path: root/src/_locales/sv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/_locales/sv/messages.json b/src/_locales/sv/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69befb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/sv/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+ "badger_status_block": {
+ "message": "Blockerade $DOMAIN$",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a domain name with a red slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "domain": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "invalid_json": {
+ "message": "Ogiltig JSON-fil.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_remove_origin_confirm": {
+ "message": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort den här domänen från Privacy Badger?",
+ "description": "Confirmation shown when you click to remove a domain from Privacy Badger's tracking domains list on the options page."
+ },
+ "badger_status_noaction": {
+ "message": "Ingen spårare för $DOMAIN$",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a non-tracking domain name with a green slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "domain": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "non_tracker_tip": {
+ "message": "För närvarande kontrollerar Privacy Badger endast om tredjeparter använder kakor, HTML5-lagring eller canvas fingeravtryck för att spåra din surfning. Vissa av domänerna kan använda spårningsmetoder som Privacy Badger inte kan upptäcka.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_dnt_policy_setting": {
+ "message": "Kontrollera om <a target='_blank' href=''>tredjepartsdomäner</a> rättar sig efter <a target='_blank' href=''>EFF:s Spåra inte policy</a>",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "invalid_domain": {
+ "message": "Lägg till en giltig domän eller webbadress.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "donate_to_eff": {
+ "message": "Donera till EFF",
+ "description": "Button shown in the popup and on the intro page."
+ },
+ "intro_donate_subheading": {
+ "message": "Hjälp oss genom att donera och dela ditt stöd till våra verktyg",
+ "description": "Shown below the Donate button on the intro page."
+ },
+ "intro_not_an_adblocker": {
+ "message": "Inte en annonsblockerare, jag är annorlunda",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph heading."
+ },
+ "report_success": {
+ "message": "Tack! Vi kommer att gå till botten med det.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "dnt_tooltip": {
+ "message": "Denna domän lovar att inte spåra dig",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a DNT-compliant domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page."
+ },
+ "breakage_warning_tooltip": {
+ "message": "Blockering av denna domän är känt att bryta webbplatser",
+ "description": "Tooltip for a warning icon that appears when move a domain slider to 'red' (block) for a domain that was automatically set to 'yellow' (block cookies)."
+ },
+ "feed_the_badger_title": {
+ "message": "Klicka för att återställa kontrollen över denna domän till Privacy Badger",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over an undo arrow that appears when you move a domain slider away from its automatic setting."
+ },
+ "next_section": {
+ "message": "nästa avsnitt",
+ "description": "Image alt. text on a couple of \"scroll down\" arrow buttons on the intro page."
+ },
+ "extension_error_text": {
+ "message": "<a href='!-What-do-I-do-now?' target='_blank'>Berätta för oss</a> om följande fel:",
+ "description": "Shown in the popup when there is a problem with the user's Privacy Badger extension that we want to encourage the user to tell us about."
+ },
+ "data_settings": {
+ "message": "Hantera data",
+ "description": "This is an options page tab heading."
+ },
+ "report_title": {
+ "message": "Påpeka ett fel",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "whitelist_form_domain_input_placeholder": {
+ "message": "t.ex., *,",
+ "description": "Placeholder text for the Add domain input under the Disabled Sites tab on the options page."
+ },
+ "domain_slider_cookieblock_tooltip": {
+ "message": "Klicka här för att blockera den här domänen från att ställa in cookies",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the center part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list."
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_block": {
+ "message": "blockerad",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "options_webrtc_setting": {
+ "message": "Förhindra WebRTC från att läcka din lokala IP-adress",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "intro_welcome": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger lär sig automatiskt att blockera osynliga spårare. Ta en minut för att se hur.",
+ "description": "Intro page welcome paragraph."
+ },
+ "error_input": {
+ "message": "Vad är fel?",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_domain_list_tab": {
+ "message": "Spårningsdomäner",
+ "description": "This is an options page tab heading."
+ },
+ "share_button_title_twitter": {
+ "message": "Dela på Twitter",
+ "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page."
+ },
+ "first_run_text": {
+ "message": "Lär dig hur Privacy Badger skyddar din integritet",
+ "description": "Part of a reminder to visit the intro page. Shown in popup until the user clicks on the reminder link or browses through the intro page."
+ },
+ "download": {
+ "message": "Hämta",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "message": "Importera",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_hide_social_widgets": {
+ "message": "Ersätt inte följande gränssnittskomponenter:",
+ "description": "Multiple selection box on the widget replacement tab"
+ },
+ "options_social_widgets_checkbox": {
+ "message": "Aktivera gränssnittskomponentsersättning",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the widget replacement tab"
+ },
+ "options_show_nontracking_domains_checkbox": {
+ "message": "Visa domäner som inte verkar spåra dig",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page. Should match wording used in the 'non_tracker' message."
+ },
+ "report_button": {
+ "message": "Skicka fel",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "badger_status_allow": {
+ "message": "Tillät $DOMAIN$",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a tracking but still allowed (green slider) domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "domain": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "privacy_badger_what_is": {
+ "message": "Vad är Privacy Badger?",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_domain_search": {
+ "message": "Sök domäner:",
+ "description": "Label for a text input box on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "options_learn_setting": {
+ "message": "Learn to block new trackers from your browsing",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "local_learning_warning": {
+ "message": "Enabling learning may make you more identifiable to websites",
+ "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_incognito_setting": {
+ "message": "Inlärning i privata-/inkognitofönster",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_incognito_warning": {
+ "message": "Aktivering av inlärning i privata-/inkognitofönster kan lämna spår av din privata surfhistorik på din dator. Som standard kommer Privacy Badger att blockera spårare som den redan känner till i privata-/inkognitofönster, men den kommer inte att lära sig om nya spårare. Du kan vilja aktivera den här inställningen om du ofta använder privata-/inkognitofönster när du surfar.",
+ "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "learning_prompt_text1": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger will no longer learn from your browsing by default.",
+ "description": "First part of a prompt to visit the blog."
+ },
+ "learning_prompt_text2": {
+ "message": "Click below to learn more.",
+ "description": "Second part of a prompt to visit the blog."
+ },
+ "learning_prompt_button": {
+ "message": "Learn how Privacy Badger is changing",
+ "description": "Button text, part of a prompt to visit the blog."
+ },
+ "show_counter_checkbox": {
+ "message": "Visa räkningen av spårare",
+ "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "what_is_a_tracker": {
+ "message": "Vad är en spårare?",
+ "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the 'tracking domains' link under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page."
+ },
+ "intro_report_button": {
+ "message": "Glöm inte att klicka på \"Bröt Privacy Badger denna webbplats\". Vi respekterar din integritet så vi skickar inte automatiska rapporter.",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted message ('Did Privacy Badger break this site') should match the first part of the translation for the 'report_broken_site' message."
+ },
+ "options_title": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger-inställningar",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "report_terms": {
+ "message": "Detta skickar automatiskt följande information till EFF: sidan du för närvarande besöker, din webbläsarversion, versionen av Privacy Badger och lägen för alla skjutreglagen för den här sidan.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "whitelisted_domains": {
+ "message": "Inaktiverade webbplatser",
+ "description": "This is an options page tab heading."
+ },
+ "popup_enable_for_site": {
+ "message": "Aktivera Privacy Badger för denna webbplats",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_domain_type_filter": {
+ "message": "Filtrera efter typ:",
+ "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "import_successful": {
+ "message": "Listan över spårare och inställningarna uppdaterades!",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "export_user_data": {
+ "message": "Exportera användardata",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "manage_data_intro": {
+ "message": "Importera användardata:<ul><li>Skriver över allmänna inställningar</li><li>Kombinerar listor över inaktiva webbplatser</li><li>Kombinerar information om vilka spårare Privacy Badger har sett</li><li>Skriver över skjutreglage-anpassningar</li></ul>",
+ "description": "A brief explanation of what happens when you import Badger user data. Shown above the import/export user data buttons under the Manage Data options page tab."
+ },
+ "reset": {
+ "message": "Återställ",
+ "description": "Options page button, under the Manage Data tab"
+ },
+ "reset_data": {
+ "message": "Återställ spårningsdomäner",
+ "description": "Caption above reset button"
+ },
+ "reset_data_confirm": {
+ "message": "Återställa spårningsdomäner kommer att:\n\n • Ta bort all data om spårare som Privacy Badger har lärt dig från din surfning\n • Återställ spårningsdomänlistan till den senaste förutbildade listan (besök för mer information)",
+ "description": "Pop-up triggered when the reset_data button is clicked"
+ },
+ "remove_all": {
+ "message": "Ta bort alla",
+ "description": "Options page button, under the Manage Data tab"
+ },
+ "remove_all_data": {
+ "message": "Ta bort alla spårningsdomäner",
+ "description": "Caption above remove_all button"
+ },
+ "remove_all_data_confirm": {
+ "message": "Ta bort alla spårningsdomäner kommer att:\n\n • Ta bort allt Privacy Badger känner till om spårare\n • Göra att Privacy Badger inte blockera någonting förrän den har fått en chans att återlära av din surfning",
+ "description": "Pop-up triggered when the remove_all_data button is clicked"
+ },
+ "intro_text1": {
+ "message": "Du skyddas nu av Privacy Badger.",
+ "description": "First part of a reminder to visit the intro page. Shown in popup until the user clicks on the reminder link or browses through the intro page."
+ },
+ "intro_text2": {
+ "message": "För att lära dig hur Privacy Badger fungerar, klicka nedan för en snabb handledning.",
+ "description": "Second part of a reminder to visit the intro page"
+ },
+ "options_webrtc_warning": {
+ "message": "WebRTC kan läcka din lokala IP-adress. Observera att aktivering av den här inställningen kan försämra prestanda för webbkonferensprogram som Google Hangouts.",
+ "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_general_settings": {
+ "message": "Allmänna inställningar",
+ "description": "This is an options page tab heading."
+ },
+ "options_privacy_settings": {
+ "message": "Privacy",
+ "description": "Subheading on the general settings options page."
+ },
+ "options_advanced_settings": {
+ "message": "Advanced",
+ "description": "Subheading on the general settings options page."
+ },
+ "intro_next_button": {
+ "message": "Ta turen",
+ "description": "Intro page welcome button."
+ },
+ "domain_slider_block_tooltip": {
+ "message": "Klicka här för att helt blockera den här domänen",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the leftmost part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list."
+ },
+ "version": {
+ "message": "version $VERSION_STRING$",
+ "description": "Shows Privacy Badger's version in the popup. For example, \"version 2018.8.1\".",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "version_string": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "2018.8.1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "badger_status_cookieblock": {
+ "message": "Blockerade kakor från $DOMAIN$",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a domain name with a yellow slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "domain": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_cookieblock": {
+ "message": "delvis blockerad",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "show_tracking_domains_acknowledgement": {
+ "message": "Jag förstår; visa mig spårningsdomänlistan ändå",
+ "description": "Acknowledgement shown next to the checkbox required to reveal the tracking domains list on the options page."
+ },
+ "firstRun_title": {
+ "message": "Tack för att du installerat Privacy Badger!",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "import_select_file": {
+ "message": "Vänligen välj en fil att importera.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "report_broken_site": {
+ "message": "Bröt Privacy Badger denna webbplats? Låt oss veta!",
+ "description": "Button in the popup."
+ },
+ "tooltip_cookieblock": {
+ "message": "Centrera skjutreglaget för att blockera kakor",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "intro_learns": {
+ "message": "Learns automatically",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph heading"
+ },
+ "intro_learns_paragraph": {
+ "message": "Instead of keeping lists of what to block, Privacy Badger automatically discovers trackers based on their behavior.",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph"
+ },
+ "intro_beyond_ads": {
+ "message": "Fångar lömska spårare",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph heading."
+ },
+ "intro_beyond_ads_paragraph": {
+ "message": "Invisible tracking happens in all sorts of ways; ads are just the visible tip of the iceberg. Privacy Badger sends the <a href='' target='_blank'>Global Privacy Control signal</a>, to opt you out of data sharing and selling, and the <a href='' target='_blank'>Do Not Track signal</a> to tell companies not to track you. If they ignore your wishes, Privacy Badger will learn to block them—whether they are advertisers or trackers of other kinds.",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph."
+ },
+ "report_close": {
+ "message": "Stäng",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "import_user_data": {
+ "message": "Importera användardata",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_dnt": {
+ "message": "DNT-kompatibel",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "popup_help_button": {
+ "message": "Hjälp",
+ "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the question mark button in the upper right corner of the popup."
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_allow": {
+ "message": "tillåten",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "intro_donate_heading": {
+ "message": "Integritet är en lagsport!",
+ "description": "Part of the 'donate' section on the intro page."
+ },
+ "show_tracking_domains_message": {
+ "message": "Du ska inte behöva ändra någonting här.",
+ "description": "Shown above the acknowledgement checkbox required to reveal the tracking domains list on the options page. This is the second paragraph; the first paragraph is the message under the \"intro_not_an_adblocker_paragraph\" key."
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_all": {
+ "message": "alla",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "report_cancel": {
+ "message": "Avbryt",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "tooltip_block": {
+ "message": "Flytta skjutreglaget till vänster för att blockera en domän",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "options_enable_dnt_checkbox": {
+ "message": "Send websites the \"<a href='' target='_blank'>Global Privacy Control</a>\" and \"<a href='' target='_blank'>Do Not Track</a>\" signals",
+ "description": "Checkbox label for enabling/disabling the Sec-GPC and DNT signals, found on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_disable_google_nav_error_service": {
+ "message": "Disable sending web addresses you visit to Google. This disables suggestions for similar pages when a page can't be found.",
+ "description": "Checkbox label found on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_disable_hyperlink_auditing": {
+ "message": "Disable hyperlink auditing",
+ "description": "Checkbox label found on the general settings page"
+ },
+ "options_domain_filter_user": {
+ "message": "användarstyrd",
+ "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "disabled_for_these_domains": {
+ "message": "<p>Privacy Badger is disabled on the following sites. This means that Privacy Badger will not block anything when you visit the sites listed here, and it will not send the Do Not Track or Global Privacy Control signals.</p><p>If you think Privacy Badger is breaking a page, or you would like to allow a particular site to share or sell your data, you can type that page's domain in the box below and click the \"Add domain\" button.</p><p>Alternatively, when you already have the page's tab selected, you can just click on Privacy Badger's button in the browser toolbar and then click the \"Disable\" button.</p>",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "popup_instructions": {
+ "message": "$COUNT$ potential $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked",
+ "description": "Popup message shown when at least one tracker was blocked.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "15"
+ },
+ "link_start": {
+ "content": "$2",
+ "example": "<a href=''>"
+ },
+ "link_end": {
+ "content": "</a>"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "popup_instructions_no_trackers": {
+ "message": "No $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked",
+ "description": "Text shown in the popup when there are no trackers on the page.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "link_start": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "<a href=''>"
+ },
+ "link_end": {
+ "content": "</a>"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "popup_blocked": {
+ "message": "Det finns inga resurser från tredje part på den här sidan. Hurra för privatliv!",
+ "description": "Text shown in the popup when showing non-tracking domains is enabled, and there are no third-party domains on the page."
+ },
+ "intro_by_eff": {
+ "message": "Ett projekt av Electronic Frontier Foundation",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "add_domain_button": {
+ "message": "Lägg till domän",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "tooltip_allow": {
+ "message": "Flytta skjutreglaget till höger för att tillåta en domän",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "popup_disable_for_site": {
+ "message": "Inaktivera Privacy Badger för denna webbplats",
+ "description": "Button in the popup."
+ },
+ "domain_slider_allow_tooltip": {
+ "message": "Klicka här för att registrera dig",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the rightmost part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list."
+ },
+ "intro_privacy_note": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger kommer ALDRIG att dela data om din surfning om du inte väljer att dela den.",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph."
+ },
+ "options_domain_list_trackers": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger has decided to block $COUNT$ potential $TRACKER_LINK_START$tracking domains$TRACKER_LINK_END$ so far",
+ "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page after Privacy Badger learned to block one or more domains",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "900"
+ },
+ "tracker_link_start": {
+ "content": "$2",
+ "example": "<a href=''>"
+ },
+ "tracker_link_end": {
+ "content": "</a>"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "options_domain_list_no_trackers": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger har inte detekterat några <a target='_blank' tabindex=-1 title='i18n_what_is_a_tracker' class='tooltip' href=''>spårningsdomäner</a> ännu. Fortsätt surfa!",
+ "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page if all tracking domains have been removed."
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "intro_not_an_adblocker_paragraph": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger börjar blockera när den ser samma spårare på tre olika webbplatser. Tre strike och den är ute!",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph."
+ },
+ "options_domain_status_filter": {
+ "message": "Filtrera efter status:",
+ "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "report_text": {
+ "message": "Beskriv kortfattat felet nedan.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "remove_button": {
+ "message": "Ta bort valda",
+ "description": "This is the label for the 'Remove selected' buttons."
+ },
+ "intro_donate1": {
+ "message": "När du använder Privacy Badger, går du med i <a href='' target='_blank'>Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> och miljontals andra användare i kampen för integritet. Vi är en ideell organisation som kämpar för dina rättigheter på nätet. Tack för att du blev en av oss!",
+ "description": "Part of the 'donate' section on the intro page."
+ },
+ "options_domain_search_tooltip": {
+ "message": "För att utesluta domäner, börja ditt sökord med \"-\". Till exempel kommer \".co\" för att visa .co och men inte .com domäner.",
+ "description": "Tooltip for an \"information\" icon next to the domain search input on the Tracking Domains options page tab."
+ },
+ "intro_disable_button": {
+ "message": "Om du tror att Privacy Badger bryter en sida (till exempel en video spelar inte) kan du klicka på knappen \"Inaktivera\" för att stänga av Privacy Badger för den webbplatsen.",
+ "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted string ('Disable') should match the verb used for the 'popup_disable_for_site' message."
+ },
+ "intro_link_policy": {
+ "message": "Sekretesspolicy",
+ "description": "Shown at the bottom of the intro page, links to the EFF software and technology projects privacy policy."
+ },
+ "report_input_label": {
+ "message": "Beskrivning",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "not_yet_blocked_header": {
+ "message": "Din Badger har ännu inte beslutat om dessa domäner ska blockeras",
+ "description": "Popup domain list header text; separates blocked from haven't-yet-seen-enough-to-block potential trackers."
+ },
+ "options_show_not_yet_blocked": {
+ "message": "Visa domäner som din Badger inte har beslutat att blockera ännu:",
+ "description": "Label for a checkbox on the Tracking Domains options page tab. Should match wording used in the 'not_yet_blocked_header' message."
+ },
+ "non_tracker": {
+ "message": "Domänerna nedan verkar inte spåra dig",
+ "description": "Header text; separates tracking from non-tracking domains in the popup."
+ },
+ "popup_options_button": {
+ "message": "Inställningar",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "share_button_title_facebook": {
+ "message": "Dela på Facebook",
+ "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page."
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger lär sig automatiskt att blockera osynliga spårare.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "report_fail": {
+ "message": "Hoppsan. Något gick snett.",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger har ersatt den här $BUTTON$-knappen",
+ "description": "Tooltip shown over a replaced social button. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Facebook Like button\". See also the widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced message.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "button": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "Facebook Like"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger har ersatt den här $WIDGET$-gränssnittskomponenten",
+ "description": "Text shown inside a replaced widget's placeholder. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Google reCAPTCHA widget\". See also the social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced message.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "widget": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "Google reCAPTCHA"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "allow_once": {
+ "message": "Tillåt en gång",
+ "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking it will allow the third-party widget to load this one time only."
+ },
+ "allow_on_site": {
+ "message": "Tillåt alltid på den här webbplatsen",
+ "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking this button will always allow the widget to load on this particular site."
+ },
+ "sync_intro": {
+ "message": "Molnsynkronisering:<ul><li>Kräver Firefox/Chrome Sync</li><li>Sändningen skriver över alla befintliga Privacy Badger-data i molnet</li><li>Hämtning kombinerar listorna över webbplatser där din Badger är inaktiverad</li></ul>",
+ "description": "A brief explanation of how syncing works. Shown above the upload/download cloud data buttons under the Manage Data options page tab."
+ },
+ "upload": {
+ "message": "Skicka",
+ "description": "Button label for uploading data to the cloud on Manage Data options page tab."
+ },
+ "upload_cloud": {
+ "message": "Exportera inaktiverade webbplatser till molnet",
+ "description": "Button title for uploading data to the cloud on Manage Data options page tab."
+ },
+ "download_cloud": {
+ "message": "Importera inaktiverade webbplatser från molnet",
+ "description": "Button title for downloading data from the cloud on Manage Data options page tab."
+ },
+ "download_cloud_success": {
+ "message": "Molndata importerades.",
+ "description": "Message displayed to the user after successfully merging cloud data."
+ },
+ "download_cloud_failure": {
+ "message": "Molndata kunde inte hämtas.",
+ "description": "Message displayed to the user after failing to download cloud data."
+ },
+ "upload_cloud_success": {
+ "message": "Molndata skickades.",
+ "description": "Message displayed to the user after successfully uploading local data."
+ },
+ "upload_cloud_failure": {
+ "message": "Molndata kunde inte skickas.",
+ "description": "Message displayed to the user after failing to upload local data."
+ },
+ "download_cloud_no_data": {
+ "message": "Inga molndata att hämta.",
+ "description": "'Error' message when there is on cloud data to download."
+ },
+ "share_title": {
+ "message": "Berätta för dina vänner",
+ "description": "Title of the share overlay."
+ },
+ "popup_share_button": {
+ "message": "Dela",
+ "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the share button in the upper right corner of the popup."
+ },
+ "share_tracker_header": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger blocked $COUNT$ potential trackers on $DOMAIN$:",
+ "description": "Header above the list of tracking domains in the share message.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "count": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "15"
+ },
+ "domain": {
+ "content": "$2",
+ "example": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "share_base_message": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger ( är ett webbläsartillägg som automatiskt lär sig att blockera osynliga spårare. Privacy Badger är gjord av Electronic Frontier Foundation, en ideell organisation som kämpar för dina rättigheter på nätet.",
+ "description": "The base message that is always included in the share message."
+ },
+ "copy_button_initial": {
+ "message": "Kopiera till urklipp",
+ "description": "Initial text of the copy button on the share overlay."
+ },
+ "copy_button_copied": {
+ "message": "Kopierad",
+ "description": "On-click text of the copy button on the share overlay."
+ },
+ "popup_special_page_header": {
+ "message": "Inget att göra på den här sidan",
+ "description": "Heading for popup_special_page_paragraph"
+ },
+ "popup_special_page_paragraph": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger fungerar inte på särskilda sidor som den här. Prova att surfa någon annanstans.",
+ "description": "Shown in the popup for special browser pages such as the New Tab page and 'about:' pages."
+ },
+ "popup_disabled_site_header": {
+ "message": "Privacy Badger är inaktiverad på denna webbplats",
+ "description": "Shown in the popup on disabled sites."
+ },
+ "options_widget_replacement_tab": {
+ "message": "Gränssnittskomponentsersättning",
+ "description": "Options page tab heading"
+ },
+ "options_widget_replacement_desc": {
+ "message": "Vid blockering av sociala knappar och andra potentiellt användbara gränssnittskomponenter (video, ljud, kommentarer) kan Privacy Badger ersätta med klick-för-att-aktivera platshållare.",
+ "description": "Introduction to the Widget Replacement tab on the options page."
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file