path: root/doc/cephadm/services/custom-container.rst
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diff --git a/doc/cephadm/services/custom-container.rst b/doc/cephadm/services/custom-container.rst
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+Custom Container Service
+The orchestrator enables custom containers to be deployed using a YAML file.
+A corresponding :ref:`orchestrator-cli-service-spec` must look like:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ service_type: container
+ service_id: foo
+ placement:
+ ...
+ spec:
+ image:
+ entrypoint: /usr/bin/foo
+ uid: 1000
+ gid: 1000
+ args:
+ - "--net=host"
+ - "--cpus=2"
+ ports:
+ - 8080
+ - 8443
+ envs:
+ - SECRET=mypassword
+ - PORT=8080
+ - PUID=1000
+ - PGID=1000
+ volume_mounts:
+ CONFIG_DIR: /etc/foo
+ bind_mounts:
+ - ['type=bind', 'source=lib/modules', 'destination=/lib/modules', 'ro=true']
+ dirs:
+ files:
+ CONFIG_DIR/foo.conf:
+ - refresh=true
+ - username=xyz
+ - "port: 1234"
+where the properties of a service specification are:
+* ``service_id``
+ A unique name of the service.
+* ``image``
+ The name of the Docker image.
+* ``uid``
+ The UID to use when creating directories and files in the host system.
+* ``gid``
+ The GID to use when creating directories and files in the host system.
+* ``entrypoint``
+ Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.
+* ``args``
+ A list of additional Podman/Docker command line arguments.
+* ``ports``
+ A list of TCP ports to open in the host firewall.
+* ``envs``
+ A list of environment variables.
+* ``bind_mounts``
+ When you use a bind mount, a file or directory on the host machine
+ is mounted into the container. Relative `source=...` paths will be
+ located below `/var/lib/ceph/<cluster-fsid>/<daemon-name>`.
+* ``volume_mounts``
+ When you use a volume mount, a new directory is created within
+ Docker’s storage directory on the host machine, and Docker manages
+ that directory’s contents. Relative source paths will be located below
+ `/var/lib/ceph/<cluster-fsid>/<daemon-name>`.
+* ``dirs``
+ A list of directories that are created below
+ `/var/lib/ceph/<cluster-fsid>/<daemon-name>`.
+* ``files``
+ A dictionary, where the key is the relative path of the file and the
+ value the file content. The content must be double quoted when using
+ a string. Use '\\n' for line breaks in that case. Otherwise define
+ multi-line content as list of strings. The given files will be created
+ below the directory `/var/lib/ceph/<cluster-fsid>/<daemon-name>`.
+ The absolute path of the directory where the file will be created must
+ exist. Use the `dirs` property to create them if necessary.