path: root/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/dataset/file_parquet.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/dataset/file_parquet.h')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/dataset/file_parquet.h b/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/dataset/file_parquet.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daf4bd92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/dataset/file_parquet.h
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "arrow/dataset/discovery.h"
+#include "arrow/dataset/file_base.h"
+#include "arrow/dataset/type_fwd.h"
+#include "arrow/dataset/visibility.h"
+#include "arrow/io/caching.h"
+#include "arrow/util/optional.h"
+namespace parquet {
+class ParquetFileReader;
+class Statistics;
+class ColumnChunkMetaData;
+class RowGroupMetaData;
+class FileMetaData;
+class FileDecryptionProperties;
+class FileEncryptionProperties;
+class ReaderProperties;
+class ArrowReaderProperties;
+class WriterProperties;
+class ArrowWriterProperties;
+namespace arrow {
+class FileReader;
+class FileWriter;
+struct SchemaManifest;
+} // namespace arrow
+} // namespace parquet
+namespace arrow {
+namespace dataset {
+/// \addtogroup dataset-file-formats
+/// @{
+constexpr char kParquetTypeName[] = "parquet";
+/// \brief A FileFormat implementation that reads from Parquet files
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetFileFormat : public FileFormat {
+ public:
+ ParquetFileFormat() = default;
+ /// Convenience constructor which copies properties from a parquet::ReaderProperties.
+ /// memory_pool will be ignored.
+ explicit ParquetFileFormat(const parquet::ReaderProperties& reader_properties);
+ std::string type_name() const override { return kParquetTypeName; }
+ bool Equals(const FileFormat& other) const override;
+ struct ReaderOptions {
+ /// \defgroup parquet-file-format-arrow-reader-properties properties which correspond
+ /// to members of parquet::ArrowReaderProperties.
+ ///
+ /// We don't embed parquet::ReaderProperties directly because column names (rather
+ /// than indices) are used to indicate dictionary columns, and other options are
+ /// deferred to scan time.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> dict_columns;
+ arrow::TimeUnit::type coerce_int96_timestamp_unit = arrow::TimeUnit::NANO;
+ /// @}
+ } reader_options;
+ Result<bool> IsSupported(const FileSource& source) const override;
+ /// \brief Return the schema of the file if possible.
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> Inspect(const FileSource& source) const override;
+ /// \brief Open a file for scanning
+ Result<ScanTaskIterator> ScanFile(
+ const std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions>& options,
+ const std::shared_ptr<FileFragment>& file) const override;
+ Result<RecordBatchGenerator> ScanBatchesAsync(
+ const std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions>& options,
+ const std::shared_ptr<FileFragment>& file) const override;
+ Future<util::optional<int64_t>> CountRows(
+ const std::shared_ptr<FileFragment>& file, compute::Expression predicate,
+ const std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions>& options) override;
+ using FileFormat::MakeFragment;
+ /// \brief Create a Fragment targeting all RowGroups.
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<FileFragment>> MakeFragment(
+ FileSource source, compute::Expression partition_expression,
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema) override;
+ /// \brief Create a Fragment, restricted to the specified row groups.
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileFragment>> MakeFragment(
+ FileSource source, compute::Expression partition_expression,
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema, std::vector<int> row_groups);
+ /// \brief Return a FileReader on the given source.
+ Result<std::unique_ptr<parquet::arrow::FileReader>> GetReader(
+ const FileSource& source, ScanOptions* = NULLPTR) const;
+ Future<std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::FileReader>> GetReaderAsync(
+ const FileSource& source, const std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions>& options) const;
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<FileWriter>> MakeWriter(
+ std::shared_ptr<io::OutputStream> destination, std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema,
+ std::shared_ptr<FileWriteOptions> options,
+ fs::FileLocator destination_locator) const override;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileWriteOptions> DefaultWriteOptions() override;
+/// \brief A FileFragment with parquet logic.
+/// ParquetFileFragment provides a lazy (with respect to IO) interface to
+/// scan parquet files. Any heavy IO calls are deferred to the Scan() method.
+/// The caller can provide an optional list of selected RowGroups to limit the
+/// number of scanned RowGroups, or to partition the scans across multiple
+/// threads.
+/// Metadata can be explicitly provided, enabling pushdown predicate benefits without
+/// the potentially heavy IO of loading Metadata from the file system. This can induce
+/// significant performance boost when scanning high latency file systems.
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetFileFragment : public FileFragment {
+ public:
+ Result<FragmentVector> SplitByRowGroup(compute::Expression predicate);
+ /// \brief Return the RowGroups selected by this fragment.
+ const std::vector<int>& row_groups() const {
+ if (row_groups_) return *row_groups_;
+ static std::vector<int> empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ /// \brief Return the FileMetaData associated with this fragment.
+ const std::shared_ptr<parquet::FileMetaData>& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
+ /// \brief Ensure this fragment's FileMetaData is in memory.
+ Status EnsureCompleteMetadata(parquet::arrow::FileReader* reader = NULLPTR);
+ /// \brief Return fragment which selects a filtered subset of this fragment's RowGroups.
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Fragment>> Subset(compute::Expression predicate);
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Fragment>> Subset(std::vector<int> row_group_ids);
+ private:
+ ParquetFileFragment(FileSource source, std::shared_ptr<FileFormat> format,
+ compute::Expression partition_expression,
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema,
+ util::optional<std::vector<int>> row_groups);
+ Status SetMetadata(std::shared_ptr<parquet::FileMetaData> metadata,
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::SchemaManifest> manifest);
+ // Overridden to opportunistically set metadata since a reader must be opened anyway.
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> ReadPhysicalSchemaImpl() override {
+ ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(EnsureCompleteMetadata());
+ return physical_schema_;
+ }
+ /// Return a filtered subset of row group indices.
+ Result<std::vector<int>> FilterRowGroups(compute::Expression predicate);
+ /// Simplify the predicate against the statistics of each row group.
+ Result<std::vector<compute::Expression>> TestRowGroups(compute::Expression predicate);
+ /// Try to count rows matching the predicate using metadata. Expects
+ /// metadata to be present, and expects the predicate to have been
+ /// simplified against the partition expression already.
+ Result<util::optional<int64_t>> TryCountRows(compute::Expression predicate);
+ ParquetFileFormat& parquet_format_;
+ /// Indices of row groups selected by this fragment,
+ /// or util::nullopt if all row groups are selected.
+ util::optional<std::vector<int>> row_groups_;
+ std::vector<compute::Expression> statistics_expressions_;
+ std::vector<bool> statistics_expressions_complete_;
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::FileMetaData> metadata_;
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::SchemaManifest> manifest_;
+ friend class ParquetFileFormat;
+ friend class ParquetDatasetFactory;
+/// \brief Per-scan options for Parquet fragments
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetFragmentScanOptions : public FragmentScanOptions {
+ public:
+ ParquetFragmentScanOptions();
+ std::string type_name() const override { return kParquetTypeName; }
+ /// Reader properties. Not all properties are respected: memory_pool comes from
+ /// ScanOptions.
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::ReaderProperties> reader_properties;
+ /// Arrow reader properties. Not all properties are respected: batch_size comes from
+ /// ScanOptions, and use_threads will be overridden based on
+ /// enable_parallel_column_conversion. Additionally, dictionary columns come from
+ /// ParquetFileFormat::ReaderOptions::dict_columns.
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::ArrowReaderProperties> arrow_reader_properties;
+ /// EXPERIMENTAL: Parallelize conversion across columns. This option is ignored if a
+ /// scan is already parallelized across input files to avoid thread contention. This
+ /// option will be removed after support is added for simultaneous parallelization
+ /// across files and columns. Only affects the threaded reader; the async reader
+ /// will parallelize across columns if use_threads is enabled.
+ bool enable_parallel_column_conversion = false;
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetFileWriteOptions : public FileWriteOptions {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Parquet writer properties.
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::WriterProperties> writer_properties;
+ /// \brief Parquet Arrow writer properties.
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::ArrowWriterProperties> arrow_writer_properties;
+ protected:
+ using FileWriteOptions::FileWriteOptions;
+ friend class ParquetFileFormat;
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetFileWriter : public FileWriter {
+ public:
+ const std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::FileWriter>& parquet_writer() const {
+ return parquet_writer_;
+ }
+ Status Write(const std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>& batch) override;
+ private:
+ ParquetFileWriter(std::shared_ptr<io::OutputStream> destination,
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::FileWriter> writer,
+ std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileWriteOptions> options,
+ fs::FileLocator destination_locator);
+ Status FinishInternal() override;
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::FileWriter> parquet_writer_;
+ friend class ParquetFileFormat;
+/// \brief Options for making a FileSystemDataset from a Parquet _metadata file.
+struct ParquetFactoryOptions {
+ /// Either an explicit Partitioning or a PartitioningFactory to discover one.
+ ///
+ /// If a factory is provided, it will be used to infer a schema for partition fields
+ /// based on file and directory paths then construct a Partitioning. The default
+ /// is a Partitioning which will yield no partition information.
+ ///
+ /// The (explicit or discovered) partitioning will be applied to discovered files
+ /// and the resulting partition information embedded in the Dataset.
+ PartitioningOrFactory partitioning{Partitioning::Default()};
+ /// For the purposes of applying the partitioning, paths will be stripped
+ /// of the partition_base_dir. Files not matching the partition_base_dir
+ /// prefix will be skipped for partition discovery. The ignored files will still
+ /// be part of the Dataset, but will not have partition information.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ /// partition_base_dir = "/dataset";
+ ///
+ /// - "/dataset/US/sales.csv" -> "US/sales.csv" will be given to the partitioning
+ ///
+ /// - "/home/john/late_sales.csv" -> Will be ignored for partition discovery.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for partitioning which parses directory when ordering
+ /// is important, e.g. DirectoryPartitioning.
+ std::string partition_base_dir;
+ /// Assert that all ColumnChunk paths are consistent. The parquet spec allows for
+ /// ColumnChunk data to be stored in multiple files, but ParquetDatasetFactory
+ /// supports only a single file with all ColumnChunk data. If this flag is set
+ /// construction of a ParquetDatasetFactory will raise an error if ColumnChunk
+ /// data is not resident in a single file.
+ bool validate_column_chunk_paths = false;
+/// \brief Create FileSystemDataset from custom `_metadata` cache file.
+/// Dask and other systems will generate a cache metadata file by concatenating
+/// the RowGroupMetaData of multiple parquet files into a single parquet file
+/// that only contains metadata and no ColumnChunk data.
+/// ParquetDatasetFactory creates a FileSystemDataset composed of
+/// ParquetFileFragment where each fragment is pre-populated with the exact
+/// number of row groups and statistics for each columns.
+class ARROW_DS_EXPORT ParquetDatasetFactory : public DatasetFactory {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Create a ParquetDatasetFactory from a metadata path.
+ ///
+ /// The `metadata_path` will be read from `filesystem`. Each RowGroup
+ /// contained in the metadata file will be relative to `dirname(metadata_path)`.
+ ///
+ /// \param[in] metadata_path path of the metadata parquet file
+ /// \param[in] filesystem from which to open/read the path
+ /// \param[in] format to read the file with.
+ /// \param[in] options see ParquetFactoryOptions
+ static Result<std::shared_ptr<DatasetFactory>> Make(
+ const std::string& metadata_path, std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> filesystem,
+ std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileFormat> format, ParquetFactoryOptions options);
+ /// \brief Create a ParquetDatasetFactory from a metadata source.
+ ///
+ /// Similar to the previous Make definition, but the metadata can be a Buffer
+ /// and the base_path is explicited instead of inferred from the metadata
+ /// path.
+ ///
+ /// \param[in] metadata source to open the metadata parquet file from
+ /// \param[in] base_path used as the prefix of every parquet files referenced
+ /// \param[in] filesystem from which to read the files referenced.
+ /// \param[in] format to read the file with.
+ /// \param[in] options see ParquetFactoryOptions
+ static Result<std::shared_ptr<DatasetFactory>> Make(
+ const FileSource& metadata, const std::string& base_path,
+ std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> filesystem,
+ std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileFormat> format, ParquetFactoryOptions options);
+ Result<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Schema>>> InspectSchemas(
+ InspectOptions options) override;
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> Finish(FinishOptions options) override;
+ protected:
+ ParquetDatasetFactory(
+ std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> filesystem,
+ std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileFormat> format,
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::FileMetaData> metadata,
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::SchemaManifest> manifest,
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema, std::string base_path,
+ ParquetFactoryOptions options,
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<int>>> paths_with_row_group_ids)
+ : filesystem_(std::move(filesystem)),
+ format_(std::move(format)),
+ metadata_(std::move(metadata)),
+ manifest_(std::move(manifest)),
+ physical_schema_(std::move(physical_schema)),
+ base_path_(std::move(base_path)),
+ options_(std::move(options)),
+ paths_with_row_group_ids_(std::move(paths_with_row_group_ids)) {}
+ std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> filesystem_;
+ std::shared_ptr<ParquetFileFormat> format_;
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::FileMetaData> metadata_;
+ std::shared_ptr<parquet::arrow::SchemaManifest> manifest_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema_;
+ std::string base_path_;
+ ParquetFactoryOptions options_;
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<int>>> paths_with_row_group_ids_;
+ private:
+ Result<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FileFragment>>> CollectParquetFragments(
+ const Partitioning& partitioning);
+ Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> PartitionSchema();
+/// @}
+} // namespace dataset
+} // namespace arrow