" Test for user functions. " Also test an mapping calling a function. " Also test that a builtin function cannot be replaced. " Also test for regression when calling arbitrary expression. source check.vim source shared.vim func Table(title, ...) let ret = a:title let idx = 1 while idx <= a:0 exe "let ret = ret . a:" . idx let idx = idx + 1 endwhile return ret endfunc func Compute(n1, n2, divname) if a:n2 == 0 return "fail" endif exe "let g:" . a:divname . " = ". a:n1 / a:n2 return "ok" endfunc func Expr1() silent! normal! v return "111" endfunc func Expr2() call search('XX', 'b') return "222" endfunc func ListItem() let g:counter += 1 return g:counter . '. ' endfunc func ListReset() let g:counter = 0 return '' endfunc func FuncWithRef(a) unlet g:FuncRef return a:a endfunc func Test_user_func() let g:FuncRef = function("FuncWithRef") let g:counter = 0 inoremap ( ListItem() inoremap [ ListReset() imap + Expr1() imap * Expr2() let g:retval = "nop" call assert_equal('xxx4asdf', Table("xxx", 4, "asdf")) call assert_equal('fail', Compute(45, 0, "retval")) call assert_equal('nop', g:retval) call assert_equal('ok', Compute(45, 5, "retval")) call assert_equal(9, g:retval) call assert_equal(333, g:FuncRef(333)) let g:retval = "nop" call assert_equal('xxx4asdf', "xxx"->Table(4, "asdf")) call assert_equal('fail', 45->Compute(0, "retval")) call assert_equal('nop', g:retval) call assert_equal('ok', 45->Compute(5, "retval")) call assert_equal(9, g:retval) " call assert_equal(333, 333->g:FuncRef()) enew normal oXX+-XX call assert_equal('XX111-XX', getline('.')) normal o---*--- call assert_equal('---222---', getline('.')) normal o(one call assert_equal('1. one', getline('.')) normal o(two call assert_equal('2. two', getline('.')) normal o[(one again call assert_equal('1. one again', getline('.')) " Try to overwrite a function in the global (g:) scope call assert_equal(3, max([1, 2, 3])) call assert_fails("call extend(g:, {'max': function('min')})", 'E704:') call assert_equal(3, max([1, 2, 3])) " Try to overwrite an user defined function with a function reference call assert_fails("let Expr1 = function('min')", 'E705:') " Regression: the first line below used to throw ?E110: Missing ')'? " Second is here just to prove that this line is correct when not skipping " rhs of &&. call assert_equal(0, (0 && (function('tr'))(1, 2, 3))) call assert_equal(1, (1 && (function('tr'))(1, 2, 3))) delfunc Table delfunc Compute delfunc Expr1 delfunc Expr2 delfunc ListItem delfunc ListReset unlet g:retval g:counter enew! endfunc func Log(val, base = 10) return log(a:val) / log(a:base) endfunc func Args(mandatory, optional = v:null, ...) return deepcopy(a:) endfunc func Args2(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) return deepcopy(a:) endfunc func MakeBadFunc() func s:fcn(a, b=1, c) endfunc endfunc func Test_default_arg() if has('float') call assert_equal(1.0, Log(10)) call assert_equal(log(10), Log(10, exp(1))) call assert_fails("call Log(1,2,3)", 'E118:') endif let res = Args(1) call assert_equal(res.mandatory, 1) call assert_equal(res.optional, v:null) call assert_equal(res['0'], 0) let res = Args(1,2) call assert_equal(res.mandatory, 1) call assert_equal(res.optional, 2) call assert_equal(res['0'], 0) let res = Args(1,2,3) call assert_equal(res.mandatory, 1) call assert_equal(res.optional, 2) call assert_equal(res['0'], 1) call assert_fails("call MakeBadFunc()", 'E989:') call assert_fails("fu F(a=1 ,) | endf", 'E475:') let d = Args2(7, v:none, 9) call assert_equal([7, 2, 9], [d.a, d.b, d.c]) call assert_equal("\n" \ .. " function Args2(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)\n" \ .. "1 return deepcopy(a:)\n" \ .. " endfunction", \ execute('func Args2')) endfunc func s:addFoo(lead) return a:lead .. 'foo' endfunc func Test_user_method() eval 'bar'->s:addFoo()->assert_equal('barfoo') endfunc func Test_failed_call_in_try() try | call UnknownFunc() | catch | endtry endfunc " Test for listing user-defined functions func Test_function_list() call assert_fails("function Xabc", 'E123:') endfunc " Test for , in a function func Test_sfile_in_function() func Xfunc() call assert_match('..Test_sfile_in_function\[5]..Xfunc', expand('')) call assert_equal('2', expand('')) endfunc call Xfunc() delfunc Xfunc endfunc " Test trailing text after :endfunction {{{1 func Test_endfunction_trailing() call assert_false(exists('*Xtest')) exe "func Xtest()\necho 'hello'\nendfunc\nlet done = 'yes'" call assert_true(exists('*Xtest')) call assert_equal('yes', done) delfunc Xtest unlet done exe "func Xtest()\necho 'hello'\nendfunc|let done = 'yes'" call assert_true(exists('*Xtest')) call assert_equal('yes', done) delfunc Xtest unlet done " trailing line break exe "func Xtest()\necho 'hello'\nendfunc\n" call assert_true(exists('*Xtest')) delfunc Xtest set verbose=1 exe "func Xtest()\necho 'hello'\nendfunc \" garbage" call assert_notmatch('W22:', split(execute('1messages'), "\n")[0]) call assert_true(exists('*Xtest')) delfunc Xtest exe "func Xtest()\necho 'hello'\nendfunc garbage" call assert_match('W22:', split(execute('1messages'), "\n")[0]) call assert_true(exists('*Xtest')) delfunc Xtest set verbose=0 func Xtest(a1, a2) echo a:a1 .. a:a2 endfunc set verbose=15 redir @a call Xtest(123, repeat('x', 100)) redir END call assert_match('calling Xtest(123, ''xxxxxxx.*x\.\.\.x.*xxxx'')', getreg('a')) delfunc Xtest set verbose=0 function Foo() echo 'hello' endfunction | echo 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' delfunc Foo endfunc func Test_delfunction_force() delfunc! Xtest delfunc! Xtest func Xtest() echo 'nothing' endfunc delfunc! Xtest delfunc! Xtest " Try deleting the current function call assert_fails('delfunc Test_delfunction_force', 'E131:') endfunc func Test_function_defined_line() CheckNotGui let lines =<< trim [CODE] " F1 func F1() " F2 func F2() " " " return endfunc " F3 execute "func F3()\n\n\n\nreturn\nendfunc" " F4 execute "func F4()\n \\n \\n \\n \return\n \endfunc" endfunc " F5 execute "func F5()\n\n\n\nreturn\nendfunc" " F6 execute "func F6()\n \\n \\n \\n \return\n \endfunc" call F1() verbose func F1 verbose func F2 verbose func F3 verbose func F4 verbose func F5 verbose func F6 qall! [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xtest.vim') let res = system(GetVimCommandClean() .. ' -es -X -S Xtest.vim') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F1()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 2$', m) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F2()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 4$', m) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F3()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 11$', m) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F4()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 13$', m) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F5()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 21$', m) let m = matchstr(res, 'function F6()[^[:print:]]*[[:print:]]*') call assert_match(' line 23$', m) call delete('Xtest.vim') endfunc " Test for defining a function reference in the global scope func Test_add_funcref_to_global_scope() let x = g: let caught_E862 = 0 try func x.Xfunc() return 1 endfunc catch /E862:/ let caught_E862 = 1 endtry call assert_equal(1, caught_E862) endfunc func Test_funccall_garbage_collect() func Func(x, ...) call add(a:x, a:000) endfunc call Func([], []) " Must not crash cause by invalid freeing call test_garbagecollect_now() call assert_true(v:true) delfunc Func endfunc " Test for script-local function func DoLast() call append(line('$'), "last line") endfunc func s:DoNothing() call append(line('$'), "nothing line") endfunc func Test_script_local_func() set nocp nomore viminfo+=nviminfo new nnoremap _x :call DoNothing()call DoLast()delfunc DoNothingdelfunc DoLast normal _x call assert_equal('nothing line', getline(2)) call assert_equal('last line', getline(3)) close! " Try to call a script local function in global scope let lines =<< trim [CODE] :call assert_fails('call s:Xfunc()', 'E81:') :call assert_fails('let x = call("Xfunc", [])', 'E120:') :call writefile(v:errors, 'Xresult') :qall [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xscript') if RunVim([], [], '-s Xscript') call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult')) endif call delete('Xresult') call delete('Xscript') endfunc " Test for errors in defining new functions func Test_func_def_error() call assert_fails('func Xfunc abc ()', 'E124:') call assert_fails('func Xfunc(', 'E125:') call assert_fails('func xfunc()', 'E128:') " Try to redefine a function that is in use let caught_E127 = 0 try func! Test_func_def_error() endfunc catch /E127:/ let caught_E127 = 1 endtry call assert_equal(1, caught_E127) " Try to define a function in a dict twice let d = {} let lines =<< trim END func d.F1() return 1 endfunc END let l = join(lines, "\n") . "\n" exe l call assert_fails('exe l', 'E717:') " Define an autoload function with an incorrect file name call writefile(['func foo#Bar()', 'return 1', 'endfunc'], 'Xscript') call assert_fails('source Xscript', 'E746:') call delete('Xscript') " Try to list functions using an invalid search pattern call assert_fails('function /\%(/', 'E53:') endfunc " Test for deleting a function func Test_del_func() call assert_fails('delfunction Xabc', 'E130:') let d = {'a' : 10} call assert_fails('delfunc d.a', 'E718:') endfunc " Test for calling return outside of a function func Test_return_outside_func() call writefile(['return 10'], 'Xscript') call assert_fails('source Xscript', 'E133:') call delete('Xscript') endfunc " Test for errors in calling a function func Test_func_arg_error() " Too many arguments call assert_fails("call call('min', range(1,20))", 'E118:') call assert_fails("call call('min', range(1,21))", 'E699:') call assert_fails('echo min(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1)', \ 'E740:') " Missing dict argument func Xfunc() dict return 1 endfunc call assert_fails('call Xfunc()', 'E725:') delfunc Xfunc endfunc func Test_func_dict() let mydict = {'a': 'b'} function mydict.somefunc() dict return len(self) endfunc call assert_equal("{'a': 'b', 'somefunc': function('2')}", string(mydict)) call assert_equal(2, mydict.somefunc()) call assert_match("^\n function \\d\\\+() dict" \ .. "\n1 return len(self)" \ .. "\n endfunction$", execute('func mydict.somefunc')) endfunc func Test_func_range() new call setline(1, range(1, 8)) func FuncRange() range echo a:firstline echo a:lastline endfunc 3 call assert_equal("\n3\n3", execute('call FuncRange()')) call assert_equal("\n4\n6", execute('4,6 call FuncRange()')) call assert_equal("\n function FuncRange() range" \ .. "\n1 echo a:firstline" \ .. "\n2 echo a:lastline" \ .. "\n endfunction", \ execute('function FuncRange')) bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab