path: root/runtime/autoload/rust.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/rust.vim b/runtime/autoload/rust.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a3b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/rust.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+" Author: Kevin Ballard
+" Description: Helper functions for Rust commands/mappings
+" Last Modified: May 27, 2014
+" For bugs, patches and license go to
+" Jump {{{1
+function! rust#Jump(mode, function) range
+ let cnt = v:count1
+ normal! m'
+ if a:mode ==# 'v'
+ norm! gv
+ endif
+ let foldenable = &foldenable
+ set nofoldenable
+ while cnt > 0
+ execute "call <SID>Jump_" . a:function . "()"
+ let cnt = cnt - 1
+ endwhile
+ let &foldenable = foldenable
+function! s:Jump_Back()
+ call search('{', 'b')
+ keepjumps normal! w99[{
+function! s:Jump_Forward()
+ normal! j0
+ call search('{', 'b')
+ keepjumps normal! w99[{%
+ call search('{')
+" Run {{{1
+function! rust#Run(bang, args)
+ let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args)
+ if a:bang
+ let idx = index(l:args, '--')
+ if idx != -1
+ let rustc_args = idx == 0 ? [] : l:args[:idx-1]
+ let args = l:args[idx+1:]
+ else
+ let rustc_args = l:args
+ let args = []
+ endif
+ else
+ let rustc_args = []
+ endif
+ let b:rust_last_rustc_args = l:rustc_args
+ let b:rust_last_args = l:args
+ call s:WithPath(function("s:Run"), rustc_args, args)
+function! s:Run(dict, rustc_args, args)
+ let exepath = a:dict.tmpdir.'/'.fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r')
+ if has('win32')
+ let exepath .= '.exe'
+ endif
+ let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path)
+ let rustc_args = [relpath, '-o', exepath] + a:rustc_args
+ let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc"
+ let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : ''
+ let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(rustc_args, 'shellescape(v:val)')))
+ if output != ''
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo output
+ echohl None
+ endif
+ if !v:shell_error
+ exe '!' . shellescape(exepath) . " " . join(map(a:args, 'shellescape(v:val)'))
+ endif
+" Expand {{{1
+function! rust#Expand(bang, args)
+ let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args)
+ if a:bang && !empty(l:args)
+ let pretty = remove(l:args, 0)
+ else
+ let pretty = "expanded"
+ endif
+ call s:WithPath(function("s:Expand"), pretty, args)
+function! s:Expand(dict, pretty, args)
+ try
+ let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc"
+ if a:pretty =~? '^\%(everybody_loops$\|flowgraph=\)'
+ let flag = '--xpretty'
+ else
+ let flag = '--pretty'
+ endif
+ let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path)
+ let args = [relpath, '-Z', 'unstable-options', l:flag, a:pretty] + a:args
+ let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : ''
+ let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, 'shellescape(v:val)')))
+ if v:shell_error
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo output
+ echohl None
+ else
+ new
+ silent put =output
+ 1
+ d
+ setl filetype=rust
+ setl buftype=nofile
+ setl bufhidden=hide
+ setl noswapfile
+ " give the buffer a nice name
+ let suffix = 1
+ let basename = fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r')
+ while 1
+ let bufname = basename
+ if suffix > 1 | let bufname .= ' ('.suffix.')' | endif
+ let bufname .= ''
+ if bufexists(bufname)
+ let suffix += 1
+ continue
+ endif
+ exe 'silent noautocmd keepalt file' fnameescape(bufname)
+ break
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endtry
+function! rust#CompleteExpand(lead, line, pos)
+ if a:line[: a:pos-1] =~ '^RustExpand!\s*\S*$'
+ " first argument and it has a !
+ let list = ["normal", "expanded", "typed", "expanded,identified", "flowgraph=", "everybody_loops"]
+ if !empty(a:lead)
+ call filter(list, "v:val[:len(a:lead)-1] == a:lead")
+ endif
+ return list
+ endif
+ return glob(escape(a:lead, "*?[") . '*', 0, 1)
+" Emit {{{1
+function! rust#Emit(type, args)
+ let args = s:ShellTokenize(a:args)
+ call s:WithPath(function("s:Emit"), a:type, args)
+function! s:Emit(dict, type, args)
+ try
+ let output_path = a:dict.tmpdir.'/output'
+ let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc"
+ let relpath = get(a:dict, 'tmpdir_relpath', a:dict.path)
+ let args = [relpath, '--emit', a:type, '-o', output_path] + a:args
+ let pwd = a:dict.istemp ? a:dict.tmpdir : ''
+ let output = s:system(pwd, shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, 'shellescape(v:val)')))
+ if output != ''
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo output
+ echohl None
+ endif
+ if !v:shell_error
+ new
+ exe 'silent keepalt read' fnameescape(output_path)
+ 1
+ d
+ if a:type == "llvm-ir"
+ setl filetype=llvm
+ let extension = 'll'
+ elseif a:type == "asm"
+ setl filetype=asm
+ let extension = 's'
+ endif
+ setl buftype=nofile
+ setl bufhidden=hide
+ setl noswapfile
+ if exists('l:extension')
+ " give the buffer a nice name
+ let suffix = 1
+ let basename = fnamemodify(a:dict.path, ':t:r')
+ while 1
+ let bufname = basename
+ if suffix > 1 | let bufname .= ' ('.suffix.')' | endif
+ let bufname .= '.'.extension
+ if bufexists(bufname)
+ let suffix += 1
+ continue
+ endif
+ exe 'silent noautocmd keepalt file' fnameescape(bufname)
+ break
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ endtry
+" Utility functions {{{1
+" Invokes func(dict, ...)
+" Where {dict} is a dictionary with the following keys:
+" 'path' - The path to the file
+" 'tmpdir' - The path to a temporary directory that will be deleted when the
+" function returns.
+" 'istemp' - 1 if the path is a file inside of {dict.tmpdir} or 0 otherwise.
+" If {istemp} is 1 then an additional key is provided:
+" 'tmpdir_relpath' - The {path} relative to the {tmpdir}.
+" {dict.path} may be a path to a file inside of {dict.tmpdir} or it may be the
+" existing path of the current buffer. If the path is inside of {dict.tmpdir}
+" then it is guaranteed to have a '.rs' extension.
+function! s:WithPath(func, ...)
+ let buf = bufnr('')
+ let saved = {}
+ let dict = {}
+ try
+ let saved.write = &write
+ set write
+ let dict.path = expand('%')
+ let pathisempty = empty(dict.path)
+ " Always create a tmpdir in case the wrapped command wants it
+ let dict.tmpdir = tempname()
+ call mkdir(dict.tmpdir)
+ if pathisempty || !saved.write
+ let dict.istemp = 1
+ " if we're doing this because of nowrite, preserve the filename
+ if !pathisempty
+ let filename = expand('%:t:r').".rs"
+ else
+ let filename = ''
+ endif
+ let dict.tmpdir_relpath = filename
+ let dict.path = dict.tmpdir.'/'.filename
+ let saved.mod = &mod
+ set nomod
+ silent exe 'keepalt write! ' . fnameescape(dict.path)
+ if pathisempty
+ silent keepalt 0file
+ endif
+ else
+ let dict.istemp = 0
+ update
+ endif
+ call call(a:func, [dict] + a:000)
+ finally
+ if bufexists(buf)
+ for [opt, value] in items(saved)
+ silent call setbufvar(buf, '&'.opt, value)
+ unlet value " avoid variable type mismatches
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if has_key(dict, 'tmpdir') | silent call s:RmDir(dict.tmpdir) | endif
+ endtry
+function! rust#AppendCmdLine(text)
+ call setcmdpos(getcmdpos())
+ let cmd = getcmdline() . a:text
+ return cmd
+" Tokenize the string according to sh parsing rules
+function! s:ShellTokenize(text)
+ " states:
+ " 0: start of word
+ " 1: unquoted
+ " 2: unquoted backslash
+ " 3: double-quote
+ " 4: double-quoted backslash
+ " 5: single-quote
+ let l:state = 0
+ let l:current = ''
+ let l:args = []
+ for c in split(a:text, '\zs')
+ if l:state == 0 || l:state == 1 " unquoted
+ if l:c ==# ' '
+ if l:state == 0 | continue | endif
+ call add(l:args, l:current)
+ let l:current = ''
+ let l:state = 0
+ elseif l:c ==# '\'
+ let l:state = 2
+ elseif l:c ==# '"'
+ let l:state = 3
+ elseif l:c ==# "'"
+ let l:state = 5
+ else
+ let l:current .= l:c
+ let l:state = 1
+ endif
+ elseif l:state == 2 " unquoted backslash
+ if l:c !=# "\n" " can it even be \n?
+ let l:current .= l:c
+ endif
+ let l:state = 1
+ elseif l:state == 3 " double-quote
+ if l:c ==# '\'
+ let l:state = 4
+ elseif l:c ==# '"'
+ let l:state = 1
+ else
+ let l:current .= l:c
+ endif
+ elseif l:state == 4 " double-quoted backslash
+ if stridx('$`"\', l:c) >= 0
+ let l:current .= l:c
+ elseif l:c ==# "\n" " is this even possible?
+ " skip it
+ else
+ let l:current .= '\'.l:c
+ endif
+ let l:state = 3
+ elseif l:state == 5 " single-quoted
+ if l:c == "'"
+ let l:state = 1
+ else
+ let l:current .= l:c
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if l:state != 0
+ call add(l:args, l:current)
+ endif
+ return l:args
+function! s:RmDir(path)
+ " sanity check; make sure it's not empty, /, or $HOME
+ if empty(a:path)
+ echoerr 'Attempted to delete empty path'
+ return 0
+ elseif a:path == '/' || a:path == $HOME
+ echoerr 'Attempted to delete protected path: ' . a:path
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return system("rm -rf " . shellescape(a:path))
+" Executes {cmd} with the cwd set to {pwd}, without changing Vim's cwd.
+" If {pwd} is the empty string then it doesn't change the cwd.
+function! s:system(pwd, cmd)
+ let cmd = a:cmd
+ if !empty(a:pwd)
+ let cmd = 'cd ' . shellescape(a:pwd) . ' && ' . cmd
+ endif
+ return system(cmd)
+" Playpen Support {{{1
+" Parts of gist.vim by Yasuhiro Matsumoto <> reused
+" gist.vim available under the BSD license, available at
+function! s:has_webapi()
+ if !exists("*webapi#http#post")
+ try
+ call webapi#http#post()
+ catch
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return exists("*webapi#http#post")
+function! rust#Play(count, line1, line2, ...) abort
+ redraw
+ let l:rust_playpen_url = get(g:, 'rust_playpen_url', '')
+ let l:rust_shortener_url = get(g:, 'rust_shortener_url', '')
+ if !s:has_webapi()
+ echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg ':RustPlay depends on webapi.vim (' | echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ let bufname = bufname('%')
+ if a:count < 1
+ let content = join(getline(a:line1, a:line2), "\n")
+ else
+ let save_regcont = @"
+ let save_regtype = getregtype('"')
+ silent! normal! gvy
+ let content = @"
+ call setreg('"', save_regcont, save_regtype)
+ endif
+ let body = l:rust_playpen_url."?code=".webapi#http#encodeURI(content)
+ if strlen(body) > 5000
+ echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'Buffer too large, max 5000 encoded characters ('.strlen(body).')' | echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ let payload = "format=simple&url=".webapi#http#encodeURI(body)
+ let res = webapi#http#post(l:rust_shortener_url.'create.php', payload, {})
+ let url = res.content
+ redraw | echomsg 'Done: '.url
+" }}}1
+" vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8: