#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include struct int_entry { int key; int value; }; static unsigned int_trivial_hash_func(const void* pa) { int a = *((unsigned*) pa); if (a < 0) { return -a; } return a; } static int int_compare_func(const void* pa, const void* pb) { int a, b; a = *((int*) pa); b = *((int*) pb); if (a < b) { return -1; } if (a == b) { return 0; } return 1; } /* single_key_test exercises basic hashmap functionality on a single key. */ START_TEST(single_key_test) { pa_hashmap* map; struct int_entry entry; int lookup_key; int put_ret; void* get_ret; unsigned size_ret; entry.key = 0; entry.value = 0; lookup_key = 0; map = pa_hashmap_new(int_trivial_hash_func, int_compare_func); if ((put_ret = pa_hashmap_put(map, &entry.key, &entry)) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap rejected k=0/v=0; got %d, want %d", put_ret, 0); } if ((size_ret = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 1) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap reported wrong size; got %u, want 1", size_ret); } if ((get_ret = pa_hashmap_get(map, &lookup_key)) != &entry) { ck_abort_msg("Got wrong value from hashmap for k=0; got %p, want %p", get_ret, &entry); } if ((put_ret = pa_hashmap_put(map, &entry.key, &entry)) == 0) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap allowed duplicate key for k=0; got %d, want non-zero", put_ret); } if ((size_ret = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 1) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap reported wrong size; got %u, want 1", size_ret); } if ((get_ret = pa_hashmap_remove(map, &lookup_key)) != &entry) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap returned wrong value during free; got %p, want %p", get_ret, &entry); } if ((size_ret = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap reported wrong size; got %u, want 1", size_ret); } pa_hashmap_free(map); } END_TEST /* remove_all_test checks that pa_hashmap_remove_all really removes all entries * from the map.*/ START_TEST(remove_all_test) { pa_hashmap* map; struct int_entry entries[1000]; unsigned size; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { entries[i].key = i; entries[i].value = i; } map = pa_hashmap_new(int_trivial_hash_func, int_compare_func); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { pa_hashmap_put(map, &entries[i].key, &entries[i]); } if ((size = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 1000) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap has wrong size; got %u, want 1000", size); } pa_hashmap_remove_all(map); if ((size = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap has wrong size; got %u, want 0", size); } pa_hashmap_free(map); } END_TEST /* fill_all_buckets hits the hashmap with enough keys to exercise the bucket * linked list for every bucket. */ START_TEST(fill_all_buckets) { pa_hashmap* map; struct int_entry entries[1000]; int lookup_keys[1000]; /* Don't share addresses with insertion keys */ map = pa_hashmap_new(int_trivial_hash_func, int_compare_func); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { entries[i].key = i; lookup_keys[i] = i; entries[i].value = i; } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int put_ret; unsigned size_ret; if ((put_ret = pa_hashmap_put(map, &entries[i].key, &entries[i])) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Unexpected failure putting k=%d v=%d into the map", entries[i].key, entries[i].value); } if ((size_ret = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != i + 1) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap reported wrong size; got %u, want %d", size_ret, i); } } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { unsigned size_ret; int* k; struct int_entry* v; k = lookup_keys + i; v = (struct int_entry*) pa_hashmap_remove(map, k); if (v == NULL) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap returned NULL for k=%d; wanted nonnull", *k); } if ((*v).value != i) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap returned wrong value for k=%d; got %d, want %d", *k, (*v).value, i); } if ((size_ret = pa_hashmap_size(map)) != 1000 - i - 1) { ck_abort_msg("Hashmap reported wrong size; got %u, want %d", size_ret, 1000 - i); } } pa_hashmap_free(map); } END_TEST /* iterate_test exercises the iteration list maintained by the hashtable. */ START_TEST(iterate_test) { pa_hashmap* map; struct int_entry entries[1000]; void* state; struct int_entry* v; int expected; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { entries[i].key = i; entries[i].value = i; } map = pa_hashmap_new(int_trivial_hash_func, int_compare_func); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (pa_hashmap_put(map, &(entries[i].key), &(entries[i])) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Unexpected failure putting k=%d v=%d into the map", entries[i].key, entries[i].value); } } expected = 0; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH (v, map, state) { if ((*v).value != expected) { ck_abort_msg("Got bad order iterating over hashmap: got %d, want %d", v->value, expected); } expected++; } expected = 999; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH_BACKWARDS (v, map, state) { if ((*v).value != expected) { ck_abort_msg("Got bad order iterating over hashmap: got %d, want %d", v->value, expected); } expected--; } /* Now empty out the hashmap. The iteration list should be empty. */ for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { pa_hashmap_remove(map, &(entries[i].key)); } PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(v, map, state) { ck_abort_msg("Iteration over empty map returned entries"); } /* Now add one element back. The iteration list should only contain this * one element, even though the entry nodes are reused. */ if(pa_hashmap_put(map, &(entries[0].key), &(entries[0])) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Unexpected failure putting k=%d v=%d into the map", entries[0].key, entries[0].value); } expected = 0; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(v, map, state) { if ((*v).value != expected) { ck_abort_msg("Got bad order iterating over hashmap: got %d, want %d", v->value, expected); } expected++; } if (expected != 1) { ck_abort_msg("Got too many elements while iterating: got %d, want 1", expected); } pa_hashmap_free(map); } END_TEST int main(int argc, char** argv) { int failed = 0; Suite* s; TCase* tc; SRunner* sr; s = suite_create("HashMap"); tc = tcase_create("hashmap"); tcase_add_test(tc, single_key_test); tcase_add_test(tc, remove_all_test); tcase_add_test(tc, fill_all_buckets); tcase_add_test(tc, iterate_test); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL); failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); if (failed > 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }