.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.6. .TH VBOXCONTROL "8" "January 2019" "VBoxControl" "System Administration Utilities" .SH NAME VBoxControl \- x86 virtualization solution .SH DESCRIPTION Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions Command Line Management Interface (C) 2008\-2019 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved. .PP Usage: .PP VBoxControl [\-V|\-\-version] print version number and exit VBoxControl \fB\-\-nologo\fR ... suppress the logo .PP VBoxControl guestproperty get [\-\-verbose] VBoxControl guestproperty set [ [\-\-flags ]] VBoxControl guestproperty delete|unset VBoxControl guestproperty enumerate [\-\-patterns ] VBoxControl guestproperty wait .TP [\-\-timestamp ] [\-\-timeout .PP VBoxControl sharedfolder list [\-\-automount] VBoxControl writecoredump VBoxControl writelog [\-n|\-\-no\-newline] [\-\-] VBoxControl takesnapshot VBoxControl savestate VBoxControl suspend VBoxControl poweroff VBoxControl help [command] VBoxControl version