********************* Installation on Linux ********************* The following distribution-specific packages are officially supported, and they provide an easy way of installing and upgrading Powerline. The packages will automatically do most of the configuration. * `Arch Linux (AUR), Python 2 version `_ * `Arch Linux (AUR), Python 3 version `_ * Gentoo Live ebuild in `raiagent `_ overlay * Powerline package is available for Debian starting from Wheezy (via `backports `_). Use `search `_ to get more information. If used distribution does not have an official package installation guide below should be followed: 1. Install Python 3.2+, Python 2.6+ or PyPy and ``pip`` with ``setuptools``. This step is distribution-specific, so no commands provided. 2. Install Powerline using one of the following commands: .. code-block:: sh pip install --user powerline-status will get the latest release version and .. code-block:: sh pip install --user git+git://github.com/powerline/powerline will get the latest development version. .. note:: Due to the naming conflict with an unrelated project powerline is named ``powerline-status`` in PyPI. .. note:: Powerline developers should be aware that``pip install --editable`` does not currently fully work. Installation performed this way are missing ``powerline`` executable that needs to be symlinked. It will be located in ``scripts/powerline``. Fonts installation ================== Fontconfig ---------- This method only works on Linux. It’s the second recommended method if terminal emulator supports it as patching fonts is not needed, and it generally works with any coding font. #. Download the latest version of the symbol font and fontconfig file:: wget https://github.com/powerline/powerline/raw/develop/font/PowerlineSymbols.otf wget https://github.com/powerline/powerline/raw/develop/font/10-powerline-symbols.conf #. Move the symbol font to a valid X font path. Valid font paths can be listed with ``xset q``:: mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.local/share/fonts/ #. Update font cache for the path the font was moved to (root privileges may be needed to update cache for the system-wide paths):: fc-cache -vf ~/.local/share/fonts/ #. Install the fontconfig file. For newer versions of fontconfig the config path is ``~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/``, for older versions it’s ``~/.fonts.conf.d/``:: mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/ If custom symbols still cannot be seen then try closing all instances of the terminal emulator. Restarting X may be needed for the changes to take effect. If custom symbols *still* can’t be seen, double-check that the font have been installed to a valid X font path, and that the fontconfig file was installed to a valid fontconfig path. Alternatively try to install a :ref:`patched font `. Patched font installation ------------------------- This is the preferred method, but it is not always available because not all fonts were patched and not all fonts *can* be patched due to licensing issues. After downloading font the following should be done: #. Move the patched font to a valid X font path. Valid font paths can be listed with ``xset q``:: mv 'SomeFont for Powerline.otf' ~/.local/share/fonts/ #. Update font cache for the path the font was moved to (root privileges may be needed for updating font cache for some paths):: fc-cache -vf ~/.local/share/fonts/ After installing patched font terminal emulator, GVim or whatever application powerline should work with must be configured to use the patched font. The correct font usually ends with *for Powerline*. If custom symbols cannot be seen then try closing all instances of the terminal emulator. X server may need to be restarted for the changes to take effect. If custom symbols *still* can’t be seen then double-check that the font have been installed to a valid X font path.