{ "badger_status_block": { "message": "已屏蔽 $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a domain name with a red slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "invalid_json": { "message": "无效的 JSON 文件。", "description": "" }, "options_remove_origin_confirm": { "message": "确定要从隐私獾中移除这个域名吗?", "description": "Confirmation shown when you click to remove a domain from Privacy Badger's tracking domains list on the options page." }, "badger_status_noaction": { "message": "$DOMAIN$ 没有追踪", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a non-tracking domain name with a green slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "non_tracker_tip": { "message": "隐私獾只检查第三方域名是否在使用 Cookies、HTML5 本地存储和 canvas 指纹来追踪你的浏览记录。 有些域名可能使用了隐私獾无法检测的追踪方式。", "description": "" }, "options_dnt_policy_setting": { "message": "检查第三方域名是否遵守电子前哨基金会的“请勿追踪”政策", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "invalid_domain": { "message": "请添加一个有效的域名或者 URL。", "description": "" }, "donate_to_eff": { "message": "向电子前哨基金会捐款", "description": "Button shown in the popup and on the intro page." }, "intro_donate_subheading": { "message": "捐款并分享对我们工具的支持来帮助我们", "description": "Shown below the Donate button on the intro page." }, "intro_not_an_adblocker": { "message": "不是广告拦截器,我不一样", "description": "Intro page paragraph heading." }, "report_success": { "message": "谢谢!我们会调查这个问题。", "description": "" }, "dnt_tooltip": { "message": "这个域名承诺不会追踪你", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a DNT-compliant domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "breakage_warning_tooltip": { "message": "已知屏蔽此域名会破坏网站", "description": "Tooltip for a warning icon that appears when move a domain slider to 'red' (block) for a domain that was automatically set to 'yellow' (block cookies)." }, "feed_the_badger_title": { "message": "点击让隐私獾重新控制此域名", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over an undo arrow that appears when you move a domain slider away from its automatic setting." }, "next_section": { "message": "下一节", "description": "Image alt. text on a couple of \"scroll down\" arrow buttons on the intro page." }, "extension_error_text": { "message": "请告诉我们以下的错误信息:", "description": "Shown in the popup when there is a problem with the user's Privacy Badger extension that we want to encourage the user to tell us about." }, "data_settings": { "message": "管理数据", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "report_title": { "message": "报告错误", "description": "" }, "whitelist_form_domain_input_placeholder": { "message": "例如 www.domain.com, *.domain.net, domain.org", "description": "Placeholder text for the Add domain input under the Disabled Sites tab on the options page." }, "domain_slider_cookieblock_tooltip": { "message": "点击这里屏蔽此域名的 Cookies", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the center part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "options_domain_filter_block": { "message": "已屏蔽", "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_webrtc_setting": { "message": "阻止 WebRTC 泄露本地 IP 地址", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "intro_welcome": { "message": "隐私獾会自动学习去屏蔽不可见的追踪器。看看这是如何做到的吧。", "description": "Intro page welcome paragraph." }, "error_input": { "message": "发生了什么问题?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_list_tab": { "message": "追踪域名", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "share_button_title_twitter": { "message": "分享到 Twitter", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "first_run_text": { "message": "了解隐私獾如何保护你的隐私", "description": "Part of a reminder to visit the intro page. Shown in popup until the user clicks on the reminder link or browses through the intro page." }, "download": { "message": "下载", "description": "" }, "import": { "message": "导入", "description": "" }, "options_hide_social_widgets": { "message": "不要替换以下小部件:", "description": "Multiple selection box on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_social_widgets_checkbox": { "message": "开启小部件替换", "description": "Checkbox label on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_show_nontracking_domains_checkbox": { "message": "显示看起来没有追踪你的域名", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page. Should match wording used in the 'non_tracker' message." }, "report_button": { "message": "报告错误", "description": "" }, "badger_status_allow": { "message": "允许 $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a tracking but still allowed (green slider) domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "privacy_badger_what_is": { "message": "什么是隐私獾?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_search": { "message": "搜索域名:", "description": "Label for a text input box on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_learn_setting": { "message": "Learn to block new trackers from your browsing", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "local_learning_warning": { "message": "Enabling learning may make you more identifiable to websites", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_setting": { "message": "在隐私/无痕模式下学习", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_warning": { "message": "启用“在隐私/无痕模式学习”后,你的隐私浏览历史可能会在电脑中留下痕迹。默认设置下,隐私獾会在隐私/无痕模式时屏蔽已知的追踪器,但不会学习新的追踪器。如果你平时经常使用隐私/无痕模式的话,你可能想要启用这个选项。", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "learning_prompt_text1": { "message": "Privacy Badger will no longer learn from your browsing by default.", "description": "First part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_text2": { "message": "Click below to learn more.", "description": "Second part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_button": { "message": "Learn how Privacy Badger is changing", "description": "Button text, part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "show_counter_checkbox": { "message": "显示追踪器数量", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "what_is_a_tracker": { "message": "什么是追踪器?", "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the 'tracking domains' link under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "intro_report_button": { "message": "请不要忘记点击“报告隐私獾导致的显示异常的网站”。我们尊重您的隐私,因此我们不自动发送报告。", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted message ('Did Privacy Badger break this site') should match the first part of the translation for the 'report_broken_site' message." }, "options_title": { "message": "隐私獾设置", "description": "" }, "report_terms": { "message": "这将会向电子前哨基金会发送这些信息:你当前正在访问的页面、浏览器版本、隐私獾版本以及本页面所有滑块的状态。", "description": "" }, "whitelisted_domains": { "message": "已禁用的域名", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "popup_enable_for_site": { "message": "在当前的网站上启用隐私獾", "description": "" }, "options_domain_type_filter": { "message": "按类型过滤:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "import_successful": { "message": "成功更新追踪器列表与设置!", "description": "" }, "export_user_data": { "message": "导出用户数据", "description": "" }, "manage_data_intro": { "message": "导入用户数据将会:
Privacy Badger is disabled on the following sites. This means that Privacy Badger will not block anything when you visit the sites listed here, and it will not send the Do Not Track or Global Privacy Control signals.
If you think Privacy Badger is breaking a page, or you would like to allow a particular site to share or sell your data, you can type that page's domain in the box below and click the \"Add domain\" button.
Alternatively, when you already have the page's tab selected, you can just click on Privacy Badger's button in the browser toolbar and then click the \"Disable\" button.
", "description": "" }, "popup_instructions": { "message": "$COUNT$ potential $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked", "description": "Popup message shown when at least one tracker was blocked.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "15" }, "link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_instructions_no_trackers": { "message": "No $LINK_START$trackers$LINK_END$ blocked", "description": "Text shown in the popup when there are no trackers on the page.", "placeholders": { "link_start": { "content": "$1", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_blocked": { "message": "本页面上没有第三方资源。隐私万岁!", "description": "Text shown in the popup when showing non-tracking domains is enabled, and there are no third-party domains on the page." }, "intro_by_eff": { "message": "一个电子前哨基金会的项目", "description": "" }, "add_domain_button": { "message": "添加域名", "description": "" }, "tooltip_allow": { "message": "将滑块移至右边来允许一个域名", "description": "" }, "popup_disable_for_site": { "message": "在当前的网站上禁用隐私獾", "description": "Button in the popup." }, "domain_slider_allow_tooltip": { "message": "点击这里以允许这个域名", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the rightmost part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "intro_privacy_note": { "message": "除非你主动分享,否则隐私獾永远都不会上传你的浏览记录。", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_list_trackers": { "message": "Privacy Badger has decided to block $COUNT$ potential $TRACKER_LINK_START$tracking domains$TRACKER_LINK_END$ so far", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page after Privacy Badger learned to block one or more domains", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "900" }, "tracker_link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "tracker_link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "options_domain_list_no_trackers": { "message": "隐私獾还没有检测到任何追踪域名。继续浏览吧!", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page if all tracking domains have been removed." }, "name": { "message": "隐私獾", "description": "" }, "intro_not_an_adblocker_paragraph": { "message": "隐私獾会在三个网站发现同一个追踪器后开始屏蔽。三振出局!", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_status_filter": { "message": "按状态过滤:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "report_text": { "message": "在下面简要描述发生的错误。", "description": "" }, "remove_button": { "message": "删除所选", "description": "This is the label for the 'Remove selected' buttons." }, "intro_donate1": { "message": "当您使用隐私獾,您就和电子前哨基金会和成千上万的其它用户一道共同保卫隐私。我们是为您在线权利奋斗的非营利性组织。感谢您加入我们!", "description": "Part of the 'donate' section on the intro page." }, "options_domain_search_tooltip": { "message": "在搜索关键词前加入“-”来排除域名。例如,“.co -.com”将会显示 .co 和 .co.uk,但不显示.com域名。", "description": "Tooltip for an \"information\" icon next to the domain search input on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "intro_disable_button": { "message": "如果您认为隐私獾使得网站显示异常(例如无法播放视频),您可以点击“禁用”按钮来在此网站关闭隐私獾。", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted string ('Disable') should match the verb used for the 'popup_disable_for_site' message." }, "intro_link_policy": { "message": "隐私政策", "description": "Shown at the bottom of the intro page, links to the EFF software and technology projects privacy policy." }, "report_input_label": { "message": "描述", "description": "" }, "not_yet_blocked_header": { "message": "隐私獾尚未决定是否屏蔽这些域名", "description": "Popup domain list header text; separates blocked from haven't-yet-seen-enough-to-block potential trackers." }, "options_show_not_yet_blocked": { "message": "显示隐私獾尚未决定的域名:", "description": "Label for a checkbox on the Tracking Domains options page tab. Should match wording used in the 'not_yet_blocked_header' message." }, "non_tracker": { "message": "以下域名看起来不在追踪你", "description": "Header text; separates tracking from non-tracking domains in the popup." }, "popup_options_button": { "message": "选项", "description": "" }, "share_button_title_facebook": { "message": "分享到 Facebook", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "description": { "message": "隐私獾会自动学习去阻止不可见的追踪器。", "description": "" }, "report_fail": { "message": "哎呀。出错了。", "description": "" }, "social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "隐私獾已经替换了这个 $BUTTON$ 按钮", "description": "Tooltip shown over a replaced social button. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Facebook Like button\". See also the widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "button": { "content": "$1", "example": "Facebook Like" } } }, "widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "隐私獾已经替换了这个$WIDGET$小工具", "description": "Text shown inside a replaced widget's placeholder. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Google reCAPTCHA widget\". See also the social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "widget": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google reCAPTCHA" } } }, "allow_once": { "message": "允许一次", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking it will allow the third-party widget to load this one time only." }, "allow_on_site": { "message": "总是在该网站允许", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking this button will always allow the widget to load on this particular site." }, "sync_intro": { "message": "云端同步: