the source ugly?
+To work around the first problem, all the files have been updated
+to use `$(SHELL)' instead of `sh'. So you only need to supply a non-default
+shell in order to eliminate Ultrix shell trouble.
+To work around the latter, util/sys_defs.h was updated for Ultrix, with a
+default FD_SETSIZE of 100. This should be sufficient for a workstation. Even in
+1999, no-one would run a major mail hub on Ultrix 4.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1368eb3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+PPoossttffiixx aanndd UUUUCCPP
+UUssiinngg UUUUCCPP oovveerr TTCCPP
+Despite a serious lack of sex-appeal, email via UUCP over TCP is a practical
+option for sites without permanent Internet connections, and for sites without
+a fixed IP address. For first-hand information, see the following guides:
+ * Jim Seymour's guide for using UUCP over TCP at
+ jdp/uucp_over_tcp/index.html,
+ * Craig Sanders's guide for SSL-encrypted UUCP over TCP using stunnel at
+Here's a graphical description of what this document is about:
+ LAN to Internet
+ Local network <---> UUCP <--- UUCP ---> to UUCP <---> Internet
+ Gateway Gateway
+And here's the table of contents of this document:
+ * Setting up a Postfix Internet to UUCP gateway
+ * Setting up a Postfix LAN to UUCP gateway
+SSeettttiinngg uupp aa PPoossttffiixx IInntteerrnneett ttoo UUUUCCPP ggaatteewwaayy
+Here is how to set up a machine that sits on the Internet and that forwards
+mail to a LAN that is connected via UUCP. See the LAN to UUCP gateway section
+for the other side of the story.
+ * You need an rrmmaaiill program that extracts the sender address from mail that
+ arrives via UUCP, and that feeds the mail into the Postfix sseennddmmaaiill
+ command. Most UNIX systems come with an rrmmaaiill utility. If you're in a
+ pinch, try the one bundled with the Postfix source code in the aauuxxiilliiaarryy//
+ rrmmaaiill directory.
+ * Define a pipe(8) based mail delivery transport for delivery via UUCP:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ uucp unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags=F user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail
+ ($recipient)
+ This runs the uuuuxx command to place outgoing mail into the UUCP queue after
+ replacing $nexthop by the next-hop hostname (the receiving UUCP host) and
+ after replacing $recipient by the recipients. The pipe(8) delivery agent
+ executes the uuuuxx command without assistance from the shell, so there are no
+ problems with shell meta characters in command-line parameters.
+ * Specify that mail for, should be delivered via UUCP, to a host
+ named uucp-host:
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ uucp:uucp-host
+ uucp:uucp-host
+ See the transport(5) manual page for more details.
+ * Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ttrraannssppoorrtt" whenever you change
+ the ttrraannssppoorrtt file.
+ * Enable ttrraannssppoorrtt table lookups:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ Specify ddbbmm instead of hhaasshh if your system uses ddbbmm files instead of ddbb
+ files. To find out what map types Postfix supports, use the command
+ "ppoossttccoonnff --mm".
+ * Add to the list of domains that your site is willing to relay
+ mail for.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relay_domains = ...other relay domains...
+ See the relay_domains configuration parameter description for details.
+ * Execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to make the changes effective.
+SSeettttiinngg uupp aa PPoossttffiixx LLAANN ttoo UUUUCCPP ggaatteewwaayy
+Here is how to relay mail from a LAN via UUCP to the Internet. See the Internet
+to UUCP gateway section for the other side of the story.
+ * You need an rrmmaaiill program that extracts the sender address from mail that
+ arrives via UUCP, and that feeds the mail into the Postfix sseennddmmaaiill
+ command. Most UNIX systems come with an rrmmaaiill utility. If you're in a
+ pinch, try the one bundled with the Postfix source code in the aauuxxiilliiaarryy//
+ rrmmaaiill directory.
+ * Specify that all remote mail must be sent via the uuuuccpp mail transport to
+ your UUCP gateway host, say, uucp-gateway:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ relayhost = uucp-gateway
+ default_transport = uucp
+ Postfix 2.0 and later also allows the following more succinct form:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ default_transport = uucp:uucp-gateway
+ * Define a pipe(8) based message delivery transport for mail delivery via
+ /etc/postfix/
+ uucp unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags=F user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail
+ ($recipient)
+ This runs the uuuuxx command to place outgoing mail into the UUCP queue. It
+ substitutes the next-hop hostname (uucp-gateway, or whatever you specified)
+ and the recipients before executing the command. The uuuuxx command is
+ executed without assistance from the shell, so there are no problems with
+ shell meta characters.
+ * Execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to make the changes effective.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a721ece
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+PPoossttffiixx VVEERRPP HHoowwttoo
+PPoossttffiixx VVEERRPP ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix versions 1.1 and later support variable envelope return path addresses
+on request. When VERP style delivery is requested, each recipient of a message
+receives a customized copy of the message, with his/her own recipient address
+encoded in the envelope sender address.
+For example, when VERP style delivery is requested, Postfix delivers mail from
+"owner-listname@origin" for a recipient "user@domain", with a sender address
+that encodes the recipient as follows:
+ owner-listname+user=domain@origin
+Thus, undeliverable mail can reveal the undeliverable recipient address without
+requiring the list owner to parse bounce messages.
+The VERP concept was popularized by the qmail MTA and by the ezmlm mailing list
+manager. See for the ideas behind this concept.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Postfix VERP configuration parameters
+ * Using VERP with majordomo etc. mailing lists
+ * VERP support in the Postfix SMTP server
+ * VERP support in the Postfix sendmail command
+ * VERP support in the Postfix QMQP server
+PPoossttffiixx VVEERRPP ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss
+With Postfix, the whole process is controlled by four configuration parameters.
+default_verp_delimiters (default value: +=)
+ What VERP delimiter characters Postfix uses when VERP style delivery is
+ requested but no explicit delimiters are specified.
+verp_delimiter_filter (default: -+=)
+ What characters Postfix accepts as VERP delimiter characters on the
+ sendmail command line and in SMTP commands. Many characters must not be
+ used as VERP delimiter characters, either because they already have a
+ special meaning in email addresses (such as the @ or the %), because they
+ are used as part of a username or domain name (such as alphanumerics), or
+ because they are non-ASCII or control characters. And who knows, some
+ characters may tickle bugs in vulnerable software, and we would not want
+ that to happen.
+smtpd_authorized_verp_clients (default value: none)
+ What SMTP clients are allowed to request VERP style delivery. The Postfix
+ QMQP server uses its own access control mechanism, and local submission
+ (via /usr/sbin/sendmail etc.) is always authorized. To authorize a host,
+ list its name, IP address, subnet (net/mask) or parent .domain.
+ With Postfix versions 1.1 and 2.0, this parameter is called
+ authorized_verp_clients (default: $mynetworks).
+disable_verp_bounces (default: no)
+ Send one bounce report for multi-recipient VERP mail, instead of one bounce
+ report per recipient. The default, one per recipient, is what ezmlm needs.
+UUssiinngg VVEERRPP wwiitthh mmaajjoorrddoommoo eettcc.. mmaaiilliinngg lliissttss
+In order to make VERP useful with majordomo etc. mailing lists, you would
+configure the list manager to submit mail according to one of the following two
+Postfix 2.3 and later:
+ % sendmail -XV -f owner-listname other-arguments...
+ % sendmail -XV+= -f owner-listname other-arguments...
+Postfix 2.2 and earlier (Postfix 2.3 understands the old syntax for backwards
+compatibility, but will log a warning that reminds you of the new syntax):
+ % sendmail -V -f owner-listname other-arguments...
+ % sendmail -V+= -f owner-listname other-arguments...
+The first form uses the default VERP delimiter characters. The second
+form allows you to explicitly specify the VERP delimiter characters. The
+example shows the recommended values.
+This text assumes that you have set up an owner-listname alias that routes
+undeliverable mail to a real person:
+ /etc/aliases:
+ owner-listname: yourname+listname
+In order to process bounces we are going to make extensive use of address
+extension tricks.
+You need to tell Postfix that + is the separator between an address and its
+optional address extension, that address extensions are appended to .forward
+file names, and that address extensions are to be discarded when doing alias
+ /etc/postfix/
+ recipient_delimiter = +
+ forward_path = $home/.forward${recipient_delimiter}${extension},
+ $home/.forward
+ propagate_unmatched_extensions = canonical, virtual
+(the last two parameter settings are default settings).
+You need to set up a file named .forward+listname with the commands that
+process all the mail that is sent to the owner-listname address:
+ ~/.forward+listname:
+ "|/some/where/command ..."
+With this set up, undeliverable mail for user@domain will be returned to the
+following address:
+ owner-listname+user=domain@your.domain
+which is processed by the command in your .forward+listname file. The message
+should contain, among others, a To: header with the encapsulated recipient
+sender address:
+ To: owner-listname+user=domain@your.domain
+It is left as an exercise for the reader to parse the To: header line and to
+pull out the user=domain part from the recipient address.
+VVEERRPP ssuuppppoorrtt iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr
+The Postfix SMTP server implements a command XVERP to enable VERP style
+delivery. The syntax allows two forms:
+ MAIL FROM:<sender@domain> XVERP
+ MAIL FROM:<sender@domain> XVERP=+=
+The first form uses the default VERP delimiters, the second form
+overrides them explicitly. The values shown are the recommended ones.
+You can use the smtpd_command_filter feature to append XVERP to SMTP commands
+from legacy software. This requires Postfix 2.7 or later.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ smtpd_command_filter = pcre:/etc/postfix/append_verp.pcre
+ smtpd_authorized_verp_clients = $mynetworks
+ /etc/postfix/append_verp.pcre:
+ /^(MAIL FROM:<listname@example\.com>.*)/ $1 XVERP
+VVEERRPP ssuuppppoorrtt iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx sseennddmmaaiill ccoommmmaanndd
+The Postfix sendmail command has a -V flag to request VERP style delivery.
+Specify one of the following two forms:
+Postfix 2.3 and later:
+ % sendmail -XV -f owner-listname ....
+ % sendmail -XV+= -f owner-listname ....
+Postfix 2.2 and earlier (Postfix 2.3 understands the old syntax for backwards
+compatibility, but will log a warning that reminds you of the new syntax):
+ % sendmail -V -f owner-listname ....
+ % sendmail -V+= -f owner-listname ....
+The first form uses the default VERP delimiters, the second form
+overrides them explicitly. The values shown are the recommended ones.
+VVEERRPP ssuuppppoorrtt iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx QQMMQQPP sseerrvveerr
+When the Postfix QMQP server receives mail with an envelope sender address of
+the form:
+ listname-@your.domain-@[]
+Postfix generates sender addresses "listname-user=domain@your.domain", using "-
+=" as the VERP delimiters because qmail/ezmlm expect this.
+More generally, a sender address of "prefix@origin-@[]" requests VERP style
+delivery with sender addresses of the form "prefixuser=domain@origin". However,
+Postfix allows only VERP delimiters that are specified with the
+verp_delimiter_filter parameter. In particular, the "=" delimiter is required
+for qmail compatibility (see the qmail addresses(5) manual page for details).
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f470ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+PPoossttffiixx VViirrttuuaall DDoommaaiinn HHoossttiinngg HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt
+This document requires Postfix version 2.0 or later.
+This document gives an overview of how Postfix can be used for hosting multiple
+Internet domains, both for final delivery on the machine itself and for the
+purpose of forwarding to destinations elsewhere.
+The text not only describes delivery mechanisms that are built into Postfix,
+but also gives pointers for using non-Postfix mail delivery software.
+The following topics are covered:
+ * Canonical versus hosted versus other domains
+ * Local files versus network databases
+ * As simple as can be: shared domains, UNIX system accounts
+ * Postfix virtual ALIAS example: separate domains, UNIX system accounts
+ * Postfix virtual MAILBOX example: separate domains, non-UNIX accounts
+ * Non-Postfix mailbox store: separate domains, non-UNIX accounts
+ * Mail forwarding domains
+ * Mailing lists
+ * Autoreplies
+CCaannoonniiccaall vveerrssuuss hhoosstteedd vveerrssuuss ootthheerr ddoommaaiinnss
+Most Postfix systems are ffiinnaall ddeessttiinnaattiioonn for only a few domain names. These
+include the hostnames and [the IP addresses] of the machine that Postfix runs
+on, and sometimes also include the parent domain of the hostname. The remainder
+of this document will refer to these domains as the canonical domains. They are
+usually implemented with the Postfix local domain address class, as defined in
+Besides the canonical domains, Postfix can be configured to be ffiinnaall
+ddeessttiinnaattiioonn for any number of additional domains. These domains are called
+hosted, because they are not directly associated with the name of the machine
+itself. Hosted domains are usually implemented with the virtual alias domain
+address class and/or with the virtual mailbox domain address class, as defined
+But wait! There is more. Postfix can be configured as a backup MX host for
+other domains. In this case Postfix is nnoott tthhee ffiinnaall ddeessttiinnaattiioonn for those
+domains. It merely queues the mail when the primary MX host is down, and
+forwards the mail when the primary MX host becomes available. This function is
+implemented with the relay domain address class, as defined in the
+Finally, Postfix can be configured as a transit host for sending mail across
+the internet. Obviously, Postfix is not final destination for such mail. This
+function is available only for authorized clients and/or users, and is
+implemented by the default domain address class, as defined in the
+LLooccaall ffiilleess vveerrssuuss nneettwwoorrkk ddaattaabbaasseess
+The examples in this text use table lookups from local files such as DBM or
+Berkeley DB. These are easy to debug with the ppoossttmmaapp command:
+ Example: postmap -q hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+See the documentation in LDAP_README, MYSQL_README and PGSQL_README for how to
+replace local files by databases. The reader is strongly advised to make the
+system work with local files before migrating to network databases, and to use
+the ppoossttmmaapp command to verify that network database lookups produce the exact
+same results as local file lookup.
+ Example: postmap -q ldap:/etc/postfix/
+AAss ssiimmppllee aass ccaann bbee:: sshhaarreedd ddoommaaiinnss,, UUNNIIXX ssyysstteemm aaccccoouunnttss
+The simplest method to host an additional domain is to add the domain name to
+the domains listed in the Postfix mydestination configuration parameter, and to
+add the user names to the UNIX password file.
+This approach makes no distinction between canonical and hosted domains. Each
+username can receive mail in every domain.
+In the examples we will use "" as the domain that is being hosted on
+the local Postfix machine.
+ /etc/postfix/
+ mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain ...
+The limitations of this approach are:
+ * A total lack of separation: mail for is delivered to the
+ same UNIX system account as mail for
+ * With users in the UNIX password file, administration of large numbers of
+ users becomes inconvenient.
+The examples that follow provide solutions for both limitations.
+PPoossttffiixx vviirrttuuaall AALLIIAASS eexxaammppllee:: sseeppaarraattee ddoommaaiinnss,, UUNNIIXX ssyysstteemm aaccccoouunnttss
+With the approach described in this section, every hosted domain can have its
+own info etc. email address. However, it still uses UNIX system accounts for
+local mailbox deliveries.
+With virtual alias domains, each hosted address is aliased to a local UNIX
+system account or to a remote address. The example below shows how to use this
+mechanism for the domain.
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_alias_domains = ...other hosted domains...
+ 3 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 6 postmaster
+ 7 joe
+ 8 jane
+ 9 # Uncomment entry below to implement a catch-all address
+ 10 # jim
+ 11 ...virtual aliases for more domains...
+ * Line 2: the virtual_alias_domains setting tells Postfix that is
+ a so-called virtual alias domain. If you omit this setting then Postfix
+ will reject mail (relay access denied) or will not be able to deliver it
+ (mail for loops back to myself).
+ NEVER list a virtual alias domain name as a mydestination domain!
+ * Lines 3-8: the /etc/postfix/virtual file contains the virtual aliases. With
+ the example above, mail for goes to the local
+ postmaster, while mail for goes to the UNIX account joe,
+ and mail for goes to the UNIX account jane. Mail for all
+ other addresses in is rejected with the error message "User
+ unknown".
+ * Line 10: the commented out entry (text after #) shows how one would
+ implement a catch-all virtual alias that receives mail for every
+ address not listed in the virtual alias file. This is not
+ without risk. Spammers nowadays try to send mail from (or mail to) every
+ possible name that they can think of. A catch-all mailbox is likely to
+ receive many spam messages, and many bounces for spam messages that were
+ sent in the name of
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" after changing the virtual
+file, and execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" after changing the file.
+Note: virtual aliases can resolve to a local address or to a remote address, or
+both. They don't have to resolve to UNIX system accounts on your machine.
+More details about the virtual alias file are given in the virtual(5) manual
+page, including multiple addresses on the right-hand side.
+Virtual aliasing solves one problem: it allows each domain to have its own info
+mail address. But there still is one drawback: each virtual address is aliased
+to a UNIX system account. As you add more virtual addresses you also add more
+UNIX system accounts. The next section eliminates this problem.
+PPoossttffiixx vviirrttuuaall MMAAIILLBBOOXX eexxaammppllee:: sseeppaarraattee ddoommaaiinnss,, nnoonn--UUNNIIXX aaccccoouunnttss
+As a system hosts more and more domains and users, it becomes less desirable to
+give every user their own UNIX system account.
+With the Postfix virtual(8) mailbox delivery agent, every recipient address can
+have its own virtual mailbox. Unlike virtual alias domains, virtual mailbox
+domains do not need the clumsy translation from each recipient addresses into a
+different address, and owners of a virtual mailbox address do not need to have
+a UNIX system account.
+The Postfix virtual(8) mailbox delivery agent looks up the user mailbox
+pathname, uid and gid via separate tables that are searched with the
+recipient's mail address. Maildir style delivery is turned on by terminating
+the mailbox pathname with "/".
+If you find the idea of multiple tables bothersome, remember that you can
+migrate the information (once it works), to an SQL database. If you take that
+route, be sure to review the "local files versus databases" section at the top
+of this document.
+Here is an example of a virtual mailbox domain "":
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_mailbox_domains = ...more domains...
+ 3 virtual_mailbox_base = /var/mail/vhosts
+ 4 virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/vmailbox
+ 5 virtual_minimum_uid = 100
+ 6 virtual_uid_maps = static:5000
+ 7 virtual_gid_maps = static:5000
+ 8 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 9
+ 10 /etc/postfix/vmailbox:
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13 # Comment out the entry below to implement a catch-all.
+ 14 #
+ 15 ...virtual mailboxes for more domains...
+ 16
+ 17 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 18 postmaster
+ * Line 2: The virtual_mailbox_domains setting tells Postfix that
+ is a so-called virtual mailbox domain. If you omit this setting then
+ Postfix will reject mail (relay access denied) or will not be able to
+ deliver it (mail for loops back to myself).
+ NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a mydestination domain!
+ NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a virtual ALIAS domain!
+ * Line 3: The virtual_mailbox_base parameter specifies a prefix for all
+ virtual mailbox pathnames. This is a safety mechanism in case someone makes
+ a mistake. It prevents mail from being delivered all over the file system.
+ * Lines 4, 10-15: The virtual_mailbox_maps parameter specifies the lookup
+ table with mailbox (or maildir) pathnames, indexed by the virtual mail
+ address. In this example, mail for goes to the mailbox at
+ /var/mail/vhosts/ while mail for goes to
+ the maildir located at /var/mail/vhosts/
+ * Line 5: The virtual_minimum_uid specifies a lower bound on the mailbox or
+ maildir owner's UID. This is a safety mechanism in case someone makes a
+ mistake. It prevents mail from being written to sensitive files.
+ * Lines 6, 7: The virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps parameters specify
+ that all the virtual mailboxes are owned by a fixed uid and gid 5000. If
+ this is not what you want, specify lookup tables that are searched by the
+ recipient's mail address.
+ * Line 14: The commented out entry (text after #) shows how one would
+ implement a catch-all virtual mailbox address. Be prepared to receive a lot
+ of spam, as well as bounced spam that was sent in the name of
+ NEVER put a virtual MAILBOX wild-card in the virtual ALIAS file!!
+ * Lines 8, 17, 18: As you see, it is possible to mix virtual aliases with
+ virtual mailboxes. We use this feature to redirect mail for's
+ postmaster address to the local postmaster. You can use the same mechanism
+ to redirect an address to a remote address.
+ * Line 18: This example assumes that in, $myorigin is listed under
+ the mydestination parameter setting. If that is not the case, specify an
+ explicit domain name on the right-hand side of the virtual alias table
+ entries or else mail will go to the wrong domain.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" after changing the virtual
+file, execute "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vvmmaaiillbbooxx" after changing the vmailbox file,
+and execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" after changing the file.
+Note: mail delivery happens with the recipient's UID/GID privileges specified
+with virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps. Postfix 2.0 and earlier will not
+create mailDIRs in world-writable parent directories; you must create them in
+advance before you can use them. Postfix may be able to create mailBOX files by
+itself, depending on parent directory write permissions, but it is safer to
+create mailBOX files ahead of time.
+More details about the virtual mailbox delivery agent are given in the virtual
+(8) manual page.
+NNoonn--PPoossttffiixx mmaaiillbbooxx ssttoorree:: sseeppaarraattee ddoommaaiinnss,, nnoonn--UUNNIIXX aaccccoouunnttss
+This is a variation on the Postfix virtual mailbox example. Again, every hosted
+address can have its own mailbox. However, most parameters that control the
+virtual(8) delivery agent are no longer applicable: only
+virtual_mailbox_domains and virtual_mailbox_maps stay in effect. These
+parameters are needed to reject mail for unknown recipients.
+While non-Postfix software is being used for final delivery, some Postfix
+concepts are still needed in order to glue everything together. For additional
+background on this glue you may want to take a look at the virtual mailbox
+domain class as defined in the ADDRESS_CLASS_README file.
+The text in this section describes what things should look like from Postfix's
+point of view. See CYRUS_README or MAILDROP_README for specific information
+about Cyrus or about Courier maildrop.
+Here is an example for a hosted domain that delivers to a non-
+Postfix delivery agent:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_transport = ...see below...
+ 3 virtual_mailbox_domains = ...more domains...
+ 4 virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/vmailbox
+ 5 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 6
+ 7 /etc/postfix/vmailbox:
+ 8 whatever
+ 9 whatever
+ 10 # Comment out the entry below to implement a catch-all.
+ 11 # Configure the mailbox store to accept all addresses.
+ 12 # whatever
+ 13 ...virtual mailboxes for more domains...
+ 14
+ 15 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 16 postmaster
+ * Line 2: With delivery to a non-Postfix mailbox store for hosted domains,
+ the virtual_transport parameter usually specifies the Postfix LMTP client,
+ or the name of a entry that executes non-Postfix software via the
+ pipe delivery agent. Typical examples (use only one):
+ virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/path/name (uses UNIX-domain socket)
+ virtual_transport = lmtp:hostname:port (uses TCP socket)
+ virtual_transport = maildrop: (uses pipe(8) to command)
+ Postfix comes ready with support for LMTP. And an example maildrop delivery
+ method is already defined in the default Postfix file. See the
+ MAILDROP_README document for more details.
+ * Line 3: The virtual_mailbox_domains setting tells Postfix that
+ is delivered via the virtual_transport that was discussed in the previous
+ paragraph. If you omit this virtual_mailbox_domains setting then Postfix
+ will either reject mail (relay access denied) or will not be able to
+ deliver it (mail for loops back to myself).
+ NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a mydestination domain!
+ NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a virtual ALIAS domain!
+ * Lines 4, 7-13: The virtual_mailbox_maps parameter specifies the lookup
+ table with all valid recipient addresses. The lookup result value is
+ ignored by Postfix. In the above example, and
+ are listed as valid addresses; other mail for
+ is rejected with "User unknown" by the Postfix SMTP server. It's left up to
+ the non-Postfix delivery agent to reject non-existent recipients from local
+ submission or from local alias expansion. If you intend to use LDAP, MySQL
+ or PgSQL instead of local files, be sure to review the "local files versus
+ databases" section at the top of this document!
+ * Line 12: The commented out entry (text after #) shows how one would inform
+ Postfix of the existence of a catch-all address. Again, the lookup result
+ is ignored by Postfix.
+ NEVER put a virtual MAILBOX wild-card in the virtual ALIAS file!!
+ Note: if you specify a wildcard in virtual_mailbox_maps, then you still
+ need to configure the non-Postfix mailbox store to receive mail for any
+ address in that domain.
+ * Lines 5, 15, 16: As you see above, it is possible to mix virtual aliases
+ with virtual mailboxes. We use this feature to redirect mail for
+'s postmaster address to the local postmaster. You can use the
+ same mechanism to redirect any addresses to a local or remote address.
+ * Line 16: This example assumes that in, $myorigin is listed under
+ the mydestination parameter setting. If that is not the case, specify an
+ explicit domain name on the right-hand side of the virtual alias table
+ entries or else mail will go to the wrong domain.
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" after changing the virtual
+file, execute "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vvmmaaiillbbooxx" after changing the vmailbox file,
+and execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" after changing the file.
+MMaaiill ffoorrwwaarrddiinngg ddoommaaiinnss
+Some providers host domains that have no (or only a few) local mailboxes. The
+main purpose of these domains is to forward mail elsewhere. The following
+example shows how to set up as a mail forwarding domain:
+ 1 /etc/postfix/
+ 2 virtual_alias_domains = ...other hosted domains...
+ 3 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ 4
+ 5 /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ 6 postmaster
+ 7 joe@somewhere
+ 8 jane@somewhere-else
+ 9 # Uncomment entry below to implement a catch-all address
+ 10 # jim@yet-another-site
+ 11 ...virtual aliases for more domains...
+ * Line 2: The virtual_alias_domains setting tells Postfix that is
+ a so-called virtual alias domain. If you omit this setting then Postfix
+ will reject mail (relay access denied) or will not be able to deliver it
+ (mail for loops back to myself).
+ NEVER list a virtual alias domain name as a mydestination domain!
+ * Lines 3-11: The /etc/postfix/virtual file contains the virtual aliases.
+ With the example above, mail for goes to the local
+ postmaster, while mail for goes to the remote address
+ joe@somewhere, and mail for goes to the remote address
+ jane@somewhere-else. Mail for all other addresses in is
+ rejected with the error message "User unknown".
+ * Line 10: The commented out entry (text after #) shows how one would
+ implement a catch-all virtual alias that receives mail for every
+ address not listed in the virtual alias file. This is not
+ without risk. Spammers nowadays try to send mail from (or mail to) every
+ possible name that they can think of. A catch-all mailbox is likely to
+ receive many spam messages, and many bounces for spam messages that were
+ sent in the name of
+Execute the command "ppoossttmmaapp //eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//vviirrttuuaall" after changing the virtual
+file, and execute the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" after changing the file.
+More details about the virtual alias file are given in the virtual(5) manual
+page, including multiple addresses on the right-hand side.
+MMaaiilliinngg lliissttss
+The examples that were given above already show how to direct mail for virtual
+postmaster addresses to a local postmaster. You can use the same method to
+direct mail for any address to a local or remote address.
+There is one major limitation: virtual aliases and virtual mailboxes can't
+directly deliver to mailing list managers such as majordomo. The solution is to
+set up virtual aliases that direct virtual addresses to the local delivery
+ /etc/postfix/
+ virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ listname-request
+ listname
+ owner-listname
+ /etc/aliases:
+ listname: "|/some/where/majordomo/wrapper ..."
+ owner-listname: ...
+ listname-request: ...
+This example assumes that in, $myorigin is listed under the
+mydestination parameter setting. If that is not the case, specify an explicit
+domain name on the right-hand side of the virtual alias table entries or else
+mail will go to the wrong domain.
+More information about the Postfix local delivery agent can be found in the
+local(8) manual page.
+Why does this example use a clumsy virtual alias instead of a more elegant
+transport mapping? The reason is that mail for the virtual mailing list would
+be rejected with "User unknown". In order to make the transport mapping work
+one would still need a bunch of virtual alias or virtual mailbox table entries.
+ * In case of a virtual alias domain, there would need to be one identity
+ mapping from each mailing list address to itself.
+ * In case of a virtual mailbox domain, there would need to be a dummy mailbox
+ for each mailing list address.
+In order to set up an autoreply for virtual recipients while still delivering
+mail as normal, set up a rule in a virtual alias table:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
+ /etc/postfix/virtual:
+ user@domain.tld user@domain.tld, user@domain.tld@autoreply.mydomain.tld
+This delivers mail to the recipient, and sends a copy of the mail to the
+address that produces automatic replies. The address can be serviced on a
+different machine, or it can be serviced locally by setting up a transport map
+entry that pipes all mail for autoreply.mydomain.tld into some script that
+sends an automatic reply back to the sender.
+DO NOT list autoreply.mydomain.tld in mydestination!
+ /etc/postfix/
+ transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
+ /etc/postfix/transport:
+ autoreply.mydomain.tld autoreply:
+ /etc/postfix/
+ # =============================================================
+ # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command
+ # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
+ # =============================================================
+ autoreply unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags= user=nobody argv=/path/to/autoreply $sender $mailbox
+This invokes /path/to/autoreply with the sender address and the user@domain.tld
+recipient address on the command line.
+For more information, see the pipe(8) manual page, and the comments in the
+Postfix file.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b11bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+PPoossttffiixx XXCCLLIIEENNTT HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee XXCCLLIIEENNTT eexxtteennssiioonn ttoo SSMMTTPP
+When an SMTP server announces support for the XCLIENT command, an SMTP client
+may send information that overrides one or more client-related session
+attributes. The XCLIENT command targets the following problems:
+ 1. Access control tests. SMTP server access rules are difficult to verify when
+ decisions can be triggered only by remote clients. In order to facilitate
+ access rule testing, an authorized SMTP client test program needs the
+ ability to override the SMTP server's idea of the SMTP client hostname,
+ network address, and other client information, for the entire duration of
+ an SMTP session.
+ 2. Client software that downloads mail from an up-stream mail server and
+ injects it into a local MTA via SMTP. In order to take advantage of the
+ local MTA's SMTP server access rules, the client software needs the ability
+ to override the SMTP server's idea of the remote client name, client
+ address and other information. Such information can typically be extracted
+ from the up-stream mail server's Received: message header.
+ 3. Post-filter access control and logging. With Internet->filter->MTA style
+ content filter applications, the filter can be simplified if it can
+ delegate decisions concerning mail relay and other access control to the
+ MTA. This is especially useful when the filter acts as a transparent proxy
+ for SMTP commands. This requires that the filter can override the MTA's
+ idea of the SMTP client hostname, network address, and other information.
+XXCCLLIIEENNTT CCoommmmaanndd ssyynnttaaxx
+An example client-server conversation is given at the end of this document.
+In SMTP server EHLO replies, the keyword associated with this extension is
+XCLIENT. It is followed by the names of the attributes that the XCLIENT
+implementation supports.
+The XCLIENT command may be sent at any time, except in the middle of a mail
+delivery transaction (i.e. between MAIL and DOT, or MAIL and RSET). The XCLIENT
+command may be pipelined when the server supports ESMTP command pipelining. To
+avoid triggering spamware detectors, the command should be sent at the end of a
+command group.
+The syntax of XCLIENT requests is described below. Upper case and quoted
+strings specify terminals, lowercase strings specify meta terminals, and SP is
+whitespace. Although command and attribute names are shown in upper case, they
+are in fact case insensitive.
+ xclient-command = XCLIENT 1*( SP attribute-name"="attribute-value )
+ attribute-name = ( NAME | ADDR | PORT | PROTO | HELO | LOGIN | DESTADDR |
+ attribute-value = xtext
+ * Attribute values are xtext encoded as per RFC 1891.
+ * The NAME attribute specifies a remote SMTP client hostname (not an SMTP
+ client address), [UNAVAILABLE] when client hostname lookup failed due to a
+ permanent error, or [TEMPUNAVAIL] when the lookup error condition was
+ transient.
+ * The ADDR attribute specifies a remote SMTP client numerical IPv4 network
+ address, an IPv6 address prefixed with IPV6:, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the
+ address information is unavailable. Address information is not enclosed
+ with [].
+ * The PORT attribute specifies a remote SMTP client TCP port number as a
+ decimal number, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The PROTO attribute specifies either SMTP or ESMTP.
+ * The DESTADDR attribute specifies a local SMTP server numerical IPv4 network
+ address, an IPv6 address prefixed with IPV6:, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the
+ address information is unavailable. Address information is not enclosed
+ with [].
+ * The DESTPORT attribute specifies a local SMTP server TCP port number as a
+ decimal number, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The HELO attribute specifies an SMTP HELO parameter value, or the value
+ [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The LOGIN attribute specifies a SASL login name, or the value [UNAVAILABLE]
+ when the information is unavailable.
+Note 1: syntactically valid NAME and HELO attribute-value elements can be up to
+255 characters long. The client must not send XCLIENT commands that exceed the
+512 character limit for SMTP commands. To avoid exceeding the limit the client
+should send the information in multiple XCLIENT commands; for example, send
+NAME and ADDR last, after HELO and PROTO. Once ADDR is sent, the client is
+usually no longer authorized to send XCLIENT commands.
+Note 2: [UNAVAILABLE], [TEMPUNAVAIL] and IPV6: may be specified in upper case,
+lower case or mixed case.
+Note 3: Postfix implementations prior to version 2.3 do not xtext encode
+attribute values. Servers that wish to interoperate with these older
+implementations should be prepared to receive unencoded information.
+Note 4: Some Postfix implementations do not implement the PORT or LOGIN
+XXCCLLIIEENNTT SSeerrvveerr rreessppoonnssee
+Upon receipt of a correctly formatted XCLIENT command, the server resets state
+to the initial SMTP greeting protocol stage. Depending on the outcome of
+optional access decisions, the server responds with 220 or with a suitable
+rejection code.
+For practical reasons it is not always possible to reset the complete server
+state to the initial SMTP greeting protocol stage:
+ * TLS session information may not be reset, because turning off TLS leaves
+ the connection in an undefined state. Consequently, the server may not
+ announce STARTTLS when TLS is already active, and access decisions may be
+ influenced by client certificate information that was received prior to the
+ XCLIENT command.
+ * The SMTP server must not reset attributes that were received with the last
+ XCLIENT command. This includes HELO or PROTO attributes.
+NOTE: Postfix implementations prior to version 2.3 do not jump back to the
+initial SMTP greeting protocol stage. These older implementations will not
+correctly simulate connection-level access decisions under some conditions.
+XXCCLLIIEENNTT sseerrvveerr rreeppllyy ccooddeess
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |CCooddee |MMeeaanniinngg |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |220 |success |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |421 |unable to proceed, disconnecting |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |501 |bad command parameter syntax |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |503 |mail transaction in progress |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |550 |insufficient authorization |
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |other|connection rejected by connection-level access decision|
+ |_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+In the example, the client impersonates a mail originating system by passing
+all SMTP client information via the XCLIENT command. Information sent by the
+client is shown in bold font.
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-VRFY
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250 8BITMIME
+ XXCCLLIIEENNTT NNAAMMEE==ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg AADDDDRR==116688..110000..118899..22
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-VRFY
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250 8BITMIME
+ MMAAIILL FFRROOMM::<<wwiieettssee@@ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg>>
+ 250 Ok
+ RRCCPPTT TTOO::<<uusseerr@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm>>
+ 250 Ok
+ 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
+ .. .. ..mmeessssaaggee ccoonntteenntt.. .. ..
+ ..
+ 250 Ok: queued as 763402AAE6
+ 221 Bye
+The XCLIENT command changes audit trails and/or SMTP client access permissions.
+Use of this command must be restricted to authorized SMTP clients.
+SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhiinngg
+XCLIENT attributes persist until the end of an SMTP session. If one session is
+used to deliver mail on behalf of different SMTP clients, the XCLIENT
+attributes need to be reset as appropriate before each MAIL FROM command.
+Moore, K, "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications", RFC 1891,
+January 1996.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84802ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+PPoossttffiixx XXFFOORRWWAARRDD HHoowwttoo
+PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee XXFFOORRWWAARRDD eexxtteennssiioonn ttoo SSMMTTPP
+When an SMTP server announces support for the XFORWARD command, an SMTP client
+may send information that overrides one or more client-related logging
+attributes. The XFORWARD command targets the following problem:
+ * Logging after SMTP-based content filter. With the deployment of Internet-
+ >MTA1->filter->MTA2 style content filter applications, the logging of
+ client and message identifying information changes when MTA1 gives the mail
+ to the content filter. To simplify the interpretation of MTA2 logging, it
+ would help if MTA1 could forward remote client and/or message identifying
+ information through the content filter to MTA2, so that the information
+ could be logged as part of mail handling transactions.
+This extension is implemented as a separate ESMTP command, and can be used to
+transmit client or message attributes incrementally. It is not implemented by
+passing additional parameters via the MAIL FROM command, because doing so would
+require extending the MAIL FROM command length limit by another 600 or more
+characters beyond the space that is already needed to support other extensions
+such as AUTH and DSN.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD CCoommmmaanndd ssyynnttaaxx
+An example of a client-server conversation is given at the end of this
+In SMTP server EHLO replies, the keyword associated with this extension is
+XFORWARD. The keyword is followed by the names of the attributes that the
+XFORWARD implementation supports.
+After receiving the server's announcement for XFORWARD support, the client may
+send XFORWARD requests at any time except in the middle of a mail delivery
+transaction (i.e. between MAIL and RSET or DOT). The command may be pipelined
+when the server supports ESMTP command pipelining.
+The syntax of XFORWARD requests is described below. Upper case and quoted
+strings specify terminals, lowercase strings specify meta terminals, and SP is
+whitespace. Although command and attribute names are shown in upper case, they
+are in fact case insensitive.
+ xforward-command = XFORWARD 1*( SP attribute-name"="attribute-value )
+ attribute-name = ( NAME | ADDR | PORT | PROTO | HELO | IDENT | SOURCE )
+ attribute-value = xtext
+ * Attribute values are xtext encoded as per RFC 1891.
+ * The NAME attribute specifies the up-stream hostname, or [UNAVAILABLE] when
+ the information is unavailable. The hostname may be a non-DNS hostname.
+ * The ADDR attribute specifies the up-stream network address: a numerical
+ IPv4 network address, an IPv6 address prefixed with IPV6:, or [UNAVAILABLE]
+ when the address information is unavailable. Address information is not
+ enclosed with [].
+ * The PORT attribute specifies an up-stream client TCP port number in
+ decimal, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The PROTO attribute specifies the mail protocol for receiving mail from the
+ up-stream host. This may be an SMTP or non-SMTP protocol name of up to 64
+ characters, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable.
+ * The HELO attribute specifies the hostname that the up-stream host announced
+ itself with (not necessarily via the SMTP HELO command), or [UNAVAILABLE]
+ when the information is unavailable. The hostname may be a non-DNS
+ hostname.
+ * The IDENT attribute specifies a local message identifier on the up-stream
+ host, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable. The down-stream
+ MTA may log this information together with its own local message identifier
+ to facilitate message tracking across MTAs.
+ * The SOURCE attribute specifies LOCAL when the message was received from a
+ source that is local with respect to the up-stream host (for example, the
+ message originated from the up-stream host itself), REMOTE for all other
+ mail, or [UNAVAILABLE] when the information is unavailable. The down-stream
+ MTA may decide to enable features such as header munging or address
+ qualification with mail from local sources but not other sources.
+Note 1: an attribute-value element must not be longer than 255 characters
+(specific attributes may impose shorter lengths). After xtext decoding,
+attribute values must not contain control characters, non-ASCII characters,
+whitespace, or other characters that are special in message headers.
+Note 2: DNS hostnames can be up to 255 characters long. The XFORWARD client
+implementation must not send XFORWARD commands that exceed the 512 character
+limit for SMTP commands.
+Note 3: [UNAVAILABLE] may be specified in upper case, lower case or mixed case.
+Note 4: Postfix implementations prior to version 2.3 do not xtext encode
+attribute values. Servers that wish to interoperate with these older
+implementations should be prepared to receive unencoded information.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD SSeerrvveerr ooppeerraattiioonn
+The server maintains a set of XFORWARD attributes with forwarded information,
+in addition the current SMTP session attributes. Normally, all XFORWARD
+attributes are in the undefined state, and the server uses the current SMTP
+session attributes for logging purposes.
+Upon receipt of an initial XFORWARD command, the SMTP server initializes all
+XFORWARD attributes to [UNAVAILABLE]. With each valid XFORWARD command, the
+server updates XFORWARD attributes with the specified values.
+The server must not mix client attributes from XFORWARD with client attributes
+from the current SMTP session.
+At the end of each MAIL FROM transaction (i.e. RSET or DOT), the server resets
+all XFORWARD attributes to the undefined state, and is ready to receive another
+initial XFORWARD command.
+XXFFOORRWWAARRDD SSeerrvveerr rreeppllyy ccooddeess
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ |CCooddee|MMeeaanniinngg |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |250 |success |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |421 |unable to proceed, disconnecting|
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |501 |bad command parameter syntax |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |503 |mail transaction in progress |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+ |550 |insufficient authorization |
+ |_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
+In the following example, information sent by the client is shown in bold font.
+ 220 ESMTP Postfix
+ EEHHLLOO cclliieenntt..eexxaammppllee..ccoomm
+ 250-SIZE 10240000
+ 250-VRFY
+ 250-ETRN
+ 250 8BITMIME
+ XXFFOORRWWAARRDD NNAAMMEE==ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg AADDDDRR==116688..110000..118899..22 PPRROOTTOO==EESSMMTTPP
+ 250 Ok
+ XXFFOORRWWAARRDD HHEELLOO==ssppiikkee..ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg
+ 250 Ok
+ MMAAIILL FFRROOMM::<<wwiieettssee@@ppoorrccuuppiinnee..oorrgg>>
+ 250 Ok
+ RRCCPPTT TTOO::<<uusseerr@@eexxaammppllee..ccoomm>>
+ 250 Ok
+ 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
+ .. .. ..mmeessssaaggee ccoonntteenntt.. .. ..
+ ..
+ 250 Ok: queued as 3CF6B2AAE8
+ 221 Bye
+The XFORWARD command changes audit trails. Use of this command must be
+restricted to authorized clients.
+SSMMTTPP ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ccaacchhiinngg
+SMTP connection caching makes it possible to deliver multiple messages within
+the same SMTP session. The XFORWARD attributes are reset after the MAIL FROM
+transaction completes (after RSET or DOT), so there is no risk of information
+Moore, K, "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications", RFC 1891,
+January 1996.