path: root/src/tools/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-21 11:54:28 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-21 11:54:28 +0000
commite6918187568dbd01842d8d1d2c808ce16a894239 (patch)
tree64f88b554b444a49f656b6c656111a145cbbaa28 /src/tools/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 18.2.2.upstream/18.2.2
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/ b/src/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfa600e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#include "kvstore_tool.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "common/errno.h"
+#include "common/url_escape.h"
+#include "common/pretty_binary.h"
+#include "include/buffer.h"
+#include "kv/KeyValueDB.h"
+#include "kv/KeyValueHistogram.h"
+using namespace std;
+StoreTool::StoreTool(const string& type,
+ const string& path,
+ bool to_repair,
+ bool need_stats)
+ : store_path(path)
+ if (need_stats) {
+ g_conf()->rocksdb_perf = true;
+ g_conf()->rocksdb_collect_compaction_stats = true;
+ }
+ if (type == "bluestore-kv") {
+ if (load_bluestore(path, to_repair) != 0)
+ exit(1);
+ cerr << "bluestore not compiled in" << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ auto db_ptr = KeyValueDB::create(g_ceph_context, type, path);
+ if (!to_repair) {
+ if (int r = db_ptr->open(std::cerr); r < 0) {
+ cerr << "failed to open type " << type << " path " << path << ": "
+ << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ db.reset(db_ptr);
+ }
+int StoreTool::load_bluestore(const string& path, bool to_repair)
+ auto bluestore = new BlueStore(g_ceph_context, path);
+ KeyValueDB *db_ptr;
+ int r = bluestore->open_db_environment(&db_ptr, to_repair);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ db = decltype(db){db_ptr, Deleter(bluestore)};
+ return 0;
+uint32_t StoreTool::traverse(const string& prefix,
+ const bool do_crc,
+ const bool do_value_dump,
+ ostream *out)
+ KeyValueDB::WholeSpaceIterator iter = db->get_wholespace_iterator();
+ if (prefix.empty())
+ iter->seek_to_first();
+ else
+ iter->seek_to_first(prefix);
+ uint32_t crc = -1;
+ while (iter->valid()) {
+ pair<string,string> rk = iter->raw_key();
+ if (!prefix.empty() && (rk.first != prefix))
+ break;
+ if (out)
+ *out << url_escape(rk.first) << "\t" << url_escape(rk.second);
+ if (do_crc) {
+ bufferlist bl;
+ bl.append(rk.first);
+ bl.append(rk.second);
+ bl.append(iter->value());
+ crc = bl.crc32c(crc);
+ if (out) {
+ *out << "\t" << bl.crc32c(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (out)
+ *out << std::endl;
+ if (out && do_value_dump) {
+ bufferptr bp = iter->value_as_ptr();
+ bufferlist value;
+ value.append(bp);
+ ostringstream os;
+ value.hexdump(os);
+ std::cout << os.str() << std::endl;
+ }
+ iter->next();
+ }
+ return crc;
+void StoreTool::list(const string& prefix, const bool do_crc,
+ const bool do_value_dump)
+ traverse(prefix, do_crc, do_value_dump,& std::cout);
+bool StoreTool::exists(const string& prefix)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty());
+ KeyValueDB::WholeSpaceIterator iter = db->get_wholespace_iterator();
+ iter->seek_to_first(prefix);
+ return (iter->valid() && (iter->raw_key().first == prefix));
+bool StoreTool::exists(const string& prefix, const string& key)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty());
+ if (key.empty()) {
+ return exists(prefix);
+ }
+ bool exists = false;
+ get(prefix, key, exists);
+ return exists;
+bufferlist StoreTool::get(const string& prefix,
+ const string& key,
+ bool& exists)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty() && !key.empty());
+ map<string,bufferlist> result;
+ std::set<std::string> keys;
+ keys.insert(key);
+ db->get(prefix, keys, &result);
+ if (result.count(key) > 0) {
+ exists = true;
+ return result[key];
+ } else {
+ exists = false;
+ return bufferlist();
+ }
+uint64_t StoreTool::get_size()
+ map<string,uint64_t> extras;
+ uint64_t s = db->get_estimated_size(extras);
+ for (auto& [name, size] : extras) {
+ std::cout << name << " - " << size << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "total: " << s << std::endl;
+ return s;
+bool StoreTool::set(const string &prefix, const string &key, bufferlist &val)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty());
+ ceph_assert(!key.empty());
+ ceph_assert(val.length() > 0);
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction tx = db->get_transaction();
+ tx->set(prefix, key, val);
+ int ret = db->submit_transaction_sync(tx);
+ return (ret == 0);
+bool StoreTool::rm(const string& prefix, const string& key)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty());
+ ceph_assert(!key.empty());
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction tx = db->get_transaction();
+ tx->rmkey(prefix, key);
+ int ret = db->submit_transaction_sync(tx);
+ return (ret == 0);
+bool StoreTool::rm_prefix(const string& prefix)
+ ceph_assert(!prefix.empty());
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction tx = db->get_transaction();
+ tx->rmkeys_by_prefix(prefix);
+ int ret = db->submit_transaction_sync(tx);
+ return (ret == 0);
+void StoreTool::print_summary(const uint64_t total_keys, const uint64_t total_size,
+ const uint64_t total_txs, const string& store_path,
+ const string& other_path, const int duration) const
+ std::cout << "summary:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " copied " << total_keys << " keys" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " used " << total_txs << " transactions" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " total size " << byte_u_t(total_size) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " from '" << store_path << "' to '" << other_path << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " duration " << duration << " seconds" << std::endl;
+int StoreTool::print_stats() const
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ Formatter* f = Formatter::create("json-pretty", "json-pretty", "json-pretty");
+ int ret = -1;
+ if (g_conf()->rocksdb_perf) {
+ db->get_statistics(f);
+ ostr << "db_statistics ";
+ f->flush(ostr);
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ ostr << "db_statistics not enabled";
+ f->flush(ostr);
+ }
+ std::cout << ostr.str() << std::endl;
+ delete f;
+ return ret;
+//Itrerates through the db and collects the stats
+int StoreTool::build_size_histogram(const string& prefix0) const
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ Formatter* f = Formatter::create("json-pretty", "json-pretty", "json-pretty");
+ const size_t MAX_PREFIX = 256;
+ uint64_t num[MAX_PREFIX] = {0};
+ size_t max_key_size = 0, max_value_size = 0;
+ uint64_t total_key_size = 0, total_value_size = 0;
+ size_t key_size = 0, value_size = 0;
+ KeyValueHistogram hist;
+ auto start = coarse_mono_clock::now();
+ auto iter = db->get_iterator(prefix0, KeyValueDB::ITERATOR_NOCACHE);
+ iter->seek_to_first();
+ while (iter->valid()) {
+ pair<string, string> key(iter->raw_key());
+ key_size = key.first.size() + key.second.size();
+ value_size = iter->value().length();
+ hist.value_hist[hist.get_value_slab(value_size)]++;
+ max_key_size = std::max(max_key_size, key_size);
+ max_value_size = std::max(max_value_size, value_size);
+ total_key_size += key_size;
+ total_value_size += value_size;
+ unsigned prefix = key.first[0];
+ ceph_assert(prefix < MAX_PREFIX);
+ num[prefix]++;
+ hist.update_hist_entry(hist.key_hist, key.first, key_size, value_size);
+ iter->next();
+ }
+ ceph::timespan duration = coarse_mono_clock::now() - start;
+ f->open_object_section("rocksdb_key_value_stats");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_PREFIX; ++i) {
+ if (num[i]) {
+ string key = "Records for prefix: ";
+ key += pretty_binary_string(string(1, char(i)));
+ f->dump_unsigned(key, num[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ f->dump_unsigned("max_key_size", max_key_size);
+ f->dump_unsigned("max_value_size", max_value_size);
+ f->dump_unsigned("total_key_size", total_key_size);
+ f->dump_unsigned("total_value_size", total_value_size);
+ hist.dump(f);
+ f->close_section();
+ f->flush(ostr);
+ delete f;
+ std::cout << ostr.str() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << __func__ << " finished in " << duration << " seconds" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+int StoreTool::copy_store_to(const string& type, const string& other_path,
+ const int num_keys_per_tx,
+ const string& other_type)
+ if (num_keys_per_tx <= 0) {
+ std::cerr << "must specify a number of keys/tx > 0" << std::endl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ // open or create a leveldb store at @p other_path
+ boost::scoped_ptr<KeyValueDB> other;
+ KeyValueDB *other_ptr = KeyValueDB::create(g_ceph_context,
+ other_type,
+ other_path);
+ if (int err = other_ptr->create_and_open(std::cerr); err < 0) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ other.reset(other_ptr);
+ KeyValueDB::WholeSpaceIterator it = db->get_wholespace_iterator();
+ it->seek_to_first();
+ uint64_t total_keys = 0;
+ uint64_t total_size = 0;
+ uint64_t total_txs = 0;
+ auto duration = [start=coarse_mono_clock::now()] {
+ const auto now = coarse_mono_clock::now();
+ auto seconds = std::chrono::duration<double>(now - start);
+ return seconds.count();
+ };
+ do {
+ int num_keys = 0;
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction tx = other->get_transaction();
+ while (it->valid() && num_keys < num_keys_per_tx) {
+ auto [prefix, key] = it->raw_key();
+ bufferlist v = it->value();
+ tx->set(prefix, key, v);
+ num_keys++;
+ total_size += v.length();
+ it->next();
+ }
+ total_txs++;
+ total_keys += num_keys;
+ if (num_keys > 0)
+ other->submit_transaction_sync(tx);
+ std::cout << "ts = " << duration() << "s, copied " << total_keys
+ << " keys so far (" << byte_u_t(total_size) << ")"
+ << std::endl;
+ } while (it->valid());
+ print_summary(total_keys, total_size, total_txs, store_path, other_path,
+ duration());
+ return 0;
+void StoreTool::compact()
+ db->compact();
+void StoreTool::compact_prefix(const string& prefix)
+ db->compact_prefix(prefix);
+void StoreTool::compact_range(const string& prefix,
+ const string& start,
+ const string& end)
+ db->compact_range(prefix, start, end);
+int StoreTool::destructive_repair()
+ return db->repair(std::cout);