From 5e61585d76ae77fd5e9e96ebabb57afa4d74880d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:06:34 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 3.5.24. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- html/newaliases.1.html | 487 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 487 insertions(+) create mode 100644 html/newaliases.1.html (limited to 'html/newaliases.1.html') diff --git a/html/newaliases.1.html b/html/newaliases.1.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02f20fe --- /dev/null +++ b/html/newaliases.1.html @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ + + + + Postfix manual - sendmail(1) +
+SENDMAIL(1)                                                        SENDMAIL(1)
+       sendmail - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
+       sendmail [option ...] [recipient ...]
+       mailq
+       sendmail -bp
+       newaliases
+       sendmail -I
+       The Postfix sendmail(1) command implements the Postfix to Sendmail com-
+       patibility interface.  For the  sake  of  compatibility  with  existing
+       applications,  some  Sendmail  command-line  options are recognized but
+       silently ignored.
+       By default, Postfix sendmail(1) reads a  message  from  standard  input
+       until  EOF  or  until  it  reads  a  line  with only a . character, and
+       arranges for delivery.  Postfix sendmail(1) relies on  the  postdrop(1)
+       command to create a queue file in the maildrop directory.
+       Specific  command aliases are provided for other common modes of opera-
+       tion:
+       mailq  List the mail queue. Each entry shows the queue file ID, message
+              size,  arrival  time, sender, and the recipients that still need
+              to be delivered.  If mail could not be delivered upon  the  last
+              attempt, the reason for failure is shown. The queue ID string is
+              followed by an optional status character:
+              *      The message is in the active queue, i.e. the  message  is
+                     selected for delivery.
+              !      The  message is in the hold queue, i.e. no further deliv-
+                     ery attempt will be made until  the  mail  is  taken  off
+                     hold.
+              This   mode   of  operation  is  implemented  by  executing  the
+              postqueue(1) command.
+       newaliases
+              Initialize the alias database.  If no input  file  is  specified
+              (with  the  -oA  option,  see  below), the program processes the
+              file(s) specified with the alias_database configuration  parame-
+              ter.   If  no alias database type is specified, the program uses
+              the type specified with the default_database_type  configuration
+              parameter.  This mode of operation is implemented by running the
+              postalias(1) command.
+              Note: it may take a minute or so before an alias database update
+              becomes  visible.  Use the "postfix reload" command to eliminate
+              this delay.
+       These and other features can be selected by specifying the  appropriate
+       combination  of  command-line  options. Some features are controlled by
+       parameters in the configuration file.
+       The following options are recognized:
+       -Am (ignored)
+       -Ac (ignored)
+              Postfix sendmail uses the same configuration file regardless  of
+              whether or not a message is an initial submission.
+       -B body_type
+              The message body MIME type: 7BIT or 8BITMIME.
+       -bd    Go  into  daemon  mode. This mode of operation is implemented by
+              executing the "postfix start" command.
+       -bh (ignored)
+       -bH (ignored)
+              Postfix has no persistent host status database.
+       -bi    Initialize alias database. See the newaliases command above.
+       -bl    Go into daemon mode. To accept only local  connections  as  with
+              Sendmail's  -bl  option, specify "inet_interfaces = loopback" in
+              the Postfix configuration file.
+       -bm    Read mail from standard input and arrange for delivery.  This is
+              the default mode of operation.
+       -bp    List the mail queue. See the mailq command above.
+       -bs    Stand-alone  SMTP  server mode. Read SMTP commands from standard
+              input, and write responses to standard output.   In  stand-alone
+              SMTP  server  mode,  mail relaying and other access controls are
+              disabled by default. To enable them,  run  the  process  as  the
+              mail_owner user.
+              This  mode  of  operation is implemented by running the smtpd(8)
+              daemon.
+       -bv    Do not collect or deliver a  message.  Instead,  send  an  email
+              report  after  verifying each recipient address.  This is useful
+              for testing address rewriting and routing configurations.
+              This feature is available in Postfix version 2.1 and later.
+       -C config_file
+       -C config_dir
+              The path name of the Postfix  file,  or  of  its  parent
+              directory.  This  information  is  ignored with Postfix versions
+              before 2.3.
+              With Postfix version 3.2 and later, a non-default directory must
+              be  authorized  in  the default file, through the alter-
+              nate_config_directories  or  multi_instance_directories  parame-
+              ters.
+              With  all Postfix versions, you can specify a directory pathname
+              with the MAIL_CONFIG environment variable to override the  loca-
+              tion of configuration files.
+       -F full_name
+              Set  the  sender  full name. This overrides the NAME environment
+              variable, and is used only with messages that have no From: mes-
+              sage header.
+       -f sender
+              Set  the  envelope  sender  address.  This  is the address where
+              delivery problems are sent to. With Postfix versions before 2.1,
+              the   Errors-To:  message  header  overrides  the  error  return
+              address.
+       -G     Gateway (relay) submission, as opposed to initial  user  submis-
+              sion.   Either do not rewrite addresses at all, or update incom-
+              plete addresses  with  the  domain  information  specified  with
+              remote_header_rewrite_domain.
+              This option is ignored before Postfix version 2.3.
+       -h hop_count (ignored)
+              Hop  count limit. Use the hopcount_limit configuration parameter
+              instead.
+       -I     Initialize alias database. See the newaliases command above.
+       -i     When reading a message from standard input, don't treat  a  line
+              with only a . character as the end of input.
+       -L label (ignored)
+              The  logging  label. Use the syslog_name configuration parameter
+              instead.
+       -m (ignored)
+              Backwards compatibility.
+       -N dsn (default: 'delay, failure')
+              Delivery  status  notification   control.   Specify   either   a
+              comma-separated list with one or more of failure (send notifica-
+              tion when delivery fails), delay (send notification when  deliv-
+              ery  is delayed), or success (send notification when the message
+              is delivered); or specify never (don't send any notifications at
+              all).
+              This feature is available in Postfix 2.3 and later.
+       -n (ignored)
+              Backwards compatibility.
+       -oAalias_database
+              Non-default  alias  database. Specify pathname or type:pathname.
+              See postalias(1) for details.
+       -O option=value (ignored)
+              Set the named option to value. Use the equivalent  configuration
+              parameter in instead.
+       -o7 (ignored)
+       -o8 (ignored)
+              To  send 8-bit or binary content, use an appropriate MIME encap-
+              sulation and specify the appropriate -B command-line option.
+       -oi    When reading a message from standard input, don't treat  a  line
+              with only a . character as the end of input.
+       -om (ignored)
+              The sender is never eliminated from alias etc. expansions.
+       -o x value (ignored)
+              Set  option x to value. Use the equivalent configuration parame-
+              ter in instead.
+       -r sender
+              Set the envelope sender  address.  This  is  the  address  where
+              delivery problems are sent to. With Postfix versions before 2.1,
+              the  Errors-To:  message  header  overrides  the  error   return
+              address.
+       -R return
+              Delivery  status notification control.  Specify "hdrs" to return
+              only the header when a message bounces, "full" to return a  full
+              copy (the default behavior).
+              The -R option specifies an upper bound; Postfix will return only
+              the header, when a full copy would exceed the  bounce_size_limit
+              setting.
+              This option is ignored before Postfix version 2.10.
+       -q     Attempt  to deliver all queued mail. This is implemented by exe-
+              cuting the postqueue(1) command.
+              Warning: flushing undeliverable mail frequently will  result  in
+              poor delivery performance of all other mail.
+       -qinterval (ignored)
+              The interval between queue runs. Use the queue_run_delay config-
+              uration parameter instead.
+       -qIqueueid
+              Schedule immediate delivery of mail with the specified queue ID.
+              This  option  is  implemented by executing the postqueue(1) com-
+              mand, and is available with Postfix version 2.4 and later.
+       -qRsite
+              Schedule immediate delivery of all mail that is queued  for  the
+              named  site. This option accepts only site names that are eligi-
+              ble for the "fast flush" service, and is implemented by  execut-
+              ing the postqueue(1) command.  See flush(8) for more information
+              about the "fast flush" service.
+       -qSsite
+              This command is not implemented. Use the  slower  "sendmail  -q"
+              command instead.
+       -t     Extract  recipients from message headers. These are added to any
+              recipients specified on the command line.
+              With Postfix versions prior to 2.1, this option requires that no
+              recipient addresses are specified on the command line.
+       -U (ignored)
+              Initial user submission.
+       -V envid
+              Specify the envelope ID for notification by servers that support
+              DSN.
+              This feature is available in Postfix 2.3 and later.
+       -XV (Postfix 2.2 and earlier: -V)
+              Variable Envelope Return Path. Given an envelope sender  address
+              of  the  form  owner-listname@origin, each recipient user@domain
+              receives mail with a personalized envelope sender address.
+              By  default,  the  personalized  envelope  sender   address   is
+              owner-listname+user=domain@origin.  The  default + and = charac-
+              ters are configurable with the default_verp_delimiters  configu-
+              ration parameter.
+       -XVxy (Postfix 2.2 and earlier: -Vxy)
+              As  -XV,  but  uses  x  and  y as the VERP delimiter characters,
+              instead of the characters specified with the default_verp_delim-
+              iters configuration parameter.
+       -v     Send an email report of the first delivery attempt (Postfix ver-
+              sions 2.1 and later). Mail delivery always happens in the  back-
+              ground.  When multiple -v options are given, enable verbose log-
+              ging for debugging purposes.
+       -X log_file (ignored)
+              Log mailer traffic. Use the debug_peer_list and debug_peer_level
+              configuration parameters instead.
+       By design, this program is not set-user (or group) id. However, it must
+       handle data from untrusted, possibly remote, users.   Thus,  the  usual
+       precautions need to be taken against malicious inputs.
+       Problems  are  logged to syslogd(8) or postlogd(8), and to the standard
+       error stream.
+              Directory with Postfix configuration files.
+       MAIL_VERBOSE (value does not matter)
+              Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes.
+       MAIL_DEBUG (value does not matter)
+              Enable debugging with an external command, as specified with the
+              debugger_command configuration parameter.
+       NAME   The  sender full name. This is used only with messages that have
+              no From: message header. See also the -F option above.
+       The following parameters are especially relevant to  this  pro-
+       gram.   The  text  below  provides  only a parameter summary. See post-
+       conf(5) for more details including examples.
+       Available with Postfix 2.9 and later:
+       sendmail_fix_line_endings (always)
+              Controls how the Postfix sendmail command converts email message
+              line endings from <CR><LF> into UNIX format (<LF>).
+       The  DEBUG_README  file gives examples of how to troubleshoot a Postfix
+       system.
+       debugger_command (empty)
+              The external command to execute when a Postfix daemon program is
+              invoked with the -D option.
+       debug_peer_level (2)
+              The  increment  in verbose logging level when a remote client or
+              server matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter.
+       debug_peer_list (empty)
+              Optional list of remote client or  server  hostname  or  network
+              address  patterns  that  cause  the  verbose  logging  level  to
+              increase by the amount specified in $debug_peer_level.
+       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:
+       authorized_flush_users (static:anyone)
+              List of users who are authorized to flush the queue.
+       authorized_mailq_users (static:anyone)
+              List of users who are authorized to view the queue.
+       authorized_submit_users (static:anyone)
+              List of users who are authorized to submit mail with  the  send-
+              mail(1) command (and with the privileged postdrop(1) helper com-
+              mand).
+       bounce_size_limit (50000)
+              The maximal amount of original message text that is  sent  in  a
+              non-delivery notification.
+       fork_attempts (5)
+              The maximal number of attempts to fork() a child process.
+       fork_delay (1s)
+              The delay between attempts to fork() a child process.
+       hopcount_limit (50)
+              The maximal number of Received:  message headers that is allowed
+              in the primary message headers.
+       queue_run_delay (300s)
+              The time between deferred queue  scans  by  the  queue  manager;
+              prior to Postfix 2.4 the default value was 1000s.
+       The  ETRN_README file describes configuration and operation details for
+       the Postfix "fast flush" service.
+       fast_flush_domains ($relay_domains)
+              Optional list of destinations that are eligible for per-destina-
+              tion logfiles with mail that is queued to those destinations.
+       The  VERP_README  file describes configuration and operation details of
+       Postfix support for variable envelope return path addresses.
+       default_verp_delimiters (+=)
+              The two default VERP delimiter characters.
+       verp_delimiter_filter (-=+)
+              The characters Postfix accepts as VERP delimiter  characters  on
+              the Postfix sendmail(1) command line and in SMTP commands.
+       alias_database (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The  alias databases for local(8) delivery that are updated with
+              "newaliases" or with "sendmail -bi".
+       command_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The location of all postfix administrative commands.
+       config_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The default location of the Postfix and  con-
+              figuration files.
+       daemon_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The directory with Postfix support programs and daemon programs.
+       default_database_type (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The default database type for use in newaliases(1), postalias(1)
+              and postmap(1) commands.
+       delay_warning_time (0h)
+              The  time  after which the sender receives a copy of the message
+              headers of mail that is still queued.
+       import_environment (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The list of environment parameters  that  a  privileged  Postfix
+              process  will  import  from  a  non-Postfix  parent  process, or
+              name=value environment overrides.
+       mail_owner (postfix)
+              The UNIX system account that owns the  Postfix  queue  and  most
+              Postfix daemon processes.
+       queue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory.
+       remote_header_rewrite_domain (empty)
+              Don't  rewrite  message  headers from remote clients at all when
+              this parameter is empty; otherwise, rewrite message headers  and
+              append the specified domain name to incomplete addresses.
+       syslog_facility (mail)
+              The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
+       syslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)
+              A  prefix  that  is  prepended  to  the  process  name in syslog
+              records, so that, for example, "smtpd" becomes "prefix/smtpd".
+       Postfix 3.2 and later:
+       alternate_config_directories (empty)
+              A list of non-default Postfix configuration directories that may
+              be  specified with "-c config_directory" on the command line (in
+              the case of sendmail(1), with  the  "-C"  option),  or  via  the
+              MAIL_CONFIG environment parameter.
+       multi_instance_directories (empty)
+              An  optional  list of non-default Postfix configuration directo-
+              ries; these directories belong to additional  Postfix  instances
+              that  share  the Postfix executable files and documentation with
+              the default Postfix instance, and  that  are  started,  stopped,
+              etc., together with the default Postfix instance.
+       /var/spool/postfix, mail queue
+       /etc/postfix, configuration files
+       pickup(8), mail pickup daemon
+       qmgr(8), queue manager
+       smtpd(8), SMTP server
+       flush(8), fast flush service
+       postsuper(1), queue maintenance
+       postalias(1), create/update/query alias database
+       postdrop(1), mail posting utility
+       postfix(1), mail system control
+       postqueue(1), mail queue control
+       postlogd(8), Postfix logging
+       syslogd(8), system logging
+       Use  "postconf readme_directory" or "postconf html_directory" to locate
+       this information.
+       DEBUG_README, Postfix debugging howto
+       ETRN_README, Postfix ETRN howto
+       VERP_README, Postfix VERP howto
+       The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
+       Wietse Venema
+       IBM T.J. Watson Research
+       P.O. Box 704
+       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
+       Wietse Venema
+       Google, Inc.
+       111 8th Avenue
+       New York, NY 10011, USA
+                                                                   SENDMAIL(1)
-- cgit v1.2.3