path: root/qa/tasks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/tasks/ b/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a5aee2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/tasks/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Rados benchmarking
+import contextlib
+import logging
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from teuthology import misc as teuthology
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Run radosbench
+ The config should be as follows:
+ radosbench:
+ clients: [client list]
+ time: <seconds to run>
+ pool: <pool to use>
+ size: write size to use
+ concurrency: max number of outstanding writes (16)
+ objectsize: object size to use
+ unique_pool: use a unique pool, defaults to False
+ ec_pool: create an ec pool, defaults to False
+ create_pool: create pool, defaults to True
+ erasure_code_profile:
+ name: teuthologyprofile
+ k: 2
+ m: 1
+ crush-failure-domain: osd
+ cleanup: false (defaults to true)
+ type: <write|seq|rand> (defaults to write)
+ example:
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - radosbench:
+ clients: [client.0]
+ time: 360
+ - interactive:
+ """
+'Beginning radosbench...')
+ assert isinstance(config, dict), \
+ "please list clients to run on"
+ radosbench = {}
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ manager = ctx.managers['ceph']
+ runtype = config.get('type', 'write')
+ create_pool = config.get('create_pool', True)
+ for role in config.get(
+ 'clients',
+ list(map(lambda x: 'client.' + x,
+ teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')))):
+ assert isinstance(role, str)
+ (_, id_) = role.split('.', 1)
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()
+ if config.get('ec_pool', False):
+ profile = config.get('erasure_code_profile', {})
+ profile_name = profile.get('name', 'teuthologyprofile')
+ manager.create_erasure_code_profile(profile_name, profile)
+ else:
+ profile_name = None
+ cleanup = []
+ if not config.get('cleanup', True):
+ cleanup = ['--no-cleanup']
+ write_to_omap = []
+ if config.get('write-omap', False):
+ write_to_omap = ['--write-omap']
+'omap writes')
+ pool = config.get('pool', 'data')
+ if create_pool:
+ if pool != 'data':
+ manager.create_pool(pool, erasure_code_profile_name=profile_name)
+ else:
+ pool = manager.create_pool_with_unique_name(erasure_code_profile_name=profile_name)
+ concurrency = config.get('concurrency', 16)
+ osize = config.get('objectsize', 65536)
+ if osize == 0:
+ objectsize = []
+ else:
+ objectsize = ['--object-size', str(osize)]
+ size = ['-b', str(config.get('size', 65536))]
+ # If doing a reading run then populate data
+ if runtype != "write":
+ proc =
+ args=[
+ "/bin/sh", "-c",
+ " ".join(['adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ '{tdir}/archive/coverage',
+ 'rados',
+ '--no-log-to-stderr',
+ '--name', role] +
+ ['-t', str(concurrency)]
+ + size + objectsize +
+ ['-p' , pool,
+ 'bench', str(60), "write", "--no-cleanup"
+ ]).format(tdir=testdir),
+ ],
+ logger=log.getChild('radosbench.{id}'.format(id=id_)),
+ wait=True
+ )
+ size = []
+ objectsize = []
+ proc =
+ args=[
+ "/bin/sh", "-c",
+ " ".join(['adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ '{tdir}/archive/coverage',
+ 'rados',
+ '--no-log-to-stderr',
+ '--name', role]
+ + size + objectsize +
+ ['-p' , pool,
+ 'bench', str(config.get('time', 360)), runtype,
+ ] + write_to_omap + cleanup).format(tdir=testdir),
+ ],
+ logger=log.getChild('radosbench.{id}'.format(id=id_)),
+ stdin=run.PIPE,
+ wait=False
+ )
+ radosbench[id_] = proc
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ timeout = config.get('time', 360) * 30 + 300
+'joining radosbench (timing out after %ss)', timeout)
+ run.wait(radosbench.values(), timeout=timeout)
+ if pool != 'data' and create_pool:
+ manager.remove_pool(pool)