/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "source.h" #define ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY (500) #define ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY (10*PA_USEC_PER_SEC) #define DEFAULT_FIXED_LATENCY (250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) PA_DEFINE_PUBLIC_CLASS(pa_source, pa_msgobject); struct pa_source_volume_change { pa_usec_t at; pa_cvolume hw_volume; PA_LLIST_FIELDS(pa_source_volume_change); }; struct set_state_data { pa_source_state_t state; pa_suspend_cause_t suspend_cause; }; static void source_free(pa_object *o); static void pa_source_volume_change_push(pa_source *s); static void pa_source_volume_change_flush(pa_source *s); pa_source_new_data* pa_source_new_data_init(pa_source_new_data *data) { pa_assert(data); pa_zero(*data); data->proplist = pa_proplist_new(); data->ports = pa_hashmap_new_full(pa_idxset_string_hash_func, pa_idxset_string_compare_func, NULL, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_device_port_unref); return data; } void pa_source_new_data_set_name(pa_source_new_data *data, const char *name) { pa_assert(data); pa_xfree(data->name); data->name = pa_xstrdup(name); } void pa_source_new_data_set_sample_spec(pa_source_new_data *data, const pa_sample_spec *spec) { pa_assert(data); if ((data->sample_spec_is_set = !!spec)) data->sample_spec = *spec; } void pa_source_new_data_set_channel_map(pa_source_new_data *data, const pa_channel_map *map) { pa_assert(data); if ((data->channel_map_is_set = !!map)) data->channel_map = *map; } void pa_source_new_data_set_alternate_sample_rate(pa_source_new_data *data, const uint32_t alternate_sample_rate) { pa_assert(data); data->alternate_sample_rate_is_set = true; data->alternate_sample_rate = alternate_sample_rate; } void pa_source_new_data_set_avoid_resampling(pa_source_new_data *data, bool avoid_resampling) { pa_assert(data); data->avoid_resampling_is_set = true; data->avoid_resampling = avoid_resampling; } void pa_source_new_data_set_volume(pa_source_new_data *data, const pa_cvolume *volume) { pa_assert(data); if ((data->volume_is_set = !!volume)) data->volume = *volume; } void pa_source_new_data_set_muted(pa_source_new_data *data, bool mute) { pa_assert(data); data->muted_is_set = true; data->muted = mute; } void pa_source_new_data_set_port(pa_source_new_data *data, const char *port) { pa_assert(data); pa_xfree(data->active_port); data->active_port = pa_xstrdup(port); } void pa_source_new_data_done(pa_source_new_data *data) { pa_assert(data); pa_proplist_free(data->proplist); if (data->ports) pa_hashmap_free(data->ports); pa_xfree(data->name); pa_xfree(data->active_port); } /* Called from main context */ static void reset_callbacks(pa_source *s) { pa_assert(s); s->set_state_in_main_thread = NULL; s->set_state_in_io_thread = NULL; s->get_volume = NULL; s->set_volume = NULL; s->write_volume = NULL; s->get_mute = NULL; s->set_mute = NULL; s->update_requested_latency = NULL; s->set_port = NULL; s->get_formats = NULL; s->reconfigure = NULL; } /* Called from main context */ pa_source* pa_source_new( pa_core *core, pa_source_new_data *data, pa_source_flags_t flags) { pa_source *s; const char *name; char st[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pt; pa_assert(core); pa_assert(data); pa_assert(data->name); pa_assert_ctl_context(); s = pa_msgobject_new(pa_source); if (!(name = pa_namereg_register(core, data->name, PA_NAMEREG_SOURCE, s, data->namereg_fail))) { pa_log_debug("Failed to register name %s.", data->name); pa_xfree(s); return NULL; } pa_source_new_data_set_name(data, name); if (pa_hook_fire(&core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_NEW], data) < 0) { pa_xfree(s); pa_namereg_unregister(core, name); return NULL; } /* FIXME, need to free s here on failure */ pa_return_null_if_fail(!data->driver || pa_utf8_valid(data->driver)); pa_return_null_if_fail(data->name && pa_utf8_valid(data->name) && data->name[0]); pa_return_null_if_fail(data->sample_spec_is_set && pa_sample_spec_valid(&data->sample_spec)); if (!data->channel_map_is_set) pa_return_null_if_fail(pa_channel_map_init_auto(&data->channel_map, data->sample_spec.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT)); pa_return_null_if_fail(pa_channel_map_valid(&data->channel_map)); pa_return_null_if_fail(data->channel_map.channels == data->sample_spec.channels); /* FIXME: There should probably be a general function for checking whether * the source volume is allowed to be set, like there is for source outputs. */ pa_assert(!data->volume_is_set || !(flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); if (!data->volume_is_set) { pa_cvolume_reset(&data->volume, data->sample_spec.channels); data->save_volume = false; } pa_return_null_if_fail(pa_cvolume_valid(&data->volume)); pa_return_null_if_fail(pa_cvolume_compatible(&data->volume, &data->sample_spec)); if (!data->muted_is_set) data->muted = false; if (data->card) pa_proplist_update(data->proplist, PA_UPDATE_MERGE, data->card->proplist); pa_device_init_description(data->proplist, data->card); pa_device_init_icon(data->proplist, false); pa_device_init_intended_roles(data->proplist); if (!data->active_port) { pa_device_port *p = pa_device_port_find_best(data->ports); if (p) pa_source_new_data_set_port(data, p->name); } if (pa_hook_fire(&core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_FIXATE], data) < 0) { pa_xfree(s); pa_namereg_unregister(core, name); return NULL; } s->parent.parent.free = source_free; s->parent.process_msg = pa_source_process_msg; s->core = core; s->state = PA_SOURCE_INIT; s->flags = flags; s->priority = 0; s->suspend_cause = data->suspend_cause; s->name = pa_xstrdup(name); s->proplist = pa_proplist_copy(data->proplist); s->driver = pa_xstrdup(pa_path_get_filename(data->driver)); s->module = data->module; s->card = data->card; s->priority = pa_device_init_priority(s->proplist); s->sample_spec = data->sample_spec; s->channel_map = data->channel_map; s->default_sample_rate = s->sample_spec.rate; if (data->alternate_sample_rate_is_set) s->alternate_sample_rate = data->alternate_sample_rate; else s->alternate_sample_rate = s->core->alternate_sample_rate; if (data->avoid_resampling_is_set) s->avoid_resampling = data->avoid_resampling; else s->avoid_resampling = s->core->avoid_resampling; s->outputs = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL); s->n_corked = 0; s->monitor_of = NULL; s->output_from_master = NULL; s->reference_volume = s->real_volume = data->volume; pa_cvolume_reset(&s->soft_volume, s->sample_spec.channels); s->base_volume = PA_VOLUME_NORM; s->n_volume_steps = PA_VOLUME_NORM+1; s->muted = data->muted; s->refresh_volume = s->refresh_muted = false; reset_callbacks(s); s->userdata = NULL; s->asyncmsgq = NULL; /* As a minor optimization we just steal the list instead of * copying it here */ s->ports = data->ports; data->ports = NULL; s->active_port = NULL; s->save_port = false; if (data->active_port) if ((s->active_port = pa_hashmap_get(s->ports, data->active_port))) s->save_port = data->save_port; /* Hopefully the active port has already been assigned in the previous call to pa_device_port_find_best, but better safe than sorry */ if (!s->active_port) s->active_port = pa_device_port_find_best(s->ports); if (s->active_port) s->port_latency_offset = s->active_port->latency_offset; else s->port_latency_offset = 0; s->save_volume = data->save_volume; s->save_muted = data->save_muted; pa_silence_memchunk_get( &core->silence_cache, core->mempool, &s->silence, &s->sample_spec, 0); s->thread_info.rtpoll = NULL; s->thread_info.outputs = pa_hashmap_new_full(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func, NULL, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_source_output_unref); s->thread_info.soft_volume = s->soft_volume; s->thread_info.soft_muted = s->muted; s->thread_info.state = s->state; s->thread_info.max_rewind = 0; s->thread_info.requested_latency_valid = false; s->thread_info.requested_latency = 0; s->thread_info.min_latency = ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY; s->thread_info.max_latency = ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY; s->thread_info.fixed_latency = flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY ? 0 : DEFAULT_FIXED_LATENCY; PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_source_volume_change, s->thread_info.volume_changes); s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail = NULL; pa_sw_cvolume_divide(&s->thread_info.current_hw_volume, &s->real_volume, &s->soft_volume); s->thread_info.volume_change_safety_margin = core->deferred_volume_safety_margin_usec; s->thread_info.volume_change_extra_delay = core->deferred_volume_extra_delay_usec; s->thread_info.port_latency_offset = s->port_latency_offset; /* FIXME: This should probably be moved to pa_source_put() */ pa_assert_se(pa_idxset_put(core->sources, s, &s->index) >= 0); if (s->card) pa_assert_se(pa_idxset_put(s->card->sources, s, NULL) >= 0); pt = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(s->proplist, "\n "); pa_log_info("Created source %u \"%s\" with sample spec %s and channel map %s\n %s", s->index, s->name, pa_sample_spec_snprint(st, sizeof(st), &s->sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &s->channel_map), pt); pa_xfree(pt); return s; } /* Called from main context */ static int source_set_state(pa_source *s, pa_source_state_t state, pa_suspend_cause_t suspend_cause) { int ret = 0; bool state_changed; bool suspend_cause_changed; bool suspending; bool resuming; pa_source_state_t old_state; pa_suspend_cause_t old_suspend_cause; pa_assert(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); state_changed = state != s->state; suspend_cause_changed = suspend_cause != s->suspend_cause; if (!state_changed && !suspend_cause_changed) return 0; suspending = PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(s->state) && state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED; resuming = s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED && PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(state); /* If we are resuming, suspend_cause must be 0. */ pa_assert(!resuming || !suspend_cause); /* Here's something to think about: what to do with the suspend cause if * resuming the source fails? The old suspend cause will be incorrect, so we * can't use that. On the other hand, if we set no suspend cause (as is the * case currently), then it looks strange to have a source suspended without * any cause. It might be a good idea to add a new "resume failed" suspend * cause, or it might just add unnecessary complexity, given that the * current approach of not setting any suspend cause works well enough. */ if (s->set_state_in_main_thread) { if ((ret = s->set_state_in_main_thread(s, state, suspend_cause)) < 0) { /* set_state_in_main_thread() is allowed to fail only when resuming. */ pa_assert(resuming); /* If resuming fails, we set the state to SUSPENDED and * suspend_cause to 0. */ state = PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED; suspend_cause = 0; state_changed = false; suspend_cause_changed = suspend_cause != s->suspend_cause; resuming = false; /* We know the state isn't changing. If the suspend cause isn't * changing either, then there's nothing more to do. */ if (!suspend_cause_changed) return ret; } } if (s->asyncmsgq) { struct set_state_data data = { .state = state, .suspend_cause = suspend_cause }; if ((ret = pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_STATE, &data, 0, NULL)) < 0) { /* SET_STATE is allowed to fail only when resuming. */ pa_assert(resuming); if (s->set_state_in_main_thread) s->set_state_in_main_thread(s, PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED, 0); /* If resuming fails, we set the state to SUSPENDED and * suspend_cause to 0. */ state = PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED; suspend_cause = 0; state_changed = false; suspend_cause_changed = suspend_cause != s->suspend_cause; resuming = false; /* We know the state isn't changing. If the suspend cause isn't * changing either, then there's nothing more to do. */ if (!suspend_cause_changed) return ret; } } old_suspend_cause = s->suspend_cause; if (suspend_cause_changed) { char old_cause_buf[PA_SUSPEND_CAUSE_TO_STRING_BUF_SIZE]; char new_cause_buf[PA_SUSPEND_CAUSE_TO_STRING_BUF_SIZE]; pa_log_debug("%s: suspend_cause: %s -> %s", s->name, pa_suspend_cause_to_string(s->suspend_cause, old_cause_buf), pa_suspend_cause_to_string(suspend_cause, new_cause_buf)); s->suspend_cause = suspend_cause; } old_state = s->state; if (state_changed) { pa_log_debug("%s: state: %s -> %s", s->name, pa_source_state_to_string(s->state), pa_source_state_to_string(state)); s->state = state; /* If we enter UNLINKED state, then we don't send change notifications. * pa_source_unlink() will send unlink notifications instead. */ if (state != PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED) { pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_STATE_CHANGED], s); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } } if (suspending || resuming || suspend_cause_changed) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; /* We're suspending or resuming, tell everyone about it */ PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) if (s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED && (o->flags & PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_KILL_ON_SUSPEND)) pa_source_output_kill(o); else if (o->suspend) o->suspend(o, old_state, old_suspend_cause); } return ret; } void pa_source_set_get_volume_callback(pa_source *s, pa_source_cb_t cb) { pa_assert(s); s->get_volume = cb; } void pa_source_set_set_volume_callback(pa_source *s, pa_source_cb_t cb) { pa_source_flags_t flags; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(!s->write_volume || cb); s->set_volume = cb; /* Save the current flags so we can tell if they've changed */ flags = s->flags; if (cb) { /* The source implementor is responsible for setting decibel volume support */ s->flags |= PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL; } else { s->flags &= ~PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL; /* See note below in pa_source_put() about volume sharing and decibel volumes */ pa_source_enable_decibel_volume(s, !(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); } /* If the flags have changed after init, let any clients know via a change event */ if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_INIT && flags != s->flags) pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } void pa_source_set_write_volume_callback(pa_source *s, pa_source_cb_t cb) { pa_source_flags_t flags; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(!cb || s->set_volume); s->write_volume = cb; /* Save the current flags so we can tell if they've changed */ flags = s->flags; if (cb) s->flags |= PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME; else s->flags &= ~PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME; /* If the flags have changed after init, let any clients know via a change event */ if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_INIT && flags != s->flags) pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } void pa_source_set_get_mute_callback(pa_source *s, pa_source_get_mute_cb_t cb) { pa_assert(s); s->get_mute = cb; } void pa_source_set_set_mute_callback(pa_source *s, pa_source_cb_t cb) { pa_source_flags_t flags; pa_assert(s); s->set_mute = cb; /* Save the current flags so we can tell if they've changed */ flags = s->flags; if (cb) s->flags |= PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL; else s->flags &= ~PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL; /* If the flags have changed after init, let any clients know via a change event */ if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_INIT && flags != s->flags) pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } static void enable_flat_volume(pa_source *s, bool enable) { pa_source_flags_t flags; pa_assert(s); /* Always follow the overall user preference here */ enable = enable && s->core->flat_volumes; /* Save the current flags so we can tell if they've changed */ flags = s->flags; if (enable) s->flags |= PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME; else s->flags &= ~PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME; /* If the flags have changed after init, let any clients know via a change event */ if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_INIT && flags != s->flags) pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } void pa_source_enable_decibel_volume(pa_source *s, bool enable) { pa_source_flags_t flags; pa_assert(s); /* Save the current flags so we can tell if they've changed */ flags = s->flags; if (enable) { s->flags |= PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME; enable_flat_volume(s, true); } else { s->flags &= ~PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME; enable_flat_volume(s, false); } /* If the flags have changed after init, let any clients know via a change event */ if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_INIT && flags != s->flags) pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_put(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(s->state == PA_SOURCE_INIT); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) || pa_source_is_filter(s)); /* The following fields must be initialized properly when calling _put() */ pa_assert(s->asyncmsgq); pa_assert(s->thread_info.min_latency <= s->thread_info.max_latency); /* Generally, flags should be initialized via pa_source_new(). As a * special exception we allow some volume related flags to be set * between _new() and _put() by the callback setter functions above. * * Thus we implement a couple safeguards here which ensure the above * setters were used (or at least the implementor made manual changes * in a compatible way). * * Note: All of these flags set here can change over the life time * of the source. */ pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL) || s->set_volume); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) || s->write_volume); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL) || s->set_mute); /* XXX: Currently decibel volume is disabled for all sources that use volume * sharing. When the master source supports decibel volume, it would be good * to have the flag also in the filter source, but currently we don't do that * so that the flags of the filter source never change when it's moved from * a master source to another. One solution for this problem would be to * remove user-visible volume altogether from filter sources when volume * sharing is used, but the current approach was easier to implement... */ /* We always support decibel volumes in software, otherwise we leave it to * the source implementor to set this flag as needed. * * Note: This flag can also change over the life time of the source. */ if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL) && !(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { pa_source_enable_decibel_volume(s, true); s->soft_volume = s->reference_volume; } /* If the source implementor support DB volumes by itself, we should always * try and enable flat volumes too */ if ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME)) enable_flat_volume(s, true); if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) { pa_source *root_source = pa_source_get_master(s); pa_assert(PA_LIKELY(root_source)); s->reference_volume = root_source->reference_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&s->reference_volume, &root_source->channel_map, &s->channel_map); s->real_volume = root_source->real_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&s->real_volume, &root_source->channel_map, &s->channel_map); } else /* We assume that if the sink implementor changed the default * volume they did so in real_volume, because that is the usual * place where they are supposed to place their changes. */ s->reference_volume = s->real_volume; s->thread_info.soft_volume = s->soft_volume; s->thread_info.soft_muted = s->muted; pa_sw_cvolume_divide(&s->thread_info.current_hw_volume, &s->real_volume, &s->soft_volume); pa_assert((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL) || (s->base_volume == PA_VOLUME_NORM && ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME || (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER))))); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME) || s->n_volume_steps == PA_VOLUME_NORM+1); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) == !(s->thread_info.fixed_latency == 0)); if (s->suspend_cause) pa_assert_se(source_set_state(s, PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED, s->suspend_cause) == 0); else pa_assert_se(source_set_state(s, PA_SOURCE_IDLE, 0) == 0); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_NEW, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PUT], s); /* It's good to fire the SOURCE_PUT hook before updating the default source, * because module-switch-on-connect will set the new source as the default * source, and if we were to call pa_core_update_default_source() before that, * the default source might change twice, causing unnecessary stream moving. */ pa_core_update_default_source(s->core); pa_core_move_streams_to_newly_available_preferred_source(s->core, s); } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_unlink(pa_source *s) { bool linked; pa_source_output *o, PA_UNUSED *j = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); /* See pa_sink_unlink() for a couple of comments how this function * works. */ if (s->unlink_requested) return; s->unlink_requested = true; linked = PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state); if (linked) pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_UNLINK], s); if (s->state != PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED) pa_namereg_unregister(s->core, s->name); pa_idxset_remove_by_data(s->core->sources, s, NULL); pa_core_update_default_source(s->core); if (linked && s->core->rescue_streams) pa_source_move_streams_to_default_source(s->core, s, false); if (s->card) pa_idxset_remove_by_data(s->card->sources, s, NULL); while ((o = pa_idxset_first(s->outputs, NULL))) { pa_assert(o != j); pa_source_output_kill(o); j = o; } if (linked) /* It's important to keep the suspend cause unchanged when unlinking, * because if we remove the SESSION suspend cause here, the alsa * source will sync its volume with the hardware while another user is * active, messing up the volume for that other user. */ source_set_state(s, PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED, s->suspend_cause); else s->state = PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED; reset_callbacks(s); if (linked) { pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_UNLINK_POST], s); } } /* Called from main context */ static void source_free(pa_object *o) { pa_source *s = PA_SOURCE(o); pa_assert(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(pa_source_refcnt(s) == 0); pa_assert(!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_log_info("Freeing source %u \"%s\"", s->index, s->name); pa_source_volume_change_flush(s); pa_idxset_free(s->outputs, NULL); pa_hashmap_free(s->thread_info.outputs); if (s->silence.memblock) pa_memblock_unref(s->silence.memblock); pa_xfree(s->name); pa_xfree(s->driver); if (s->proplist) pa_proplist_free(s->proplist); if (s->ports) pa_hashmap_free(s->ports); pa_xfree(s); } /* Called from main context, and not while the IO thread is active, please */ void pa_source_set_asyncmsgq(pa_source *s, pa_asyncmsgq *q) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); s->asyncmsgq = q; } /* Called from main context, and not while the IO thread is active, please */ void pa_source_update_flags(pa_source *s, pa_source_flags_t mask, pa_source_flags_t value) { pa_source_flags_t old_flags; pa_source_output *output; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); /* For now, allow only a minimal set of flags to be changed. */ pa_assert((mask & ~(PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY|PA_SOURCE_LATENCY)) == 0); old_flags = s->flags; s->flags = (s->flags & ~mask) | (value & mask); if (s->flags == old_flags) return; if ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY) != (old_flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY)) pa_log_debug("Source %s: LATENCY flag %s.", s->name, (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) != (old_flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY)) pa_log_debug("Source %s: DYNAMIC_LATENCY flag %s.", s->name, (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_FLAGS_CHANGED], s); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(output, s->outputs, idx) { if (output->destination_source) pa_source_update_flags(output->destination_source, mask, value); } } /* Called from IO context, or before _put() from main context */ void pa_source_set_rtpoll(pa_source *s, pa_rtpoll *p) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); s->thread_info.rtpoll = p; } /* Called from main context */ int pa_source_update_status(pa_source*s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return 0; return source_set_state(s, pa_source_used_by(s) ? PA_SOURCE_RUNNING : PA_SOURCE_IDLE, 0); } /* Called from main context */ int pa_source_suspend(pa_source *s, bool suspend, pa_suspend_cause_t cause) { pa_suspend_cause_t merged_cause; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(cause != 0); if (s->monitor_of && cause != PA_SUSPEND_PASSTHROUGH) return -PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; if (suspend) merged_cause = s->suspend_cause | cause; else merged_cause = s->suspend_cause & ~cause; if (merged_cause) return source_set_state(s, PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED, merged_cause); else return source_set_state(s, pa_source_used_by(s) ? PA_SOURCE_RUNNING : PA_SOURCE_IDLE, 0); } /* Called from main context */ int pa_source_sync_suspend(pa_source *s) { pa_sink_state_t state; pa_suspend_cause_t suspend_cause; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(s->monitor_of); state = s->monitor_of->state; suspend_cause = s->monitor_of->suspend_cause; /* The monitor source usually has the same state and suspend cause as the * sink, the only exception is when the monitor source is suspended due to * the sink being in the passthrough mode. If the monitor currently has the * PASSTHROUGH suspend cause, then we have to keep the monitor suspended * even if the sink is running. */ if (s->suspend_cause & PA_SUSPEND_PASSTHROUGH) suspend_cause |= PA_SUSPEND_PASSTHROUGH; if (state == PA_SINK_SUSPENDED || suspend_cause) return source_set_state(s, PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED, suspend_cause); pa_assert(PA_SINK_IS_OPENED(state)); return source_set_state(s, pa_source_used_by(s) ? PA_SOURCE_RUNNING : PA_SOURCE_IDLE, 0); } /* Called from main context */ pa_queue *pa_source_move_all_start(pa_source *s, pa_queue *q) { pa_source_output *o, *n; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (!q) q = pa_queue_new(); for (o = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(pa_idxset_first(s->outputs, &idx)); o; o = n) { n = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(pa_idxset_next(s->outputs, &idx)); pa_source_output_ref(o); if (pa_source_output_start_move(o) >= 0) pa_queue_push(q, o); else pa_source_output_unref(o); } return q; } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_move_all_finish(pa_source *s, pa_queue *q, bool save) { pa_source_output *o; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(q); while ((o = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(pa_queue_pop(q)))) { if (PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_IS_LINKED(o->state)) { if (pa_source_output_finish_move(o, s, save) < 0) pa_source_output_fail_move(o); } pa_source_output_unref(o); } pa_queue_free(q, NULL); } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_move_all_fail(pa_queue *q) { pa_source_output *o; pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(q); while ((o = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(pa_queue_pop(q)))) { pa_source_output_fail_move(o); pa_source_output_unref(o); } pa_queue_free(q, NULL); } /* Called from IO thread context */ void pa_source_process_rewind(pa_source *s, size_t nbytes) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); if (nbytes <= 0) return; if (s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return; pa_log_debug("Processing rewind..."); PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) { pa_source_output_assert_ref(o); pa_source_output_process_rewind(o, nbytes); } } /* Called from IO thread context */ void pa_source_post(pa_source*s, const pa_memchunk *chunk) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); pa_assert(chunk); if (s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return; if (s->thread_info.soft_muted || !pa_cvolume_is_norm(&s->thread_info.soft_volume)) { pa_memchunk vchunk = *chunk; pa_memblock_ref(vchunk.memblock); pa_memchunk_make_writable(&vchunk, 0); if (s->thread_info.soft_muted || pa_cvolume_is_muted(&s->thread_info.soft_volume)) pa_silence_memchunk(&vchunk, &s->sample_spec); else pa_volume_memchunk(&vchunk, &s->sample_spec, &s->thread_info.soft_volume); while ((o = pa_hashmap_iterate(s->thread_info.outputs, &state, NULL))) { pa_source_output_assert_ref(o); if (!o->thread_info.direct_on_input) pa_source_output_push(o, &vchunk); } pa_memblock_unref(vchunk.memblock); } else { while ((o = pa_hashmap_iterate(s->thread_info.outputs, &state, NULL))) { pa_source_output_assert_ref(o); if (!o->thread_info.direct_on_input) pa_source_output_push(o, chunk); } } } /* Called from IO thread context */ void pa_source_post_direct(pa_source*s, pa_source_output *o, const pa_memchunk *chunk) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); pa_source_output_assert_ref(o); pa_assert(o->thread_info.direct_on_input); pa_assert(chunk); if (s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return; if (s->thread_info.soft_muted || !pa_cvolume_is_norm(&s->thread_info.soft_volume)) { pa_memchunk vchunk = *chunk; pa_memblock_ref(vchunk.memblock); pa_memchunk_make_writable(&vchunk, 0); if (s->thread_info.soft_muted || pa_cvolume_is_muted(&s->thread_info.soft_volume)) pa_silence_memchunk(&vchunk, &s->sample_spec); else pa_volume_memchunk(&vchunk, &s->sample_spec, &s->thread_info.soft_volume); pa_source_output_push(o, &vchunk); pa_memblock_unref(vchunk.memblock); } else pa_source_output_push(o, chunk); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_reconfigure(pa_source *s, pa_sample_spec *spec, bool passthrough) { uint32_t idx; pa_source_output *o; pa_sample_spec desired_spec; uint32_t default_rate = s->default_sample_rate; uint32_t alternate_rate = s->alternate_sample_rate; bool default_rate_is_usable = false; bool alternate_rate_is_usable = false; bool avoid_resampling = s->avoid_resampling; if (pa_sample_spec_equal(spec, &s->sample_spec)) return; if (!s->reconfigure && !s->monitor_of) return; if (PA_UNLIKELY(default_rate == alternate_rate && !passthrough && !avoid_resampling)) { pa_log_debug("Default and alternate sample rates are the same, so there is no point in switching."); return; } if (PA_SOURCE_IS_RUNNING(s->state)) { pa_log_info("Cannot update sample spec, SOURCE_IS_RUNNING, will keep using %s and %u Hz", pa_sample_format_to_string(s->sample_spec.format), s->sample_spec.rate); return; } if (s->monitor_of) { if (PA_SINK_IS_RUNNING(s->monitor_of->state)) { pa_log_info("Cannot update sample spec, this is a monitor source and the sink is running."); return; } } if (PA_UNLIKELY(!pa_sample_spec_valid(spec))) return; desired_spec = s->sample_spec; if (passthrough) { /* We have to try to use the source output format and rate */ desired_spec.format = spec->format; desired_spec.rate = spec->rate; } else if (avoid_resampling) { /* We just try to set the source output's sample rate if it's not too low */ if (spec->rate >= default_rate || spec->rate >= alternate_rate) desired_spec.rate = spec->rate; desired_spec.format = spec->format; } else if (default_rate == spec->rate || alternate_rate == spec->rate) { /* We can directly try to use this rate */ desired_spec.rate = spec->rate; } if (desired_spec.rate != spec->rate) { /* See if we can pick a rate that results in less resampling effort */ if (default_rate % 11025 == 0 && spec->rate % 11025 == 0) default_rate_is_usable = true; if (default_rate % 4000 == 0 && spec->rate % 4000 == 0) default_rate_is_usable = true; if (alternate_rate % 11025 == 0 && spec->rate % 11025 == 0) alternate_rate_is_usable = true; if (alternate_rate % 4000 == 0 && spec->rate % 4000 == 0) alternate_rate_is_usable = true; if (alternate_rate_is_usable && !default_rate_is_usable) desired_spec.rate = alternate_rate; else desired_spec.rate = default_rate; } if (pa_sample_spec_equal(&desired_spec, &s->sample_spec) && passthrough == pa_source_is_passthrough(s)) return; if (!passthrough && pa_source_used_by(s) > 0) return; pa_log_debug("Suspending source %s due to changing format, desired format = %s rate = %u", s->name, pa_sample_format_to_string(desired_spec.format), desired_spec.rate); pa_source_suspend(s, true, PA_SUSPEND_INTERNAL); if (s->reconfigure) s->reconfigure(s, &desired_spec, passthrough); else { /* This is a monitor source. */ /* XXX: This code is written with non-passthrough streams in mind. I * have no idea whether the behaviour with passthrough streams is * sensible. */ if (!passthrough) { s->sample_spec = desired_spec; pa_sink_reconfigure(s->monitor_of, &desired_spec, false); s->sample_spec = s->monitor_of->sample_spec; } else goto unsuspend; } PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { if (o->state == PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_CORKED) pa_source_output_update_resampler(o); } pa_log_info("Reconfigured successfully"); unsuspend: pa_source_suspend(s, false, PA_SUSPEND_INTERNAL); } /* Called from main thread */ pa_usec_t pa_source_get_latency(pa_source *s) { int64_t usec; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return 0; if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY)) return 0; pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY, &usec, 0, NULL) == 0); /* The return value is unsigned, so check that the offset can be added to usec without * underflowing. */ if (-s->port_latency_offset <= usec) usec += s->port_latency_offset; else usec = 0; return (pa_usec_t)usec; } /* Called from IO thread */ int64_t pa_source_get_latency_within_thread(pa_source *s, bool allow_negative) { int64_t usec = 0; pa_msgobject *o; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); /* The returned value is supposed to be in the time domain of the sound card! */ if (s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return 0; if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY)) return 0; o = PA_MSGOBJECT(s); /* FIXME: We probably should make this a proper vtable callback instead of going through process_msg() */ o->process_msg(o, PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY, &usec, 0, NULL); /* If allow_negative is false, the call should only return positive values, */ usec += s->thread_info.port_latency_offset; if (!allow_negative && usec < 0) usec = 0; return usec; } /* Called from the main thread (and also from the IO thread while the main * thread is waiting). * * When a source uses volume sharing, it never has the PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME flag * set. Instead, flat volume mode is detected by checking whether the root source * has the flag set. */ bool pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); s = pa_source_get_master(s); if (PA_LIKELY(s)) return (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_FLAT_VOLUME); else return false; } /* Called from the main thread (and also from the IO thread while the main * thread is waiting). */ pa_source *pa_source_get_master(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); while (s && (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { if (PA_UNLIKELY(!s->output_from_master)) return NULL; s = s->output_from_master->source; } return s; } /* Called from main context */ bool pa_source_is_filter(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); return (s->output_from_master != NULL); } /* Called from main context */ bool pa_source_is_passthrough(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); /* NB Currently only monitor sources support passthrough mode */ return (s->monitor_of && pa_sink_is_passthrough(s->monitor_of)); } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_enter_passthrough(pa_source *s) { pa_cvolume volume; /* set the volume to NORM */ s->saved_volume = *pa_source_get_volume(s, true); s->saved_save_volume = s->save_volume; pa_cvolume_set(&volume, s->sample_spec.channels, PA_MIN(s->base_volume, PA_VOLUME_NORM)); pa_source_set_volume(s, &volume, true, false); } /* Called from main context */ void pa_source_leave_passthrough(pa_source *s) { /* Restore source volume to what it was before we entered passthrough mode */ pa_source_set_volume(s, &s->saved_volume, true, s->saved_save_volume); pa_cvolume_init(&s->saved_volume); s->saved_save_volume = false; } /* Called from main context. */ static void compute_reference_ratio(pa_source_output *o) { unsigned c = 0; pa_cvolume remapped; pa_cvolume ratio; pa_assert(o); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(o->source)); /* * Calculates the reference ratio from the source's reference * volume. This basically calculates: * * o->reference_ratio = o->volume / o->source->reference_volume */ remapped = o->source->reference_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&remapped, &o->source->channel_map, &o->channel_map); ratio = o->reference_ratio; for (c = 0; c < o->sample_spec.channels; c++) { /* We don't update when the source volume is 0 anyway */ if (remapped.values[c] <= PA_VOLUME_MUTED) continue; /* Don't update the reference ratio unless necessary */ if (pa_sw_volume_multiply( ratio.values[c], remapped.values[c]) == o->volume.values[c]) continue; ratio.values[c] = pa_sw_volume_divide( o->volume.values[c], remapped.values[c]); } pa_source_output_set_reference_ratio(o, &ratio); } /* Called from main context. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void compute_reference_ratios(pa_source *s) { uint32_t idx; pa_source_output *o; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { compute_reference_ratio(o); if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) && PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) compute_reference_ratios(o->destination_source); } } /* Called from main context. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void compute_real_ratios(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { unsigned c; pa_cvolume remapped; if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { /* The origin source uses volume sharing, so this input's real ratio * is handled as a special case - the real ratio must be 0 dB, and * as a result i->soft_volume must equal i->volume_factor. */ pa_cvolume_reset(&o->real_ratio, o->real_ratio.channels); o->soft_volume = o->volume_factor; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) compute_real_ratios(o->destination_source); continue; } /* * This basically calculates: * * i->real_ratio := i->volume / s->real_volume * i->soft_volume := i->real_ratio * i->volume_factor */ remapped = s->real_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&remapped, &s->channel_map, &o->channel_map); o->real_ratio.channels = o->sample_spec.channels; o->soft_volume.channels = o->sample_spec.channels; for (c = 0; c < o->sample_spec.channels; c++) { if (remapped.values[c] <= PA_VOLUME_MUTED) { /* We leave o->real_ratio untouched */ o->soft_volume.values[c] = PA_VOLUME_MUTED; continue; } /* Don't lose accuracy unless necessary */ if (pa_sw_volume_multiply( o->real_ratio.values[c], remapped.values[c]) != o->volume.values[c]) o->real_ratio.values[c] = pa_sw_volume_divide( o->volume.values[c], remapped.values[c]); o->soft_volume.values[c] = pa_sw_volume_multiply( o->real_ratio.values[c], o->volume_factor.values[c]); } /* We don't copy the soft_volume to the thread_info data * here. That must be done by the caller */ } } static pa_cvolume *cvolume_remap_minimal_impact( pa_cvolume *v, const pa_cvolume *template, const pa_channel_map *from, const pa_channel_map *to) { pa_cvolume t; pa_assert(v); pa_assert(template); pa_assert(from); pa_assert(to); pa_assert(pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map(v, from)); pa_assert(pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map(template, to)); /* Much like pa_cvolume_remap(), but tries to minimize impact when * mapping from source output to source volumes: * * If template is a possible remapping from v it is used instead * of remapping anew. * * If the channel maps don't match we set an all-channel volume on * the source to ensure that changing a volume on one stream has no * effect that cannot be compensated for in another stream that * does not have the same channel map as the source. */ if (pa_channel_map_equal(from, to)) return v; t = *template; if (pa_cvolume_equal(pa_cvolume_remap(&t, to, from), v)) { *v = *template; return v; } pa_cvolume_set(v, to->channels, pa_cvolume_max(v)); return v; } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void get_maximum_output_volume(pa_source *s, pa_cvolume *max_volume, const pa_channel_map *channel_map) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert(max_volume); pa_assert(channel_map); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { pa_cvolume remapped; if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) get_maximum_output_volume(o->destination_source, max_volume, channel_map); /* Ignore this output. The origin source uses volume sharing, so this * output's volume will be set to be equal to the root source's real * volume. Obviously this output's current volume must not then * affect what the root source's real volume will be. */ continue; } remapped = o->volume; cvolume_remap_minimal_impact(&remapped, max_volume, &o->channel_map, channel_map); pa_cvolume_merge(max_volume, max_volume, &remapped); } } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static bool has_outputs(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { if (!o->destination_source || !(o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) || has_outputs(o->destination_source)) return true; } return false; } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void update_real_volume(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *new_volume, pa_channel_map *channel_map) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert(new_volume); pa_assert(channel_map); s->real_volume = *new_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&s->real_volume, channel_map, &s->channel_map); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { if (pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)) { pa_cvolume new_output_volume; /* Follow the root source's real volume. */ new_output_volume = *new_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&new_output_volume, channel_map, &o->channel_map); pa_source_output_set_volume_direct(o, &new_output_volume); compute_reference_ratio(o); } if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) update_real_volume(o->destination_source, new_volume, channel_map); } } } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in shared volume * cases. */ static void compute_real_volume(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); /* This determines the maximum volume of all streams and sets * s->real_volume accordingly. */ if (!has_outputs(s)) { /* In the special case that we have no source outputs we leave the * volume unmodified. */ update_real_volume(s, &s->reference_volume, &s->channel_map); return; } pa_cvolume_mute(&s->real_volume, s->channel_map.channels); /* First let's determine the new maximum volume of all outputs * connected to this source */ get_maximum_output_volume(s, &s->real_volume, &s->channel_map); update_real_volume(s, &s->real_volume, &s->channel_map); /* Then, let's update the real ratios/soft volumes of all outputs * connected to this source */ compute_real_ratios(s); } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in shared volume * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void propagate_reference_volume(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); /* This is called whenever the source volume changes that is not * caused by a source output volume change. We need to fix up the * source output volumes accordingly */ PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { pa_cvolume new_volume; if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) propagate_reference_volume(o->destination_source); /* Since the origin source uses volume sharing, this output's volume * needs to be updated to match the root source's real volume, but * that will be done later in update_real_volume(). */ continue; } /* This basically calculates: * * o->volume := o->reference_volume * o->reference_ratio */ new_volume = s->reference_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&new_volume, &s->channel_map, &o->channel_map); pa_sw_cvolume_multiply(&new_volume, &new_volume, &o->reference_ratio); pa_source_output_set_volume_direct(o, &new_volume); } } /* Called from main thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. The return value indicates * whether any reference volume actually changed. */ static bool update_reference_volume(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *v, const pa_channel_map *channel_map, bool save) { pa_cvolume volume; bool reference_volume_changed; pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(v); pa_assert(channel_map); pa_assert(pa_cvolume_valid(v)); volume = *v; pa_cvolume_remap(&volume, channel_map, &s->channel_map); reference_volume_changed = !pa_cvolume_equal(&volume, &s->reference_volume); pa_source_set_reference_volume_direct(s, &volume); s->save_volume = (!reference_volume_changed && s->save_volume) || save; if (!reference_volume_changed && !(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) /* If the root source's volume doesn't change, then there can't be any * changes in the other source in the source tree either. * * It's probably theoretically possible that even if the root source's * volume changes slightly, some filter source doesn't change its volume * due to rounding errors. If that happens, we still want to propagate * the changed root source volume to the sources connected to the * intermediate source that didn't change its volume. This theoretical * possibility is the reason why we have that !(s->flags & * PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) condition. Probably nobody would * notice even if we returned here false always if * reference_volume_changed is false. */ return false; PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) && PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) update_reference_volume(o->destination_source, v, channel_map, false); } return true; } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_set_volume( pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *volume, bool send_msg, bool save) { pa_cvolume new_reference_volume, root_real_volume; pa_source *root_source; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(!volume || pa_cvolume_valid(volume)); pa_assert(volume || pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)); pa_assert(!volume || volume->channels == 1 || pa_cvolume_compatible(volume, &s->sample_spec)); /* make sure we don't change the volume in PASSTHROUGH mode ... * ... *except* if we're being invoked to reset the volume to ensure 0 dB gain */ if (pa_source_is_passthrough(s) && (!volume || !pa_cvolume_is_norm(volume))) { pa_log_warn("Cannot change volume, source is monitor of a PASSTHROUGH sink"); return; } /* In case of volume sharing, the volume is set for the root source first, * from which it's then propagated to the sharing sources. */ root_source = pa_source_get_master(s); if (PA_UNLIKELY(!root_source)) return; /* As a special exception we accept mono volumes on all sources -- * even on those with more complex channel maps */ if (volume) { if (pa_cvolume_compatible(volume, &s->sample_spec)) new_reference_volume = *volume; else { new_reference_volume = s->reference_volume; pa_cvolume_scale(&new_reference_volume, pa_cvolume_max(volume)); } pa_cvolume_remap(&new_reference_volume, &s->channel_map, &root_source->channel_map); if (update_reference_volume(root_source, &new_reference_volume, &root_source->channel_map, save)) { if (pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(root_source)) { /* OK, propagate this volume change back to the outputs */ propagate_reference_volume(root_source); /* And now recalculate the real volume */ compute_real_volume(root_source); } else update_real_volume(root_source, &root_source->reference_volume, &root_source->channel_map); } } else { /* If volume is NULL we synchronize the source's real and * reference volumes with the stream volumes. */ pa_assert(pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(root_source)); /* Ok, let's determine the new real volume */ compute_real_volume(root_source); /* To propagate the reference volume from the filter to the root source, * we first take the real volume from the root source and remap it to * match the filter. Then, we merge in the reference volume from the * filter on top of this, and remap it back to the root source channel * count and map */ root_real_volume = root_source->real_volume; /* First we remap root's real volume to filter channel count and map if needed */ if (s != root_source && !pa_channel_map_equal(&s->channel_map, &root_source->channel_map)) pa_cvolume_remap(&root_real_volume, &root_source->channel_map, &s->channel_map); /* Then let's 'push' the reference volume if necessary */ pa_cvolume_merge(&new_reference_volume, &s->reference_volume, &root_real_volume); /* If the source and its root don't have the same number of channels, we need to remap back */ if (s != root_source && !pa_channel_map_equal(&s->channel_map, &root_source->channel_map)) pa_cvolume_remap(&new_reference_volume, &s->channel_map, &root_source->channel_map); update_reference_volume(root_source, &new_reference_volume, &root_source->channel_map, save); /* Now that the reference volume is updated, we can update the streams' * reference ratios. */ compute_reference_ratios(root_source); } if (root_source->set_volume) { /* If we have a function set_volume(), then we do not apply a * soft volume by default. However, set_volume() is free to * apply one to root_source->soft_volume */ pa_cvolume_reset(&root_source->soft_volume, root_source->sample_spec.channels); if (!(root_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME)) root_source->set_volume(root_source); } else /* If we have no function set_volume(), then the soft volume * becomes the real volume */ root_source->soft_volume = root_source->real_volume; /* This tells the source that soft volume and/or real volume changed */ if (send_msg) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(root_source->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(root_source), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_SHARED_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0); } /* Called from the io thread if sync volume is used, otherwise from the main thread. * Only to be called by source implementor */ void pa_source_set_soft_volume(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *volume) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) pa_source_assert_io_context(s); else pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (!volume) pa_cvolume_reset(&s->soft_volume, s->sample_spec.channels); else s->soft_volume = *volume; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state) && !(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME)) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0); else s->thread_info.soft_volume = s->soft_volume; } /* Called from the main thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void propagate_real_volume(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *old_real_volume) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert(old_real_volume); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); /* This is called when the hardware's real volume changes due to * some external event. We copy the real volume into our * reference volume and then rebuild the stream volumes based on * i->real_ratio which should stay fixed. */ if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) { if (pa_cvolume_equal(old_real_volume, &s->real_volume)) return; /* 1. Make the real volume the reference volume */ update_reference_volume(s, &s->real_volume, &s->channel_map, true); } if (pa_source_flat_volume_enabled(s)) { PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { pa_cvolume new_volume; /* 2. Since the source's reference and real volumes are equal * now our ratios should be too. */ pa_source_output_set_reference_ratio(o, &o->real_ratio); /* 3. Recalculate the new stream reference volume based on the * reference ratio and the sink's reference volume. * * This basically calculates: * * o->volume = s->reference_volume * o->reference_ratio * * This is identical to propagate_reference_volume() */ new_volume = s->reference_volume; pa_cvolume_remap(&new_volume, &s->channel_map, &o->channel_map); pa_sw_cvolume_multiply(&new_volume, &new_volume, &o->reference_ratio); pa_source_output_set_volume_direct(o, &new_volume); if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER) && PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(o->destination_source->state)) propagate_real_volume(o->destination_source, old_real_volume); } } /* Something got changed in the hardware. It probably makes sense * to save changed hw settings given that hw volume changes not * triggered by PA are almost certainly done by the user. */ if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) s->save_volume = true; } /* Called from io thread */ void pa_source_update_volume_and_mute(pa_source *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_asyncmsgq_post(pa_thread_mq_get()->outq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_UPDATE_VOLUME_AND_MUTE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } /* Called from main thread */ const pa_cvolume *pa_source_get_volume(pa_source *s, bool force_refresh) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (s->refresh_volume || force_refresh) { struct pa_cvolume old_real_volume; pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); old_real_volume = s->real_volume; if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) && s->get_volume) s->get_volume(s); pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0); update_real_volume(s, &s->real_volume, &s->channel_map); propagate_real_volume(s, &old_real_volume); } return &s->reference_volume; } /* Called from main thread. In volume sharing cases, only the root source may * call this. */ void pa_source_volume_changed(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *new_real_volume) { pa_cvolume old_real_volume; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); pa_assert(!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)); /* The source implementor may call this if the volume changed to make sure everyone is notified */ old_real_volume = s->real_volume; update_real_volume(s, new_real_volume, &s->channel_map); propagate_real_volume(s, &old_real_volume); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_set_mute(pa_source *s, bool mute, bool save) { bool old_muted; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); old_muted = s->muted; if (mute == old_muted) { s->save_muted |= save; return; } s->muted = mute; s->save_muted = save; if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) && s->set_mute) { s->set_mute_in_progress = true; s->set_mute(s); s->set_mute_in_progress = false; } if (!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) return; pa_log_debug("The mute of source %s changed from %s to %s.", s->name, pa_yes_no(old_muted), pa_yes_no(mute)); pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_MUTE, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_MUTE_CHANGED], s); } /* Called from main thread */ bool pa_source_get_mute(pa_source *s, bool force_refresh) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if ((s->refresh_muted || force_refresh) && s->get_mute) { bool mute; if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) { if (pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_MUTE, &mute, 0, NULL) >= 0) pa_source_mute_changed(s, mute); } else { if (s->get_mute(s, &mute) >= 0) pa_source_mute_changed(s, mute); } } return s->muted; } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_mute_changed(pa_source *s, bool new_muted) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (s->set_mute_in_progress) return; /* pa_source_set_mute() does this same check, so this may appear redundant, * but we must have this here also, because the save parameter of * pa_source_set_mute() would otherwise have unintended side effects * (saving the mute state when it shouldn't be saved). */ if (new_muted == s->muted) return; pa_source_set_mute(s, new_muted, true); } /* Called from main thread */ bool pa_source_update_proplist(pa_source *s, pa_update_mode_t mode, pa_proplist *p) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (p) pa_proplist_update(s->proplist, mode, p); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) { pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PROPLIST_CHANGED], s); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } return true; } /* Called from main thread */ /* FIXME -- this should be dropped and be merged into pa_source_update_proplist() */ void pa_source_set_description(pa_source *s, const char *description) { const char *old; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (!description && !pa_proplist_contains(s->proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION)) return; old = pa_proplist_gets(s->proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION); if (old && description && pa_streq(old, description)) return; if (description) pa_proplist_sets(s->proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION, description); else pa_proplist_unset(s->proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) { pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PROPLIST_CHANGED], s); } } /* Called from main thread */ unsigned pa_source_linked_by(pa_source *s) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); return pa_idxset_size(s->outputs); } /* Called from main thread */ unsigned pa_source_used_by(pa_source *s) { unsigned ret; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); ret = pa_idxset_size(s->outputs); pa_assert(ret >= s->n_corked); return ret - s->n_corked; } /* Called from main thread */ unsigned pa_source_check_suspend(pa_source *s, pa_source_output *ignore) { unsigned ret; pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) return 0; ret = 0; PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, s->outputs, idx) { if (o == ignore) continue; /* We do not assert here. It is perfectly valid for a source output to * be in the INIT state (i.e. created, marked done but not yet put) * and we should not care if it's unlinked as it won't contribute * towards our busy status. */ if (!PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_IS_LINKED(o->state)) continue; if (o->state == PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_CORKED) continue; if (o->flags & PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_DONT_INHIBIT_AUTO_SUSPEND) continue; ret ++; } return ret; } const char *pa_source_state_to_string(pa_source_state_t state) { switch (state) { case PA_SOURCE_INIT: return "INIT"; case PA_SOURCE_IDLE: return "IDLE"; case PA_SOURCE_RUNNING: return "RUNNING"; case PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED: return "SUSPENDED"; case PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED: return "UNLINKED"; case PA_SOURCE_INVALID_STATE: return "INVALID_STATE"; } pa_assert_not_reached(); } /* Called from the IO thread */ static void sync_output_volumes_within_thread(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) { if (pa_cvolume_equal(&o->thread_info.soft_volume, &o->soft_volume)) continue; o->thread_info.soft_volume = o->soft_volume; //pa_source_output_request_rewind(o, 0, true, false, false); } } /* Called from the IO thread. Only called for the root source in volume sharing * cases, except for internal recursive calls. */ static void set_shared_volume_within_thread(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); PA_MSGOBJECT(s)->process_msg(PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_VOLUME_SYNCED, NULL, 0, NULL); PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) { if (o->destination_source && (o->destination_source->flags & PA_SOURCE_SHARE_VOLUME_WITH_MASTER)) set_shared_volume_within_thread(o->destination_source); } } /* Called from IO thread, except when it is not */ int pa_source_process_msg(pa_msgobject *object, int code, void *userdata, int64_t offset, pa_memchunk *chunk) { pa_source *s = PA_SOURCE(object); pa_source_assert_ref(s); switch ((pa_source_message_t) code) { case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_ADD_OUTPUT: { pa_source_output *o = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(userdata); pa_hashmap_put(s->thread_info.outputs, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(o->index), pa_source_output_ref(o)); if (o->direct_on_input) { o->thread_info.direct_on_input = o->direct_on_input; pa_hashmap_put(o->thread_info.direct_on_input->thread_info.direct_outputs, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(o->index), o); } pa_source_output_attach(o); pa_source_output_set_state_within_thread(o, o->state); if (o->thread_info.requested_source_latency != (pa_usec_t) -1) pa_source_output_set_requested_latency_within_thread(o, o->thread_info.requested_source_latency); pa_source_output_update_max_rewind(o, s->thread_info.max_rewind); /* We don't just invalidate the requested latency here, * because if we are in a move we might need to fix up the * requested latency. */ pa_source_output_set_requested_latency_within_thread(o, o->thread_info.requested_source_latency); /* In flat volume mode we need to update the volume as * well */ return object->process_msg(object, PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_SHARED_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL); } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_REMOVE_OUTPUT: { pa_source_output *o = PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT(userdata); pa_source_output_set_state_within_thread(o, o->state); pa_source_output_detach(o); if (o->thread_info.direct_on_input) { pa_hashmap_remove(o->thread_info.direct_on_input->thread_info.direct_outputs, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(o->index)); o->thread_info.direct_on_input = NULL; } pa_hashmap_remove_and_free(s->thread_info.outputs, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(o->index)); pa_source_invalidate_requested_latency(s, true); /* In flat volume mode we need to update the volume as * well */ return object->process_msg(object, PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_SHARED_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL); } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_SHARED_VOLUME: { pa_source *root_source = pa_source_get_master(s); if (PA_LIKELY(root_source)) set_shared_volume_within_thread(root_source); return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_VOLUME_SYNCED: if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) { s->set_volume(s); pa_source_volume_change_push(s); } /* Fall through ... */ case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_VOLUME: if (!pa_cvolume_equal(&s->thread_info.soft_volume, &s->soft_volume)) { s->thread_info.soft_volume = s->soft_volume; } /* Fall through ... */ case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SYNC_VOLUMES: sync_output_volumes_within_thread(s); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_VOLUME: if ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME) && s->get_volume) { s->get_volume(s); pa_source_volume_change_flush(s); pa_sw_cvolume_divide(&s->thread_info.current_hw_volume, &s->real_volume, &s->soft_volume); } /* In case source implementor reset SW volume. */ if (!pa_cvolume_equal(&s->thread_info.soft_volume, &s->soft_volume)) { s->thread_info.soft_volume = s->soft_volume; } return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_MUTE: if (s->thread_info.soft_muted != s->muted) { s->thread_info.soft_muted = s->muted; } if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME && s->set_mute) s->set_mute(s); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_MUTE: if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DEFERRED_VOLUME && s->get_mute) return s->get_mute(s, userdata); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_STATE: { struct set_state_data *data = userdata; bool suspend_change = (s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED && PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(data->state)) || (PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(s->thread_info.state) && data->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED); if (s->set_state_in_io_thread) { int r; if ((r = s->set_state_in_io_thread(s, data->state, data->suspend_cause)) < 0) return r; } s->thread_info.state = data->state; if (suspend_change) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; while ((o = pa_hashmap_iterate(s->thread_info.outputs, &state, NULL))) if (o->suspend_within_thread) o->suspend_within_thread(o, s->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED); } return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_REQUESTED_LATENCY: { pa_usec_t *usec = userdata; *usec = pa_source_get_requested_latency_within_thread(s); /* Yes, that's right, the IO thread will see -1 when no * explicit requested latency is configured, the main * thread will see max_latency */ if (*usec == (pa_usec_t) -1) *usec = s->thread_info.max_latency; return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_LATENCY_RANGE: { pa_usec_t *r = userdata; pa_source_set_latency_range_within_thread(s, r[0], r[1]); return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY_RANGE: { pa_usec_t *r = userdata; r[0] = s->thread_info.min_latency; r[1] = s->thread_info.max_latency; return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_FIXED_LATENCY: *((pa_usec_t*) userdata) = s->thread_info.fixed_latency; return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_FIXED_LATENCY: pa_source_set_fixed_latency_within_thread(s, (pa_usec_t) offset); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_MAX_REWIND: *((size_t*) userdata) = s->thread_info.max_rewind; return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_MAX_REWIND: pa_source_set_max_rewind_within_thread(s, (size_t) offset); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY: if (s->monitor_of) { *((int64_t*) userdata) = -pa_sink_get_latency_within_thread(s->monitor_of, true); return 0; } /* Implementors need to overwrite this implementation! */ return -1; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_UPDATE_VOLUME_AND_MUTE: /* This message is sent from IO-thread and handled in main thread. */ pa_assert_ctl_context(); /* Make sure we're not messing with main thread when no longer linked */ if (!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) return 0; pa_source_get_volume(s, true); pa_source_get_mute(s, true); return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_PORT_LATENCY_OFFSET: s->thread_info.port_latency_offset = offset; return 0; case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_MAX: ; } return -1; } /* Called from main thread */ int pa_source_suspend_all(pa_core *c, bool suspend, pa_suspend_cause_t cause) { pa_source *source; uint32_t idx; int ret = 0; pa_core_assert_ref(c); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(cause != 0); for (source = PA_SOURCE(pa_idxset_first(c->sources, &idx)); source; source = PA_SOURCE(pa_idxset_next(c->sources, &idx))) { int r; if (source->monitor_of) continue; if ((r = pa_source_suspend(source, suspend, cause)) < 0) ret = r; } return ret; } /* Called from IO thread */ void pa_source_detach_within_thread(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) pa_source_output_detach(o); } /* Called from IO thread */ void pa_source_attach_within_thread(pa_source *s) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)); PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) pa_source_output_attach(o); } /* Called from IO thread */ pa_usec_t pa_source_get_requested_latency_within_thread(pa_source *s) { pa_usec_t result = (pa_usec_t) -1; pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); if (!(s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY)) return PA_CLAMP(s->thread_info.fixed_latency, s->thread_info.min_latency, s->thread_info.max_latency); if (s->thread_info.requested_latency_valid) return s->thread_info.requested_latency; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) if (o->thread_info.requested_source_latency != (pa_usec_t) -1 && (result == (pa_usec_t) -1 || result > o->thread_info.requested_source_latency)) result = o->thread_info.requested_source_latency; if (result != (pa_usec_t) -1) result = PA_CLAMP(result, s->thread_info.min_latency, s->thread_info.max_latency); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)) { /* Only cache this if we are fully set up */ s->thread_info.requested_latency = result; s->thread_info.requested_latency_valid = true; } return result; } /* Called from main thread */ pa_usec_t pa_source_get_requested_latency(pa_source *s) { pa_usec_t usec = 0; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)); if (s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) return 0; pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_REQUESTED_LATENCY, &usec, 0, NULL) == 0); return usec; } /* Called from IO thread */ void pa_source_set_max_rewind_within_thread(pa_source *s, size_t max_rewind) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); if (max_rewind == s->thread_info.max_rewind) return; s->thread_info.max_rewind = max_rewind; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)) PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) pa_source_output_update_max_rewind(o, s->thread_info.max_rewind); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_set_max_rewind(pa_source *s, size_t max_rewind) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_MAX_REWIND, NULL, max_rewind, NULL) == 0); else pa_source_set_max_rewind_within_thread(s, max_rewind); } /* Called from IO thread */ void pa_source_invalidate_requested_latency(pa_source *s, bool dynamic) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); if ((s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY)) s->thread_info.requested_latency_valid = false; else if (dynamic) return; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)) { if (s->update_requested_latency) s->update_requested_latency(s); while ((o = pa_hashmap_iterate(s->thread_info.outputs, &state, NULL))) if (o->update_source_requested_latency) o->update_source_requested_latency(o); } if (s->monitor_of) pa_sink_invalidate_requested_latency(s->monitor_of, dynamic); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_set_latency_range(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t min_latency, pa_usec_t max_latency) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); /* min_latency == 0: no limit * min_latency anything else: specified limit * * Similar for max_latency */ if (min_latency < ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY) min_latency = ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY; if (max_latency <= 0 || max_latency > ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY) max_latency = ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY; pa_assert(min_latency <= max_latency); /* Hmm, let's see if someone forgot to set PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY here... */ pa_assert((min_latency == ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY && max_latency == ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY) || (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY)); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) { pa_usec_t r[2]; r[0] = min_latency; r[1] = max_latency; pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_LATENCY_RANGE, r, 0, NULL) == 0); } else pa_source_set_latency_range_within_thread(s, min_latency, max_latency); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_get_latency_range(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t *min_latency, pa_usec_t *max_latency) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_assert(min_latency); pa_assert(max_latency); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) { pa_usec_t r[2] = { 0, 0 }; pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY_RANGE, r, 0, NULL) == 0); *min_latency = r[0]; *max_latency = r[1]; } else { *min_latency = s->thread_info.min_latency; *max_latency = s->thread_info.max_latency; } } /* Called from IO thread, and from main thread before pa_source_put() is called */ void pa_source_set_latency_range_within_thread(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t min_latency, pa_usec_t max_latency) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); pa_assert(min_latency >= ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY); pa_assert(max_latency <= ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY); pa_assert(min_latency <= max_latency); /* Hmm, let's see if someone forgot to set PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY here... */ pa_assert((min_latency == ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY && max_latency == ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY) || (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) || s->monitor_of); if (s->thread_info.min_latency == min_latency && s->thread_info.max_latency == max_latency) return; s->thread_info.min_latency = min_latency; s->thread_info.max_latency = max_latency; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) if (o->update_source_latency_range) o->update_source_latency_range(o); } pa_source_invalidate_requested_latency(s, false); } /* Called from main thread, before the source is put */ void pa_source_set_fixed_latency(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t latency) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) { pa_assert(latency == 0); return; } if (latency < ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY) latency = ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY; if (latency > ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY) latency = ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_FIXED_LATENCY, NULL, (int64_t) latency, NULL) == 0); else s->thread_info.fixed_latency = latency; } /* Called from main thread */ pa_usec_t pa_source_get_fixed_latency(pa_source *s) { pa_usec_t latency; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) return 0; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_FIXED_LATENCY, &latency, 0, NULL) == 0); else latency = s->thread_info.fixed_latency; return latency; } /* Called from IO thread */ void pa_source_set_fixed_latency_within_thread(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t latency) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_source_assert_io_context(s); if (s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY) { pa_assert(latency == 0); s->thread_info.fixed_latency = 0; return; } pa_assert(latency >= ABSOLUTE_MIN_LATENCY); pa_assert(latency <= ABSOLUTE_MAX_LATENCY); if (s->thread_info.fixed_latency == latency) return; s->thread_info.fixed_latency = latency; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->thread_info.state)) { pa_source_output *o; void *state = NULL; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(o, s->thread_info.outputs, state) if (o->update_source_fixed_latency) o->update_source_fixed_latency(o); } pa_source_invalidate_requested_latency(s, false); } /* Called from main thread */ void pa_source_set_port_latency_offset(pa_source *s, int64_t offset) { pa_source_assert_ref(s); s->port_latency_offset = offset; if (PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_PORT_LATENCY_OFFSET, NULL, offset, NULL) == 0); else s->thread_info.port_latency_offset = offset; pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PORT_LATENCY_OFFSET_CHANGED], s); } /* Called from main thread */ size_t pa_source_get_max_rewind(pa_source *s) { size_t r; pa_assert_ctl_context(); pa_source_assert_ref(s); if (!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) return s->thread_info.max_rewind; pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(s->asyncmsgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(s), PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_MAX_REWIND, &r, 0, NULL) == 0); return r; } /* Called from main context */ int pa_source_set_port(pa_source *s, const char *name, bool save) { pa_device_port *port; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_ctl_context(); if (!s->set_port) { pa_log_debug("set_port() operation not implemented for source %u \"%s\"", s->index, s->name); return -PA_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } if (!name) return -PA_ERR_NOENTITY; if (!(port = pa_hashmap_get(s->ports, name))) return -PA_ERR_NOENTITY; if (s->active_port == port) { s->save_port = s->save_port || save; return 0; } if (s->set_port(s, port) < 0) return -PA_ERR_NOENTITY; pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); pa_log_info("Changed port of source %u \"%s\" to %s", s->index, s->name, port->name); s->active_port = port; s->save_port = save; /* The active port affects the default source selection. */ pa_core_update_default_source(s->core); pa_source_set_port_latency_offset(s, s->active_port->latency_offset); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PORT_CHANGED], s); return 0; } PA_STATIC_FLIST_DECLARE(pa_source_volume_change, 0, pa_xfree); /* Called from the IO thread. */ static pa_source_volume_change *pa_source_volume_change_new(pa_source *s) { pa_source_volume_change *c; if (!(c = pa_flist_pop(PA_STATIC_FLIST_GET(pa_source_volume_change)))) c = pa_xnew(pa_source_volume_change, 1); PA_LLIST_INIT(pa_source_volume_change, c); c->at = 0; pa_cvolume_reset(&c->hw_volume, s->sample_spec.channels); return c; } /* Called from the IO thread. */ static void pa_source_volume_change_free(pa_source_volume_change *c) { pa_assert(c); if (pa_flist_push(PA_STATIC_FLIST_GET(pa_source_volume_change), c) < 0) pa_xfree(c); } /* Called from the IO thread. */ void pa_source_volume_change_push(pa_source *s) { pa_source_volume_change *c = NULL; pa_source_volume_change *nc = NULL; pa_source_volume_change *pc = NULL; uint32_t safety_margin = s->thread_info.volume_change_safety_margin; const char *direction = NULL; pa_assert(s); nc = pa_source_volume_change_new(s); /* NOTE: There is already more different volumes in pa_source that I can remember. * Adding one more volume for HW would get us rid of this, but I am trying * to survive with the ones we already have. */ pa_sw_cvolume_divide(&nc->hw_volume, &s->real_volume, &s->soft_volume); if (!s->thread_info.volume_changes && pa_cvolume_equal(&nc->hw_volume, &s->thread_info.current_hw_volume)) { pa_log_debug("Volume not changing"); pa_source_volume_change_free(nc); return; } nc->at = pa_source_get_latency_within_thread(s, false); nc->at += pa_rtclock_now() + s->thread_info.volume_change_extra_delay; if (s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail) { for (c = s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail; c; c = c->prev) { /* If volume is going up let's do it a bit late. If it is going * down let's do it a bit early. */ if (pa_cvolume_avg(&nc->hw_volume) > pa_cvolume_avg(&c->hw_volume)) { if (nc->at + safety_margin > c->at) { nc->at += safety_margin; direction = "up"; break; } } else if (nc->at - safety_margin > c->at) { nc->at -= safety_margin; direction = "down"; break; } } } if (c == NULL) { if (pa_cvolume_avg(&nc->hw_volume) > pa_cvolume_avg(&s->thread_info.current_hw_volume)) { nc->at += safety_margin; direction = "up"; } else { nc->at -= safety_margin; direction = "down"; } PA_LLIST_PREPEND(pa_source_volume_change, s->thread_info.volume_changes, nc); } else { PA_LLIST_INSERT_AFTER(pa_source_volume_change, s->thread_info.volume_changes, c, nc); } pa_log_debug("Volume going %s to %d at %llu", direction, pa_cvolume_avg(&nc->hw_volume), (long long unsigned) nc->at); /* We can ignore volume events that came earlier but should happen later than this. */ PA_LLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(c, pc, nc->next) { pa_log_debug("Volume change to %d at %llu was dropped", pa_cvolume_avg(&c->hw_volume), (long long unsigned) c->at); pa_source_volume_change_free(c); } nc->next = NULL; s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail = nc; } /* Called from the IO thread. */ static void pa_source_volume_change_flush(pa_source *s) { pa_source_volume_change *c = s->thread_info.volume_changes; pa_assert(s); s->thread_info.volume_changes = NULL; s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail = NULL; while (c) { pa_source_volume_change *next = c->next; pa_source_volume_change_free(c); c = next; } } /* Called from the IO thread. */ bool pa_source_volume_change_apply(pa_source *s, pa_usec_t *usec_to_next) { pa_usec_t now; bool ret = false; pa_assert(s); if (!s->thread_info.volume_changes || !PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(s->state)) { if (usec_to_next) *usec_to_next = 0; return ret; } pa_assert(s->write_volume); now = pa_rtclock_now(); while (s->thread_info.volume_changes && now >= s->thread_info.volume_changes->at) { pa_source_volume_change *c = s->thread_info.volume_changes; PA_LLIST_REMOVE(pa_source_volume_change, s->thread_info.volume_changes, c); pa_log_debug("Volume change to %d at %llu was written %llu usec late", pa_cvolume_avg(&c->hw_volume), (long long unsigned) c->at, (long long unsigned) (now - c->at)); ret = true; s->thread_info.current_hw_volume = c->hw_volume; pa_source_volume_change_free(c); } if (ret) s->write_volume(s); if (s->thread_info.volume_changes) { if (usec_to_next) *usec_to_next = s->thread_info.volume_changes->at - now; if (pa_log_ratelimit(PA_LOG_DEBUG)) pa_log_debug("Next volume change in %lld usec", (long long) (s->thread_info.volume_changes->at - now)); } else { if (usec_to_next) *usec_to_next = 0; s->thread_info.volume_changes_tail = NULL; } return ret; } /* Called from the main thread */ /* Gets the list of formats supported by the source. The members and idxset must * be freed by the caller. */ pa_idxset* pa_source_get_formats(pa_source *s) { pa_idxset *ret; pa_assert(s); if (s->get_formats) { /* Source supports format query, all is good */ ret = s->get_formats(s); } else { /* Source doesn't support format query, so assume it does PCM */ pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new(); f->encoding = PA_ENCODING_PCM; ret = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL); pa_idxset_put(ret, f, NULL); } return ret; } /* Called from the main thread */ /* Checks if the source can accept this format */ bool pa_source_check_format(pa_source *s, pa_format_info *f) { pa_idxset *formats = NULL; bool ret = false; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(f); formats = pa_source_get_formats(s); if (formats) { pa_format_info *finfo_device; uint32_t i; PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(finfo_device, formats, i) { if (pa_format_info_is_compatible(finfo_device, f)) { ret = true; break; } } pa_idxset_free(formats, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_format_info_free); } return ret; } /* Called from the main thread */ /* Calculates the intersection between formats supported by the source and * in_formats, and returns these, in the order of the source's formats. */ pa_idxset* pa_source_check_formats(pa_source *s, pa_idxset *in_formats) { pa_idxset *out_formats = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL), *source_formats = NULL; pa_format_info *f_source, *f_in; uint32_t i, j; pa_assert(s); if (!in_formats || pa_idxset_isempty(in_formats)) goto done; source_formats = pa_source_get_formats(s); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(f_source, source_formats, i) { PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(f_in, in_formats, j) { if (pa_format_info_is_compatible(f_source, f_in)) pa_idxset_put(out_formats, pa_format_info_copy(f_in), NULL); } } done: if (source_formats) pa_idxset_free(source_formats, (pa_free_cb_t) pa_format_info_free); return out_formats; } /* Called from the main thread */ void pa_source_set_sample_format(pa_source *s, pa_sample_format_t format) { pa_sample_format_t old_format; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(pa_sample_format_valid(format)); old_format = s->sample_spec.format; if (old_format == format) return; pa_log_info("%s: format: %s -> %s", s->name, pa_sample_format_to_string(old_format), pa_sample_format_to_string(format)); s->sample_spec.format = format; pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } /* Called from the main thread */ void pa_source_set_sample_rate(pa_source *s, uint32_t rate) { uint32_t old_rate; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(pa_sample_rate_valid(rate)); old_rate = s->sample_spec.rate; if (old_rate == rate) return; pa_log_info("%s: rate: %u -> %u", s->name, old_rate, rate); s->sample_spec.rate = rate; pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE | PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); } /* Called from the main thread. */ void pa_source_set_reference_volume_direct(pa_source *s, const pa_cvolume *volume) { pa_cvolume old_volume; char old_volume_str[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_VERBOSE_MAX]; char new_volume_str[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_VERBOSE_MAX]; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(volume); old_volume = s->reference_volume; if (pa_cvolume_equal(volume, &old_volume)) return; s->reference_volume = *volume; pa_log_debug("The reference volume of source %s changed from %s to %s.", s->name, pa_cvolume_snprint_verbose(old_volume_str, sizeof(old_volume_str), &old_volume, &s->channel_map, s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME), pa_cvolume_snprint_verbose(new_volume_str, sizeof(new_volume_str), volume, &s->channel_map, s->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME)); pa_subscription_post(s->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE, s->index); pa_hook_fire(&s->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_VOLUME_CHANGED], s); } void pa_source_move_streams_to_default_source(pa_core *core, pa_source *old_source, bool default_source_changed) { pa_source_output *o; uint32_t idx; pa_assert(core); pa_assert(old_source); if (core->state == PA_CORE_SHUTDOWN) return; if (core->default_source == NULL || core->default_source->unlink_requested) return; if (old_source == core->default_source) return; PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(o, old_source->outputs, idx) { if (!PA_SOURCE_OUTPUT_IS_LINKED(o->state)) continue; if (!o->source) continue; /* Don't move source-outputs which connect sources to filter sources */ if (o->destination_source) continue; /* If default_source_changed is false, the old source became unavailable, so all streams must be moved. */ if (pa_safe_streq(old_source->name, o->preferred_source) && default_source_changed) continue; if (!pa_source_output_may_move_to(o, core->default_source)) continue; if (default_source_changed) pa_log_info("The source output %u \"%s\" is moving to %s due to change of the default source.", o->index, pa_strnull(pa_proplist_gets(o->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME)), core->default_source->name); else pa_log_info("The source output %u \"%s\" is moving to %s, because the old source became unavailable.", o->index, pa_strnull(pa_proplist_gets(o->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME)), core->default_source->name); pa_source_output_move_to(o, core->default_source, false); } }