path: root/runtime/syntax/moo.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/moo.vim')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/moo.vim b/runtime/syntax/moo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f2dd59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/moo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: MOO
+" Maintainer: Timo Frenay <>
+" Last Change: 2020 Oct 19
+" Note: Requires Vim 6.0 or above
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Initializations
+syn case ignore
+" C-style comments
+syn match mooUncommentedError display ~\*/~
+syn match mooCStyleCommentError display ~/\ze\*~ contained
+syn region mooCStyleComment matchgroup=mooComment start=~/\*~ end=~\*/~ contains=mooCStyleCommentError
+" Statements
+if exists("moo_extended_cstyle_comments")
+ syn match mooIdentifier display ~\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>\<\h\w*\>~ contained transparent contains=mooCStyleComment,@mooKeyword,mooType,mooVariable
+ syn match mooIdentifier display ~\<\h\w*\>~ contained transparent contains=@mooKeyword,mooType,mooVariable
+syn keyword mooStatement break continue else elseif endfor endfork endif endtry endwhile finally for if try
+syn keyword mooStatement except fork while nextgroup=mooIdentifier skipwhite
+syn keyword mooStatement return nextgroup=mooString skipwhite
+" Operators
+syn keyword mooOperatorIn in
+" Error constants
+syn keyword mooAny ANY
+" Builtin variables
+syn match mooType display ~\<\%(ERR\|FLOAT\|INT\|LIST\|NUM\|OBJ\|STR\)\>~
+syn match mooVariable display ~\<\%(args\%(tr\)\=\|caller\|dobj\%(str\)\=\|iobj\%(str\)\=\|player\|prepstr\|this\|verb\)\>~
+" Strings
+syn match mooStringError display ~[^\t -[\]-~]~ contained
+syn match mooStringSpecialChar display ~\\["\\]~ contained
+if !exists("moo_no_regexp")
+ " Regular expressions
+ syn match mooRegexp display ~%%~ contained containedin=mooString,mooRegexpParentheses transparent contains=NONE
+ syn region mooRegexpParentheses display matchgroup=mooRegexpOr start=~%(~ skip=~%%~ end=~%)~ contained containedin=mooString,mooRegexpParentheses transparent oneline
+ syn match mooRegexpOr display ~%|~ contained containedin=mooString,mooRegexpParentheses
+if !exists("moo_no_pronoun_sub")
+ " Pronoun substitutions
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%%~ contained containedin=mooString transparent contains=NONE
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%[#dilnopqrst]~ contained containedin=mooString
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%\[#[dilnt]\]~ contained containedin=mooString
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%(\h\w*)~ contained containedin=mooString
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%\[[dilnt]\h\w*\]~ contained containedin=mooString
+ syn match mooPronounSub display ~%<\%([dilnt]:\)\=\a\+>~ contained containedin=mooString
+if exists("moo_unmatched_quotes")
+ syn region mooString matchgroup=mooStringError start=~"~ end=~$~ contains=@mooStringContents keepend
+ syn region mooString start=~"~ skip=~\\.~ end=~"~ contains=@mooStringContents oneline keepend
+ syn region mooString start=~"~ skip=~\\.~ end=~"\|$~ contains=@mooStringContents keepend
+" Numbers and object numbers
+syn match mooNumber display ~\%(\%(\<\d\+\)\=\.\d\+\|\<\d\+\)\%(e[+\-]\=\d\+\)\=\>~
+syn match mooObject display ~#-\=\d\+\>~
+" Properties and verbs
+if exists("moo_builtin_properties")
+ "Builtin properties
+ syn keyword mooBuiltinProperty contents f location name owner programmer r w wizard contained containedin=mooPropRef
+if exists("moo_extended_cstyle_comments")
+ syn match mooPropRef display ~\.\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>\h\w*\>~ transparent contains=mooCStyleComment,@mooKeyword
+ syn match mooVerbRef display ~:\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>\h\w*\>~ transparent contains=mooCStyleComment,@mooKeyword
+ syn match mooPropRef display ~\.\s*\h\w*\>~ transparent contains=@mooKeyword
+ syn match mooVerbRef display ~:\s*\h\w*\>~ transparent contains=@mooKeyword
+" Builtin functions, core properties and core verbs
+if exists("moo_extended_cstyle_comments")
+ syn match mooBuiltinFunction display ~\<\h\w*\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>\ze(~ contains=mooCStyleComment
+ syn match mooCorePropOrVerb display ~\$\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>\%(in\>\)\@!\h\w*\>~ contains=mooCStyleComment,@mooKeyword
+ syn match mooBuiltinFunction display ~\<\h\w*\s*\ze(~ contains=NONE
+ syn match mooCorePropOrVerb display ~\$\s*\%(in\>\)\@!\h\w*\>~ contains=@mooKeyword
+if exists("moo_unknown_builtin_functions")
+ syn match mooUnknownBuiltinFunction ~\<\h\w*\>~ contained containedin=mooBuiltinFunction contains=mooKnownBuiltinFunction
+ " Known builtin functions as of version 1.8.1 of the server
+ " Add your own extensions to this group if you like
+ syn keyword mooKnownBuiltinFunction abs acos add_property add_verb asin atan binary_hash boot_player buffered_output_length callers caller_perms call_function ceil children chparent clear_property connected_players connected_seconds connection_name connection_option connection_options cos cosh create crypt ctime db_disk_size decode_binary delete_property delete_verb disassemble dump_database encode_binary equal eval exp floatstr floor flush_input force_input function_info idle_seconds index is_clear_property is_member is_player kill_task length listappend listdelete listen listeners listinsert listset log log10 match max max_object memory_usage min move notify object_bytes open_network_connection output_delimiters parent pass players properties property_info queued_tasks queue_info raise random read recycle renumber reset_max_object resume rindex rmatch seconds_left server_log server_version setadd setremove set_connection_option set_player_flag set_property_info set_task_perms set_verb_args set_verb_code set_verb_info shutdown sin sinh sqrt strcmp string_hash strsub substitute suspend tan tanh task_id task_stack ticks_left time tofloat toint toliteral tonum toobj tostr trunc typeof unlisten valid value_bytes value_hash verbs verb_args verb_code verb_info contained
+" Enclosed expressions
+syn match mooUnenclosedError display ~[')\]|}]~
+syn match mooParenthesesError display ~[';\]|}]~ contained
+syn region mooParentheses start=~(~ end=~)~ transparent contains=@mooEnclosedContents,mooParenthesesError
+syn match mooBracketsError display ~[');|}]~ contained
+syn region mooBrackets start=~\[~ end=~\]~ transparent contains=@mooEnclosedContents,mooBracketsError
+syn match mooBracesError display ~[');\]|]~ contained
+syn region mooBraces start=~{~ end=~}~ transparent contains=@mooEnclosedContents,mooBracesError
+syn match mooQuestionError display ~[');\]}]~ contained
+syn region mooQuestion start=~?~ end=~|~ transparent contains=@mooEnclosedContents,mooQuestionError
+syn match mooCatchError display ~[);\]|}]~ contained
+syn region mooCatch matchgroup=mooExclamation start=~`~ end=~'~ transparent contains=@mooEnclosedContents,mooCatchError,mooExclamation
+if exists("moo_extended_cstyle_comments")
+ syn match mooExclamation display ~[\t !%&(*+,\-/<=>?@[^`{|]\@<!\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>!=\@!~ contained contains=mooCStyleComment
+ syn match mooExclamation display ~[\t !%&(*+,\-/<=>?@[^`{|]\@<!\s*!=\@!~ contained
+" Comments
+syn match mooCommentSpecialChar display ~\\["\\]~ contained transparent contains=NONE
+syn match mooComment ~[\t !%&*+,\-/<=>?@^|]\@<!\s*"\([^\"]\|\\.\)*"\s*;~ contains=mooStringError,mooCommentSpecialChar
+" Non-code
+syn region mooNonCode start=~^\s*@\<~ end=~$~
+syn match mooNonCode display ~^\.$~
+syn match mooNonCode display ~^\s*\d\+:~he=e-1
+" Overriding matches
+syn match mooRangeOperator display ~\.\.~ transparent contains=NONE
+syn match mooOrOperator display ~||~ transparent contains=NONE
+if exists("moo_extended_cstyle_comments")
+ syn match mooScattering ~[,{]\@<=\s*\%(\%(/\*.\{-}\*/\s*\)*\)\@>?~ transparent contains=mooCStyleComment
+ syn match mooScattering ~[,{]\@<=\s*?~ transparent contains=NONE
+" Clusters
+syn cluster mooKeyword contains=mooStatement,mooOperatorIn,mooAny,mooErrorConstant
+syn cluster mooStringContents contains=mooStringError,mooStringSpecialChar
+syn cluster mooEnclosedContents contains=TOP,mooUnenclosedError,mooComment,mooNonCode
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link mooUncommentedError Error
+hi def link mooCStyleCommentError Error
+hi def link mooCStyleComment Comment
+hi def link mooStatement Statement
+hi def link mooOperatorIn Operator
+hi def link mooAny Constant " link this to Keyword if you want
+hi def link mooErrorConstant Constant
+hi def link mooType Type
+hi def link mooVariable Type
+hi def link mooStringError Error
+hi def link mooStringSpecialChar SpecialChar
+hi def link mooRegexpOr SpecialChar
+hi def link mooPronounSub SpecialChar
+hi def link mooString String
+hi def link mooNumber Number
+hi def link mooObject Number
+hi def link mooBuiltinProperty Type
+hi def link mooBuiltinFunction Function
+hi def link mooUnknownBuiltinFunction Error
+hi def link mooKnownBuiltinFunction Function
+hi def link mooCorePropOrVerb Identifier
+hi def link mooUnenclosedError Error
+hi def link mooParenthesesError Error
+hi def link mooBracketsError Error
+hi def link mooBracesError Error
+hi def link mooQuestionError Error
+hi def link mooCatchError Error
+hi def link mooExclamation Exception
+hi def link mooComment Comment
+hi def link mooNonCode PreProc
+let b:current_syntax = "moo"
+" vim: ts=8