path: root/qa/workunits/rgw/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/workunits/rgw/ b/qa/workunits/rgw/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f070ec0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/workunits/rgw/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import logging as log
+from configobj import ConfigObj
+import subprocess
+import json
+import os
+Runs a test against a rgw with the data cache enabled. A client must be
+set in the config for this task. This client must be the same client
+that is in the config for the `rgw` task.
+In the `overrides` section `datacache` and `datacache` must be configured for
+the `rgw` task and the ceph conf overrides must contain the below config
+variables in the client section.
+`s3cmd` must be added as an extra_package to the install task.
+In the `workunit` task, `- rgw/` must be set for the client that
+is in the config for the `rgw` task. The `RGW_DATACACHE_PATH` variable must be
+set in the workunit's `env` and it must match the `datacache_path` given to the
+`rgw` task in `overrides`.
+- install:
+ extra_packages:
+ deb: ['s3cmd']
+ rpm: ['s3cmd']
+- overrides:
+ rgw:
+ datacache: true
+ datacache_path: /tmp/rgw_datacache
+ install:
+ extra_packages:
+ deb: ['s3cmd']
+ rpm: ['s3cmd']
+ ceph:
+ conf:
+ client:
+ rgw d3n l1 datacache persistent path: /tmp/rgw_datacache/
+ rgw d3n l1 datacache size: 10737417240
+ rgw d3n l1 local datacache enabled: true
+ rgw enable ops log: true
+- rgw:
+ client.0:
+- workunit:
+ clients:
+ client.0:
+ - rgw/
+ env:
+ RGW_DATACACHE_PATH: /tmp/rgw_datacache
+ cleanup: true
+""" Constants """
+USER = 'rgw_datacache_user'
+DISPLAY_NAME = 'DatacacheUser'
+SECRET_KEY = 'LnEsqNNqZIpkzauboDcLXLcYaWwLQ3Kop0zAnKIn'
+BUCKET_NAME = 'datacachebucket'
+FILE_NAME = '7M.dat'
+GET_FILE_NAME = '7M-get.dat'
+def exec_cmd(cmd):
+ log.debug("exec_cmd(%s)", cmd)
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
+ if proc.returncode == 0:
+'command succeeded')
+ if out is not None:
+ return out
+ else:
+ raise Exception("error: %s \nreturncode: %s" % (err, proc.returncode))
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error('command failed')
+ log.error(e)
+ return False
+def get_radosgw_endpoint():
+ out = exec_cmd('sudo netstat -nltp | egrep "rados|valgr"') # short for radosgw/valgrind
+ x = out.decode('utf8').split(" ")
+ port = [i for i in x if ':' in i][0].split(':')[1]
+'radosgw port: %s' % port)
+ proto = "http"
+ hostname = ''
+ if port == '443':
+ proto = "https"
+ endpoint = hostname
+"radosgw endpoint is: %s", endpoint)
+ return endpoint, proto
+def create_s3cmd_config(path, proto):
+ """
+ Creates a minimal config file for s3cmd
+ """
+"Creating s3cmd config...")
+ use_https_config = "False"
+"proto for s3cmd config is %s", proto)
+ if proto == "https":
+ use_https_config = "True"
+ s3cmd_config = ConfigObj(
+ indent_type='',
+ infile={
+ 'default':
+ {
+ 'host_bucket': '',
+ 'use_https': use_https_config,
+ },
+ }
+ )
+ f = open(path, 'wb')
+ s3cmd_config.write(f)
+ f.close()
+"s3cmd config written")
+def get_cmd_output(cmd_out):
+ out = cmd_out.decode('utf8')
+ out = out.strip('\n')
+ return out
+def main():
+ """
+ execute the datacache test
+ """
+ # setup for test
+ cache_dir = os.environ['RGW_DATACACHE_PATH']
+ log.debug("datacache dir from config is: %s", cache_dir)
+ out = exec_cmd('pwd')
+ pwd = get_cmd_output(out)
+ log.debug("pwd is: %s", pwd)
+ endpoint, proto = get_radosgw_endpoint()
+ # create 7M file to put
+ outfile = pwd + '/' + FILE_NAME
+ exec_cmd('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=7' % (outfile))
+ # create user
+ exec_cmd('radosgw-admin user create --uid %s --display-name %s --access-key %s --secret %s'
+ # create s3cmd config
+ s3cmd_config_path = pwd + '/s3cfg'
+ create_s3cmd_config(s3cmd_config_path, proto)
+ # create a bucket
+ exec_cmd('s3cmd --access_key=%s --secret_key=%s --config=%s --no-check-hostname --host=%s mb s3://%s'
+ % (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, s3cmd_config_path, endpoint, BUCKET_NAME))
+ # put an object in the bucket
+ exec_cmd('s3cmd --access_key=%s --secret_key=%s --config=%s --no-check-hostname --host=%s put %s s3://%s'
+ % (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, s3cmd_config_path, endpoint, outfile, BUCKET_NAME))
+ # get object from bucket
+ get_file_path = pwd + '/' + GET_FILE_NAME
+ exec_cmd('s3cmd --access_key=%s --secret_key=%s --config=%s --no-check-hostname --host=%s get s3://%s/%s %s --force'
+ % (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, s3cmd_config_path, endpoint, BUCKET_NAME, FILE_NAME, get_file_path))
+ # get info of object
+ out = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin object stat --bucket=%s --object=%s' % (BUCKET_NAME, FILE_NAME))
+ json_op = json.loads(out)
+ cached_object_name = json_op['manifest']['prefix']
+ log.debug("Cached object name is: %s", cached_object_name)
+ # check that the cache is enabled (does the cache directory empty)
+ out = exec_cmd('find %s -type f | wc -l' % (cache_dir))
+ chk_cache_dir = int(get_cmd_output(out))
+ log.debug("Check cache dir content: %s", chk_cache_dir)
+ if chk_cache_dir == 0:
+"NOTICE: datacache test object not found, inspect if datacache was bypassed or disabled during this check.")
+ return
+ # list the files in the cache dir for troubleshooting
+ out = exec_cmd('ls -l %s' % (cache_dir))
+ # get name of cached object and check if it exists in the cache
+ out = exec_cmd('find %s -name "*%s1"' % (cache_dir, cached_object_name))
+ cached_object_path = get_cmd_output(out)
+ log.debug("Path of file in datacache is: %s", cached_object_path)
+ out = exec_cmd('basename %s' % (cached_object_path))
+ basename_cmd_out = get_cmd_output(out)
+ log.debug("Name of file in datacache is: %s", basename_cmd_out)
+ # check to see if the cached object is in Ceph
+ out = exec_cmd('rados ls -p')
+ rados_ls_out = get_cmd_output(out)
+ log.debug("rados ls output is: %s", rados_ls_out)
+ assert(basename_cmd_out in rados_ls_out)
+ log.debug("RGW Datacache test SUCCESS")
+ # remove datacache dir
+ #cmd = exec_cmd('rm -rf %s' % (cache_dir))
+ #log.debug("RGW Datacache dir deleted")
+ #^ commenting for future refrence - the work unit will continue running tests and if the cache_dir is removed
+ # all the writes to cache will fail with errno 2 ENOENT No such file or directory.
+main()"Completed Datacache tests")