path: root/src/zstd/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-21 11:54:28 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-21 11:54:28 +0000
commite6918187568dbd01842d8d1d2c808ce16a894239 (patch)
tree64f88b554b444a49f656b6c656111a145cbbaa28 /src/zstd/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 18.2.2.upstream/18.2.2
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/zstd/')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/zstd/ b/src/zstd/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..637e37188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zstd/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# Contributing to Zstandard
+We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as
+## Our Development Process
+New versions are being developed in the "dev" branch,
+or in their own feature branch.
+When they are deemed ready for a release, they are merged into "master".
+As a consequences, all contributions must stage first through "dev"
+or their own feature branch.
+## Pull Requests
+We actively welcome your pull requests.
+1. Fork the repo and create your branch from `dev`.
+2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests.
+3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
+4. Ensure the test suite passes.
+5. Make sure your code lints.
+6. If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").
+## Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")
+In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need
+to do this once to work on any of Facebook's open source projects.
+Complete your CLA here: <>
+## Workflow
+Zstd uses a branch-based workflow for making changes to the codebase. Typically, zstd
+will use a new branch per sizable topic. For smaller changes, it is okay to lump multiple
+related changes into a branch.
+Our contribution process works in three main stages:
+1. Local development
+ * Update:
+ * Checkout your fork of zstd if you have not already
+ ```
+ git checkout<username>/zstd
+ cd zstd
+ ```
+ * Update your local dev branch
+ ```
+ git pull dev
+ git push origin dev
+ ```
+ * Topic and development:
+ * Make a new branch on your fork about the topic you're developing for
+ ```
+ # branch names should be consise but sufficiently informative
+ git checkout -b <branch-name>
+ git push origin <branch-name>
+ ```
+ * Make commits and push
+ ```
+ # make some changes =
+ git add -u && git commit -m <message>
+ git push origin <branch-name>
+ ```
+ * Note: run local tests to ensure that your changes didn't break existing functionality
+ * Quick check
+ ```
+ make shortest
+ ```
+ * Longer check
+ ```
+ make test
+ ```
+2. Code Review and CI tests
+ * Ensure CI tests pass:
+ * Before sharing anything to the community, make sure that all CI tests pass on your local fork.
+ See our section on setting up your CI environment for more information on how to do this.
+ * Ensure that static analysis passes on your development machine. See the Static Analysis section
+ below to see how to do this.
+ * Create a pull request:
+ * When you are ready to share you changes to the community, create a pull request from your branch
+ to facebook:dev. You can do this very easily by clicking 'Create Pull Request' on your fork's home
+ page.
+ * From there, select the branch where you made changes as your source branch and facebook:dev
+ as the destination.
+ * Examine the diff presented between the two branches to make sure there is nothing unexpected.
+ * Write a good pull request description:
+ * While there is no strict template that our contributors follow, we would like them to
+ sufficiently summarize and motivate the changes they are proposing. We recommend all pull requests,
+ at least indirectly, address the following points.
+ * Is this pull request important and why?
+ * Is it addressing an issue? If so, what issue? (provide links for convenience please)
+ * Is this a new feature? If so, why is it useful and/or necessary?
+ * Are there background references and documents that reviewers should be aware of to properly assess this change?
+ * Note: make sure to point out any design and architectural decisions that you made and the rationale behind them.
+ * Note: if you have been working with a specific user and would like them to review your work, make sure you mention them using (@<username>)
+ * Submit the pull request and iterate with feedback.
+3. Merge and Release
+ * Getting approval:
+ * You will have to iterate on your changes with feedback from other collaborators to reach a point
+ where your pull request can be safely merged.
+ * To avoid too many comments on style and convention, make sure that you have a
+ look at our style section below before creating a pull request.
+ * Eventually, someone from the zstd team will approve your pull request and not long after merge it into
+ the dev branch.
+ * Housekeeping:
+ * Most PRs are linked with one or more Github issues. If this is the case for your PR, make sure
+ the corresponding issue is mentioned. If your change 'fixes' or completely addresses the
+ issue at hand, then please indicate this by requesting that an issue be closed by commenting.
+ * Just because your changes have been merged does not mean the topic or larger issue is complete. Remember
+ that the change must make it to an official zstd release for it to be meaningful. We recommend
+ that contributers track the activity on their pull request and corresponding issue(s) page(s) until
+ their change makes it to the next release of zstd. Users will often discover bugs in your code or
+ suggest ways to refine and improve your initial changes even after the pull request is merged.
+## Static Analysis
+Static analysis is a process for examining the correctness or validity of a program without actually
+executing it. It usually helps us find many simple bugs. Zstd uses clang's `scan-build` tool for
+static analysis. You can install it by following the instructions for your OS on
+Once installed, you can ensure that our static analysis tests pass on your local development machine
+by running:
+make staticAnalyze
+In general, you can use `scan-build` to static analyze any build script. For example, to static analyze
+just `contrib/largeNbDicts` and nothing else, you can run:
+scan-build make -C contrib/largeNbDicts largeNbDicts
+## Performance
+Performance is extremely important for zstd and we only merge pull requests whose performance
+landscape and corresponding trade-offs have been adequately analyzed, reproduced, and presented.
+This high bar for performance means that every PR which has the potential to
+impact performance takes a very long time for us to properly review. That being said, we
+always welcome contributions to improve performance (or worsen performance for the trade-off of
+something else). Please keep the following in mind before submitting a performance related PR:
+1. Zstd isn't as old as gzip but it has been around for time now and its evolution is
+very well documented via past Github issues and pull requests. It may be the case that your
+particular performance optimization has already been considered in the past. Please take some
+time to search through old issues and pull requests using keywords specific to your
+would-be PR. Of course, just because a topic has already been discussed (and perhaps rejected
+on some grounds) in the past, doesn't mean it isn't worth bringing up again. But even in that case,
+it will be helpful for you to have context from that topic's history before contributing.
+2. The distinction between noise and actual performance gains can unfortunately be very subtle
+especially when microbenchmarking extremely small wins or losses. The only remedy to getting
+something subtle merged is extensive benchmarking. You will be doing us a great favor if you
+take the time to run extensive, long-duration, and potentially cross-(os, platform, process, etc)
+benchmarks on your end before submitting a PR. Of course, you will not be able to benchmark
+your changes on every single processor and os out there (and neither will we) but do that best
+you can:) We've adding some things to think about when benchmarking below in the Benchmarking
+Performance section which might be helpful for you.
+3. Optimizing performance for a certain OS, processor vendor, compiler, or network system is a perfectly
+legitimate thing to do as long as it does not harm the overall performance health of Zstd.
+This is a hard balance to strike but please keep in mind other aspects of Zstd when
+submitting changes that are clang-specific, windows-specific, etc.
+## Benchmarking Performance
+Performance microbenchmarking is a tricky subject but also essential for Zstd. We value empirical
+testing over theoretical speculation. This guide it not perfect but for most scenarios, it
+is a good place to start.
+### Stability
+Unfortunately, the most important aspect in being able to benchmark reliably is to have a stable
+benchmarking machine. A virtual machine, a machine with shared resources, or your laptop
+will typically not be stable enough to obtain reliable benchmark results. If you can get your
+hands on a desktop, this is usually a better scenario.
+Of course, benchmarking can be done on non-hyper-stable machines as well. You will just have to
+do a little more work to ensure that you are in fact measuring the changes you've made not and
+noise. Here are some things you can do to make your benchmarks more stable:
+1. The most simple thing you can do to drastically improve the stability of your benchmark is
+to run it multiple times and then aggregate the results of those runs. As a general rule of
+thumb, the smaller the change you are trying to measure, the more samples of benchmark runs
+you will have to aggregate over to get reliable results. Here are some additional things to keep in
+mind when running multiple trials:
+ * How you aggregate your samples are important. You might be tempted to use the mean of your
+ results. While this is certainly going to be a more stable number than a raw single sample
+ benchmark number, you might have more luck by taking the median. The mean is not robust to
+ outliers whereas the median is. Better still, you could simply take the fastest speed your
+ benchmark achieved on each run since that is likely the fastest your process will be
+ capable of running your code. In our experience, this (aggregating by just taking the sample
+ with the fastest running time) has been the most stable approach.
+ * The more samples you have, the more stable your benchmarks should be. You can verify
+ your improved stability by looking at the size of your confidence intervals as you
+ increase your sample count. These should get smaller and smaller. Eventually hopefully
+ smaller than the performance win you are expecting.
+ * Most processors will take some time to get `hot` when running anything. The observations
+ you collect during that time period will very different from the true performance number. Having
+ a very large number of sample will help alleviate this problem slightly but you can also
+ address is directly by simply not including the first `n` iterations of your benchmark in
+ your aggregations. You can determine `n` by simply looking at the results from each iteration
+ and then hand picking a good threshold after which the variance in results seems to stabilize.
+2. You cannot really get reliable benchmarks if your host machine is simultaneously running
+another cpu/memory-intensive application in the background. If you are running benchmarks on your
+personal laptop for instance, you should close all applications (including your code editor and
+browser) before running your benchmarks. You might also have invisible background applications
+running. You can see what these are by looking at either Activity Monitor on Mac or Task Manager
+on Windows. You will get more stable benchmark results of you end those processes as well.
+ * If you have multiple cores, you can even run your benchmark on a reserved core to prevent
+ pollution from other OS and user processes. There are a number of ways to do this depending
+ on your OS:
+ * On linux boxes, you have use
+ * On Windows, you can "Set Processor Affinity" using
+ * On Mac, you can try to use their dedicated affinity API
+3. To benchmark, you will likely end up writing a separate c/c++ program that will link libzstd.
+Dynamically linking your library will introduce some added variation (not a large amount but
+definitely some). Statically linking libzstd will be more stable. Static libraries should
+be enabled by default when building zstd.
+4. Use a profiler with a good high resolution timer. See the section below on profiling for
+details on this.
+5. Disable frequency scaling, turbo boost and address space randomization (this will vary by OS)
+6. Try to avoid storage. On some systems you can use tmpfs. Putting the program, inputs and outputs on
+tmpfs avoids touching a real storage system, which can have a pretty big variability.
+Also check our LLVM's guide on benchmarking here:
+### Zstd benchmark
+The fastest signal you can get regarding your performance changes is via the in-build zstd cli
+bench option. You can run Zstd as you typically would for your scenario using some set of options
+and then additionally also specify the `-b#` option. Doing this will run our benchmarking pipeline
+for that options you have just provided. If you want to look at the internals of how this
+benchmarking script works, you can check out programs/benchzstd.c
+For example: say you have made a change that you believe improves the speed of zstd level 1. The
+very first thing you should use to asses whether you actually achieved any sort of improvement
+is `zstd -b`. You might try to do something like this. Note: you can use the `-i` option to
+specify a running time for your benchmark in seconds (default is 3 seconds).
+Usually, the longer the running time, the more stable your results will be.
+$ git checkout <commit-before-your-change>
+$ make && cp zstd zstd-old
+$ git checkout <commit-after-your-change>
+$ make && cp zstd zstd-new
+$ zstd-old -i5 -b1 <your-test-data>
+ 1<your-test-data> : 8990 -> 3992 (2.252), 302.6 MB/s , 626.4 MB/s
+$ zstd-new -i5 -b1 <your-test-data>
+ 1<your-test-data> : 8990 -> 3992 (2.252), 302.8 MB/s , 628.4 MB/s
+Unless your performance win is large enough to be visible despite the intrinsic noise
+on your computer, benchzstd alone will likely not be enough to validate the impact of your
+changes. For example, the results of the example above indicate that effectively nothing
+changed but there could be a small <3% improvement that the noise on the host machine
+obscured. So unless you see a large performance win (10-15% consistently) using just
+this method of evaluation will not be sufficient.
+### Profiling
+There are a number of great profilers out there. We're going to briefly mention how you can
+profile your code using `instruments` on mac, `perf` on linux and `visual studio profiler`
+on windows.
+Say you have an idea for a change that you think will provide some good performance gains
+for level 1 compression on Zstd. Typically this means, you have identified a section of
+code that you think can be made to run faster.
+The first thing you will want to do is make sure that the piece of code is actually taking up
+a notable amount of time to run. It is usually not worth optimzing something which accounts for less than
+0.0001% of the total running time. Luckily, there are tools to help with this.
+Profilers will let you see how much time your code spends inside a particular function.
+If your target code snippit is only part of a function, it might be worth trying to
+isolate that snippit by moving it to its own function (this is usually not necessary but
+might be).
+Most profilers (including the profilers dicusssed below) will generate a call graph of
+functions for you. Your goal will be to find your function of interest in this call grapch
+and then inspect the time spent inside of it. You might also want to to look at the
+annotated assembly which most profilers will provide you with.
+#### Instruments
+We will once again consider the scenario where you think you've identified a piece of code
+whose performance can be improved upon. Follow these steps to profile your code using
+1. Open Instruments
+2. Select `Time Profiler` from the list of standard templates
+3. Close all other applications except for your instruments window and your terminal
+4. Run your benchmarking script from your terminal window
+ * You will want a benchmark that runs for at least a few seconds (5 seconds will
+ usually be long enough). This way the profiler will have something to work with
+ and you will have ample time to attach your profiler to this process:)
+ * I will just use benchzstd as my bencharmking script for this example:
+$ zstd -b1 -i5 <my-data> # this will run for 5 seconds
+5. Once you run your benchmarking script, switch back over to instruments and attach your
+process to the time profiler. You can do this by:
+ * Clicking on the `All Processes` drop down in the top left of the toolbar.
+ * Selecting your process from the dropdown. In my case, it is just going to be labled
+ `zstd`
+ * Hitting the bright red record circle button on the top left of the toolbar
+6. You profiler will now start collecting metrics from your bencharking script. Once
+you think you have collected enough samples (usually this is the case after 3 seconds of
+recording), stop your profiler.
+7. Make sure that in toolbar of the bottom window, `profile` is selected.
+8. You should be able to see your call graph.
+ * If you don't see the call graph or an incomplete call graph, make sure you have compiled
+ zstd and your benchmarking scripg using debug flags. On mac and linux, this just means
+ you will have to supply the `-g` flag alone with your build script. You might also
+ have to provide the `-fno-omit-frame-pointer` flag
+9. Dig down the graph to find your function call and then inspect it by double clicking
+the list item. You will be able to see the annotated source code and the assembly side by
+#### Perf
+This wiki has a pretty detailed tutorial on getting started working with perf so we'll
+leave you to check that out of you're getting started:
+Some general notes on perf:
+* Use `perf stat -r # <bench-program>` to quickly get some relevant timing and
+counter statistics. Perf uses a high resolution timer and this is likely one
+of the first things your team will run when assessing your PR.
+* Perf has a long list of hardware counters that can be viewed with `perf --list`.
+When measuring optimizations, something worth trying is to make sure the handware
+counters you expect to be impacted by your change are in fact being so. For example,
+if you expect the L1 cache misses to decrease with your change, you can look at the
+counter `L1-dcache-load-misses`
+* Perf hardware counters will not work on a virtual machine.
+#### Visual Studio
+## Setting up continuous integration (CI) on your fork
+Zstd uses a number of different continuous integration (CI) tools to ensure that new changes
+are well tested before they make it to an official release. Specifically, we use the platforms
+travis-ci, circle-ci, and appveyor.
+Changes cannot be merged into the main dev branch unless they pass all of our CI tests.
+The easiest way to run these CI tests on your own before submitting a PR to our dev branch
+is to configure your personal fork of zstd with each of the CI platforms. Below, you'll find
+instructions for doing this.
+### travis-ci
+Follow these steps to link travis-ci with your github fork of zstd
+1. Make sure you are logged into your github account
+2. Go to
+3. Click 'Sign in with Github' on the top right
+4. Click 'Authorize travis-ci'
+5. Click 'Activate all repositories using Github Apps'
+6. Select 'Only select repositories' and select your fork of zstd from the drop down
+7. Click 'Approve and Install'
+8. Click 'Sign in with Github' again. This time, it will be for travis-pro (which will let you view your tests on the web dashboard)
+9. Click 'Authorize travis-pro'
+10. You should have travis set up on your fork now.
+### circle-ci
+### appveyor
+Follow these steps to link circle-ci with your girhub fork of zstd
+1. Make sure you are logged into your github account
+2. Go to
+3. Click 'Sign in' on the top right
+4. Select 'Github' on the left panel
+5. Click 'Authorize appveyor'
+6. You might be asked to select which repositories you want to give appveyor permission to. Select your fork of zstd if you're prompted
+7. You should have appveyor set up on your fork now.
+### General notes on CI
+CI tests run every time a pull request (PR) is created or updated. The exact tests
+that get run will depend on the destination branch you specify. Some tests take
+longer to run than others. Currently, our CI is set up to run a short
+series of tests when creating a PR to the dev branch and a longer series of tests
+when creating a PR to the master branch. You can look in the configuration files
+of the respective CI platform for more information on what gets run when.
+Most people will just want to create a PR with the destination set to their local dev
+branch of zstd. You can then find the status of the tests on the PR's page. You can also
+re-run tests and cancel running tests from the PR page or from the respective CI's dashboard.
+## Issues
+We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is
+clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.
+Facebook has a [bounty program]( for the safe
+disclosure of security bugs. In those cases, please go through the process
+outlined on that page and do not file a public issue.
+## Coding Style
+* 4 spaces for indentation rather than tabs
+## License
+By contributing to Zstandard, you agree that your contributions will be licensed
+under both the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file and the [COPYING](COPYING) file in the root directory of this source tree.