INSTALLami.txt - Installation of Vim from source on Amiga and MorphOS

This file contains instructions for compiling Vim. If you already have an
executable version of Vim, you don't need this.

The file "feature.h" can be edited to match your preferences. You can skip
this, then you will get the default behavior as is documented, which should
be fine for most people.

make -f Make_ami.mak        gcc
make -f Make_ami.mak CC=vc  vbcc

Please note that currently only gcc has been tested. VBCC would need its own
CFLAGS, but should otherwise work out of the box. For cross-compiling, UNM
can be used to override uname and thereby set the target. An example is shown

make -f Make_ami.mak CC=ppc-morphos-gcc UNM=MorphOS