#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Handle; use IPC::Open2 qw( open2 ); use POSIX qw( WIFEXITED WEXITSTATUS WIFSIGNALED WTERMSIG ); my $VALGRIND = 0; my $EXECUTABLE = "t/harness"; GetOptions( 'valgrind|v+' => \$VALGRIND, 'executable|e=s' => \$EXECUTABLE, 'fail-early|F' => \(my $FAIL_EARLY), ) or exit 1; my ( $hin, $hout, $hpid ); { my @command = $EXECUTABLE; unshift @command, "valgrind", "--tool=memcheck", "--leak-check=yes", "--num-callers=25", "--log-file=valgrind.out", "--error-exitcode=126" if $VALGRIND; $hpid = open2 $hout, $hin, @command or die "Cannot open2 harness - $!"; } my $exitcode = 0; my $command; my @expect; my $linenum = 0; sub do_onetest { $hin->print( "$command\n" ); undef $command; my $fail_printed = 0; while( my $outline = <$hout> ) { last if $outline eq "DONE\n" or $outline eq "?\n"; chomp $outline; if( !@expect ) { print "# line $linenum: Test failed\n" unless $fail_printed++; print "# expected nothing more\n" . "# Actual: $outline\n"; next; } my $expectation = shift @expect; next if $expectation eq $outline; print "# line $linenum: Test failed\n" unless $fail_printed++; print "# Expected: $expectation\n" . "# Actual: $outline\n"; } if( @expect ) { print "# line $linenum: Test failed\n" unless $fail_printed++; print "# Expected: $_\n" . "# didn't happen\n" for @expect; } $exitcode = 1 if $fail_printed; exit $exitcode if $exitcode and $FAIL_EARLY; } sub do_line { my ( $line ) = @_; if( $line =~ m/^!(.*)/ ) { do_onetest if defined $command; print "> $1\n"; } # Commands have capitals elsif( $line =~ m/^([A-Z]+)/ ) { # Some convenience formatting if( $line =~ m/^(PUSH|ENCIN) (.*)$/ ) { # we're evil my $string = eval($2); $line = "$1 " . unpack "H*", $string; } do_onetest if defined $command; $command = $line; undef @expect; } # Expectations have lowercase elsif( $line =~ m/^([a-z]+)/ ) { # Convenience formatting if( $line =~ m/^(text|encout) (.*)$/ ) { $line = "$1 " . join ",", map sprintf("%x", $_), eval($2); } elsif( $line =~ m/^(output) (.*)$/ ) { $line = "$1 " . join ",", map sprintf("%x", $_), unpack "C*", eval($2); } elsif( $line =~ m/^control (.*)$/ ) { $line = sprintf "control %02x", eval($1); } elsif( $line =~ m/^csi (\S+) (.*)$/ ) { $line = sprintf "csi %02x %s", eval($1), $2; # TODO } elsif( $line =~ m/^(osc) (\[\d+)? *(.*?)(\]?)$/ ) { my ( $cmd, $initial, $data, $final ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); $initial //= ""; $initial .= ";" if $initial =~ m/\d+/; $line = "$cmd $initial" . join( "", map sprintf("%02x", $_), unpack "C*", length $data ? eval($data) : "" ) . "$final"; } elsif( $line =~ m/^(escape|dcs) (\[?)(.*?)(\]?)$/ ) { $line = "$1 $2" . join( "", map sprintf("%02x", $_), unpack "C*", eval($3) ) . "$4"; } elsif( $line =~ m/^putglyph (\S+) (.*)$/ ) { $line = "putglyph " . join( ",", map sprintf("%x", $_), eval($1) ) . " $2"; } elsif( $line =~ m/^(?:movecursor|scrollrect|moverect|erase|damage|sb_pushline|sb_popline|settermprop|setmousefunc) / ) { # no conversion } else { warn "Unrecognised test expectation '$line'\n"; } push @expect, $line; } # ?screen_row assertion is emulated here elsif( $line =~ s/^\?screen_row\s+(\d+)\s*=\s*// ) { my $row = $1; my $row1 = $row + 1; my $want = eval($line); do_onetest if defined $command; # TODO: may not be 80 $hin->print( "\?screen_chars $row,0,$row1,80\n" ); my $response = <$hout>; chomp $response; $response = pack "C*", map hex, split m/,/, $response; if( $response ne $want ) { print "# line $linenum: Assert ?screen_row $row failed:\n" . "# Expected: $want\n" . "# Actual: $response\n"; $exitcode = 1; exit $exitcode if $exitcode and $FAIL_EARLY; } } # Assertions start with '?' elsif( $line =~ s/^\?([a-z]+.*?=)\s*// ) { do_onetest if defined $command; my ( $assertion ) = $1 =~ m/^(.*)\s+=/; my $expectation = $line; $hin->print( "\?$assertion\n" ); my $response = <$hout>; defined $response or wait, die "Test harness failed - $?\n"; chomp $response; $response =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Some convenience formatting if( $assertion =~ m/^screen_chars/ and $expectation =~ m/^"/ ) { $expectation = join ",", map sprintf("0x%02x", ord $_), split m//, eval($expectation); } if( $response ne $expectation ) { print "# line $linenum: Assert $assertion failed:\n" . "# Expected: $expectation\n" . "# Actual: $response\n"; $exitcode = 1; exit $exitcode if $exitcode and $FAIL_EARLY; } } # Test controls start with '$' elsif( $line =~ s/\$SEQ\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):\s*// ) { my ( $low, $high ) = ( $1, $2 ); foreach my $val ( $low .. $high ) { ( my $inner = $line ) =~ s/\\#/$val/g; do_line( $inner ); } } elsif( $line =~ s/\$REP\s+(\d+):\s*// ) { my $count = $1; do_line( $line ) for 1 .. $count; } else { die "Unrecognised TEST line $line\n"; } } open my $test, "<", $ARGV[0] or die "Cannot open test script $ARGV[0] - $!"; while( my $line = <$test> ) { $linenum++; $line =~ s/^\s+//; chomp $line; next if $line =~ m/^(?:#|$)/; last if $line eq "__END__"; do_line( $line ); } do_onetest if defined $command; close $hin; close $hout; waitpid $hpid, 0; if( $? ) { printf STDERR "Harness exited %d\n", WEXITSTATUS($?) if WIFEXITED($?); printf STDERR "Harness exit signal %d\n", WTERMSIG($?) if WIFSIGNALED($?); $exitcode = WIFEXITED($?) ? WEXITSTATUS($?) : 125; } exit $exitcode;