path: root/runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 639 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95a20e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+" Vim completion script
+" Language: C
+" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
+" Last Change: 2020 Nov 14
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option.
+func ccomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ " Locate the start of the item, including ".", "->" and "[...]".
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
+ let lastword = -1
+ while start > 0
+ if line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
+ let start -= 1
+ elseif line[start - 1] =~ '\.'
+ if lastword == -1
+ let lastword = start
+ endif
+ let start -= 1
+ elseif start > 1 && line[start - 2] == '-' && line[start - 1] == '>'
+ if lastword == -1
+ let lastword = start
+ endif
+ let start -= 2
+ elseif line[start - 1] == ']'
+ " Skip over [...].
+ let n = 0
+ let start -= 1
+ while start > 0
+ let start -= 1
+ if line[start] == '['
+ if n == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ elseif line[start] == ']' " nested []
+ let n += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Return the column of the last word, which is going to be changed.
+ " Remember the text that comes before it in s:prepended.
+ if lastword == -1
+ let s:prepended = ''
+ return start
+ endif
+ let s:prepended = strpart(line, start, lastword - start)
+ return lastword
+ endif
+ " Return list of matches.
+ let base = s:prepended . a:base
+ " Don't do anything for an empty base, would result in all the tags in the
+ " tags file.
+ if base == ''
+ return []
+ endif
+ " init cache for vimgrep to empty
+ let s:grepCache = {}
+ " Split item in words, keep empty word after "." or "->".
+ " "aa" -> ['aa'], "aa." -> ['aa', ''], "" -> ['aa', 'bb'], etc.
+ " We can't use split, because we need to skip nested [...].
+ " "aa[...]" -> ['aa', '[...]'], "[...]" -> ['aa', 'bb', '[...]'], etc.
+ let items = []
+ let s = 0
+ let arrays = 0
+ while 1
+ let e = match(base, '\.\|->\|\[', s)
+ if e < 0
+ if s == 0 || base[s - 1] != ']'
+ call add(items, strpart(base, s))
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ if s == 0 || base[s - 1] != ']'
+ call add(items, strpart(base, s, e - s))
+ endif
+ if base[e] == '.'
+ let s = e + 1 " skip over '.'
+ elseif base[e] == '-'
+ let s = e + 2 " skip over '->'
+ else
+ " Skip over [...].
+ let n = 0
+ let s = e
+ let e += 1
+ while e < len(base)
+ if base[e] == ']'
+ if n == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ elseif base[e] == '[' " nested [...]
+ let n += 1
+ endif
+ let e += 1
+ endwhile
+ let e += 1
+ call add(items, strpart(base, s, e - s))
+ let arrays += 1
+ let s = e
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Find the variable items[0].
+ " 1. in current function (like with "gd")
+ " 2. in tags file(s) (like with ":tag")
+ " 3. in current file (like with "gD")
+ let res = []
+ if searchdecl(items[0], 0, 1) == 0
+ " Found, now figure out the type.
+ " TODO: join previous line if it makes sense
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let col = col('.')
+ if stridx(strpart(line, 0, col), ';') != -1
+ " Handle multiple declarations on the same line.
+ let col2 = col - 1
+ while line[col2] != ';'
+ let col2 -= 1
+ endwhile
+ let line = strpart(line, col2 + 1)
+ let col -= col2
+ endif
+ if stridx(strpart(line, 0, col), ',') != -1
+ " Handle multiple declarations on the same line in a function
+ " declaration.
+ let col2 = col - 1
+ while line[col2] != ','
+ let col2 -= 1
+ endwhile
+ if strpart(line, col2 + 1, col - col2 - 1) =~ ' *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ]'
+ let line = strpart(line, col2 + 1)
+ let col -= col2
+ endif
+ endif
+ if len(items) == 1
+ " Completing one word and it's a local variable: May add '[', '.' or
+ " '->'.
+ let match = items[0]
+ let kind = 'v'
+ if match(line, '\<' . match . '\s*\[') > 0
+ let match .= '['
+ else
+ let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), [''], 0, 1)
+ if len(res) > 0
+ " There are members, thus add "." or "->".
+ if match(line, '\*[ \t(]*' . match . '\>') > 0
+ let match .= '->'
+ else
+ let match .= '.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let res = [{'match': match, 'tagline' : '', 'kind' : kind, 'info' : line}]
+ elseif len(items) == arrays + 1
+ " Completing one word and it's a local array variable: build tagline
+ " from declaration line
+ let match = items[0]
+ let kind = 'v'
+ let tagline = "\t/^" . line . '$/'
+ let res = [{'match': match, 'tagline' : tagline, 'kind' : kind, 'info' : line}]
+ else
+ " Completing "var.", "var.something", etc.
+ let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), items[1:], 0, 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ if len(items) == 1 || len(items) == arrays + 1
+ " Only one part, no "." or "->": complete from tags file.
+ if len(items) == 1
+ let tags = taglist('^' . base)
+ else
+ let tags = taglist('^' . items[0] . '$')
+ endif
+ " Remove members, these can't appear without something in front.
+ call filter(tags, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] != "m" : 1')
+ " Remove static matches in other files.
+ call filter(tags, '!has_key(v:val, "static") || !v:val["static"] || bufnr("%") == bufnr(v:val["filename"])')
+ call extend(res, map(tags, 's:Tag2item(v:val)'))
+ endif
+ if len(res) == 0
+ " Find the variable in the tags file(s)
+ let diclist = taglist('^' . items[0] . '$')
+ " Remove members, these can't appear without something in front.
+ call filter(diclist, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] != "m" : 1')
+ let res = []
+ for i in range(len(diclist))
+ " New ctags has the "typeref" field. Patched version has "typename".
+ if has_key(diclist[i], 'typename')
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(diclist[i]['typename'], items[1:], 1))
+ elseif has_key(diclist[i], 'typeref')
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(diclist[i]['typeref'], items[1:], 1))
+ endif
+ " For a variable use the command, which must be a search pattern that
+ " shows the declaration of the variable.
+ if diclist[i]['kind'] == 'v'
+ let line = diclist[i]['cmd']
+ if line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '^'
+ let col = match(line, '\<' . items[0] . '\>')
+ call extend(res, s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 2, col - 2), items[1:], 0, 1))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if len(res) == 0 && searchdecl(items[0], 1) == 0
+ " Found, now figure out the type.
+ " TODO: join previous line if it makes sense
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let col = col('.')
+ let res = s:Nextitem(strpart(line, 0, col), items[1:], 0, 1)
+ endif
+ " If the last item(s) are [...] they need to be added to the matches.
+ let last = len(items) - 1
+ let brackets = ''
+ while last >= 0
+ if items[last][0] != '['
+ break
+ endif
+ let brackets = items[last] . brackets
+ let last -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return map(res, 's:Tagline2item(v:val, brackets)')
+func s:GetAddition(line, match, memarg, bracket)
+ " Guess if the item is an array.
+ if a:bracket && match(a:line, a:match . '\s*\[') > 0
+ return '['
+ endif
+ " Check if the item has members.
+ if len(s:SearchMembers(a:memarg, [''], 0)) > 0
+ " If there is a '*' before the name use "->".
+ if match(a:line, '\*[ \t(]*' . a:match . '\>') > 0
+ return '->'
+ else
+ return '.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ''
+" Turn the tag info "val" into an item for completion.
+" "val" is is an item in the list returned by taglist().
+" If it is a variable we may add "." or "->". Don't do it for other types,
+" such as a typedef, by not including the info that s:GetAddition() uses.
+func s:Tag2item(val)
+ let res = {'match': a:val['name']}
+ let res['extra'] = s:Tagcmd2extra(a:val['cmd'], a:val['name'], a:val['filename'])
+ let s = s:Dict2info(a:val)
+ if s != ''
+ let res['info'] = s
+ endif
+ let res['tagline'] = ''
+ if has_key(a:val, "kind")
+ let kind = a:val['kind']
+ let res['kind'] = kind
+ if kind == 'v'
+ let res['tagline'] = "\t" . a:val['cmd']
+ let res['dict'] = a:val
+ elseif kind == 'f'
+ let res['match'] = a:val['name'] . '('
+ endif
+ endif
+ return res
+" Use all the items in dictionary for the "info" entry.
+func s:Dict2info(dict)
+ let info = ''
+ for k in sort(keys(a:dict))
+ let info .= k . repeat(' ', 10 - len(k))
+ if k == 'cmd'
+ let info .= substitute(matchstr(a:dict['cmd'], '/^\s*\zs.*\ze$/'), '\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g')
+ else
+ let info .= a:dict[k]
+ endif
+ let info .= "\n"
+ endfor
+ return info
+" Parse a tag line and return a dictionary with items like taglist()
+func s:ParseTagline(line)
+ let l = split(a:line, "\t")
+ let d = {}
+ if len(l) >= 3
+ let d['name'] = l[0]
+ let d['filename'] = l[1]
+ let d['cmd'] = l[2]
+ let n = 2
+ if l[2] =~ '^/'
+ " Find end of cmd, it may contain Tabs.
+ while n < len(l) && l[n] !~ '/;"$'
+ let n += 1
+ let d['cmd'] .= " " . l[n]
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ for i in range(n + 1, len(l) - 1)
+ if l[i] == 'file:'
+ let d['static'] = 1
+ elseif l[i] !~ ':'
+ let d['kind'] = l[i]
+ else
+ let d[matchstr(l[i], '[^:]*')] = matchstr(l[i], ':\zs.*')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return d
+" Turn a match item "val" into an item for completion.
+" "val['match']" is the matching item.
+" "val['tagline']" is the tagline in which the last part was found.
+func s:Tagline2item(val, brackets)
+ let line = a:val['tagline']
+ let add = s:GetAddition(line, a:val['match'], [a:val], a:brackets == '')
+ let res = {'word': a:val['match'] . a:brackets . add }
+ if has_key(a:val, 'info')
+ " Use info from Tag2item().
+ let res['info'] = a:val['info']
+ else
+ " Parse the tag line and add each part to the "info" entry.
+ let s = s:Dict2info(s:ParseTagline(line))
+ if s != ''
+ let res['info'] = s
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(a:val, 'kind')
+ let res['kind'] = a:val['kind']
+ elseif add == '('
+ let res['kind'] = 'f'
+ else
+ let s = matchstr(line, '\t\(kind:\)\=\zs\S\ze\(\t\|$\)')
+ if s != ''
+ let res['kind'] = s
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(a:val, 'extra')
+ let res['menu'] = a:val['extra']
+ return res
+ endif
+ " Isolate the command after the tag and filename.
+ let s = matchstr(line, '[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t\zs\(/^.*$/\|[^\t]*\)\ze\(;"\t\|\t\|$\)')
+ if s != ''
+ let res['menu'] = s:Tagcmd2extra(s, a:val['match'], matchstr(line, '[^\t]*\t\zs[^\t]*\ze\t'))
+ endif
+ return res
+" Turn a command from a tag line to something that is useful in the menu
+func s:Tagcmd2extra(cmd, name, fname)
+ if a:cmd =~ '^/^'
+ " The command is a search command, useful to see what it is.
+ let x = matchstr(a:cmd, '^/^\s*\zs.*\ze$/')
+ let x = substitute(x, '\<' . a:name . '\>', '@@', '')
+ let x = substitute(x, '\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g')
+ let x = x . ' - ' . a:fname
+ elseif a:cmd =~ '^\d*$'
+ " The command is a line number, the file name is more useful.
+ let x = a:fname . ' - ' . a:cmd
+ else
+ " Not recognized, use command and file name.
+ let x = a:cmd . ' - ' . a:fname
+ endif
+ return x
+" Find composing type in "lead" and match items[0] with it.
+" Repeat this recursively for items[1], if it's there.
+" When resolving typedefs "depth" is used to avoid infinite recursion.
+" Return the list of matches.
+func s:Nextitem(lead, items, depth, all)
+ " Use the text up to the variable name and split it in tokens.
+ let tokens = split(a:lead, '\s\+\|\<')
+ " Try to recognize the type of the variable. This is rough guessing...
+ let res = []
+ for tidx in range(len(tokens))
+ " Skip tokens starting with a non-ID character.
+ if tokens[tidx] !~ '^\h'
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Recognize "struct foobar" and "union foobar".
+ " Also do "class foobar" when it's C++ after all (doesn't work very well
+ " though).
+ if (tokens[tidx] == 'struct' || tokens[tidx] == 'union' || tokens[tidx] == 'class') && tidx + 1 < len(tokens)
+ let res = s:StructMembers(tokens[tidx] . ':' . tokens[tidx + 1], a:items, a:all)
+ break
+ endif
+ " TODO: add more reserved words
+ if index(['int', 'short', 'char', 'float', 'double', 'static', 'unsigned', 'extern'], tokens[tidx]) >= 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Use the tags file to find out if this is a typedef.
+ let diclist = taglist('^' . tokens[tidx] . '$')
+ for tagidx in range(len(diclist))
+ let item = diclist[tagidx]
+ " New ctags has the "typeref" field. Patched version has "typename".
+ if has_key(item, 'typeref')
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(item['typeref'], a:items, a:all))
+ continue
+ endif
+ if has_key(item, 'typename')
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(item['typename'], a:items, a:all))
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Only handle typedefs here.
+ if item['kind'] != 't'
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Skip matches local to another file.
+ if has_key(item, 'static') && item['static'] && bufnr('%') != bufnr(item['filename'])
+ continue
+ endif
+ " For old ctags we recognize "typedef struct aaa" and
+ " "typedef union bbb" in the tags file command.
+ let cmd = item['cmd']
+ let ei = matchend(cmd, 'typedef\s\+')
+ if ei > 1
+ let cmdtokens = split(strpart(cmd, ei), '\s\+\|\<')
+ if len(cmdtokens) > 1
+ if cmdtokens[0] == 'struct' || cmdtokens[0] == 'union' || cmdtokens[0] == 'class'
+ let name = ''
+ " Use the first identifier after the "struct" or "union"
+ for ti in range(len(cmdtokens) - 1)
+ if cmdtokens[ti] =~ '^\w'
+ let name = cmdtokens[ti]
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if name != ''
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(cmdtokens[0] . ':' . name, a:items, a:all))
+ endif
+ elseif a:depth < 10
+ " Could be "typedef other_T some_T".
+ call extend(res, s:Nextitem(cmdtokens[0], a:items, a:depth + 1, a:all))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(res) > 0
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return res
+" Search for members of structure "typename" in tags files.
+" Return a list with resulting matches.
+" Each match is a dictionary with "match" and "tagline" entries.
+" When "all" is non-zero find all, otherwise just return 1 if there is any
+" member.
+func s:StructMembers(typename, items, all)
+ " Todo: What about local structures?
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\#%")'))
+ if fnames == ''
+ return []
+ endif
+ let typename = a:typename
+ let qflist = []
+ let cached = 0
+ if a:all == 0
+ let n = '1' " stop at first found match
+ if has_key(s:grepCache, a:typename)
+ let qflist = s:grepCache[a:typename]
+ let cached = 1
+ endif
+ else
+ let n = ''
+ endif
+ if !cached
+ while 1
+ exe 'silent! keepj noautocmd ' . n . 'vimgrep /\t' . typename . '\(\t\|$\)/j ' . fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ if len(qflist) > 0 || match(typename, "::") < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ " No match for "struct:context::name", remove "context::" and try again.
+ let typename = substitute(typename, ':[^:]*::', ':', '')
+ endwhile
+ if a:all == 0
+ " Store the result to be able to use it again later.
+ let s:grepCache[a:typename] = qflist
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Skip over [...] items
+ let idx = 0
+ while 1
+ if idx >= len(a:items)
+ let target = '' " No further items, matching all members
+ break
+ endif
+ if a:items[idx][0] != '['
+ let target = a:items[idx]
+ break
+ endif
+ let idx += 1
+ endwhile
+ " Put matching members in matches[].
+ let matches = []
+ for l in qflist
+ let memb = matchstr(l['text'], '[^\t]*')
+ if memb =~ '^' . target
+ " Skip matches local to another file.
+ if match(l['text'], "\tfile:") < 0 || bufnr('%') == bufnr(matchstr(l['text'], '\t\zs[^\t]*'))
+ let item = {'match': memb, 'tagline': l['text']}
+ " Add the kind of item.
+ let s = matchstr(l['text'], '\t\(kind:\)\=\zs\S\ze\(\t\|$\)')
+ if s != ''
+ let item['kind'] = s
+ if s == 'f'
+ let item['match'] = memb . '('
+ endif
+ endif
+ call add(matches, item)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(matches) > 0
+ " Skip over next [...] items
+ let idx += 1
+ while 1
+ if idx >= len(a:items)
+ return matches " No further items, return the result.
+ endif
+ if a:items[idx][0] != '['
+ break
+ endif
+ let idx += 1
+ endwhile
+ " More items following. For each of the possible members find the
+ " matching following members.
+ return s:SearchMembers(matches, a:items[idx :], a:all)
+ endif
+ " Failed to find anything.
+ return []
+" For matching members, find matches for following items.
+" When "all" is non-zero find all, otherwise just return 1 if there is any
+" member.
+func s:SearchMembers(matches, items, all)
+ let res = []
+ for i in range(len(a:matches))
+ let typename = ''
+ if has_key(a:matches[i], 'dict')
+ if has_key(a:matches[i].dict, 'typename')
+ let typename = a:matches[i].dict['typename']
+ elseif has_key(a:matches[i].dict, 'typeref')
+ let typename = a:matches[i].dict['typeref']
+ endif
+ let line = "\t" . a:matches[i].dict['cmd']
+ else
+ let line = a:matches[i]['tagline']
+ let e = matchend(line, '\ttypename:')
+ if e < 0
+ let e = matchend(line, '\ttyperef:')
+ endif
+ if e > 0
+ " Use typename field
+ let typename = matchstr(line, '[^\t]*', e)
+ endif
+ endif
+ if typename != ''
+ call extend(res, s:StructMembers(typename, a:items, a:all))
+ else
+ " Use the search command (the declaration itself).
+ let s = match(line, '\t\zs/^')
+ if s > 0
+ let e = match(line, '\<' . a:matches[i]['match'] . '\>', s)
+ if e > 0
+ call extend(res, s:Nextitem(strpart(line, s, e - s), a:items, 0, a:all))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if a:all == 0 && len(res) > 0
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return res
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: noet sw=2 sts=2