path: root/src/arrow/dev/archery/archery/docker/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/dev/archery/archery/docker/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/dev/archery/archery/docker/ b/src/arrow/dev/archery/archery/docker/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b4a6473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/dev/archery/archery/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import click
+from ..utils.cli import validate_arrow_sources
+from .core import DockerCompose, UndefinedImage
+def _mock_compose_calls(compose):
+ from types import MethodType
+ from subprocess import CompletedProcess
+ def _mock(compose, executable):
+ def _execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ params = ['{}={}'.format(k, v)
+ for k, v in self.config.params.items()]
+ command = ' '.join(params + [executable] + list(args))
+ click.echo(command)
+ return CompletedProcess([], 0)
+ return MethodType(_execute, compose)
+ compose._execute_docker = _mock(compose, executable='docker')
+ compose._execute_compose = _mock(compose, executable='docker-compose')
+@click.option("--src", metavar="<arrow_src>", default=None,
+ callback=validate_arrow_sources,
+ help="Specify Arrow source directory.")
+@click.option('--dry-run/--execute', default=False,
+ help="Display the docker-compose commands instead of executing "
+ "them.")
+def docker(ctx, src, dry_run):
+ """
+ Interact with docker-compose based builds.
+ """
+ ctx.ensure_object(dict)
+ config_path = src.path / 'docker-compose.yml'
+ if not config_path.exists():
+ raise click.ClickException(
+ "Docker compose configuration cannot be found in directory {}, "
+ "try to pass the arrow source directory explicitly.".format(src)
+ )
+ # take the docker-compose parameters like PYTHON, PANDAS, UBUNTU from the
+ # environment variables to keep the usage similar to docker-compose
+ compose = DockerCompose(config_path, params=os.environ)
+ if dry_run:
+ _mock_compose_calls(compose)
+ ctx.obj['compose'] = compose
+def check_config(obj):
+ """
+ Validate docker-compose configuration.
+ """
+ # executes the body of the docker function above which does the validation
+ # during the configuration loading
+@click.option('--force-pull/--no-pull', default=True,
+ help="Whether to force pull the image and its ancestor images")
+@click.option('--using-docker-cli', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Use docker CLI directly for building instead of calling "
+ "docker-compose. This may help to reuse cached layers.")
+@click.option('--using-docker-buildx', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Use buildx with docker CLI directly for building instead "
+ "of calling docker-compose or the plain docker build "
+ "command. This option makes the build cache reusable "
+ "across hosts.")
+@click.option('--use-cache/--no-cache', default=True,
+ help="Whether to use cache when building the image and its "
+ "ancestor images")
+@click.option('--use-leaf-cache/--no-leaf-cache', default=True,
+ help="Whether to use cache when building only the (leaf) image "
+ "passed as the argument. To disable caching for both the "
+ "image and its ancestors use --no-cache option.")
+def docker_build(obj, image, *, force_pull, using_docker_cli,
+ using_docker_buildx, use_cache, use_leaf_cache):
+ """
+ Execute docker-compose builds.
+ """
+ compose = obj['compose']
+ using_docker_cli |= using_docker_buildx
+ try:
+ if force_pull:
+ compose.pull(image, pull_leaf=use_leaf_cache,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli)
+, use_cache=use_cache,
+ use_leaf_cache=use_leaf_cache,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli,
+ using_buildx=using_docker_buildx,
+ pull_parents=force_pull)
+ except UndefinedImage as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(
+ "There is no service/image defined in docker-compose.yml with "
+ "name: {}".format(str(e))
+ )
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(str(e))
+@click.argument('command', required=False, default=None)
+@click.option('--env', '-e', multiple=True,
+ help="Set environment variable within the container")
+@click.option('--user', '-u', default=None,
+ help="Username or UID to run the container with")
+@click.option('--force-pull/--no-pull', default=True,
+ help="Whether to force pull the image and its ancestor images")
+@click.option('--force-build/--no-build', default=True,
+ help="Whether to force build the image and its ancestor images")
+@click.option('--build-only', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Pull and/or build the image, but do not run it")
+@click.option('--using-docker-cli', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Use docker CLI directly for building instead of calling "
+ "docker-compose. This may help to reuse cached layers.")
+@click.option('--using-docker-buildx', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Use buildx with docker CLI directly for building instead "
+ "of calling docker-compose or the plain docker build "
+ "command. This option makes the build cache reusable "
+ "across hosts.")
+@click.option('--use-cache/--no-cache', default=True,
+ help="Whether to use cache when building the image and its "
+ "ancestor images")
+@click.option('--use-leaf-cache/--no-leaf-cache', default=True,
+ help="Whether to use cache when building only the (leaf) image "
+ "passed as the argument. To disable caching for both the "
+ "image and its ancestors use --no-cache option.")
+@click.option('--resource-limit', default=None,
+ help="A CPU/memory limit preset to mimic CI environments like "
+ "GitHub Actions. Implies --using-docker-cli. Note that "
+ "exporting ARCHERY_DOCKER_BIN=\"sudo docker\" is likely "
+ "required, unless Docker is configured with cgroups v2 "
+ "(else Docker will silently ignore the limits).")
+@click.option('--volume', '-v', multiple=True,
+ help="Set volume within the container")
+def docker_run(obj, image, command, *, env, user, force_pull, force_build,
+ build_only, using_docker_cli, using_docker_buildx, use_cache,
+ use_leaf_cache, resource_limit, volume):
+ """
+ Execute docker-compose builds.
+ To see the available builds run `archery docker images`.
+ Examples:
+ # execute a single build
+ archery docker run conda-python
+ # execute the builds but disable the image pulling
+ archery docker run --no-cache conda-python
+ # pass a docker-compose parameter, like the python version
+ PYTHON=3.8 archery docker run conda-python
+ # disable the cache only for the leaf image
+ PANDAS=master archery docker run --no-leaf-cache conda-python-pandas
+ # entirely skip building the image
+ archery docker run --no-pull --no-build conda-python
+ # pass runtime parameters via docker environment variables
+ archery docker run -e CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ubuntu-cpp
+ # set a volume
+ archery docker run -v $PWD/build:/build ubuntu-cpp
+ # starting an interactive bash session for debugging
+ archery docker run ubuntu-cpp bash
+ """
+ compose = obj['compose']
+ using_docker_cli |= using_docker_buildx
+ env = dict(kv.split('=', 1) for kv in env)
+ try:
+ if force_pull:
+ compose.pull(image, pull_leaf=use_leaf_cache,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli)
+ if force_build:
+, use_cache=use_cache,
+ use_leaf_cache=use_leaf_cache,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli,
+ using_buildx=using_docker_buildx)
+ if build_only:
+ return
+ image,
+ command=command,
+ env=env,
+ user=user,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli,
+ resource_limit=resource_limit,
+ volumes=volume
+ )
+ except UndefinedImage as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(
+ "There is no service/image defined in docker-compose.yml with "
+ "name: {}".format(str(e))
+ )
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(str(e))
+@click.option('--user', '-u', required=False, envvar='ARCHERY_DOCKER_USER',
+ help='Docker repository username')
+@click.option('--password', '-p', required=False,
+ help='Docker repository password')
+@click.option('--using-docker-cli', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Use docker CLI directly for building instead of calling "
+ "docker-compose. This may help to reuse cached layers.")
+def docker_compose_push(obj, image, user, password, using_docker_cli):
+ """Push the generated docker-compose image."""
+ compose = obj['compose']
+ compose.push(image, user=user, password=password,
+ using_docker=using_docker_cli)
+def docker_compose_images(obj):
+ """List the available docker-compose images."""
+ compose = obj['compose']
+ click.echo('Available images:')
+ for image in compose.images():
+ click.echo(f' - {image}')