path: root/qa/tasks/cephfs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/tasks/cephfs/ b/qa/tasks/cephfs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89f6b6639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/tasks/cephfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+import errno
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from io import StringIO
+from textwrap import dedent
+from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries
+from tasks.cephfs.mount import CephFSMount, UMOUNT_TIMEOUT
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# internal metadata directory
+class KernelMount(CephFSMount):
+ def __init__(self, ctx, test_dir, client_id, client_remote,
+ client_keyring_path=None, hostfs_mntpt=None,
+ cephfs_name=None, cephfs_mntpt=None, brxnet=None,
+ client_config={}):
+ super(KernelMount, self).__init__(ctx=ctx, test_dir=test_dir,
+ client_id=client_id, client_remote=client_remote,
+ client_keyring_path=client_keyring_path, hostfs_mntpt=hostfs_mntpt,
+ cephfs_name=cephfs_name, cephfs_mntpt=cephfs_mntpt, brxnet=brxnet,
+ client_config=client_config)
+ if client_config.get('debug', False):
+["sudo", "bash", "-c", "echo 'module ceph +p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control"])
+["sudo", "bash", "-c", "echo 'module libceph +p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control"])
+ self.dynamic_debug = self.client_config.get('dynamic_debug', False)
+ self.rbytes = self.client_config.get('rbytes', False)
+ self.snapdirname = client_config.get('snapdirname', '.snap')
+ self.syntax_style = self.client_config.get('syntax', 'v2')
+ self.inst = None
+ self.addr = None
+ self._mount_bin = ['adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', self.test_dir +\
+ '/archive/coverage', '/bin/mount', '-t', 'ceph']
+ def mount(self, mntopts=None, check_status=True, **kwargs):
+ self.update_attrs(**kwargs)
+ self.assert_and_log_minimum_mount_details()
+ self.setup_netns()
+ if not self.cephfs_mntpt:
+ self.cephfs_mntpt = '/'
+ if not self.cephfs_name:
+ self.cephfs_name = 'cephfs'
+ self._create_mntpt()
+ retval = self._run_mount_cmd(mntopts, check_status)
+ if retval:
+ return retval
+ self._set_filemode_on_mntpt()
+ if self.dynamic_debug:
+ kmount_count = self.ctx.get(f'kmount_count.{self.client_remote.hostname}', 0)
+ if kmount_count == 0:
+ self.enable_dynamic_debug()
+ self.ctx[f'kmount_count.{self.client_remote.hostname}'] = kmount_count + 1
+ try:
+ self.gather_mount_info()
+ except:
+ log.warn('failed to fetch mount info - tests depending on mount addr/inst may fail!')
+ def gather_mount_info(self):
+ = self._get_global_id()
+ self.get_global_inst()
+ self.get_global_addr()
+ def _run_mount_cmd(self, mntopts, check_status):
+ mount_cmd = self._get_mount_cmd(mntopts)
+ mountcmd_stdout, mountcmd_stderr = StringIO(), StringIO()
+ try:
+, timeout=300,
+ stdout=mountcmd_stdout,
+ stderr=mountcmd_stderr, omit_sudo=False)
+ except CommandFailedError as e:
+'mount command failed')
+ if check_status:
+ raise
+ else:
+ return (e, mountcmd_stdout.getvalue(),
+ mountcmd_stderr.getvalue())
+'mount command passed')
+ def _make_mount_cmd_old_or_new_style(self):
+ optd = {}
+ mnt_stx = ''
+ self.validate_subvol_options()
+ assert(self.cephfs_mntpt)
+ if self.syntax_style == 'v1':
+ mnt_stx = f':{self.cephfs_mntpt}'
+ if self.client_id:
+ optd['name'] = self.client_id
+ if self.cephfs_name:
+ optd['mds_namespace'] = self.cephfs_name
+ elif self.syntax_style == 'v2':
+ mnt_stx = f'{self.client_id}@.{self.cephfs_name}={self.cephfs_mntpt}'
+ else:
+ assert 0, f'invalid syntax style: {self.syntax_style}'
+ return (mnt_stx, optd)
+ def _get_mount_cmd(self, mntopts):
+ opts = 'norequire_active_mds'
+ if self.client_keyring_path and self.client_id:
+ opts += ',secret=' + self.get_key_from_keyfile()
+ if self.config_path:
+ opts += ',conf=' + self.config_path
+ if self.rbytes:
+ opts += ",rbytes"
+ else:
+ opts += ",norbytes"
+ if self.snapdirname != '.snap':
+ opts += f',snapdirname={self.snapdirname}'
+ mount_cmd = ['sudo'] + self._nsenter_args
+ stx_opt = self._make_mount_cmd_old_or_new_style()
+ for opt_name, opt_val in stx_opt[1].items():
+ opts += f',{opt_name}={opt_val}'
+ if mntopts:
+ opts += ',' + ','.join(mntopts)
+'mounting using device: {stx_opt[0]}')
+ # do not fall-back to old-style mount (catch new-style
+ # mount syntax bugs in the kernel). exclude this config
+ # when using v1-style syntax, since old mount helpers
+ # (pre-quincy) would pass this option to the kernel.
+ if self.syntax_style != 'v1':
+ opts += ",nofallback"
+ mount_cmd += self._mount_bin + [stx_opt[0], self.hostfs_mntpt, '-v',
+ '-o', opts]
+ return mount_cmd
+ def umount(self, force=False):
+ if not self.is_mounted():
+ self.cleanup()
+ return
+ if self.is_blocked():
+ self._run_umount_lf()
+ self.cleanup()
+ return
+ log.debug('Unmounting client client.{id}...'.format(id=self.client_id))
+ try:
+ cmd=['sudo', 'umount', self.hostfs_mntpt]
+ if force:
+ cmd.append('-f')
+, timeout=UMOUNT_TIMEOUT, omit_sudo=False)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug('Killing processes on client.{id}...'.format(id=self.client_id))
+ args=['sudo', run.Raw('PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH'), 'lsof',
+ run.Raw(';'), 'ps', 'auxf'],
+ timeout=UMOUNT_TIMEOUT, omit_sudo=False)
+ raise e
+ if self.dynamic_debug:
+ kmount_count = self.ctx.get(f'kmount_count.{self.client_remote.hostname}')
+ assert kmount_count
+ if kmount_count == 1:
+ self.disable_dynamic_debug()
+ self.ctx[f'kmount_count.{self.client_remote.hostname}'] = kmount_count - 1
+ self.cleanup()
+ def umount_wait(self, force=False, require_clean=False,
+ timeout=UMOUNT_TIMEOUT):
+ """
+ Unlike the fuse client, the kernel client's umount is immediate
+ """
+ if not self.is_mounted():
+ self.cleanup()
+ return
+ try:
+ self.umount(force)
+ except (CommandFailedError, MaxWhileTries):
+ if not force:
+ raise
+ # force delete the netns and umount
+ self._run_umount_lf()
+ self.cleanup()
+ def wait_until_mounted(self):
+ """
+ Unlike the fuse client, the kernel client is up and running as soon
+ as the initial mount() function returns.
+ """
+ assert self.is_mounted()
+ def teardown(self):
+ super(KernelMount, self).teardown()
+ if self.is_mounted():
+ self.umount()
+ def _get_debug_dir(self):
+ """
+ Get the debugfs folder for this mount
+ """
+ cluster_name = 'ceph'
+ fsid = self.ctx.ceph[cluster_name].fsid
+ global_id = self._get_global_id()
+ return os.path.join("/sys/kernel/debug/ceph/", f"{fsid}.client{global_id}")
+ def read_debug_file(self, filename):
+ """
+ Read the debug file "filename", return None if the file doesn't exist.
+ """
+ path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), filename)
+ stdout = StringIO()
+ stderr = StringIO()
+ try:
+ self.run_shell_payload(f"sudo dd if={path}", timeout=(5 * 60),
+ stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+ return stdout.getvalue()
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ if 'no such file or directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower():
+ return errno.ENOENT
+ elif 'not a directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower():
+ return errno.ENOTDIR
+ elif 'permission denied' in stderr.getvalue().lower():
+ return errno.EACCES
+ raise
+ def _get_global_id(self):
+ try:
+ p = self.run_shell_payload("getfattr --only-values -n ceph.client_id .", stdout=StringIO())
+ v = p.stdout.getvalue()
+ prefix = "client"
+ assert v.startswith(prefix)
+ return int(v[len(prefix):])
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ # Probably this fallback can be deleted in a few releases when the kernel xattr is widely available.
+ log.debug("Falling back to messy global_id lookup via /sys...")
+ pyscript = dedent("""
+ import glob
+ import os
+ import json
+ def get_id_to_dir():
+ result = {}
+ for dir in glob.glob("/sys/kernel/debug/ceph/*"):
+ if os.path.basename(dir) == DEBUGFS_META_DIR:
+ continue
+ mds_sessions_lines = open(os.path.join(dir, "mds_sessions")).readlines()
+ global_id = mds_sessions_lines[0].split()[1].strip('"')
+ client_id = mds_sessions_lines[1].split()[1].strip('"')
+ result[client_id] = global_id
+ return result
+ print(json.dumps(get_id_to_dir()))
+ """)
+ output =[
+ 'sudo', 'python3', '-c', pyscript
+ ], timeout=(5*60))
+ client_id_to_global_id = json.loads(output)
+ try:
+ return client_id_to_global_id[self.client_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ log.error("Client id '{0}' debug dir not found (clients seen were: {1})".format(
+ self.client_id, ",".join(client_id_to_global_id.keys())
+ ))
+ raise
+ def _dynamic_debug_control(self, enable):
+ """
+ Write to dynamic debug control file.
+ """
+ if enable:
+ fdata = "module ceph +p"
+ else:
+ fdata = "module ceph -p"
+ self.run_shell_payload(f"""
+sudo modprobe ceph
+echo '{fdata}' | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control
+ def enable_dynamic_debug(self):
+ """
+ Enable the dynamic debug.
+ """
+ self._dynamic_debug_control(True)
+ def disable_dynamic_debug(self):
+ """
+ Disable the dynamic debug.
+ """
+ self._dynamic_debug_control(False)
+ def get_global_id(self):
+ """
+ Look up the CephFS client ID for this mount, using debugfs.
+ """
+ assert self.is_mounted()
+ return self._get_global_id()
+ @property
+ def _global_addr(self):
+ if self.addr is not None:
+ return self.addr
+ # The first line of the "status" file's output will be something
+ # like:
+ # "instance: client.4297 (0)"
+ # What we need here is only the string ""
+ status = self.read_debug_file("status")
+ if status is None:
+ return None
+ instance = re.findall(r'instance:.*', status)[0]
+ self.addr = instance.split()[2].split(')')[1]
+ return self.addr;
+ @property
+ def _global_inst(self):
+ if self.inst is not None:
+ return self.inst
+ client_gid = "client%d" % self.get_global_id()
+ self.inst = " ".join([client_gid, self._global_addr])
+ return self.inst
+ def get_global_inst(self):
+ """
+ Look up the CephFS client instance for this mount
+ """
+ return self._global_inst
+ def get_global_addr(self):
+ """
+ Look up the CephFS client addr for this mount
+ """
+ return self._global_addr
+ def get_osd_epoch(self):
+ """
+ Return 2-tuple of osd_epoch, osd_epoch_barrier
+ """
+ osd_map = self.read_debug_file("osdmap")
+ assert osd_map
+ lines = osd_map.split("\n")
+ first_line_tokens = lines[0].split()
+ epoch, barrier = int(first_line_tokens[1]), int(first_line_tokens[3])
+ return epoch, barrier
+ def get_op_read_count(self):
+ stdout = StringIO()
+ stderr = StringIO()
+ try:
+ path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), "metrics/size")
+ self.run_shell(f"sudo stat {path}", stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr, cwd=None)
+ buf = self.read_debug_file("metrics/size")
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ if 'no such file or directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower() \
+ or 'not a directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower():
+ try:
+ path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), "metrics")
+ self.run_shell(f"sudo stat {path}", stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr, cwd=None)
+ buf = self.read_debug_file("metrics")
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ return errno.ENOENT
+ else:
+ return 0
+ return int(re.findall(r'read.*', buf)[0].split()[1])