path: root/src/pybind/mgr/alerts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
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+A simple cluster health alerting module.
+from mgr_module import CLIReadCommand, HandleCommandResult, MgrModule, Option
+from email.utils import formatdate, make_msgid
+from threading import Event
+from typing import Any, Optional, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
+import json
+import smtplib
+class Alerts(MgrModule):
+ Option(
+ name='interval',
+ type='secs',
+ default=60,
+ desc='How frequently to reexamine health status',
+ runtime=True),
+ # smtp
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_host',
+ default='',
+ desc='SMTP server',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_destination',
+ default='',
+ desc='Email address to send alerts to',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_port',
+ type='int',
+ default=465,
+ desc='SMTP port',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_ssl',
+ type='bool',
+ default=True,
+ desc='Use SSL to connect to SMTP server',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_user',
+ default='',
+ desc='User to authenticate as',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_password',
+ default='',
+ desc='Password to authenticate with',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_sender',
+ default='',
+ desc='SMTP envelope sender',
+ runtime=True),
+ Option(
+ name='smtp_from_name',
+ default='Ceph',
+ desc='Email From: name',
+ runtime=True)
+ ]
+ # These are "native" Ceph options that this module cares about.
+ NATIVE_OPTIONS: List[str] = [
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ super(Alerts, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # set up some members to enable the serve() method and shutdown()
+ = True
+ self.event = Event()
+ # ensure config options members are initialized; see config_notify()
+ self.config_notify()
+ self.interval = 60
+ self.smtp_host = ''
+ self.smtp_destination = ''
+ self.smtp_port = 0
+ self.smtp_ssl = True
+ self.smtp_user = ''
+ self.smtp_password = ''
+ self.smtp_sender = ''
+ self.smtp_from_name = ''
+ def config_notify(self) -> None:
+ """
+ This method is called whenever one of our config options is changed.
+ """
+ # This is some boilerplate that stores MODULE_OPTIONS in a class
+ # member, so that, for instance, the 'emphatic' option is always
+ # available as 'self.emphatic'.
+ for opt in self.MODULE_OPTIONS:
+ setattr(self,
+ opt['name'],
+ self.get_module_option(opt['name']))
+ self.log.debug(' mgr option %s = %s',
+ opt['name'], getattr(self, opt['name']))
+ # Do the same for the native options.
+ for opt in self.NATIVE_OPTIONS:
+ setattr(self,
+ opt,
+ self.get_ceph_option(opt))
+ self.log.debug(' native option %s = %s', opt, getattr(self, opt))
+ @CLIReadCommand('alerts send')
+ def send(self) -> HandleCommandResult:
+ """
+ (re)send alerts immediately
+ """
+ status = json.loads(self.get('health')['json'])
+ self._send_alert(status, {})
+ return HandleCommandResult()
+ def _diff(self, last: Dict[str, Any], new: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ d: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ for code, alert in new.get('checks', {}).items():
+ self.log.debug('new code %s alert %s' % (code, alert))
+ if code not in last.get('checks', {}):
+ if 'new' not in d:
+ d['new'] = {}
+ d['new'][code] = alert
+ elif (alert['summary'].get('count', 0)
+ > last['checks'][code]['summary'].get('count', 0)):
+ if 'updated' not in d:
+ d['updated'] = {}
+ d['updated'][code] = alert
+ for code, alert in last.get('checks', {}).items():
+ self.log.debug('old code %s alert %s' % (code, alert))
+ if code not in new.get('checks', {}):
+ if 'cleared' not in d:
+ d['cleared'] = {}
+ d['cleared'][code] = alert
+ return d
+ def _send_alert(self, status: Dict[str, Any], diff: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ checks = {}
+ if self.smtp_host:
+ r = self._send_alert_smtp(status, diff)
+ if r:
+ for code, alert in r.items():
+ checks[code] = alert
+ else:
+ self.log.warning('Alert is not sent because smtp_host is not configured')
+ self.set_health_checks(checks)
+ def serve(self) -> None:
+ """
+ This method is called by the mgr when the module starts and can be
+ used for any background activity.
+ """
+ last_status: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ while
+ # Do some useful background work here.
+ new_status = json.loads(self.get('health')['json'])
+ if new_status != last_status:
+ self.log.debug('last_status %s' % last_status)
+ self.log.debug('new_status %s' % new_status)
+ diff = self._diff(last_status,
+ new_status)
+ self.log.debug('diff %s' % diff)
+ if diff:
+ self._send_alert(new_status, diff)
+ last_status = new_status
+ self.log.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds', self.interval)
+ self.event.wait(self.interval or 60)
+ self.event.clear()
+ def shutdown(self) -> None:
+ """
+ This method is called by the mgr when the module needs to shut
+ down (i.e., when the serve() function needs to exit).
+ """
+ = False
+ self.event.set()
+ # SMTP
+ def _smtp_format_alert(self, code: str, alert: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
+ r = '[{sev}] {code}: {summary}\n'.format(
+ code=code,
+ sev=alert['severity'].split('_')[1],
+ summary=alert['summary']['message'])
+ for detail in alert['detail']:
+ r += ' {message}\n'.format(
+ message=detail['message'])
+ return r
+ def _send_alert_smtp(self,
+ status: Dict[str, Any],
+ diff: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
+ # message
+ self.log.debug('_send_alert_smtp')
+ message = ('From: {from_name} <{sender}>\n'
+ 'Subject: {status}\n'
+ 'To: {target}\n'
+ 'Message-Id: {message_id}\n'
+ 'Date: {date}\n'
+ '\n'
+ '{status}\n'.format(
+ sender=self.smtp_sender,
+ from_name=self.smtp_from_name,
+ status=status['status'],
+ target=self.smtp_destination,
+ message_id=make_msgid(),
+ date=formatdate()))
+ if 'new' in diff:
+ message += ('\n--- New ---\n')
+ for code, alert in diff['new'].items():
+ message += self._smtp_format_alert(code, alert)
+ if 'updated' in diff:
+ message += ('\n--- Updated ---\n')
+ for code, alert in diff['updated'].items():
+ message += self._smtp_format_alert(code, alert)
+ if 'cleared' in diff:
+ message += ('\n--- Cleared ---\n')
+ for code, alert in diff['cleared'].items():
+ message += self._smtp_format_alert(code, alert)
+ message += ('\n\n=== Full health status ===\n')
+ for code, alert in status['checks'].items():
+ message += self._smtp_format_alert(code, alert)
+ self.log.debug('message: %s' % message)
+ # send
+ try:
+ if self.smtp_ssl:
+ server: Union[smtplib.SMTP_SSL, smtplib.SMTP] = \
+ smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port)
+ else:
+ server = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port)
+ if self.smtp_password:
+ server.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_password)
+ server.sendmail(self.smtp_sender, self.smtp_destination, message)
+ server.quit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {
+ 'severity': 'warning',
+ 'summary': 'unable to send alert email',
+ 'count': 1,
+ 'detail': [str(e)]
+ }
+ }
+ self.log.debug('Sent email to %s' % self.smtp_destination)
+ return None