{ "badger_status_block": { "message": "S'ha blocat $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a domain name with a red slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "invalid_json": { "message": "Arxiu JSON no vàlid", "description": "" }, "options_remove_origin_confirm": { "message": "Segur que voleu treure aquest domini de Privacy Badger?", "description": "Confirmation shown when you click to remove a domain from Privacy Badger's tracking domains list on the options page." }, "badger_status_noaction": { "message": "El domini $DOMAIN$ no fa seguiments", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a non-tracking domain name with a green slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "non_tracker_tip": { "message": "Ara mateix, Privacy Badger només comprova si terceres parts estan utilitzant galetes, emmagatzematge local d'HTML5 o el marcat del llenç per fer seguiments del vostre navegador. Alguns d'aquests dominis poden utilitzar mètodes de seguiment que Privacy Badger no pot detectar.", "description": "" }, "options_dnt_policy_setting": { "message": "Comproveu si els dominis de terceres parts compleixen amb la política d'EFF de no seguiment", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "invalid_domain": { "message": "Si us plau, afegiu un domini vàlid o un URL", "description": "" }, "donate_to_eff": { "message": "Feu un donatiu a EFF", "description": "Button shown in the popup and on the intro page." }, "intro_donate_subheading": { "message": "Ajudeu-nos fent un donatiu i compartint el vostre suport per les nostres eines", "description": "Shown below the Donate button on the intro page." }, "intro_not_an_adblocker": { "message": "No bloco anuncis, sóc diferent", "description": "Intro page paragraph heading." }, "report_success": { "message": "Gràcies! Arribarem al fons d'això.", "description": "" }, "dnt_tooltip": { "message": "Aquest domini promet no seguir-vos", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a DNT-compliant domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "breakage_warning_tooltip": { "message": "Blocking this domain is known to break websites", "description": "Tooltip for a warning icon that appears when move a domain slider to 'red' (block) for a domain that was automatically set to 'yellow' (block cookies)." }, "feed_the_badger_title": { "message": "Click to return control of this domain to Privacy Badger", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over an undo arrow that appears when you move a domain slider away from its automatic setting." }, "next_section": { "message": "següent secció", "description": "Image alt. text on a couple of \"scroll down\" arrow buttons on the intro page." }, "extension_error_text": { "message": "Si us plau, expliqueu-nos alguna cosa sobre el següent error:", "description": "Shown in the popup when there is a problem with the user's Privacy Badger extension that we want to encourage the user to tell us about." }, "data_settings": { "message": "Gestió de dades", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "report_title": { "message": "Informeu d'un error", "description": "" }, "whitelist_form_domain_input_placeholder": { "message": "p. ex. www.domini.com, *.domini.net, domini.org", "description": "Placeholder text for the Add domain input under the Disabled Sites tab on the options page." }, "domain_slider_cookieblock_tooltip": { "message": "Cliqueu aquí per blocar les galetes d'aquest domini", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the center part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "options_domain_filter_block": { "message": "blocat", "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_webrtc_setting": { "message": "Impediu que el WebRTC filtri una adreça IP local", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "intro_welcome": { "message": "Privacy Badger aprèn automàticament a blocar rastrejadors invisibles. Deixeu-nos un minut per ensenyar-vos com.", "description": "Intro page welcome paragraph." }, "error_input": { "message": "Què ha fallat?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_list_tab": { "message": "Dominis de seguiment", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "share_button_title_twitter": { "message": "Compartiu-lo a Twitter", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "first_run_text": { "message": "Apreneu com Privacy Badger protegeix la vostra privacitat", "description": "Part of a reminder to visit the intro page. Shown in popup until the user clicks on the reminder link or browses through the intro page." }, "download": { "message": "Descarregar", "description": "" }, "import": { "message": "Importar", "description": "" }, "options_hide_social_widgets": { "message": "No reemplaçar els ginys següents:", "description": "Multiple selection box on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_social_widgets_checkbox": { "message": "Habilita el reemplaçament de ginys", "description": "Checkbox label on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_show_nontracking_domains_checkbox": { "message": "Mostra els dominis que, aparentment, no us segueixen", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page. Should match wording used in the 'non_tracker' message." }, "report_button": { "message": "Enviar Errada", "description": "" }, "badger_status_allow": { "message": "Permès $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a tracking but still allowed (green slider) domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "privacy_badger_what_is": { "message": "Què és Privacy Badger?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_search": { "message": "Cerca de dominis:", "description": "Label for a text input box on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_learn_setting": { "message": "Learn to block new trackers from your browsing", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "local_learning_warning": { "message": "Enabling learning may make you more identifiable to websites", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_setting": { "message": "Aprendre en finestres Privades/Incògnit", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_warning": { "message": "Habilitant l'aprenentatge en finestres Privades/Incògnit, podeu deixar traces a l'historial privat de navegació del vostre ordinador. Per defecte, Privacy Badger blocarà els rastrejadors coneguts a les finestres Privades/Incògnit, però no aprendrà sobre nous rastrejadors. Cal que habiliteu aquesta opció si la majoria de la vostra navegació la feu en finestres Privades/Incògnit", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "learning_prompt_text1": { "message": "Privacy Badger will no longer learn from your browsing by default.", "description": "First part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_text2": { "message": "Click below to learn more.", "description": "Second part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_button": { "message": "Learn how Privacy Badger is changing", "description": "Button text, part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "show_counter_checkbox": { "message": "Mostra el comptador de rastrejadors", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "what_is_a_tracker": { "message": "Què és un rastrejador?", "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the 'tracking domains' link under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "intro_report_button": { "message": "Si us plau, no us oblideu de clicar a 'El Privacy Badger ha espatllat aquest lloc'. Respectem tant la vostra privacitat que no enviem informes de forma automàtica.", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted message ('Did Privacy Badger break this site') should match the first part of the translation for the 'report_broken_site' message." }, "options_title": { "message": "Opcions de Privacy Badger", "description": "" }, "report_terms": { "message": "This will automatically send the following information to EFF: the page you're currently visiting, your browser version, the version of Privacy Badger, and the state of all of the sliders on this page.", "description": "" }, "whitelisted_domains": { "message": "Llocs deshabilitats", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "popup_enable_for_site": { "message": "Habilita el Privacy Badger per aquest lloc", "description": "" }, "options_domain_type_filter": { "message": "Filtra per tipus:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "import_successful": { "message": "La llista i la configuració del rastrejador s'ha actualitzat correctament!", "description": "" }, "export_user_data": { "message": "Exporta les dades d'usuari", "description": "" }, "manage_data_intro": { "message": "Si importeu les dades d'usuari:
Privacy Badger is disabled on the following sites. This means that Privacy Badger will not block anything when you visit the sites listed here, and it will not send the Do Not Track or Global Privacy Control signals.
If you think Privacy Badger is breaking a page, or you would like to allow a particular site to share or sell your data, you can type that page's domain in the box below and click the \"Add domain\" button.
Alternatively, when you already have the page's tab selected, you can just click on Privacy Badger's button in the browser toolbar and then click the \"Disable\" button.
", "description": "" }, "popup_instructions": { "message": "$COUNT$ potential $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked", "description": "Popup message shown when at least one tracker was blocked.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "15" }, "link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_instructions_no_trackers": { "message": "No $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked", "description": "Text shown in the popup when there are no trackers on the page.", "placeholders": { "link_start": { "content": "$1", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_blocked": { "message": "There are no third party resources on this page. Hooray for privacy!", "description": "Text shown in the popup when showing non-tracking domains is enabled, and there are no third-party domains on the page." }, "intro_by_eff": { "message": "Un projecte de l'Electronic Frontier Foundation", "description": "" }, "add_domain_button": { "message": "Afegeix domini", "description": "" }, "tooltip_allow": { "message": "Moveu el lliscador a la dreta per permetre un domini", "description": "" }, "popup_disable_for_site": { "message": "Deshabiliteu el Privacy Badger en aquest lloc", "description": "Button in the popup." }, "domain_slider_allow_tooltip": { "message": "Cliqueu aquí per permetre aquest domini", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the rightmost part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "intro_privacy_note": { "message": "El Privacy Badger MAI compartirà dades sobre la vostra navegació, excepte si decidiu compartir-les.", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_list_trackers": { "message": "Privacy Badger has decided to block $COUNT$ potential $TRACKER_LINK_START$tracking domains$TRACKER_LINK_END$ so far", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page after Privacy Badger learned to block one or more domains", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "900" }, "tracker_link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "tracker_link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "options_domain_list_no_trackers": { "message": "El Privacy Badger encara no ha detectat cap domini de seguiment. Seguiu navegant!", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page if all tracking domains have been removed." }, "name": { "message": "Privacy Badger", "description": "" }, "intro_not_an_adblocker_paragraph": { "message": "Privacy Badger comença a blocar un cop veu el mateix rastrejador en tres llocs web diferents. Tres strikes i eliminat! Com al beisbol.", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_status_filter": { "message": "Filtrar per estat:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "report_text": { "message": "Descriviu breument l'errada a sota.", "description": "" }, "remove_button": { "message": "Treu els seleccionats", "description": "This is the label for the 'Remove selected' buttons." }, "intro_donate1": { "message": "Quan utilitzeu el Privacy Badger, us uniu a l'Electronic Frontier Foundation i milions de persones en la lluita per la privacitat. Som una entitat sense ànim de lucre lluitant pels vostres drets en línia. Gràcies per unir-vos a nosaltres!", "description": "Part of the 'donate' section on the intro page." }, "options_domain_search_tooltip": { "message": "Per excloure dominis, utilitzeu el caràcter \"-\". Per exemple, si cerqueu \".co -.com\" us mostrarà els dominis .co i .co.uk, però no us mostrarà el domini .com", "description": "Tooltip for an \"information\" icon next to the domain search input on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "intro_disable_button": { "message": "Si penseu que el Privacy Badger ha espatllat una pàgina (un vídeo que no es veu, per exemple), podeu clicar el botó 'Deshabilita' perquè el Privacy Badger no controli el lloc.", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted string ('Disable') should match the verb used for the 'popup_disable_for_site' message." }, "intro_link_policy": { "message": "Política de privacitat", "description": "Shown at the bottom of the intro page, links to the EFF software and technology projects privacy policy." }, "report_input_label": { "message": "Descripció", "description": "" }, "not_yet_blocked_header": { "message": "Your Badger hasn't decided yet if these domains should get blocked", "description": "Popup domain list header text; separates blocked from haven't-yet-seen-enough-to-block potential trackers." }, "options_show_not_yet_blocked": { "message": "Show domains your Badger hasn't decided yet to block:", "description": "Label for a checkbox on the Tracking Domains options page tab. Should match wording used in the 'not_yet_blocked_header' message." }, "non_tracker": { "message": "Els dominis de sota, aparentment, no us segueixen.", "description": "Header text; separates tracking from non-tracking domains in the popup." }, "popup_options_button": { "message": "Opcions", "description": "" }, "share_button_title_facebook": { "message": "Compartiu-ho a Facebook", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "description": { "message": "El Privacy Badger aprèn automàticament a blocar rastrejadors invisibles.", "description": "" }, "report_fail": { "message": "Ai! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé.", "description": "" }, "social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "El Privacy Badger ha substituït aquest botó de $BUTTON$", "description": "Tooltip shown over a replaced social button. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Facebook Like button\". See also the widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "button": { "content": "$1", "example": "Facebook Like" } } }, "widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "Privacy Badger has replaced this $WIDGET$ widget", "description": "Text shown inside a replaced widget's placeholder. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Google reCAPTCHA widget\". See also the social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "widget": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google reCAPTCHA" } } }, "allow_once": { "message": "Permetre-ho un cop", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking it will allow the third-party widget to load this one time only." }, "allow_on_site": { "message": "Permet sempre en aquest lloc", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking this button will always allow the widget to load on this particular site." }, "sync_intro": { "message": "Sincronització al núvol: