path: root/src/boost/tools/build/src/contrib/modular.jam
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/tools/build/src/contrib/modular.jam')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/tools/build/src/contrib/modular.jam b/src/boost/tools/build/src/contrib/modular.jam
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31d78d6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/tools/build/src/contrib/modular.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Copyright Rene Rivera 2015
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
+import path ;
+import project ;
+import modules ;
+import regex ;
+import type ;
+# Add a location, i.e. directory, where to search for libraries.
+# The optional 'prefix' indicates which rooted-prefixes the new
+# search dir applies to. The prefix defaults to '/'.
+rule add-location ( dir prefix ? : base-dir ? )
+ process-args ;
+ prefix ?= "/" ;
+ # Dir path of caller to base paths from.
+ caller-module ?= [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ local caller-dir = [ modules.peek $(caller-module) : __file__ ] ;
+ caller-dir = $(caller-dir:D) ;
+ base-dir ?= $(caller-dir) ;
+ .search-path-prefix += $(prefix) ;
+ .search-path.$(prefix) += [ path.root [ path.root $(dir) $(base-dir) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+# Declares additional definitions of a modular library target external
+# to the modular library build itself. This makes it possible to externally
+# define modular libraries without modifying the library. The passed in
+# values are added on demand when the named library is first declared.
+rule external (
+ name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements * )
+ .external.($(name)).sources = $(sources) ;
+ .external.($(name)).requirements = $(requirements) ;
+ .external.($(name)).default-build = $(default-build) ;
+ .external.($(name)).usage-requirements = $(usage-requirements) ;
+# Find, and declare, any modular libraries referenced in the target-refs.
+# This will both load the modular libraries, and declare/manufacture
+# the modular libraries as needed.
+rule find ( target-refs + )
+ process-args ;
+ local caller-mod = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ local caller-dir = [ modules.peek $(caller-mod) : __file__ ] ;
+ caller-dir = $(caller-dir:D) ;
+ caller-dir = [ path.root $(caller-dir) [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ local result-refs ;
+ for local target-ref in $(target-refs)
+ {
+ result-refs += [ resolve-reference $(target-ref)
+ : $(caller-mod) $(caller-dir) ] ;
+ }
+ return $(result-refs) ;
+local rule resolve-reference ( target-ref : caller-mod caller-dir ? )
+ # ECHO %%% modular.resolve-target-ref $(target-ref) :: $(caller-mod) $(caller-dir) ;
+ if ! $(caller-dir)
+ {
+ caller-dir = [ modules.peek $(caller-mod) : __file__ ] ;
+ caller-dir = $(caller-dir:D) ;
+ caller-dir = [ path.root $(caller-dir) [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ }
+ local result-ref = $(target-ref) ;
+ local ref = [ MATCH ^(.*)//.* : $(target-ref:G=) ] ;
+ # if ! ( $(ref) in $(.target-refs) )
+ {
+ # .target-refs += $(ref) ;
+ local search-prefix ;
+ local search-sub ;
+ for local prefix in $(.search-path-prefix)
+ {
+ if ! $(search-prefix)
+ {
+ local search-match = [ MATCH ^($(prefix))/(.*)$ : $(ref) ] ;
+ search-prefix = $(search-match[1]) ;
+ search-sub = $(search-match[2]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if $(search-prefix)
+ {
+ local found = [ path.glob $(.search-path.$(search-prefix)) : $(search-sub) ] ;
+ found = $(found[1]) ;
+ if $(found)
+ {
+ local lib-ref = [ regex.split $(search-sub) / ] ;
+ lib-ref = $(search-prefix)/$(lib-ref[1]) ;
+ local lib-path = [ path.relative-to $(caller-dir) $(found) ] ;
+ define-library $(lib-ref) $(caller-mod) : $(lib-path) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result-ref) ;
+local rule define-library ( name caller-module ? : root )
+ # ECHO ~~~ modular.library $(name) $(caller-module) :: $(root) :: $(depends) ;
+ process-args ;
+ # Dir path of caller to base paths from.
+ caller-module ?= [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ local caller-dir = [ modules.peek $(caller-module) : __file__ ] ;
+ caller-dir = $(caller-dir:D) ;
+ # Find the various parts of the library.
+ local lib-dir = [ path.root [ path.root $(root) $(caller-dir) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ local lib-contents = [ path.glob $(lib-dir) : "include" "build" ] ;
+ lib-contents = $(lib-contents:D=) ;
+ # "include" dir for library..
+ local include-dir ;
+ if "include" in $(lib-contents)
+ {
+ include-dir = $(root)/include ;
+ }
+ # If it has a build dir, i.e. it has targets to build,
+ # we root the project at the build dir to make it easy
+ # to refer to the build targets. This mirrors the regular
+ # Boost organization of the project aliases.
+ if "build" in $(lib-contents)
+ {
+ root = $(root)/build ;
+ build-dir = "." ;
+ }
+ # Shadow target declarations so that we can alter build targets
+ # to work in the standalone modular structure.
+ local lib-location = [ path.root [ path.make $(root) ] $(caller-dir) ] ;
+ local lib-module-name = [ project.module-name $(lib-location) ] ;
+ local modular-rules = [ RULENAMES modular-rules ] ;
+ IMPORT modular-rules : $(modular-rules) : $(lib-module-name) : $(modular-rules) ;
+ # Load/create/declare library project.
+ local lib-module = [ project.find $(root) : $(caller-dir) ] ;
+ if ! $(lib-module)
+ {
+ # If the find was unable to load the project we synthesize it.
+ lib-module = [ project.load $(lib-location) : synthesize ] ;
+ }
+ local lib-target = [ $(lib-module) ] ;
+ if ! [ modules.peek $(lib-module) : __library__ ]
+ {
+ modules.poke $(lib-module) : __library__ : $(name) ;
+ for local type in [ modules.peek type : .types ]
+ {
+ main-rule-name = [ type.type-to-rule-name $(type) ] ;
+ IMPORT modular-rules : main-target-rule : $(lib-module-name) : $(main-rule-name) ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Declare project alternate ID.
+ $(caller-module) : use-project $(name) : $(root) ;
+ # Create a "library" target that has basic usage info if needed.
+ if ! [ $(lib-target).has-alternative-for-target library ]
+ {
+ include-dir = [ path.relative-to $(root) $(include-dir) ] ;
+ project.push-current $(lib-target) ;
+ # Declare the library alias.
+ $(lib-module) : library
+ : # Sources
+ : # Requirements
+ : # Default Build
+ : # Usage Requirements
+ <include>$(include-dir)
+ ;
+ project.pop-current ;
+ }
+local rule process-args ( )
+ if ! $(.did-process-args)
+ {
+ .did-process-args = yes ;
+ local argv = [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ;
+ local dirs = [ MATCH ^--modular-search-dir=(.*)$ : $(argv) ] ;
+ for local dir in $(dirs)
+ {
+ add-location $(dir) : [ path.pwd ] ;
+ }
+ }
+rule apply-external (
+ mod : field : values * )
+ local result ;
+ local name = [ modules.peek $(mod) : __library__ ] ;
+ values += $(.external.($(name)).$(field)) ;
+ for local value in $(values)
+ {
+ result += [ resolve-reference $(value) : $(mod) ] ;
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+module modular-rules
+ import type ;
+ import targets ;
+ import builtin ;
+ import alias ;
+ # Avoids any form of installation for Boost modules.
+ rule boost-install ( libraries * ) { }
+ # Generic typed target rule to pre-process main target
+ # declarations to make them work within the standalone
+ # modular structure.
+ rule main-target-rule (
+ name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements * )
+ {
+ local mod = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ # ECHO @@@ [[$(mod)]] modular-rules.main-target-rule $(name) :: $(sources) :: $(requirements) :: $(default-build) :: $(usage-requirements) ;
+ # First discover the required target type based on the exact alias used to
+ # invoke this rule.
+ local bt = [ BACKTRACE 1 ] ;
+ local rulename = $(bt[4]) ;
+ local target-type = [ type.type-from-rule-name $(rulename) ] ;
+ return [ targets.create-typed-target $(target-type) : [ project.current ] :
+ $(name) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) :
+ $(usage-requirements) ] ;
+ }
+ rule lib ( names + : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements * )
+ {
+ local mod = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ requirements += <use>library ;
+ usage-requirements += <use>library ;
+ # ECHO @@@ [[$(mod)]] modular-rules.lib $(names) :: $(sources) :: $(requirements) :: $(default-build) :: $(usage-requirements) ;
+ return [ builtin.lib $(names) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ] ;
+ }
+ rule alias ( name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements * )
+ {
+ local mod = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ # ECHO @@@ [[$(mod)]] modular-rules.alias $(name) :: $(sources) :: $(requirements) :: $(default-build) :: $(usage-requirements) ;
+ return [ alias.alias $(name) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ] ;
+ }
+ rule library ( name ? : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements * )
+ {
+ import modular ;
+ local mod = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
+ sources = [ modular.apply-external $(mod) : sources : $(sources) ] ;
+ requirements = [ modular.apply-external $(mod) : requirements : $(requirements) ] ;
+ default-build = [ modular.apply-external $(mod) : default-build : $(default-build) ] ;
+ usage-requirements = [ modular.apply-external $(mod) : usage-requirements : $(usage-requirements) ] ;
+ name ?= library ;
+ # ECHO @@@ [[$(mod)]] modular-rules.library $(name) :: $(sources) :: $(requirements) :: $(default-build) :: $(usage-requirements) ;
+ return [ alias.alias $(name) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ] ;
+ }