path: root/src/arrow/matlab/test/tfeather.m
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1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/matlab/test/tfeather.m b/src/arrow/matlab/test/tfeather.m
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+++ b/src/arrow/matlab/test/tfeather.m
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+classdef tfeather < matlab.unittest.TestCase
+ % Tests for MATLAB featherread and featherwrite.
+ % Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ % contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ % this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ % The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
+ % 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ % with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ % implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ % permissions and limitations under the License.
+ methods(TestClassSetup)
+ function addFeatherFunctionsToMATLABPath(testCase)
+ import matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture
+ % Add Feather test utilities to the MATLAB path.
+ testCase.applyFixture(PathFixture('util'));
+ % Add featherread and featherwrite to the MATLAB path.
+ testCase.applyFixture(PathFixture(fullfile('..', 'src')));
+ % featherreadmex must be on the MATLAB path.
+ testCase.assertTrue(~isempty(which('featherreadmex')), ...
+ '''featherreadmex'' must be on the MATLAB path. Use ''addpath'' to add folders to the MATLAB path.');
+ % featherwritemex must be on the MATLAB path.
+ testCase.assertTrue(~isempty(which('featherwritemex')), ...
+ '''featherwritemex'' must be on to the MATLAB path. Use ''addpath'' to add folders to the MATLAB path.');
+ end
+ end
+ methods(TestMethodSetup)
+ function setupTempWorkingDirectory(testCase)
+ import matlab.unittest.fixtures.WorkingFolderFixture;
+ testCase.applyFixture(WorkingFolderFixture);
+ end
+ end
+ methods(Test)
+ function NumericDatatypesNoNulls(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function NumericDatatypesWithNaNRow(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ t = createTable;
+ variableNames = {'single', ...
+ 'double', ...
+ 'int8', ...
+ 'int16', ...
+ 'int32', ...
+ 'int64', ...
+ 'uint8', ...
+ 'uint16', ...
+ 'uint32', ...
+ 'uint64'};
+ variableTypes = repmat({'double'}, 10, 1)';
+ numRows = 1;
+ numVariables = 10;
+ addRow = table('Size', [numRows, numVariables], ...
+ 'VariableTypes', variableTypes, ...
+ 'VariableNames', variableNames);
+ addRow(1,:) = {NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN};
+ actualTable = [t; addRow];
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function NumericDatatypesWithNaNColumns(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ actualTable.double = [NaN; NaN; NaN];
+ actualTable.int64 = [NaN; NaN; NaN];
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function NumericDatatypesWithExpInfSciNotation(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ actualTable.single(2) = 1.0418e+06;
+ actualTable.double(1) = Inf;
+ actualTable.double(2) = exp(9);
+ actualTable.int64(2) = 1.0418e+03;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function IgnoreRowVarNames(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ time = {'day1', 'day2', 'day3'};
+ actualTable.Properties.RowNames = time;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function NotFeatherExtension(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.txt');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function EmptyTable(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = table;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ function zeroByNTable(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ actualTable([1, 2], :) = [];
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Negative test cases
+ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ function ErrorIfUnableToOpenFile(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherread(filename), 'MATLAB:arrow:UnableToOpenFile');
+ end
+ function ErrorIfCorruptedFeatherFile(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ t = createTable;
+ featherwrite(filename, t);
+ fileID = fopen(filename, 'w');
+ fwrite(fileID, [1; 5]);
+ fclose(fileID);
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherread(filename), 'MATLAB:arrow:status:Invalid');
+ end
+ function ErrorIfInvalidFilenameDatatype(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ t = createTable;
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherwrite({filename}, t), 'MATLAB:arrow:InvalidFilenameDatatype');
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherread({filename}), 'MATLAB:arrow:InvalidFilenameDatatype');
+ end
+ function ErrorIfTooManyInputs(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ t = createTable;
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherwrite(filename, t, 'SomeValue', 'SomeOtherValue'), 'MATLAB:TooManyInputs');
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherread(filename, 'SomeValue', 'SomeOtherValue'), 'MATLAB:TooManyInputs');
+ end
+ function ErrorIfTooFewInputs(testCase)
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherwrite(), 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs');
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherread(), 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs');
+ end
+ function ErrorIfMultiColVarExist(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ age = [38; 43; 38; 40; 49];
+ smoker = logical([1; 0; 1; 0; 1]);
+ height = [71; 69; 64; 67; 64];
+ weight = [176; 163; 131; 133; 119];
+ bloodPressure = [124, 93; 109, 77; 125, 83; 117, 75; 122, 80];
+ t = table(age, smoker, height, weight, bloodPressure);
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherwrite(filename, t), 'MATLAB:arrow:UnsupportedVariableType');
+ end
+ function UnsupportedMATLABDatatypes(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ calendarDurationVariable = [calendarDuration(1, 7, 9); ...
+ calendarDuration(2, 1, 1); ...
+ calendarDuration(5, 3, 2)];
+ actualTable = addvars(actualTable, calendarDurationVariable);
+ testCase.verifyError(@() featherwrite(filename, actualTable) ,'MATLAB:arrow:UnsupportedVariableType');
+ end
+ function NumericComplexUnsupported(testCase)
+ filename = fullfile(pwd, 'temp.feather');
+ actualTable = createTable;
+ actualTable.single(1) = 1.0418 + 2i;
+ actualTable.double(2) = exp(9) + 5i;
+ actualTable.int64(2) = 1.0418e+03;
+ expectedTable = featherRoundTrip(filename, actualTable);
+ testCase.verifyNotEqual(actualTable, expectedTable);
+ end
+ end