path: root/src/mon/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mon/ b/src/mon/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..958bf6691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,1448 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 John Spray <>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation. See file COPYING.
+ */
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include "messages/MMgrBeacon.h"
+#include "messages/MMgrMap.h"
+#include "messages/MMgrDigest.h"
+#include "include/stringify.h"
+#include "mgr/MgrContext.h"
+#include "mgr/mgr_commands.h"
+#include "OSDMonitor.h"
+#include "ConfigMonitor.h"
+#include "HealthMonitor.h"
+#include "common/TextTable.h"
+#include "include/stringify.h"
+#include "MgrMonitor.h"
+#define MGR_METADATA_PREFIX "mgr_metadata"
+#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mon
+#undef dout_prefix
+#define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, mon, map)
+using namespace TOPNSPC::common;
+using std::dec;
+using std::hex;
+using std::list;
+using std::map;
+using std::make_pair;
+using std::ostream;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::pair;
+using std::set;
+using std::string;
+using std::stringstream;
+using std::to_string;
+using std::vector;
+using ceph::bufferlist;
+using ceph::decode;
+using ceph::encode;
+using ceph::ErasureCodeInterfaceRef;
+using ceph::ErasureCodeProfile;
+using ceph::Formatter;
+using ceph::JSONFormatter;
+using ceph::make_message;
+using ceph::mono_clock;
+using ceph::mono_time;
+static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, Monitor &mon,
+ const MgrMap& mgrmap) {
+ return *_dout << "mon." << << "@" << mon.rank
+ << "(" << mon.get_state_name()
+ << ").mgr e" << mgrmap.get_epoch() << " ";
+// the system treats always_on_modules as if they provide built-in functionality
+// by ensuring that they are always enabled.
+const static std::map<uint32_t, std::set<std::string>> always_on_modules = {
+ {
+ "crash",
+ "status",
+ "progress",
+ "balancer",
+ "devicehealth",
+ "orchestrator",
+ "rbd_support",
+ "volumes",
+ "pg_autoscaler",
+ "telemetry",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "crash",
+ "status",
+ "progress",
+ "balancer",
+ "devicehealth",
+ "orchestrator",
+ "rbd_support",
+ "volumes",
+ "pg_autoscaler",
+ "telemetry",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "crash",
+ "status",
+ "progress",
+ "balancer",
+ "devicehealth",
+ "orchestrator",
+ "rbd_support",
+ "volumes",
+ "pg_autoscaler",
+ "telemetry",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "crash",
+ "status",
+ "progress",
+ "balancer",
+ "devicehealth",
+ "orchestrator",
+ "rbd_support",
+ "volumes",
+ "pg_autoscaler",
+ "telemetry",
+ }
+ },
+// Prefix for mon store of active mgr's command descriptions
+const static std::string command_descs_prefix = "mgr_command_descs";
+const Option *MgrMonitor::find_module_option(const string& name)
+ // we have two forms of names: "mgr/$module/$option" and
+ // localized "mgr/$module/$instance/$option". normalize to the
+ // former by stripping out $instance.
+ string real_name;
+ if (name.substr(0, 4) != "mgr/") {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto second_slash = name.find('/', 5);
+ if (second_slash == std::string::npos) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto third_slash = name.find('/', second_slash + 1);
+ if (third_slash != std::string::npos) {
+ // drop the $instance part between the second and third slash
+ real_name = name.substr(0, second_slash) + name.substr(third_slash);
+ } else {
+ real_name = name;
+ }
+ auto p = mgr_module_options.find(real_name);
+ if (p != mgr_module_options.end()) {
+ return &p->second;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+version_t MgrMonitor::get_trim_to() const
+ int64_t max = g_conf().get_val<int64_t>("mon_max_mgrmap_epochs");
+ if (map.epoch > max) {
+ return map.epoch - max;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void MgrMonitor::create_initial()
+ // Take a local copy of initial_modules for tokenizer to iterate over.
+ auto initial_modules = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("mgr_initial_modules");
+ boost::tokenizer<> tok(initial_modules);
+ for (auto& m : tok) {
+ pending_map.modules.insert(m);
+ }
+ pending_map.always_on_modules = always_on_modules;
+ pending_command_descs = mgr_commands;
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " initial modules " << pending_map.modules
+ << ", always on modules " << pending_map.get_always_on_modules()
+ << ", " << pending_command_descs.size() << " commands"
+ << dendl;
+void MgrMonitor::get_store_prefixes(std::set<string>& s) const
+ s.insert(service_name);
+ s.insert(command_descs_prefix);
+void MgrMonitor::update_from_paxos(bool *need_bootstrap)
+ version_t version = get_last_committed();
+ if (version != map.epoch) {
+ dout(4) << "loading version " << version << dendl;
+ bufferlist bl;
+ int err = get_version(version, bl);
+ ceph_assert(err == 0);
+ bool old_available = map.get_available();
+ uint64_t old_gid = map.get_active_gid();
+ auto p = bl.cbegin();
+ map.decode(p);
+ dout(4) << "active server: " << map.active_addrs
+ << "(" << map.active_gid << ")" << dendl;
+ ever_had_active_mgr = get_value("ever_had_active_mgr");
+ load_health();
+ if (map.available) {
+ first_seen_inactive = utime_t();
+ } else {
+ first_seen_inactive = ceph_clock_now();
+ }
+ check_subs();
+ if (version == 1
+ || command_descs.empty()
+ || (map.get_available()
+ && (!old_available || old_gid != map.get_active_gid()))) {
+ dout(4) << "mkfs or daemon transitioned to available, loading commands"
+ << dendl;
+ bufferlist loaded_commands;
+ int r =>get(command_descs_prefix, "", loaded_commands);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ derr << "Failed to load mgr commands: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ } else {
+ auto p = loaded_commands.cbegin();
+ decode(command_descs, p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // populate module options
+ mgr_module_options.clear();
+ misc_option_strings.clear();
+ for (auto& i : map.available_modules) {
+ for (auto& j : i.module_options) {
+ string name = string("mgr/") + + "/" +;
+ auto p = mgr_module_options.emplace(
+ name,
+ Option(name, static_cast<Option::type_t>(j.second.type),
+ static_cast<Option::level_t>(j.second.level)));
+ Option& opt = p.first->second;
+ opt.set_flags(static_cast<Option::flag_t>(j.second.flags));
+ opt.set_flag(Option::FLAG_MGR);
+ opt.set_description(j.second.desc.c_str());
+ opt.set_long_description(j.second.long_desc.c_str());
+ for (auto& k : j.second.tags) {
+ opt.add_tag(k.c_str());
+ }
+ for (auto& k : j.second.see_also) {
+ if (i.module_options.count(k)) {
+ // it's another module option
+ misc_option_strings.push_back(string("mgr/") + + "/" + k);
+ opt.add_see_also(misc_option_strings.back().c_str());
+ } else {
+ // it's a native option
+ opt.add_see_also(k.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ Option::value_t v, v2;
+ std::string err;
+ if (j.second.default_value.size() &&
+ !opt.parse_value(j.second.default_value, &v, &err)) {
+ opt.set_default(v);
+ }
+ if (j.second.min.size() &&
+ j.second.max.size() &&
+ !opt.parse_value(j.second.min, &v, &err) &&
+ !opt.parse_value(j.second.max, &v2, &err)) {
+ opt.set_min_max(v, v2);
+ }
+ std::vector<const char *> enum_allowed;
+ for (auto& k : j.second.enum_allowed) {
+ enum_allowed.push_back(k.c_str());
+ }
+ opt.set_enum_allowed(enum_allowed);
+ }
+ }
+ // force ConfigMonitor to refresh, since it uses const Option *
+ // pointers into our mgr_module_options (which we just rebuilt).
+ mon.configmon()->load_config();
+ if (!mon.is_init()) {
+ // feed our pet MgrClient, unless we are in Monitor::[pre]init()
+ prime_mgr_client();
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::prime_mgr_client()
+ dout(10) << __func__ << dendl;
+ mon.mgr_client.ms_dispatch2(make_message<MMgrMap>(map));
+void MgrMonitor::create_pending()
+ pending_map = map;
+ pending_map.epoch++;
+health_status_t MgrMonitor::should_warn_about_mgr_down()
+ utime_t now = ceph_clock_now();
+ // we warn if we have osds AND we've exceeded the grace period
+ // which means a new mon cluster and be HEALTH_OK indefinitely as long as
+ // no OSDs are ever created.
+ if (mon.osdmon()->osdmap.get_num_osds() > 0 &&
+ now > mon.monmap->created + g_conf().get_val<int64_t>("mon_mgr_mkfs_grace")) {
+ health_status_t level = HEALTH_WARN;
+ if (first_seen_inactive != utime_t() &&
+ now - first_seen_inactive > g_conf().get_val<int64_t>("mon_mgr_inactive_grace")) {
+ level = HEALTH_ERR;
+ }
+ return level;
+ }
+ return HEALTH_OK;
+void MgrMonitor::post_paxos_update()
+ // are we handling digest subscribers?
+ if (digest_event) {
+ bool send = false;
+ if (prev_health_checks.empty()) {
+ prev_health_checks.resize(mon.paxos_service.size());
+ send = true;
+ }
+ ceph_assert(prev_health_checks.size() == mon.paxos_service.size());
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < prev_health_checks.size(); i++) {
+ const auto& curr = mon.paxos_service[i]->get_health_checks();
+ if (!send && curr != prev_health_checks[i]) {
+ send = true;
+ }
+ prev_health_checks[i] = curr;
+ }
+ if (send) {
+ if (is_active()) {
+ send_digests();
+ } else {
+ cancel_timer();
+ wait_for_active_ctx(new C_MonContext{&mon, [this](int) {
+ send_digests();
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::encode_pending(MonitorDBStore::TransactionRef t)
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " " << pending_map << dendl;
+ bufferlist bl;
+ pending_map.encode(bl, mon.get_quorum_con_features());
+ put_version(t, pending_map.epoch, bl);
+ put_last_committed(t, pending_map.epoch);
+ for (auto& p : pending_metadata) {
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " set metadata for " << p.first << dendl;
+ t->put(MGR_METADATA_PREFIX, p.first, p.second);
+ }
+ for (auto& name : pending_metadata_rm) {
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " rm metadata for " << name << dendl;
+ t->erase(MGR_METADATA_PREFIX, name);
+ }
+ pending_metadata.clear();
+ pending_metadata_rm.clear();
+ health_check_map_t next;
+ if (pending_map.active_gid == 0) {
+ auto level = should_warn_about_mgr_down();
+ if (level != HEALTH_OK) {
+ next.add("MGR_DOWN", level, "no active mgr", 0);
+ } else {
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " no health warning (never active and new cluster)"
+ << dendl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ put_value(t, "ever_had_active_mgr", 1);
+ }
+ encode_health(next, t);
+ if (pending_command_descs.size()) {
+ dout(4) << __func__ << " encoding " << pending_command_descs.size()
+ << " command_descs" << dendl;
+ for (auto& p : pending_command_descs) {
+ p.set_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_MGR);
+ }
+ bufferlist bl;
+ encode(pending_command_descs, bl);
+ t->put(command_descs_prefix, "", bl);
+ pending_command_descs.clear();
+ }
+bool MgrMonitor::check_caps(MonOpRequestRef op, const uuid_d& fsid)
+ // check permissions
+ MonSession *session = op->get_session();
+ if (!session)
+ return false;
+ if (!session->is_capable("mgr", MON_CAP_X)) {
+ dout(1) << __func__ << " insufficient caps " << session->caps << dendl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (fsid != mon.monmap->fsid) {
+ dout(1) << __func__ << " op fsid " << fsid
+ << " != " << mon.monmap->fsid << dendl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MgrMonitor::preprocess_query(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<PaxosServiceMessage>();
+ switch (m->get_type()) {
+ return preprocess_beacon(op);
+ try {
+ return preprocess_command(op);
+ } catch (const bad_cmd_get& e) {
+ bufferlist bl;
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EINVAL, e.what(), bl, get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ mon.no_reply(op);
+ derr << "Unhandled message type " << m->get_type() << dendl;
+ return true;
+ }
+bool MgrMonitor::prepare_update(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<PaxosServiceMessage>();
+ switch (m->get_type()) {
+ return prepare_beacon(op);
+ try {
+ return prepare_command(op);
+ } catch (const bad_cmd_get& e) {
+ bufferlist bl;
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EINVAL, e.what(), bl, get_last_committed());
+ return false; /* nothing to propose! */
+ }
+ default:
+ mon.no_reply(op);
+ derr << "Unhandled message type " << m->get_type() << dendl;
+ return false; /* nothing to propose! */
+ }
+class C_Updated : public Context {
+ MgrMonitor *mm;
+ MonOpRequestRef op;
+ C_Updated(MgrMonitor *a, MonOpRequestRef c) :
+ mm(a), op(c) {}
+ void finish(int r) override {
+ if (r >= 0) {
+ // Success
+ } else if (r == -ECANCELED) {
+ mm->mon.no_reply(op);
+ } else {
+ mm->dispatch(op); // try again
+ }
+ }
+bool MgrMonitor::preprocess_beacon(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<MMgrBeacon>();
+ mon.no_reply(op); // we never reply to beacons
+ dout(4) << "beacon from " << m->get_gid() << dendl;
+ if (!check_caps(op, m->get_fsid())) {
+ // drop it on the floor
+ return true;
+ }
+ // always send this to the leader's prepare_beacon()
+ return false;
+bool MgrMonitor::prepare_beacon(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<MMgrBeacon>();
+ dout(4) << "beacon from " << m->get_gid() << dendl;
+ // Track whether we modified pending_map
+ bool updated = false;
+ bool plugged = false;
+ // See if we are seeing same name, new GID for the active daemon
+ if (m->get_name() == pending_map.active_name
+ && m->get_gid() != pending_map.active_gid)
+ {
+ dout(4) << "Active daemon restart (mgr." << m->get_name() << ")" << dendl;
+ mon.clog->info() << "Active manager daemon " << m->get_name()
+ << " restarted";
+ if (!mon.osdmon()->is_writeable()) {
+ dout(1) << __func__ << ": waiting for osdmon writeable to"
+ " blocklist old instance." << dendl;
+ mon.osdmon()->wait_for_writeable(op, new C_RetryMessage(this, op));
+ return false;
+ }
+ plugged |= drop_active();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ // See if we are seeing same name, new GID for any standbys
+ for (const auto &i : pending_map.standbys) {
+ const MgrMap::StandbyInfo &s = i.second;
+ if ( == m->get_name() && s.gid != m->get_gid()) {
+ dout(4) << "Standby daemon restart (mgr." << m->get_name() << ")" << dendl;
+ mon.clog->debug() << "Standby manager daemon " << m->get_name()
+ << " restarted";
+ drop_standby(i.first);
+ updated = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ last_beacon[m->get_gid()] = ceph::coarse_mono_clock::now();
+ if (pending_map.active_gid == m->get_gid()) {
+ if ( != m->get_services()) {
+ dout(4) << "updated services from mgr." << m->get_name()
+ << ": " << m->get_services() << dendl;
+ = m->get_services();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ // A beacon from the currently active daemon
+ if (pending_map.active_addrs != m->get_server_addrs()) {
+ dout(4) << "learned address " << m->get_server_addrs()
+ << " (was " << pending_map.active_addrs << ")" << dendl;
+ pending_map.active_addrs = m->get_server_addrs();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.get_available() != m->get_available()) {
+ dout(4) << "available " << m->get_gid() << dendl;
+ mon.clog->info() << "Manager daemon " << pending_map.active_name
+ << " is now available";
+ // This beacon should include command descriptions
+ pending_command_descs = m->get_command_descs();
+ if (pending_command_descs.empty()) {
+ // This should not happen, but it also isn't fatal: we just
+ // won't successfully update our list of commands.
+ dout(4) << "First available beacon from " << pending_map.active_name
+ << "(" << m->get_gid() << ") does not include command descs"
+ << dendl;
+ } else {
+ dout(4) << "First available beacon from " << pending_map.active_name
+ << "(" << m->get_gid() << ") includes "
+ << pending_command_descs.size() << " command descs" << dendl;
+ }
+ pending_map.available = m->get_available();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.available_modules != m->get_available_modules()) {
+ dout(4) << "available_modules " << m->get_available_modules()
+ << " (was " << pending_map.available_modules << ")" << dendl;
+ pending_map.available_modules = m->get_available_modules();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ const auto& clients = m->get_clients();
+ if (pending_map.clients != clients) {
+ dout(4) << "active's RADOS clients " << clients
+ << " (was " << pending_map.clients << ")" << dendl;
+ pending_map.clients = clients;
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ } else if (m->get_available()) {
+ dout(4) << "mgr thinks it is active but it is not, dropping!" << dendl;
+ auto m = make_message<MMgrMap>(MgrMap::create_null_mgrmap());
+ mon.send_reply(op, m.detach());
+ goto out;
+ } else if (pending_map.active_gid == 0) {
+ // There is no currently active daemon, select this one.
+ if (pending_map.standbys.count(m->get_gid())) {
+ drop_standby(m->get_gid(), false);
+ }
+ dout(4) << "selecting new active " << m->get_gid()
+ << " " << m->get_name()
+ << " (was " << pending_map.active_gid << " "
+ << pending_map.active_name << ")" << dendl;
+ pending_map.active_gid = m->get_gid();
+ pending_map.active_name = m->get_name();
+ pending_map.active_change = ceph_clock_now();
+ pending_map.active_mgr_features = m->get_mgr_features();
+ pending_map.available_modules = m->get_available_modules();
+ encode(m->get_metadata(), pending_metadata[m->get_name()]);
+ pending_metadata_rm.erase(m->get_name());
+ mon.clog->info() << "Activating manager daemon "
+ << pending_map.active_name;
+ updated = true;
+ } else {
+ if (pending_map.standbys.count(m->get_gid()) > 0) {
+ dout(10) << "from existing standby " << m->get_gid() << dendl;
+ if (pending_map.standbys[m->get_gid()].available_modules !=
+ m->get_available_modules()) {
+ dout(10) << "existing standby " << m->get_gid() << " available_modules "
+ << m->get_available_modules() << " (was "
+ << pending_map.standbys[m->get_gid()].available_modules << ")"
+ << dendl;
+ pending_map.standbys[m->get_gid()].available_modules =
+ m->get_available_modules();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dout(10) << "new standby " << m->get_gid() << dendl;
+ mon.clog->debug() << "Standby manager daemon " << m->get_name()
+ << " started";
+ pending_map.standbys[m->get_gid()] = {m->get_gid(), m->get_name(),
+ m->get_available_modules(),
+ m->get_mgr_features()};
+ encode(m->get_metadata(), pending_metadata[m->get_name()]);
+ pending_metadata_rm.erase(m->get_name());
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (updated) {
+ dout(4) << "updating map" << dendl;
+ wait_for_finished_proposal(op, new C_Updated(this, op));
+ } else {
+ dout(10) << "no change" << dendl;
+ }
+ if (plugged) {
+ paxos.unplug();
+ }
+ return updated;
+void MgrMonitor::check_subs()
+ const std::string type = "mgrmap";
+ if (mon.session_map.subs.count(type) == 0)
+ return;
+ for (auto sub : *(mon.session_map.subs[type])) {
+ check_sub(sub);
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::check_sub(Subscription *sub)
+ if (sub->type == "mgrmap") {
+ if (sub->next <= map.get_epoch()) {
+ dout(20) << "Sending map to subscriber " << sub->session->con
+ << " " << sub->session->con->get_peer_addr() << dendl;
+ sub->session->con->send_message2(make_message<MMgrMap>(map));
+ if (sub->onetime) {
+ mon.session_map.remove_sub(sub);
+ } else {
+ sub->next = map.get_epoch() + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ceph_assert(sub->type == "mgrdigest");
+ if (sub->next == 0) {
+ // new registration; cancel previous timer
+ cancel_timer();
+ }
+ if (digest_event == nullptr) {
+ send_digests();
+ }
+ }
+ * Handle digest subscriptions separately (outside of check_sub) because
+ * they are going to be periodic rather than version-driven.
+ */
+void MgrMonitor::send_digests()
+ cancel_timer();
+ const std::string type = "mgrdigest";
+ if (mon.session_map.subs.count(type) == 0) {
+ prev_health_checks.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!is_active()) {
+ // if paxos is currently not active, don't send a digest but reenable timer
+ goto timer;
+ }
+ dout(10) << __func__ << dendl;
+ for (auto sub : *(mon.session_map.subs[type])) {
+ dout(10) << __func__ << " sending digest to subscriber " << sub->session->con
+ << " " << sub->session->con->get_peer_addr() << dendl;
+ auto mdigest = make_message<MMgrDigest>();
+ JSONFormatter f;
+ mon.healthmon()->get_health_status(true, &f, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
+ f.flush(mdigest->health_json);
+ f.reset();
+ mon.get_mon_status(&f);
+ f.flush(mdigest->mon_status_json);
+ f.reset();
+ sub->session->con->send_message2(mdigest);
+ }
+ digest_event = mon.timer.add_event_after(
+ g_conf().get_val<int64_t>("mon_mgr_digest_period"),
+ new C_MonContext{&mon, [this](int) {
+ send_digests();
+ }});
+void MgrMonitor::cancel_timer()
+ if (digest_event) {
+ mon.timer.cancel_event(digest_event);
+ digest_event = nullptr;
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::on_active()
+ if (!mon.is_leader()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mon.clog->debug() << "mgrmap e" << map.epoch << ": " << map;
+ assert(HAVE_FEATURE(mon.get_quorum_con_features(), SERVER_NAUTILUS));
+ if (pending_map.always_on_modules == always_on_modules) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dout(4) << "always on modules changed, pending "
+ << pending_map.always_on_modules << " != wanted "
+ << always_on_modules << dendl;
+ pending_map.always_on_modules = always_on_modules;
+ propose_pending();
+void MgrMonitor::tick()
+ if (!is_active() || !mon.is_leader())
+ return;
+ const auto now = ceph::coarse_mono_clock::now();
+ const auto mgr_beacon_grace =
+ g_conf().get_val<std::chrono::seconds>("mon_mgr_beacon_grace");
+ // Note that this is the mgr daemon's tick period, not ours (the
+ // beacon is sent with this period).
+ const auto mgr_tick_period =
+ g_conf().get_val<std::chrono::seconds>("mgr_tick_period");
+ if (last_tick != ceph::coarse_mono_clock::time_point::min()
+ && (now - last_tick > (mgr_beacon_grace - mgr_tick_period))) {
+ // This case handles either local slowness (calls being delayed
+ // for whatever reason) or cluster election slowness (a long gap
+ // between calls while an election happened)
+ dout(4) << __func__ << ": resetting beacon timeouts due to mon delay "
+ "(slow election?) of " << now - last_tick << " seconds" << dendl;
+ for (auto &i : last_beacon) {
+ i.second = now;
+ }
+ }
+ last_tick = now;
+ // Populate any missing beacons (i.e. no beacon since MgrMonitor
+ // instantiation) with the current time, so that they will
+ // eventually look laggy if they fail to give us a beacon.
+ if (pending_map.active_gid != 0
+ && last_beacon.count(pending_map.active_gid) == 0) {
+ last_beacon[pending_map.active_gid] = now;
+ }
+ for (auto s : pending_map.standbys) {
+ if (last_beacon.count(s.first) == 0) {
+ last_beacon[s.first] = now;
+ }
+ }
+ // Cull standbys first so that any remaining standbys
+ // will be eligible to take over from the active if we cull him.
+ std::list<uint64_t> dead_standbys;
+ const auto cutoff = now - mgr_beacon_grace;
+ for (const auto &i : pending_map.standbys) {
+ auto last_beacon_time =;
+ if (last_beacon_time < cutoff) {
+ dead_standbys.push_back(i.first);
+ }
+ }
+ bool propose = false;
+ bool plugged = false;
+ for (auto i : dead_standbys) {
+ dout(4) << "Dropping laggy standby " << i << dendl;
+ drop_standby(i);
+ propose = true;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.active_gid != 0
+ && < cutoff
+ && mon.osdmon()->is_writeable()) {
+ const std::string old_active_name = pending_map.active_name;
+ plugged |= drop_active();
+ propose = true;
+ dout(4) << "Dropping active" << pending_map.active_gid << dendl;
+ if (promote_standby()) {
+ dout(4) << "Promoted standby " << pending_map.active_gid << dendl;
+ mon.clog->info() << "Manager daemon " << old_active_name
+ << " is unresponsive, replacing it with standby"
+ << " daemon " << pending_map.active_name;
+ } else {
+ dout(4) << "Active is laggy but have no standbys to replace it" << dendl;
+ mon.clog->info() << "Manager daemon " << old_active_name
+ << " is unresponsive. No standby daemons available.";
+ }
+ } else if (pending_map.active_gid == 0) {
+ if (promote_standby()) {
+ dout(4) << "Promoted standby " << pending_map.active_gid << dendl;
+ mon.clog->info() << "Activating manager daemon "
+ << pending_map.active_name;
+ propose = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pending_map.available &&
+ !ever_had_active_mgr &&
+ should_warn_about_mgr_down() != HEALTH_OK) {
+ dout(10) << " exceeded mon_mgr_mkfs_grace "
+ << g_conf().get_val<int64_t>("mon_mgr_mkfs_grace")
+ << " seconds" << dendl;
+ propose = true;
+ }
+ // obsolete modules?
+ if (mon.monmap->min_mon_release >= ceph_release_t::octopus &&
+ pending_map.module_enabled("orchestrator_cli")) {
+ dout(10) << " disabling obsolete/renamed 'orchestrator_cli'" << dendl;
+ // we don't need to enable 'orchestrator' because it's now always-on
+ pending_map.modules.erase("orchestrator_cli");
+ propose = true;
+ }
+ if (propose) {
+ propose_pending();
+ }
+ if (plugged) {
+ paxos.unplug();
+ ceph_assert(propose);
+ paxos.trigger_propose();
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::on_restart()
+ // Clear out the leader-specific state.
+ last_beacon.clear();
+ last_tick = ceph::coarse_mono_clock::now();
+bool MgrMonitor::promote_standby()
+ ceph_assert(pending_map.active_gid == 0);
+ if (pending_map.standbys.size()) {
+ // Promote a replacement (arbitrary choice of standby)
+ auto replacement_gid = pending_map.standbys.begin()->first;
+ pending_map.active_gid = replacement_gid;
+ pending_map.active_name =;
+ pending_map.available_modules =
+ pending_map.active_mgr_features =
+ pending_map.available = false;
+ pending_map.active_addrs = entity_addrvec_t();
+ pending_map.active_change = ceph_clock_now();
+ drop_standby(replacement_gid, false);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+bool MgrMonitor::drop_active()
+ ceph_assert(mon.osdmon()->is_writeable());
+ bool plugged = false;
+ if (!paxos.is_plugged()) {
+ paxos.plug();
+ plugged = true;
+ }
+ if (last_beacon.count(pending_map.active_gid) > 0) {
+ last_beacon.erase(pending_map.active_gid);
+ }
+ ceph_assert(pending_map.active_gid > 0);
+ auto until = ceph_clock_now();
+ until += g_conf().get_val<double>("mon_mgr_blocklist_interval");
+ dout(5) << "blocklisting previous mgr." << pending_map.active_name << "."
+ << pending_map.active_gid << " ("
+ << pending_map.active_addrs << ")" << dendl;
+ auto blocklist_epoch = mon.osdmon()->blocklist(pending_map.active_addrs, until);
+ /* blocklist RADOS clients in use by the mgr */
+ for (const auto& a : pending_map.clients) {
+ mon.osdmon()->blocklist(a.second, until);
+ }
+ request_proposal(mon.osdmon());
+ pending_metadata_rm.insert(pending_map.active_name);
+ pending_metadata.erase(pending_map.active_name);
+ pending_map.active_name = "";
+ pending_map.active_gid = 0;
+ pending_map.active_change = ceph_clock_now();
+ pending_map.active_mgr_features = 0;
+ pending_map.available = false;
+ pending_map.active_addrs = entity_addrvec_t();
+ pending_map.clients.clear();
+ pending_map.last_failure_osd_epoch = blocklist_epoch;
+ /* If we are dropping the active, we need to notify clients immediately.
+ * Additionally, avoid logical races with ::prepare_beacon which cannot
+ * accurately determine if a mgr is a standby or an old active.
+ */
+ force_immediate_propose();
+ // So that when new active mgr subscribes to mgrdigest, it will
+ // get an immediate response instead of waiting for next timer
+ cancel_timer();
+ return plugged;
+void MgrMonitor::drop_standby(uint64_t gid, bool drop_meta)
+ if (drop_meta) {
+ pending_metadata_rm.insert(pending_map.standbys[gid].name);
+ pending_metadata.erase(pending_map.standbys[gid].name);
+ }
+ pending_map.standbys.erase(gid);
+ if (last_beacon.count(gid) > 0) {
+ last_beacon.erase(gid);
+ }
+bool MgrMonitor::preprocess_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<MMonCommand>();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ bufferlist rdata;
+ cmdmap_t cmdmap;
+ if (!cmdmap_from_json(m->cmd, &cmdmap, ss)) {
+ string rs = ss.str();
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EINVAL, rs, rdata, get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+ }
+ MonSession *session = op->get_session();
+ if (!session) {
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EACCES, "access denied", rdata,
+ get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+ }
+ string format = cmd_getval_or<string>(cmdmap, "format", "plain");
+ boost::scoped_ptr<Formatter> f(Formatter::create(format));
+ string prefix;
+ cmd_getval(cmdmap, "prefix", prefix);
+ int r = 0;
+ if (prefix == "mgr stat") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ f->open_object_section("stat");
+ f->dump_unsigned("epoch", map.get_epoch());
+ f->dump_bool("available", map.get_available());
+ f->dump_string("active_name", map.get_active_name());
+ f->dump_unsigned("num_standby", map.get_num_standby());
+ f->close_section();
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr dump") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ int64_t epoch = cmd_getval_or<int64_t>(cmdmap, "epoch", map.get_epoch());
+ if (epoch == (int64_t)map.get_epoch()) {
+ f->dump_object("mgrmap", map);
+ } else {
+ bufferlist bl;
+ int err = get_version(epoch, bl);
+ if (err == -ENOENT) {
+ r = -ENOENT;
+ ss << "there is no map for epoch " << epoch;
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ MgrMap m;
+ auto p = bl.cbegin();
+ m.decode(p);
+ f->dump_object("mgrmap", m);
+ }
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr module ls") {
+ if (f) {
+ f->open_object_section("modules");
+ {
+ f->open_array_section("always_on_modules");
+ for (auto& p : map.get_always_on_modules()) {
+ f->dump_string("module", p);
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ f->open_array_section("enabled_modules");
+ for (auto& p : map.modules) {
+ if (map.get_always_on_modules().count(p) > 0)
+ continue;
+ // We only show the name for enabled modules. The any errors
+ // etc will show up as a health checks.
+ f->dump_string("module", p);
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ f->open_array_section("disabled_modules");
+ for (auto& p : map.available_modules) {
+ if (map.modules.count( == 0 &&
+ map.get_always_on_modules().count( == 0) {
+ // For disabled modules, we show the full info if the detail
+ // parameter is enabled, to give a hint about whether enabling it will work
+ p.dump(f.get());
+ }
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ } else {
+ TextTable tbl;
+ tbl.define_column("MODULE", TextTable::LEFT, TextTable::LEFT);
+ tbl.define_column(" ", TextTable::LEFT, TextTable::LEFT);
+ for (auto& p : map.get_always_on_modules()) {
+ tbl << p;
+ tbl << "on (always on)";
+ tbl << TextTable::endrow;
+ }
+ for (auto& p : map.modules) {
+ if (map.get_always_on_modules().count(p) > 0)
+ continue;
+ tbl << p;
+ tbl << "on";
+ tbl << TextTable::endrow;
+ }
+ for (auto& p : map.available_modules) {
+ if (map.modules.count( == 0 &&
+ map.get_always_on_modules().count( == 0) {
+ tbl <<;
+ tbl << "-";
+ tbl << TextTable::endrow;
+ }
+ }
+ rdata.append(stringify(tbl));
+ }
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr services") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ f->open_object_section("services");
+ for (const auto &i : {
+ f->dump_string(i.first.c_str(), i.second);
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr metadata") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ string name;
+ cmd_getval(cmdmap, "who", name);
+ if (name.size() > 0 && !map.have_name(name)) {
+ ss << "mgr." << name << " does not exist";
+ r = -ENOENT;
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ if (name.size()) {
+ f->open_object_section("mgr_metadata");
+ f->dump_string("name", name);
+ r = dump_metadata(name, f.get(), &ss);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto reply;
+ f->close_section();
+ } else {
+ r = 0;
+ f->open_array_section("mgr_metadata");
+ for (auto& i : map.get_all_names()) {
+ f->open_object_section("mgr");
+ f->dump_string("name", i);
+ r = dump_metadata(i, f.get(), NULL);
+ if (r == -EINVAL || r == -ENOENT) {
+ // Drop error, continue to get other daemons' metadata
+ dout(4) << "No metadata for mgr." << i << dendl;
+ r = 0;
+ } else if (r < 0) {
+ // Unexpected error
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ }
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr versions") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ count_metadata("ceph_version", f.get());
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ r = 0;
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr count-metadata") {
+ if (!f) {
+ f.reset(Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty"));
+ }
+ string field;
+ cmd_getval(cmdmap, "property", field);
+ count_metadata(field, f.get());
+ f->flush(rdata);
+ r = 0;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string rs;
+ getline(ss, rs);
+ mon.reply_command(op, r, rs, rdata, get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+bool MgrMonitor::prepare_command(MonOpRequestRef op)
+ auto m = op->get_req<MMonCommand>();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ bufferlist rdata;
+ cmdmap_t cmdmap;
+ if (!cmdmap_from_json(m->cmd, &cmdmap, ss)) {
+ string rs = ss.str();
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EINVAL, rs, rdata, get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+ }
+ MonSession *session = op->get_session();
+ if (!session) {
+ mon.reply_command(op, -EACCES, "access denied", rdata, get_last_committed());
+ return true;
+ }
+ string format = cmd_getval_or<string>(cmdmap, "format", "plain");
+ boost::scoped_ptr<Formatter> f(Formatter::create(format));
+ const auto prefix = cmd_getval_or<string>(cmdmap, "prefix", string{});
+ int r = 0;
+ bool plugged = false;
+ if (prefix == "mgr fail") {
+ string who;
+ if (!cmd_getval(cmdmap, "who", who)) {
+ if (!map.active_gid) {
+ ss << "Currently no active mgr";
+ goto out;
+ }
+ who = map.active_name;
+ }
+ std::string err;
+ uint64_t gid = strict_strtol(who.c_str(), 10, &err);
+ bool changed = false;
+ if (!err.empty()) {
+ // Does not parse as a gid, treat it as a name
+ if (pending_map.active_name == who) {
+ if (!mon.osdmon()->is_writeable()) {
+ mon.osdmon()->wait_for_writeable(op, new C_RetryMessage(this, op));
+ return false;
+ }
+ plugged |= drop_active();
+ changed = true;
+ } else {
+ gid = 0;
+ for (const auto &i : pending_map.standbys) {
+ if ( == who) {
+ gid = i.first;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gid != 0) {
+ drop_standby(gid);
+ changed = true;
+ } else {
+ ss << "Daemon not found '" << who << "', already failed?";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pending_map.active_gid == gid) {
+ if (!mon.osdmon()->is_writeable()) {
+ mon.osdmon()->wait_for_writeable(op, new C_RetryMessage(this, op));
+ return false;
+ }
+ plugged |= drop_active();
+ changed = true;
+ } else if (pending_map.standbys.count(gid) > 0) {
+ drop_standby(gid);
+ changed = true;
+ } else {
+ ss << "Daemon not found '" << gid << "', already failed?";
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed && pending_map.active_gid == 0) {
+ promote_standby();
+ }
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr module enable") {
+ string module;
+ cmd_getval(cmdmap, "module", module);
+ if (module.empty()) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.get_always_on_modules().count(module) > 0) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' is already enabled (always-on)";
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bool force = false;
+ cmd_getval_compat_cephbool(cmdmap, "force", force);
+ if (!pending_map.all_support_module(module) &&
+ !force) {
+ ss << "all mgr daemons do not support module '" << module << "', pass "
+ << "--force to force enablement";
+ r = -ENOENT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ std::string can_run_error;
+ if (!force && !pending_map.can_run_module(module, &can_run_error)) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' reports that it cannot run on the active "
+ "manager daemon: " << can_run_error << " (pass --force to force "
+ "enablement)";
+ r = -ENOENT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.module_enabled(module)) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' is already enabled";
+ r = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ pending_map.modules.insert(module);
+ } else if (prefix == "mgr module disable") {
+ string module;
+ cmd_getval(cmdmap, "module", module);
+ if (module.empty()) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (pending_map.get_always_on_modules().count(module) > 0) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' cannot be disabled (always-on)";
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!pending_map.module_enabled(module)) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' is already disabled";
+ r = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!pending_map.modules.count(module)) {
+ ss << "module '" << module << "' is not enabled";
+ }
+ pending_map.modules.erase(module);
+ } else {
+ ss << "Command '" << prefix << "' not implemented!";
+ r = -ENOSYS;
+ }
+ dout(4) << __func__ << " done, r=" << r << dendl;
+ /* Compose response */
+ string rs;
+ getline(ss, rs);
+ if (r >= 0) {
+ // success.. delay reply
+ wait_for_finished_proposal(op, new Monitor::C_Command(mon, op, r, rs,
+ get_last_committed() + 1));
+ } else {
+ // reply immediately
+ mon.reply_command(op, r, rs, rdata, get_last_committed());
+ }
+ if (plugged) {
+ paxos.unplug();
+ }
+ return r >= 0;
+void MgrMonitor::init()
+ if (digest_event == nullptr) {
+ send_digests(); // To get it to schedule its own event
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::on_shutdown()
+ cancel_timer();
+int MgrMonitor::load_metadata(const string& name, std::map<string, string>& m,
+ ostream *err) const
+ bufferlist bl;
+ int r =>get(MGR_METADATA_PREFIX, name, bl);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ try {
+ auto p = bl.cbegin();
+ decode(m, p);
+ }
+ catch (ceph::buffer::error& e) {
+ if (err)
+ *err << "mgr." << name << " metadata is corrupt";
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void MgrMonitor::count_metadata(const string& field, std::map<string,int> *out)
+ std::set<string> ls = map.get_all_names();
+ for (auto& name : ls) {
+ std::map<string,string> meta;
+ load_metadata(name, meta, nullptr);
+ auto p = meta.find(field);
+ if (p == meta.end()) {
+ (*out)["unknown"]++;
+ } else {
+ (*out)[p->second]++;
+ }
+ }
+void MgrMonitor::count_metadata(const string& field, Formatter *f)
+ std::map<string,int> by_val;
+ count_metadata(field, &by_val);
+ f->open_object_section(field.c_str());
+ for (auto& p : by_val) {
+ f->dump_int(p.first.c_str(), p.second);
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+void MgrMonitor::get_versions(std::map<string, list<string> > &versions)
+ std::set<string> ls = map.get_all_names();
+ for (auto& name : ls) {
+ std::map<string,string> meta;
+ load_metadata(name, meta, nullptr);
+ auto p = meta.find("ceph_version_short");
+ if (p == meta.end()) continue;
+ versions[p->second].push_back(string("mgr.") + name);
+ }
+int MgrMonitor::dump_metadata(const string& name, Formatter *f, ostream *err)
+ std::map<string,string> m;
+ if (int r = load_metadata(name, m, err))
+ return r;
+ for (auto& p : m) {
+ f->dump_string(p.first.c_str(), p.second);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void MgrMonitor::print_nodes(Formatter *f) const
+ ceph_assert(f);
+ std::map<string, list<string> > mgrs; // hostname => mgr
+ auto ls = map.get_all_names();
+ for (auto& name : ls) {
+ std::map<string,string> meta;
+ if (load_metadata(name, meta, nullptr)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto hostname = meta.find("hostname");
+ if (hostname == meta.end()) {
+ // not likely though
+ continue;
+ }
+ mgrs[hostname->second].push_back(name);
+ }
+ dump_services(f, mgrs, "mgr");
+const std::vector<MonCommand> &MgrMonitor::get_command_descs() const
+ if (command_descs.empty()) {
+ // must have just upgraded; fallback to static commands
+ return mgr_commands;
+ } else {
+ return command_descs;
+ }