path: root/include/VBox/vmm/pdmpci.h
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diff --git a/include/VBox/vmm/pdmpci.h b/include/VBox/vmm/pdmpci.h
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+++ b/include/VBox/vmm/pdmpci.h
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+/** @file
+ * PDM - Pluggable Device Manager, raw PCI Devices. (VMM)
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Oracle Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
+ * available from This file is free software;
+ * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
+ * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
+ * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
+ *
+ * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
+ * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
+ * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
+ * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
+ * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
+ *
+ * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
+ * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
+ */
+#ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_vmm_pdmpci_h
+#define VBOX_INCLUDED_vmm_pdmpci_h
+# pragma once
+#include <VBox/types.h>
+#include <VBox/rawpci.h>
+/** @defgroup grp_pdm_pciraw The raw PCI Devices API
+ * @ingroup grp_pdm
+ * @{
+ */
+typedef struct PDMIPCIRAW
+ /**
+ * Notify virtual device that interrupt has arrived.
+ * For this callback to be called, interface have to be
+ * registered with PDMIPCIRAWUP::pfnRegisterInterruptListener.
+ *
+ * @note no level parameter, as we can only support flip-flop.
+ *
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param iGuestIrq Guest interrupt number, passed earlier when registering listener.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnInterruptRequest,(PPDMIPCIRAW pInterface, int32_t iGuestIrq));
+typedef struct PDMIPCIRAWUP
+ /**
+ * Host PCI MMIO access function.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Request driver info about PCI region on host PCI device.
+ *
+ * @returns true, if region is present, and out parameters are correct
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param iRegion Region number.
+ * @param pGCPhysRegion Where to store region base address (guest).
+ * @param pcbRegion Where to store region size.
+ *
+ * @param pfFlags If region is MMIO or IO.
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(bool, pfnGetRegionInfo, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface,
+ uint32_t iRegion,
+ RTGCPHYS *pGCPhysRegion,
+ uint64_t *pcbRegion,
+ uint32_t *pfFlags));
+ /**
+ * Request driver to map part of host device's MMIO region to the VM process and maybe kernel.
+ * Shall only be issued within earlier obtained with pfnGetRegionInfo()
+ * host physical address ranges for the device BARs. Even if failed, device still may function
+ * using pfnMmio* and pfnPio* operations, just much slower.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param iRegion Number of the region.
+ * @param StartAddress Host physical address of start.
+ * @param cbRegion Size of the region.
+ * @param fFlags Flags, currently lowest significant bit set if R0 mapping requested too
+ * @param ppvAddressR3 Where to store mapped region address for R3 (can be 0, if cannot map into userland)
+ * @param ppvAddressR0 Where to store mapped region address for R0 (can be 0, if cannot map into kernel)
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ uint32_t iRegion,
+ RTHCPHYS StartAddress,
+ uint64_t cbRegion,
+ uint32_t fFlags,
+ PRTR3PTR ppvAddressR3,
+ PRTR0PTR ppvAddressR0));
+ /**
+ * Request driver to unmap part of host device's MMIO region to the VM process.
+ * Shall only be issued with pointer earlier obtained with pfnMapRegion().
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure
+ * @param iRegion Number of the region.
+ * @param StartAddress Host physical address of start.
+ * @param cbRegion Size of the region.
+ * @param pvAddressR3 R3 address of mapped region.
+ * @param pvAddressR0 R0 address of mapped region.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnUnmapRegion, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface,
+ uint32_t iRegion,
+ RTHCPHYS StartAddress,
+ uint64_t cbRegion,
+ RTR3PTR pvAddressR3,
+ RTR0PTR pvAddressR0));
+ /**
+ * Request port IO write.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param uPort I/O port address.
+ * @param uValue Value to write.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ uint32_t uValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Request port IO read.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param uPort I/O port address.
+ * @param puValue Place to store read value.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ uint32_t *puValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Request MMIO write.
+ *
+ * This callback is only called if driver wants to receive MMIO via pu32Flags
+ * argument of pfnPciDeviceConstructStart().
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param Address Guest physical address.
+ * @param pvValue Address of value to write.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @todo Why is this @a Address documented as guest physical
+ * address and given a host ring-0 address type?
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ RTR0PTR Address,
+ void const *pvValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Request MMIO read.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param Address Guest physical address.
+ * @param pvValue Place to store read value.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @todo Why is this @a Address documented as guest physical
+ * address and given a host ring-0 address type?
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ RTR0PTR Address,
+ void *pvValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Host PCI config space accessors.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Request driver to write value to host device's PCI config space.
+ * Host specific way (PIO or MCFG) is used to perform actual operation.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param offCfgSpace Offset in PCI config space.
+ * @param pvValue Value to write.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ uint32_t offCfgSpace,
+ void *pvValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Request driver to read value from host device's PCI config space.
+ * Host specific way (PIO or MCFG) is used to perform actual operation.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param offCfgSpace Offset in PCI config space.
+ * @param pvValue Where to store read value.
+ * @param cb Access width.
+ *
+ * @thread EMT thread.
+ */
+ uint32_t offCfgSpace,
+ void *pvValue,
+ unsigned cb));
+ /**
+ * Request to enable interrupt notifications. Please note that this is purely
+ * R3 interface, so it's up to implementor to perform necessary machinery
+ * for communications with host OS kernel driver. Typical implementation will start
+ * userland thread waiting on shared semaphore (such as using SUPSEMEVENT),
+ * notified by the kernel interrupt handler, and then will call
+ * upper port pfnInterruptRequest() based on data provided by the driver.
+ * This apporach is taken, as calling VBox code from an asyncronous R0
+ * interrupt handler when VMM may not be even running doesn't look
+ * like a good idea.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param uGuestIrq Guest IRQ to be passed to pfnInterruptRequest().
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread, pfnInterruptRequest() will be usually invoked on a dedicated thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnEnableInterruptNotifications, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface, uint8_t uGuestIrq));
+ /**
+ * Request to disable interrupt notifications.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnDisableInterruptNotifications, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface));
+ /** @name Notification APIs.
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Notify driver when raw PCI device construction starts.
+ *
+ * Have to be the first operation as initializes internal state and opens host
+ * device driver.
+ *
+ * @returns status code
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param uHostPciAddress Host PCI address of device attached.
+ * @param uGuestPciAddress Guest PCI address of device attached.
+ * @param pszDeviceName Human readable device name.
+ * @param fDeviceFlags Flags for the host device.
+ * @param pfFlags Flags for virtual device, from the upper driver.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPciDeviceConstructStart, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface,
+ uint32_t uHostPciAddress,
+ uint32_t uGuestPciAddress,
+ const char *pszDeviceName,
+ uint32_t fDeviceFlags,
+ uint32_t *pfFlags));
+ /**
+ * Notify driver when raw PCI device construction completes, so that it may
+ * perform further actions depending on success or failure of this operation.
+ * Standard action is to raise global IHostPciDevicePlugEvent.
+ *
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param rc Result code of the operation.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnPciDeviceConstructComplete, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface, int rc));
+ /**
+ * Notify driver on finalization of raw PCI device.
+ *
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param fFlags Flags.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPciDeviceDestruct, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface, uint32_t fFlags));
+ /**
+ * Notify driver on guest power state change.
+ *
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param enmState New power state.
+ * @param pu64Param State-specific in/out parameter. For now only used during power-on to provide VM caps.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPciDevicePowerStateChange, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface,
+ uint64_t *pu64Param));
+ /**
+ * Notify driver about runtime error.
+ *
+ * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure.
+ * @param fFatal If error is fatal.
+ * @param pszErrorId Error ID.
+ * @param pszMessage Error message.
+ *
+ * @thread Any thread.
+ */
+ DECLR3CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnReportRuntimeError, (PPDMIPCIRAWUP pInterface,
+ bool fFatal,
+ const char *pszErrorId,
+ const char *pszMessage));
+ /** @} */
+ * Init R0 PCI module.
+ */
+PCIRAWR0DECL(int) PciRawR0Init(void);
+ * Process request (in R0).
+ */
+ * Terminate R0 PCI module.
+ */
+PCIRAWR0DECL(void) PciRawR0Term(void);
+ * Per-VM R0 module init.
+ */
+ * Per-VM R0 module termination routine.
+ */
+ * Flags returned by pfnPciDeviceConstructStart(), to notify device
+ * how it shall handle device IO traffic.
+ */
+ /** Intercept port IO (R3 PIO always go to the driver). */
+ /** Intercept MMIO. */
+ /** Allow bus mastering by physical device (requires IOMMU). */
+ /** Allow R3 MMIO mapping. */
+ /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */
+ PCIRAWRFLAG_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff
+#define PDMIPCIRAWUP_IID "06daa17f-097b-4ebe-a626-15f467b1de12"
+#define PDMIPCIRAW_IID "68c6e4c4-4223-47e0-9134-e3c297992543"
+/** @} */
+#endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_vmm_pdmpci_h */