/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC * * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, 2017 Todd C. Miller * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SUDO_EVENT_H #define SUDO_EVENT_H #include /* for struct timespec */ #include /* for sigatomic_t and NSIG */ #include "sudo_queue.h" struct timeval; /* for deprecated APIs */ /* Event types (keep in sync with sudo_plugin.h) */ #define SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT 0x01 /* fire after timeout */ #define SUDO_EV_READ 0x02 /* fire when readable */ #define SUDO_EV_WRITE 0x04 /* fire when writable */ #define SUDO_EV_PERSIST 0x08 /* persist until deleted */ #define SUDO_EV_SIGNAL 0x10 /* fire on signal receipt */ #define SUDO_EV_SIGINFO 0x20 /* fire on signal receipt (siginfo) */ /* User-settable events for sudo_ev_init() (SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT not valid here) */ #define SUDO_EV_MASK (SUDO_EV_READ|SUDO_EV_WRITE|SUDO_EV_PERSIST|SUDO_EV_SIGNAL|SUDO_EV_SIGINFO) /* Event flags (internal) */ #define SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED 0x01 /* event is on the event queue */ #define SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE 0x02 /* event is on the active queue */ #define SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS 0x04 /* event is on the timeouts queue */ /* Event loop flags */ #define SUDO_EVLOOP_ONCE 0x01 /* Only run once through the loop */ #define SUDO_EVLOOP_NONBLOCK 0x02 /* Do not block in event loop */ /* Event base flags (internal) */ #define SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE SUDO_EVLOOP_ONCE #define SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT 0x02 #define SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK 0x04 #define SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT 0x08 #define SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_EXIT 0x10 #define SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_BREAK 0x20 #define SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_MASK 0xf0 /* Must match sudo_plugin_ev_callback_t in sudo_plugin.h */ typedef void (*sudo_ev_callback_t)(int fd, int what, void *closure); /* * Container for SUDO_EV_SIGINFO events that gets passed as the closure * pointer. This allows us to pass a siginfo_t without changing everything. */ struct sudo_ev_siginfo_container { void *closure; siginfo_t *siginfo; char si_buf[1]; }; /* Member of struct sudo_event_base. */ struct sudo_event { TAILQ_ENTRY(sudo_event) entries; TAILQ_ENTRY(sudo_event) active_entries; TAILQ_ENTRY(sudo_event) timeouts_entries; struct sudo_event_base *base; /* base this event belongs to */ int fd; /* fd/signal we are interested in */ short events; /* SUDO_EV_* flags (in) */ short revents; /* SUDO_EV_* flags (out) */ short flags; /* internal event flags */ short pfd_idx; /* index into pfds array (XXX) */ sudo_ev_callback_t callback;/* user-provided callback */ struct timespec timeout; /* for SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT */ void *closure; /* user-provided data pointer */ }; TAILQ_HEAD(sudo_event_list, sudo_event); struct sudo_event_base { struct sudo_event_list events; /* tail queue of all events */ struct sudo_event_list active; /* tail queue of active events */ struct sudo_event_list timeouts; /* tail queue of timeout events */ struct sudo_event signal_event; /* storage for signal pipe event */ struct sudo_event_list signals[NSIG]; /* array of signal event tail queues */ struct sigaction *orig_handlers[NSIG]; /* original signal handlers */ siginfo_t *siginfo[NSIG]; /* detailed signal info */ sig_atomic_t signal_pending[NSIG]; /* pending signals */ sig_atomic_t signal_caught; /* at least one signal caught */ int num_handlers; /* number of installed handlers */ int signal_pipe[2]; /* so we can wake up on signal */ #if defined(HAVE_POLL) || defined(HAVE_PPOLL) struct pollfd *pfds; /* array of struct pollfd */ int pfd_max; /* size of the pfds array */ int pfd_high; /* highest slot used */ int pfd_free; /* idx of next free entry or pfd_max if full */ #else fd_set *readfds_in; /* read I/O descriptor set (in) */ fd_set *writefds_in; /* write I/O descriptor set (in) */ fd_set *readfds_out; /* read I/O descriptor set (out) */ fd_set *writefds_out; /* write I/O descriptor set (out) */ int maxfd; /* max fd we can store in readfds/writefds */ int highfd; /* highest fd to pass as 1st arg to select */ #endif /* HAVE_POLL */ unsigned int flags; /* SUDO_EVBASE_* */ }; /* Allocate a new event base. */ sudo_dso_public struct sudo_event_base *sudo_ev_base_alloc_v1(void); #define sudo_ev_base_alloc() sudo_ev_base_alloc_v1() /* Free an event base. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_base_free_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_base_free(_a) sudo_ev_base_free_v1((_a)) /* Set the default event base. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_base_setdef_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_base_setdef(_a) sudo_ev_base_setdef_v1((_a)) /* Allocate a new event. */ sudo_dso_public struct sudo_event *sudo_ev_alloc_v1(int fd, short events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure); #define sudo_ev_alloc(_a, _b, _c, _d) sudo_ev_alloc_v1((_a), (_b), (_c), (_d)) /* Free an event. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_free_v1(struct sudo_event *ev); #define sudo_ev_free(_a) sudo_ev_free_v1((_a)) /* Set an event struct that was pre-allocated. */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_set_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, int fd, short events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure); #define sudo_ev_set(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e) sudo_ev_set_v1((_a), (_b), (_c), (_d), (_e)) /* Add an event, returns 0 on success, -1 on error */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_add_v1(struct sudo_event_base *head, struct sudo_event *ev, const struct timeval *timo, bool tohead); sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_add_v2(struct sudo_event_base *head, struct sudo_event *ev, const struct timespec *timo, bool tohead); #define sudo_ev_add(_a, _b, _c, _d) sudo_ev_add_v2((_a), (_b), (_c), (_d)) /* Delete an event, returns 0 on success, -1 on error */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_del_v1(struct sudo_event_base *head, struct sudo_event *ev); #define sudo_ev_del(_a, _b) sudo_ev_del_v1((_a), (_b)) /* Dispatch events, returns SUDO_CB_SUCCESS, SUDO_CB_BREAK or SUDO_CB_ERROR */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_dispatch_v1(struct sudo_event_base *head); #define sudo_ev_dispatch(_a) sudo_ev_dispatch_v1((_a)) /* Main event loop, returns SUDO_CB_SUCCESS, SUDO_CB_BREAK or SUDO_CB_ERROR */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_loop_v1(struct sudo_event_base *head, int flags); #define sudo_ev_loop(_a, _b) sudo_ev_loop_v1((_a), (_b)) /* Return pending event types, fills in ts if non-NULL and there is a timeout */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_pending_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, short events, struct timespec *ts); #define sudo_ev_pending(_a, _b, _c) sudo_ev_pending_v1((_a), (_b), (_c)) /* Return the remaining timeout associated with an event (deprecated). */ sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, struct timeval *tv); sudo_dso_public int sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v2(struct sudo_event *ev, struct timespec *tv); #define sudo_ev_get_timeleft(_a, _b) sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v2((_a), (_b)) /* Cause the event loop to exit after one run through. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_loopexit_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_loopexit(_a) sudo_ev_loopexit_v1((_a)) /* Break out of the event loop right now. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_loopbreak_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_loopbreak(_a) sudo_ev_loopbreak_v1((_a)) /* Rescan for events and restart the event loop. */ sudo_dso_public void sudo_ev_loopcontinue_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_loopcontinue(_a) sudo_ev_loopcontinue_v1((_a)) /* Returns true if event loop stopped due to sudo_ev_loopexit(). */ sudo_dso_public bool sudo_ev_got_exit_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_got_exit(_a) sudo_ev_got_exit_v1((_a)) /* Returns true if event loop stopped due to sudo_ev_loopbreak(). */ sudo_dso_public bool sudo_ev_got_break_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base); #define sudo_ev_got_break(_a) sudo_ev_got_break_v1((_a)) /* Return the fd associated with an event. */ #define sudo_ev_get_fd(_ev) ((_ev) ? (_ev)->fd : -1) /* Return the (absolute) timeout associated with an event or NULL. */ #define sudo_ev_get_timeout(_ev) \ (ISSET((_ev)->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS) ? &(_ev)->timeout : NULL) /* Return the base an event is associated with or NULL. */ #define sudo_ev_get_base(_ev) ((_ev) ? (_ev)->base : NULL) /* Magic pointer value to use self pointer as callback arg. */ #define sudo_ev_self_cbarg() ((void *)-1) /* Add an event to the base's active queue and mark it active (internal). */ void sudo_ev_activate(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev); /* * Backend implementation. */ int sudo_ev_base_alloc_impl(struct sudo_event_base *base); void sudo_ev_base_free_impl(struct sudo_event_base *base); int sudo_ev_add_impl(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev); int sudo_ev_del_impl(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev); int sudo_ev_scan_impl(struct sudo_event_base *base, int flags); #endif /* SUDO_EVENT_H */