path: root/qa/tasks/mgr/dashboard/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/tasks/mgr/dashboard/ b/qa/tasks/mgr/dashboard/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2ffbd48e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/tasks/mgr/dashboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import time
+from .helper import DashboardTestCase, JLeaf, JList, JObj
+class RbdTest(DashboardTestCase):
+ AUTH_ROLES = ['pool-manager', 'block-manager', 'cluster-manager']
+ LIST_VERSION = '2.0'
+ @DashboardTestCase.RunAs('test', 'test', [{'rbd-image': ['create', 'update', 'delete']}])
+ def test_read_access_permissions(self):
+ self._get('/api/block/image?offset=0&limit=-1&search=&sort=+name',
+ version=RbdTest.LIST_VERSION)
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.get_image('pool', None, 'image')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ @DashboardTestCase.RunAs('test', 'test', [{'rbd-image': ['read', 'update', 'delete']}])
+ def test_create_access_permissions(self):
+ self.create_image('pool', None, 'name', 0)
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.create_snapshot('pool', None, 'image', 'snapshot', False)
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.copy_image('src_pool', None, 'src_image', 'dest_pool', None, 'dest_image')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.clone_image('parent_pool', None, 'parent_image', 'parent_snap', 'pool', None, 'name')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ @DashboardTestCase.RunAs('test', 'test', [{'rbd-image': ['read', 'create', 'delete']}])
+ def test_update_access_permissions(self):
+ self.edit_image('pool', None, 'image')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.update_snapshot('pool', None, 'image', 'snapshot', None, None)
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.rollback_snapshot('rbd', None, 'rollback_img', 'snap1')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.flatten_image('pool', None, 'image')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ @DashboardTestCase.RunAs('test', 'test', [{'rbd-image': ['read', 'create', 'update']}])
+ def test_delete_access_permissions(self):
+ self.remove_image('pool', None, 'image')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ self.remove_snapshot('pool', None, 'image', 'snapshot')
+ self.assertStatus(403)
+ @classmethod
+ def create_namespace(cls, pool, namespace):
+ data = {'namespace': namespace}
+ return cls._post('/api/block/pool/{}/namespace'.format(pool), data)
+ @classmethod
+ def remove_namespace(cls, pool, namespace):
+ return cls._delete('/api/block/pool/{}/namespace/{}'.format(pool, namespace))
+ @classmethod
+ def create_image(cls, pool, namespace, name, size, **kwargs):
+ data = {'name': name, 'pool_name': pool, 'namespace': namespace, 'size': size}
+ data.update(kwargs)
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image', data)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_image(cls, pool, namespace, name):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._get('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}'.format(pool, namespace, name))
+ @classmethod
+ def clone_image(cls, parent_pool, parent_namespace, parent_image, parent_snap, pool, namespace,
+ name, **kwargs):
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ data = {'child_image_name': name, 'child_namespace': namespace, 'child_pool_name': pool}
+ data.update(kwargs)
+ parent_namespace = '{}%2F'.format(parent_namespace) if parent_namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/snap/{}/clone'
+ .format(parent_pool, parent_namespace, parent_image, parent_snap),
+ data)
+ @classmethod
+ def copy_image(cls, src_pool, src_namespace, src_image, dest_pool, dest_namespace, dest_image,
+ **kwargs):
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ data = {'dest_image_name': dest_image,
+ 'dest_pool_name': dest_pool,
+ 'dest_namespace': dest_namespace}
+ data.update(kwargs)
+ src_namespace = '{}%2F'.format(src_namespace) if src_namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/copy'
+ .format(src_pool, src_namespace, src_image), data)
+ @classmethod
+ def remove_image(cls, pool, namespace, image):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_delete('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}'.format(pool, namespace, image))
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ @classmethod
+ def edit_image(cls, pool, namespace, image, name=None, size=None, features=None, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.update({'name': name, 'size': size, 'features': features})
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_put('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}'.format(pool, namespace, image), kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def flatten_image(cls, pool, namespace, image):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/flatten'.format(pool, namespace, image))
+ @classmethod
+ def create_snapshot(cls, pool, namespace, image, snapshot, mirrorImageSnapshot):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/snap'.format(pool, namespace, image),
+ {'snapshot_name': snapshot, 'mirrorImageSnapshot': mirrorImageSnapshot}) # noqa E501 #pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ @classmethod
+ def remove_snapshot(cls, pool, namespace, image, snapshot):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_delete('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/snap/{}'.format(pool, namespace, image,
+ snapshot))
+ @classmethod
+ def update_snapshot(cls, pool, namespace, image, snapshot, new_name, is_protected):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_put('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/snap/{}'.format(pool, namespace, image,
+ snapshot),
+ {'new_snap_name': new_name, 'is_protected': is_protected})
+ @classmethod
+ def rollback_snapshot(cls, pool, namespace, image, snapshot):
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}{}/snap/{}/rollback'.format(pool,
+ namespace,
+ image,
+ snapshot))
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(RbdTest, cls).setUpClass()
+ cls.create_pool('rbd', 2**3, 'replicated')
+ cls.create_pool('rbd_iscsi', 2**3, 'replicated')
+ cls.create_image('rbd', None, 'img1', 2**30)
+ cls.create_image('rbd', None, 'img2', 2*2**30)
+ cls.create_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1', 2**30)
+ cls.create_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img2', 2*2**30)
+ osd_metadata = cls.ceph_cluster.mon_manager.get_osd_metadata()
+ cls.bluestore_support = True
+ for osd in osd_metadata:
+ if osd['osd_objectstore'] != 'bluestore':
+ cls.bluestore_support = False
+ break
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ super(RbdTest, cls).tearDownClass()
+ cls._ceph_cmd(['osd', 'pool', 'delete', 'rbd', 'rbd', '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it'])
+ cls._ceph_cmd(['osd', 'pool', 'delete', 'rbd_iscsi', 'rbd_iscsi',
+ '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it'])
+ cls._ceph_cmd(['osd', 'pool', 'delete', 'rbd_data', 'rbd_data',
+ '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it'])
+ def create_image_in_trash(self, pool, name, delay=0):
+ self.create_image(pool, None, name, 10240)
+ img = self._get('/api/block/image/{}%2F{}'.format(pool, name))
+ self._task_post("/api/block/image/{}%2F{}/move_trash".format(pool, name),
+ {'delay': delay})
+ self.assertStatus([200, 201])
+ return img['id']
+ @classmethod
+ def remove_trash(cls, pool, image_id, force=False):
+ return cls._task_delete('/api/block/image/trash/{}%2F{}/?force={}'.format(
+ pool, image_id, force))
+ @classmethod
+ def restore_trash(cls, pool, namespace, image_id, new_image_name):
+ data = {'new_image_name': new_image_name}
+ namespace = '{}%2F'.format(namespace) if namespace else ''
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/trash/{}%2F{}{}/restore'.format(pool,
+ namespace,
+ image_id), data)
+ @classmethod
+ def purge_trash(cls, pool):
+ return cls._task_post('/api/block/image/trash/purge?pool_name={}'.format(pool))
+ @classmethod
+ def get_trash(cls, pool, image_id):
+ trash = cls._get('/api/block/image/trash/?pool_name={}'.format(pool))
+ if isinstance(trash, list):
+ for trash_pool in trash:
+ for image in trash_pool['value']:
+ if image['id'] == image_id:
+ return image
+ return None
+ def _validate_image(self, img, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Example of an RBD image json:
+ {
+ "size": 1073741824,
+ "obj_size": 4194304,
+ "mirror_mode": "journal",
+ "num_objs": 256,
+ "order": 22,
+ "block_name_prefix": "rbd_data.10ae2ae8944a",
+ "name": "img1",
+ "pool_name": "rbd",
+ "features": 61,
+ "primary": true,
+ "features_name": ["deep-flatten", "exclusive-lock", "fast-diff", "layering",
+ "object-map"]
+ }
+ """
+ schema = JObj(sub_elems={
+ 'size': JLeaf(int),
+ 'obj_size': JLeaf(int),
+ 'num_objs': JLeaf(int),
+ 'order': JLeaf(int),
+ 'block_name_prefix': JLeaf(str),
+ 'name': JLeaf(str),
+ 'id': JLeaf(str),
+ 'unique_id': JLeaf(str),
+ 'image_format': JLeaf(int),
+ 'pool_name': JLeaf(str),
+ 'namespace': JLeaf(str, none=True),
+ 'primary': JLeaf(bool, none=True),
+ 'features': JLeaf(int),
+ 'features_name': JList(JLeaf(str)),
+ 'stripe_count': JLeaf(int, none=True),
+ 'stripe_unit': JLeaf(int, none=True),
+ 'parent': JObj(sub_elems={'pool_name': JLeaf(str),
+ 'pool_namespace': JLeaf(str, none=True),
+ 'image_name': JLeaf(str),
+ 'snap_name': JLeaf(str)}, none=True),
+ 'data_pool': JLeaf(str, none=True),
+ 'snapshots': JList(JLeaf(dict)),
+ 'timestamp': JLeaf(str, none=True),
+ 'disk_usage': JLeaf(int, none=True),
+ 'total_disk_usage': JLeaf(int, none=True),
+ 'configuration': JList(JObj(sub_elems={
+ 'name': JLeaf(str),
+ 'source': JLeaf(int),
+ 'value': JLeaf(str),
+ })),
+ 'metadata': JObj({}, allow_unknown=True),
+ 'mirror_mode': JLeaf(str),
+ })
+ self.assertSchema(img, schema)
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ if isinstance(v, list):
+ self.assertSetEqual(set(img[k]), set(v))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(img[k], v)
+ def _validate_snapshot(self, snap, **kwargs):
+ self.assertIn('id', snap)
+ self.assertIn('name', snap)
+ self.assertIn('is_protected', snap)
+ self.assertIn('timestamp', snap)
+ self.assertIn('size', snap)
+ self.assertIn('children', snap)
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ if isinstance(v, list):
+ self.assertSetEqual(set(snap[k]), set(v))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(snap[k], v)
+ def _validate_snapshot_list(self, snap_list, snap_name=None, **kwargs):
+ found = False
+ for snap in snap_list:
+ self.assertIn('name', snap)
+ if snap_name and snap['name'] == snap_name:
+ found = True
+ self._validate_snapshot(snap, **kwargs)
+ break
+ if snap_name and not found:
+"Snapshot {} not found".format(snap_name))
+ def test_list(self):
+ data = self._get('/api/block/image?offset=0&limit=-1&search=&sort=+name',
+ version=RbdTest.LIST_VERSION)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(data), 2)
+ for pool_view in data:
+ self.assertIsNotNone(pool_view['value'])
+ self.assertIn('pool_name', pool_view)
+ self.assertIn(pool_view['pool_name'], ['rbd', 'rbd_iscsi'])
+ image_list = pool_view['value']
+ self.assertEqual(len(image_list), 2)
+ for img in image_list:
+ self.assertIn('name', img)
+ self.assertIn('pool_name', img)
+ self.assertIn(img['pool_name'], ['rbd', 'rbd_iscsi'])
+ if img['name'] == 'img1':
+ self._validate_image(img, size=1073741824,
+ num_objs=256, obj_size=4194304,
+ features_name=['deep-flatten',
+ 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff',
+ 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ elif img['name'] == 'img2':
+ self._validate_image(img, size=2147483648,
+ num_objs=512, obj_size=4194304,
+ features_name=['deep-flatten',
+ 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff',
+ 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ else:
+ assert False, "Unexcepted image '{}' in result list".format(img['name'])
+ def test_create(self):
+ rbd_name = 'test_rbd'
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, rbd_name, 10240)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name=rbd_name, size=10240,
+ num_objs=1, obj_size=4194304,
+ features_name=['deep-flatten',
+ 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, rbd_name)
+ def test_create_with_configuration(self):
+ pool = 'rbd'
+ image_name = 'image_with_config'
+ size = 10240
+ configuration = {
+ 'rbd_qos_bps_limit': 10240,
+ 'rbd_qos_bps_burst': 10240 * 2,
+ }
+ expected = [{
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_bps_limit',
+ 'source': 2,
+ 'value': str(10240),
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_bps_burst',
+ 'source': 2,
+ 'value': str(10240 * 2),
+ }]
+ self.create_image(pool, None, image_name, size, configuration=configuration)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, image_name)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ for conf in expected:
+ self.assertIn(conf, img['configuration'])
+ self.remove_image(pool, None, image_name)
+ def test_create_with_metadata(self):
+ pool = 'rbd'
+ image_name = 'image_with_meta'
+ size = 10240
+ metadata = {
+ 'test1': 'test',
+ 'test2': 'value',
+ }
+ self.create_image(pool, None, image_name, size, metadata=metadata)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, image_name)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(metadata), len(img['metadata']))
+ for meta in metadata:
+ self.assertIn(meta, img['metadata'])
+ self.remove_image(pool, None, image_name)
+ def test_create_rbd_in_data_pool(self):
+ if not self.bluestore_support:
+ self.skipTest('requires bluestore cluster')
+ self.create_pool('data_pool', 2**4, 'erasure')
+ rbd_name = 'test_rbd_in_data_pool'
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, rbd_name, 10240, data_pool='data_pool')
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd_in_data_pool')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name=rbd_name, size=10240,
+ num_objs=1, obj_size=4194304,
+ data_pool='data_pool',
+ features_name=['data-pool', 'deep-flatten',
+ 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, rbd_name)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self._ceph_cmd(['osd', 'pool', 'delete', 'data_pool', 'data_pool',
+ '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it'])
+ def test_create_rbd_twice(self):
+ res = self.create_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd_twice', 10240)
+ res = self.create_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd_twice', 10240)
+ self.assertStatus(400)
+ self.assertEqual(res, {"code": '17', 'status': 400, "component": "rbd",
+ "detail": "[errno 17] RBD image already exists (error creating "
+ "image)",
+ 'task': {'name': 'rbd/create',
+ 'metadata': {'pool_name': 'rbd', 'namespace': None,
+ 'image_name': 'test_rbd_twice'}}})
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd_twice')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_snapshots_and_clone_info(self):
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap1', False)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap2', False)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['snap', 'protect', 'rbd/img1@snap1'])
+ self._rbd_cmd(['clone', 'rbd/img1@snap1', 'rbd_iscsi/img1_clone'])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img1')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='img1', size=1073741824,
+ num_objs=256, obj_size=4194304, parent=None,
+ features_name=['deep-flatten', 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ for snap in img['snapshots']:
+ if snap['name'] == 'snap1':
+ self._validate_snapshot(snap, is_protected=True)
+ self.assertEqual(len(snap['children']), 1)
+ self.assertDictEqual(snap['children'][0],
+ {'pool_name': 'rbd_iscsi',
+ 'image_name': 'img1_clone'})
+ elif snap['name'] == 'snap2':
+ self._validate_snapshot(snap, is_protected=False)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_clone')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='img1_clone', size=1073741824,
+ num_objs=256, obj_size=4194304,
+ parent={'pool_name': 'rbd', 'pool_namespace': '',
+ 'image_name': 'img1', 'snap_name': 'snap1'},
+ features_name=['deep-flatten', 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_clone')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_disk_usage(self):
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '50M', 'rbd/img2'])
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img2', 'snap1', False)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '20M', 'rbd/img2'])
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img2', 'snap2', False)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '10M', 'rbd/img2'])
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img2', 'snap3', False)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '5M', 'rbd/img2'])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img2')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='img2', size=2147483648,
+ total_disk_usage=268435456, disk_usage=67108864)
+ def test_delete_non_existent_image(self):
+ res = self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'i_dont_exist')
+ self.assertStatus(404)
+ self.assertEqual(res, {u'code': 404, "status": 404, "component": None,
+ "detail": "(404, 'Image not found')",
+ 'task': {'name': 'rbd/delete',
+ 'metadata': {'image_spec': 'rbd/i_dont_exist'}}})
+ def test_image_delete(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 2**30)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap1', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap2', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='delete_me', size=2**30)
+ self.assertEqual(len(img['snapshots']), 2)
+ self.remove_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap1')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self.remove_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap2')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='delete_me', size=2**30)
+ self.assertEqual(len(img['snapshots']), 0)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_delete_with_snapshot(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 2**30)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap1', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'delete_me', 'snap2', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='delete_me', size=2**30)
+ self.assertEqual(len(img['snapshots']), 2)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'delete_me')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_rename(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img', 2**30)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.edit_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img', 'new_edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(404)
+ self.get_image('rbd', None, 'new_edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'new_edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_resize(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img', 2**30)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, size=2**30)
+ self.edit_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img', size=2*2**30)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, size=2*2**30)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_change_features(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img', 2**30, features=["layering"])
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, features_name=["layering"])
+ self.edit_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img',
+ features=["fast-diff", "object-map", "exclusive-lock"])
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, features_name=['exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ self.edit_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img',
+ features=["journaling", "exclusive-lock"])
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, features_name=['exclusive-lock',
+ 'journaling', 'layering'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'edit_img')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_change_config(self):
+ pool = 'rbd'
+ image = 'image_with_config'
+ initial_conf = {
+ 'rbd_qos_bps_limit': 10240,
+ 'rbd_qos_write_iops_limit': None
+ }
+ initial_expect = [{
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_bps_limit',
+ 'source': 2,
+ 'value': '10240',
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_write_iops_limit',
+ 'source': 0,
+ 'value': '0',
+ }]
+ new_conf = {
+ 'rbd_qos_bps_limit': 0,
+ 'rbd_qos_bps_burst': 20480,
+ 'rbd_qos_write_iops_limit': None
+ }
+ new_expect = [{
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_bps_limit',
+ 'source': 2,
+ 'value': '0',
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_bps_burst',
+ 'source': 2,
+ 'value': '20480',
+ }, {
+ 'name': 'rbd_qos_write_iops_limit',
+ 'source': 0,
+ 'value': '0',
+ }]
+ self.create_image(pool, None, image, 2**30, configuration=initial_conf)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ for conf in initial_expect:
+ self.assertIn(conf, img['configuration'])
+ self.edit_image(pool, None, image, configuration=new_conf)
+ img = self.get_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ for conf in new_expect:
+ self.assertIn(conf, img['configuration'])
+ self.remove_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_image_change_meta(self):
+ pool = 'rbd'
+ image = 'image_with_meta'
+ initial_meta = {
+ 'test1': 'test',
+ 'test2': 'value',
+ 'test3': None,
+ }
+ initial_expect = {
+ 'test1': 'test',
+ 'test2': 'value',
+ }
+ new_meta = {
+ 'test1': None,
+ 'test2': 'new_value',
+ 'test3': 'value',
+ 'test4': None,
+ }
+ new_expect = {
+ 'test2': 'new_value',
+ 'test3': 'value',
+ }
+ self.create_image(pool, None, image, 2**30, metadata=initial_meta)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(initial_expect), len(img['metadata']))
+ for meta in initial_expect:
+ self.assertIn(meta, img['metadata'])
+ self.edit_image(pool, None, image, metadata=new_meta)
+ img = self.get_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_expect), len(img['metadata']))
+ for meta in new_expect:
+ self.assertIn(meta, img['metadata'])
+ self.remove_image(pool, None, image)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_update_snapshot(self):
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap5', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img1')
+ self._validate_snapshot_list(img['snapshots'], 'snap5', is_protected=False)
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap5', 'snap6', None)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img1')
+ self._validate_snapshot_list(img['snapshots'], 'snap6', is_protected=False)
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap6', None, True)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img1')
+ self._validate_snapshot_list(img['snapshots'], 'snap6', is_protected=True)
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap6', 'snap5', False)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'img1')
+ self._validate_snapshot_list(img['snapshots'], 'snap5', is_protected=False)
+ self.remove_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snap5')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_snapshot_rollback(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'rollback_img', 2**30,
+ features=["layering", "exclusive-lock", "fast-diff",
+ "object-map"])
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'rollback_img', 'snap1', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'rollback_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(img['disk_usage'], 0)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '5M',
+ 'rbd/rollback_img'])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'rollback_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertGreater(img['disk_usage'], 0)
+ self.rollback_snapshot('rbd', None, 'rollback_img', 'snap1')
+ self.assertStatus([201, 200])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'rollback_img')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(img['disk_usage'], 0)
+ self.remove_snapshot('rbd', None, 'rollback_img', 'snap1')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'rollback_img')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_clone(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'cimg', 2**30, features=["layering"],
+ metadata={'key1': 'val1'})
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'cimg', 'snap1', False)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'cimg', 'snap1', None, True)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.clone_image('rbd', None, 'cimg', 'snap1', 'rbd', None, 'cimg-clone',
+ features=["layering", "exclusive-lock", "fast-diff",
+ "object-map"],
+ metadata={'key1': None, 'key2': 'val2'})
+ self.assertStatus([200, 201])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'cimg-clone')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, features_name=['exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'],
+ parent={'pool_name': 'rbd', 'pool_namespace': '',
+ 'image_name': 'cimg', 'snap_name': 'snap1'},
+ metadata={'key2': 'val2'})
+ res = self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'cimg')
+ self.assertStatus(400)
+ self.assertIn('code', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['code'], '16')
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'cimg-clone')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'cimg')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_copy(self):
+ self.create_image('rbd', None, 'coimg', 2**30,
+ features=["layering", "exclusive-lock", "fast-diff",
+ "object-map"],
+ metadata={'key1': 'val1'})
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ self._rbd_cmd(['bench', '--io-type', 'write', '--io-total', '5M',
+ 'rbd/coimg'])
+ self.copy_image('rbd', None, 'coimg', 'rbd_iscsi', None, 'coimg-copy',
+ features=["layering", "fast-diff", "exclusive-lock",
+ "object-map"],
+ metadata={'key1': None, 'key2': 'val2'})
+ self.assertStatus([200, 201])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', None, 'coimg')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, features_name=['layering', 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'object-map'],
+ metadata={'key1': 'val1'})
+ img_copy = self.get_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'coimg-copy')
+ self._validate_image(img_copy, features_name=['exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'],
+ metadata={'key2': 'val2'},
+ disk_usage=img['disk_usage'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'coimg')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self.remove_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'coimg-copy')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_flatten(self):
+ self.create_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snapf', False)
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snapf', None, True)
+ self.clone_image('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snapf', 'rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_snapf_clone')
+ img = self.get_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_snapf_clone')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(img['parent'])
+ self.flatten_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_snapf_clone')
+ self.assertStatus([200, 201])
+ img = self.get_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_snapf_clone')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertIsNone(img['parent'])
+ self.update_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snapf', None, False)
+ self.remove_snapshot('rbd', None, 'img1', 'snapf')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ self.remove_image('rbd_iscsi', None, 'img1_snapf_clone')
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_default_features(self):
+ default_features = self._get('/api/block/image/default_features')
+ self.assertEqual(default_features, [
+ 'deep-flatten', 'exclusive-lock', 'fast-diff', 'layering', 'object-map'])
+ def test_clone_format_version(self):
+ config_name = 'rbd_default_clone_format'
+ def _get_config_by_name(conf_name):
+ data = self._get('/api/cluster_conf/{}'.format(conf_name))
+ if 'value' in data:
+ return data['value']
+ return None
+ # with rbd_default_clone_format = auto
+ clone_format_version = self._get('/api/block/image/clone_format_version')
+ self.assertEqual(clone_format_version, 1)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ # with rbd_default_clone_format = 1
+ value = [{'section': "global", 'value': "1"}]
+ self._post('/api/cluster_conf', {
+ 'name': config_name,
+ 'value': value
+ })
+ self.wait_until_equal(
+ lambda: _get_config_by_name(config_name),
+ value,
+ timeout=60)
+ clone_format_version = self._get('/api/block/image/clone_format_version')
+ self.assertEqual(clone_format_version, 1)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ # with rbd_default_clone_format = 2
+ value = [{'section': "global", 'value': "2"}]
+ self._post('/api/cluster_conf', {
+ 'name': config_name,
+ 'value': value
+ })
+ self.wait_until_equal(
+ lambda: _get_config_by_name(config_name),
+ value,
+ timeout=60)
+ clone_format_version = self._get('/api/block/image/clone_format_version')
+ self.assertEqual(clone_format_version, 2)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ value = []
+ self._post('/api/cluster_conf', {
+ 'name': config_name,
+ 'value': value
+ })
+ self.wait_until_equal(
+ lambda: _get_config_by_name(config_name),
+ None,
+ timeout=60)
+ def test_image_with_namespace(self):
+ self.create_namespace('rbd', 'ns')
+ self.create_image('rbd', 'ns', 'test', 10240)
+ self.assertStatus(201)
+ img = self.get_image('rbd', 'ns', 'test')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self._validate_image(img, name='test', size=10240,
+ pool_name='rbd', namespace='ns',
+ num_objs=1, obj_size=4194304,
+ features_name=['deep-flatten',
+ 'exclusive-lock',
+ 'fast-diff', 'layering',
+ 'object-map'])
+ self.remove_image('rbd', 'ns', 'test')
+ self.remove_namespace('rbd', 'ns')
+ def test_move_image_to_trash(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd')
+ self.get_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd')
+ self.assertStatus(404)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ image = self.get_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(image)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ def test_list_trash(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd', 0)
+ data = self._get('/api/block/image/trash/?pool_name={}'.format('rbd'))
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertIsInstance(data, list)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(data)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ def test_restore_trash(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd')
+ self.restore_trash('rbd', None, img_id, 'test_rbd')
+ self.get_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ image = self.get_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertIsNone(image)
+ self.remove_image('rbd', None, 'test_rbd')
+ def test_remove_expired_trash(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd', 0)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id, False)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ image = self.get_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertIsNone(image)
+ def test_remove_not_expired_trash(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd', 9999)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id, False)
+ self.assertStatus(400)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ image = self.get_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(image)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id, True)
+ def test_remove_not_expired_trash_with_force(self):
+ img_id = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd', 9999)
+ self.remove_trash('rbd', img_id, True)
+ self.assertStatus(204)
+ image = self.get_trash('rbd', img_id)
+ self.assertIsNone(image)
+ def test_purge_trash(self):
+ id_expired = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd_expired', 0)
+ id_not_expired = self.create_image_in_trash('rbd', 'test_rbd', 9999)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.purge_trash('rbd')
+ self.assertStatus([200, 201])
+ time.sleep(1)
+ trash_not_expired = self.get_trash('rbd', id_not_expired)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(trash_not_expired)
+ self.wait_until_equal(lambda: self.get_trash('rbd', id_expired), None, 60)
+ def test_list_namespaces(self):
+ self.create_namespace('rbd', 'ns')
+ namespaces = self._get('/api/block/pool/rbd/namespace')
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(namespaces), 1)
+ self.remove_namespace('rbd', 'ns')